Optimization of behavioral factors without cheating them. A unique way to improve PF

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. What behavioral factors(PF)? The term has recently been used everywhere and its concept has become somewhat blurred. In fact, these factors allow search engines to evaluate the attitude of visitors to the site, i.e. use "public opinion" in ranking. If we talk about ways to measure this very opinion, then there are only two of them:

  1. Spy on the user in order to measure the CTR for sites for various search queries, and see which of them will be clicked on last and will not return to the search results (the so-called LastClick), finding a completely comprehensive answer on the pages of this site.
  2. Spy on the user directly on the site. The measurement of "public opinion" in this case occurs by indirect parameters: "", "Repeated visits".

There is an opinion that the first group of indicators (removed in the issue) is more important. But from the point of view of common sense, priority should still be given to indirect parameters measured directly on the site. Otherwise, search engines will be one of the last to learn about the appearance of new, but super interesting sites for users, because their visibility in search engines is zero, which means that neither CTR nor LastClick can be calculated for them. But by analyzing the internal metrics of "public opinion", search engines can very quickly draw a conclusion about the significance this resource for users.

Therefore, by optimizing user behavior on your site, you improve the relationship with it. search engines. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that (every site owner should strive for this), and do not cheat. You can cheat only in a natural way, for example, by publishing “stunning” posts on your blog that will bring both traffic and improve behavioral ones. Is this a spin? Yes, because you pursued a selfish goal. Will she be punished? No, more praise. But today we will talk a little about a different way.

What is the essence of the PF optimization method without cheating?

Boosting user behavior on the site in any way other than natural (improving usability, navigation, adding interesting materials or services) is always a somewhat risky undertaking. Search engines, having a picture of the entire Internet at their disposal, can very easily notice deviations in the behavior of your users from the behavior of those who visit other sites of your same subject. Will they punish or not? Don't know.

However, there is a way to optimize user behavior on the site that is different from cheating, and at the same time does not require expensive investments in improving usability (although one does not interfere with the other). It allows increase the "average temperature" in the hospital. Look, the search traffic of your site is formed from visitors who clicked on both. Do you understand their differences at least in general terms? If not, please follow the link below.

So, you probably understand that the worst behavioral characteristics will be shown by users who came to you by HF requests, because they themselves did not really know what they wanted to see in response to their request (for example, “TV”). Those who came by midrange request will have more interest in your site on average and higher behavioral ones. But, a priori, the most cute visitors are those who entered low-frequency queries (expanded) or ultra-low frequencies into the search.

Do you understand what I'm getting at? Behavioral improvement, in fact, is attracting (and not cheating) users to the site who really want to read your articles or want to climb on it, but at the same time they will not be “decoys”. It is clear that there will be many such interested users throughout the Internet, but how to find them and direct them in the right direction? Here is the question.

The general opinion about your site among search engines is made up of a combination of all parameters, including average indicators of user behavior on the site. If all your search traffic consists of HF and MF, then there will be a lot of “failures” (leaving immediately after entering), and the average time and number of pages viewed will be, on the contrary, small. What to do? Well, that's right, requests. By the way, according to statistics, eighty percent of search engine visitors enter queries from the long tail.

The long tail of low-frequency queries (completeness) is generally a wonderful thing from all sides (read about its significance in articles about and about that). LF requests, present in large numbers, improve the overall picture of user behavior on your site and everything else is much more convertible (selling) than HF or MF. But there is one thing that breaks all the good intentions of site owners - collecting a long tail is quite difficult in technical terms.

So we come, as they say, to today's post. A hero appears on the scene, who will allow to solve the situation described above in favor of the site owner, while not particularly puzzling him, except perhaps by spending some additional amount of money. But for the owner of a commercial site, spending money on promoting and attracting the target audience is a common work moment. The main thing here is that investments would not be in vain. Actually, this is what we will try to understand a little lower.

How does the optimization of behavioral factors work in the Rookee service?

Our today's hero is well known to many of you. These are the same “straight hands” that I mentioned in the title of the article. That is, the service of automatic website promotion Rookee, which is read exactly as "hands". Of course, first of all, “hands” is a link aggregator (purchases eternal and temporary links according to your chosen strategy), but you can activate it in its settings ( optimization of behavioral factors).

True, it makes sense to connect OPF only if you have on your site. This is necessary so that Yandex receives timely information about your wonderful and constantly improving behavioral factors (of course, it can collect something through alternative channels, but this way you guarantee its 100% awareness).

In addition, you should give the Rookee service access to the information collected by Metrika or Analytics. This is necessary not just like that, but for everything to work like clockwork. See for yourself.

It is for the selection of the necessary low-frequency requests (promising), as well as for tracking the situation with the behavior of users on them that are passing, and you will need access to the statistics of your site. LF requests from the long tail By the way, far from all are taken, namely those that:

  1. We have already got close to the Top and it will be possible to throw them there “in one motion”
  2. They are not very competitive, so as not to complicate the implementation of the first paragraph
  3. Already now, users (to your site or to the sites of other users added to the Rookee system) who are “well-behaved” are moving through them

Those. OPF allows you to promote the most effective queries from the long tail to the Top. Well, like any query from the long tail, they have good conversion properties, which will help increase sales and start looking like a paradise for users in the eyes of search engines (good depth of transitions and great time on the site). In fact, it's all very similar to traffic promotion.

These are the most selected requests (usually, there are several hundred of them) "hands" will begin to advance by placing links from resources of similar subjects. The words of selected low-frequency queries will be used as anchors (link text), which in turn will expand your resource and its visibility in search engine results, which again is good.

By the way, OPF does not live by links alone. “Hands” are actively used to attract interested users (especially in the first months, when the links placed on the necessary low-frequency queries have not yet given effect - SEO, as you understand, has some inertia) use RTB (relatively new technology in the online advertising industry, which is a real-time auction of advertisements).

Using the statistics services connected to the Rookee system (Metrika or Analytics installed on your site), the OPF module carries out visitors coming through them. Based on these data, the system makes a decision:

  1. About the removal from the promotion of unpromising low-frequency requests that, for one reason or another, stubbornly do not climb into the Top. Why waste your time and waste your budget, especially since a long tail on any topic turns out to be huge and you can always find an alternative.
  2. About removing low-frequency requests from promotion, which, after getting into the Top, did not serve to improve the behavioral factors of your site. To do this, they compare the PF (time on site, browsing depth and bounce rate) of users coming from a particular channel or request, and if their behavior is better than the average PF for the site, then these are the same users. If not, then such channels and requests are filtered out.
  3. About collecting and adding a new block of low-frequency requests when the system sees that the desired bar of average user behavior on your site has not yet been reached. Optimal behavioral factors are calculated for each site individually based on data on the behavioral indicators of resources of the same topics that are successfully promoted in search engines for similar queries.

By the way, exactly given function is one of key features OPF in the Rookee service: what would take you several working days (or weeks), the service does quickly and regularly. Automation of the process, and that's it.

But for a meticulous reader, the question is probably already brewing in his head: what did the “hands” pick up to optimize the PF? For hundreds of requests, this will be quite tedious and expensive. I hasten to assure you that the system cares about your peace of mind, so all additional requests are selected based on the content that already exists on your site (for example, subheadings can be used as a source of these very additional LFs).

If you don’t have enough unique and useful content on your site (and you probably haven’t read my article about it), then you simply don’t need to buy links and optimize the PF. Just waste your money. You can only promote sites, and they are primarily text for search. No texts, no website, no promotion.

What is the price of the issue and what results should be expected from optimization?

Actually, after we have in general terms understood the methods used to optimize behavioral factors, it is worth saying a few words about pricing. Price for the OPF service directly depends on the number of pages of your site in the index. When indexing new pages, it will change, but not more often than once every three months, and after agreement with you. Not quite clear? Then let's get a little more specific.

(optimization of behavioral factors) in Rookee are formed:

  1. Based on the competitiveness of your subject and region of promotion. It is clear that depending on the subject, the cost of attracting visitors can vary significantly.
  2. Based on the size (number of pages) of the site. If the site has several pages, then you can’t imagine many low-frequency queries for it.
  3. Depending on site traffic. After all, the more attendance you have, the more high-quality traffic you will have to attract in order for Yandex to notice positive changes in user behavior against the general background. How many users will it take to improve the behavioral characteristics of your site to the level of competitors in the search? Here you need to understand that search engines do not take into account the amount of traffic, but its quality. Rookee brings in just the right users to improve their average time on site, bounce rate, and page depth. That is, exactly those indicators that search engines take into account when determining the position of the site.

Incidentally, it turns out that optimization of the PF of a young site in the "hands" will be quite cheap, because you don’t need to attract so much to your site " good users”, so that the changes become noticeable to Yandex (through the Metrica you have installed). This is not a large number of Finding users is easier and cheaper. In general, some incentive is obtained for the owners of young projects who have Money not so much at first.

In addition, young sites with a still fairly low or almost zero level of traffic, after connecting the OPF service, will receive significant increase in attendance(as much as twice, judging by the data provided by the Rookee service several months after the launch of this module).

At the same time, traffic increases due to real visitors (who will perform conversion actions) who came either from a search for an LF query from the long tail (a non-main semantic core assembled by “hands”), or those who came from RTB. In general, live visitors (a by-product of Pf optimization), which, with a high degree of probability, can be converted into buyers.

Remarkably, there is an increase in positions in the main semantic core of the site. Positions improve on average by 20 points in Yandex and 10 points in Google during the first month. And this is very decent.

Summing up

Probably, for many it has already become an obvious fact that now complex promotion is driving, because there is no such ranking factor that would pull the site to the Top with a complete failure on all other fronts. Links used to be such a factor, but now they are just one of many promotion tools. Need and internal optimization engage in (content, navigation, design), and behavioral pull up, and do not forget about links. Literally every little thing matters.

Summarizing the previous paragraph, the maximum result is obtained by combining the optimization of behavioral factors with link promotion and text optimization. About PF. It is better to optimize them (by attracting exactly the traffic that shows good behavioral ones), and not to wind them up (by clicking on the issue, visiting sites by robots or people for certain tasks).

The optimization proposed in Rookee will have a good effect not only on the PF, but also on the overall conversion of the site and its SEO. It comes down to the selection and promotion of promising LFs, to attracting targeted traffic from RTB and adjusting the first two components according to the actual results for a particular site, taken from the data collected by Metrica or Analytics. Similar work very difficult to do manually, so the automation offered by the service is worth the money that you pay for it.

Thanks to the use of RTB, the effect of optimizing the PF comes almost immediately, and reaches its maximum in six months, when all the links bought on the LF are fully taken into account and these very requests will jump into the Top. This effect promises to be long lasting, because positions in the Top will be supported not only by links, but also by good PF. Plus, you get an additional flow of targeted visitors who can. Well, the improvement of positions for all promoted queries (the main core) is also worth mentioning.

In fact, in OPF, for the lowest possible price, you get a natural improvement in behavioral factors, growth in positions and an increase in targeted traffic. There are no complete analogues of the service, basically everyone offers just a cheat of behavioral factors, which cannot give such results. IMHO.

Therefore, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the system on your own experience. OPF (PF optimization) in the Rookee service and draw your own conclusions. Hope you share them in the comments.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Not so long ago, a new service appeared on the market called optimization of behavioral factors, which contributes to the growth of positions. But before we consider it, let's see how some experts resort to cheating behavioral factors:

  • the resource is added to the service involved in the promotion of the PF;
  • then the method of wrapping is selected: manual or automatic;
  • automatic - allows you to bring robots from search engines that perform specified automated processes.

In many cases, the site receives sanctions for cheating PF, which are very difficult to remove, and sometimes even impossible. Search engines easily figure out such cheating, as robots “fire” with IP addresses, the same browsers, screen resolutions, and other similar characteristics and actions. Realizing this, some optimizers resort to special promotion of competitors in order to lower their positions. However, if you have never cheated PF, and all this is the work of your competitors, then over time the site regains its position.

As for manual cheating, here all the actions are performed by living people. They receive tasks, for example, to go to the site for a specific request from the search, which is at position 20 and stay on it for 3-4 minutes, making transitions through several internal positions. Many people think that manual way search engines cannot determine. But in fact, it is enough to drive into the database dubious IPs that actively visit sites of different topics, and the scheme is calculated. Most often, a user visits the same sites for a month, and, of course, such activity will arouse suspicion from search engines. Against the backdrop of a boom in behavioral factors, Yandex will also soon learn how to calculate such manual cheating.

What do the creators of website promotion services offer to site owners by optimizing behavioral factors?

The essence of this method is as follows:

  • Users who like it visit your site. It certainly sounds funny. How can a person who has never visited your site know that he likes it? Actually, it's easy to determine. A huge number of low-frequency requests are prepared, and periods are carried out on them.
  • People who are interested in these queries will definitely find on your site what they are interested in (if, of course, you write quality texts). Statistics services analyze those who came by these low-frequency keys, looking at which of them gave the maximum effect.
  • Based on the data received, the service determines which indicators are optimal for your resource. Surely you know that too for a long time being on the resource, a large number of views are far from always good indicators of PF. A user who enters the query “what date is it today” will not stay on your resource for 7 minutes and actively navigate between pages, reading articles of 3-5 thousand characters. It is enough for him to see information that provides an answer to his question. After he recognized her, most likely the site will be closed. In this regard, the minimum expenditure of time, the quick receipt of an answer to the question have a rather positive effect.
  • The service allows you to analyze the benefits of your low-frequency requests, and adjusts their list every month. So, only the most profitable for your resource remain. As a result, the site naturally increases its positions.

Optimization of behavioral factors: important questions:

  • Banned for this? For such traffic, you will not be able to get a filter, because there is no artificiality here. Your resource is evaluated by real people, and you do not pay for them to go to it and click on it. As a result, there is a natural growth of positions.
  • Why clicks on low-frequency requests? Because it's cheap traffic. Not high price, no competition. And the indicators of behavioral factors for low-frequency queries are quite stable.
  • How long to wait for results? As practice shows, everything starts after the first month. The most serious effect can be seen after 5-6 months. Let it be longer than cheating, but you do not risk your positions.
  • Is this method of cheating a site suitable? Today, behavioral factors are taken into account almost in the same way as external optimization. This method is equally suitable for both "young" sites and those that have been created for a long time.

PF optimization is effective in promotion, subject to the following site requirements:

  • there must be at least 50 pages in the Google and Yandex index;
  • The site must have a Yandex. Metrica”, so that the search robot notices the visitor brought;
  • provide access to Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics so that the Rookee service can track and analyze the behavior of visitors on the site.

Attention! The Rookee service against the backdrop of “cancellation of links” is also developing and offering new service. Here is an innovation from the exchange, which used to sell temporary links. In addition, it offers audits and SEO-optimized texts. Unlike other services, they offer not just promotion, but give preference to natural promotion.

Golden Rule: Whoever has the gold (c) "The Manager's Book of Quotations" Gold Affiliate makes the rules - it's time to create your own rules.

Hello. Remember, just recently I told you about? So, with the last update, positions in Yandex sank, I hope, temporarily, at the end of April there will be a full report on that experiment. Also, unfortunately, I recently managed to catch a filter on another site for cheating behavioral factors (there, however, there was not manual execution of tasks, but automatic, but in a very small amount). Why am I? Yandex tightens the screws, artificial promotion in this way is getting harder and harder.

As always, at such turning points, the “loot” is started by those who react the fastest to market changes, to its features and needs. Why don't my brains work as fast either and my pockets don't have a couple million? Imagine, now it is already possible to take advantage of the “boosting of natural behavioral factors”. We all understand that this contradicts itself, so the word “cheating” can be safely thrown out.

A certain “miracle service” appeared on the market, which allows to promote the site by optimizing behavioral factors ( OPF) . Let's first analyze how the usual cheating of behavioral factors (PF) occurs:

  1. The site is added to the PF cheat service.
  2. The wrapping method is selected: automatic or manual.
  3. The automatic method of cheating brings robots from search engines (PS), they perform some kind of automated processes. This very often leads to sanctions from the side of the PS, as the robots are harshly “fired” with their IP addresses, the same screen resolutions, browsers, and similar similar characteristics and actions. In general, Yandex is striking in this situation (I made this conclusion after receiving a filter for cheating PF): it turns out that you can buy similar automatic transitions for a couple of thousand rubles and throw out a competitor who is nearby, somewhere far away. Yandex answered a similar question to me like this:

    When developing these algorithms, we, of course, took into account the ability of competitors to influence the position of a particular site and minimized it. If you really do not use and did not use any deceptive techniques to promote the specified site in search engines and the site develops in the interests of the user, then over time its positions will be restored.

  4. Manual way of work. Here it is already much harder to “sleep”, since the actions are performed by living people. They receive tasks, for example, go to the site, which is located on the 20th position, sit there for 3-4 minutes, make transitions on 2-3 internal pages. It seems to me that here, too, you can easily burn everything: drive into the database dubious IP addresses that are actively sitting, go either to sites on the topic “Auto”, then on the topic “Construction”, and then completely about “Nanotechnologies” and finish everything off with the site “ Nutrition for children”. Anyway, we most often visit the same sites, and hardly for a month regular user can sit every day and “torment” search engines on different topics. Some kind of geek. Einstein! I think Yandex will also soon learn to determine manual cheating against the backdrop of this period - the boom in behavioral factors.

And what do the creators of the “OPF promotion” offer us? Impossible, as I thought at first. It turned out to be just a well-thought-out strategy. The essence of promotion through the optimization of behavioral factors is as follows:

  1. People who like it come to your site. Doesn't it sound funny? How can a person without visiting your site say that he likes it? It turns out that this can be determined. A bunch of low-frequency requests (LF) are compiled, and they come to you.
  2. In any case, people who are interested in these low-frequency queries will find what they are interested in (of course, if you have the necessary information). With the help of statistics services, the service analyzes those who came for these low-frequency requests, looks at which requests gave the maximum effect (you yourself know that it is very easy to see in some Metrica the statistics of viewing any “object”, the time of its stay and other interesting details).
  3. Based on these data obtained by the “internal” algorithm, the service determines which indicators are optimal for your site. All of you probably understand: too long time spent on the site, a huge number of views - there are not always good indicators of behavioral factors.
    I immediately recall such a rough comparison, which I remember from the time I started my “blogging”. A person who asks the query “elephant penis length” will not be on your site for 7 minutes, go through 8 internal pages and read your text of 3000 characters. One sentence is enough for him, where a specific answer to his request is given. He receives it, leaves and does not return to the search for this request. That is, here, I would say, on the contrary, the minimum amount of time, the quick satisfaction of the answer to the user's question play a big role. In general, I believe that we will slowly leave the “water” on the Internet. Around a ton of unnecessary information, reading which we kill hours. In our age, this is an unaffordable luxury. I'm sure the search engines will be more active in fighting "water".
  4. The service analyzes the benefits of the selected low-frequency requests and monthly adjusts their list. Thus, only the most profitable for your site remain. Thus, your site quite naturally moves up.

I foresee a bunch of questions, so I'll try to paint some considerations and data:

  • Banned for this? You will not receive a filter for such traffic formation, since there is no artificiality here. In fact, your site is evaluated by real people who are not paid to “click” to go to your site. This is where natural growth comes in.
  • Where is this traffic coming from? They say they buy from suppliers. Where exactly, hell knows, we realized that James Bond works. The same one.
  • Why transitions on low-frequency requests? Cheap traffic. 🙂 Here is the main answer. No competition, no high price. And the PF indicators for low-frequency queries are quite stable.
  • When to expect results? Everything starts after the first month, as usual. The most serious effect is achieved at 5-6 months. Long time, damn it. But it's better than moving forward in 2 months, catching the filter and losing everything. Calls, clients, sales... Should I talk about it. I want to cry when a client writes: calls have fallen, sales have declined.

Is this method of promotion suitable for my site? Against the backdrop of Yandex's “refusal of links”, behavioral factors began to play a more serious role in the eyes of SEO specialists. They are very well suited to everyone, especially the "youngsters", that is, sites that have just been created. But pay attention to the requirements for sites:

  • There must be at least 50 site pages in the Yandex and Google index.
  • A Yandex.Metrica counter must be installed on the site for Yandex to notice the visitors it brings.
  • You must provide access to Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica so that Rookee can analyze the behavior of site users.

What kind of miracle service is this? Yes, all the same. Yes, against the background of “cancellation of links”, this service also does not stand still, it develops (something needs to be done to keep the money going). It is money that once again makes you think, and different competition makes you come up with something new that would really work and keep users of the service. If there is a result, why not? Everyone is ready to pay.

This is an innovation from a service that used to just trade temporary links, but now it also deals with audits, links (temporary and even eternal), SEO-optimized texts and already behavioral factors. Unlike many other services, not just a cheat, but a natural promotion. Well, that's commendable. Bravo. Well done.

I . Of course, I will write about the results. I would like you to rate and share the results too. Maybe you can tell me how to collect 10k+ traffic on your blog.

I look forward to questions and comments.

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Optimization of behavioral factors (BF) from one of the leading automated promotion services Rookee.ru is a reality.

The decision of Rookee specialists is not a trivial PF cheat software tools, not attracting students and high school students providing clicks to your site for a small fee.

This is a modern technology for attracting targeted visitors to the site who are interested in obtaining information on your site. They will come to get acquainted with the information, to purchase goods and services offered on your resource.

As a pleasant side effect, behavioral factors will also improve markedly and this will not go unnoticed by Yandex and Google.

It should be especially noted that actions to optimize behavioral factors from the Rookee.ru service do not violate any rules and regulations of search engines. There is no reason to worry that as a result of such a promotion, your site may be suspected of manipulating the results and subject to search engine sanctions.

How Behavioral Factors Affect Website Position

Good indicators of behavioral factors are one of the main points that you have to spend time and money on for the successful development and promotion of any site.

All these efforts take a lot of time and require serious knowledge and skills.

To speed up this process and obtain fast and high-quality results, ROOKEE service specialists have developed a service that allows you to automate an important and time-consuming process - BPF or Behavioral Factors Optimization.

The technology for implementing BPF (Optimization of Behavioral Factors) is to attract users to the promoted site who are interested in information on your site.

For this ROOKEE service identifies pages on your site that have good traffic and good Behavioral Factors. Also, these pages should be in the TOP10 or be close to them. Thus, the system determines the block of requests for promotion and the pages corresponding to them.

This completes the first stage of work.

Then the Rookee OPF system proceeds to promote these pages in search engines. It does this by acquiring quality related links from reliable trust sites.

After two weeks of work, the system analyzes the results. Some requests are removed from the promotion block as unpromising, for others, the promotion method is replaced, new pages and requests are additionally connected.

First results

The service for optimizing behavioral factors in the ROOKEE service was ordered by more than two hundred customers in the first month of work, the sites participated in a variety of topics.

More than one hundred thousand requests were selected for all promoted sites.
For a month of work, the average increase in traffic for promoted queries increased by 20%, and both Yandex and Google reacted positively.

It should be borne in mind that the optimization of behavioral factors does not give results immediately, but after certain time. This process is not easy and requires an integrated approach, so the effect is delayed.

Promotion results after 2 months

Two months after the start of the BPF service (optimization of behavioral factors), more than 300 sites were connected to the service, of which more than two hundred were promoted for two months. More than half of them improved their behavioral factor scores.

  • 80% of sites increased traffic
  • 68% increased their Depth of View score
  • 60% increased visitor time on site
  • 58% increased "Return Time"
  • 50% reduced bounce rate

The improvement in these indicators led to an increase in positions in the search results. As a result, the number of targeted visitors increased, and the conversion increased significantly.

The natural growth of traffic with high behavioral factors does not cause a negative reaction from the search engines even for those sites that had very low traffic.

The specialists of the rookee.ru service noticed that projects promoted using the OPF system (optimization of behavioral factors) show higher rates of growth in positions in search engines than other sites.

Two main conclusions can be drawn from this conclusion.

  1. Search engines really place a lot of importance on Behavioral Factors, and improving these indicators should definitely be addressed.
  2. Connect your projects to promotion in the system automated promotion rookee.ru using the Behavioral Factors Optimization system.

Successful promotion, high positions, good behavioral factors and high conversion.

In modern search promotion increased noticeably. Now search engines carefully evaluate the satisfaction of their users when they visit recommended sites from the search results. Therefore, the optimization of these factors is an important element of successful SEO promotion.

How to optimize behavioral factors in Runet

It is good if a specialist deals with the issues of optimizing behavioral factors (OPF). He knows perfectly well what and how should be and work on the site in order to satisfy the needs of visitors.

Another thing is if the site owner does not use the capabilities of a specialist for some reason. But he plans to do optimization of the PF for his resource. In this case, there is an option automated system OPF.

Cheating behavioral factors

Until the summer of 2014, all options for such optimization were implemented in the following ways:

Automatic option. An ordinary botnet connects and nimble robots come to the site being promoted. Thus, as it were, they show the search engine that they are interested in the resource (there are transitions to pages).

But as practice has shown, such a “parsley” is very easily cracked by search engines. They perfectly see from which IPs, by what behavioral parameters such fake “visitors” go. And so their actions on the site are not counted.

Manual option. In this case, people walk instead of robots. For a fee, they regularly visit the sites indicated to them according to a certain scheme. For example, knowing the address of the site being promoted, they come from the search results and perform a series of actions - they sit on the page for several minutes, click on internal links, roam the pages of the resource.

Seems like a good option. But even here the search engines are able to distinguish the catch. For example, the IP of performers who go to sites of different topics from the same computer are quickly scorched. Usually in life this does not happen - real people have a narrow circle of interests. And it is expensive to look for narrowly targeted thematic pseudo-visitors.

A unique way to improve PF

In the spring (April) of this year, another option for optimizing behavioral factors appeared. And it is based on a completely different way of getting visitors. This time, really thematic, not far-fetched.

The well-known seo aggregator Rookee came up with this method. This system conducts a number of activities to improve behavioral factors (bounce rate, time spent on the site, return visits, etc.).

Most importantly, these activities do not violate the rules of search engines. That is, on the one hand, it is impossible to get under the filter for cheating PF on them. On the other hand, according to the statistics of the experiments conducted in Rookee, there is an improvement in the positions of sites in the issuance due to the optimization of the factors themselves.

And one more not unimportant point that owners who are poorly versed in seo will appreciate - to start this system, you need to press just one button. 🙂

So, what did the automated offer to its users?

Optimization of behavioral factors "Hands"

Definition of the OTF system

The task of the OPF service in the Rookee seo aggregator is to obtain a thematic audience for the relevant low frequency requests. It is these queries that have the best behavioral indicators, since they are more relevant in terms of topics than medium- or high-frequency queries.

To receive such requests, the Rookee service uses web analytics of the site being promoted. Access is given to the web analytics system installed on the resource (Yandex Metrica, Google Analytics), from where the necessary keywords are selected.

The principle of selection of requests is as follows:

  • suitable search phrases are in the top 10 for the region selected for promotion;
  • selected keywords have a fairly low level of competition (according to Rookee data);
  • data search terms have good behavioral indicators (according to web analytics data).

By the way, this technology uses the capabilities of the well-known long tail principle. Here, too, the smallest search phrases are used, for which the conversion can be the largest.

How the OPF system works

As soon as the OPF service is ordered and the only button has already been pressed, the Rookee service starts the following procedure:

  1. The system looks at the provided analytics. At this stage, its task is to analyze the content of the site and the behavioral assessment of its visitors.
  2. The semantic core is formed, which will include the selected search queries according to web analytics data (according to the assessment of the behavioral characteristics of phrases).
  3. Rookee performs its main job - promoting the site on the requests of the received semantic core. This happens by setting links from resources of similar subjects.

Once behavioral optimization has been run, Rookee performs a periodic click-through monitoring function. Depending on the received data, the system optimizes its selected list of queries:

  • there is a replacement of the promotion strategy for those requests that do not work yet;
  • empty phrases are removed that do not give transitions from the search (but are in the top);
  • new search queries are added according to the data of the connected web analytics.

As a result, it is fully implemented in 2-4 months, depending on the data of the site being promoted.

Which sites can receive OPF service from Rookee?

To enable this strategy, the site must meet the following conditions:

  • the number of indexed pages in Yandex and Google must be at least 50;
  • the promoted site must have a connected analytics system (Metrika, Analytics);
  • the content of the site must not violate the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation.

Issue price

The cost of this service is calculated individually according to its special formula. The price depends on the characteristics of the site, on its subject matter, and other factors.

To find out, you just need to activate this service. The cost will be determined immediately and will be shown to you on the screen:

I note that the exposed cost is the final one for the entire package of work on optimizing behavioral factors. That is, over time, the number of requests may increase, but you will no longer need to pay for new transitions found.

Conclusions on the service of the OPF

The promotion service by strengthening behavioral factors has already been running for six months. In my opinion, it can be used to promote your site for the following reasons:

  • The service does not use the option of cheating behavioral factors due to "left" transitions. This means that you will not be able to get a wolf ticket from Yandex.
  • Due to well-chosen queries, you can significantly expand the anchor list. All this happens automatically - the site owner does not need to do anything.
  • Due to the strengthening of behavioral factors, not only the position of the site in search results is growing. Increases his trust (link building).
  • I pressed the button and got the result - a great option for busy people. Of course, a link buying specialist would do better. But also more expensive.

And the last. Of course, this method involves the same automated purchase of links. But it differs from the options offered by other SEO aggregators. Indeed, due to correctly selected low-frequency queries, good anchors are formed.

This gives a significant increase in the likelihood of clicking on links to the site being promoted, which gives a strengthening of positions. because Yandex and Google take into account only those links that people click on. And nothing else.

And one more thing - this method only works for those sites that contain really useful content. Otherwise, when you click on links, the PF will only get worse.

Sincerely, Your Maxim Dovzhenko
