The most popular categories on YouTube. What to film on YouTube ideas for beginners

Many people have asked questions about how to make money on YouTube. Almost everyone who is at least a little familiar with the Internet and ways to make money online knows that you can make very good money by uploading videos to your own channel.

Everyone who has decided to create and promote their own channel on YouTube asks the all-important question “what should we actually show on the channel?” This is where the problem with choosing an interesting idea for the channel arises. “What to shoot?”, “how to do it?” and many similar questions arise before a novice video blogger. In this article we will try to understand these important questions.

Where to start

Actually, the whole process can be divided into some main stages.

  1. The first and most important step will be to find the most popular topic at this stage. The easiest way to understand what topic is currently trending is to watch the videos that are on this moment are gaining popularity. Based on what you saw and after conducting a thorough analysis, you need to start shooting your own video. Here you should understand that you can shoot not only a video on a popular topic, but also a video with your reaction to this topic, after watching the popular video. That is, simply express your opinion about someone else’s channel. This is the simplest option. It will be more difficult to shoot your own video with an interesting scenario on a trending topic.
  2. Creating an idea. At first, when you are just thinking about your channel, start a special notebook in which you can write down absolutely all your ideas regarding the topic for the video blog. Even if some of the topics seem absolutely stupid to you at first. Then, when you have enough ideas, sit down and think carefully about each of them.

    It may be those dumbest ideas that turn out to be the most promising.

  3. Create a detailed script for filming your video. Think in advance about the basic concept of the video, the introduction, the main part and the ending. You may want to insert some pieces from other videos, yours or others'.
  4. Think about the design of your channel. Perhaps this will be a short introduction that will anticipate each of your videos and will become your calling card.

Types of videos

Almost all videos on the YouTube channel can be divided into several types:

  • video review, as a rule, videos of this type talk about functionality various things;
  • training video, which include various instructions and stories about how you can use this or that thing, program, toy, equipment, etc.;
  • video blog or vlog, this video is a video diary in which the author tells and shows how he spends his day, travels, cooks, and the like;
  • “let’s play” or let’s play, such a video is actually an observation of any game played by the author, usually accompanied by the author’s comments;
  • various staged videos, this is a video that plays out various jokes, situations or even excerpts from various works;
  • videos in the form of interviews are usually shot by those who can boast of acquaintances among famous personalities;
  • show videos, to shoot such videos, you usually need a high-quality script and the ability of the director; as a rule, one cannot shoot this alone.

For a novice video blogger, we can recommend starting to film your journey. If you are planning a trip, just film the most interesting moments and post these videos online. If your journey turns out to be interesting, you will immediately have a lot of subscribers.

A person who decides to create his own YouTube channel usually faces two main questions - what topic to choose for his channel and how to create content. Today we will answer the first question. Unlike, there will not be a clear answer here, but we will make it as easy as possible to find it.

At the very beginning, you need to decide why you are creating a channel on YouTube. If you just want to create videos on topics that interest you and look for like-minded people, that’s one thing, but if you want to make money, then that’s completely different. In the first case, the answer to the question will be quite simple - create a channel about what interests you. But if you want to earn money with using YouTube, then you should create a channel about something that interests others. And in general, it’s great if you like exactly what many people like. Let's look at four basic principles for choosing the right theme for your YouTube channel.

Principle 1: Look to the future

People love to watch 90s music videos, the Nostalgia Channel, or play games from the past. But they don’t do this as often as they would like. Therefore, when choosing a topic, it is better to focus on what will be popular in the future. This could be the release of a new film or game, the emergence of a new interesting industry. You've probably noticed how many channels there are dedicated to cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The authors of these channels managed to ride on the popularity of the new hype and are now shoveling bitcoins. Very important - do not make a channel dedicated to one thing. For example, channels about Marvel comics or hip-hop are good, but a channel about “Twilight. Saga” or rapper Serega is bad. We think you understand why. The first is conditionally eternal, and the second can lose popularity faster than you can gain your first million subscribers.

This point hardly requires detailed explanation, but I would like to add one clarification. Regardless of age, gender, capabilities and other obstacles, you can always study any new topic and become an expert in it. Don't limit yourself to some very narrow boundaries. A person is capable of a lot, and learning something new in order to achieve success is generally the basic functionality of any person. So, yes. Make videos about what you know, but don't limit yourself to what you know right now. You can always become an expert in another topic.

Principle 3: Don't start something you can't continue.

Although this point is the third, it is the most important. At the very beginning of your journey to YouTube, try to visualize what you will do on your channel, and understand whether you will pull it off or not. Some simple examples. If you're bad at drawing, don't make a channel about drawing lessons. If you're bad at playing guitar, don't teach it to others. If it is difficult for you to constantly communicate and be in the spotlight, then do not become a blogger. If you speak and construct phrases poorly, you shouldn't review games. Think about what you can do best and build from there. If you don’t know how to do anything, then first you need to learn. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time, effort, nerves and money, and the channel will never take off.

Principle 4. Who owns the information, owns the world

We all know this Rothschild phrase, but not everyone realizes that it is the basis of its popularity on YouTube. Before starting a channel, please review the following:

    what videos are included in YouTube Trends per day and week. Luckily, YouTube trending doesn't work anymore and we can see the real picture.

    what topics are most in demand? Explore popular channels. How are they made? What are they talking about? And the most important question is: can I repeat this?

    open the Wordstat service from Yandex and see what people are looking for. Is the topic you decided to make a video about popular? Then there is a great chance of success.

Remember that preparation is 80% of success. Don't skimp on your time and resources while preparing to launch your channel. It will all pay off in the future!

There are still a lot of interesting things ahead of us. See you in our academy and in YouTube trends!

In this article, we’ll look at 6 cool ideas for your videos on YouTube, talk about how to record 25 videos in just 2 hours and what topic should you record a video on, and also look at the issues of making money on your YouTube channel

  • 1 Video submission should be interesting and viral
  • 2 6 key ideas - what to make a YouTube video about right now
  • 3 How to make a high-quality video? (I'm talking about the topic)
  • 4 Headline + viral video thumbnail - 50% success
  • 5 Idea seven: Video instructions
  • 6 Idea Eight: Video Reviews
  • 7 Idea Nine: Vlogs
  • 8 Tenth idea: Staged videos (sketches, skits)
  • 9 Idea Eleven: Let's Play
  • 10 Twelfth idea: show, broadcast
  • 11 Idea Thirteen: Interview
  • 12 Idea fourteen: other people's videos
  • 13 Idea fifteen: compilations

The video submission should be interesting and viral

The simplest criterion is - would you share this video with your friends or would you prefer not to show it to anyone? The topic for the video may be the most ordinary, but the presentation can make 90% of the success in promotion.

Watch which videos make it to the top of Youtube and gain millions of views. Pay attention to how they are filmed - often this is not a professional camera, but a video recorded on mobile phone in mediocre quality.

By the way, if you have not yet decided on the idea of ​​your channel and have not chosen a name, read the article - how to name your channel on Youtube (5 tips).

Some people rack their brains for a long time about how to come up with and create a great video just to blow up YouTube. The topics of such videos can be very different, sometimes ideas come on their own, suddenly. Most often, it is spontaneous ideas that become the most popular among users and visitors to YouTube.

For those who don’t know what interesting thing to film for their channel subscribers, we offer a list of ideas that can inspire you to film a YouTube hit.

How to record 25 videos in 2 hours (cheat code):

>>> Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Explore complete guide working with YouTube

6 key ideas - what to make a YouTube video about right now

We present to your attention a list of ideas that you can take note of, develop them, and turn them into a real work of art:

  1. Quotes (banal and boring) - WAAAAY LAST CENTURY! - video in which quotes are read out in a pleasant voice famous people. It would seem that this is so banal, no one argues with it, but, believe me, if you shoot this video correctly, choose the right voice and pictures for it, there will be no end to subscribers and views. You must understand that an idea is just a small thing, a drop in the ocean, but if it is developed correctly, you can really get something worthwhile.
  2. Video below keywords .Make a video on a topic that is popular among Youtube visitors, use it for this popular keywords and Youtube Keyword Tool.
  3. Video about how to make money on the Internet. This topic will be relevant and interesting for everyone, because the majority of the population are people who constantly lack money. In the video you can tell:
    • about ways to save money;
    • about how to create additional income for yourself on the Internet;
    • about how to find a high-paying job;
    • about how to make money quickly, for example - 7 ways to make money on Avito.
  4. Idea - Declaration. Here you can take any topic and develop it, that is, set certain personal goals and publicly achieve them. Someone writes, for example, if in three months I manage to gain 400,000 subscribers, then I will lose 10 kg. Here, a number of videos show how the goal is achieved in an interesting interpretation. You can also set yourself a goal, I want to earn 1 thousand US dollars, tell and show various interesting things on youtube video and ask subscribers to send money as much as they can.
  5. Author's review on a popular trending topic in the news. It’s trivial, you might say, perhaps, but it’s also worth considering that it’s this method that people gain a huge number of subscribers. At the same time, they do nothing, sit on a chair and discuss some topic - what could be simpler, and at the same time more effective?
  6. #Popular on Youtube - trending topics. Go to YouTube, look at what videos are there, which ones are popular, which ones are not so popular - draw a conclusion. Perhaps a not very popular topic today, in your interpretation it will become simply explosive, and you will be able to achieve your goal with it - to become popular and famous through the YouTube channel, to gain a huge number of subscribers.

How to make a high-quality video? (I'm talking about the topic)

To take off good video for YouTube, it is not necessary to buy expensive equipment for video recording; videos shot on a regular phone camera often make it to the top.

Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and earn from $10,000 on it

Title + viral video thumbnail - 50% success

Whatever the topic for youtube video you didn’t choose, the main thing is that it interests subscribers, and views increase every day.

At the same time, it is worth dividing the tasks on the way to the top of YouTube:

  1. Record a cool video
  2. Optimizing the recorded video
  3. Provide primary seeding video
    • paid methods - for example, you can buy 1 million views immediately
    • free ways - 6 free ways promote video on youtube
  4. Get the user to click on the video in the recommended and search results
    • Make an icon (thumbnail) for a video on Youtube
    • Choose a cool title (Shock, Caution, AWESOME and other joys of YouTube)

Header example:

  • Holy shit, I'm an IDIOT and other news...
  • YouTube STEALS money from affiliate programs - Exposure

Idea Seven: Video Instructions

This type of video is gaining popularity on YouTube. You can make a video instruction on how to use any item (it’s best to make instructions for modern gadgets such as a smartphone, computer, Digital Watch, tablet, etc.).

How-to videos often receive tens or even hundreds of thousands of views. And if you manage to be the first to write down and post instructions for Apple’s new creation, you are guaranteed success!

Eighth idea: Video reviews

Idea Nine: Vlogs

The fashionable word “Vlog” means the same as the familiar “blog”, only the information here is presented not through text, but through video. Anyone can maintain their own vlog, which is essentially a video diary. Some people gain popularity by sharing the most common everyday events in their lives. But if you are not a media person, then get a large number of It will be difficult to subscribe to this - unless you have a wonderful gift of storytelling. Most often, a specific topic is chosen for a vlog: there are culinary vlogs, beauty vlogs, vlogs on the topic of motherhood, handicrafts, etc.

Tenth idea: Staged videos (sketches, skits)

Sometimes such videos bring a large number of views. If you feel like an actor and have friends who share your passion, you can write a script, rehearse and shoot a video, and then post it on the Internet. Another option is to make a video from some talent festival, concert or KVN. Musical and humorous skits are the most popular on YouTube.

Idea Eleven: Let's Play

Let's Play translated from English means “let's play.” This term refers to a video blog where a user plays a computer game and records this process, showing his subjective reaction to what is happening. The first let's plays appeared about ten years ago and since then they have gained great popularity among gamers. If you're addicted computer games, you will definitely like this idea.

Twelfth idea: show, broadcast

You can organize your own amateur show and post it online in hopes of attracting new subscribers. The main thing is to come up with a “zest” that will make your program interesting and set it apart from others. Whether you sing, dance, make people laugh or talk about serious topics is up to you. This is a rather expensive method that requires serious preparation.

Idea thirteen: interview

If you know someone who is an expert on a topic, or better yet, a celebrity, you can ask him to meet with you and record an interview so you can post it on YouTube. Look at the interviews they have greatest number views, and choose the topic that is most relevant to viewers. Well, a famous name always attracts a large number of users - do not forget to include it in the title of the video.

Do you want to know how to get your channel to the top without paid advertising? Get a plan to jet 🚀 launch your money machine on YouTube on your own and other people's videos!

Idea fourteen: other people's videos

The method is not the most honest: you can take someone else’s video, upload it to your channel and call it with the words you need; perhaps - do a different voice acting. However, keep in mind that YouTube takes the issue of copyright protection quite seriously, and if the fact that you took someone else’s material comes up, the channel may well be closed. If you decide to do this, use obscure videos that are not on YouTube.

Idea fifteen: compilations

Another option for what to make a video about: you can take clips from other authors, cut them up, dilute them with other frames or pictures, add your own voice acting - and get a completely new video. But keep in mind that using other people’s videos without the consent of the authors can also threaten a novice video blogger with trouble. In addition, this method will require a significant investment of time from you.

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Don't know where to start a channel? Looking for inspiring ideas for your channel? Are you developing a content plan for your business?Our list of 40 YouTube video ideas will help both those who are stuck and people looking for ideas for the future.

But before you implement the ideas from our selection, we recommend preparing a channel - make the correct design (hat, avatar) And cool description text.

Original ideas for YouTube videos

Ideas for children's channels

1. Cartoons. This option is the most labor-intensive, but will pay for itself over time. The point is to create simple cartoons with original characters. This format is in great demand, and children can watch their favorite cartoons hundreds of times. You can also upload content that is not your own, but to do this you need to carefully study the issue of copyright for the material.

2. Reviews for cartoons, films and TV series that are interesting to the target audience. This format is no less in demand than the previous one, but it is much easier to implement. Reviews can be made into a separate section.

3. Children's products from Aliexpress. Aliexpress is a very popular site. If you yourself often order products from there, then you can do reviews on them. New products are constantly appearing in this area, so you are guaranteed topics for new videos.

4. Educational videos. Make preparing your children for school easier and more convenient. Basic educational materials in a colorful and interesting presentation will surely appeal to both children and their parents.

5. Video about animals. These could be clips from Discovery programs or your own content. It is not necessary to devote the video specifically to animals; children will also be interested in watching videos about birds, fish and other fauna.

6. Bedtime stories. Such videos are often played for children before bed and for educational purposes, so there will certainly be an audience for such videos.

7. Reviews of trending toys. New toys come out all the time, and they don’t appear on Aliexpress right away. Here you have a chance to collect the first views without competition.

Let's say that you have decided on the topic of your YouTube channel, the question remains - how to increase its popularity. This question is most relevant for young channels, because competition on YouTube video hosting is extremely high. Services for automatic promotion of channels and individual videos on YouTube are ideal for such purposes.

  • video promotion;
  • channel promotion;
  • attracting likes, reposts, comments and other key indicators that influence the popularity of the video.

Services for promotion on YouTube can be found at this link:

Ideas for women's channels

8. Makeup tutorials. Many girls cannot afford the services of makeup artists, and do not see the point in them. It’s easier for them to watch such videos and learn from them. They also allow you to follow fashion and what makeup is intended for what occasions.

9. Parodies. In general, they are suitable not only for women’s channels, but there are many topics that only girls will understand jokes about. These can also be parodies of popular female video bloggers or pop singers.

10. Contents of the handbag. Surely many have heard the joke: “a girl can have anything in her purse.” Such videos help girls somewhere to laugh at themselves, somewhere to learn from your experience if it turns out to be useful.

11. Reviews for cosmetics and other women's products. Such videos are also in demand among girls, because they make their life much easier. We recommend making reviews in an interesting format, but without unnecessary information- just on topic.

12. Video about manicure and nails. Makeup is only a small part of self-care information. Educational materials on applying manicure, especially original ones, will definitely find their audience.

13. Video about hair care. Proper hair care is a routine. Therefore, many girls are looking for the cheapest, high-quality and time-saving hair care methods.

14. Video about yourself. Particularly useful material for audiences under 18 years of age. Young girls are active YouTube users, so they will benefit from the experience gained over your life.

Ideas for sports channels

15. A selection of the best goals/knockouts of the week/year/month. This format is suitable for team sports such as football, hockey, volleyball, basketball and American football, as well as for boxing and mixed martial arts.

16. TOP athletes in any discipline. Make the top 10 football players of the past or present year. Such a video will definitely be viewed, and the more popular the sport, the more views you will have.

17. Performance of athletes at the Olympics/World/European Championships. The whole world watches sporting events of this magnitude. This means that you will be able to gather not only an audience in the CIS, but also around the world.

18. Parodies. These can be parodies of both popular personalities and sensational events in sports. This often happens in the world of boxing and football.

19. Reviews of sporting events. These can be the final matches of the most significant tournaments on the planet (Champions League, Stanley Cup, NBA Finals, etc.), as well as fights for championship belts in professional boxing or UFC. The format requires competent editing and a deep understanding of the nuances.

20. Comparison of athletes “Who is better.” Who is better than Messi or Ronaldo is a topic of debate for a huge number of football fans.

AND similar topics There are a lot of representatives from different sports to compare. But, be prepared for criticism, for some people your arguments may seem insignificant and they will rush to throw it out in the comments. On the one hand, this is good - you involve the audience, on the other hand, it is better not to make gestures with controversial opinions, otherwise your video will simply will like.

21. Cuttings of funny moments. These can be failures, mistakes and major failures. This happens even with experienced athletes, so you can find a lot of content.

Ideas for a travel channel

22. Travel vlog. The most common format. These videos are based on your experience as a traveler, as it is. You just travel and show it on camera.

23. Video guides. Created to inspire and help other travelers. This is a difficult format that is not suitable for everyone. Essentially, you must convey your knowledge in the most accessible format, so you must be able to both travel and teach others.

24. How to plan a trip. Such a seemingly simple action requires certain knowledge. Budget planning is impossible if the traveler does not know what awaits him and what he may encounter.

25. Reviews of exotic food. Everything that is rare in our area attracts and attracts the attention of dreamers; in addition to travelers, reviews will be of interest to those who are interested in cooking.

26. Video about culture. Each country has its own culture and traditions. If these are exotic countries, then you will have a lot of content. All that remains is to edit the video correctly to make it interesting to watch.

27. Interviews with local residents. Just prepare a few questions that will probably interest your viewers and ask local residents. For of this format knowledge will be required at a minimum in English and decoding of answers for channel viewers (it is better to make subtitles).

28. Reviews of interesting places. Review interesting establishments and attractions. Almost every city has these, so you won’t have to look for them for a long time. We recommend choosing places with a historical past, as these are easier to see.

Ideas for business channels

29. Business ideas for 2019. A selection of the most relevant business ideas in 2018 (or whatever year you are currently in). Modern entrepreneurs follow trends, so they will definitely be interested in promising areas of business.

30. How to create a startup. If you have similar experience, then you can easily talk about how you walked this path. If the video contains a lot useful information, then it will be reviewed repeatedly, which will undoubtedly be to your benefit.

31. Mistakes budding entrepreneurs. Very helpful and browsing information. Even if there are already many such videos, everyone has different errors, so you can rightfully claim the uniqueness of the material.

32. Interviews with businessmen. If you manage to interview a successful entrepreneur, it will probably interest a lot of people and you are guaranteed to get new subscribers.

33. How to hire good employees. This issue is of concern to a very large number of businessmen, so they will definitely appreciate good recommendations on the topic with positive comments and likes.

34. List of the best books on business. Many businessmen read a lot and constantly gain the experience of other people, so they will be interested in knowing where to get new knowledge.

35. How to find an investor. Such videos will be of interest even to entrepreneurs with money. After all, an opportunity may always appear on the horizon for which personal funds may not be enough.

36. Legal support. Which form of legal entity to choose at the very beginning: individual entrepreneur or LLC, which taxation system is most profitable to work in different niches, and so on. Knowledge of legislation among the majority of residents of our country is at a very low level, so legal support can become a topic not only for a video, but also for a separate channel.

Video Ideas for Beginner Vloggers

37. News digest. The topic for weekly releases, which highlight the most significant events and news in any topic.

38. Answers to questions. Questions can be collected in the comments under previous videos on the channel or create a special topic on social networks and collect a list of questions there.

39. Comments popular videos, new clips, conflicts. Go to YouTube trends, select a video or music video and watch it, analyze and comment on controversial or downright stupid moments.

40. Life video. Going to a store/hospital/cinema, attending an event/tasting/master class and stuff like that. In general, everyday life in an interesting interpretation and with good jokes. Still, the main thing that YouTube users are interested in is having fun and usefully spending time watching new videos.

41. Never-ending stream of video ideassearch engines. Collect requests and popular topics in services Yandex.Wordstat and Google Trends.


The main thing is to remember that everything has already been said, written and most likely video shot and There are very few 100% unique ideas, therefore, you should not focus only on the originality of the video, it is better to concentrate on HOW you will do it and HOW you will present it to the audience. Work harder over your serve and on what is interesting to you personally. Then you will definitely find your audience.

And further, after the chosen idea is implemented and the video is recorded, think about a good Clickbait headline, and also during loading, do video SEO optimization to get views from YouTube search and possibly traffic from search engines.

Are you a beginner video blogger and looking for an idea for a YouTube video? In this article, we invite you to find out which videos are in greatest demand today among the audience of this site. Thanks to the knowledge gained, you will be able to understand which topics are worth making videos on and which ones are not. We will also talk about what you need to shoot high-quality videos. But first things first!

What should I shoot a video about?

This question can appear even in the head of a very ideological person. In fact, you need to start from what interests you. If you can’t decide, then check out our cheat sheet below.

Tell us about yourself. If you are planning to make your first video, you should start by getting to know your audience. Tell us about your life, hobbies, habits. It would also be a good idea to mention what you plan to shoot videos about in the future and how often you will update the channel.

Give a master class. Are you good at dancing or knitting? Are you interested in foreign languages? Or maybe you cook delicious food? Then share your knowledge with viewers by releasing a series of video tutorials. In such videos you can either demonstrate and explain a process step by step, or simply talk about some interesting facts from the selected sphere.

Review. Do you like watching movies or reading books? Pay attention to the video reviews. In such videos, you can express your opinion and evaluate absolutely any things and events: cinema, music, literature, politics... the list goes on and on.

Trips. Every year there are more and more videos on this topic. If you also like to discover new and interesting places, then try making a video dedicated to them. Show the most interesting moments and locations and be sure - you will find your viewer very quickly!

What do you need to create a video?

So, we looked at the basic ideas for YouTube videos for beginners. Now let's figure out what you need to create a video.

Scenario. Think in detail about what you will talk about and what you will show. Also determine in advance how long the story will take. It is advisable that the video last no more than 5 minutes, since too long videos tire the viewer.

Camera. You can use either professional video equipment or a camera on your smartphone or tablet. If you choose the second method, then do not forget to first study the question of how to shoot video on your phone correctly.

Video editor. Last but not least, a tool that will help bring the material to perfect condition. Let us dwell on this point in more detail.

It's easy to create effective videos for YouTube!

“VideoMONTAZH” is a software that can be suitable for both beginners and professionals. All work in the application consists of four stages.

At the first stage you have to upload the video material that will make up the project. You can also immediately select intros and titles for the video.

Second phase involves video editing. Here you can remove all unnecessary scenes, apply effects to the video, add text or a logo on top, and also improve the quality of the video manually, adjust its speed and even replace the audio track.

At the third stage you can take advantage of animated transitions built into the program. Add them, then all the fragments will smoothly replace each other on the screen.

Fourth stage dedicated to working with sound. Here you can select a background melody for the video. It can be a track from a PC or a composition from the built-in collection.

That's all! As you saw from the article, the video editing program “VideoMONTAZH” and a simple camera will help bring even the most daring ideas for making videos on YouTube to life. Then all you have to do is save the resulting video and publish it on your channel.
