What is the Edit Cut command for? The Inkscape Guide: Chapter Thirteen, which deals with cutting, copying, duplicating, pasting, and the like

Teams Edit®Copy/Cut and Edit®Paste very handy for composing text. Highlight the second item bulleted list. Choose a team Edit®/Cut. The fragment will be removed from the document and placed on the Windows clipboard. Put the cursor at the beginning of the line Here are our prices. Choose a team Edit®Paste. Thus, using the clipboard, you have moved a piece of text.

Restore the appearance of the document by selecting the command several times Edit®Undo.

Task 11.

Select the first three lines after the heading and with the command Format ®Case ®ALL CAPS convert text to upper case.

Task 12. Creating and editing tables

To insert an empty table at the cursor position, you can use the command Table®Insert®Table.

Do the following:

1) Execute the command Table®Insert®Table.

2) In the dialog box, set the number columns equal 2 , number lines - 4. Then click OK.

3) Enter the following data in the table cells:

Name Sales volume

Baking 105

Ice cream 232

Candies 211

4) Using the command File ® Preview preview see how the table will look in the printed document.

The table has been added to the location where the text cursor was. The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. By default, the table is assigned a "grid" border - all cells are framed by thin solid lines.

Table cells can contain text paragraphs, graphic images and any other document objects except tables.

Text is entered in the cell where the cursor is located. To place the cursor in a specific table cell, click on it with the mouse or use the cursor keys. If the width of the typed text exceeds the width of the cell, then the height of the cell is automatically increased. A number of keys make it easier to work with tables.

Tab- Move one cell to the right, Shift+Tab- Move one cell to the left, Ctrl+Tab-Insert tab character.

With help Tab keys you can not only move through the cells, but also add empty lines. Add a new row to your table:

1) Place the cursor in the last cell of the last row of your table.

2) Press the Tab key.

3) In the cells of a new line, enter the data:

Lemonade 540

Task 13. Inserting, deleting, and copying table elements

General rule inserting new elements into a table is that before inserting a new cell, row or column, you must first select an existing cell, row or column. Team Table®Insert varies depending on the selection made. Depending on which items are selected, this command may become Insert Rows, Insert Columns, or Insert Cells. To insert multiple cells, rows, or columns into a table, you must first select the same number of corresponding elements. The new elements will be positioned like this:

A new line will be inserted above the selected line.

The new column is inserted to the left of the selected column.

To insert a cell, Word will ask you to clarify its location relative to the selected cell.

1. Adding multiple lines

a. Highlight the last two rows of the table.

b. Choose a team Table®Insert lines. Two empty rows will be inserted in the table before the selected rows.

c. Fill in new lines:

Cookies 256

2 Adding a column

a. Adjust the width of the first column of the table so that there is a blank space of 2-3 characters wide to the right of the longest title.

b. Select the first column of the table.

c. Choose a team Table® Insert columns. (Adjusting the column width was necessary so that the new column would not be too wide.)

d. In the upper cell of the new column, enter the heading No., and in the remaining cells, enter the serial numbers of the lines: 1, 2, 3, etc.

e. Adjust the width of the first column.

3 Deleting cell contents

To delete cell contents:

  1. Select the required cells.
  2. Choose a team Edit®Clear or press the key Delete.
  3. Try clearing the cells of one table row:

Select the line of the table with Baking.

Press the Delete key.

  1. To cancel the executed command, select Edit®Undo

4 Deleting table elements

To delete cells (rows, columns) from the table along with the contents, you need to:

1) Select the desired cells.

2) Choose a team Table®Delete cells (rows, columns). Team Table®Delete changes depending on the selection made and takes the form: Delete Cells, Delete Rows or Delete Columns.

You can also delete cells from a table with the command Edit®Cut. Try removing one table row:

1) Select the row of the table with Baking.

2) Select the Table command ® Delete lines.

3) To cancel the executed command, select Edit ® Cancel

5 Copying table elements

Copying (moving) table elements is performed in the same way as

in the case of ordinary text paragraphs, using the clipboard:

1) Select the table elements to be copied (moved).

2) Remember the selected elements in the clipboard with the Edit command ® Copy

3) Place the cursor in the position where you want to copy (move) the elements.

4) Select the Edit command ® Insert.

Following the procedure described above, move the Juice row after the Candy row in your table.

Task 14. Automatic table layout

Try giving your table one of the library styles:

1) Place the cursor inside the table (in any cell).

2) Choose a team Table®AutoFormat tables.

3) Listed Formats view the available table styles.

4) Select one of the options from the Formats list and click OK.

Cancel the executed command.

Task 15. Text styling commands

Formatting text inside cells is done in the usual way for Word: first you need to select the text, and then select the formatting command using the Formatting panel or from the Format menu.

1 Centering table headers

1) Select the first row of the table

2) On the Formatting toolbar, click the Bold button.

3) On the Formatting toolbar, click the Center button to align the paragraphs in the selected cells.

4) Deselect.

2 Align the entire table

To arrange the table on the sheet, you can use the paragraph alignment commands (left, center, right). Before choosing these commands, you must select the entire table. This can be done with the mouse, or you can place the cursor inside the table and select the Table command ® Select table.

To center your table, do the following:

1) Select the entire table.

2) On the Formatting toolbar, click the Center button.

3) Deselect.

Task 16. Ways to resize a table

Previously, you learned how to resize columns, rows, and cells with the mouse (by dragging the table dividers). Sometimes it is convenient to use Word commands to accurately size a table. For this you need:

1) Select changeable cells.

2) Use command Table®Properties tables. In the dialog box, by selecting the appropriate tab, you can set the column width, row height, and cell width. To quickly set the triple width of the cells, you can select the command Table® Autofit.

With the command Table®Table Properties table, set the width of the three columns of the table to 1.5 cm, 5 cm and 5 cm.

Task 17. Setting the border and cell padding

AT Word window table cells can be framed by borders or grid lines. Grid lines are service lines that show the location of cells in the absence of table borders. Grid lines are not printed, they are only needed to facilitate table editing. To see what the grid lines look like, turn off your table's borders:

2) Choose a team Format®Borders and Shading.

3) In the dialog box, on the Border tab (Fig.5.3), select Border type "none". Click the OK button.

4) If you do not see thin grid lines, then their display is disabled. In this case, turn on the display of grid lines with the command Table®Display grid.

5) With command File®Preview preview, make sure grid lines are not printed.

6) Cancel last action. The table borders should recover. Check it out in preview mode.

Fig.5.4. Border and Fills Dialog Box

In the window Borders and shading you can set arbitrary framing of selected cells or the entire table. Selected first border type(no, frame, all, mesh, other). To change only the selected lines, leaving the rest unchanged, you must select the type of border - different! In the Line type section, you can select solid, dashed, double, etc. line, in the color list select the color of the line, in the width list specify its thickness. The selected line can then be assigned to the specified border of the selected block of cells. To do this, click on the buttons around the Sample field or in the field itself. Each of the buttons enables/disables one of the outer borders or inner cell separators. Using the Borders and Shading window, set your table to have a double line on the outside, a dashed line on the inside vertically, and turn off the horizontal separators. To do this, follow these steps:

1) Place the cursor inside the table.

2) Choose a team Format®Borders and fill.

3) Scroll down the Line Type list and select a double line. This line will be assigned to the outer borders of the table (see the Sample field).

4) Use the button to the left of the Sample field to turn off the horizontal separators of the table.

5) In the Line type list, select the dashed line.

6) By double-clicking the button below the Pattern field, disable/enable the internal vertical separator.

7) Make sure the Sample field looks like the one shown in Figure 8.4.

8) Click the OK button to assign the custom border to the table.

In the Borders and Shading window there is a Fig.8.4. Non-standard Shading tab, on which you can frame the table. select the fill color for selected cells.

Highlight your table header row:

1) Select the first row of the table.

2) Select the Format command ® Borders and shading.

3) In the dialog box, go to the Fill tab.

4) Select a light gray color and press the OK button.

5) Deselect.

Task 17. Sorting table rows

Table rows can be sorted alphabetically in descending or ascending order. Follow these steps:

1) Select the cells of the second column, except for the first.

2) Select the Table command ® Sorting.

3) Make sure "Sort Column 2 Ascending" is checked in the dialog box.

4) Click the OK button.

5) Deselect.

6) Enter new line numbers in the first column of the table.

The described sorting method works not only with tables, but also with ordinary paragraphs.

Task 18. Creating complex tables

Let's create a table of complex structure.

Table -> Insert -> Table -> in the window that opens, specify the number of rows and columns in the future table (in our example: rows - 5, columns - 6) -> OK button -> a table template will appear -> select the necessary cells for them merging (selection is made by dragging the mouse) -> press the right mouse button on the selected cells -> Merge cells. Then change the line type and fill the corresponding cells.

Menu commands Edit intended for document editing. Let's consider them sequentially.

EditCancel deletion

Undoes the last deletion of a piece of text. This is a special case of cancellation.

In the process of working with a document, various operations are performed, so after the word Cancel the name of the last operation that the command is ready to cancel if it is performed is given.

Edit Copy fragment again

Before that, a copy of a fragment of the text took place. The full name of the team is formed in the same way as in the team Cancel

Edit Cut

Deletes the selected text or text fragment from the document to the clipboard, from which the deleted text can be copied to another location in the document or to another document. If the selected text is missing, then the command Cut out cannot be performed.

Edit Copy

Copies the selected text or text fragment to the clipboard, from which the text can be copied to another location in the document or to another document; if the selected text is missing, then the command Copy cannot be performed.

Edit Paste

From the location of the cursor from the clipboard, what was last copied to the clipboard is inserted into the document. It can be text, a picture, a graph, a symbol that was copied to the clipboard, not necessarily from the current document. If the buffer is empty, then the command Insert cannot be performed.

Edit Special insert...

Inserting a picture into the text of a document from the clipboard, word document etc.

The word or group of words that was previously copied to the clipboard is pasted at the cursor location, changing color and becoming underlined. When you move the cursor to these words (word), it takes the form of a palm with an index finger and when you right-click, the cursor moves to the place (this or another file!), From where these words were copied. (compare with command ViewHyperlink)

Edit Clear

Delete selected text without buffering.

Edit Select all

All text in the document is selected.

Edit Find (DO): Find and Replace I" - (ZOn): Find, Replace, Jump

The Find tab will open, but you can go to any other. To search, enter a text fragment in the text field and press the button Find next.

Edit Replace (TO): Find and Replace (ZVkl): Find, Replace.

The Replace tab will open, but you can go to any other. The replacement procedure is clearly spelled out on the tab.

Edit Jump (TO): Find and Replace (ZOn): Find, Replace,

The tab will open jump, but you can open the other two tabs. You can go to the required page, section, line, bookmark, table, picture, formula

Edit Links... (DO): Links

If there is a linked object in the document, this command can change the source (object) of the link, update the link, or break the link with the object. Such a linked object can be another Word object, a picture, or elements spreadsheets Microsoft Excel- an entire sheet, a range of cells, or a chart.

Edit Object

After embedding an object in a document and after selecting this object, the Object command ceases to be "blind" and takes on specific name. So, after being embedded as a document object, the command will take the form:

Edit Document Object (M): Open, Convert

If you embed a Bitmap from the Paint application (a simple "drawer"), then the command becomes:

Edit Bitmap (M): Edit, Convert.

Alexey Dmitriev , May 19, 2011

Before talking about these matters, it should be emphasized that all the operations considered are carried out only with selected objects. The simplest way select an object ≈ click on it with the tool highlighter(F1).

We continue to look at the menu. Edit. The next position is called:

Edit ⇨ Cut

  • CTRL+x, can be invoked by the icon on the command bar.
  • Rice. one

    When this action is selected, the selected object disappears from the canvas and is placed on the clipboard. Inkscape uses the system-wide clipboard, which means you can paste an object into another Inkscape document. And in general, in any program that supports SVG (for example, Gimp).

    Edit ⇨ Copy

  • Responds to hotkeys CTRL+s, as well as the icon on the command bar.
  • The selected object remains in place, and a copy of it is placed on the system clipboard.

    Edit ⇨ Paste

  • Responds to CTRL+v hotkeys or to the command bar icon.
  • The object is copied from the clipboard to the document location specified by the mouse cursor. (Not necessarily the one from where it was copied). The copy remains on the clipboard and can be pasted multiple times until another object takes its place on the clipboard.

    The object pasted from the clipboard will be narrower dedicated.

    Edit ⇨ Paste in Place

  • Responds to hotkeys CTRL+ALT+v.
  • The object is inserted exactly where it was copied from, which is very convenient when pasting into another document. If there is an original at this location, the copy will be inserted exactly on top of it.

    Edit ⇨ Paste Style

  • Responds to hotkeys SHIFT+CTRL+v.
  • Figure 2 depicted a square A and two identical circles ≈ B and C.

    Rice. 2

    Then we copied square A. Then we selected circle C and pressed Edit ⇨ Paste Style. Circle C took on the style of square A.

    Style is considered fill and stroke object, and for text ≈ font, size and style(bold, italics, etc.).

    It is noteworthy that the style is copied only to the selected object. If you press empty, nothing will happen. And if you click on an empty space Insert, a copy of the square will be inserted.

    Edit ⇨ Insert Dimension

    This menu item has a submenu with six options, which you can see in Figure 3.

    Rice. 3

    First three options: Insert Size, Insert Width, and Insert Height transform the selected object according to the size of the copied object.

    Towards solitary selected object the second three options: Insert Size Separately, Insert Width Separately, and Insert Height Separately do the same.

    Difference between Insert and appears when we apply them to several selected objects.

    In Figure 4: The red square has been copied.

    Rice. four

    Then we selected the upper yellow and green rectangles at the same time and applied the transformation to the selection Insert size.

    The lower yellow and green rectangles were also selected together and applied to the selection with a transformation Insert dimension separately. Results in Figure 5.

    Rice. 5

    It can be seen that the top selection completely reduced to the size of the red square (more precisely, the bordering areas of the selection and the red square became equal).

    In the bottom allocation each object was individually reduced to the size of a red square.

    The rest of the transformations from this list work similarly.

    Next menu section Edit consists of a single item:

    Edit ⇨ Find

    This option allows you to search for objects lost on the canvas, provided that you know very specific information about them.

    Here is what the dialog box looks like :

    Rice. 6

    The top four lines refer to the searched object, and the bottom four ≈ to the search location.

    The easiest way is to search for text. It is enough to enter one word from the searched text and indicate Search in current layer, as all the text containing the query will be found and highlighted (Figure 7).

    Rice. 7

    I must say right away that the search does not work with Russian text.

    It is much more difficult to find any drawn object. To do this, you need to know either its identifier (ID), or style (for example, color), or attribute. All this data is easy to find out by selecting the object and opening the menu Object ⇨ Object Properties but you have to find it first! The circle is closed.

    Figure 8 shows 4 shapes and 2 texts:

    Rice. eight

    Of all the shapes, only a rectangle can be found, since its name (rect) is included in its ID.

    Rice. 9

    The surest, albeit the most time-consuming way to find a lost object is to study SVG file document. To do this, you need to save the file, and then open it in text editor, for example gedit. Having delved a little into the structure of the svg file, and using search text editor, you can find the object you are looking for by its type(type). For example, for a star, the text would be:

    Rice. ten

    Type highlighted in yellow: type="star". And then everything is in full view: and style(style) and ID. By entering this data into the search dialog box, we will find the missing star.

    • The question is, how can you lose an object? Pretty easy if you have multiple layers, some of which are invisible or locked. You can also temporarily remove at the same time fill and stroke, and if you remove the selection, the object will not be easy to find. And finally, the object can simply be covered by other opaque objects.

    We will study the structure of svg files later, but for now, the given data is enough for a search.

    Next menu section Edit opens with option Duplicate.

    Edit ⇨ Duplicate

  • Listening to hotkeys CTRL+d, as well as the icon.
  • Duplicate≈ means to copy the selected object in one action and immediately paste it over the original. The selection is preserved, so you can immediately grab a duplicate highlighter and move to a new location. There is no copy of the object on the clipboard.

    Duplicate is much more efficient than copy/paste.

    Edit ⇨ Clone

    This menu also contains a nested submenu of five items:

    Rice. eleven

    Create clone

  • ALT+d
  • Clone≈ is a copy of an object linked to the original in such a way that changing the original also changes its clones.

    The clone itself can be transformed (for example, using the double-sided arrows of the tool highlighter). But the clone style can be changed very limitedly, for example, you can change the opacity of the fill, stroke, or blur them - but you can no longer change the color and character of the stroke or fill.

    Create a pattern from clones

    Selecting this option opens a dialog box. Create a pattern from clones. This is a whole science, the creation of patterns, it will be discussed in a separate chapter.

    Detach clone

  • Must obey hot key SHIFT+ALT+d, but usually disobeyed. But it obeys the button on the command bar.
  • After detaching a clone, it becomes an independent object and can be modified without restrictions.

    This option is easier to see with an example. Figure 12 shows circle A.

    Rice. 12

    First, we made 4 clones of object A and placed them at the bottom of the document: K1 ≈ K4. They were all the same.

    Then draw a rectangle B and copy it to the clipboard.

    After that, clones K2 and K3 were isolated, and the action was applied to them . Since there was rectangle B in the buffer, the selected clones were disconnected from circle A and connected with rectangle B. They, as can be seen in the figure, took the form of object B. If you change rectangle B, then its new clones K2 and K3 will change along with it.

    Select original

  • Responds to SHIFT+d hotkeys.
  • If the original clone is lost, then this option will help you find it. You just need to select the clone, as in Figure 13,

    Rice. 13

    and apply option Select original. The blue dotted line will indicate the clone's original, and the selection will go there.

    Make a bitmap copy

  • Responds to hotkeys ALT+b.
  • Makes a bitmap copy of the selected object. Figure 14 shows the vector original and its raster copy.

    Rice. fourteen

    Even in the screenshot you can see who is who.

    (In general, Inkscape is extremely bad at exporting a vector to a bitmap. Therefore, if you want to get a high-quality bitmap copy of your vector images≈ take a screenshot).

    Starting from version 0.48, a bitmap copy is embedded in the SVG file.

    The option stands out Delete

    Edit ⇨ Delete

  • Responds to keys DEL or backspace.
  • Deletes the selected object.

    Enough for today, we will continue to deal with the Edit menu in the next chapter.

    Consider all the Edit menu items in Notepad (Fig. 1):

    1. Cancel
    2. Cut out
    3. Copy
    4. Insert
    5. Delete
    6. Find…
    7. Find next
    8. Replace…
    9. Go...
    10. Select all
    11. Time and date

    Rice. 1 Edit menu in Notepad

    You need to know these points and be able to use them (even if you are not going to use Notepad) for the reason that they can be applied to almost any information on a computer and on the Internet.

    More precisely, the options "Undo", "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Select" can be applied not only to texts, but also to graphics, video and audio. The principle of operation is the same. Therefore, the motivation for mastering these intricacies lies in the fact that by catching the meaning and applying these options to the text in Notepad in practice, it will be easier and more understandable for you to “Undo”, “Cut”, “Copy”, “Paste”, “Delete”, "Select" also

    • for graphics (pictures, photos, drawings) in graphics editor,
    • for video (in the editor for video files, for example, cut a part of the video, insert a splash screen) and
    • for audio (in the audio file editor).

    How to undo the last action?

    If, for example, you deleted something in Notepad, and then immediately changed your mind, while you didn’t press anything else, didn’t click the mouse, then you can undo the last action in Notepad.

    Undo can be deleted, pasted, edited, whatever you want, any last action.

    To do this, on the Edit menu, click on the Undo command. Or you can press two keys Ctrl + Z (first press Ctrl, and then, without releasing it, simultaneously press Z, it doesn’t matter if you have Russian or English case turned on).

    Notepad has a feature - only ONE last action is canceled. Pressing Edit - Undo again will cause Notepad to redo the previously undone action.

    In other text editors, you can undo many previous erroneous actions, for example, in a text editor, in a simple graphic editor Paint, etc.

    How to select all text at once

    The computer has no eyes and hands, so you should first select what you can then either "Cut", or "Copy", or "Delete".

    To do this, in the Edit menu there is an option "Select all" (number 10 in Fig. 1), click on it and all text will be selected at once. To select all text using the keyboard, you must press the Ctrl + A keys, that is, while holding down Ctrl key, simultaneously press the key with the English letter "A" in any layout - Russian or English or another.

    How to highlight a piece of text in a textbox Word editor or in Notepad, I wrote in the article "".

    How to cut text

    The concept of "Cut text" differs from "Delete text" in that when cutting the text is not only deleted, but the computer automatically puts it in the clipboard, that is, in its own RAM for temporary storage. This is necessary in order to delete the text from one place, and then paste it somewhere else, in Notepad or in another editor.

    Thus, the "Cut" command for the computer means two operations at the same time: "Copy to clipboard" + "Delete". The text copied to the clipboard will be stored until Notepad or another program (for example, Word) where the text was cut is closed.

    You can use the "Cut" command just to remove text if you like.

    To cut text, you first need to select it or, as they say, “blue”. Then, in the Edit menu, click on the "Cut" command (number 2 in Fig. 1).

    To cut text with the keys, first select it, then press the Ctrl + X keys.

    How to copy text

    First, select the text, then in the Edit menu, click on "Copy" (number 3 in Fig. 1).

    The second option is how to copy text: select the text, right-click on the selected text. In the context menu that appears, click on "Copy".

    The third option is how to copy text: select the text, then press the hot keys Ctrl + V.

    Of the three options for copying text, you must choose one that is most suitable for you and remember it, so that if necessary, use it without any effort, “on the machine”.

    The selected fragment (text, picture) is copied to the clipboard and stored there until the next piece of information is copied to the clipboard (it will automatically erase the old information). When you close Notepad or another editor, the clipboard is also cleared. Therefore, if you are copying something, it is better to immediately use the "Paste" option.

    How to insert text

    The text is selected, then we apply one of two options to the selected text: "Cut" or "Copy". Then the text goes to the clipboard. Now you can insert text. To do this, put the cursor at the insertion point of the text and use one of three options:

    1 in the "Edit" menu, click on "Insert" (number 4 in Fig. 1).

    2 after the cursor has been placed at the insertion point of the text, right-click on this cursor. will appear context menu, in which we click on the option "Insert".

    3 if the cursor is at the insertion point of the text, then press the Ctrl + V keys.

    Operations "Copy" and "Paste" are twin brothers who follow each other, like a thread behind a needle. These operations must be well mastered. For example, I'm used to using the hotkeys Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. I recommend that you find your own option from the three methods proposed above.

    How to remove text

    First select the text, then delete it in one of three ways:

    1. In the "Edit" menu, click on the "Delete" option (number 5 in Fig. 1).

    2. Right-click on the selected fragment. A context menu will appear, in which we click on the "Delete" option.

    3. If the fragment is selected, press the Delete (Del) key.

    The "Delete" option means to delete it completely, nothing is saved to the clipboard. If you changed your mind about deleting and didn’t click anything else, then in Notepad (and other editors) you can use the “Cancel” option (number 1 in Fig. 1). Then the erroneously deleted text will return to its place.

    How to find words and signs in the text

    I suggest using the following algorithm for searching for a specific word or character:

    1) We put the cursor at the beginning of the text, then the search will start from the beginning of the text. If the cursor is placed in another place, then the search will start from another place.

    2) In the "Edit" menu (number 1 in Fig. 2), click on the "Find" option. The Find window will appear:

    Rice. 2 In the “Edit” menu, the option “Find text”

    3) In the "What:" field, enter the search word or some symbol, sign. On fig. 2 introduced the word "menu".

    4) Set the search direction: up or down from the cursor position. We set the cursor at the 1st step at the very beginning of the text, so we put a tick in front of the “Down” position (number 3 in Fig. 2).

    5) All parameters for the search are set, click on the button "Find next" (number 4 in Fig. 2). It can be seen that the first match was found - the word "menu" in the text is painted in blue and circled in a red frame. By repeatedly clicking on the "Find Next" button, you can find the remaining occurrences of the word "menu" in the text. When nothing else can be found, a message will appear: Cannot find 'menu'. In this case, if you change the search direction and check the box next to "Up", then the same occurrences of the word "menu" in the text will be found from bottom to top.

    You need to be careful when the message “Cannot find ...” appears, because sometimes this means that the checkmark opposite “Up” or “Down” does not correspond to the current position of the cursor and you need to change it.

    How to replace words in text

    If the text is large, some word is often used and at the same time it needs to be replaced with another or with the same word, but without a spelling mistake, then it is very convenient to use the "Replace" command.

    1) In the "Edit" menu (number 1 in Fig. 3), click on the "Replace" option (number 8 in Fig. 1):

    Rice. 3 “Replace” text option in the “Edit” menu

    2) The Replace window will appear. In the "What:" field, enter the word "menu", which must be replaced with the word "line" (number 3 in Fig. 3).

    3) Click on the "Replace" button and the word "menu" is replaced by the word "line". If you click on the "Replace All" button, then automatically all occurrences of the word "menu" throughout the text will be replaced by "string".

    How to jump to a specific line in Notepad

    On fig. 1 in the "Edit" menu, the "Go" option is gray, that is, it is not active. The reason is that I use word wrapping in Notepad.

    Word wrap can be disabled. To do this, in the top menu "Format" (in Fig. 3 next to "Edit"), you must uncheck the option "Word wrap" so that it is as shown in Fig. four:

    Rice. 4 In the “Format” menu, the option “Word Wrap”

    Once word wrap is disabled, the Go To option in the Edit menu will be active.

    With it, you can jump to a specific line in a Notepad document. Lines are counted from the left edge from the beginning of the document.

    Click on the “Go to” option in the “Edit” menu, enter the number of the line to which you want to go and click on the “Go to” button, as in Fig. 5:

    Rice. 5 In the "Edit" menu, the option "Go" to a specific line in Notepad

    After that, Notepad will jump to the specified line in the document.

    Time and date in Notepad. Reference

    The “Time and Date” option (number 11 in Fig. 1) in the “Edit” menu is used to insert the date of its last editing into the document.

    In the Notepad menu, in addition to “Edit”, there is also “Help”, I recommend using it if necessary, everything is not very detailed there, but still there is information.

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