What to do when your phone gets wet. Restoring a sunken phone

If the phone falls into water, it usually doesn't even turn on. But it also happens that the sensor simply does not work, but iOS system or Android boots normally.

After pressing the power button, a logo appears on the display, the operating system loads, but the gadget cannot be used. In this case, you can try to restore the phone after water, but first it is recommended to familiarize yourself with universal instructions.

To resuscitate a drowned person, you should resort to simple methods to restore the functionality of the sensor:

  • Place the device in a dry place and wait for the moisture to dry.
  • Place the wet phone in a bowl of rice: this will evaporate the moisture much faster, as the rice absorbs the smallest particles of water.
  • If you don’t want to experiment, take the device in for repair.

In any case, you will have to disassemble the device: water gets into the most hidden places, and does not evaporate from there on its own, and over time, oxide forms in this place. It is more difficult to remove, and for this you will have to buy a special product.

Touchscreen phones are more difficult to repair than push-button phones, and their parts are more susceptible to mechanical damage, which must be taken into account during the repair process.

Drying instructions

  1. Remove the battery and place it aside. If it has already oxidized, you will have to buy a new one, because the old one cannot be restored.
  2. Get it SIM card and memory card, disconnect the accessories.
  3. Remove all panels and gently shake the gadget, trying to shake out any accumulated water.
  4. Take a paper napkin and wipe the device as gently as possible.
  5. Leave the phone in the napkins for a while, preferably two days, so that the moisture completely evaporates.
  6. After two days, you can try to turn on the device. If this fails, you should take it to service.

There is an opinion that you can dry a wet smartphone using a hairdryer or microwave, but such methods usually lead to dire consequences and it stops working completely. Especially if you put microelectronics in the microwave, you will never see your smartphone again.

Elimination of oxidation

After warm water gets on the boards and cables, there is a high probability that the contacts will begin to quickly oxidize. This will lead to the appearance of “artifacts” on the device’s monitor; they may look different:

  1. White or yellow spots
  2. Vertical or horizontal stripes
  3. Individual glowing pixels
  4. Partial loss of sensor sensitivity (for example, in the corners it reacts to a finger, but not in the center)

If some parts of the phone have already oxidized, you can clean them like this:

  1. Take a toothbrush and soak it in alcohol.
  2. Carefully clean them of plaque.

This option can harm the parts, so it’s better not to save money, but to buy a special aerosol cleaner for cleaning oxidation and removing water from electronic boards.

Sensor repair

If after drying the device the sensor still does not work, it is better to take the gadget to a professional service.

If you wish, you can try to change the part yourself, following the instructions:

  1. We clear the workspace, place a small box on the table, where various bolts will subsequently be placed.
  2. Remove the front and back panel, unscrew the bolts in the battery compartment.
  3. We unscrew the two screws located at the top of the device, turn off the screen connector, disconnecting the cable from the microcircuits.
  4. Separate the board from the screen. Using an eraser, clean the contacts of the cable until shiny.
  5. We check the connection between the sensor and the cable by placing an eraser between them. If there is contact, then the problem is not with him.
  6. Filming old module, install a new one.
  7. We carry out all the steps in reverse order, excluding step 5.

Replacing a sensor is a complex procedure that requires not only skills, but also time, since everything can take several hours. If the problem is not solved, it is better not to aggravate it and take the device to a specialist.

Under no circumstances should the device be placed in an oven or microwave: this may cause equipment failure or even a fire in the house. It is not recommended to place the device directly on the battery, so as not to cause the inoperability of all parts.

It is advisable to use gentler methods: for example, put it in rice (it quickly absorbs moisture) or next to the battery so that the water dries on its own.

How to dry a sunken smartphone in rice:

  1. We take the device out of the water and remove the cover as quickly as possible.
  2. Pour 1-2 cups of rice into a bowl and remove the battery from the gadget.
  3. Add another portion of rice.
  4. We leave the phone to dry for two days.
  5. We assemble the device and try to turn it on.

After a good drying, after a couple of days, but not earlier, you should try to connect Charger and observe the behavior of the “drowned man”. In 10% of cases, iOS or Android starts loading as if nothing had happened and the touchscreen restores functionality.


Don’t despair if your phone falls into water and as a result the sensor stops working: there are several proven methods that will definitely help restore the device’s functionality. To do this, just be patient and try to revive the smartphone yourself, choosing the most suitable method for drying the parts.

In the future, be more careful and do not drop the device in liquid; in 90% of cases, irreversible death of the device occurs.



It turns out that a phone that gets wet due to some unpleasant circumstances can be brought back to life. The main thing is to act competently and quickly. If you have the courage to remove it from a full bathtub, or wherever you dropped it, and then carry out simple manipulations with it, then you have a full 75 percent that it will continue to serve you faithfully.

Act quickly

The minute you discover that your phone has become a submarine, act immediately, writes ruformator.ru. Remove removable elements, if any. For example, memory card, SIM card, battery and back cover. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remove the touch screen - we will tell you how to do this a little later.

Using toilet paper or a thin cloth, wipe the gadget wherever possible; both outside and inside the phone - in general, wherever you can get it with a cloth or cotton swabs. If you don't do this quickly enough, the water may begin to evaporate and damage the internal components.

Theoretically, the phone can already work if it has not been in the water for long. If this is not the case, read on.

Quick drying

Dry your phone with a hairdryer, paying special attention to the battery compartment - it usually has tiny holes that allow water and air to pass through freely, but a Q-tip does not.

Warning: Don't keep the hairdryer too close to the phone! Maintain enough distance so that you can put your hand on the phone without getting burned. If you bring it closer, you will damage the circuits in the phone. Don't believe me? Bring a piece of paper close enough to the hairdryer and you will see a blurry brown spot. Do you want the same thing to happen with your phone?

If after 20-30 minutes the phone does not work, we will use plan C.

Long drying

This is the most difficult method for the most advanced cases - when the phone has been bathed in full program(for example, falling into the toilet). Place it in the laundry pile or other very dry place in your home. It will also work next to the dryer or boiler. The idea is to keep the phone in a warm and dry place, but not too hot. Putting it on the battery, as is sometimes advised on forums on the Internet, is not worth it under any circumstances - it will not be difficult to damage the phone, which will become very hot from this. Moreover, the water inside will evaporate faster than necessary.

By keeping your phone in a dry and warm place, you allow the water to evaporate slowly and escape through the holes. Be sure to remove the battery and all other removable items.

Let's give some tips on this method:

Turn the phone over with the back side facing up. This will allow the water to evaporate easier and faster.

A room temperature of 20 degrees will be ideal.

Remove everything you can from your phone.

The chances of bringing your phone back to life using these tricks are 75%.

Let's say a few words about phones with touch screen. The risk is that moisture can damage the screen elements. However, many models have tiny screws on the back that will allow you to unclip the screen from the case and dry it. Don't forget - you do this at your own peril and risk!

Recently, manufacturers of modern mobile phones have been trying to introduce moisture protection into their products, which makes them waterproof. This is especially true for leading brands whose smartphones are used by customers all over the world. However, today most phones still cannot boast of such protection and can be seriously damaged if water gets inside.

In this regard, many are interested in what to do if their phone gets wet. In general, it all depends on the circumstances under which it happened. For example, if you get caught in a downpour and your smartphone gets a little wet, then this is the most common situation and the easiest to solve. However, there are much more unpleasant cases when the device is completely submerged under water. If you get your phone wet and it doesn’t work, you’ll have to resort to more effective methods that may well help dry it out and restore it.

What to do if your touch phone gets wet

As you know, the most popular today are touch phones. The situation when the phone gets wet and does not turn on is most relevant for such smartphones. Therefore, it is worth considering the recommendations for them first. If such a situation arises, you must turn off the phone as quickly as possible and remove the speaker from it. This is necessary to prevent a short circuit within the system, which can lead to complete breakdown of the device.

If you neglect this step and try to take some actions while the phone is on, this will definitely lead to a short circuit. In this case, restoring the phone will either be impossible or too expensive and difficult. If you can’t quickly turn off the system, simply remove the battery immediately.

After this, you can proceed to further actions. It is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Disassemble all removable parts of the device, if available. All parts must be dried separately from each other. Take out the SIM card, flash cards, battery, case, back panel, protective glass and any other parts that can be removed without use additional tools. If you understand phones and can put it back together, you can increase the effect by full analysis using a screwdriver.
  2. Now you need to give the device time to dry thoroughly. To do this, select a flat surface and spread a towel on it. Then place the gadget with the screen facing up. Due to gravity, small drops of water will begin to tend downwards.
  3. After an hour or two, it is recommended to absorb the moisture with a paper towel or napkins. However, this must be done with the utmost care, trying not to aggravate the situation. Try to point the smartphone in such a way that the moisture accumulated at the bottom begins to flow out through the holes.

It is highly not recommended to turn on the phone immediately after the third point. To ensure the accuracy of the effect, it is recommended to leave it for a few more hours to dry completely. If the smartphone does not turn on in the future, then a short circuit must have occurred while it was turned on. Or certain radio elements of the device were oxidized under the influence of liquid.

In this case, you will have to contact service center, where they can accurately diagnose the problem and identify the possibility of correcting it.

Drying your phone at home

When you accidentally wet your phone's speaker and turn off the device completely, you don't have to humbly wait until all the moisture evaporates on its own. You can independently resort to various methods to remove moisture from your smartphone. Today, there are 3 main absorption methods that are used to restore mobile phones after exposure to moisture.

Each of them involves the use of any container that can accommodate the absorbent itself and the phone.

  1. Rice is the most common method of drawing out moisture. It is used not only for mobile phones, but also for other equipment and objects. To use this method, you must turn off the phone and remove the battery from it. It is necessary to completely immerse the device under the cereal and leave it there for 2-3 days. At the same time, once every 12-14 hours it is recommended to check the condition of the phone and turn it over.
  2. Silicone balls for shoes. Less effective than rice, but they can also be used for the task at hand. If you have a lot of extra balls, then this is a great option for drying your phone. Immerse it in them for 2-3 days.
  3. And finally, silicone cat litter. This method is considered the most effective, since cat litter is produced specifically for such purposes. Just like with rice, you need to turn your phone over from time to time. The complete drying process will take no more than 48 hours from the moment of immersion.

As an additional tip, it is worth highlighting that the process will be much more effective if you take out the phone every 3-4 hours and wipe it with a dry paper towel.

Using11 a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer to dry your phone

Now let's take a look popular way, which many people try to use immediately after getting their phone wet. We are talking about a hair dryer and other means that involve the formation of a strong air flow. Not everyone knows, but this method is not only ineffective, it is categorically not recommended to use it, since it will only aggravate the situation.

This is due to the fact that when the phone is exposed to a strong air flow, small drops of water are not drawn out, but, on the contrary, are driven deeper into the smartphone’s mechanisms. This significantly complicates the procedure for drying the phone and can lead to its permanent breakdown. On the other hand, you can use a vacuum cleaner. Because it does not “blow out”, but “draws in” a strong stream of air.

What to do if your phone gets wet

Hi all. Have you ever found your phone in water, in the sink or in the toilet? Of course, you can go and buy a new one, but what if it’s night or, say, you don’t have the required amount on hand?

But what if your drowned phone is filled with numbers you desperately need, and then even a bunch of purchased smartphones won’t save the situation? Is it possible to save a cell phone if it gets wet? The problem has been identified. We begin to revive the phone.

1. The first thing you should do when you take it out of the water, without disassembling it, is to wipe it dry. You can’t shake the phone, otherwise the water inside will flow into places where it hasn’t been before. Do not dry your phone with a hairdryer, place it on a radiator or in the microwave. These actions destroy all elements and the liquid crystal screen.

2. We save your SIM card and battery. We take out the battery and SIM card, and wipe both elements, or rather blot them, with a paper napkin.

3. Now we take alcohol and wipe the parts with alcohol, since the alcohol instantly evaporates and thus dries out the moisture better.

4. And now what few people know. Modern refrigerators operate without frost: frost does not appear in them, since they have special devices that draw out moisture. In this refrigerator you should put all the parts of the phone. Please note: do not put the phone in the freezer, but simply in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

5. Then take it out and after 10 minutes repeat all steps from steps 1 to 4.

We carry out the operation to save the phone only 3 times. The interval between these 3 repetitions is 10 minutes.

As a result, although your phone will freeze, it will be “cured.” All.

Good luck to you and don’t get sick (to your phone number too). Bye-bye.

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If mobile phone got into the water, don't despair. Even if you dropped your phone in a sink, toilet or bathtub, it can be recovered. The most important thing is to act quickly! Remove the device from the water as soon as possible. Then turn it off, remove the battery, and disconnect all accessories. Try to remove as much water as possible using towels and a vacuum cleaner. Then place the device in a bowl of rice or other absorbent material for 48 to 72 hours. If you act quickly, the phone will continue to work.


Act quickly to minimize water damage

    Remove your phone from the water as soon as possible if it is not plugged into an electrical outlet. How longer phone is in the water, the more damage will be caused to it. If the phone has been in water long enough, it will not be restored.

    Unplug the power cord if your phone is plugged in and is in water. If your phone is plugged into an electrical outlet, first unplug the power cord and then remove the device from the water. If you don't do this, you will receive an electric shock.

    • It will be better if you turn off the power in the electrical panel.
  1. Turn off your phone immediately, even if it is running. IN otherwise this will cause a short circuit. If the phone has been in water, assume that there is water inside it, even if the device is working.

    • Don't turn on your phone to see if it works.
  2. Remove the battery cover and take out the battery, then place them on paper towels. After removing your phone from the water, quickly grab some paper towels or a soft, dry cloth. Place your phone on them, then remove the cover and remove the battery. In most cases, you will need a Phillips screwdriver for this. If you have an iPhone, find a special Pentalobe screwdriver.

    Remove the SIM card if your phone has one. Now wipe it with a dry paper towel or cloth. Place the card on a dry cloth or paper towel to dry. If your phone does not have a SIM card, skip this step.

    • The SIM card can store valuable data, such as contacts. Therefore, in some cases it is better to take care of the SIM card than the phone.
  3. Disconnect any accessories connected to your phone. Remove the protective case, remove the SD card, and disconnect headphones or other devices connected to the phone. Make sure there is air access to all of the phone's ports and slots so they can dry out.

    How to dry your phone

    1. Place your phone in a bowl of rice for 48-72 hours. Place 1 kg instant rice in a large bowl. Now immerse the phone and the removed battery in the rice. The rice will absorb the moisture that is inside the device.

    2. Use silica gel packets instead of rice (if you have them). Place the silica gel packet(s), phone, and removed battery into the container. Now, leave your phone alone for 48 to 72 hours to allow the gel to absorb any moisture remaining in the phone.

      • Silica gel packets are small packets that can be found in new shoe boxes, new wallets, and other products.
      • Speed ​​is the most important factor when restoring a wet phone, so use rice or another moisture absorbent if you don't have silica gel packs.
      • No need to open the bags. Just put them in the container along with your phone.
    3. Submerge your phone in a pound of silica gel cat litter. Use this if you don't have rice or silica gel packets. Place cat litter in a 2-quart bowl. Now place the phone and the removed battery on the filler. Then fill the phone and battery with the remaining filler.

      • Silica gel cat litter is available in grocery stores and pet stores.
      • If the litter is not made from silica gel, do not use it.
      • You can also use moisture absorbers such as couscous or oatmeal.
    4. Remove water from your phone using a vacuum cleaner. Place the special attachment on the vacuum cleaner hose. Now turn on the vacuum cleaner at maximum power and bring the nozzle to each hole of the phone.

      • Use a wet vacuum cleaner. A regular vacuum cleaner can be damaged if water gets into it.
      • This is the most quick method, which will help dry and restore your phone in 30 minutes. But do not turn on the phone after half an hour if it has been in the water for quite a long time.
    5. Use an air compressor to remove water from your phone. Switch air compressor to low pressure mode, and then blow through the surface and openings of the phone.

      • You can also use a can of compressed air.
      • If the compressor operates at high pressure, it may cause damage internal components phone.
      • Do not use a hair dryer to dry your phone. Warm air may damage device components.