What does wap mean in the phone. What is and why do you need WAP access in Megafon? SMS - email

Something about WAP

Today, in Russia, you will not surprise anyone with a cell phone. Both businessmen and students have tubes. However, if the latter use the capabilities of the handset by 50-60 percent, and maybe even less, then business people, as they say, take everything from the phone. Or almost everything.

Today, the capabilities of cell phones are simply enormous, and every day they are only increasing. And if you consider that cell phone companies are throwing more than one new product into the market a month, then it is almost impossible to keep track of all the innovations. Yes, this is not necessary. It is enough to learn about truly global and promising innovations in time.

What am I leading to? Today, most of us (and the vast majority) have already understood that life without the Internet is not life at all. Well, existence...

Recreation, work - everything is connected with the Internet. The only pity is that during numerous and not very numerous trips and business trips you can not use it. Although ... You can carry a laptop with you ...

And it can be easier. You can just buy cellular telephone, which supports the WAP function. And you won't have any problems from now on. It seems to be...

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

How much noise was, and is, around this technology. Just like once around the system satellite communications Iridium. But we only know what happened to this project ...

I don't want to say that WAP will meet the same fate. However, if earlier information about this system was spoken loudly, beautifully, and only good things, then today one can more and more often hear loud, but not so beautiful words that WAP generally has more disadvantages than advantages. But first things first. Maybe someone does not understand at all what we are talking about here ...

So what is WAP? This is the name of the protocol that allows you to access the Internet through only mobile phone, without the participation of a modem, computer and similar devices. Thus, WAP unites two of the fastest growing and developing industries - cellular communications and the Internet. That is why there is so much noise around WAP. In addition, attempts have already been made to create a similar system, but they all ended in failure. WAP has every chance to improve the situation.

It seemed like a win-win. However, there is a nuance. Through WAP, you can visit not just Internet sites, but only WAP pages. In principle, they are no different from ordinary ones, the only problem is that there are very few such WAP pages. In the world in general, and in Russia even more so.

Using the opening of ordinary HTTP pages via a cell phone is inconvenient because such pages have large headers (remember the size of your cell phone display), lack of a compression protocol, too much service information, and much more. WAP pages use a binary standard that allows you to compress data packets, they are less saturated graphic information etc.

And by the way. Speaking of WAP, one cannot fail to mention such a protocol as GPRS. We will have a separate conversation about him, but it’s simply impossible not to mention this now ...

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) protocol is a protocol used for data transmission in GSM networks. This allows GSM networks to be compatible with... that's right, the Internet. The GPRS protocol uses packet technology to efficiently transmit bursty traffic. This protocol supports transfer rates from 9.6 Kb/s to over 150 Kb/s per user.

In our country, WAP-telephony services are provided by Mobile Telesystems and Beeline in Moscow, and St. Petersburg North-West GSM.

True, today many Internet sites create special WAP versions of their pages for their customers. In particular, Yahoo did this not so long ago, giving users the opportunity to receive miscellaneous information, well adapted to the small screens of cell phones, there is also access to e-mail.

Of the Russian WAP - sites, the sites of the operators themselves can be noted. For example, the site of the MTS company allows you to send e-mail from it, find out the weather forecast, and even get acquainted with ordinary Web pages. Moreover, it is very simple to do this - you enter the site address without using a browser, but in a special form. On the website… Soon it will be possible not only to send mail, but also to receive it.

NWGSM, Infoart, and some others have their own WAP site. And of course, this is not enough. In addition to information about the weather, traffic jams and free plane tickets, sometimes other, more informative and voluminous information is urgently needed. But before the advent of such sites, and in in large numbers, still far. However, most likely they will still appear ... Although many argue that WAP has no future. Such pessimists substantiate their opinion by the fact that, firstly, this project is not yet finished, imperfect, and is unlikely to ever work at full capacity, and secondly, the use of WAP is very expensive. And in this they are partly right. Indeed, access to the Internet through a WAP-browser costs from 5 to 30 cents per minute. And it's too expensive even for those who can afford expensive handsets that support WAP. Speaking of birds.

Cellular phones that support WAP, until recently, there were one or two and counted. However, mobile phone companies seem to have conspired to eliminate at least this WAP technology problem completely. Today, almost every novelty in the field of cell phones is equipped with a WAP-browser, that is, it is capable of working with the WAP-protocol. Many of these novelties have already reached Russia, although we have had such phones before. Among the phones that have reached or almost reached our country are Nokia 7110, Nokia 6210, Motorola TP P7389, Ericsson R320, Ericsson R380, Bosch 1886 and some others…

However, you should remember (or know) that there are two types of WAP protocol - versions 1.0 and 1.1. Version 1.0. It has long been outdated and is practically not used anywhere, including in our country. Therefore, when buying a cell phone that "can" work with WAP, you must definitely find out which version of this protocol is supported by a particular phone. For example, many owners of the Siemens S25 phone once discovered that their phone, although it was proudly called "supporting the WAP protocol", did not support exactly what was needed. Namely, standard 1.0. Sad for the owners. A lesson for potential buyers...

To enjoy all the delights of WAP, you will have to work on your cell phone for hours - you need to configure more than 20 settings ... And this is also one of the disadvantages of WAP. Although, in fact, with a certain skill, all settings, and these are 8-10 parameters, are performed in 10-20 minutes even by a non-specialist.

Since we again remembered the shortcomings, let's name one more. Indeed, it is rather web problem- masters, since the content of sites has to be rewritten in the WML (Wireless Markup Language) format, which allows you to display pages on all the same small displays. Moreover, for 4-line displays, one option is needed, and for 8-line displays, another ...

In general, criticism is full. The most unpleasant thing is that it is also distributed among the ranks of the creators of this technology themselves. The so-called WAP Forum, which manages the project and monitors its development, unexpectedly received critics in its own ranks. In particular, David Rensin, CTO of Aether Systems, which develops an Internet access infrastructure for portable devices, said at the Mobile Insights conference about the "death of WAP". This announcement was so unexpected that many almost panicked. Of course, one should not take such statements as prophetic, but it is undoubtedly worth thinking about the urgency of buying a cell phone equipped with a WAP browser ...

However, there is also a rather neutral assumption. WAP is said to be a transitional standard. That he will go into oblivion, and on his "remains" there will be the final version of the project for connecting the Internet and cell phones. But these are only assumptions.

To brighten up the picture, we mention that. that WAP is compatible with large quantity transport protocols and with such promising technology as Bluetooth. In addition, technologies that complement WAP are already being developed today. For example, Aether's ScoutWeb technology complements WAP to tailor websites for PDAs (personal digital assistants) and cell phones...

In general, analysts (those who are optimists) predict that by 2002 all cordless phones become WAP-compatible. And that in general the number of WAP-Internet users will be 20-30 percent of all users mobile communications... And yet you should not "bury" personal computers. No one will use a cell phone to access the Internet all the time, no matter how cheap this service becomes. Why? At least because of the same small screen...

Most likely, there will not be a large-scale breakthrough, like this right away. Or rather, it wasn't. Too few WAP sites, too few phones (compared to regular cell phones), too expensive, too... too many "too"...

In general, with the final conclusions about WAP - communication will have to wait at least another year. In the meantime, WAP technology has been and remains rather a very expensive entertainment than a tool for work. The exception is those specialists who need only textual, only brief and only urgent information. These can be exchange rates or, for example, quotes of securities. But the number of such needy people is so small that it is still quite early to talk about the massive use of WAP, I repeat, ...

It is still used in many banking systems and is very resistant to hacking and data leakage. Unfortunately, in Russia it is very expensive, but this does not negate its degree of demand for a certain circle of people.

GPRS technology is a "packet" technology, it collects all information into conventional units (packets) and transmits them at a speed of 56 before 114 kbps. This provides access to the Internet, downloading melodies, pictures, games, sending short multimedia messages (MMS), communication by ICQ or mail.

EDGE transfers data about three times faster than GPRS - in theory, EDGE is capable of supporting file transfer rates up to 474 kbps, while the peak value of GPRS is 171,2 kbps. The numbers speak for themselves, although in practice the speed indicators are much more modest.

(from the English generation third - third generation) - third-generation mobile GSM communication technology, which combines both voice communication capabilities and high-speed mobile access to the Internet. Third generation radio communication is different from previous versions increased speed, transferring data at speeds up to 3,6 Mbps This makes it possible to use all the advantages of high-speed Internet on a mobile device: watch movies and TV programs on-line, organize mobile videotelephone communications, download large amounts of data, etc.

Step 1. We connect the GPRS/EDGE/3G service

All operators have GPRS / EDGE / Internet service initially connected. But in some cases, the service needs to be connected independently. The speed of Internet access depends on the device that the user uses at a certain moment and on the coverage area in which he is. The coverage is much inferior to GPRS / EDGE, but at the same time it gives a huge gain in network connection speed.

Articles and Lifehacks

Many people do not know what wap is in a phone and what it is for. Meanwhile, this is a very necessary and user-friendly feature.

wap and wap browser

  • In any modern mobile phone there is an Internet access function - WAP. It is intended to ensure that Internet users do not have to resort to using additional equipment (modem, PC) to gain access to the global network.
  • The screen of the most ordinary mobile phone does not have such functionality, which is Personal Computer or tablet. You cannot watch high quality videos directly from the Internet or movies on it.
  • The display of an average phone cannot fit an entire web page. Therefore, the VAP protocol was created. It helps to transfer information from the Internet to mobile.
  • To use the wap function, you must have mobile device with the "wap" browser.
  • This is a specially created program that is stored in the phone's memory and allows you to browse the web. For example, as a program for viewing pages "Internet Explorer".
  • On the this moment There are several versions of the browser program. Naturally, by purchasing new phone, it is necessary to find out from the sales assistant which version of the “vap” software is installed on the purchased device.

Main functions of wap

  • Use of e-mail.
  • Shopping in online stores.
  • Booking plane or train tickets online.
  • Control bank account via phone.
  • World news announcement.
  • Daily weather forecast.
  • Rates of world currencies and stock quotes.
In order to use the "vap" function in your phone, you need to connect the services of providing mobile internet from your operator.

Not all operators in Russia and abroad can provide this service. Payment will be made according to the tariffs of the operator.

Instructions for working withservice "SMS-payment"

1 How to quickly start working with the “SMS payment” service…………………………………………………………………………………. ................................. 2

1.1 Introduction to the Mobile Application .............................................................. ............................... 2

1.2.1 Connecting and setting up a WAP connection for your phone....................................................... ................. 2

1.4 Updating the Application.................................................... ................................................. ................................ four

1.5 Launching the Application............................................... ................................................. ....................................... 5

1.5.1 Entering the program for the first time ............................................... ................................................. ............................ 5

1.5.2 Subsequent logins .............................................................. ................................................. ............... 6

1.5.3 Operations with a pin code .............................................. ................................................. ................................... 7 Changing the PIN code .............................................. ................................................. ......................................... 7 Assigning a new pin-code.................................................... ................................................. .................... eight

1.6 Configuring Application Settings.................................................... ................................................. .............. 9

1.6.1 Phone number of the Bank............................................... ................................................. ................................. 9 Adding the Bank's phone number.................................................... ................................................. ........ 9 Changing the phone number of the Bank............................................... ................................................. ......... ten

1.6.2 Parameters of serviced cards.................................................... ................................................. ................ 12 Addendum new card....................................................................................................................... 12 Changing map settings............................................................... ................................................. ................. 13 Deleting a card............................................... ................................................. ....................................... fourteen

1.6.3 Setting up help.................................................... ................................................. ...................................... fifteen

2 How to use the Application ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ................................................. ....... 16

2.1 Processing payments............................................................... ................................................. .................................... 16

2.2 Managing the Favorites List .............................................................. ................................................. .................. 19

2.2.1 Addendum new service to the Favorites list .............................................. ....................................... 19

2.2.2 Deleting a service from the “Favorites” list .............................................. ................................................. ....... twenty

  1. 1 How to quickly get started withservice "SMS-payment"

  2. 1.1 Basic information aboutmobile phone application

To work with the "SMS-payment" service, a special Application for mobile phones (hereinafter referred to as the Application) is used - a program written in Java for a mobile phone or other similar device. To develop the Application, a special J2ME technology is used.

The application is a development of Gazprombank (OJSC). The license agreement for the use of the Application is posted on the website of Gazprombank (OJSC) - www . gazprombank . en

The application is a set of two files that have the extension jar and jad. The jar file contains the executable code and data for the application to work. The jad file contains a description of the Application and information required for downloading. The Jad file is usually small, under 1 KB. Some phones, such as the Siemens 65 series, do not require a jad file, but it is advisable to download it, as the Application may not work properly if it was installed without a jad file.

Standard methods downloading the Application to the phone is the use of a data cable (serial or USB), infrared (IrDA) and wireless network(Bluetooth, WAP, GPRS, EDGE). Bluetooth, infrared and cable allow you to download the Application to your phone from a nearby device, most often from a computer. WAP, GPRS and EDGE enable the Application to be downloaded over the Internet.

The WAP protocol is used for wireless access to Internet resources directly from a mobile phone. Currently the WAP connection works via GPRS or EDGE. However, on some relatively older phones that do not have GPRS, the only way WAP is a traditional analog CSD modem that uses GSM voice channels for data transmission.

For your phone, the method of downloading the Application depends on the phone model and on the service provider. To choose a download method, carefully read the documentation that comes with your phone, as well as the descriptions of the services provided by your operator. cellular communication. You may need to download a specialized software supplied with the mobile phone and/or with the means of connection (cables, infrared port, Bluetooth adapter etc.).

  1. 1.2 Downloading the Application via WAP connection

    1. 1.2.1 Connecting and setting up a Wap connection for your phone

To activate the WAP-connection service, you need to contact your mobile operator.

Connection information is also available on the Internet resources of operators:

http://ekb.mobile.beeline.rumobile operator Beeline (JSC VimpelCom). Complete information on connecting and setting up a WAP connection is available in the "Services" section of the site.

  1. http://www.mts.ru– mobile operator MTS (JSC MTS). Instructions for using a WAP connection are located at - http://www.mts.ru/settings/gprs_wap/ .

  2. http://www.megafonural.ru/- cellular operator "MegaFon-Ural". Instructions for using a WAP connection are located at - http://www.megafonural.ru/srv/connectivity/wap_gprs/

  3. http://www.utel.ru/- cellular operator "Utel". Instructions for using a WAP connection are located at - http://u-tel.ru/Mobile/Services/Mobile_Internet/free_tuning

    1. 1.2.2 Downloading the Application via WAP connection

After connecting and setting up a WAP connection, you are ready to download the Application. To download, follow these steps:

1. Launch your mobile phone browser.

2. Select "go to URL" ("Address", "Address").

Use the examples in Table 1. The information in the table will tell you how to launch a browser to navigate to the Web page containing the Application. For more accurate information for your phone model, please refer to your phone's user manual.

Table 1 Tip for choosing a menu item to launch a browser on your phone

Phone brand

Menu item for launching the WAP browser


WAP services → Enter address


Menu → Data Service → Browser → Go to URL


Internet → Go to URL


Internet → Enter URL

Mitsubishi Trium

Internet → Other site


WAP services → Menu → Services, To address

Menu → Internet → To address


WAP → Menu → Enter URL


Connectivity → Wap → Go to URL


Operator services → WAP → Address entry


WAP → Go to URL


WAP Browser → # → Go to URL

WAP & Games → WAP Browser Menu → Go to URL


Internet → Home Options → Enter URL


Menu Internet/Games → Internet. As a result, the browser is launched.

When the browser is active Menu → Go to...

Sony Ericsson

Internet services → Features →Address

3. Enter the address to request the Application: www.emb.ru/wap . wml

Two versions of the Application are offered for downloading to a mobile phone - the first version for modern phones ( Java support MIDP2.0), the second option for legacy models. It is recommended to use the first option. If you experience problems with the application when loading the first option, try using the second option.

5. If, during the installation of the Application, you are prompted to select a section of your phone's menu in which you want to install the Application, then use Table 2 to select a section. For more accurate information for your phone model, please refer to your phone's user manual.

6. To launch the Application, enter the menu section of your phone in which the Application is installed (the names of the possible sections are given in Table 2) and select the application " Gazprombank».

Table 2 Partition of your phone, recRecommended for installing the Application

Phone brand

Phone section




Internet/Games → Games and more




Java → JAM


games and apps


games and apps


Java → Midlet List


Java → Applications


WAP and games or




Sony Ericsson


To install the Application, you need to take it from the Internet site of Gazprombank (OJSC) ( www.gazprombank.ru) files to download. Two files - with the extensions jar and jad - are located in the "Telecard" system application section in an archived form (see Table 3).

Table 3 Composition of files for downloading the application

Before installing the files on the phone, you must first unzip them and download the .jar and .jad files to the phone.

You can download files to your cell phone from a computer in one of the following ways:

  • via the PC cable supplied with your phone

  • via bluetooth connection

  • via infrared

This article is designed to help you figure out what kind of miracle of technical thought is hidden behind the terrible abbreviation WAP, what is needed to use it, and, in the end, why it is actually needed and what advantages its use provides.

What is it for?

First of all, WAP is a means of gaining access to Internet resources through a mobile phone. Note that the user does not resort to the help of any additional devices such as a computer or modem. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is a protocol, or technical standard, which describes the way in which information from the Internet is transmitted to a small mobile phone display. This is the main difference between WAP and the usual methods of accessing the World Wide Web, which provide information exchange and browsing Web sites (HTTP and TCP / IP protocols). Theoretically, if the screen of a mobile phone "could" display ...

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I, like many others, got on WAP. The MTS operator, although others seem to have the same situation. Advance payment method, and although by default there was an MTS-Internet access point, for some reason the traffic went via WAP, the result is minus 4000 rubles on the account. What is this WAP? AT tariff plan the cost of GPRS - Internet is indicated for 1 Mb., and the cost of GPRS-WAP is indicated for 10 Kb. In general, there seems to be nothing illegal, our crocodile, as we want, we measure it! And not everyone knows how many of these kilobytes are in a megabyte. Everyone says WAP is more expensive, but by how much? Let's calculate the difference: 10 Kbytes of GPRS-WAP costs 2.75 rubles, i.e. 1 KB = 0.275 rubles; 1 MB = 1024 KB x 0.275 rubles. = 281.60 rubles; while 1 MB of GPRS - Internet, excluding discounts, costs 8.45 rubles. That is, the cost of MTS GPRS-WAP traffic is 3333% more expensive than GPRS-Internet traffic! Not a bad markup, is it??? Imagine that two doors lead to the same room, the entrance to one door costs 1 ruble, to the other THREE ...

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MegaFon subscribers got the opportunity to download mobile content directly from the MegaFonPRO WAP portal thanks to the introduction of WAP-click billing.

The new billing began to work on August 10. This pricing scheme for downloading content from the WAP environment is actively used in Europe, and now it has become available to MegaFon subscribers simultaneously throughout the entire network coverage area. Earlier in Russia, this variant of network-wide billing was launched by VimpelCom - the start of connections was announced in March 2006 (MForum.ru, 2006-03-07), but the first major participants connected to WAP-CPA later - in May PlayFon (MForum .ru, 2006-06-01), a month earlier - i-Free.

"On the MTS WAP portal, per-click billing (using MT-SMS technology) was launched on February 14, 2006 - earlier than Beeline or MegaFon. All MTS subscribers can buy content on the WAP portal and immediately download it to their phone by simply clicking on the "buy" link.In addition, WAP billing is open to 15 of our...

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View full version: How to turn off the "wap" hotspot on your phone?

I had a week ago popados half a piece. I uploaded a 6.5-meter file from the Opera-mini phone. The file was downloaded somewhere on 2/3 and the phone lost connection. I look at the balance, and it is -398 rubles!

I'm shocked to say the least! O_o

Arriving home, I look in the "Service Guide" (I have a Megaphone). Unspent Internet traffic - chew at least. It is not clear ... that is, the money was not spent on the Internet.

Details arrived today. And what I see is that my money was spent on data transfer through the “wap” access point.

In the settings of the device, of course, everything is set to the “internet” access point everywhere. But for some reason, the download of the file through some Opera service went through “wap”.

Actually, there are two desires: how to wean Opera Mini from such dirty tricks and how to eradicate the “wap” access point from the phone altogether?

“wap” is not registered anywhere in the phone at all, but when replacing a SIM card with a “Pchelain” one, for example, the setting ...

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Internet setup Megafon on phone - 3.5 out of 5 based on 18 votes

Setting up Internet Megafon on your phone

To connect to the Internet from a megafon mobile operator, you will need a cell phone that supports GPRS, EDGE or 3G connection technologies. Next, you will need to make sure that the appropriate service for accessing the Internet from your mobile phone is activated on your tariff plan, and if it is not activated, contact the operator in order to fix it.

Next, we will directly consider how to connect your connection to the Internet:
1. Call 0500 using a megaphone SIM card and ask to send automatic settings, specifying your phone model.
2. Send SMS with text 1 to 5049.
3. Go to the Megafon website, select the manufacturer and model of the phone. The settings will come to your phone within 10 minutes.
4. In case your mobile phone model is in...

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