Physical culture on the traditions of the Kuban Cossacks program. The work program for extracurricular activities of the circle "history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" work program on the topic

The program was developed on the basis of the regional educational "Program of additional education of children in folklore and arts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks" (Kuban Cossack Army, Department of Cossack Affairs of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Regional Institute of Additional Professor of Pedagogical Education. - Krasnodar: Tradition, 2009), author-compiler N. I. Bondar and others. The educational program of additional education for children is approved by the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory.

The history of the people, its traditions, rituals, arts, trades and crafts are one of the factors that help people to realize their belonging to a certain cultural, mental environment.

The achievement of this goal in elementary school is carried out through acquaintance and familiarization with the culture, traditions, history of the Kuban Cossacks, through examples of the Cossack past and present of one's family, village, city; it was during this time period that the formation of love for the native land, pride in belonging to the Cossack family begins.

This general education program was developed on the basis of an analysis of a modern educational and methodological set for students in classes and groups of Cossack orientation, created by leading ethnographers of the Krasnodar Territory.

Traditional folk culture is a complex phenomenon in its composition. Its most important components are folklore, to which modern researchers include not only songs, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, but also rituals, holidays, customs, forms of labor organization, and arts and crafts.

Traditional culture and folklore have regional characteristics. For the inhabitants of the Kuban, the folklore of the Kuban Cossacks, a unique sub-ethnic community that has been developing in the North Caucasus for more than two centuries, should become the basis for the education and upbringing of children.

This educational program includes the entire spectrum of traditional Kuban culture in its content. It was developed on the basis of the largest collections of archival and field folklore and ethnographic materials in the region.

Goalsgiven programs- creating an idea of ​​the folklore and traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks among students as an integral multifunctional life support system for the people, determining the necessary conditions for the practical development of a truly folk tradition and folk arts and crafts, for the formation of personality qualities inherent in the bearer of the traditional consciousness of the Kuban Cossacks and the development of its system values.

Tasks solved by this program:

  • to form in schoolchildren an idea of ​​the social structure and main activities of the Kuban Cossacks as a carrier of folklore and traditional culture;
  • get an idea of ​​the value bases of traditional culture, its sign-symbolic manifestations;
  • reveal the origins of folk art, show the understanding of folk tradition and its role in the life of a person and society;
  • help children learn the specifics of the artistic system of folk art;
  • to teach them the practical experience of mastering folk arts and crafts and folklore art;
  • develop students' interest in research activities;
  • to teach them how to perform various types of folk arts and crafts products and how to use them in everyday life;
  • instill in students a love for their native land, folk art.
  • develop children's creativity.

As a result of the implementation of the program, it is planned to form students' ideas about the folklore and traditional culture of the Cossacks, as well as the possibility of their practical application.

A feature of this program is that the awareness of their involvement in the life of the country is formed among students by linking the content of the course to the life of each of them: through personality-oriented questions and tasks, the connection of information with the life of their family, their relatives, their district and city.

Classes are held for 1 hour once a week.

The main form of work is training sessions. It can be a lesson-meeting, a lesson-a correspondence excursion, a lesson-living room, a lesson-a creative project, a lesson-holiday, a lesson-concert. Especially welcome are visiting classes for concerts of creative groups, exhibitions, etc. Classes under this program are practice-oriented, creative, and playful in nature.

As a result of the implementation of this program, it is planned to develop key competencies in students.

Educational and thematic plan

Name of sections, blocks, topics. Total hours Number of hours Characteristics of the activities of students
classroom Extracurricular
Iyear of study
Introductory lesson. 1 1
1 4
The first stages of a child's life in a Cossack family. Images of lullabies. 1 1
Rhymes: figurative system. The role of nursery rhymes in the process of raising a child. 2 1 1
Practical work . Learning lullabies. 1 1
2 Working with natural materials 10 Cognitive, leisure, project, labor activity, collective creativity
Weaving from natural materials. Excursion to the regional museum. 2 2
Safety precautions; basic straw weaving techniques; weaving "stripes" 2 2
Types of weaving; direct weaving "gunny". Conducting a quiz. 3 2 1
Fixing the technique of weaving "stripes" (tape). Creative work. Exhibition of student work. 3 2 1
3 Traditional crafts of the Cossacks.Artistic embroidery 6 Cognitive, leisure, project, labor activity, collective creativity
Introductory lesson. Acquaintance with the products of folk craftsmen. Excursion to the museum. 2 2
Safety engineering. Performing the simplest types of seams "forward needle", "stalked", "tambour". 2 2
Execution of the product (napkin) in the technique of seams "forward needle", processing the edge with a hemstitch "snopik" 2 2
4 Children and folklore 10 Cognitive, leisure, project, labor activity, collective creativity
Game in the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Types of games. 3 1 2
Game folklore: counting rhymes, teasers, game choruses. 2 2
Song and chorus as part of the game. 1 1
Game and round dance songs. 1 1
Practical work. game quiz 2 2
Essence of the fairy tale genre. Practical work. Reading fairy tales of the Kuban Cossacks. 1 1
Final lessons. 2
Festival of game folklore. 1
Fair-exhibition of handicrafts of students. Portfolio design. 1
Total 33 14 19

Introductory lesson.Kuban Cossacks and its culture. (1 hour).

Acquaintance of students with the program, the connection of the academic discipline with the subjects "Kuban studies", "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture".

Section 1.Children in the traditional culture of the Cossacks.(4 hours)

The concept of "Cossack family". The first stages of a child's life in a Cossack family, lullabies of the Kuban Cossacks. Nursery rhymes. Rhymes.

Section 2Traditional crafts of the Cossacks.Working with natural materials. (10 hours).

Acquaintance with products made of straw, corn cob leaves, vines. Acquaintance with the products of folk craftsmen. Safety briefing when working with piercing and cutting tools. The main properties of the material: plasticity, softness, ease of processing, availability. Weaving from natural materials. Basic techniques of straw weaving; weaving "stripes". Types of weaving; direct weaving "gunny". Fixing the technique of weaving "stripes" (tape).

Section 3Traditional crafts of the Cossacks.Artistic embroidery. (6 hours).

Acquaintance with the folk embroidery of the Kuban and Russia. Appointment of embroidered products. Types of ornaments used in embroidery. Acquaintance with the products of folk craftsmen. Safety briefing when working with piercing and cutting tools. Performing the simplest types of seams "forward needle", "stalked", "tambour". Execution of the product (napkin) in the technique of seams "forward needle", processing the edge with a hemstitch "sheaf".

Section 4Children and folklore(10 hours)

Game in the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Types of games. Game folklore: counting rhymes, teasers, game choruses. Song and chorus as part of the game. Game and round dance songs. Essence of the fairy tale genre. Tales of the Kuban Cossacks.

Final lessons.(2 hours).

Festival of game folklore. Fair-exhibition of handicrafts of students.

Expected results of the program implementation:

At the end of their first year, students must know:

- types of embroidery, the purpose of embroidered products, types of ornaments used in embroidery;

- features of embroidery techniques used by the master;

safety rules when working with stabbing and cutting tools;

- colors in the embroidery of the Kuban Cossacks;

- natural materials used in weaving;

- the main properties and method of preparation of the straw material;

- reception of weaving "strip" of straw;

- lullabies and their characteristics;

— game in the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks;

- counting rhymes, teasers, game choruses;

- fairy tales of the Kuban Cossacks, their features.

Be able to:

- perform an embroidery pattern with stitches "forward needle", "stalked", "tambour";

perform hems “tassel”, “peg”, “split”;

- embroider a napkin using a sketch of an ornament;

- prepare straw material for weaving;

- perform the technique of weaving straws "strip";

- perform lullabies and nursery rhymes;

- play the games of the Kuban Cossacks;

- perform teasers, counting rhymes, chants;

- perform round dance songs;

- to prepare a traditional performance based on the tales of the Kuban Cossacks.

Personal: students will have:

- the basis of artistic and creative activity, a steady cognitive interest in new types of applied art.

Metasubject: the student will learn:

- plan your activities

- adequately perceive the teacher's assessment

- to distinguish between the method and the result of an action

- accept and save the educational and creative task

- search necessary information to fulfill the educational and creative task

- use signs, symbols, models, diagrams to solve cognitive problems and present their results

- independently find solutions to a creative problem

- compare objects

- make observations and experiments

- develop imagination

- expand knowledge, get acquainted with new technologies

- create practical products

- improve work skills

- Build information skills

Forms and types of control

Type of control- introductory, current, final.

Form of control– practical work, interview, survey, exhibition, concert, competition, exhibition-fair, questioning, reporting activities at the end of the year on the work done; competitions of young Cossacks; portfolio replenishment.

Awareness of their involvement in the life of the country is formed in students by linking the content of the course to the life of each of them: through personality-oriented questions and tasks, the connection of information with the life of their family, their relatives, their district and city.

The rich culture of the Russian Cossacks, including the Kuban Cossacks, is of particular interest and the opportunity to actively study and cultivate in practice the traditions of the historically established Cossack system of spiritual, moral, patriotic and physical education. In the conditions of the favorable development of our Kuban region, the study of the history and culture of the Cossacks is an important component of the upbringing and education of the youth of the Kuban: it is on healthy and strong traditions that a worthy modern society can be built and formed.

The key to success in working on this program is that the classes are permeated with creativity; so that students constantly turn to various methods of revealing a particular phenomenon, learn to participate in a dialogue, actively participate in the revival and renewal of the progressive cultural traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

No. p / p Name of objects and means of logistics Quantity
1 Library stock (printed products)*
1. Baiburin A.K. Dwelling in the rituals and representations of the Eastern Slavs. M., 2000.

2. Bigday A.D. Songs of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 1992. Vol. 1-2.

3. Bondar V. City of Ekaterinodar in space and time. Krasnodar, 2006.

4. Bondar N. I. Warriors and grain growers (some aspects of the male subculture of the Kuban Cossacks) // Orthodoxy, traditional culture, education. Krasnodar, 2000.

5. Bondar N. I. Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 2003.

6. Bondar N. I. Holy corner // Folk art. 1998. No. 2.

7. Varavva I.F. Songs of the Cossacks of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 1966.

8. Volkostrel T. M. Proverbs and sayings of the Kuban (historical and ethnic aspects) // Development of the Kuban by the Cossacks: questions of history and culture. Krasnodar, 2002.

9. Voronin VV Economic activity of a man in the traditional Cossack culture: The first exit into the field // World of the Slavs of the North Caucasus. Krasnodar, 2005, Issue. 2.

10. Zagradskaya S. Wedding of the Kuban Cossacks // We play a wedding. M., 1987.

11. Zakharchenko V. G. Folk songs of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 1997, Vol. 1-2.

12. Zakharchenko V. G. The Kuban Cossack choir sings. Krasnodar, 2002, Issue 1.

13. Kuban folk tales and legends. Compiled by VV Voronin. Krasnodar, 2001.

14. Matveev O. V. A word about the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar 1995.

15. World of childhood and traditional culture. M., 1996.

17. Proverbs, sayings and riddles of the Kuban / Comp. L. B. Martynenko. Krasnodar, 1993.

18. Fetisova A. G. Education through play in a Cossack family // Dikarevsky Readings (5). The results of folklore and ethnographic studies of the ethnic cultures of the Kuban in 1998. Krasnodar, 1999.

19. Frolov B. E. Weapons of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 2002.

20. Bardadym V. Military prowess of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 1993.

21. Bardadym V. Cossack hut. Krasnodar, 1992.

2 printed manuals
Portrait of Catherine the Great.

Portraits of famous Cossacks.

3 Technical training aids

Record player.

Multimedia projector.

exposure screen.

A computer.

4 Screen and audio aids
Audio recordings.

Video films.

5 Games and toys
Attributes of the Kuban costumes.

Cossack dolls.

6 Class equipment
Student tables 2-seater with sets of chairs.

Teacher's table with pedestal

Cases for storage of textbooks.

Wall boards for hanging illustrative material.


Extracurricular activity course Cossacks" aims to form students' ideas about the origin of the Kuban Cossacks, about Cossack atamans and heroes, their Orthodox faith, traditions, folklore, military art, etc.



Krasnodar region

Municipal formation Krymsky district

municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 1 of the city of Krymsk

municipal formation Krymsky district


for specific types of extracurricular activities



program implementation period – 4 years

age of students 7-11 years old


primary school teachers

Semenova I.L.

Kachura S.V.

Extracurricular activity course"History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" aims to form students' ideas about the origin of the Kuban Cossacks, about Cossack atamans and heroes, their Orthodox faith, traditions, folklore, military art, etc.

Course specifics "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" consists in the fact that, having a pronounced integrative character, it not only combines social science, historical, cultural knowledge, but also through research, practical activities enables the child to have a holistic and systematic understanding of both the foundations of history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks, and about their kind, their family, representing the possibility of familiarizing themselves with the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks.

Relevance course is determined by its focus on educating a citizen of Russia, able to "build" his life path on the basis of the organic unity of the interests of the individual, society and the state. Diverse information about the native land expands the horizons of students, helps to adapt in adult life, form an active life position and more fully realize their civil liberties, rights and obligations.

Target - formation of an initial idea of ​​the Kuban Cossacks, familiarization with the historical and cultural traditions of the Kuban Cossacks, awareness of their involvement in the spiritual and cultural heritage Kuban Cossacks, the formation of students' patriotism.

Tasks solved by this program:

  • education of students as patriots, active citizens of the Kuban;
  • instilling moral and spiritual foundations of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • acquaintance with the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks, their traditions and customs, main occupations, crafts and crafts;
  • introducing students to the traditions and customs of the Cossacks of the Kuban;
  • acquaintance with some events in the history and present of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • formation of ideas about the Kuban Cossack army;
  • development of creative abilities of children;
  • the formation of students' interest in research work.


The student will learn (basic level)

The student will have the opportunity to learn (advanced level)

Tell about the main stages and key events in the history of the Kuban;

Tell about the types of economic activity and occupation of the population;

To use in practice knowledge about the integrity of the development process of societies (family, settlement, region, country, world), religious ideas and features of the cultural development of the first inhabitants of the Kuban;

Show on the map the territory of the Kuban, the resettlement of peoples, the main settlements, the places of the most important historical events;

Distinguish between material, written, pictorial and oral historical sources;

Work with various sources of knowledge about the population, the history of their area;

Distinguish fictional (mythological) from authentic, mythological heroes - from real historical figures;

To express at the level of emotional assessments the attitude to the actions of people of the past, to cultural monuments;

Express orally and writing acquired knowledge on the history of the Kuban Cossacks, participating in discussions, quizzes, olympiads, competitions, performing creative work (essays, reports on excursions, essays); - engaging in project activities;

Describe appearance representatives of the flora and fauna of land and water bodies;

Assess the consequences of their actions in relation to natural components;

Search for information on local history topics in local media, the Internet, etc., differentiate facts and opinions;

Reconstruct the conditions and lifestyle, occupations of people who lived in the region;

Express your attitude to the most significant events in the history of the Kuban, historical figures, argue your own point of view;

Understand the figurative language of various types of art; evaluate the work of folk masters of the Kuban.

use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life in order to:

Awareness of oneself as a representative of an ethno-cultural, confessional community and space, a citizen of Russia;

Raising respect for basic national values, cultural and historical traditions of the peoples of the Kuban;

Developing the ability to communicate with people of different nationalities and religious views, cultivating artistic taste, emotional and value attitude to artistic and cultural heritage.

Create scientific projects on local history topics.

The program "History of the Kuban Cossacks" contributes to the formation of the followingpersonality traits:

  • patriotism;
  • tolerance and respect for the history, traditions, rituals, culture, language of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • responsibility and sense of duty, mercy, dignity, respect;
  • diligence;
  • persistence;
  • discipline;
  • love for a small homeland;
  • indifferent attitude to the revival of the traditions of the Kuban Cossacks:

personal resultteaching the history of the Kuban Cossacks is the formation of:

  • cognitive interest in the study of the history of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • a comprehensively educated, developed personality;
  • understanding the meaning of the culture of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • feelings of pride in their small homeland;
  • respect for the history and culture of the Cossacks and other peoples;
  • ideas about the Kuban as an inseparable part of Russia;

means of developmentpersonal results are educational material aimed at:

- the ability to formulate one's attitude to traditions, military life, folklore, historical figures of the Kuban;

- the ability to use historical and local lore knowledge for creative activities.

metasubjectthe results of studying the course "History of the Kuban Cossacks" is the formation of universal educational activities (UUD).

Regulatory UUD:

Ability to independently acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities;

The ability to manage one’s cognitive activity, organize it, determine its goals and objectives, choose the means of achieving the goal and apply them in practice, evaluate the results achieved: independently discover and formulate a learning problem, determine the goal of learning activity, choose the topic of the project. Put forward versions of the solution to the problem, be aware of the final result, choose from the proposed ones and look for the means to achieve the goal on your own. Make (individually or in a group) a plan for solving the problem (project implementation). Working according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes yourself. In dialogue with the teacher, improve independently developed assessment criteria.

The ability to navigate the world around, choose the target and semantic settings in their actions and deeds, make decisions.

means of formationregulatory UUD are: the technology of problematic dialogue when studying new material and the technology of evaluating educational achievements.

Cognitive UUD:

Formation and development through historical and local history knowledge of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

The ability to conduct an independent search, analysis, selection of information, its transformation, preservation, transmission and presentation using technical means and information technologies: analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts, concepts, phenomena. Identify causes and effects of simple phenomena. Carry out comparison and classification, independently choosing the grounds and criteria for the indicated logical operations. Build logically competent statements, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. Compose abstracts, various types of plans. be able to identify possible sources information, search for information, analyze and evaluate its reliability. Present information in the form of abstracts, tables, diagrams, graphs. Transfer information from one type to another.

means of formationcognitive UUD are educational material and tasks of the textbook:

- awareness of the role of history and Kuban studies in the knowledge of social processes taking place in the world;

- mastering the system of local lore knowledge about the history of the Kuban, on the basis of which the historical thinking of students is formed;

- the use of skills acquired during the study of historical local history for the analysis, evaluation, forecasting of modern social problems;

- the use of maps to obtain local history information.

Communicative UUD:

- defending one's point of view, presenting arguments confirming their facts.

- understanding the position of the other in the discussion.

means of formationcommunicative UUD are the technology of problematic dialogue (inciting and leading dialogue) and the organization of work in small groups, as well as the use of elements of productive reading technology in the lessons.

Subject Results

Know (understand):

The main stages and main events in the history of the Cossacks from the moment of resettlement to the present day;

The most important cultural achievements and value systems that have been formed in the course of their lives;

Studied types of historical sources.

Be able to:

Correlate the dates of events in the history of the region with the century; determine the sequence and duration of the most important events in the history of the region;

Use the text of a historical source when answering questions, solving various educational problems; compare evidence from different sources;

Show on the map of the region the borders of the region, cities, places of significant historical events;

Tell about the most important historical events and their participants, showing the meaning of the necessary facts, dates, terms; give a description of historical events and cultural monuments based on the text and illustrative material of the textbook, fragments of historical sources; use the acquired knowledge when writing creative works;

Correlate general historical processes and individual facts; explain the meaning of the studied historical concepts and terms, identify the commonality and differences of compared historical events and phenomena; to determine, on the basis of educational material, the causes and consequences of the most important historical events;

Explain your attitude to the most significant events and personalities in the history of the region, the achievements of culture;

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to understand the historical causes and historical significance of events and phenomena of modern life;

Express your own opinions about the historical heritage of the population of our region;

A feature of the construction of this program is the allocation by the authors of six main thematic sections during each of the 4 years of study: “Kuban Cossacks”, “Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Work and life of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity”, “Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks”. Sections are designed to realize the purpose and objectives of the program. The content, the main forms of work of each section become more complicated depending on the age of the students.

135 hours are allocated for studying the course "History and Culture of the Kuban Cossacks" in elementary school. In the first grade - 33 hours (1 hour per week, 33 academic weeks). In grades 2-4, 34 hours are allotted (1 hour per week, 34 academic weeks).

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Why are we studying the course "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks". Who are the Cossacks. Our ancestors are Cossacks.

Cossack village. Respect for the elders, for the elderly. The practice of mutual aid. Cossack family. Family traditions and customs. Customs associated with the birth and childhood of the Cossacks. Faithful friend of the Cossack.

  1. Work and life.

How did the Cossacks live? Cossack hut. Red corner. Life of a Cossack family. Home improvement, household items. The work of the Cossack family. Master hands. Helper kids. Duties of children in Cossack families.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Temple. Temple rules. Cossack traditions. Nativity. Cossack traditions. Holy Christ's Resurrection.

How the Cossacks came to the Kuban. Kuban Cossack army. Ataman. Cossack commandments. Cossack service. Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War. Kushchevskaya attack.

Children in a Cossack family. How the Cossacks were taught. We are Cossacks. Behavior and form of the Cossacks. Family heirlooms. Games of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack proverbs.

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: work, truth, honor, Fatherland. Cossack commandments.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Cossack village. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks. Honoring the guest.

  1. Work and life.

Yard. House. The way of the Cossack family. The occupations of the Cossacks. Cossack food.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Orthodox churches of the native village, city. Cossack in the temple. Why do people come to an Orthodox church? Saint, patron of the Kuban Cossack army - the right-believing Prince Alexander Nevsky. Saints, especially revered among the Kuban Cossacks. Icon in temples and dwellings.

  1. Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity.

Kuban Cossacks on the borders of the Fatherland. Founding of the first kurens. Yekaterinodar is a Cossack city. Monument to the Cossack settlers. Commemoration of the Cossack heroes of the Kuban Cossack army. Our Cossack society.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Folk art for the Cossacks. Songs, fairy tales, sayings, legends in my family. Kuban "balachka". Song culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Bandura is a Cossack musical instrument.

  1. year of study
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Peoples of the Kuban. Good neighborliness. Moral qualities of the Kuban Cossack. Fortitude and valor of the Cossacks.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Respect for a woman: grandmother, mother, sister, wife, widow. Mother's Day. Cossack family. My ancestry. Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Work and life.

The Cossack is a master and a worker. Occupations, crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack clothes. Cossack clothes. Decorative and applied art of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Prayer. Orthodox churches of Kuban. Military temple. Military priest. Orthodox feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

  1. Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity.

Resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban. Timeline. Major anniversaries. Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks. Commemoration of the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack army. Kuban Cossack army today. Departments of the Kuban Cossack army. Ataman of the Kuban Cossack army. Service by modern Cossacks. Guard of honor troops. Hour of Glory of Kuban.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Oral folk art of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack tales, bylichki. The dialect of the Kuban Cossacks. Dance culture of the Kuban Cossacks. "Cossack Did" Fyodor Andreevich Shcherbina.

4 year of study

  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Territory of residence, language, culture of the Cossacks. Cossack troops of Russia. Cossack commandments.

  1. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

Parents and children. The upbringing of boys. Preparation for service, for adulthood. Education of Cossack girls. Preparation for adult life. Cossack chicken. Cossack circle. Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Work and life.

Traditional crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks. Decorative and applied art of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack military suit. Cossack weapon. Awards.

  1. Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Commandments of God. Orthodox churches of Kuban and Russia. Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks according to the Orthodox calendar.

  1. Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity.

Timeline. Major anniversaries. Commemoration of the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack army. Kuban Cossack army today. Management of the Kuban Cossack army. Service by the Cossacks in our time. Order protection. Help in emergency situations. Help in nature conservation. Outstanding Cossacks of the Kuban. Preservation of the history of the Kuban Cossacks. Monuments and museums. Regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack army.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Cossack family in modern life. Attitude to the family in the Kuban. The history of the family in the history of the native Kuban. Preservation and enhancement of family traditions. Ritual folklore of the Kuban Cossacks. Kuban Cossack choir.


1 year of study

Total hours

Number of hours



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks.


Get acquainted with the goals and objectives of the course "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Our ancestors are Cossacks

Get to know the concept of "Cossack"

Cossack village

Get to know the way of life of the Cossack village

Respect for elders, old people

Develop a set of rules for dealing with seniors

The Custom of Mutual Aid

Familiarize yourself with the customs of mutual aid

Cossack family

Complete a project on the theme "My family"

Customs associated with the birth and childhood of the Cossacks

Get acquainted with the customs associated with the birth and childhood of the Cossacks

Faithful friend of the Cossack

Prepare a message

Section "Work and Life"

How did the Cossacks live?

Cossack hut

Excursion to the museum

Life of a Cossack family

Get an idea of ​​the life of a Cossack family. Excursion to the SCC (ethnography room)

Home improvement, household items

Organize an exhibition of drawings of Cossack utensils

The work of the Cossack family

Prepare a message

artisan hands

Get an idea about work in a Cossack family

helper kids

To form concepts about the duties of children in Cossack families

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Temple. Rules of conduct in the temple

Excursion to the temple

Cossack traditions

Get to know the Cossack Orthodox traditions


Holy Sunday of Christ

Prepare family celebration messages

How the Cossacks came to the Kuban

Get acquainted with the settlement of the Cossacks in the Kuban

Kuban Cossack army


Meeting with Cossack mentors

Cossack service

Cossack commandments

Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War

Prepare a message

Kushchevskaya attack

Meeting with a museum employee

Children in a Cossack family. How the Cossacks were taught

Get acquainted with the training of the Cossacks

We are Cossacks

Get to know the life of little Cossacks in the modern world

Behavior and form of the Cossacks

Develop a set of rules for the Cossacks

family heirlooms

Prepare a message

Games of the Kuban Cossacks

Get to know Cossack games

Cossack proverbs

Make a baby book

2nd year of study

Name of sections, blocks, topics

Total hours

Number of hours

Characteristics of students' activities



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks.

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: work

Form ideas about work

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: the truth

Form ideas about the truth

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: honor, Fatherland

Form ideas about honor, Fatherland

Cossack commandments

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

Section "Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks"

Cossack village

Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks

Get acquainted with the way of life of the Cossack village, the Cossack family

Honoring the guest

Develop a set of rules for hospitable treatment

Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

Prepare a message

Section "Work and Life"


Get an idea of ​​how the Cossacks lived


The way of the Cossack family

Classes of the Cossacks

Get acquainted with the occupations of the Cossacks

Cossack food

Organize a master class

Section "Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossack"

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandment - the protection of the Orthodox faith

Temples of the native city

Excursion to the temple

Cossack in the temple

Why do people come to an Orthodox church?

Saint Alexander Nevsky - the patron saint of the Cossack army

Prepare a message

Saints revered among the Cossacks

Prepare a message


Making a layout of the elements of the Kuban hut

Section "Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity"

Cossacks on the borders of the Fatherland

Meet the defenders of the Kuban

The first Cossack kurens

Develop cognitive processes


Virtual tour

Monument to the Cossack settlers

Prepare a presentation

Commemoration of the Cossacks-heroes

Meeting with a museum employee

Our Cossack Society

Meeting with Cossack mentors

Section "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Folk art for the Cossacks

Get to know folk art. Excursion to the library

Songs, fairy tales in my family

Make a baby book

Sayings, legends in my family

Kuban "balachka"

Song culture of the Kuban Cossacks

Collect an audio compilation of Cossack songs

Bandura - Cossack musical instrument

Get acquainted with the Cossack folk instruments

3 year of study

Name of sections, blocks, topics

Total hours

Number of hours

Characteristics of students' activities



Chapter " Kuban Cossacks.

Peoples of the Kuban.

good neighborliness

Give examples of peaceful coexistence of peoples in the Kuban

Moral qualities of the Kuban Cossack

Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

Fortitude and valor of the Cossacks

Get to know the military exploits of the Cossacks

Section "Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks"

Respect for a woman.

Get acquainted with the way of life of the Cossack village, the Cossack family

Mother's Day

Prepare a message

Cossack family

Prepare a presentation

My pedigree

Drafting and defense of the project

Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

Prepare a message

Section "Work and Life"

Cossack host and worker

Get to know the duties of the Cossack head of the family

Occupations, crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks

Get an idea about the occupations, crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks

Cossack clothes.

Cossack clothes

Run illustration

Decorative and applied art of the Kuban Cossacks

Organize a master class

Section "Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossack"

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack


Get acquainted with the Cossack prayer

Orthodox churches in Kuban

Virtual tour of the temples of the Kuban

military temple

Get acquainted with the Cossack Orthodox traditions, behavior in the temple

Troop priest

Get to know the service of a military priest

Orthodox feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

Prepare a message

Section "Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity"

Resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban

Get acquainted with the resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban


Make a timeline

Major anniversaries

Prepare a presentation

Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks

Virtual tour

Meeting with Cossack mentors

Departments of the Kuban Cossack army

Meeting with Cossack mentors


Ataman of the Kuban Cossack Army


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Service by modern Cossacks


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Hour of Glory Kuban


Drafting and defending it

Section "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"



Oral folk art of the Kuban Cossacks


Get acquainted with the folk art of the Kuban Cossacks


Cossack tales, bylichki


Excursion to the library. Make a baby book


The dialect of the Kuban Cossacks


Collect an audio compilation of Kuban legends


Dance culture of the Kuban Cossacks


Prepare a presentation


"Cossack did" Fyodor Andreevich Shcherbina


Get acquainted with the work of F.A. Shcherbina


Territory of residence, language, culture of the Cossacks


Get to know the peoples inhabiting the Krasnodar Territory


Cossack troops of Russia


Get to know the Cossack troops of Russia


Cossack commandments


Get acquainted with the Cossack commandments

Section "Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks"



Parents and children


Prepare a message


The upbringing of boys. Preparation for service, adult life.


Prepare a message


The upbringing of girls. Preparation for adult life.


Prepare a message


Cossack kuren


Get to know the Cossack kuren


Cossack circle


Get to know the functions of the Cossack circle


Calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks


Get acquainted with the calendar holidays and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

Section "Work and Life"



Traditional crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks


Get an idea about the traditional crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks



Organize a master class


Cossack military suit


Run illustration


Cossack weapon


Excursion to the museum. Run illustration




Run layout

Section "Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossack"



A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack


Expand ideas about the religion of the Cossacks


Commandments of God


Drawing up a memo


Orthodox churches of Kuban and Russia


Virtual tour of the temples of Kuban and Russia


Traditions and customs of the Kuban Cossacks according to the Orthodox calendar


Prepare a message

Section "Kuban Cossack army: history and modernity"





Make a timeline


Major anniversaries


Prepare a message


Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks


Virtual tour


Kuban Cossack army today


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Management of the Kuban Cossack army


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Service by the Cossacks in our time


Meeting with Cossack mentors


Order protection



Help in emergencies and nature conservation


Prepare a selection of newspaper articles


Outstanding Cossacks of Kuban


Prepare a presentation


Monuments and museums


Virtual tour of memorable places and museums


Regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack army


Drafting and defense of the project

Section "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"



Cossack family in modern life


Drafting and defense of the project


The history of the family in the history of the native Kuban


Prepare a message


Preservation and enhancement of family traditions


Think over solutions to preserve and increase family traditions


Ritual folklore of the Kuban Cossacks


Prepare a presentation


Kuban Cossack Choir


Get acquainted with the work of the Kuban Cossack Choir

The program was developed on the basis sample program extracurricular activities of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Primary Education. The needs of modern society impose on the school the tasks of not only high-quality education, but also the education of a person of high morals, spiritually rich, able to adapt to the processes taking place in the modern world.



Krasnodar region

Municipal formation Krymsky district

municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. …


by the decision of the pedagogical council protocol No. 1

from __________ year

Chairman of the teachers' council



Program type: thematic

Name: "Kuban native - the land of the Cossacks»

Program implementation period: 4 years (grades 1-4)

Age of students: 6.5 - 11 years

Number of hours: 135

Teacher (compiler): ___________________________

The program was developed on the basis of an exemplary program of extracurricular activitiesFederal State Educational Standard for General Primary Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 dated October 6, 2009)

Turning to the old, reviving the old,
keeping it is not giving up the new,
this is a new understanding of the old, its roots,
it is a feeling of being in history.
Academician D.S. Likhachev.



The needs of modern society impose on the school the task of not

only high-quality education, but also the education of a highly moral, spiritually rich person, able to adapt to the processes taking place in the modern world.

Education is one of the most important components of education in the interests of a person, society, and the state.Education should contribute to the development and formation of the child's personality, all its spiritual and physical strengths and abilities; lead each child to a new worldview, a worldview based on the recognition of universal human values ​​as a priority in life.

Each of us has a past and present, each of us strives for the future. Each of us must sacredly cherish the past, be a patriot of our homeland - big and small.

The history of the native land, the Cossack land, as well as the history of our state, is necessary for each of us.

At the end of the 18th century, our ancestors, former Zaporozhian Cossacks, moved to the Kuban. The Kuban villages grew and developed with their way of life, culture, beliefs and rituals.

Now it is obvious to everyone the need to restore lost ties modern man with the culture of their people. It is also obvious that deep continuity in cultural traditions arises only when a child begins to master them from a very young age. The upbringing of traditional cultural values ​​should start from birth.So I got to the problem."The development of creativity in a person, in his primary socialization, in mastering the experience of communicating with people around him, nature, art, the development of a person in a person on the material of the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

The relevance of the problem of patriotic education of children.

In our school, as in other schools of the region, work is underway to preserve, disseminate and develop the national culture. Therefore, in order to preserve and revive the Cossacks, as a historically established cultural and ethnic community, in the 2017-2018 academic year, on the basis of the 1st grade, a circle of civil and patriotic education "Kuban native - Cossack land" was organized

This circle will help students to get all the necessary knowledge on the history and culture of their native land, andvarious extracurricular activities will contribute to the study of the history of the Cossacks, life, traditions, rituals, trades and crafts of the Cossacks.

The object of the program was informative, technological, illustrative and technical means on the topic "Cossacks of Russia".

Purpose and objectives of the program.


Education of students on the spiritual and moral foundations of the Cossacks; Revival of the spiritual, historical and patriotic traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

This goal covers the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating training sessions and extracurricular life of students, a variety of activities. Its achievement becomes possible through the solution of the following tasks:

Education of a citizen through respect for their small homeland, understanding of its features, perception of the Kuban as part of the whole - Russia;

Promoting the socialization of a younger student in the course of his adoption of humanistic norms of existence in the environment.

The age of the children participating in the organization of the program. Terms of implementation of the Program.

The program "Kuban native - the land of the Cossacks" is designed for 4 years. Program focused on students elementary school, a team of teachers of the municipal educational institution and parents of students.

The main executors of the Program activities are teachers, students and their parents.

Form of implementation of the Program.

The form of organization of work under the program is mainly collective, and group and individual forms of work are also used.

The principle underlying the mass events.

Patriotic educationIt is understood as a systematic and purposeful pedagogical activity to form students' high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, and the desire to fulfill their civic duty.

The program is based on principle social activity, individualization, motivation, interaction between the individual and the team, developing education and the unity of the educational and upbringing environment.

Stages of the Program implementation.

Stage I: design.

Target : preparation of conditions for the creation of a system of civil-patriotic education.


1. Study the regulatory framework, by-laws.

2.Develop, discuss and approve a program for civic-patriotic education.

3. Analyze the material, technical, pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program.

4. Select diagnostic methods in the main areas of the program.

II stage: practical.

Target: implementation of the program for civil and patriotic education "Kuban native - the land of the Cossacks".

Tasks :

1. Work out the content of the activity, the most effective forms and methods of educational influence.

3. Involve representatives of all subjects of educational activity in the system of civil and patriotic education.

4. Monitor the implementation of the program.

5. Take part in competitions for civic-patriotic education.

III stage: analytical.

Target: analysis of the results of the program implementation.


1.Summarize the results of the work.

2. Carry out correction of difficulties in the implementation of the program.

3. Plan work for the next period.

Program implementation mechanism.

To solve the tasks set, the existing socio-pedagogical space is used. MBOU secondary school No. 58 cooperates with the Cossacks and libraries. Educational work is built taking into account the age criterion.

When planning work, traditional, institutional, municipal, regional, all-Russian events related to anniversaries and state dates are taken into account; provisions of institutional, municipal, regional, federal competitions.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program implementation.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Program is carried out on the basis of using a system of objective criteria, represented by moral, spiritual and quantitative parameters.

Moral and spiritual parameters:

1. Formation of civic skills:

  • ability to work and act individually and in a team;
  • the ability to make and defend their decisions;
  • willingness to participate in public affairs;
  • readiness for education.

2. Formation of a conscious attitude to basic values:

  • patriotism and love for the motherland, native land;
  • symbolism Russian Federation, Kuban Cossacks;
  • national identity;
  • respect for the honor and dignity of other citizens.

Quantitative parameters:

  • the involvement of each student in educational situations;
  • the quality of relationships (children's attitudes to the realities of the life of the institution, to the institution, to the teacher, joint affairs);
  • participation in competitions on civil-patriotic, Cossack topics;
  • hosting an event.

Expected results, their social and educational significance.

As a result of the implementation of the Program, it is expected:

1. In the classroom, as in the educational system:

  • creation of work on civil-patriotic education;
  • enrichment of the content of civil-patriotic education;
  • involvement in the work of civil-patriotic education of representatives of all subjects of educational activity.

2. In the image of a graduate:

  • in the field of knowledge: development of creative abilities;
  • in historical - local history: awareness of responsibility for the fate of the country, region, the formation of pride in involvement in the deeds of previous generations;
  • in social : the ability to self-realization in the space of the Russian state, the formation of an active life position;
  • in the spiritual and moral sphere: students' awareness of higher values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.

The program reflects the social order necessary for society and the state to educate a citizen of their homeland, a patriot with an active life position. The end result of the implementation of the Program should be an active civic position and patriotic consciousness of students, as the basis of the personality of a citizen of Russia, his native land.

2. Educational - thematic planning.

1 year of study


sections, blocks, topics

Total hours




training sessions



Introductory part.

Land Kuban

Vegetable world

Animal world

Native city

The people of our village


2nd year of study


sections, blocks, topics

Total hours



Theoretical training sessions


training sessions


(individual training sessions)

Organizational occupation

Journey around the native land

Flora and fauna of Kuban

Names and surnames of Kuban

History of Kuban

History of Varenikovskaya

Attractions Art. Varenikovskaya

Kuban glorious sons

Your countrymen are heroes

Poets and writers of Kuban

Poets and writers of Varenikovskaya

Total hours

3 year of study


sections, blocks, topics

Total hours



Theoretical training sessions


training sessions


(individual training sessions)

Organizational occupation

Cossack life.

Kuban family

Cossack folklore

Creativity of outstanding countrymen.

Cossack rituals and holidays

Research project work

Total hours

4 year of study


sections, blocks, topics

Total hours



Theoretical training sessions


training sessions


(individual training sessions)

Organizational occupation

Cossack life.

Cuban family.

Cossack folklore.

Creativity of outstanding countrymen.

Cossack rituals and holidays.

Work on research projects

Total hours

1 year of study.

  1. Acquisition. Introductory conversation. (1 hour)

Room preparation. Safety briefing.

Tasks and content of the work of the local history circle.

  1. Cuban land. (4 hours)

Position on the map. Borders. Rivers, lakes and seas. Cities and villages.

Practical lesson: sketch.

  1. Vegetable world. (5 hours)

Flowers and herbs. Trees. Medicinal plants.

Practical lesson: sketch, game "Guess the plant."

Excursion to the grove.

  1. Animal world. (5 hours)

Animals. Birds. Fish. Insects.

Practical lesson: Quiz about animals.


  1. Native city. (9 hours)

From the village to the city. native school. Famous alumni of the school. Libraries. Museums. Enterprises.

Workshops:Your city of the past (sketch), a holiday game dedicated to your hometown.

Excursions to the library, city museum.

  1. The people of our city. (9 hours)

Professions of parents. Famous residents of Varenikovskaya .. Heroes - fellow countrymen.

Workshops:Essay competition "My family", "What will I become", matinee "All professions are important".

Excursions to the city museum, to the cannery, to the bakery.

2 year of study.

  1. Journey around the native land. (3 hours)

Kuban on the map of Russia. Seas. Rivers. Lakes. Minerals.

Practical lesson: sketch.

  1. Flora and fauna of Kuban. (4 hours)

Steppes. Forest-steppe. The mountains.

Practical lesson: making a model of one of the natural areas.

  1. Names and surnames of the Kuban. (2 hours)

The origin and meaning of the names and surnames of the Kuban.

Practical lesson: essay contest "What does my name mean."

  1. History of the Kuban. (4 hours)

Cuban land. Timeline. Settlements of the Kuban-Cossacks. Clothing at different times.

Practical lesson: Making a model of clothes for a Cossack and a Cossack.

  1. History of Varenikovskaya. (2 hours)

Stanitsa Varenikovskaya. Streets of Varenikovskaya.

Excursion along Red Street.

  1. Attractions Art. Varenikovskaya. (7 hours)

Symbols of Varenikovskaya. Monuments. cultural centers. Transport.

Workshops:The game "Know the traffic lights", the drawing competition "Your monument to the hero."

  1. Kuban glorious sons (2 hours)

V.O.V. in the Kuban. Heroes of War. partisan movement. Children are heroes.

  1. Your countrymen are heroes (3 hours)

Varenikovskaya in the years of V.O.V. The streets are named after them. Schools are named after them.

Practical lesson: The study of family archives: photographs, work books, military cards, award documents, etc.

visit monuments to heroes.

  1. Poets and writers of Kuban (2 hours)

V. Bardadym. V. Nepodoba, K. Oboyshchikov.

  1. Poets and writers of Varenikovskaya (2 hours)

Khokhlov S.N., Plotnichenko G.M.

Practical lesson: Compilation of poems about Varenikovskaya.

3 year of study.

  1. Organizational activity. (1 hour)

Tasks and content of the work of the circle. Organization of classes.

  1. Cossack life. (6 hours)

The dwelling of the Cossacks. Acquaintance with the Cossack's hut. Life and work of the Cossacks. Acquaintance with the tools of labor of the Cossacks. Cossack costume (creating a costume for a doll). Folk arts and crafts. Cossack pottery. Cossack's horse.

  1. Cuban family. (6 hours)

The emergence of names and surnames in the Kuban. Life of the Kuban family. Dishes in the Kuban family. Cossack and parents. Attitude towards elders. Birth of a Cossack Mother's Day - Cossacks. Cossack etiquette.

  1. Cossack folklore. (9 hours)

Cuban language. Kuban dialects. Cossack proverbs and sayings, counting rhymes. Puzzles. Lullabies of the Cossacks. Kuban tales. Games of the Kuban Cossacks. Toys of our grandfathers and grandmothers. Legends were the Black Sea.

  1. Creativity of outstanding countrymen. (4 hours)

Acquaintance with the work of Zakharchenko and the Kuban Cossack Choir. Acquaintance with the work of the Cossack choir Art. Varenikovskaya.

Rites and holidays in the Kuban. Easter eggs, ritual bread. Christmas carols, carols. Shrovetide in the Kuban. Traditions and customs of the Kuban. Folk omens.

  1. Work on research projects (2 hours)

Types of projects. Choosing a project topic, defining the goals and objectives of the project. Work on the content of the project. Project protection.

  1. year of study.
  1. Organizational activity. (1 hour)

Tasks and content of the work of the circle. Organization of classes.

  1. Cossack life. (8 hours)

The dwelling of the Cossacks. rituals during construction. The interior of the house. From the history of men's and women's clothing of villagers. Cuban cuisine. Blacksmithing in the Kuban. Cossack etiquette. Cossack weapon.

  1. Cuban family. (5 hours)

Life and work of the Cossacks. Cossack - warrior, defender of the Russian land. The emergence of names and surnames in the Kuban. Cossack and parents. Attitude towards elders. Honor of the Cossack. Birth of a Cossack Mother is a Cossack. Birth ceremony. Naming ceremony.

  1. Cossack folklore. (9h)

Cuban language. Kuban dialects. Cossack proverbs, sayings, counting rhymes. Puzzles. Lullabies of the Cossacks. Kuban tales. Games of the Kuban Cossacks. Legends were the Black Sea. Creation of a military choir.

  1. Creativity of outstanding countrymen. (3 hours)

Acquaintance with the work of Zakharchenko and the Kuban Cossack Choir. Acquaintance with the work of Ponomarenko.

  1. Cossack rituals and holidays. (6 hours)

Rites and holidays in the Kuban.Ritual "Seeing to the service."Easter in the Kuban. Great post. Christmas in the Kuban. Shrovetide in the Kuban.Traditions and customs in the Kuban. Folk omens.

  1. Work on research projects (2 hours)

Types of projects. Choosing a project topic, defining the goals and objectives of the project. Work on the content of the project. Project protection.

4. Expected results of the program implementation.

5. Forms and types of control

When summing up the results of the implementation of the Program, a final celebration is held, which includes awarding the best and most active students in the academic year with diplomas, letters of thanks and prizes; organization of the final exhibition with art, applied and technical work; formation of a leadership group of initiative and active program participants.

  1. Guidelines.

When compiling calendar-thematic planning in the classroom, it is possible to alternate theoretical conversations on topics from different sections of the program. The learning process goes in a spiral: returning to old topics, students become more familiar with the material, deepen their knowledge, study in detail all issues of local history.

It is also necessary to prepare the children to overcome any difficulties, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.

It is advisable to establish records of student achievements. To do this, you can start a "Diary of a circle member", where you need to record participation in all events: competitions, hikes, defense of projects, etc. It is necessary to draw up a “Local History Corner”, where the main points of the work of the circle will be highlighted.

In some classes, teachers of geography, history, physical education, as well as a school doctor can be involved.

It is useful to conduct some classes in the second year of study in the form of reports, multimedia presentations made by students on their own.

The main thing is that a good attitude towards all living things is brought up in the classroom, interest in the past and present of one's city, region, country develops. Students need to develop research skills.

When going through many topics, you can use game and competitive forms that allow children to show their knowledge and skills, but it is also necessary to teach children to work in a team, work together and quickly.

A significant part of the time is devoted to safety issues and these issues are considered in all sections of the program. Conversations, safety tests should be carried out before each exit, during practical exercises.

  1. Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

Name of objects and means of logistics


1. Library fund (printed products) *

  1. Bondar V.V. "Military city of Yekaterinodar" K., 2000.
  2. Gromov V.P., father Sergiy, Yu.N. Zagudaev and others. " Tutorial on military-patriotic education and the basics of military service, K., 2005.
  3. Maslova A.V. "Kuban antiquity", K., 2009.
  4. Eremenko E.N., Pokladova E.V., Sobol A.G. "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" (publishing house "World of Kuban".
  5. Miruk M.V., Eremenko E.N., Chup O.V. The program of additional education for children "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" (grades 1-4), (Tradition publishing house, 2009.
  6. Methodological materials for lessons and extracurricular activities in Kuban studies, Grade 3, author - compiler Eremenko E.N. - Krasnodar: Vika-Print, 2006.
  7. Methodological materials for lessons and extracurricular activities in Kuban studies, grade 4, author - compiler Eremenko E.N. - Krasnodar: Vika-Print, 2006.
  8. Platonov I. "Orthodox Kuban - Pervozvannaya." Taman-Krasnodar, 2000.
  9. Tkachenko P.I. Kuban proverbs and sayings. Krasnodar, ed. "Tradition".
  10. Patriotic education. The system of work, planning, lesson notes, lesson development. Author-compiler I.A. Pashkovich. Volgograd: "Teacher", 2006.
  11. Patriotic education. Regulatory legal documents. 2nd edition, revised. M., 2006.
  12. Ratushnyak V.N. "Native Kuban. Pages of History: A Book to Read" K., 2003-2004.

2. Printed aids

  1. printed manuals
  2. Demonstration material (lotto, subject pictures)

3. Teaching aids

  1. Blackboard
  2. exposure screen
  3. Notebook
  4. Multimedia projector

4. Screen and audio aids

5. Games and toys

6. Equipment class

  1. Student tables are double with a set of chairs.
  2. Teacher's table with a pedestal.
  1. Cabinets for storing textbooks, didactic material, manuals, etc.

Publication date: 10.11.2016

Short description:

material preview

1. Explanatory note

This educational program is intended both for classes of the Cossack orientation, and for students of the 6th grade of secondary schools and institutions of additional education for children. The educational program on the history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks is part of a comprehensive program. Designed for classes of the Cossack orientation, but can also be considered as an independent academic discipline.

The history and traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks includes folklore (songs, proverbs, sayings, legends, fairy tales, tales, etc.), centuries-old traditions, rites and rituals, holidays and customs, original Kuban dialect, various forms of everyday life, work and rest of the Cossacks. This is a huge wealth of the people and it should not disappear. Keeping the roots, we will grow the tree of our modern culture. At present, our society is experiencing a spiritual crisis, which can only be overcome by relying on true cultural values ​​and ideals. The history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks is the main value of the centuries-old history of our people. It has a unique property: to bind all generations together and carefully preserve the spiritual wealth accumulated over the centuries, by people. The main task of any educational program is the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. Traditional culture and folklore are able to solve this problem in the following way. How they perform both cognitive, and educational, and communicative functions.

The purpose of this program- development of the spiritual mentality of the younger generation, familiarization with true human values, development of creative abilities and the ability to self-knowledge, self-education.

Tasks solved by the program:

    To form in schoolchildren an idea of ​​the history and traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks as an original, unique and inimitable culture of the Kuban region of the Russian state.

    To acquaint them with Orthodox and folk traditions and rituals, holidays and customs of the Kuban Cossacks.

    Develop children's creative thinking and ability.

    To form their interest in research work.

    To develop in children the ability to self-knowledge, self-education.

This program is designed for 1 year of study, which includes 34 hours of study. Classes are held for one hour once a week. As noted above, this program is intended for classes of the Cossack orientation, as well as for 6 classes of the main school. This course can also be implemented in extracurricular or circle classes. The age of the beginning of the development of the program is 12-13 years old, the number of students, taking into account the practical orientation of educational activities, is not more than 25 people in a group, in a class.

This course can be implemented in extracurricular or circle classes in Cossack classes or serve as an addition to the Kuban Studies course in schools.

The historical milestones passed by the Cossacks and unique folklore material from the history of the Slavic population of the Kuban, Cossack holidays, customs and rituals formed the basis of this program.

A distinctive feature of this program is that it is designed to a greater extent to develop the creative abilities of students and includes practical exercises on the study and development of the folklore heritage of the Kuban Cossacks.

The objective of the course is the practical development of the cultural heritage of the Kuban Cossacks. In modern society, with a huge information flow, in the context of integration and globalization, it is very important for the younger generation to preserve their historical roots. This is the main goal of this program.

This program is aimed at realizing the creative potential of the child's personality, increasing motivation for learning and creativity, familiarizing with the cultural values ​​of their small homeland, ensuring emotional and physical well-being, as well as spiritual and intellectual development of the younger generation.

The program includes acquaintance with the basic moral values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks, such as mercy, mutual assistance and mutual assistance, Christian morality and folklore heritage. The program contains historical material about the emergence of the Cossacks in the Kuban, their way of life, clothing, traditional etiquette, their customs and rituals.

Some topics of the program have been expanded and include practical exercises on the study of the Kuban Cossack folklore. So, for example, the theme "Winter Holidays" includes theatricalization of the Christmas ritual "carols". Similarly to the topic "Wedding rites and customs" theatricalization of the wedding ceremony (script developments are attached).

In order to develop interest in the subject, generalizing lessons in the form of a lesson-game are included. Such as "Cossack customs", "Cossack fun", role-playing game "Maslenitsa".

The result of checking the development of the creative abilities of students and the result of the work of this program is the performance of this team at school thematic events and holidays, participation in competitions and festivals dedicated to the Kuban Cossacks. In the course of mastering this program, by the end of the academic year, students should know the history and content of the folk traditions of the Kuban Cossacks, develop the ability to creatively perform Kuban Cossack songs and tales, the Kuban dialect, Cossack dances, and also show the abilities and skills of self-study in the arts and crafts of the Kuban.

The compiled program can be recommended to teachers of Kuban studies and the history of the Cossacks in schools, as it helps to foster a sense of love and patriotism for their small homeland and forms students' artistic knowledge of the folk culture of the Kuban Cossacks.


Name of sections, blocks, topics

Total, hour.

Number of hours

Main types of learning activities (UDD)



Introduction. The world of folk traditions of the Slavic population of the Kuban, late XVIII - early XIX centuries.

To get acquainted with the program, goals and objectives of the circle.

Orthodoxy in the Kuban

Get acquainted with the history and features of the spread of Orthodoxy in the Kuban.

Spiritual values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks.

To study and preserve the spiritual values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks.

Traditional etiquette and clothing of the Kuban Cossacks.

Demonstrate knowledge of etiquette and clothing features of the Kuban Cossacks.

Recreation, games and entertainment of the Kuban Slavs.

To know the features of leisure activities by the Cossacks, to be able to play Cossack games.

Ethnoscience. Calendar holidays, customs and rituals of the Cossacks.

Understand and be able to explain the meaning of the holidays, be able to reproduce the rituals of the Cossacks.

Family traditions, customs and rituals of the Cossacks.

Know the basic customs, family traditions of the Cossacks. Get to know the history of your Cossack family.

Cossack dwelling. Interior decoration of the house. Compound. Folk crafts.

Make a piece of arts and crafts.

The main stages, dates and events in the history of the Kuban Cossacks.

Have an understanding of the main stages in the history of the Kuban Cossacks.

Conclusion, generalization of topics, trip to the local history museum.

Total hours

Topic 1. Introduction. World of folk traditions of the Slavic population of Kuban

(late 18th early 19th century).

Formation of folk Slavic traditions in Ancient Russia. Migration of East Slavic peoples to the Kuban. Formation of the Kuban Cossack culture. Practical work - a quiz.

Topic 2. Orthodoxy in the Kuban.

Orthodoxy as the main core of the traditional culture of the Kuban Slavs. The motto of the Kuban Cossacks is "For the Faith, for the Tsar, for the Fatherland". The appearance of schismatics and sectarians in the Kuban. Temples and monasteries of the Kuban region. Christian culture in the folklore of the Kuban Slavs. Practical work - "Temples and Cathedrals of the Kuban".

Topic 3. Spiritual values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks.

Mercy is one of the important aspects in the system of moral values ​​of the Kuban Slavs. Mutual responsibility and mutual assistance, collectivism in the Cossack community. Folk Pedagogy. Christian education in a Cossack family. Practical work - tests "Raising children in a Cossack family."

Topic 4. Traditional etiquette and clothing of the Kuban Cossacks.

Code of conduct and everyday life, their connection with Christian precepts and morality. Men's and women's clothing of the Cossacks. Reflection of mountain culture and traditions in the clothes of the Kuban Slavs. Practical work 1 - excursion to the Museum. Practical work 2 - drawing competition "Men's and women's clothing of the Kuban Cossacks."

Topic 5. Recreation, games and entertainment of the Kuban Slavs.

Children's fun Cossacks. Summer and winter games for children and teenagers. Leisure for adults. Men's and women's meetings - gatherings. Stanitsa tales and jokers. Folk musical culture. Practical work - staging "Country tales".

Topic 6. Traditional medicine. Calendar holidays, customs and rituals.

The connection between man and nature. Centuries-old experience of quackery of the Slavs. Natural pantry of the Kuban. Practical work - a message on the topic "Natural pantry of the Kuban". Winter holidays: Christmas time, Christmas, caroling, Epiphany. Spring holidays: Maslenitsa, Palm Sunday, Easter, Seeing Off, Trinity. Summer holidays: Ivan Kupala, Ilyin's day, three Spas (apple, honey, bread). Autumn holidays: Semenov's Day, Nativity of the Virgin, Exaltation of the Cross, Intercession, Paraskeva Friday. Practical work 1. - dramatization of the Christmas rite.

Practical work 2. - role-playing game "Pancake week".

Topic 7. Family rituals and customs.

The difference between wedding ceremonies in the Kuban villages. Wedding: matchmaking, "engagement", "bachelorette party", "posad", wedding train, wedding, wedding feast. Motherland: folk beliefs, rite of washing hands. Christening: the rite of baptism in an Orthodox church, godparents. Funeral: funeral customs, reading of psalms, memorial songs - songs of lamentation, funeral service of the deceased in the temple, burial rite. Practical work - dramatization of the wedding ceremony.

Topic 8. Cossack dwelling. Interior decoration of the house. Compound. Folk crafts. Technology of building a house (hut). Turluch or adobe houses. Red corner. Furniture, interior items. Pottery, blacksmith craft. Weaving, embroidery.

Topic 9. The main stages, dates and events in the history of the Kuban Cossacks. The main memorable dates and significant events of regional and local significance. Personalia, a historical and cultural event that served as the basis for a memorable date. The significance of this event for the modern Kuban Cossacks. Preparation and course of the celebration (at the choice of the teacher).

Topic 10. Conclusion, generalization of topics, trip to the local history museum.

4. Expected results of the program implementation



The acquisition by schoolchildren of social

knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life (level 1)

Formation of a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of our society and towards social reality in general (level 2)

Acquisition of experience and independent social action by schoolchildren

History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks

* Determine the main genres of folklore art of the Kuban Cossacks;

* Know the history of your Cossack family and the history of your classmate;

* Understand the features of the traditions and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks;

* Know the main memorial buildings in Krasnodar and the region associated with the history of the Cossacks;

* Perform elements of folk crafts inherent in the main types of DPI of the Kuban Cossacks;

* Explain the structure and activities of the Kuban Cossack army.

* be able to perform, demonstrate various folklore forms of the Kuban Cossacks;

* reconstruct the main holiday ceremonies;

* perform household duties in accordance with their age;

* be able to talk about your Cossack family.

* stage folk rituals with songs and folklore of the Kuban Cossacks;

* to know and adhere to the basics of the spiritual life of the Cossacks;

* make products and handicrafts in the traditions of the DPI of the Kuban Cossacks;

* complete a research project on the topic "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

5. Forms and types of control

Exemplary forms and types of control

The main form of work is training sessions. Classes under this program are practice-oriented, creative, playful in nature. Classes are exclusively active and interactive (research activities, development and defense of projects, independent search for knowledge, etc.), and may also include the following techniques: storytelling, demonstration, communication of information.

The report on the work takes place in the form of fairs, open classes, competitions, festivals, public events.

One of the learning outcomes is solving the problems of education - understanding the practical application of the value system.

Education is based on communication, which contributes to the development of personality traits.

The value of the family is an understanding of the importance of the family in a person's life, mutual understanding and mutual assistance to one's relatives, awareness of one's roots; respect for elders, their experience, moral ideals.

Establishing relationships with institutions of additional education.

7. Description of the logistics of the educational process

a) a list of literature for the teacher

1. Abdulatipov R.A. My Russian people: Kuban Cossacks, M.2006

3. Administration of the Krasnodar Territory. Periodic Kuban. Kuban during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Krasnodar 2005

4. Bardadym V.P. Military prowess of the Kuban, Krasnodar 2003

5. Bardadym V.P. Cossack kuren, Krasnodar, 1992

6. Bigday L.D. Songs of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar 1995

7. Boyko I.N. Ditties, refrains, suffering. Kuban drinking songs. Folklore and creative center of the peoples of the North Caucasus "Otrada" Krasnodar, 2002

8. Bondar Z. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar 1999

9. Gaivoronskaya I.F. Artists of Kuban. Krasnodar, 2006

10. Zakharchenko V.G. Folk songs of Kuban. Soviet Kuban, 1997

11. Kuban State University. Collection of scientific papers: From the pre-revolutionary past of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar 1993

12. Lyakh V.I. Musical art of Kuban. Krasnodar, 2006

13. Materials of the scientific-practical conference. Saving the people: traditional folk culture. Krasnodar 2007

14. Pakhalko N.A. Cossack calendar. Slavyansk-n/K 2000

15. Pevnev A.P. Kuban Cossacks, History guide for students

schools, gymnasiums, lyceums of the Krasnodar Territory. Krasnodar, 1995

16. .Petrusenko and Kuban in song. Soviet Kuban. Krasnodar, 1999

17. Prasalova E.N. In union with beauty M.1987

18. The program of additional education for children in folklore and arts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 2008

19. Ratushnyak V.N. Encyclopedia. Cuban studies. Krasnodar, 2008

20. Tkachenko P.I. Reference edition. Kuban dialect. Moscow, 1998

21 Tkachenko P.I. Reference publication Kuban dialect, Tradition 2008.

22. Thamakova I.Kh. Traditional Cossack wedding. World of culture. Nalchik, 1990

23. Chursina V.I. Folk culture of the Slavs of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 2005

24. Chursina V.I. Folklore of the Slavs of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 2003

b) a list of literature for students

1. Kuban folk lullabies. Krasnodar, 2002

2. Kuban folk tales and legends / Comp. V.V. Voronin. Krasnodar, 2001

4. From a joke to an epic. Russian folklore. M., 1991

5. Proverbs, sayings and riddles of the Kuban / Comp.: L. B. Martynenko, I. V. Uvarova. Krasnodar, 1993

6. Proverbs, sayings and riddles of the Kuban / Comp.: L. B. Martynenko, I. V. Uvarova. Krasnodar, 2000

c) technical training aids

Computer, interactive board.

d) screen-thematic aids

Presentations, disks of songs.
