Physical culture - what is it? Physical education program at school. Physical education program Physical education program

Currently, physical education has acquired particular importance in school. What is physical education in an educational organization? How can you plan for this academic discipline? We will look for answers to these questions in order to understand the essence and specifics of teaching physical education in a modern school.

Role and place in the educational institution

What place do physical culture and sports occupy in national education? Let's start with the fact that currently one hour of teaching this academic discipline has been added to all classes.

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The reason for this decision was a significant deterioration in the physical health of the younger generation, as well as the lack of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren.

The Federal State Educational Standards for physical education are designed so that teachers place the main emphasis on preserving the health of schoolchildren and developing in them an active desire to play sports.

The structure of the lesson and its features

Lessons are held in the gym or on the street. The physical education program is designed so that each lesson has three sections:

  • introductory part;
  • main content;
  • conclusion.

At the introductory stage, the teacher offers the children exercises in the form of a warm-up. The main block is designed for learning a new game, exercises, throwing, jumping, rope climbing, running, tasks for coordination of movements, outdoor games, team relay races.

In the final part of the lesson, the physical education teacher gives the children time to adjust their pulse and breathing and bring their body into normal functioning.

Important aspects

What does the concept of “physical culture” mean? What is school physical education? Let us note that physical education in a regular school is not limited only to lessons; it can also include small unloading physical exercises, which are conducted not only by physical education teachers, but also by teachers of other academic disciplines.

It is also necessary to include systematic medical examinations conducted annually in educational institutions. They are intended to assess the development, health, and physical fitness of students. Taken together, all this is physical culture. What is a physical education program for a Russian school? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Program specifics

It contains several forms and components:

  • base part;
  • rehabilitation and health part;
  • “background” physical culture.

The first part is the fundamental basis of the subject. It includes systems of educational and educational goals, as well as the selection of techniques and methods of work that contribute to the achievement of set goals and objectives. It is on this part that physical culture is based. What is the wellness part of the program? The teacher is obliged to fully fulfill the social order and create optimal conditions for preserving the physical health of the younger generation.

That is why the regular program for this academic discipline additionally (if necessary) includes sets of exercises that help correct various skills. For example, a teacher does breathing exercises and posture correction exercises with children as part of a physical education lesson.

Primary School Program

It includes elements that involve the development of endurance, agility, coordination of movements, and teamwork skills. In physical education classes, the teacher teaches children the basics of proper breathing, combining it with movements.

The program includes acquaintance with the elements of team and sports games, training in swimming, rope climbing, throwing a ball at at different distances, throwing it into a volleyball net.

Features of the physical education program for high school students

At the senior level of education, the teacher uses a variety of working methods to organize lessons. They represent a single set of methodological techniques that allow each student to build their own developmental trajectory and instill in teenagers a positive attitude towards sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Lessons include training in hardening skills, psychoregulation, self-control, and massage. This subject is aimed at developing the habit of playing sports in high school students for the rest of their lives. It is this subject that allows teachers to prevent associative behavior in high school students.

In the work program for physical education, an explanatory note is drawn up, which notes all the basic techniques and methods of work. Relevance and features of physical education.

Next, the teacher describes thematic lesson planning, indicating the number of hours allocated for each game, exercise, running and other activities. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, special attention is paid to those universal skills that schoolchildren must master.

Approximate discipline program " Physical Culture»

The program is compiled in accordance with state educational standards of higher professional education in relevant areas.

© Ministry of Education Russian Federation

© GNII ITT “Informika” (Online publication)

Moscow 2000

I. Organizational and methodological section

1. Purpose of the course

The purpose of physical education of university students is the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to purposefully use various means of physical culture, sports and tourism to preserve and strengthen health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for future professional activities.

2. Course objectives

To achieve this goal, it is envisaged to solve the following educational, educational, developmental and health-improving tasks:

  • - understanding the social role of physical culture in the development of the individual and preparing him for professional activity;
  • - knowledge of scientific, biological and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;
  • - formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, the need for regular exercise and sports;
  • - mastery of a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in physical culture;
  • - ensuring general and professionally applied physical fitness, which determines the student’s psychophysical readiness for the future profession;
  • - acquiring experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals.

3. Requirements for the level of mastery of course content

During the implementation of the exemplary curriculum “Physical Education”, subject to proper organization and regularity of training sessions in the established volume of 408 hours, the following requirements of the State educational standard of higher professional education in this academic discipline (Federal component) must be fully ensured:

  • - physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students. Its socio-biological foundations. Physical culture and sport as social phenomena of society. Legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports. Physical culture of the individual;
  • - the basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student. Features of the use of physical education means to optimize performance;
  • - general physical and special training in the physical education system;
  • - sport. Individual choice of sports or physical exercise systems;
  • - professionally applied physical training of students. Basics of self-study methods and self-monitoring of the state of your body.

In turn, the specified mandatory minimum content of the educational program of the academic discipline “Physical Culture” allows us to determine the following requirements for the knowledge and skills of the student upon completion of the course of study in this academic discipline:

  • - understand the role of physical education in human development and specialist training;
  • - know the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. Possess a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities (with the implementation of established standards for general physical and sports-technical training);
  • - gain personal experience in using physical education and sports activities to improve their functional and motor capabilities, to achieve personal life and professional goals.

4. Place of the course in the system of socio-humanitarian education

This program for the academic discipline “Physical Education” is compiled taking into account the following fundamental legislative, instructional and program documents that determine the main focus, volume and content of physical education classes in higher education:

  • - Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” dated April 29, 1999 N 80-FZ;
  • - order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of state educational standards of higher professional education dated March 2, 2000 N 686;
  • - order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On the organization of the process of physical education in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education” dated December 1, 1999 N 1025;
  • - instructions on the organization and content of the work of physical education departments of higher educational institutions. Approved by order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated July 26, 1994 N 777.

The socio-humanitarian orientation of physical culture in general and, especially, in educational institutions of all levels in the country is the main fundamental provision of the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”.

This provision is taken as a basis and specified in the special above-mentioned orders of the Russian Ministry of Education.

In higher educational institutions, “Physical Culture” is presented as an academic discipline and the most important component of the holistic development of the individual. Being a component of the general culture, psychophysical development and professional training of the student throughout the entire period of study, “Physical Culture” is one of the compulsory disciplines of the cycle “General Humanities and socio-economic disciplines".

“Physical Culture” most fully carries out its educational and developmental functions in the purposeful pedagogical process of physical education, which is based on the basic general didactic principles: consciousness, clarity, accessibility, systematicity and dynamism.

It is these principles that permeate the entire content of the exemplary curriculum for universities in the pedagogical discipline “Physical Culture”, which is closely related not only to the physical development and improvement of the functional systems of a young person’s body, but also to the formation of vital mental qualities through physical culture and sports, properties and personality traits.

All this is generally reflected in the psychophysical reliability of the future specialist, in required level and the sustainability of his professional performance.

The academic discipline “Physical Education” includes as a mandatory minimum the following didactic units that integrate the topics of theoretical, practical and control educational material:

  • - physical education in general cultural and professional training of students;
  • - socio-biological foundations of physical culture;
  • - the basics of a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle;
  • - health systems and sports (theory, methodology and practice);
  • - professionally applied physical training of students.

The educational material of each didactic unit is differentiated through the following sections and subsections of the program:

  • - theoretical, forming a worldview system of scientific and practical knowledge and attitude towards physical culture;
  • - practical, consisting of two subsections: methodological and practical, ensuring operational mastery of methods and methods of physical culture and sports activities to achieve educational, professional and life goals of the individual, and educational and training, facilitating the acquisition of experience in creative practical activities, the development of amateur performances in physical culture and sports in order to achieve physical perfection, increase the level of functional and motor abilities, targeted formation of personality qualities and properties;
  • - control, which determines differentiated and objective accounting of the process and results of students’ educational activities.

The professional orientation of the educational process in physical culture unites all three sections of the program, performing a connecting, coordinating and activating function.

The program material includes two interrelated content components: mandatory (basic), which ensures the formation of the foundations of physical culture of the individual, and variable, based on the basic one, complementing it and taking into account the individuality of each student, his motives, interests, needs, as well as regional conditions and traditions. On this basis, it is ensured the construction of elective and elective courses that are varied in focus and content, which should not contradict the instructions of the model curriculum, exclude its mandatory (federal) components, or violate the current instructions on the organization and content of the work of physical education departments of higher educational institutions.

1. Course sections

Theoretical section

The material of the section provides students with mastery of a system of scientific, practical and special knowledge necessary for understanding the natural and social processes of the functioning of the physical culture of society and the individual, the ability to use them adaptively, creatively for personal and professional development, self-improvement, organizing a healthy lifestyle when performing educational, professional and sociocultural activities.

First course

(required topic)

  1. Physical culture and sport as social phenomena of society.
  2. The current state of physical culture and sports.
  3. Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation.
  4. Physical culture of the individual.
  5. The activity essence of physical culture in various spheres of life.
  6. Values ​​of physical culture. Physical culture as an academic discipline of higher professional education and holistic personal development.
  7. Value orientations and attitudes of students towards physical education and sports.
  8. Basic provisions of the organization of physical education in higher education educational institution(2 hours).
  1. The human body as a single self-developing and self-regulating biological system.
  2. The impact of natural and socio-ecological factors on the human body and life activity.
  3. Means of physical culture and sports in improvement management functionality body in order to ensure mental and physical activity.
  4. Physiological mechanisms and patterns of improvement of individual body systems under the influence of targeted physical training.
  5. Motor function and increasing the human body’s resistance to various environmental conditions (4 hours).

Topic 3. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student. Physical education in ensuring health

  1. Human health as a value and the factors that determine it.
  2. The relationship between a student’s general culture and his lifestyle.
  3. The structure of students' life activity and its reflection in their lifestyle.
  4. Healthy lifestyle and its components.
  5. Personal attitude to health as a condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Basic requirements for organizing a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Physical self-education and self-improvement in a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle (2 hours).

Topic 4. Psychophysiological foundations of educational work and intellectual activity. Means of physical culture in regulating performance

  1. Psychophysiological characteristics of intellectual activity and educational work of a student.
  2. Dynamics of student performance in the academic year and the factors that determine it.
  3. The main reasons for changes in the psychophysical state of students during the examination session, criteria for neuro-emotional and psychophysical fatigue.
  4. Features of the use of physical education means to optimize performance, prevent neuro-emotional and psychophysical fatigue of students, increase the efficiency of educational work (2 hours).

Topic 5. General physical and special training in the physical education system

  1. Methodological principles of physical education.
  2. Methods of physical education.
  3. Fundamentals of movement training.
  4. Basics of improving physical qualities.
  5. Formation of mental qualities in the process of physical education (2 hours).
  1. General physical training, its goals and objectives.
  2. Special physical training.
  3. Sports training, its goals and objectives.
  4. Structure of an athlete's preparedness.
  5. Zones and intensity of physical activity.
  6. The importance of muscle relaxation.
  7. Possibility and conditions for correction of physical development, physique, motor and functional readiness by means of physical culture and sports at student age.
  8. Forms of physical exercise.
  9. Educational training session as the main form of teaching physical exercises.
  10. Structure and focus of the training session (2 hours).
  1. Motivation and purposefulness of independent studies.
  2. Forms and content of independent studies.
  3. Organization of independent physical exercises of various types.
  4. The nature of the content of classes depending on age.
  5. Features of self-study for women.
  6. Planning and managing independent studies.
  7. Limits of load intensity during independent training for people of different ages.
  8. The relationship between exercise intensity and level of physical fitness.
  9. Hygiene of self-study.
  10. Self-monitoring of the effectiveness of independent studies.
  11. Participation in sports competitions (2 hours).

Second course

(required topic)

  1. Mass sports and elite sports, their goals and objectives.
  2. Sports classification.
  3. College sports.
  4. Features of the organization and planning of sports training at the university.
  5. Sports competitions as a means and method of general physical, professional and applied sports training of students.
  6. System of student sports competitions.
  7. Public student sports organizations.
  8. Olympic Games and Universiade.
  9. Modern popular systems physical exercise.
  10. Motivation and justification for a student’s individual choice of a sport or a system of physical exercises for regular exercise.
  11. Brief psychophysiological characteristics of the main groups of sports and systems of physical exercise (2 hours).

Topic 8. Features of practicing your chosen sport or system of physical exercises*

  1. Brief historical background.
  2. Characteristics of the characteristics of the impact of this sport (system of physical exercises) on physical development and preparedness, mental qualities and personality traits.
  3. Model characteristics of a high-class athlete.
  4. Determining the goals and objectives of sports training (or practicing a system of physical exercises) in a university setting.
  5. Possible forms of organizing training at a university.
  6. Long-term, current and operational planning of training.
  7. The main ways to achieve the necessary structure of students' preparedness.
  8. Monitoring the effectiveness of training sessions.
  9. Special credit requirements and standards for years (semesters) of study in the chosen sport or system of physical exercises.
  10. Calendar of student competitions.
  11. Sports classification and rules of sports competitions in the chosen sport (2 hours).

*Note. The topic is presented taking into account the professional activities of graduates of each faculty

Topic 9. Self-control of those involved in physical exercises and sports

  1. Diagnosis and self-diagnosis of the body’s condition during regular exercise and sports.
  2. Medical control, its content.
  3. Pedagogical control, its content.
  4. Self-control, its main methods, indicators and self-control diary.
  5. The use of standards methods, anthropometric indices, nomograms of functional tests, exercise tests to assess physical development, physique, functional state of the body, physical fitness.
  6. Correction of the content and methods of physical exercises and sports based on the results of control indicators (2 hours).

Third-fourth courses

(required topic)

Part I. General provisions of professional applied physical training.

  1. Personal and socio-economic need for special psychophysical preparation of a person for work.
  2. Definition of the concept of PPPP, its goals, objectives, means.
  3. The place of PPPP in the system of physical education of students.
  4. Factors that determine the specific content of PPPP.
  5. Methodology for selecting PPFP funds.
  6. Organization, forms and means of PPPP for students at the university.
  7. Monitoring the effectiveness of professional-applied physical preparedness of students.

Part II. Features of the PPPP of students in their chosen field of study or specialty.

Scheme of presentation of the section at each faculty: the main factors determining the PPPP of a future specialist in this profile; additional factors influencing the content of the PPFP in the chosen profession; the main content of the PPPP of the future bachelor and specialist; applied sports and their elements. Credit requirements and standards for PPPP by year of study (semester) for students of the faculty (2 hours).

Topic 11. Physical culture in the professional activities of bachelors and specialists*

  1. Industrial physical culture.
  2. Industrial gymnastics.
  3. Features of the choice of forms, methods and means of physical culture and sports in the working and free time of specialists.
  4. Prevention of occupational diseases and injuries by means of physical culture.
  5. Additional means of increasing general and professional performance.
  6. The influence of individual characteristics, geographical and climatic conditions and other factors on the content of physical culture of specialists working in production.
  7. The role of future specialists in the introduction of physical culture in the production team.

*Note. The topic is presented taking into account the professional activities of graduates of each faculty.

A list of sample test questions for the test (exam) for the entire theoretical section is given in Appendix 1.

Practical section

The educational material of the section is aimed at increasing the level of functional and motor abilities, developing the necessary qualities and personality traits, mastering the methods and means of physical education and sports activities, and acquiring personal experience in the targeted use of physical culture and sports means.

The practical section of the program is implemented through methodological, practical and educational training sessions in study groups.

Methodological and practical classes provide for the development of basic methods and methods of developing educational, professional and life skills through the means of physical culture and sports.

Each methodological and practical lesson is consistent with the corresponding theoretical topic. When conducting methodological and practical exercises, it is recommended to adhere to the following approximate scheme:

  • - in accordance with the planned topic of the lesson, the teacher gives students in advance a task to familiarize themselves with the recommended literature and the necessary instructions for mastering it;
  • - the teacher briefly explains teaching methods and, if necessary, shows appropriate techniques, ways of performing physical exercises, motor actions to achieve the necessary results according to the method being studied;
  • - students practically, with mutual control, reproduce thematic tasks under the supervision of the teacher;
  • - students are given individual recommendations on practical self-improvement of thematic actions, techniques, methods. Under the guidance of the teacher, the results of the assignment are discussed and analyzed.
  • The program provides the following list of mandatory methodological and practical classes related to the lecture course.

For first year students:

  1. Methods of effective and economical ways to master vital skills (walking, skiing, swimming).
  2. The simplest methods of self-assessment of performance, fatigue, exhaustion and the use of physical education means for their targeted correction.
  3. Methodology for drawing up individual programs of physical self-education and activities with a health-improving, recreational and restorative orientation (slow running, swimming, skiing, etc.).
  4. Basics of self-massage techniques.
  5. Method of corrective gymnastics for the eyes.
  6. Methodology for compiling and conducting the simplest independent physical exercises of a hygienic or training orientation.

For second year students:

  1. Methods for assessing and correcting posture and physique.
  2. Methods of self-monitoring of health and physical development (standards, indices, programs, formulas, etc.).
  3. Methods of self-monitoring of the functional state of the body (functional tests).
  4. Methodology for conducting training sessions.
  5. Methods of self-assessment of special physical and sports readiness for a chosen sport (tests, control tasks).
  6. Methodology of an individual approach and the use of means for the targeted development of individual physical qualities.
  7. Fundamentals of the methodology for organizing refereeing in a chosen sport.

For third and fourth year students:

  1. Methods of regulating the psycho-emotional state used during physical education and sports.
  2. Means and methods of muscle relaxation in sports.
  3. Methodology for independent development of individual elements of professional applied physical training.
  4. Methodology for conducting industrial gymnastics, taking into account the given conditions and nature of work.

Appendix 2 presents additional approximate topics of methodological and practical classes for independent development.

Educational and training sessions are based on the widespread use of theoretical knowledge and methodological skills, on the use of various means of physical education, sports and professionally applied physical training of students.

Their focus is related to ensuring the necessary physical activity by achieving and maintaining an optimal level of physical and functional fitness during the training period; acquiring personal experience in improving and correcting individual physical development, functional and motor capabilities; with the development of vital and professionally necessary skills and psychophysical qualities.

The means of the practical section of classes in the academic discipline “Physical Education” in the work program of the Department of Physical Education are determined at each university independently.

Mandatory types of physical exercises for inclusion in the physical education work program are: individual disciplines of athletics (100 m run - men, women; 2000 m run - women; 3000 m run - men), swimming, sports games, cross-country skiing, professional exercises -applied physical training (APPT).

PPPP tools, selected in accordance with the PPPP tasks of future specialists, include specially targeted physical exercises, natural factors, and hygienic factors.

The selection of exercises in practical classes should include improving previously studied and teaching new motor actions (skills and skills), as well as developing the qualities of endurance, strength, speed of movement, dexterity and flexibility. Physical exercises from various sports, exercises of a professional-applied orientation and health-improving systems of physical exercises are used. Exercise equipment and computer training systems may be used during classes.

Practical educational material for the special educational department is developed by the departments of physical education, taking into account the indications and contraindications for each student. The educational material has a corrective and health-prophylactic orientation. When implementing it, an individually differentiated approach is required depending on the level of functional and physical fitness, the nature and severity of structural and functional disorders in the body caused by temporary or permanent pathological factors.

During the first four semesters, students of the special educational department (including those studying in therapeutic physical education groups and those exempt from practical classes) write essays related to the peculiarities of using physical education means in their individual health conditions.

Control section

Control classes, tests, exams provide operational, current and final differentiated information on the degree of mastery of theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills, on the state and dynamics of physical development, physical and professionally applied readiness of each student.

The criteria for the effectiveness of educational and training sessions are requirements and indicators based on the use of physical activity not lower than a certain minimum - regularity of attendance at compulsory classes; mandatory and additional tests developed by the Department of Physical Education for students of different educational groups in sports (elective courses and groups of the sports department), in professional-applied physical training, taking into account the specifics of training bachelors and specialists.

Operational control provides information about the progress of students in completing a specific section or type of academic work. Current - allows you to assess the degree of mastery of a section, topic, type of academic work. Final control (tests, exams) makes it possible to identify the level of development of a student’s physical culture and self-determination in it through a comprehensive test of knowledge, methodological and practical skills, characterization of the student’s general physical, sports and technical readiness, his psychophysical readiness for professional activity.

III. Distribution of training hours for mastering the main sections of the curriculum

Based on the State educational standards of higher professional education, the curricula of universities in all areas and specialties of higher professional education in the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines provide for the allocation of 408 hours for the discipline “Physical Education” in a mandatory course for the entire period of study with a final certification .

To build the educational process, an approximate distribution of mandatory training hours for mastering the three main sections of the program by year of study is proposed.

* Including 2 hours - the first organizational and methodological lesson with first-year students.

IY. Final control form

Assessment of mastery of the educational material of the program

Students of all academic departments who have completed the working curriculum each semester take a test in physical education. The condition for admission to the test exercises is the regularity of attendance at training sessions, which ensures a physiologically and methodologically justified increase in functional and motor readiness.

The criterion for a student’s success in mastering educational material is the teacher’s expert assessment of the regularity of attendance at mandatory training sessions and the results of the corresponding tests (see Tables 1 and 2). Each of the three subsections below will receive a separate grade. The overall grade for the semester is determined as the arithmetic average of positive grades in all three sections of educational activity.

First subsection. Theoretical and methodological knowledge, mastery of methodological skills

Mastery of the section material is determined by the level of mastery of theoretical and methodological knowledge, corresponding practical skills and skills in their use with a grade of at least “satisfactory.”

Second subsection. General physical and sports technical training

In each semester, students perform no more than 5 tests, including three mandatory physical fitness monitoring tests in every second half of the year (Table 1). Sample tests on general physical fitness for students of educational departments are presented in Appendix 3. (Tests on sports and technical readiness and their evaluation tables are developed by physical education departments independently.)

The total assessment of the performance of tests of general physical and sports-technical readiness is determined by the average number of points scored in all tests, provided that each of them is completed by at least one point (Table 1).

Third subsection. Vital skills and abilities. Professional applied physical training

The list of requirements and tests for each section, their assessment in points, are developed by the Department of Physical Education, taking into account the profile of bachelors and specialists.

Tests for mastering vital skills (skiing and swimming) are mandatory. To evaluate tests, tables of approximate assessment of exercises can be used (see Appendix 3).

In each semester, students complete 2 - 3 tests in this section of preparation.

Table 1. Mandatory tests to determine physical fitness

Characteristics of test orientation Score in points
Women Men
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Speed-strength fitness test 100 m run (sec) 15,7 16,0 17,0 17,9 18,7 13,2 13,8 14,0 14,3 14,6
lifting (sitting) and lowering the body from a lying position, legs are secured, hands behind the head (number of times) 60 50 40 30 20
Strength readiness test - pull-ups on the bar (number of times) 15 12 9 7 5
General endurance test - 2000 m run (min., sec.) 10,15 10,50 11,15 11,50 12,15
General endurance test - running 3000 m (min., sec.) 12,00 12,35 13,10 13,50 14,0

Mandatory tests are carried out at the beginning of the academic year as controls, characterizing readiness for admission to a university and the student’s activity in conducting independent studies during the holidays, and at the end - as determining the shift over the past academic period.

Assessments of the results of educational and training sessions are determined according to Table 2, provided that each of the planned tests (Table 1 and Appendix 3) is completed by at least a point.

The credit level of the average total grade in points is established for each semester by the Department of Physical Education.

Table 2. Average assessment of the results of training sessions

Note: in exceptional cases, upon the recommendation of the teacher of the study group, by the decision of the department, students who have not fulfilled certain practical test standards may be given a semester credit. This provision can be used only in the first three semesters, subject to the student’s regular attendance at classes and significant positive changes in physical fitness in test exercises.

Students in the special department complete those sections of the program, requirements and tests that are available to them due to health reasons. At the end of each semester, they, as well as those exempt from practical classes, submit thematic abstracts on a topic related to their individual health conditions (see Appendix 4 and 5).

Mandatory final certification in physical culture

A condition for admission is the completion of mandatory tests on general physical and professional-applied physical training, provided during the last semester of study, at least “satisfactorily”.

The final certification is carried out in the form of an oral survey on the theoretical and methodological sections of the program.

A student who has completed training in the discipline “Physical Culture” must demonstrate knowledge, general and special physical preparedness that meets the requirements of the State educational standard of higher professional education in this compulsory discipline. Students temporarily excused from practical classes for health reasons are assessed based on the results of an oral survey and thematic abstracts.

This program has the following four applications:

  1. Test questions for mandatory lectures on the academic discipline “Physical Education”.
  2. Additional approximate topics of methodological and practical classes for independent development.
  3. Approximate control tests to assess the physical fitness of students in the basic and sports departments.
  4. Sample control exercises for assessing the physical fitness of students in a special education department.
  5. Approximate topics of essays for students of a special department and those temporarily exempt from practical training in physical education.

Annex 1

Test questions for mandatory lectures on the academic discipline “Physical Education”

Topic 1. Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students

Physical culture, sports, physical culture values, physical perfection, physical education, physical development, psychophysical preparation, vital skills and abilities, physical and functional readiness. Motor activity, professional orientation of physical education, the role of physical culture and sports in the development of society. Social functions of physical culture and sports. The current state of physical culture and sports. Physical culture and sports as effective means of preserving and strengthening people’s health and their physical improvement. The role of physical education and sports in preparing students for professional activities and extreme life situations. The role of vital skills and abilities in psychophysical training. The activity essence of physical culture in the field of educational and professional work. a brief description of value orientations of students towards physical culture and sports. Basic provisions of the organization of physical education at the university.

Topic 2. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture

Part I. The human body as a single self-developing and self-regulating biological system. Its anatomical, morphological, physiological and biochemical functions. Functional systems of the body. External environment. Natural and socio-ecological factors. Their impact on the body and vital functions. The relationship between physical and mental activity of a person. Fatigue during physical and mental work: compensated, uncompensated, acute, chronic. Recovery. Biological rhythms and performance. Hypokinesia and physical inactivity, their adverse effects on the body. Means of physical culture in improving the body, ensuring its resistance to physical and mental activity.

Part 2 Physiological mechanisms and patterns of improvement of individual body systems under the influence of targeted physical training. Metabolism and energy, blood and circulation, heart and cardiovascular system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system (skeletal system, joints, muscular system), digestive and excretory organs, sensory systems, endocrine glands, nervous system. Regulation of body activity: humoral and nervous. Features of the functioning of the central nervous system. Reflex nature of motor activity. Motor skill education. Reflex mechanisms for improving motor activity. Motor function and increasing the level of adaptation and stability of the human body to various environmental conditions: activity and stability of mental functions, development of speech and thinking, especially in the early stages of ontogenesis; disruption of biological rhythms; attention in conditions of time shortage, emotional tension, stress, its concentration and switching; work in a confined space; sharply changing weather conditions, microclimate; vibration, motion sickness, weightlessness; penetrating radiation.

Topic 3. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student. Physical culture in ensuring health

The concept of “health”, its content and criteria. Functional capabilities of human health manifestation in various spheres of life. The influence of lifestyle on health. The influence of environmental conditions on health. Heredity and health measures. Their impact on health. Health in the hierarchy of needs of a cultured person. The influence of cultural development of personality on the attitude towards oneself. System of knowledge about health. The focus of human behavior on ensuring one’s health. Methods for determining individual psychological characteristics of a person. The relationship between physical culture and sports activities and the general cultural development of students. The orientation of students' lifestyle, its characteristics. Ways to regulate lifestyle.

Adequate and inadequate attitude to health, its self-esteem by students and reflection in the real behavior of the individual. Orientation towards health among individuals classified as internal and external. Value orientations of students towards a healthy lifestyle. Reflection of a healthy lifestyle in the life forms of students. The essence and significance of the use of psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiene in life. The need for individual activity in introducing a healthy lifestyle. Life, psychological, functional and behavioral criteria for using a healthy lifestyle. Physical self-education and self-improvement as a necessary condition for a healthy lifestyle.

Topic 4. Psychophysiological foundations of educational work and intellectual activity. Means of physical culture in regulating performance

Objective and subjective factors of learning and the student’s body’s reaction to them. Changes in the state of the student’s body under the influence of various modes and learning conditions. The degree of influence of factors of a physiological, physical, mental nature on the performance of students. The influence of the periodicity of rhythmic processes in the body on performance. General patterns of changes in students’ performance in a school day, week, semester, academic year. Existing types of changes in mental performance and their explanation. Typical features of student life during exams. Changes in the physical and mental state of students during the examination session. Means of physical culture in regulating the psycho-emotional and functional state of students during the examination session. Objective and subjective signs of fatigue, exhaustion and overwork, their causes and prevention. Features of the rational use of “small forms” of physical culture in the educational work mode of students. Physical exercises with a health-improving and recreational orientation. The role of a health and sports camp in optimizing the living conditions of students. Indicators of effective conduct of physical education classes to improve students' performance during the school day and week. Features of the use of training sessions in a special educational department to improve the performance of students. Optimization of related activities of students in academic work and sports improvement.

Topic 5. General physical and sports training in the physical education system

Part I. Methodological principles of physical education. The principle of consciousness and activity. The principle of visibility. The principle of accessibility. The principle of systematicity. The principle of dynamism (gradual strengthening of developing factors). Methods of physical education. Method of regulated exercise. Game method. Competitive method. Use of verbal and sensory methods. Fundamentals of movement training (technical training). Stages of movement training. The first stage is familiarization, initial learning of the movement. The second stage is in-depth detailed learning of movement, the formation of motor skills. The third stage is the achievement of motor mastery, the formation of a motor skill. Education of physical qualities. Developing endurance, strength, speed, agility (coordination of movements), flexibility. Formation of mental qualities, traits and personality traits in the process of physical education.

Part 2. General physical training (GPP). Goals and objectives of general physical training. Special physical training. Vocational applied physical training as a type of special physical training. Sports training. Goals and objectives of sports training. The structure of an athlete's preparedness: technical, physical, tactical, mental. Intensity of physical activity. Load intensity zones based on heart rate (HR). Characteristics of the zero zone. Characteristics of the first training zone. Characteristics of the second training zone. Characteristics of the third training zone. Energy consumption during physical activity of varying intensity. The importance of muscle relaxation. Possibility and conditions for correction of physical development, physique, motor and functional readiness by means of physical culture and sports at student age.

Forms of physical exercise. Lesson forms of classes. Non-classroom forms of classes: individual independent classes, amateur group classes, specialized forms of classes (sports competitions, physical education holidays, etc.).

Construction and structure of the training session. Characteristics of individual parts of the training session. General and motor density of the lesson.

Topic 6. Fundamentals of methods of independent physical exercises

Optimal physical activity and its impact on health and performance. Formation of motives and organization of independent physical exercises. Forms of independent study. Contents of independent studies. Age-related characteristics of the content of classes. Features of self-study for women. Planning the volume and intensity of physical exercises taking into account mental learning activity. Managing the process of self-study. Determining the goal. Taking into account individual characteristics. Preliminary, current and final accounting of training load and adjustment of training plans. Physical activity intensity limit for students of student age. The relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate. Signs of overload. Pulse modes of rational training load for people of student age. HR/TANO (heart rate/anaerobic metabolic threshold) in people of different ages. Energy consumption during physical activity of varying intensity. Participation in sports competitions during independent training. Self-study hygiene: nutrition, drinking regimen, skin care. Hygienic requirements when conducting classes: places of classes, clothing, shoes, injury prevention. Self-monitoring of the effectiveness of independent studies.

Topic 7. Sports. Individual choice of sports or exercise systems

Definition of the concept of sport. Its fundamental difference from other types of physical exercise. Mass sports. His goals and objectives. Sports of the highest achievements. Sports classification, its structure. National sports. College sports. Its organizational features. Features of the organization of training sessions in sports in the main and sports departments. Special credit requirements and standards. Sports in students' free time. Types of classes and their organizational basis. Sports competitions as a means and method of general physical, professionally applied, sports training and monitoring their effectiveness. The system of student sports competitions is intra-university, inter-university and international. Public student sports organizations and associations. International student sports competitions. World University Sports Games (Universiade). Participation of students in the Olympic movement. Non-traditional sports and physical exercise systems. Health-improving systems of physical exercises for choosing a cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines. Features of the organization of training sessions, special credit requirements and standards. Organizational basis for practicing various health-improving systems of physical exercises in students’ free time. Motivational options and justification for a student’s individual choice of certain sports or physical exercise systems for regular activities during school and free time. Selecting sports and physical exercise systems with the aim of:

  • - health promotion, correction of certain deficiencies in physical development and physique;
  • - increasing the functional capabilities of the body;
  • - psychophysical preparation for future professional activities and mastery of vital skills and abilities;
  • - achieving the highest sports results.

Brief psychophysical characteristics of the main groups of sports and modern systems of physical exercises that primarily develop endurance, strength, speed-strength qualities and speed, flexibility, coordination of movements (dexterity). Sports with complex, versatile effects on the body of those involved.

Topic 8. Features of practicing your chosen sport or system of physical exercises

Brief historical information about the sport, the system of physical exercises (SPE), characteristics of the capabilities of this sport and SPE for physical development, functional readiness, mental qualities and personality traits.

Model characteristics of a high-class athlete (for players of different lines, for different weight categories, etc.). Determining the goals and objectives of sports training (SFU classes) in a university environment. Long-term training planning. Current and operational training planning. The main ways to achieve the necessary structure of preparedness: technical, physical, tactical and mental. Types and methods of monitoring the effectiveness of training sessions in this sport and SFU. Special credit requirements and standards for years (semesters) of study. Calendar of student intra-university and extra-university competitions. Requirements of sports classification and rules of competition in the chosen sport.

Topic 9. self-control of those involved in physical exercises and sports

Diagnosis of the state of the body during regular exercise and sports. Types of diagnostics, their goals and objectives. Clinical examination. Medical control as a condition for admission to physical exercise and sports, its content and frequency. Pedagogical control, its content. Types of pedagogical control. Self-control, its purpose and objectives. Basic methods of self-control. Objective and subjective indicators of self-control. Criteria for assessing self-control. Self-control diary. Methods of standards, anthropometric indices, nomograms, functional tests, exercise tests for assessing physical development, physique, functional state of the body, physical fitness. Correction of the content and methods of physical exercises and sports based on the results of control indicators.

Topic 10. Professional-applied physical training (PPPP) of students

Part I. General provisions. Brief historical background. Personal need for psychophysical preparation of a person for work. Provisions defining the socio-economic need for the psychophysical preparation of a person for work. Definition of the concept of PPFP, its goals and objectives. The place of PPPP in the system of physical education. The main factors that determine the specific content of students’ PPPP. Additional factors influencing the content of PPPP. Methodology for selecting PPPP tools. Organization, forms and means of PPPP at the university. PPPP of students in classes and during extracurricular time. System for monitoring professional-applied physical preparedness of students.

Part 2. Types and forms of professional work for bachelors and specialists. The main and additional factors that determine the physical performance of future specialists - graduates of the faculty. Their working conditions. Nature of work. Psychophysical stress. Budget for working and free time of a specialist in this profile. Features of fatigue and performance dynamics during the working day, week, season. The influence of georapho-climatic, regional conditions on the livelihoods of workers.

Credit requirements and standards for PPPP by year (semester) of study for students of this faculty. PPPP in the final certification in the academic discipline “Physical Culture”.

Topic 11. Physical education in the professional activities of bachelors and specialists

The concept of “industrial physical culture (PFC)”, its goals and objectives. Methodological foundations of industrial physical culture. The influence of working and living conditions of a specialist on the choice of forms, methods and means of PFC during working and free time. Industrial gymnastics - introductory gymnastics; physical education break; physical education moment; micropause of active rest. Methodology for compiling complexes in various types of industrial gymnastics and determining their place during the working day. Physical culture and sports in the specialist’s free time: morning hygienic gymnastics, morning specially directed physical exercise classes; incidental training; physical education and sports activities for the purpose of active recreation and increasing functionality.

The use of additional means of increasing general and professional performance during physical exercise. Prevention of occupational diseases and injuries by means of physical culture. The influence of individual characteristics, geographical and climatic factors on the content of industrial physical training of specialists. The role of specialists in the introduction of physical culture in the production team.

Appendix 2

Additional approximate topics of methodological and practical classes for independent development:

  1. Methods of teaching movement over rough terrain (walking, skiing, cycling, etc.).
  2. Conducting a thematic conversation by students on physical culture and sports on a given topic.
  3. Students conduct a thematic conversation about the importance of physical fitness for adapting the human body to various environmental conditions.
  4. Nutrition and body weight control during various physical activities.
  5. Basic provisions of the hardening technique.
  6. Drawing up an individual self-education program using physical education and sports.
  7. Physical condition and sexuality.
  8. Use of self-monitoring methods, standards, indices, nomograms, functional tests.
  9. Self-assessment and analysis of the performance of mandatory tests of general physical fitness during the training period.
  10. Keeping a personal self-control diary.
  11. Justification for the individual choice of a sport or a health-improving system of physical exercises and forms for regular exercise.
  12. Methodology for determining professionally significant physical, mental and special qualities based on the professionogram of a future specialist.
  13. Methodology for self-monitoring of the level of development of professionally significant qualities and personality traits for a future specialist.

Appendix 3

Approximate control tests for assessing the physical fitness of students of the basic and sports educational departments


Tests Score in points
5 4 3 2 1
Running 3000 m (min, sec) 19,00 20,15 21,00 22,00 22,30
Skiing 3 km (min, sec) 18,00 18,30 19,30 20,00 21,00
Skiing 5 km (min, sec) 31,00 32,30 34,15 36,40 38, b/vr
Swimming 50 m (min.sec) 54,0 1,03 1,14 1,24 b/v
Swimming 100 m (min.sec) 2,15 2,40 3,05 3,35 4,10
Standing long jump (cm) 190 180 168 160 150
Long jump 365 350 325 300 280
120 115 110 105 100
Lying hanging pull-up (bar at a height of 90 cm) 20 16 10 6 4
Squatting on one leg, leaning against a wall (number of times on each) 12 10 8 6 4
Tests Score in points
5 4 3 2 1
Running 5000 m (min, sec) 21,30 22,30 23,30 24,50 25,40
Skiing 5 km (min, sec) 23,50 25,00 26,25 27,45 28,30
Skiing 10 km (min, sec) 50,00 52,00 55,00 58,00 b/v
Swimming 50 m (min.sec) 40,0 44,0 48,0 57,0 b/v
Swimming 100 m (min.sec) 1,40 1,50 2,00 2,15 2,30
Standing long jump (cm) 250 240 230 223 215
Long jump 480 460 435 410 390
Running high jump (cm) 145 140 135 130 125
Bending and extension of arms in support on parallel bars (number of times) 15 12 9 7 5
Forcefully flip point-blank on the crossbar (number of times) 8 5 3 2 1
While hanging, raising your legs until they touch the bar (number of times) 10 7 5 3 2
Vocational and applied training Exercises and tests are developed by physical education departments taking into account the directions and specialties of higher professional education

Appendix 4

Sample control exercises for assessing the physical fitness of students in a special education department

(men and women)*

  1. Bending and straightening the arms while lying down (for women, arms on a support up to 50 cm high).
  2. Pull-up on the bar (men).
  3. Raising the torso (sed) from a supine position, hands behind the head, legs secured (women).
  4. Standing long jump.
  5. 100m run
  6. Running: men - 3 km, women - 2 km (not counting time).
  7. Cooper test (12-minute movement).
  8. Swimming 10 minutes.
  9. Cross-country skiing: men - 3 km, women - 2 km (not counting time).
  10. Exercises with the ball.
  11. Flexibility exercises.
  12. Exercises with a skipping rope.

*The complete list of control exercises and the results for assessing their performance with glasses are determined by the departments of physical education, taking into account the characteristics of individual deviations in the health status of students.

Appendix 5

Approximate topics of essays for students of a special department and those temporarily exempt from practical classes in physical education

I semester

Diagnosis and brief description of the student’s disease. The impact of the disease on personal performance and well-being.

II semester

Medical contraindications for physical exercise and the use of other means of physical education for this disease (diagnosis).

IV semester

Drawing up and justification of an individual set of physical exercises and available means of physical education (indicating the approximate dosage).

III-IV courses - individual lessons of the teacher with each student (demonstration of an individual set of exercises, conducting a separate part of a profiled educational and training session with a group of students, etc.).

The volume of abstracts is 3-5 typewritten pages.

V. Educational and methodological support course

  1. Human anatomy. Textbook for physical education institutes. Edited by V.I. Kozlov.-M.: FiS, 1978
  2. Anishchenko V.S. Physical culture: Methodological and practical classes for students: Textbook. - M.: RUDN University Publishing House, 1999
  3. Vilensky M.Ya., Safin R.S. Professional orientation of physical education of students of pedagogical specialties.-M.: Higher School, 1989
  4. Dilman V.D. Large biological clock.-M.: Knowledge, 1982
  5. Ilyinich V.I. Student sports and life. M.: JSC "Aspect Press", 1995
  6. Ilyinich V.I. Professional and applied physical training of university students. - M.: Higher School, 1978
  7. Laptev A.P., Polievsky S.A., Hygiene: a textbook for institutes and technical schools of physical culture. - M.: FiS, 1990
  8. Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture.-M.: FiS, 1991
  9. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On the organization of the process of physical education in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education” dated December 1, 1999 N 1025
  10. Raevsky R.T. Professional and applied physical training of students of technical universities. - M.: Higher School, 1985
  11. Rehabilitation of students' health by means of physical culture: Textbook / Volkov V.Yu., Volkova L.M., St. Petersburg State Technical University, St. Petersburg, 1998. - 97 p.
  12. Theory of sports / Edited by Platonov V.N.: Kyiv: Visha School, 1987
  13. Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” dated April 29, 1999 N 80-FZ
  14. Student physical culture. Textbook for university students. /Under the general editorship of V.I. Ilyinich-M.: Gardariki, 1999
  15. Physical culture (course of lectures): Textbook/Under the general editorship of Volkova L.M., Polovnikova P.V.: SPbSTU, St. Petersburg, 1998.-153 p.
  1. Amosov N.M. Thoughts about health.-M.: FiS, 1987
  2. Vilensky M.Ya., Gorshkov A.G. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for students - Osdenta.-v.zh.: Secondary vocational education, 1995, N 4,5,6; 1996, N 1, 2, 3
  3. Vilensky M.Ya., Ilinich V.I. Physical culture of mental workers.-M.: Knowledge, 1987
  4. Zholdak V.I., Korotaev N.V. Sociology of physical culture and sports. Textbook. - Malakhovka: MoGIFK, 1994
  5. Ilyin E.P. Psychophysiology of physical education.-M.: Education, 1980
  6. Kuhn L. World history of physical culture and sports. Transl. from Hungarian. Under the general editorship of V.V. Stolbov. - M.: Raduga, 1982
  7. Balsevich V.A., Zaporozhanov V.A. Human physical activity. - Kyiv: Health, 1987
  8. Nifontova L.N., Pavlova G.V. Physical culture for people engaged in sedentary work. - M.: Soviet sport, 1993

Ilyinich V.I. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, State University of Land Management

Evseev Yu.I. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rostov State Economic Academy


Kislitsyn Yu.L. - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Tuchashvili I.A. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University).

Explanatory note

9th grade

The work program contains the following sections:

Title page

Explanatory note

Subject content

Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to mastering each topic.

Application. Calendar and thematic planning.

Training program developed based on:

Federal Lawdated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general educational programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015;

Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “17”December2010 No.1897);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 N 1644 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of basic general education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 N 1577 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of basic general education”;

SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions,” approved. By Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 3, 2011 No. 19993 (hereinafter -SanPiN2.4.2.2821-10);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education that have state accreditation”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 06/08/2015 N576 "On amendments to the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/31/2014 N 253";

Approximate basic educational program of basic general education;

Letters from the education department of the Baryshsky district municipality “On the organization of the educational process in the academic year”;

Charter of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4 of the Municipal Municipality "Baryshsky District";

The main educational program of basic general education of MBOU Secondary School No. 4 of the Baryshsky District.

.Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2010 No. IK-1494/19 on the introduction of a third hour of physical education.

.Comprehensive physical education program, grades 1 - 11. Authors: V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich. − M: “Enlightenment”, 2012

.The work program “Physical Culture” edited by V.I. Lyakh 2013, corresponding to the structure of textbooks for grades 8-9: the subject line of V.I. Lyakh’s textbooks.

.Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2014 N 172 “On the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO)”

The main goal of the development of the domestic school education system is defined as the formation of a personality ready for active creative self-realization in the space of universal human culture. Physical education, like any other subject included in the Basic Curriculum, is also focused on achieving this goal. In turn, specificThe goal of school physical education is the formation of a well-rounded physically developed personality who is able to actively use the values ​​of physical education to strengthen and long-term preserve one’s own health, optimize work activity and organize active recreation.

The educational process of the academic subject “Physical Education” in primary school is aimed at solving the following tasks:

promoting harmonious physical development, strengthening the skills of correct posture, developing the body’s resistance to adverse environmental conditions, instilling value orientations towards a healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene habits;

teaching the basics of basic types of motor actions;

further development of coordination (orientation in space, rearrangement of motor actions, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, rhythm, balance, accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of the main parameters of movements) and conditioning abilities (speed-strength, speed, endurance, strength and flexibility);

formation of the foundations of knowledge about personal hygiene, the influence of physical exercise on the basic systems of the body, the development of volitional and moral qualities;

developing ideas about the physical culture of the individual and self-control techniques;

deepening the understanding of the main sports, competitions, equipment and equipment, observing safety rules during classes, providing first aid for injuries;

fostering the habit of independent physical exercise and selected sports in free time;

developing organizational skills for conducting classes as a squad leader, team captain, or judge;

formation of an adequate assessment of one’s own physical capabilities;

fostering initiative, independence, mutual assistance, discipline, and a sense of responsibility;

promoting the development of mental processes and teaching the basics of mental self-regulation.

“Physical education” in the 9th grade is studied at the rate of 3 hours per week: 102 hours per year. The third hour for teaching the academic subject “Physical Education” was introduced by order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated August 30, 2010 No. 889. The order stated: “The third hour of the academic subject “Physical Education” should be used to increase motor activity and development physical qualities of students, introduction of modern systems of physical education"

The work program is designed for 102 hours for one year of study (3 hours per week)

Planned results of mastering the academic subject

Personal results

Personal results of mastering the subject of physical education.

Personal results are reflected in individual qualitative properties

students who are acquired in the process of mastering the academic subject “Physical

culture." These qualitative properties manifest themselves primarily in positive

students’ attitude towards motor (physical education) activities,

accumulation of necessary knowledge, as well as the ability to use the values ​​of physical

culture to satisfy individual interests and needs, achieve

personally significant results in physical perfection.

Personal results can manifest themselves in different areas of culture.

. possession of knowledge about individual characteristics of physical development and

physical fitness, compliance with their age and gender


. possession of knowledge about the characteristics of individual health and functional

capabilities of the body, ways to prevent diseases and overexertion

means of physical culture;

. possession of knowledge on the basics of organizing and conducting physical exercises

culture of health and training orientation, compilation

content of classes in accordance with their own objectives, individual

features of physical development and physical fitness.

. the ability to manage your emotions, demonstrate a culture of communication and

interactions during physical education, gaming and

competitive activity;

. the ability to actively participate in joint sports, recreational and

sporting events, take part in their organization and conduct;

. ability to warn conflict situations during joint

physical education and sports, resolve controversial issues based on

respectful and friendly attitude towards others.

In the field of work culture:

. ability to plan the daily routine, ensure the optimal combination of workload and


. ability to conduct hiking trips, prepare equipment, organize

and improve parking areas, follow safety rules;

. ability to maintain sports equipment and sports equipment in order

clothes, prepare them for classes and sports competitions.

. beautiful (correct) posture, the ability to maintain it for a long time under various

forms of movement and movements;

. good physique, the desire to maintain it within accepted standards and

performances through physical education classes;

. culture of movement, the ability to move beautifully, easily and naturally.

. Possession of the ability to search for information on development issues

modern health systems, generalize, analyze and creatively

apply the acquired knowledge in independent physical education classes;

. possession of the ability to sufficiently and accurately formulate goals and objectives

joint physical education, health and sports activities with other children

health activities, outline their content;

. possession of the ability to assess the situation and quickly make decisions, find

adequate ways of behavior and interaction with partners during educational and

gaming activity.

. proficiency in performing vital motor skills (walking,

running, jumping, climbing, etc.) in various ways, in various changing

external conditions;

. possessing the skills to perform a variety of physical exercises of various types

functional orientation, technical actions of basic sports, and

also their application in gaming and competitive activities;

. the ability to demonstrate maximum physical abilities (qualities) when performing

test exercises in physical culture.

Meta-subject results of mastering physical education.

Meta-subject results characterize the level of formation of qualitative

universal abilities of students, manifested in the active application of knowledge and

skills in cognitive and substantive-practical activities. Purchased at

basis for mastering the content of the subject “Physical Culture”, in unity with mastering

program material of other educational disciplines, universal

abilities will be required both within the educational process (ability to learn) and

in the real everyday life of students.

Meta-subject results are manifested in various areas of culture.

In the field of cognitive culture:

. understanding of physical culture as a cultural phenomenon that promotes the development

the holistic personality of a person, consciousness and thinking, physical, mental and

moral qualities;

. understanding of health as the most important condition for self-development and self-realization

a person who expands the freedom of choice of professional activity and

ensuring long-term preservation of creative activity;

. understanding of physical culture as a means of organizing a healthy lifestyle,

prevention of bad habits and deviant (deviant) behavior.

In the field of moral culture:

. careful attitude towards your own health and the health of others,

showing kindness and responsiveness to people with disabilities

health opportunities and impairments;

. respectful attitude towards others, manifestation of a culture of interaction,

tolerance and tolerance in achieving common goals with joint


. responsible attitude towards the assigned work, manifestation of conscious

discipline and readiness to defend one’s own positions, to be responsible for

results of own activities.

In the field of work culture:

. conscientious fulfillment of educational tasks, conscious desire to master

new knowledge and skills that qualitatively increase the effectiveness of implementation


. rational planning of educational activities, ability to organize places

activities and ensure their safety;

. maintaining an optimal level of performance during the educational process

activities, active use of physical education classes for

prevention of mental and physical fatigue.

In the field of aesthetic culture:

. perception of the beauty of a person's physique and posture in accordance with cultural

samples and aesthetic canons, the formation of physical beauty from the standpoint

strengthening and maintaining health;

. understanding the culture of human movements, comprehension of vital

motor skills in accordance with their expediency and aesthetic


. perception of a sports competition as a cultural and mass entertainment

activities, manifestation of adequate standards of behavior;

In the field of communicative culture:

. mastery of speech culture, conducting dialogue in a friendly and open manner,

showing attention, interest and respect to the interlocutor;

. possession of the ability to conduct a discussion, discuss the content and results of joint

activities, find compromises when making general decisions;

. Possession of the ability to logically and competently present, argue and justify

own point of view, convey it to the interlocutor.

In the field of physical education:

. knowledge of methods of organizing and conducting various forms of classes

physical culture, their planning and content;

. possession of a wide range of motor actions and physical exercises from

basic sports and recreational physical culture, their active

use in independently organized sports and recreational and

physical education and health activities;

. knowledge of methods for monitoring individual health indicators,

physical development and physical fitness, the use of these

indicators in organizing and conducting independent forms of physical exercise


Subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject.

Knowledge about physical culture

The graduate will learn:

consider physical culture as a cultural phenomenon, highlight historical

stages of its development, characterize the main directions and forms of its organization in

modern society;

characterize the substantive foundations of a healthy lifestyle, reveal it

relationship with health, harmonious physical development and physical

preparedness, formation of personality traits and prevention of harmful


define basic concepts and terms of physical culture, apply them in

the process of joint physical exercises with their peers,

use them to explain the features of performing motor actions techniques and

physical exercises, development of physical qualities;

develop the content of independent physical exercises,

determine their direction and formulate tasks, rationally plan in

mode of the day and school week;

follow the rules for preventing injuries and preparing training areas, choosing the right shoes and clothing depending on the time of year and weather conditions;

follow the rules of first aid for injuries and

bruises during independent exercise.

characterize the goal of reviving the Olympic Games and the role of Pierre de Coubertin in

the formation of the modern Olympic movement, explain the meaning of symbolism and

rituals of the Olympic Games;

characterize the historical milestones in the development of the domestic sports movement, the great athletes who brought glory to Russian sports;

identify signs of the positive impact of physical training on

health promotion, establish a connection between the development of physical qualities and

main systems of the body.

The graduate will learn:

use physical education classes, sports games and sports

competitions for organizing individual recreation and leisure, strengthening

own health, increasing the level of physical condition;

create complexes of physical exercises for health, training and

corrective focus, select individual load taking into account

functional characteristics and capabilities of one’s own body;

classify physical exercises according to their functional orientation,

plan their sequence and dosage in the process of self-study to improve health and develop physical qualities;

independently conduct classes on learning motor actions,

analyze the features of their implementation, identify errors and eliminate them in a timely manner;

test indicators of physical development and basic physical qualities,

compare them with age standards, monitor the features of their dynamics in

the process of independent physical training;

interact with peers in independent learning environments

activities, provide assistance in organizing and conducting classes, mastering new

motor actions, development of physical qualities, testing physical

development and physical fitness.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

keep a diary on physical education activities, include in it the preparation of plans for conducting independent physical exercises of various types

functional orientation, data on monitoring the dynamics of individual

physical development and physical fitness;

conduct physical education classes using health-improving walking and running, skiing and hiking, ensuring their health-improving orientation;

carry out restoration activities using bath procedures and

healing massage sessions.

Physical improvement

The graduate will learn:

perform sets of exercises to prevent fatigue and overstrain

body, increasing its performance in the process of work and study


perform general developmental exercises that purposefully affect

development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and


perform acrobatic combinations from among well-mastered exercises;

perform gymnastic combinations on sports equipment from among the good

mastered exercises;

perform athletics exercises in running and jumping (high and long);

perform ski movements using sliding walking methods, demonstrate

their ability to consistently alternate their technique during training distances (for snowy regions of Russia);

perform descents and braking on skis from a gentle slope with one of the trained


perform basic technical actions and techniques for playing football in conditions

perform basic technical actions and techniques for playing volleyball in

educational and gaming activities;

perform basic technical actions and techniques for playing basketball in

educational and gaming activities;

perform test exercises to assess the level of individual development

basic physical qualities.

Subject content

Knowledge about physical culture

History of physical culture. Ancient Olympic Games.

Revival of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement.

The history of the origins of the Olympic movement in Russia. Olympic movement in Russia

(THE USSR). Outstanding achievements of domestic athletes at the Olympic Games.

Brief description of the sports included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Physical culture in modern society.

Organization and conduct of hiking trips. Equipment requirements

safety and respect for nature (environmental requirements).

Physical culture (basic concepts). Human physical development.

Physical training and its connection with health promotion and development of physical qualities.

Organization and planning of independent classes to develop physical qualities.

Technical training. Movement technique and its main indicators.

Comprehensive and harmonious physical development.

Sports training. Health and healthy lifestyle.

Professional applied physical training.

Human physical culture. Daily routine, its main content and rules


Hardening the body. Safety rules and hygiene requirements.

The influence of physical education on the formation of positive qualities


Conducting independent classes to correct posture and physique.

Restorative massage.

First aid during physical education and sports.

Methods of motor (physical education) activity

Organization and conduct of independent physical education classes.

Preparation for physical education classes.

Selecting exercises and creating individual complexes for morning exercises,

physical education minutes, physical education breaks (moving breaks).

Planning physical education classes.

Conducting independent classes in applied physical training.

Organization of leisure by means of physical culture.

Assessing the effectiveness of physical education classes. Self-observation and


Assessing the effectiveness of physical education and health activities. Grade

movement techniques, ways to identify and eliminate errors in execution technique

(technical errors).

Measuring body reserves and health status using functional tests.

Physical perfection

Physical education and health activities. Health-improving forms of classes during the school day and school week.

Individual complexes of adaptive (therapeutic) and corrective physical


Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics. Organizing teams and techniques.

Acrobatic exercises and combinations. Rhythmic gymnastics (girls).

Exercises and combinations on a gymnastic bench (girls).

Exercises and combinations on the gymnastic bar (boys).

Athletics. Running exercises. Jumping exercises. Throwing a small ball.

Ski race. Traveling on skis. Ascents, descents, turns, braking.

Sport games. Basketball. Play by the rules. Volleyball. Play by the rules.

General developmental exercises. General physical training.

Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics. Development of flexibility, coordination of movements, strength,


Athletics. Development of endurance, strength, speed, coordination of movements.

Ski race. Development of endurance, strength, coordination of movements, speed.

Basketball. Development of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements.

Standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO)

Appendix No. 3

Thematic planning


Number of hours

Introductory lesson. Safety instructions for athletics lessons. Low start.

Low launch up to 30 m.

Running with acceleration. KDP

Speed ​​running up to 70m. KDP

Run 60 m for results. Development of speed abilities.

Running long jump with 11-13 running steps. KDP

Throwing a small ball 150g. at a distance of 4-5 throwing steps

Throwing a ball at a target

Throwing and catching a medicine ball

Long run. KDP.

Basic knowledge. Safety instructions for basketball lessons. Stances and movements.

Turns, stops

Catching and passing the ball


Jumping a ball with one or two hands.

Ball interception

Free Attack Tactics

Fast break attack. Educational game

Basic knowledge. Safety instructions for gymnastics lessons

Long forward somersault with three running steps (M), forward and backward somersaults (d). A combination of previously mastered acrobatic elements

Stand on the head and hands by force from an emphasis crouching (m); Balance on one, forward lunge, forward somersault (d)

A combination of previously mastered acrobatic elements.

Hangs and supports


Improving gymnastic and drill exercises.

Basic knowledge. Safety instructions for ski lessons

Basic drill techniques on skis.

Simultaneous stepless movement

Simultaneous one-step move

Simultaneous two-step move

Alternating two-step stroke.

Alternating four-step move.

Transition from alternating moves to simultaneous ones

Skating move

Overcoming the counter slope

Ascents and descents in learned ways

Plow braking and turning

Alpine skiing relay race with overcoming obstacles. Ski games

Skiing 3 km, 5 km for the result

Basic knowledge. Safety instructions for volleyball lessons

Stances, movements, turns and stops.

Receiving and passing the ball at the net and while jumping over the net

Passing the ball over the top while standing with your back to the target

Low direct delivery of the ball through the net into a given part of the court.

Direct forward strike with oncoming passes.

A combination of mastered elements. Educational game

Safety instructions for athletics lessons

Low launch up to 30 m.

Running with acceleration. KDP

Speed ​​running up to 70 m. KDP

Development of speed abilities. Run 60m for results.

Running long jump KDP

Throwing a small ball at a distance

Throwing a ball at a target.

Throwing a small ball with a run for the result

Long run. KDP.

Development of endurance. Running 2000m for results.

Preparation for compliance with the standards of the GTO complex. Summarizing.



Khubbiev Sh. Z., Namozova S. Sh., Neznamova T. L., Minvaleev R. S., Koval T. E., Yarchikovskaya L. V., Oshina O. V., Karpunina A. D., Merkulova O A., Romanenko M.V.

Wellness programs in physical culture and sports

© St. Petersburg State University, 2014


Training sessions on health programs of physical culture and sports for students of St. Petersburg State University are organized and conducted in accordance with the Work Program developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Third Generation Higher Professional Education and the Educational Standard of St. Petersburg State University. Health programs are mastered by I–IV year students in practical physical education and sports classes under the guidance of a teacher and during independent work.

EP in FC and S are intended to develop students' core competence (GC-9) related to the understanding and correct use of ideas about the means and methods of physical education and sports to increase the body's adaptive reserves, improve health and subsequent application of the acquired methodological knowledge, skills and skills to ensure active competitive professional activity.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are planned:

– formation of a positive attitude towards health-improving physical culture, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement, satisfaction of the need for regular physical activity of a health-improving nature based on participation in the chosen sport;

– development of skills and abilities of independent competent use of health programs to strengthen and maintain health; development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in physical culture;

– ensuring the student’s general and professionally oriented physical preparedness for future professional activities;

– promoting the accumulation of practical experience in the creative use of FC and S in a healthy lifestyle system for the successful achievement of life and professional goals.

Training of students in EP FC and C can be carried out during classes with a teacher or remotely, independently.

The relevance of the topics raised in the manual is due to the unfavorable situation regarding the health of St. Petersburg State University students, as well as their increasing need for classes in EP FC and C and the popularity of these programs among students.

Head of the University Department of Physical Education and Science, Associate Professor S. Sh. Namozova

List of basic abbreviations

AV block - atrioventricular block

BP - blood pressure

ATP – adenosine triphosphoric acid

VI Kerdo – vegetative index Kerdo

WHO – World Health Organization

GTO - ready for work and defense

State Central Institute of Physical Culture - State Central Institute of Physical Culture

DMPC - proper level of maximum oxygen consumption

Cerebral palsy - cerebral palsy

VC – vital capacity of the lungs

IHD – coronary heart disease

IGST – Harvard General Endurance Step Test

BMI – body mass index

IP – starting position

HDL – high density lipoproteins

LDL – low density lipoproteins

MP – maximum repetition

MOC - maximum oxygen consumption

ODA – musculoskeletal system

OP – wellness program

ORU – general developmental exercises

GPP – general physical training

PR – response indicator

PSD is an indicator of cardiac activity

CVS - cardiovascular system

SUP - degree of heart rate increase

F and FP – physical and functional readiness

FC and S – physical education and sports

CNS - central nervous system

RR – respiratory rate

HR – heart rate

Theoretical and technological foundations for drawing up health programs for physical culture

(Sh. Z. Khubbiev, S. Sh. Namozova)

1.1. General approaches to OP development

(S. Sh. Namozova)

The most important principle of the system of physical education and sports training is a health-improving orientation. Its essence lies in the fact that in modern society FC and S should promote health, the formation of a versatile and harmoniously developed citizen of Russia, adapted to the surrounding nature and society. As for human health, according to the interpretation of the World Health Organization, it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects. It is known that human health depends 10–15% on medicine, 15–20% on genetic factors, 20–25% on the state of the environment, and 50–55% on lifestyle. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is a leading factor in human health. At the same time, physical exercise as the main means of FC and S is the most important component of a healthy lifestyle. Their contribution to maintaining and strengthening human health increases under the condition of a health-improving orientation. If a person does not regularly exercise, this significantly affects health and, accordingly, the level of dependence on heredity, medicine and ecology increases. It is clear that the key to solving the problem of improving health is in the hands of a person, and he will be able to manage it provided that physical training takes its rightful place in his life.

Health-improving physical culture is an effective means of formation, development and socialization of the individual, his successful socio-biological adaptation to new changing conditions, including environmental, industrial and educational. There is an opinion that in our time physical activity has decreased 100 times compared to previous centuries, which is why completely new diseases have arisen - “diseases of civilization.” Therefore, in modern conditions, the importance of physical culture as a means of improving people’s health has increased. Its positive effect on human health is possible if the following rules are observed:

– use only scientifically proven means and methods of physical education that have a high health value;

– choose the volume and intensity of physical exercise in accordance with the capabilities of those involved;

– accompany health-improving physical exercises with regular medical-pedagogical and constant self-monitoring.

Implementation of EP on FC and S contributes to:

– increasing the functional capabilities of the human body and psyche;

– disease prevention;

– optimization of the physical activity mode;

– reduction of fatigue;

– individualization of health-improving training loads;

– the use of physical exercise in the fight against bad habits;

– involving people of different ages, gender and health status, including people with disabilities, in active physical education and health activities;

– using physical activity as an important component of a healthy lifestyle;

– development of professionally important physical qualities;

– increasing efficiency;

– better adaptation of a person to living conditions, including work.

Students are the most socially active and mobile group of the population, which largely determines the development strategy and future of the state. Modern education is associated with high psycho-emotional stress and intellectual tension, intensification of educational activities, and increased requirements for the quality of theoretical training of students. All this leads to a decrease in students’ physical activity: body capabilities, adaptive potential, performance indicators, and increased fatigue. An irrational study regimen is accompanied by static muscle loads prevailing in the student’s daily life. During their studies at the university, the health of students deteriorates: for example, in the second year, the incidence of illness increases by 23%, and in the final year – by 43%. In some universities, the number of students in a special medical group reaches 60%. The problem of decreased performance and functional capabilities of the body in conditions of increasing educational load is of great concern. In this regard, the role of physical education as an effective factor in preserving the health of a young person increases sharply. And here it is not enough to do only physical education classes - they can satisfy only 25-30% of students’ daily need for physical activity, therefore other forms of physical education are very important for students. At the same time, training sessions and other forms of physical education and sports activity should be health-improving.
