Instructions for setting up a workplace for the reception of citizens. Sputnik launched its web statistics and analytics service Analytical system Sputnik

The other day he presented a beta version of his own web analytics and statistics service. The novelty was named Sputnik Analytics. Now any site owner in Runet can register on, install the counter code on your resource or group of sites and receive up-to-date data from the new service.

Sputnik Analytics follows the same principles as any other web statistics service and allows you to receive data about site visitors, their involvement in interacting with the resource, referral sources and entry points to the site, search queries, popular pages and so on.

As in, in the Sputnik analytics service, you can configure audience segmentation based on the parameters of interest: device model, browser version, operating system. You can filter your audience based on clicks from specific ad spaces and campaigns, as well as a range of other conditions and characteristics.

The service also implements the ability to set a single counter for a group of sites, when a single code is created for all resources. This greatly simplifies the process of installing counters: the code can simply be sent by mail, even if we are talking about hundreds of sites with different administrators. A flexible rights management system will allow administrators to access the statistics of individual sites or receive aggregated data for the entire group.

In addition to other benefits promised to us by the creators of the system, the service guarantees complete security data that will be stored and processed exclusively in the territory of the native country. When developing Sputnik Analytics, a strict security policy was put in place. The system is so reliable that it is already used by state corporations, and even government services and departments.

“The created platform will allow complex structures with different levels of subordination to have complete and detailed analytics about users of sites and online services, including closed systems and services that operate with personal data of users or non-public information. Sputnik Analytics can work with any type of data, so it also allows you to create a series unique metrics for each separate group of sites,” comments the director of the analytical services department of Sputnik Leonid Filatov.

I will remind you that search system The satellite has been launched May 22, 2014. Since then, the state has been trying to develop a search engine, but so far it has not received wide popularity. Nevertheless, the launch by the state search engine of its own web analytics system undoubtedly deserves the attention of site owners, optimizers and webmasters. You never know what data we are lucky enough to find in Sputnik Analytics.

State bodies, local self-government bodies, state and municipal institutions must monthly submit to the presidential administration in electronic form information on the results of consideration of appeals from citizens and organizations, as well as on the measures taken on such appeals.

The Foundation for Information Democracy (the operator of the ROI website) was established by decree as a non-profit organization authorized to monitor and analyze the results of consideration of appeals from citizens and organizations, public initiatives, as well as analyze the measures taken on such appeals and initiatives.

The Fund is obliged to submit monthly to the presidential administration, the government Russian Federation, senior officials (heads of supreme executive bodies state power) constituent entities of the Russian Federation - final materials prepared on the basis of such monitoring and analysis.

In addition, the Foundation needs to provide local governments (as far as they are concerned) with access to the final materials on the ROI website.

Monitoring and analysis of applications from citizens and organizations should be carried out using the resources of the e-government infrastructure allocated for these purposes, as well as infrastructure resources that ensure the collection of information on the results of consideration of applications from citizens and organizations, in compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data and on the protection of information limited access, on preventing the disclosure of information contained in the appeals of citizens and organizations, as well as information relating to the private life of citizens, without their consent.

Recall that the Foundation for Information Democracy in order to "work with the audience and pay attention to the wishes of citizens, which are expressed not only in the form of initiatives, but also in the form of appeals." The ROI was reported to the president during work in December 2015.

In February 2016, the President of the Russian Federation, officially the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Communications of Russia, together with interested federal executive authorities, ANO "Institute for the Development of the Internet" and the Foundation for the Development of Information Democracy, submit proposals for the creation of a unified mechanism for accounting for complaints from citizens of the Russian Federation.

“Such proposals have been developed, created in the administration to coordinate work on the execution of instructions on the development of the Internet, and submitted to the president. The decree of April 17 on monitoring and analyzing the results of citizens' appeals takes them into account, ”the president of the Information Democracy Foundation said on the website. Ilya Massukh.

ROI. Reference

The Russian Public Initiative is a platform for citizens to participate in government through the promotion of Internet petitions at the federal, regional and municipal levels. Initiatives are accepted on the website, created in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2013 No. 183.

A year is allotted for the collection of signatures under the public initiative of the federal level. If during this time the initiative collects 100 thousand or more votes in support, it must be considered by a working group of experts under the government of the Russian Federation.

Like site, expert working group under the government, headed by Mikhail Abyzov and under his chairmanship, which considers the initiatives of citizens that received 100 thousand votes, regularly violates the deadlines for considering public initiatives provided for by the regulations.

In March, a meeting was held in the Federation Council where it was about the ROI,. It was noted that among the initiatives considered by the working expert group of the government, there is not a single initiative of the regional level. It is also important that initiatives that have received significant support in society must be accompanied by an expert assessment, so that the initiator of the initiative and his supporters who voted in support of the initiative can always see the public and convincing arguments of specialists.

On July 1, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 171 “On monitoring and analyzing the results of consideration of applications from citizens and organizations” comes into force. It follows from the document that the Presidential Administration will monitor and analyze the results of consideration of electronic applications from citizens and organizations. As well as public initiatives posted on the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative".

It has been established that state, municipal and other organizations must place counters of electronic applications on their websites and monthly submit to the Administration information on the results of their consideration and the measures taken on them. Technical assistance to the Administration in monitoring will be provided by the authorized "Information Democracy Foundation".

According to experts, the array of work will be considerable, judging by the fact that Russians prefer to solve problems through complaints. And they can complain about any structure, regardless of status and size. Including small businesses, which often face excessive regulation and a large number checks.

At the same time, it became known that the number of unscheduled inspections of businesses on any requests from citizens will be reduced. To do this, the government plans to introduce a risk-based approach, which involves analyzing the risks of a particular enterprise, on the basis of which it is checked. As a result, enforcement agencies will respond to public complaints only if they are compatible with risk indicators.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development, the purpose of introducing a risk-based approach is to change the priorities of the activities of control and supervisory authorities from a "stick" system for searching for violations to minimize harm to life, health and other protected values. In 2017, the risk-based approach is implemented only during scheduled inspections. It provides for the division of controlled entities into risk categories and the establishment of a certain frequency of inspections for each of these categories.

“This year, on the basis of a risk-based approach, inspection plans for sanitary and epidemiological supervision (Rospotrebnadzor and FMBA), fire supervision (Ministry of Emergency Situations), supervision in the field of communications (Roskomnadzor) have already been formed. In February, the government of the Russian Federation approved the risk criteria for supervision in the field of labor relations (Rostrud). For 2018, other federal executive bodies, including Rosselkhoznadkhor, Roszdravnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Rostransnadzor, will draw up plans for inspections taking into account the risk-based approach,” the press service said.

| Instructions for setting up a workplace for the reception of citizens

Instructions for installing and configuring the counter of citizens' appeals of the Sputnik system:

How to install the "Satellite" counter on the uCoz website (corrected on 07/26/2017):

1. Find out the password that is required to enter the "site control panel" at the link (for example: ). Without this password, it will not be possible to install the counter. If you have forgotten the password from the control panel, then click next to the inscription "forgot password" and try to recover it.

3. The copied code must be pasted on YOUR site in the control panel. To do this, you go to the site control panel (see paragraph 1 of this manual). In the control panel, at the top, you need to find the "Design" tab. In this tab, you must click on the item "Design management (templates)". Next, in the list in the center, find the line highlighted in red with the name "First Container" (if there is none, use either "Second Container" or "Bottom of the site") and click on it. You will enter the site CODE editing mode. From this moment on, it is necessary to observe MAXIMUM CARE and not accidentally delete and, or put an extra space, letter, symbol, etc. (We recommend copying all this code into Text Document and save it to your computer in case something goes wrong). Scroll the content of the code to the very bottom of the page. At the very bottom, find the last line (each line is numbered "1,2,3...888" and placing the cursor at the end of the last line, press "Enter" (on the keyboard, so that you go to a new empty line. You can press several times to indent was more distinct.After that, paste the copied code from step 2. of this instruction into an empty line.

4. Click the "Save" button. Ready! You have installed the counter code on your website. In order for it to work, you need to register and create your account on the Sputnik website. To do this, follow the link and fill in all the required fields. After clicking the "Register" button on the E-mail you specified a letter will come with a link that you need to follow to complete the registration. Follow this link. After that, you will be taken to a page where you are asked to "Add a site". Click to add a site (or follow this link Specify the address of your site, and click add. Your site has been added, but now you need to verify the rights to your site.

5. Confirmation of rights to the domain (Website). Follow the link Find your website. In the right part of it, find the inscription "Waiting for confirmation of rights to the domain How to confirm the rights to administer the site?". Click on it. On the page that opens, find a dark box with a code. Copy this code and paste it into your site after the counter code you set in p3. of this instruction and save the changes on your site. After that, return to the "dark window with the code" and click the "Confirm rights" button. After verification, you should see the message "Permissions verified". This means you have successfully installed the counter on your website.

6. Check for a counter on your site. Go to home page your site and check the presence of a blue button on the left or right side of the site at the very bottom. If it is, the counter is installed. After some time, he will start keeping track of visits to the site / citizens' appeals to the site.

We open the site (to do this, follow the link, or enter the site address in the address bar of the browser).

It looks something like this:

Here we go to the "Analytics" section by clicking on the appropriate link:

The analytics service login page opens.

Click "Login" in the upper right corner.

If you are already registered, in the window that opens, you must enter your email address and password:

If you are not registered, click on the "Register" link below and go through the registration procedure.

After logging into your account, you will see a page with your sites. It is empty by default.

To add a new site, click on the "Add Site" button.

A page should open on which you need to enter the address of your site in an empty field.

To copy the address of your site, open it and copy the full path from the address bar of your browser (or enter the site address manually).

After the site address is added, click on the "Add" button.

In the window you will see a message on a light green background that the site has been added.

Go to the "Sites" tab.

Here we see that the site has appeared in the list, but is in the "unverified domains" status.

Domain ownership confirmation

To confirm that you are adding your site to analytics, you must perform the following steps:

On the page that opens, the confirmation type "Meta tag" should be selected. Below we copy the meta tag code for embedding on your site.

Go to your site, in the content management system. Open the "Settings" section.

Go to the "SEO" subsection.

We find a large field "Meta tags".

We paste the code copied from the Satellite into it. It should look something like this:

We return to the Sputnik Analytics website and click on the "Confirm rights" button.

After a few seconds of verification, if everything was done correctly, the message "Permissions verified" should appear.

Installing the satellite statistics counter on the site

On the Sputnik Analytics website, go to the "Sites" section, we see a message that data from the site is not received.

Copy the counter code.

Open your site, in the content management system TSAdmin go to the "Settings" section, then the "Footer" subsection.

Scroll and find the "Statistics" field.

In this field, paste the counter code copied earlier. Should look something like this:

AT this moment the Sputnik statistics counter has been installed, the data will be collected, you can view them in your account on the Sputnik Analytics website. The counter will not be displayed on the site itself.

To display an informer with data on the site, you need to install its code.

Installing an informer (counter) Sputnik Analytics on the website

Sputnik Analytics informer looks like this:

To install it on your website, open Sputnik Analytics.

Find and click "Manage" under the address of your site.

Go to the line with the informer code and copy it.

Here is the code itself:

We go to your site, in the content management system open the "Settings" section, the "Footer" subsection.

Scroll to the "Statistics" field. Paste the copied informer code after the existing codes.

It should look something like this:

We go to the site itself, refresh the page and check the bottom of the site. Depending on the settings of your site, an image with data should appear in the left or right corner.

"Sputnik" for the execution of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 171 of 04/17/2017
