Instructions for managing music in iTunes. iTunes not syncing

The value of music playlists is known first of all in winter - when the iPhone user is forced to take off his glove in the cold, take a metal device in his hand and try to press the button on the sensor, which does not really obey at low temperatures. Performing the above operations every time an annoying melody starts to sound in the headphones is not much fun.

Playlists allow you to group songs "by mood" or by other criteria - just start one playlist, and you don't need to switch anything else. Some Apple users shy away from playlists because they think they can only be created with iTunes. Of course, this is a misconception: to form playlists, it is not necessary to access a stationary PC.

A user who wants to create a playlist first needs to clarify which iOS versions is on his mobile device. If the OS version is below 5.0, you should first take care of updating the software. Owners of "apple" gadgets with more modern iOS need to act like this:

Step 1. Open the built-in application " Music' and select the tab ' playlists' in the lower left corner.

Step 2. Click on the button " New playlist...» with a red plus sign.

Step 3. Give the playlist you're creating a name. For example, if you're collecting workout music, you might name the playlist " Fitness».

Step 4. Select the ringtones from the library that you would like to see in the playlist. To add a song to the playlist, click the "+" button next to its name.

To speed up the search for a song, you can arrange tracks by Artists, genre, Albums using the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

After adding a song to the playlist, its name, as well as the plus button, change color to gray.

Step 5. When finished filling the playlist, click " Ready».

Thus, on an iPhone, you can create unlimited amount playlists.

How to create a playlist in iTunes?

Playlist building skills iTunes mainly useful to conservatives who stubbornly refuse to update the OS of their devices to modern versions. Make a playlist in iTunes can be done as follows:

Step 1. Open the media combine and go to the section " Music».

Step 2. From the top menu, select the " File” and click on the item “ New playlist».

You can create a playlist without resorting to the menu - using the combination Ctrl + N.

Step 3. Give the new playlist a name to make it easier to navigate the list of existing collections.

note that iTunes automatically generates a number of playlists - for example, "Music of the 90s" and "25 most popular". The latter, say, includes those compositions that, according to statistics, iPhone user listens the most.

Step 4. Add music to your playlist. Click the button Edit playlist».

From the general list of the library, drag the songs you want to include in the playlist to the right side of the window iTunes.

Step 5. After completing the playlist, click the " Ready».

Next, the user is faced with the task of transferring the playlist from iTunes in the iPhone. It is simple to execute: just synchronize the gadget with the media combine. Connect your smartphone to the PC and follow the device management menu.

Then click the " Synchronize", which is located in the lower right corner.

After that, disconnect the gadget from the PC and enjoy the selection with the best music.

How to delete a playlist from iPhone?

There are several ways to delete a playlist from an iPhone:

Option 1. In chapter " playlists» applications « Music» swipe from right to left on the playlist, then press the red button « Delete».

Option 2. Go inside the playlist and click on " Delete". Then confirm the intention to say goodbye to the selection by clicking on " Delete playlist” in the menu that appears.

Option 3. Delete selection in iTunes, then sync iPhone with PC.

All methods are equally effective, only the last one is much more time-consuming than the first two.

Playlist Genius - what is it?

Behind a fancy name Genius hides one of the Apple ecosystem services. The function of this service is to select tracks within the library that are similar in style to the one the user is listening to.

Service Genius acts as follows: it receives from the owners of equipment Apple Information about the order of playing songs in their personal media libraries, accumulates information, analyzes it on the basis of a secret algorithm and, based on the behavior of the mass of users, gives recommendations to a particular music lover. Streaming services operate in a similar way. And Pandora.

The user, who has the opportunity to consult with Genius, you should not be sure of your own exclusivity - data on his musical preferences are also analyzed by the service.

Service Genius completely free - from the owner of the iPhone, only iTunes 8(or older version) and an account in iTunes Store . Before using the service, you must activate Genius. How it's done?

Step 1. Run iTunes and select the " Music».

Step 2. Find the block Music playlists» on the left side of the screen and click on Genius.

Step 3. A window will appear to introduce the user to the capabilities of the service. It is at this stage that Apple warns that it will collect and store information about the musical preferences of the owner of the gadget.

If you are satisfied with the conditions put forward by the "apple" manufacturer, click the " Enable Genius».

Step 4. Wait for the activation procedure to complete. About that inclusion Genius successful, the following message will appear:

To start a "brilliant" playlist, the user needs to select one of the songs in the library (key) and then select " File» — « New Genius playlist».

Genius- the playlist will appear in the list " Music playlists».

If iTunes“swears” and gives an error, most likely the reason for this is an insufficient number of songs in the media library.

Service Genius can help out, for example, when organizing a festive evening for St. Valentine's Day. So that the user does not have to independently select romantic compositions from the media library, he can click on the conditional " lady in red» Chris de Burgh and put in useful Apple service into business.

How to create a smart playlist for iPhone?

smart playlist called a playlist with songs automatically selected iTunes according to one or more criteria.

Here is an example: an iPhone user wants to “clean up” the library and remove songs from it that he rarely listens to. It can generate a smart playlist by selecting the Played (number of plays) criteria and setting it to Less than 3 times. After listening to the selection, he will decide exactly which songs should be sent to the "Basket", and which ones should be given another chance.

The media combine allows the owner of the gadget to apply a huge number of criteria - you can select songs by genre, by year of release, by duration, even by tempo. Of course, all this data must be written in the ID3 tags of the compositions, otherwise the sorting will not complete successfully. How to create a smart playlist:

Step 1. Run the program iTunes and in the tab " File» main menu select « New smart playlist».

You can start the process of creating a smart playlist in another way - through a keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+N.

Step 2. In the form that appears, click on the line, where by default it says " Artist”, open the list of criteria, then select the appropriate one.

We will try to select the most dynamic compositions, so we will set the criterion " Pace».

Step 3. Define the criterion condition - in the adjacent field, where initially set " coincides with". Since we want fast music, here we need to select the option " more than».

If you select the “matches with” condition, you will be able to select compositions by the exact tempo value, and by setting the “c” condition, you can form a range of acceptable values ​​- for this you will have to fill in the “from” and “to” fields.

Step 4. In the final field of the line, write the value of the parameter. To get a smart playlist with dynamic music, we will enter the number 160 here.

If one criterion is not enough for you, through the button «+» you can add as many as you need.

Step 5. Complete the selection process by clicking on the " OK". Transfer the created playlist to mobile device possible through synchronization.

Users of Apple technology often have a question: what is the difference between a smart playlist and Genius-playlist if both are compilations of similar music? The answer is simple: when forming a smart playlist, no secret algorithms are used - the selection of songs is carried out rather mathematically. Creating a collection Genius- a procedure that is fully understood only by Apple developers.


Create a playlist directly on iPhone and through iTunes equally simple - only the second method will take more time, which will definitely take the user to find a USB cable and launch a capricious media combine. Therefore, contact iTunes For the formation of musical selections, it is advisable only in three cases: Firstly, if the user still needs to transfer music from a PC to an iPhone - the formation of a playlist in this case will be a side matter, Secondly if the user has an Apple gadget with an operating system old version(up to 5.0) and simply cannot create a selection on a smartphone, Thirdly if the iPhone owner needs a smart playlist or playlist Genius. Playlists of the last two types can only be created on a PC.

Good day, Habr!

Synchronization for money
To keep your iTunes music library always with you, you need to pay $24.99. For this money, apple will transfer music to the cloud and you can easily synchronize your media library with all your iGadgets. I didn't want to pay $24.99 to sync music from any computer, besides, the iTunes folder can contain not only music, but I wanted everything to be always (well, almost always) with me.
Free storage
Library sync requires storage. There are many services that offer to store your data, but all of them are free up to a certain point and, besides, not all are suitable for synchronization. But everything is in order ...

I chose between three storage services: Google Drive, Bitcasa and SkyDrive.

  • Google Drive is a great storage service, but it stores a lot of documents, books, photos, and other files that, together with the iTunes library, can exceed 5 GB in size and, therefore, you will need to pay extra money for space, which you don’t want to do .
  • Bitcasa - offers a lot of space for storing data, but as it turned out, this service can only synchronize data from one computer. Select a folder on your computer and make a mirror in storage. The second computer is the second folder.
  • SkyDrive is a direct competitor to Google Drive. 7 GB available for free. It is quite enough for storing a media library (as for me), but it should be borne in mind that the speed of uploading and downloading files leaves much to be desired.

So, I chose SkyDrive. I created a SkyDrive folder on my computer, created an iTunes folder in it and moved the entire library to it. All files immediately began to be uploaded to the cloud. Next, I created a SkyDrive folder on the second computer and the files from the cloud were automatically downloaded to me. It remains only to specify in the iTunes program the location folder "iTunes Media" in SkyDrive.

Setting up iTunes
Despite the fact that all the files in our library are stored in one place, in the cloud, we need to dig into iTunes to work with different computers. iTunes stores Additional information about the library in the "...\Music\iTunes" folder. There are four files in this folder that you need to pay attention to:
  1. "iTunes Library.itl" - contains ratings, comments, additional information about playlists and more.
  2. "iTunes Music Library.xml" - contains information about the location of media files in the library.
  3. "iTunes Library Genius.itdb" - recorded after running the Genius function, your music preferences.
  4. "iTunes Library Extras.itdb" - contains information from the music CD database.

Of these files, we are only interested in two files: "iTunes Library.itl" and "iTunes Music Library.xml". These files have an identifier that blocks iTunes from syncing from another computer (wants to replace all files with those stored in the new library). You can change the identifier in each file, or you can simply save the specified 2 files in the cloud and download them when you need to update your library. These files can be stored in the same SkyDrive, but create a separate folder. When you need to update the library, you will need to copy these files to "...\Music\iTunes", and after updating the library - back to SkyDrive. Alas, I couldn't think of anything better. Well, perhaps, store these files in Google Drive or synchronize via Bitcasa into separate folders (for each computer). But that doesn't change things much.

Now everything is ready for synchronization!

Everything is ready for synchronization, but one more thing needs to be clarified:

  • When adding "iTunes Library.itl" and "iTunes Music Library.xml" files to the main iTunes folder, the library files may not be found. The fact is that on another computer the files are located in a different folder and the files that describe the media library contain the wrong path.
    • The solution to this problem is to explicitly specify the location of the media file when trying to listen (view) it. iTunes will find the rest of the records itself. Well, or you can try autocorrect to replace the part of the path that points to the media files. I didn't try to do this, since you need to make replacements in two files and, moreover, you need to store a string containing the path to the file on the new computer in order to know what to change to.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the above method allows you to keep the library of files always at hand (if there is Internet), but synchronization between devices requires some additional steps. Of course, I would like to do everything in a couple of clicks and not bother with drag and drop additional files libraries, but so far I have not found another solution.

I will be glad to efficient comments, advice and hints. I apologize for pointing out the wrong hubs for the post: not one other came close to this topic, at least in name.

In order to be able to manage your iPhone from a computer, you will need to resort to using the iTunes program, through which the synchronization procedure will be carried out. Today we'll take a closer look at how you can sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod using iTunes.

Synchronization is a procedure carried out in the iTunes program that allows you to transfer information both to and from an apple device. For example, using the sync feature, you can keep your device's backups up to date, transfer music, remove or add new apps to your device from your computer, and more.

How to sync iPhone with iTunes?

1. First of all, you need to launch the iTunes program, and then connect your iPhone to iTunes on your computer using a USB cable. If you are connecting to a computer for the first time, a message will appear on the computer screen "Would you like to allow this computer to access information on [device_name]" where you need to click on the button "Continue" .

2. The program will wait for a response from your device. In this case, in order to allow the computer to access information, you will definitely need to unlock the device (iPhone, iPad or iPod) and ask "Trust this computer?" click the button "Trust" .

3. Next, you will need to authorize the computer in order to establish full trust between devices to work with your personal information. To do this, in the upper area of ​​the program window, click on the tab « Account» , and then go to paragraph "Authorization" - "Authorize this computer" .

4. A window will appear on the screen in which you will need to enter your Apple ID credentials - login and password.

5. The system will notify you of the number of authorized computers for your device.

6. A miniature icon of your device will appear at the top of the iTunes window. Click on it.

7. The control menu for your device will appear on the screen. The main control sections are located in the left area of ​​the window, and the contents of the selected section are displayed in the right area, respectively.

For example, by going to the tab "Programs" , you have the opportunity to work with applications: customize screens, remove unnecessary applications and add new ones.

If you go to tab "Music" , you can transfer your entire iTunes music collection to your device, or transfer individual playlists.

In the tab "Review" , in block "Backups" by ticking the box next to "This computer" , a backup copy of the device will be created on the computer, which can later be used both to fix problems with the device and to comfortably move to a new Apple gadget with all information saved.

8. And finally, in order for all the changes you made to take effect, you just have to start the synchronization. To do this, click the button at the bottom of the window. "Synchronize" .

The synchronization procedure will begin, the duration of which will depend on the amount of information being processed. During the synchronization process, it is strongly not recommended to disconnect the Apple device from the computer.

The end of synchronization will be indicated by the absence of any work status in the upper area of ​​the window. Instead, you will see an image of an apple.

From this point on, the device can be disconnected from the computer. To do this safely, you will need to first click on the icon shown in the screenshot below, after which the device can be safely disconnected.

Management process Apple device from a computer is somewhat different from, for example, working with Andoid gadgets. However, with a little time learning about iTunes, syncing between your computer and iPhone will be almost instantaneous.

Sooner or later, every owner of an "apple" smartphone thinks about how to synchronize music on an "iPhone". This is not difficult to do, despite the fact that the implementation of the task requires certain skills and knowledge. Below we will review all possible ways transfer music to iPhone and learn the basics of syncing it with Apple devices.

About ways

It is important to understand that every modern phone has a certain set of utilities and features that make it easier to work with the device. And the iPhone is no exception.

You can transfer music to "apple" devices:

Moreover, in the latter case, synchronization does not take place. But this method of transferring music will still be disclosed below. They are used quite often.

Download to iTunes

How to sync music on iPhone? Let's start by using iTunes. In this case, the implementation of the task will take not so much time. Especially due to the fact that iTunes has a built-in converter. It automatically converts unrecognized formats to AAC. Very comfortably!

To sync music to iPhone, you must first upload the relevant data to iTunes. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  • Download to computer latest version the mentioned application. It must be at least version 12.2. IN otherwise music will not work.
  • Run the program.
  • Sign in to your AppleID profile. Usually this requirement is put forward to the user at the first start of the program.
  • Go to "File".
  • Find the line "Add to library ..." in the drop-down menu. Click on her. You can just press Ctrl + o.
  • Select the music you want to sync. It must be downloaded to your computer beforehand.
  • Click the "OK/Open" button.

These steps will bring you closer to answering the question of how to sync music to iPhone. What to do next?

Working with iPhone

The owner of the "apple" device has to do just a few steps. Namely, connect the device to a PC and synchronize data. This operation may take up to 30 minutes. It all depends on the amount of information being transferred.

How to sync music on iPhone? Have to:

  • Sign in to iTunes under your profile.
  • Conduct iPhone connection to PC. To do this, you need to insert the USB cable first into the device, then into the computer.
  • Wait a bit. The gadget will be detected in iTunes.
  • Go to "Devices" - "Phone name" - "Overview".
  • Scroll down to the Settings section. There, check the box next to "Manual processing of video and music."
  • Open the "Music" section in iTunes.
  • Click on "Synchronize".

Now it remains to set the file transfer settings. You can download the entire library or just individual tracks/albums/podcasts. From now on, it’s clear how to synchronize music on the iPhone.

iTools and Music

But you can go the other way. The next technique, as we have already said, does not require the user to synchronize devices. But it works great when transferring music to "apple" devices. It's about using iTools. This utility is somewhat reminiscent of the previously studied service.

You can sync music on iPhone without deleting data in accelerated mode like this:

  • Initialize iTools on the computer. This utility is distributed free of charge.
  • Launch the installed application.
  • Connect via USB iPhone.
  • Select Music.
  • In the menu that appears at the bottom, click on Import.
  • Specify the desired tracks.
  • Click on the control called Open.

In a few minutes, all selected documents will be downloaded to your mobile device. You can listen to them through the Music app. No other action needs to be taken. You can turn off the "apple" gadget and enjoy the result.


How to sync music on iPhone? You can do this directly. How exactly?

It is enough to follow the instructions:

  • Download Bridge for Cydia and install the utility on your smartphone.
  • Find a direct link to the tracks in the browser.
  • Click on "Download" next to the desired document.
  • Select "Copy".
  • In Bridge, paste the copied address into the URL bar.
  • Click on "OK".
  • After the operation is completed, click on Import.


iTunes allows users to sync music media, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and other content from iPhone, iPod, and iPad. The user is given both the option of automatic update synchronization and manual synchronization. In this article, we will explain in detail how to sync music between iPhone and iTunes.

First, find out where your notes are stored

Imagine: you are enjoying a cup of coffee and suddenly you have a great idea for your next novel. You will end up on a screen with a title that reads "Folders".

Testing to see if your notes are syncing

If you have a lot of notes, it may take a couple of minutes before they are synced.

You'll need automatic sync to keep your music, podcasts, and movies updated. This synchronization is performed open program iTunes and connected via a Wi-Fi network or to USB port device.

Before you start synchronization, you must either. After that, we connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes. In the program that opens, select the gadget in the Devices connected to the computer window. In the main window of the iTunes program, select the Music submenu and activate the Sync Music checkbox. To automatically sync video clips, select the Include video clips in sync check box. It should also be taken into account that the volume free memory your gadget must have enough space to store the entire synced library.

If not, you can update it here. . Use this section to specify settings Reserve copy, force backup and restore backup. You can back up both, but not at the same time. This is optional but recommended if you are sharing a computer. . The options section contains a list of available options. The first three are important for most users. The rest depend on your specific timing preferences and are used less frequently.

Imagine standard definition video: Designed to save disk space. This helps save space if your songs are encoded in other formats or at higher bit rates, resulting in larger files. Music and Video Control: Disables automatic sync. Hover your mouse over a panel section to see more information about each type of data. You can sort the application list by name, type, category, date and size.

After checking all the necessary checkboxes, click Apply, after which it will begin to synchronize the selected content with the device. The application displays the synchronization progress and upon completion of the installation, the program will notify the user that the process is complete. After synchronization is completed, you can remove the device, to do this, in the Devices list, activate the device to be removed and press the button to remove the device. In addition to automatic synchronization, you can also perform manual synchronization. Synchronization can also be done using the Autocomplete function. With the Manual Music Handling checkbox enabled, the Autocomplete feature can be used to fast sync media content from the media library with the selected playlist. You can also customize the selection of songs to sync using the AutoComplete feature.

Check the Automatically install new apps box at the bottom of the list if you want new downloaded apps to always sync with your phone. Here you can organize apps and make folders up to sync. You can also add an application by dragging its icon from the application list to the onscreen view. To remove a screen, drag all apps to other screens. . In this field you manage these files. This only works if your phone's storage is larger than your library. Sync by checking the boxes in the Playlist section, or all music by certain artists by checking the boxes in the Artists section. When you check it out, you can select individual movies in the box that is displayed below.

To use the Autofill feature, you need to set the manual music processing options. We have already described the first five steps of setting parameters above. After that, you must do the following.

In the "Devices" list of iTunes, select the device with which you want to sync.

Next to the symbol of the device is a disclosure triangle, which must be clicked. In the section that appears, select the music. Then select Music in the library and check the Autofill settings.

Disabling Attunement Using iTunes

The menu next to it will let you select your preferences for how many movies to sync. If there are new or unpublished episodes, a blue dot appears next to the number of unoccupied shows. If you want to include shows from these playlists, check the box next to the playlist. When you check it, the options will become available. Check selected books to control which books are synced. Use the drop-down menus under the Books heading to sort files by type and by title, author, and date.

After you click the Autofill button, iTunes will automatically sync as much music as possible. In the event that the playlist contains more media files than the device can accommodate, only partial file synchronization will be performed. After completion of the program, the program will notify the user about the completion of the work.

If you choose Selected Books, check the box next to each book you want to sync.

The events you create are then color-coded according to the corresponding calendar. Selecting synchronized calendars and adding or deleting custom calendars is done in the calendar editing menu.

It's safest to choose "Merge" your data the first time you sync.

  • If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to do so.
  • From the topmost menu, select "Messages" and select "Settings".
You shouldn't have any more problems with messages not syncing across devices.

Now you can disconnect the device by clicking on the Eject icon, which is located in the system tray.

To avoid losing information, iPhone developers recommend synchronizing it with the iTunes application installed on your computer. Synchronization can be performed both using a USB cable and via WI-FI. What you need to do for this is described in detail in this manual.

On the left side of the screen, you can see all the applications that you have downloaded on your computer. These unverified applications remain on your computer and will not be transferred. Do you find different home screen apps look a bit messy?

If you find this guide helpful, please don't forget to share it with your friends. Another option for users who don't want to automatically sync is manual sync. When you decide to upgrade your business computers, you can use any type of sync to ensure your music, videos, and apps are transferred to your new computer. Then select "Authorize this computer".

Consider the first synchronization path. Launch iTunes on the computer. Connect iPhone via USB cable to computer. After discovering the device in iTunes, you need to choose which data you want to sync. It is possible to synchronize almost all information contained in the device. For example, it can be contacts, notes, documents, videos, music.

After specifying the necessary items in the iTunes application, click on the "Apply" button, which is located at the bottom right.

To synchronize via WI-FI, you first need to make the necessary settings. To do this, connect the iPhone via a USB cable to the computer. In the updated list of "Devices" select it and go to the "Overview" tab. In the "Settings" box, check the box next to "Sync with this iPhone via WI-FI".

Use manual mode if you want to sync between two computers. Auto mode best suited for syncing with one computer. . Avery Martin has a Bachelor of Music in Opera Performance and a Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Studies. Martin contributed to English translation a collection of Japanese poems by Misuzu Kaneko. She has worked as a teacher in Japan and she runs a private voice studio from her home. She writes about education, music and travel.

If you have set up a contact or edited a contact on one of your computers, it is available almost instantly to all of your computers. Set up all your computers this way and they will automatically sync with each other. If you place new contact on one computer, it will be on another computer in minutes.

Now iPhone and iTunes can be easily synchronized every time they have access to the same network. But at the same time, the following conditions must be met: firstly, the iPhone is turned on and either charged or connected to the power supply; secondly, iTunes is active on the computer. Further, the algorithm of actions is similar to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this instruction.

The synchronization process is designed solely to protect and preserve your data. So take advantage of this opportunity.
