How to core even better. Changing spacing in text What is kerning used for?

If you are involved in Web design, but still have room for improvement, then you may be interested in our short article on typography. When developing a website design, you need to clearly understand how to work with text, namely with line spacing, character spacing, and in general, how to choose a font. In this article, we will try to clarify aspects of web typography such as leading and kerning. We will learn how and when to use them.

First, let's open the "Character" panel in Photoshop. There you will find the text settings you need. If you cannot find this panel in the workspace, then open it through Window-Character.


When you work with a paragraph, or simply any piece of text that spans more than one line, you come across the Leading parameter. This is the distance between lines. The overall picture will largely depend on this parameter.

The standard leading proportion is 120%. That is, if the font size is 20 points (pt), then the leading should be 24 points (pt).

Reducing the leading to below 120% creates too much crowding and density of characters, and also creates the risk of collision of character elements with each other.

To adjust leading in Photoshop, use the appropriate (Leading/Leading depending on the interface language) field in the Character panel. The leading of the text layer that is in this moment highlighted.

In some cases, you may need the space between some lines to be greater than between others. To edit the leading of individual lines, the operation remains almost the same, except that you do not select the entire text layer, but only those lines whose leading needs to be changed.


Kerning, simply put, is the distance between two characters. The purpose of kerning is to create harmonious space within a group of characters, and, in some cases, to intentionally greatly increase/decrease this space in order to give the text a specific appearance. Almost all fonts you use already include some prescribed spacing between character combinations, called Metric Kerning. It should be noted that if you increase the font size, or, for example, change the leading of the text, then Metric Kerning may not respond to these changes quite correctly. If Optical Kerning is set, Photoshop (or whatever program you're using) will apply kerning automatically. But, oddly enough, most designers don't find this feature useful. Manual Kerning remains the most preferred.

What is manual kerning? Essentially, this is Kerning by hand. Imagine that the distance between the symbols is filled with a certain liquid, and the same amount of liquid must clearly fit between all the distances. You adjust the distance between characters by eye, but if the eye is sharp, then this is the best technique.

Kerning can be manually adjusted in the Character panel in Photoshop. Before doing this, position the cursor between the characters you want to adjust the distance between. There is a faster way. Also place the cursor between these two characters, and then, while holding down Option key, press the left/right arrows. The result will be clear.

Here are a few things to remember about kerning

  1. Start with the most difficult combinations of symbols. For example, kerning between uppercase and lowercase letters.
  2. Leave adjusting kerning until the end of your design. Let this be one of the last steps. Work on it when you are already 100% confident in the chosen fonts, so as not to waste time.
  3. The purpose of kerning is to make text optically correct. There is no mathematical formula, canons or anything else. Just practice and everything will start to work out. Play this game sometimes -

Kerning when typing is a selective change in the spacing between letters depending on their shape.

Simply put, kerning is the process of correctly placing characters, adjusting the distances between them, as a result of which harmony should be achieved.

Although many people do not pay much attention to kerning (and in general they do not know), attention to detail helps to achieve very good results.

1. Kerning and tracking

Tracking and Kerning are two concepts that should not be confused. Tracking - refers to the distance between characters in a word or sentence, regardless of their shape and size. But kerning is a more “local” concept.

2. Font files

Each font file has an internal kerning table. The designer adjusts the distances between pairs of lines, defining them in thousandths. For example, VA has a kerning of -80, and ry has a kerning of 30.

3. Display in Photoshop/InDesign/Illustrator

Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator have an optical kenning feature that displays an alternative option. Although there is almost no difference.

4. Capital letters

Capital T, V, W and Y are always problematic. Since they top part wider than the bottom. So use tracking to manually align the words.

5. Help with kerning

There is such a technique - imagine that between the letters there are balls of equal volume filled with air. Our goal is for these balls not to spread anywhere, but to be securely fastened between the letters.

6. Unit

One of the most common mistakes lies in the unit. This symbol is narrow and creates a lot of empty space around itself. For this reason, the kerning needs to be improved.

7. Numbers 7

Number 7 is another problematic symbol. You should also pay attention to this.

8. Spacing between words

Always keep an eye on distances before And after words They must be followed correctly. As an exercise, try imagining the letter O between words.

9. Double check!

You should not completely trust what you see on the monitor screen - always double-check the result before demonstrating it.

1. Which lists are not included? text editor?

a) numbered;

B) point;

c) marked.

2. When setting page parameters in a text editor, the following are set:

A) margins, orientation and page size;

b) spacing between paragraphs and type of font;

c) background and page borders, indentation.

3. What key combination should be used to insert today's date into the document??

a) Ctrl + Alt + A;

b) Shift + Ctrl + V;

B) Shift + Alt + D.

4. Which of these statements is correct?

A) Kerning is a change in the spacing between letters of one word.

b) If the password to a protected document is lost, it can be recovered using a keyword.

c) Combination Shift keys+ Home takes you to the first page of the document.

5. Which of these statements is incorrect?

a) A capital letter can be printed in two ways.

b) With the help Tab keys you can make a red line.

C) The Delete key deletes the character in front of the flashing cursor.

6. Which key must be pressed to type a comma when the English alphabet is installed on the computer?

A) where the Russian letter B is written;

b) where the Russian letter Y is written;

c) where the Russian letter Zh is written.

7. Header and footer is:

A) an area that is located in the top and bottom margins and is intended to place the title of the work above the text of each page;

b) appearance printed characters that the user sees in the text editor window;

c) top line of the window Word editor, which contains a command bar (for example, Insert, Design, Layout, etc.).

8. To Text Document insert the link, you need to go to the following tabs:

b) FilePage settingsInsert link;

9 - Test. What is the default font installed inWord 2007?

a) Times New Roman;

c) Microsoft Ya Hei.

10. In the top line of the taskbar there is an icon with a floppy disk. What happens if you click on it?

a) the document will be deleted;

B) the document will be saved;

c) the document will be written to a disk or flash drive inserted into the computer.

11. Which key should you hold down when copying different elements of text in one document?

12. What can you do with two curved arrows placed on the top line above a page of text?

a) move one letter to the right or left (depending on which arrow you click);

b) move one line up or down (depending on which arrow you click);

C) go one completed action back or forward (depending on which arrow you click).

13. What does the enabled “Non-printable characters” button allow you to see?

A) spaces between words and the end of the paragraph;

b) all punctuation marks;

c) errors in the text.

14. You can combine or split cells of the drawn table in the tab:

a) “Constructor”;

B) “Layout”;

c) “Table parameters”.

15. What can you do with a watermark applied to a text document?

A) it makes the document unique;

b) it protects the document from viruses;

c) it allows third-party users to copy the text posted in the document.

16. To enable automatic hyphenation, you need to go to the following tabs:

A) LayoutPage settingsHyphenation;

b) InsertTextInserting hyphens;

17. To create a new page, you must simultaneously press the following keys:

A) Ctrl and Enter;

b) Shift and space;

c) Shift and Enter.

18. To quickly paste a copied element, use the following key combination:

Test - 19. List of instructions that reportsWorda pre-written order of actions to achieve a specific goal is called:

a) footer;

B) macro;

c) instructions.

20. What hotkeys cannot be used to change the language in a text editor?

a) Alt + Shift;

b) Ctrl + Shift;

B) Alt + Ctrl.

21. To create content in a document, you must perform the following steps:

a) select a few words in the text using the Ctrl key (they will be titles), go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Contents” icon;

B) select the headings in the text, go to the “Links” tab and there click on the “Table of Contents” icon;

c) start each new chapter with new page, go to the “Insert” tab, find the “Insert Content” icon there and click on it.

A) right mouse button and then selecting the “Hyperlink” tab;

b) left mouse button and then selecting the “Hyperlink” tab;

c) double-click the left mouse button and then select the “Hyperlink” tab.

23. To insert a formula into a text document, you need to go to the following tabs:

A) FilePage settingsInsert formula;

B) InsertSymbolsFormula;

V) InsertIllustrationsInsert formula.

24. What page orientation does not exist?

A) notebook;

b) book;

c) landscape.

25. What option does this dialog box control?

A) changing paragraph indentation;

b) changing the text font;

c) changing the size of the sheet margins.

26. Which of the following sentences corresponds to the rules for placing spaces between words and punctuation marks?

a) Word is an ideal assistant for a student: it allows you to create, view and edit text documents;

B) Word is an ideal assistant for a student: it allows you to create, view and edit text documents;

c) Word is an ideal assistant for a student: it allows you to create, view and edit text documents.

27. Solve a practical problem. Alexander wrote coursework 53 pages. Now he needs to copy the information into another document. The guy clicked the left mouse button 2 times and pulled... Advise Alexander on how to select all the text in one click.

a) click on the “File” tab and select the “Copy all” function there;

b) move the mouse cursor over the field and click once;

B) click on the combination Ctrl keys and A.

a) Alt + Ctrl + F2;

b) Ctrl + Shift + F2;

B) Alt + Shift + F2.

29. MS Word –This:

A) text editor;

b) spreadsheet;

c) database management.

30. A funny question. Modern youth call this word computer accessories for audio communication, and programmers use the same word to denote the style of one type of font. What is this word?

B) headset;

But as soon as more complex shapes come into play, “sticking and holes” begin. Here you should equalize the areas between the letters. There are many geometric techniques, but, to be honest, they seem very complicated to me, and are only useful when designing fonts in creating an array of kerning pairs.

Therefore, we will consider the general rules and the method of placing “in threes”. General rules are simple: the greatest distance will be between the “rectangular letters”. A slightly smaller distance is required if a letter with straight elements borders a rounded letter. Even less space is required between two round letters. And even smaller - with letters that have open shapes.

Triple Arrangement Method

  1. The most complex kerning pair in the word is selected, the gap between the letters of which will be the narrowest - these are either two rounded letters, or combinations of letters with open forms. This pair is cored first.
  2. Next, the word is kerneled to the right and left of this pair. We add the adjacent letter to the selected rejected pair, obtaining a trio of letters and unwind only this trio. By moving a new letter, we achieve uniformity in the areas of white in this three. Next we move the three by one letter to the side and core the next letter. And in this way we go through the entire word. With the right skill, you will do this automatically and very quickly.

Let's look at this using the example of the abstract word "ing". We choose a difficult pair of letters. In this word it is “go”. And we set the minimum distance between these letters.

Kerning when typing - selectively changing the spacing between letters depending on their shape.

Simply put, kerning- the process of correctly placing symbols, adjusting the distances between them, as a result of which harmony should be achieved. Although many people do not pay much attention to kerning (and in general they do not know), attention to detail helps to achieve very good results.

1) Tracking and kerning are two concepts that should not be confused. Tracking- indicates the distance between characters in a word or sentence, regardless of their shape and size. But kerning is a more “local” concept.

2) Each font file has an internal kerning table. The designer adjusts the distances between pairs of lines, defining them in thousandths. For example, VA has -80 kerning and ry has 30.

3) Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator have an optical kenning function when an alternative option is displayed. Although there is almost no difference.

4) Capitals T, V, W and Y always problematic. Because their upper part is wider than their lower part. So use Tracking to manually align words.

5) There is such a technique - imagine that between the letters there are balls of equal volume filled with air. Our goal is for these balls not to spread anywhere, but to be securely fastened between the letters

6) One of the most common mistakes lies in the unit) This symbol is narrow and forms a lot of empty space around itself. For this reason, the kerning needs to be improved.

7) Number 7 is another problematic symbol. You should also pay attention to this.
