How to put a vector over a letter in Word. Creating a vector image in MS Word text editor How to make a vector over a letter in Word

1. Word objects

2.4. Inserting charts

3.1. Draw menu

3.2. AutoShapes

3.3. Callouts

3.4. Grouping objects



Objects 1 Word

Inserting and saving a picture

The Object command on the Insert menu in the Word program window allows you to insert a picture that can be edited later using the program in which it was created.

To insert a picture, place the cursor at the insertion point, point to the Insert menu (Insert) command Picture (Picture) and select one of the commands: Pictures (Clip Art), From File (From File), From Scanner or Camera (From Scanner or Camera) , Organization Chart. Create a drawing (New Drawing), AutoShapes (AutoShapes), WordArt Object (WordArt), Chart (Chart).

Some file formats require special graphics filters to be installed. All graphic filters are automatically installed only when complete installation word. You can view which picture filters are installed on your computer by choosing the Insert menu, Picture, From File. In the Insert Picture dialog box, open the Files of Type drop-down list. To view pictures in the Add Picture dialog box without opening files, click the Views button on the toolbar and select Thumbnails or Preview from the list.

When you save a document that contains pictures, Word automatically selects for each graphic image optimal file format 3. You can set these parameters yourself if you wish.

Inserting a picture from the collection

Word 2000 includes a new clip art collection containing a variety of drawings, photographs, sound files and video clips.

To view the clip art in the Clip Art task pane, click the Start button. Hover your mouse over the picture you are interested in. After clicking the button to the right of the selected picture, a context menu opens, allowing you to paste, copy, delete, etc. picture.

The Pictures link on the Office Online site allows you to insert a clip from a special Microsoft server if you have internet access. After clicking the Organize pictures link, you will be prompted to organize the media clips on your computer's disk and shown a list of collections.

The clip collection has its own help system.

Rice. 1. Clip Collection task pane

Inserting math formulas

The formula editor is separate program, which is launched from Word. Inserting a formula is done using the Insert>Object command. In the dialog box, select Microsoft Equation 3.0. A formula input area and a floating menu of the editor of mathematical formulas will appear, which allows you to type a mathematical formula of any complexity. To insert a symbol into a formula, click the button on the formula bar, and then select a symbol from the palette that appears below the button. The formula editor contains about 120 templates.

Inserting charts

It is much easier to perceive the information contained in a document if it includes diagrams, tables and illustrations. The Microsoft Graph (MS Graph) chart allows you to create and embed tables and charts in texts.

To embed an object (chart) from MS Graph into a Word document, place the cursor at the insertion position and call the Object command from the Insert menu.

In the dialog box for inserting an object, in the list of object types, select the Microsoft Graph Chart element. After pressing the OK button, the MS Graph program window will open, containing some chart:

This window contains two windows: a table window and a chart window.

A chart created in MS Graph matches the data in the table at any time. The user can change the chart type at will. To do this, select the Chart Type command from the Chart menu. In the Chart Type dialog box that opens, specify the chart type (linear, pie, etc.) and click OK.

It may be necessary to change not only the chart type, but also the font. To change the font, double-click inside the legend.

As a result, the Format Legend dialog box will appear on the screen, containing the Font section.

Having opened it, the user will be able to choose the typeface, its size, style, etc.

Dialog boxes To format other elements, diagrams are opened in the same way - by double-clicking on the desired element.

To insert the resulting diagram into a Word document, click inside the document (outside the diagram). As a result, the chart will be inserted into the document. Chart dimensions can be changed using markers directly in the document.

To edit a chart, you must label it and double-click to open the MS Graph application. After making changes and returning to the document, all changes will be reflected in it automatically.

Rice. 3 Create a drawing using the Drawing toolbar

To start drawing an object, click the mouse button where you want to draw the object and move the mouse pointer, which will change into a cross. Drawing will end when the mouse button is released. To draw a line at an angle that is a multiple of 15 degrees, hold down while dragging Shift key. After the drawing process is completed, the object remains selected, with resizing handles visible around it. Shapes created using the Drawing toolbar can be moved around the page with the mouse. To deselect an object, click outside the selection area.

The object is drawn on the layer above the text and covers all other objects. The created object will be attached to the nearest paragraph by default. If you click the button on the Draw toolbar and click the document, an object with default dimensions will be created at that point. To reuse a toolbar button, double-click it. Shapes created using the Drawing toolbar can be moved around the page with the mouse. To deselect an object, click outside the selection area.

Draw menu

Here are some operations that can be performed on a graphical object using the Draw menu on the Drawing toolbar:

group several previously selected objects into one object or ungroup them;

change text wrapping;

replace the autoshape with another one.

For example, to align graphic objects, select them. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Actions button (Draw), then select the command Align / distribute (Align and Distribute) and set the desired alignment method (see table 2).


The menu contains the following items: Lines (Lines), Connecting lines (Connectors), Basic shapes (Basic Shapes), Curly arrows (Block Arrows), Flowchart (Flowchart), Stars and ribbons (Stars and Banners), Callouts (Callouts) . Using the AutoShapes menu commands reduces the time the user spends creating a drawing.

To draw a curve, select the menu AutoShapes (AutoShapes), Lines (Lines) button Curve (Curve). If you hold down the Shift key during construction, then we get a figure with equal dimensions along several axes: a circle, a cube, etc. To add text to an AutoShape (excluding AutoShapes: Lines, Connectors, and Polylines), click it and start typing. AutoShapes - can be used to create a border around text. Connecting lines are used to connect two objects.

An AutoShape can be used as a hyperlink.


Position the pointer where you want the leader line to start, and then move it to where you want the leader text to start. Enter the callout text. After finishing entering text, place the cursor outside the callout and click the mouse button. You can resize a callout by dragging its handles. The position of the callout can be changed by dragging it while holding down the mouse button after the pointer changes to a four-sided arrow.

Rice. 4. AutoShape 24-pointed star and callout

Grouping objects

You can group multiple objects so that Word treats them as a single entity. For example, you can set text wrapping modes as a single whole of grouped objects (pictures) or a picture and a caption to it. Select multiple objects by holding down the Shift key. Right-click the selected objects and select Group, Group from the context menu.

Setting the size and scale of the picture

Rice. 6 Dialog box that allows you to change the size and scale of the picture

Rice. 7 Location of size markers in the figure

While holding down the mouse button, move the frame in the desired direction. If you move the resizing handle located on the vertical or horizontal side, then the scale of the picture will change vertically or horizontally, respectively, if in the corner of the picture, then the size of the entire picture will proportionally change. When you have finished resizing the picture, click outside the picture.


Main literature:

Computing systems, networks and telecommunications / Ed. A.P. Pyatibratov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1998.

Iger B. Working on the Internet. - Per. from English. – M.: BINOM. - 1996.

Langer M. Microsoft office Excel 2003 for Windows. - NT Press - 2005.

Millhollon M., Murray K. Word 2002. Effective work. – Peter. – 2003.

Fundamentals of Informatics: Proc. allowance / A.N. Morozevich, N.N. Govyadinova and others; Ed. A.N. Morozevich. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2006.


1. Dmitry Gorilovsky "Word 2000 for myself / Excel 2000 for myself", Computerra magazine No. 16 of April 27, 2002

Internet resources:



1 An object is information inserted into a Word document (about a picture, spreadsheet etc.) created by some application.

2 Bitmap file extensions are .bmp, .png, jpg, .tif, .pcx, and .gif.

4 Autoshapes in Word mean a set of shapes of varying degrees of complexity

1. Word objects

2. Inserting raster and vector drawings into the document

2.1. Inserting and saving a picture

2.2. Inserting a picture from the collection

2.3. Insert Math Shape

2.4. Inserting charts

3. Create a drawing using the Drawing toolbar

3.1. Draw menu

3.2. AutoShapes

3.3. Callouts

3.4. Grouping objects

3.5. Inserting and moving a label

3.6. Shift of a graphical object, change, replacement of one autoshape with another

3.7. Creating and Changing the Direction of a Shadow of a Graphical Object

3.8. Context menu when working with autoshape

3.9. View Modes for Graphic Objects

4. Editing and formatting a picture

4.1. Change the fill and line color

4.2. Setting the size and scale of the picture

4.3. Changing the scale of a graphical object with the mouse



Objects 1 Word

If in Word document(or some other application) has an inserted object, then Word (or some other application) is called the client application, and the application that created the object is called the server application, or source application, or source program. The main features of the objects (with a certain setting of parameters) are: The ability to call the source program from the Word environment to edit the object.

The ability to display in an object representing part of a file, recent changes executed by the original program, independent of Word.

The ability to place an object anywhere on the page.

The possibility of various options for wrapping objects with plain text.

The possibility of placing objects and plain text on the page, as it were, in different planes, one under the other, like cards with pictures and texts on the table, and these cards with pictures and texts (to continue the analogy) are either opaque or transparent.

Objects can be created and edited both in the windows of the original programs (for example, Paint, PowerPoint, Word, Excel) and in Word window(for example, WordArt), in which menus and / or toolbars are changed. Objects can also be created from ready files. For all objects, the rules for inserting, switching to editing, and many formatting tools in the Word environment are the same. They will be considered first. With regard to the creation in the environments of the source programs of the originals of the inserted objects, attention will be paid here only graphic means word.

Inserting raster and vector drawings into a document

Drawings give the document greater clarity and expressiveness, help to better understand the text. Most bitmap and vector graphics can be inserted into Microsoft Office applications. graphic formats. Raster drawings2 are created when working with a digital video camera, with Microsoft program Paint, when scanning graphics and photos. They consist of a large number points. Enlarging the image increases the size of each point in the image. Jagged segments appear on straight lines.

Vector drawings are created with lines, curves and other objects. They scale better. Vector images are created using the Drawing toolbar, described below.

Any drawn or pasted drawing that can be edited is considered a graphic object. Graphic objects are autoshapes, lines, and WordArt objects. Drawings include scanned images, bitmaps (raster graphics), photographs. In some cases, to edit a picture using the Drawing toolbar, the picture must be ungrouped and turned into a graphic object.

The image is created by using the toolbar Drawing .

Image creation algorithm:


You need to display two sheets (in order to create image elements and group them). Image scale? 45%;


Using button Rectangle on the panel Drawing draw the upper rectangle on the floor of the sheet (if a frame appears when you click this button Inserting a picture - you must press the Esc key). Fill (color) it with the button fill " Fill methods " tab gradient " blank "stub name" Late or early sunset ” " Hatch type Horizontal (the object must be selected);


Using button Rectangle on the panel drawing We draw the bottom rectangle. Load it with the button fill " Filling methods "tab gradient " blank " Hatch Type From the center "left option.

4. Decorate the sky.

We draw stars on a white sheet (2nd). Panel drawing e -> AutoShapes -> Stars and ribbons ->4 pointed star -> copy once -> paste as many as needed -> drag them to the sky background -> fill one star with button fill -> and, clicking the left mouse button on other (selectively) stars, press the F4 key (repeat the last command). Fill the remaining stars with other colors (of your choice).

We draw a month. Panel Drawing -> AutoShapes ->Basic figures ->Month -> fill .

5. Draw at home.

First house. Panel Drawing " AutoShapes " Basic Shapes " Cube " Fill " choose a color on the panel Drawing button Shadows" for example, style 4 .

Draw a window on a white sheet. Button Rectangle " button Line "we get

Grouping the window: on the panel Drawing " button Selecting Objects " button Drawing " Group .

Copy once -> paste as many as needed -> drag them to the home -> fill one window with the button fill -> and, clicking the left mouse button on other (selectively) windows, press the F4 key (repeat the last command). The remaining windows are filled with other colors (of your choice). We draw the antenna and other elements.

On the wall of the house we place a sign of the enterprise. On panel Drawing -> button Add object -> choose the right one Lettering style -> type text -> OK -> on the toolbar word art choose Vertical Text WordArt and we get the result.

Second house . AutoShapes Basic Shapes->Cross. fill ->Filling methods -> tab Pattern -> bricks -> Hatching – black -> Background - Orange. We draw windows, doors (with grouping of objects). Fill them in, choose the color and line type. We host in the house. We group the objects of the house. Create a sign with a button Inscription . To view the wall, perform the following operations: on the panel Drawing -> Line color - No, fill color - No. Create a fireworks effect: select the text of the inscription Bowling ->Format ->Font ->Animation tab ->Fireworks ->OK .

third house. AutoShapes ->Basic figures ->cube, rectangles, arch. We fill ->fill ->Filling methods ->Texture tab ->Marble . Draw stairs with a button lines panels Drawing , only apply the menu Hatch .

The rest of the details of the drawing are performed similarly. Trees are drawn with a button AutoShapes " Callouts " Clouds , are colored and with the help of the button Free rotation they are given the necessary provisions.
