How to speed up the download of applications from steam. Slow Download Speed ​​on Steam: Causes and Solutions

Even if your download speeds on Steam are fine on normal days, it can be very difficult to get them “right now” during the release of serious games. This is due to the multi-million audience of fans who, just like you, want to pick up the files as soon as possible. As a result, the download speed quite reasonably drops. Below we will reveal a little secret on how to get hold of the desired content quickly.

Server selection to increase Steam speed

To meet the needs of the entire target audience, Valve makes it possible to download files not from one source, but from several. This allows more rational use of the resources of the worldwide network and to a greater extent to satisfy users. Residents of Russia, for example, have access by default to 3 content servers located in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. However, this does not mean that you cannot choose any other. Before downloading files, you should prefer the server that is less loaded and closest. It is easy to check the workload and placement at this link, where traffic is marked with a color. Servers with zero load or a tag will most likely be unavailable to us. When the server is selected, switch to it through the settings menu. Inside, find the “Downloads + Cloud” subsection, and in the “Download region” line, specify the required one. It is also advisable to enter your real speed Internet channel in the point of the same name.

Choosing a Provider to Increase Steam Speed

Maybe you for a long time Have you ever thought about the speed of your Internet connection, or is it time to change your tariff plan? Check the speed through your computer's browser and evaluate the result. If it is acceptable, but the download still does not go, try contacting the service technical support service company.

As a last resort, if nothing helps, try leaving the download overnight, or start Steam at an “unusual” time for you. Perhaps the period of the day / night that you prefer to spend at the computer is overloaded with requests from other admirers computer games.

After you buy the game on Steam, you will need to download it. The download process is highly dependent on your internet speed. The faster your Internet connection, the faster you will receive the purchased game and be able to start playing it. This is especially important for those who want to play the new game at the time of its release. In addition to the speed of your Internet connection, the duration of the download is also affected by the server that you have selected in Steam. The right server allows you to increase the download speed by two or more times. Read on to find out how to increase your download speed on Steam.

The need for high speed game downloads is becoming more and more urgent, as the size of game data is increasing every year. If earlier most games weighed about 10-20 gigabytes, today games that occupy more than 100 gigabytes on the user's hard drive are no longer a rarity. Therefore, in order not to have to download one game for several days, it is important to complete correct setting downloads on Steam.

How to increase the download speed on Steam In order to change the download settings, you need to go to the general settings tab. This is done using the top menu of the Steam client. You need to select Steam - Settings.

What is on this settings tab? In the upper part there is a button for choosing a place - "downloads". With Nero 8, you can change the folder where Steam games will be downloaded. Next setting is extremely important for download speed. The download region is responsible for which server you will download the game from. Since most of our readers live in Russia, they need to choose Russian regions accordingly. You need to proceed from the range and location of the selected region. For example, if you live in Novosibirsk or not far from this city or the Novosibirsk region, then you need to select the Russia-Novosibirsk region accordingly. This will significantly speed up the download in Steam.

If Moscow is closer to you, then choose the appropriate region. In other cases, you need to proceed in a similar way. The worst regions for downloading from Russia are American territories, as well as Western European servers. But if you do not live in Russia, then you should try other download regions. After the download region has been changed, you should restart Steam. Now the download speed should increase. Also on this tab there is a function - limiting the download speed. With it, you can limit the maximum download speed of games. This is necessary so that when you download games, you can use the Internet for other things. For example, watching videos on YouTube, streaming listening to music, etc.

Let's say that your Internet receives data at a speed of 15 megabytes per second, respectively. If you download the game from Steam at this speed, then you will not be able to use the Internet for other activities. By setting a limit of 10 megabytes per second, you can use the remaining 5 megabytes to use the Internet for other purposes. The following setting is responsible for changing the download speed of games while watching game broadcasts on Steam. The option to slow down the download speed is needed in order to free up the Internet channel. Game download speed will be reduced. The last setting is responsible for the speed display format. The default download speed is displayed in megabytes, but you can change it to megabits. To set the desired settings, try downloading a game. See how the download speed has changed.

If the speed has deteriorated, then try changing the download region to another. After each change in the settings, check how the download speed of games has changed. Choose the region that allows you to download games with the highest speed.

Now you know how you can increase the download speed in Steam.

Today we will try to understand how to increase download speed on Steam. This question arises among users of the service around the world, and in particular in Russia. How to deal with the mentioned problem? And why does the download speed sometimes drop? Even a novice PC user can understand all these topics.


The download speed of games in download managers on computers depends on many factors. For example, from the load on the network. The smaller it is, the faster files will be downloaded to operating system.

  • skype;
  • antivirus;
  • Windows Update;
  • game center @Mail.

As soon as there is nothing left but "Steam", you can look at the result. Most likely, the proposed method will really help.


The following tip on how to increase download speed on Steam almost always works. It is actively used by users.

We are talking about changing the region in the settings of the game manager. In some areas, downloading documents is faster, somewhere slower. So changing the region really helps.

So, in Steam, this method:

  1. Open the appropriate program.
  2. Go to the menu "Steam" - "Settings" - "Downloads" - "Region".
  3. Change region. If there is already a third-party area, it is recommended to set your area of ​​​​residence or a place close to it.
  4. Save changes.

It is advisable to re-enter Steam after that. You can look at the result. When adjusting the region for loading documents, any area is allowed to be set. Especially if initially the user's real place of residence was in the program settings.

Internet problems

In some cases, people think about how to increase the speed of downloading documents on Steam at a specific time. Unfortunately not. There is a so-called "prime time". During these periods, game downloads may drop to zero. The thing is that prime time is something like a period when the load on the game manager is maximum. At these moments, there may be problems not only with downloading, but also with the operation of the application as a whole.

How to improve download speed? First, wait out prime time. Most often this is in the evening. After unloading the server, the download speed will be restored. Secondly, you can change your Internet provider or Internet tariff plan. Slow network connection - slow loading of documents. But it is better to agree to such a step as a last resort.

Now it’s clear how to increase the download speed of Steam. Sometimes it happens that the download problem is observed only in the mentioned application. There are many techniques that can help solve the problem.

For example, you can try:

  1. Restart Steam.
  2. Restart your computer or turn it off for a while and turn it on again.
  3. Restart your router or modem. To do this, the equipment has a special Reset button.
  4. Check your computer for viruses. If malicious files are found, clean the OS.
  5. Find and move the document called Hosts to the desktop. It is located in C/Windows/System32/drivers/etc.
  6. Roll back the operating system a few days ago. The corresponding menu is located in "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "System Restore Tool".
  7. Reinstall drivers on the computer. It is advisable to immediately reinstall the operating system.
  8. Check for malware in the browser. If it is, you will have to get rid of such extensions.
  9. Refuse to use a firewall and antivirus. On Windows, the first service is disabled in the Control Panel, under System and Security.

Perhaps that's all. From now on, it is clear how to increase the download speed on Steam. All of the above tips can help. The main thing is to be patient and act decisively. Sometimes updating Steam or reinstalling it can fix the situation.

In addition, some users do nothing to increase the download speed of games in Steam. They just have to wait. As practice shows, it is after prime time that the performance of the Internet returns. If the above tips did not help, then, as we have said, it is worth thinking about changing tariff plan for the Internet. The download speed will definitely increase after that!

Everyone probably knows that Steam is a digital game content distribution system with millions of users that allows you to download purchased games from content servers to any computer that is logged into your account. However, due to the huge number of users, even with a 100 megabit channel, you have to wait a long time when downloading large games, and especially on the days of world releases.

In this HOWTO, I'll show you how you can increase download speeds and take full advantage of thick Internet channels.

1. Content servers.

A bit of theory. Content Servers are mirrors of Valve's main server that store all of the games available to customers on the Steam network in encrypted form. Content servers are available in almost all regions of the world. By default, with Steam installation pings all available mirrors and chooses the one with the lowest ping, however, low ping does not mean that the server is not currently loaded and will serve content without cutting speed. For residents of Russia, for example, 3 content servers are available: in Moscow ( Russia-Central; hosted on, in Yekaterinburg ( Russia-Urals; hosted by Rostelecom) and in Novosibirsk ( Russia-Siberia). One of these servers is selected by default for everyone who connects to Steam from Russia, so it is not surprising that the speed from them does not exceed 100-300 KB / s, and on the days of major releases even 60-70 KB / s. There is a solution for owners of thick channels - to change the content server. How to do this, I will tell below.

2. Selecting a content server.

It is best to choose a content server right before the upcoming download of some major game, based on their load statistics. Statistics are updated in real time and transmitted to the main Valve server, from where it is available to ordinary users: (opens in a new window).

You need to choose the least loaded content server located closest to you. If the server has zero load, then it is currently unavailable.

If the server name in square brackets has , so it is available only to a limited number of users, for example, only to subscribers of this provider.

3. Switching to the selected content server.

So, you have chosen the best content server for you and want to switch to it right now. This can be done in the Steam client settings. Select from the menu SteamSettings (Settings), go to the page Downloads + Cloud (Downloads + Cloud) and enter in the field Download region (download region) content server of your choice. Click OK and allow the Steam client to restart. After a restart, the selected server will be used.

Don't forget in the field Internet connection speed (Approximate speed of your Internet connection) choose desired value close to reality.


The best way increasing the download speed on Steam - the use of content servers. They are copies of Valve's main main server, which stores all downloadable games, available to users service. Official content servers are often loaded and the download from them is very slow, so it makes sense to use other mirrors.

Select the closest content server to your location using the corresponding function on the Steam website. Look at the data on the server. If it has any load other than zero, then it can be used. If the parameter is specified in the name of the mirror, then only a limited number of users can use it.

Go to your Steam client settings. To do this, open the program window and select Steam - "Settings". Then go to the "Downloads + Cloud" menu. In the "Download Region" field, select the server you found. After that, apply the changes by clicking on the "OK" button. Restart the client.

After a restart, Steam will use the specified server. Try downloading any game. If the download speed has increased, then all the applied settings were correct.

If you want to get the best speed for downloading games on Steam, it is advisable to disable other Internet programs running on your computer. So, the included torrent client can significantly reduce the performance of other programs. You should also disable all kinds of download managers, browsers and other applications that transmit data over the Internet.

Useful advice

In the Steam settings, you can also specify the desired download speed through the "Internet connection speed" field. This setting allows you to increase or decrease the amount of data received by the application. In this way, you can add or reduce the speed of loading games.


  • Steam Traffic Map

It is a digital distribution system for computer games. With it, you can buy and install licensed versions of various games through your personal account user. If you don't have a very good internet connection, you can try increasing your download speed.


The download speed of games largely depends on the content servers used - mirrors of the main Valve server. They store in encrypted form all the games that are available to Steam customers. By default, the program is configured in such a way that the content server is selected depending on the user's region and taking into account the minimum ping of the current connection, however automatic selection Steam is not always optimal. For example, the main Russian content servers Central, Urals and Siberia most often do not please with high speeds. You can change the content server and increase the download speed of games.

Choose a content server depending on its current load. Statistics with these data is available at Choose the server that is closest to you and the least loaded. Note that zero load means that the server is currently unavailable. Also try to find servers with the parameter: they are faster and are provided by various providers, among which yours may be.

Switch to the selected content server. To do this, go to the Steam download settings and open the Downloads + Cloud page. Specify the desired content server in the "Download region" line. Also set the most accurate data in the field "Internet connection speed" (Approximate speed). Save settings and reboot Steam client. End all open sessions of downloading data from the Internet, and also temporarily suspend the system antivirus and firewall. Try to start downloading the desired game. The speed of downloading it to your computer should increase significantly.
