Flash player does not work. Adobe Flash Player does not work in Odnoklassniki

Nobody (not even Adobe.com) knows why Flash Player does not work. They also provide a list of recommendations. Some of this list made it into this article. Recommendations are arranged in ascending order of difficulty. If you follow the recommendations at some stage, the Flash player will work, but it is not known at what stage. In conclusion, I will give a shorter list that I will most likely use. This, of course, is not the simplest option, but, it seems to me, it is shorter.

1. Update the browser

First, a short educational program. What you need to know about Adobe Flash Player.

There are two versions of Adobe Flash Player

You also need to know that in Google Chrome Flash Player is built in and it is updated along with the browser.

In any case, you need to update your browser.

2. Enable the Flash Player plugin in the browser

For correct operation, Adobe Flash Player must be installed and enabled in your browser.

How to enable Flash Player in Internet Explorer

Open the main menu and select “Configure add-ons”

Select “Add-on Types” - “Toolbars and Extensions”

“Display” - “All add-ons”

Find the Shockwave Flash Object and if its state is “Disabled”, click the “Enable” button at the bottom right. Restart the browser and try.

If you don't have the Shockwave Flash Object add-on, you just need to install Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable Flash Player in Firefox

Open the FireFox menu and select “Add-ons”

Select “Plugins” on the left and look for “Shockwave Flash” on the right. From the drop-down menu select “Always enable”

Restart Firefox. If Flash Player does not work, read on. If there is no Shockwave Flash plugin, you need to install Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable Flash Player in Opera

Opening new tab and in the address bar we write - opera://plugins

Select “All” on the left, find “Adobe Flash Player” and click “Enable”. Restart Opera.

How to enable Flash Player in Google Chrome

In a new tab we write chrome://plugins/. At the top right click “More details”

Find Adobe Flash Player and disable one of them. Restart the browser and try.

If it doesn’t work, enable the disabled plugin and disable the other one. If it doesn't work, read on.

3. Clear the Flash Player cache

Open the Start menu and in the search field write “ %appdata%\Adobe". Press Enter or select the found “Adobe” folder

Delete the “Flash Player” folder

In the same way we move along the path “ %appdata%\Macromedia" and delete the "Flash Player" folder. Launch the browser and check. If Adobe Flash Player does not work, read on.

4. Delete all Flash Player data

Go to “Start > Control Panel”. Set View - " Large icons" and select "Flash Player"

In the Flash Player Settings Manager that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and click “Delete all...”

Check the “Delete all data and site settings” checkbox and click the “Delete data” button

Close the window, open the browser and check. If Flash Player does not work, read on.

5. Disable Flash Player hardware acceleration


Right-click on the image and select “Options”

Uncheck and turn off hardware acceleration

Click “Close”. Restart the browser and check. If it doesn't work, read on.

6. Update Adobe Flash Player

First, let's simply update Adobe Flash Player.

7. Reinstall Adobe Flash Player

If installing the latest version on top does not produce results, let's try to remove Adobe Flash Player completely and install the latest version.

8. Reinstall the browser

If all of the above did not work, then I would reinstall the browser. Naturally, you need to save your bookmarks or set up synchronization.

You can reinstall another browser in the same way. We download and install all browsers from official websites.

9. Recovering system files

If Adobe Flash Player doesn't work, then I would uninstall the browser and uninstall Flash Player. Performed system file recovery. I reinstalled the browser and Adobe Flash Player.

10. Update drivers

The last hope before reinstalling the system is updating the drivers. Just take and install the latest drivers for your computer. If nothing works, then either switch to another browser or reinstall Windows.


I like Google browser Chrome. It does not require installing Adobe Flash Player. If Flash Player doesn't work, you just need to reinstall Chrome. If this does not work, then I would delete the browser, scan the computer for viruses and restore system files. Then I would install Google Chrome. Flash Player simply must work. If not, then I would reinstall Windows.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Probably not very many of you know what flash technology actually is, and also what why do you need adobe flash player.

But when your browser stops showing videos or games, does not play audio, and the menus of some sites do not react to your actions in any way, then you start looking for the reason (or).

Most likely, you will quickly be enlightened that perhaps that same mysterious Flash Player is outdated (or simply does not work). To solve the problem, you will be advised to update it or completely reinstall it (uninstall it and then install it again).

In addition, the reason may lie in the settings of the Flash Player plugin in . However, all these general words are not always able to lead to a solution to the problem, so I decided to dwell on the question in more detail installation, proper removal, updating and configuration the brainchild of Adobe on your computer.

Flash Player update - why is it needed?

Let me start right away with the fact that in some browsers the Flash Player plugin is built-in along with the engine update. First of all, this applies to the Google Chrome Internet browser, which we discussed in detail. However, for some reason this plugin may be disabled there. How to enable it, read below.

Player system module too can track the appearance of its own updates, and you probably saw this window more than once the next time you turned on your computer:

I strongly recommend not to neglect the possibility of timely updates, because they may also include security updates. It is possible that this will save your computer from infection. I just wrote about the importance of updating all the key ones (including the flash player), because found security holes are quickly plugged in them.

If you have no desire to install this extension, but you want to know Do you have the latest version of Flash installed?, then there is a way to check from the official developers. All you have to do is go to this page and click on the “Check Now” button at the top to find out the information you are interested in:

However, with the work of Flash in your browser, there may be problems unexpected problems, when movies are not shown, games are not played, and the menus of some sites do not open. Apparently there is some problem with the Adobe Flash plugin. So let's see how we can install or update Flash Player.

Installing Flash Player and solving emerging problems

In the simplest case, you just need to go to the official Adobe Player page and click on the “Install” button located there:

If suddenly your browser and operating system determined incorrectly, then you can click on the link “You need a Flash Player for another computer”, where you make the changes you need and click the “Install now” button. As I mentioned just above, in the case of the Google browser, a separate installation of the plugin is not required, because it is included in the browser, but if you wish, you can still install the Adobe® Flash® Player system module:

In most cases, this will be enough for installation or updating, but sometimes unexpected problems arise when, even after installing the player, video, audio and games are still not displayed in the browser.

There may be many reasons for this state of affairs, but the most effective and in an effective way there will probably be complete reinstallation flash player. To do this, you will need to close all browsers you have open, go to the panel Windows controls(in Vista this is “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”) and remove this program (plugin). After that, go to the official website again and install Adobe Flash Player from scratch. In theory, some of the problems that interfere with normal operation should be eliminated.

How to remove all “tails” from a flash player?

However, even after this, problems may remain. Then you will need to remove the “tails” of the player using a specialized removal utility developed in Adobe
Uninstall Flash Player. The procedure should be approximately as follows:

  1. Download the flash player removal utility from the link above.
  2. Before starting it, do not forget to close all browsers and other programs that may use Flash technology, otherwise complete removal it may not succeed. Check their possible operation in the background (look in the tray).
  3. Launch the utility and follow its instructions.
  4. Once the uninstallation process is complete, restart your computer.

After this, you can install Flash Player again from the official website using the link provided. How to check its functionality? Well, you can again use the test from Adobe - just go to this page and make sure that in the fifth point you are watching an animation on the theme of a tree and clouds floating across the sky.

How to enable the Flash Player plugin in your browser

When the flash does not work, then in addition to the option of removing the player from the OS and reinstalling it, you can also look for the answer in the browser settings. The fact is that Adobe Flash Player is installed as a plugin, and for some mysterious reason it may simply be disabled. It's quite easy to check. It all depends on the browser you use:

If none of the methods described above bring results (Flash is not displayed in browsers), then I advise you to contact the developers (or their forum) for help, describing in detail the problem you are experiencing with Flash Player.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Why Adobe Flash Player does not work in Odnoklassniki and how to solve this problem?

Have you encountered a situation where a video or game in Odnoklassniki does not work and you are required to download and install Adobe Flash Player? In this article I will tell you what to do.

Why doesn't the flash player work in Odnoklassniki?

There may be 2 reasons:

  1. You don't have it installed;
  2. You need to update Adobe Flash Player to the latest version.

The problem is typical for browsers in which the player is not installed by default. For example, in the Opera.

When watching a video or when starting a game in Odnoklassniki, a window appears with approximately the following content:

How to install or update Adobe Flash Player in Odnoklassniki

The solution for both cases is universal. Follow the instructions step by step:

  1. Follow the link Adobe Flash Player;
  2. On the page that opens, you need to click “Install” (even if you just need to update, install it anyway);
  3. You will be prompted to download the installation file to your computer. It’s better to download to your desktop so you don’t have to search for a long time;
  4. You should run this file by double-clicking the left mouse button;
  5. Follow the installer's instructions.

Healthy! If you don't want to deal with the update problem anymore and Adobe installations Flash Player, I recommend downloading it

In the opera and what to do about it. Sometimes it happens that Opera crashes while playing a flash video.

However, Adobe representatives do not want to admit that there are problems in their software. According to them, the player is quite reliable and proven.

But users often sound the alarm, since problems still appear sooner or later. What actions should you take if you updated the Opera browser, and then noticed that problems with freezing or incorrect playback often began to arise. There are several reasons for these problems, as well as their solutions.

The case when the plugin is disabled.

Often in Opera the cause of the problem lies in the fact that the corresponding plugin is simply turned off. You can check this and make corrections as follows:

  1. Enter the command “opera:plagins” into the address bar of the browser.
  2. We find Shockwave Flash in the list.
  3. Click “enable” and restart the application.

Flash player does not work in Opera, what should I do?

If your flash player does not work in Opera, then I advise you to read the article to the end. Opera may behave incorrectly during playback if there are too many temporary files. They need to be cleaned periodically. To do this we do the following:

  1. Open the browser and press the key combination “Ctrl+F12”.
  2. Go to the “Advanced” tab.
  1. Open "History".
  1. Click “clear” and ok.
  2. We do the same with cookies (for which we select the desired item on the window panel on the left).

Problems that may occur with hardware graphics acceleration.

Adobe representatives, starting with version 10 of the program, introduced hardware acceleration. To explain it simply, the rendering of elements began to occur with the participation of not only the central processor, but also the video card (graphics editor).

On the one hand, this allows you to quickly load the video, but at the same time it makes the work of the plugin difficult. In this case, it may help to delete the “gpu_test.ini” file from the profile, while Opera itself should be closed at this moment. There are other reasons why the player does not want to work correctly:

  • Acceleration itself (HWA) may not be supported by hardware. Then the only solution is to replace the video card. Playing with the settings won't help here.
  • Problem occurring with drivers. This option is possible if the video cards were released before HWA appeared. Then reinstalling the drivers will help solve the problem. But if the problem persists, then you need to disable hardware acceleration.

On a note! Yesterday I wrote an article about, I highly recommend reading who has a seven.

How to disable hardware acceleration?

This is necessary if hardware acceleration cannot be supported by the video card. We do the following:

  1. Open any video file.
  2. Let's make a call context menu, for which we press the right mouse button while viewing.
  3. When the window opens, find “Settings” there.
  1. We need to select viewing options (this is the first section on the left on the bottom panel of the window).
  2. Uncheck the “Enable hardware acceleration” checkbox.
  3. We restart the browser.

This solution can be useful for movies whose resolution is up to 720p. However, this option will not help for games.

Problems caused by an old version of Flash Player.

Before updating the player, delete its old version. To do this, you need to use a special uninstaller.

You can download the uninstaller on the official website. Then upload new Adobe version Flash Player.

We must not forget that the player needs to be updated. To do this, you can go to the “Help” menu and go to the “Check for updates” tab. If you find it on the list, you can make it. Sometimes it happens that even the latest version does not work. Then rollback to previous version may solve the problem. You can download them on the official website.

Flash file association conflict.

This error often appears on monitor screens. Removing it will also help here old version programs and installing a new one. Then we do everything according to the instructions:

  • Open Opera, press the key combination “Ctrl+F12”, we will get to the settings.
  • Go to the tab called “Advanced” and open “Downloads”.
  • Scroll through the list, and then double-click on the application that is associated with the flash player.
  • In the window we find “Change file type properties”.
  • We are looking for “Use plugin” and plugin options.
  • Making a choice flash player. If you see an extra line, then your PC has third-party software, which can create problems.
  • We check whether there are extra files, whose extension is swf. The fact is that Opera cannot work if the number of plugins with the same extension is more than one. We remove the extra plugin completely.

Green screen flashes.

This problem is also typical for Opera. It can be solved by downloading and installing new version player. If such actions do not produce results, then you need to disable hardware acceleration. The presence of several variations for different browsers will also be an inconvenience.

If you use more than one browser, then the variations should be placed one by one. Whatever the inconveniences of using Adobe Flash Player, it is still a popular utility that deserves respect.

That's all for me! I'm sure you've found out why the flash player doesn't work in Opera and how to fix it. I look forward to your wishes and questions in the comments. And also, if it’s not difficult, click on the social buttons, this will help me develop the blog. Have a nice day everyone!

Flash Player - popular software, installed on the computers of many users. This plugin is necessary for playing Flash content in browsers, which is abundant on the Internet today. Unfortunately, this player is not without problems, so today we will look at why Flash Player does not start automatically.

As a rule, if you are faced with the fact that every time you have to give permission to the Flash Player plug-in every time before playing content, then the problem lies in your browser settings, so below we will figure out how you can configure Flash Player to launch automatically.

Setting Flash Player to launch automatically for Google Chrome

Let's start with, perhaps, the most popular browser of our time.

In order to configure the Adobe Flash Player in the Google Chrome web browser, you will need to open the plug-in window on the screen. To do this, use your web browser's address bar to navigate to the following URL:


Once in the menu for working with plugins installed in Google Chrome, find Adobe Flash Player in the list, make sure that the button next to the plugin is highlighted "Disable" , which means that the browser plugin is active, and next to it, check the box next to "Always run" . After completing this small setup, the plugin management window can be closed.

Setting Flash Player to launch automatically for Mozilla Firefox

Now let's look at how Flash Player is configured in Fire Fox.

To do this, click on the menu button of your web browser and in the window that appears, go to the section "Extras" .

In the left area of ​​the window that appears, you will need to go to the tab "Plugins" . Find it in the list installed plugins Shockwave Flash, and then check that the status is displayed on the right next to this plugin "Always on" . If in your case a different status is displayed, set the desired one, and then close the window for working with plugins.

Setting Flash Player to launch automatically for Opera

As is the case with other browsers, in order to configure the launch of Flash Player, we will need to get into the plugin management menu. For this purpose in Opera browser you will need to go to the following link:


A list of installed plugins for your web browser will appear on the screen. Find Adobe Flash Player in the list and make sure that the status is displayed next to this plugin "Disable" , meaning that the plugin is active.

But setting up Flash Player in Opera is not yet complete. Click on the menu button in the upper left corner of your web browser and in the list that appears, go to the section "Settings" .

On the left side of the window, go to the tab "Sites" , and then find the block in the window that appears "Plugins" and make sure you have the box checked “Automatically launch plugins in important cases (recommended)” . If, when this option is selected, Flash Player does not want to start automatically, check the box "Run all plugin contents" .

Configuring automatic launch of Flash Player for Yandex Browser

Considering that Yandex Browser is based on the Chromium browser, plugins are managed in this web browser in exactly the same way as in Google Chrome. And in order to configure Adobe Flash Player, you will need to go to the following link in your browser:


Once on the page for working with plugins, find Adobe Flash Player in the list, make sure that the button is displayed next to it "Disable" , and then check the box next to the item "Always run" .

If you are a user of any other browser, but also encounter the problem that Adobe Flash Player does not launch automatically, then write us the name of your web browser in the comments and we will try to help you.
