Why doesn't explorer open? What to do if Internet Explorer is not responding

Does not work Internet Explorer- a problem in Windows is quite common. And it can happen for a variety of reasons. Why Internet Explorer does not start and how to restore its work, we will understand in detail in this article.

Disabling addons

Not all connected browser extensions are equally useful. And sometimes trusted addons can seriously conflict with each other at the program level. The result of such "interactions", as a rule, turns into the absence of "signs of life" in the system web browser. What to do in situations when, after connecting the IE extension, it stopped working? Try running a web browser without addons. This mode of operation is activated as follows:

1. Right-click the Internet Explorer shortcut on the desktop.

2. Select "Properties" from the context menu.

Note. If the web browser icon is in the taskbar, then you need to right-click directly on the shortcut and then additionally right-click on the IE icon in the panel that opens.

3. In the properties panel, in the line "Object", copy the path to executable file: Ctrl + A (select) → Ctrl + C (copy).

4. Close the window: click "OK".

5. Press - Win + R.

6. In the "Open" field, paste the copied path to the executable file: Ctrl + V.

7. Press "space" to indent path quotes on the same line. Add the "--extoff" switch (without the quotes).

8. Click OK.

9. If the browser opens with a message that all settings are disabled (a directive appears in the address tab “about: NoAdd-ons”), and you can use it, then the “hook” is in the extensions.

Eliminate all dubious add-ons that you previously installed, as well as extensions that were automatically installed along with the installation of any software:
1. Click "Gear".

2. Go to "Configure add-ons".

3. In the “Toolbars…” subsection, right-click on the add-on. Select "Disable" from the menu. Follow the same disabling procedure with all unnecessary addons.

4. Launch the web browser in standard mode using a label. If Internet Explorer still doesn't work, try another recovery method.


Incorrect parameters options, settings and add-ons made by the user or by some application can also seriously interfere with the correct functioning of IE.

In order not to “dig into” them for a long time, looking for an error, you can reset the settings to the “default” state, that is, to their original values ​​preset by the developer.

Since IE is integrated into Windows, you can perform this procedure using "system levers" without starting it:

1. Click "Start" (key or icon in the taskbar).

2. Set the panel mode to " Large icons” (string “View”).

3. In the "Properties ..." window, click "Advanced". Click Reset.

4. In the new window, set the "bird" in the option "Delete Personal settings” and press “Reset” again.

5. When the operation is completed, click "Close".

6. Launch IE.

Restoring browser files

Program modifications, incorrect cleaning of the C drive, erroneous editing of properties - these are just some of the reasons that browser files can become corrupted, and, accordingly, this is why Internet Explorer does not start. Only IT professionals or advanced users can restore them to their proper state. But you can perform this action automatically using the Fix IE Utitlity program.

  1. Download it from a trusted web resource. Unzip the archive and double click to run .exe file in the utilities folder.
  2. In the window that appears, click "Run Utility".

Windows update

Update everything operating system. Installing patches, new components, libraries can save you from problems associated with both IE and other functional modules of Windows, applications that are closely related to it (for example, Skype).

  1. From the Start menu, click Control Panel.
  2. Click the "System and Security" section.
  3. Go to the "Update Center" submenu. Click the Check for Updates button.
  4. Wait for the verification to complete and download and install all available patches.

Installing IE 11

If you have installed version Explorer 9 or 10, you can install version 11 over the existing distribution. The update may resolve errors that occur when starting the web browser.

1. Open the official download page - https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/internet-explorer.aspx.

3. On the page that opens, click "Download".

4. Run the downloaded installer. Follow his instructions.

Disabling the browser

IE can be quickly disabled if you are not using it to get rid of intrusive notifications about mistakes. However, it should be remembered that such an approach is not a solution to the problem, but only a temporary elimination of it. One way or another, at the first opportunity, it will still be necessary to find out the cause of the errors and, accordingly, remove them.

To perform deactivation:
1. Go to the control panel.

3. In the sidebar, click the option "Enable or disable ...".

4. Click the mouse to uncheck the box next to Internet Explorer.

5. Confirm the connection: click "Yes" in the prompt window.


Some computer malware "specializes" specifically in IE: disable it, modify it. You can remove them from your PC with additional antivirus software. Consider the most effective solutions.

Malwarebytes Adwcleaner

Free tool. Finds and neutralizes all kinds of browser malware, adware, trojans, worms. Runs with one click of the mouse. Upon completion of the check, displays the log file, and then performs a reinstallation of the PC.

To download the distribution kit on the page https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/, click " Free Download».

Another scanner from the same developer. Equipped with various verification modes, a module for updating the signature database. On "excellent" copes with the most secretive virus programs: Finds and quarantines them. Additionally, it detects dubious software and hacker utilities in the system.

To download the installer for this application, on the page https://ru.malwarebytes.com/ click " Free download».

At the end of the installation, in the "Check" section, select the analysis mode, configure the scanner if necessary.

An effective remedy for computer treatment. Developed on the basis of Dr.Web antivirus. Designed for one-time use (OS check). Contains additional settings(check modes, directory selection).

You can download the scanner on the page https://free.drweb.ru/cureit/.

When choosing a method for restoring IE, use the "from simple to complex" rule. First, try to reset the settings, disable addons, if these actions do not have the desired effect, proceed to update, reinstall the browser. If problems arose after installing third-party software or visiting a dubious site, first check your computer for viruses.

What to do if the Internet Explorer browser stops working on Windows-7. As a rule, this is solved very simply. It is enough to remove those settings that may have caused the failure this browser at work. To get started, go to and click:

- In the "System and Security" section, select
-Finding and fixing problems

-Internet Explorer performance

At the end of the diagnostics, close the window.

How to uninstall Internet Explorer in Windows-7

I very rarely use this browser in my work. In practice, I only use it to check Web pages. And when Explorer suddenly stopped working for me, I decided not to look for the causes of its malfunction, but simply to remove it from my computer. I went into the "Program Files" folder where all the files of this program were located, but my results were in vain. Only a few removed text documents and one folder. I decided not to continue removing this program in a barbaric way, but to check on the example of others who tried to remove it. When I checked this question on the forums, I realized that it is better not to delete it, since for many, after such attempts, the operating system failed. So do not try to remove it, and in extreme cases, just disable it from Windows settings. To do this, go to

Control Panel

Enable and disable Windows components
-A window will appear in front of you and after a certain period of time you will see those components and programs that are involved in Windows.

You just need to uncheck Internet Explorer. Click "OK" and that's it. Naturally, in order for the settings to take effect, you must restart the computer.

God endowed man with intelligence
but forgot to give instructions,
how to use it.


Reasons when internet explorer 8 does not start So, the eighth version of Internet Explorer does not start. What can cause this? One of the options is a problem with some add-on. The IE8 browser comes with system standard add-ons and plugins that provide basic functionality and options by default when installed. With help Adobe Acrobat, some other programs, other plugins are loaded. Some plugins and add-ons can be downloaded and installed by the user. The problem with downloading internet explorer can also happen for other reasons: the installation was damaged, lack or absence of components, incompatibility of "foreign" computer processes with Microsoft products, leading to a conflict with Internet Explorer 8, an erroneous download policy that does not comply with the instructions, problems with a download manager, aggressive anti-virus or anti-spyware programs. What to do to fix the problem when IE9 does not work Before this recommendation: it is best to use the latest version of the OS with its update system. Microsoft has made it possible automatic updates their applications, including automatic installation on computer. A simple way to solve the problem if internet explorer does not work consists of three steps: First step - test the browser on blank page. The program does not respond to clicking on the “E” label - in this case, we act along the chain - Start menu - Run - in the dialog box, enter - explorer about: blank (between explorer and about - a space). With these actions, we are trying to open a neutral blank page instead of a working one. home page". If Internet Explorer opens on a blank page, then it's not about downloads, not about plugins, but about the home page. We go to the Service section in the menu, and by default we replace the home page with an empty one. There is another option to test the browser - try to open it through other accounts. If they are not there, then for such a case you can create one and test IE8 on it. This will be the second step - checking the browser through a user account. Through another or newly created account, we try to use Internet Explorer 8. If the program does not respond, then the reason in your account, in all likelihood it is corrupted and there is a need to create a new account. The old account is no longer needed, but before deleting it, you must check the option "save favorites", My Documents, in general, all the settings stored in the damaged file. In case Internet Explorer 8 does not work under another account, you should look for the causes in plugins, add-ons, accelerators and processes related to the causes of troubleshooting with IE8. The third step is to check IE8 plug-ins and add-ons. Find problems with IE8 add-ons and applications, if any, on a particular computer, by referring to the article "How to fix problems in Internet Explorer 8: What to do if IE8 freezes or does not load." The second step, described in this article, explains in detail how to check, identify and isolate the interfering addition. Similar to this algorithm, actions are performed, problem solving when Internet Explorer is not running. If, thanks to this step, the problem with the browser freezing is solved, then in this case it is also solvable. If after implementing the three steps, the IE8 browser starts up, then we are lucky and the problem is solved. IN otherwise you will have to use a complicated way to solve the problem - advanced troubleshooting of the Internet Explorer 8 browser. If Internet Explorer 8 does not start, turn on the advanced troubleshooting The three steps described above did not lead to the desired result, and Internet Explorer 8 did not start - a good reason to contact to advanced search. Perhaps the reason lies in the conflict between processes. Any process can conflict with the Internet Explorer process, which requires checking and, if necessary, isolating them from each other. If this does not help, then you will have to resort to a cardinal method. Worth a try and risk resetting all settings. What is resetting Internet Explorer settings Details on how to reset Internet settings Explorer 8, as stated in the first section of Troubleshooting and Reinstalling Internet Explorer on Windows XP. We find the reset option in Internet Options in the control panel, in the last tab. It is possible to open Properties through the Tools menu, in case IE 8 still opens. As usual, after a reset, you need to restart your computer and new launch browser. Browser launched - problem solved! If this does not help, we perform a complete re-registration of the browser components, details on how to do everything right and not lose data in the article “What to do if Internet Explorer 7 constantly closes”. Reinstalling Internet Explorer As a rule, with the re-registration of IE8 all problems are solved, but even if this did not help, then only a reinstallation. See Troubleshooting and Reinstalling Internet Explorer in Windows XP for details.

If critical errors appeared in the Internet Explorer 11 browser, then to restore its normal operation, it is usually enough to reinstall the browser. But in some cases, you can get by with resetting the settings or returning the home page.

Reset options

Consider the procedure for resetting and restoring the Internet Explorer browser using the example of version 11 of the program that is installed on Windows 7. To reset Internet Explorer 11, start the web browser. Further:

After completing the rollback procedure for Internet Explorer settings, you need to restart your computer. The next time you open the browser, you will see that we are set to the original settings.

Changing the home page

If you do not want to reset Internet Explorer 11 settings to their original state, but only want to change the browser home page, then follow these steps:

If you don't need a specific homepage when you start Internet Explorer 11, check the Startup with tabs box. In this case, the next time you start the browser, the page that you were browsing on the Internet before closing the program window will open.

If the home page was forcibly changed by a virus application, then before returning the original data, you need to clean the computer from infection from the Internet.

Check the system with an antivirus, additionally run a scan in free anti-malware utilities like Malwarbytes.

Browser recovery

If resetting the settings and manually changing the home page does not resolve the crashes that occur in work of the Internet Exlorer 11, then try to restore the normal operation of the web browser by reinstalling it.

  1. Open the control panel. Set the display to "Large Icons". Go to the "Programs and Features" section.
  2. In the menu on the left, click on the "Enable or disable" link.
  3. Among the installed components, find Internet Explorer 11. Uncheck it and click "OK". Wait while Windows completes the feature change.
  4. Restart your computer to save the configuration. After the reboot, return to the window to enable / disable Windows features and again check the box next to Internet Explorer. Wait again for Windows to complete the feature change and then restart your computer.

Remember that the functions of Internet Explorer in Windows are not limited to displaying web pages. All versions of IE including 11 are important system applications, without the normal operation of which one cannot hope for the stability of the system. Therefore, Internet Explorer cannot be uninstalled; if you are not going to use the built-in browser, just install another browser, and forget about IE.

As with any other program with Internet Explorer problems may arise: either Internet Explorer does not open pages, or it does not start at all. In a word, problems can appear in every application, and the built-in browser from Microsoft is no exception.

Reasons why Internet Explorer does not work on Windows 7 or reasons why Internet Explorer does not work on Windows 10 or some other operating system Windows system, more than enough. Let's try to understand the most common "sources" of problems with the browser and consider ways to solve them.

No matter how strange it may sound, but various add-ons can both slow down the web browser and cause a situation when it appears on the Internet explorer error On the page. This is due to the fact that various kinds of malicious programs often impersonate add-ons and extensions, and installing even one such application will negatively affect the browser.

To verify that it was the setting that caused the incorrect operation, follow these steps.

  • Click the button Start and select the item Run
  • in the window Run type "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -extoff

  • Click the button OK

Running this command will launch the Internet Explorer browser without add-ons.

See if Internet Explorer starts in this mode, if errors occur, and analyze the speed of the web browser. If Internet Explorer has started to work correctly, then it is worth reviewing all add-ons in the browser and disabling those that affect its operation.

It is quite easy to determine which add-ons caused problems with Internet Explorer: just turn them off one by one (to do this, click the icon Service in the form of a gear (or the key combination Alt + X), and then in the menu that opens, select the item Customize add-ons), restart the browser and look at the changes in its work

Browser settings as the cause of problems with Internet Explorer

If disabling browser add-ons did not help get rid of the problem, then you should try resetting your web browser settings. To do this, run the following sequence of commands.

  • Click the button Start and select from the menu Control Panel
  • In the window Adjusting computer settings click

  • Next, go to the tab Additionally and press the button

  • Confirm your actions by clicking the button again.

  • Wait for the reset process to finish and press the button close

Viruses as the cause of problems with Internet Explorer

Quite often, viruses are the cause of problems with Internet Explorer. Penetrating into the user's computer, they infect files and cause applications to work incorrectly. To make sure that malicious software is the root cause of browser problems, follow these steps.

  • Download an antivirus program from the Internet. For example, we use latest version free curing utility DrWeb CureIt!
  • Run the utility as administrator
  • Wait for the end of the scan and view the report on the viruses found

It is worth noting that sometimes viruses block the operation of applications, that is, they may not allow you to start the browser and go to the download site antivirus program. In this case, you must use another computer to download the file.

Damage to system libraries as the cause of problems with Internet Explorer

Problems with Internet Explorer can occur as a result of the work of programs for the so-called PC cleanup: corrupted system files and library registration violations are possible consequences of such programs. In this case, you can restore the normal operation of the web browser only after new registration corrupted system libraries. This can be done with special applications, for example, Fix IE Utility.

If all these methods did not help you fix problems with Internet Explorer, then most likely the problem is not only with the browser, but with the system as a whole, so you need to carry out a comprehensive recovery system files computer or roll back the operating system to the created working restore point.
