The front panel on the system unit does not work. No sound from front audio panel

Hello. The front panel with USB and audio outputs is one of the most important parts of a computer for the modern user. Why? Well, think about it, it’s not so easy to insert a flash drive into USB port, which is located on the back of the case, if you take the drive on the wrong side, you simply cannot get into the port, in general, there are only inconveniences.

With sound, of course, everything is simpler, but sometimes the connected headphones do not have the same length of cord, which is so necessary for a comfortable location at the workplace. And here everything is at hand, you need to connect a flash drive, please, or maybe headphones or a microphone, no problem either. Although, what I’m telling you, you yourself probably know very well about these big and bold advantages of the front panel.

What am I getting at? The thing is that sometimes on some computers this panel only works halfway. That is, only the USB ports function, but for some reason there is no sound, this applies to both the connected headphones and the microphone. As a result, exactly those inconveniences are created that I mentioned a few sentences above.

Therefore, now we will try to find the reason why the sound does not work when connecting headphones on the front panel and we will fix it to restore the full working functionality of our panel.

Diagnosing why the sound on the front panel does not work

So, the first conclusion can be drawn immediately. If the USB works, then the panel itself is working. There is, of course, a small chance that the headset and microphone connection port burned out at once, but this happens very rarely.

Well, first of all, we connect headphones or speakers to the green connector, which is located on the back of the case and check whether there is sound there. If not, then you need to download the sound driver for your audio device and install it again (). If, on the contrary, everything is in order, we immediately move on to the next step.

Another reason why the sound on the front panel may not work is that it is not connected correctly or is not connected at all. In this case, we read and follow all the recommendations that I gave in that article.

There is one more point: the connection connectors can be separated one at a time, which may affect the correctness of their connection. In this case, you will have to look for a manual for working with motherboard and according to the examples in the picture, connect in the same order. If anything, write to me in the comments, how I can help.

So, the panel is connected, or if everything has already been connected, let's move on. First, I'll give an example for Windows XP. Go to the “Control Panel” and find the sound settings “Sound and audio devices”. Having opened them, go to the “Audio” tab, where from the list of default devices we select “HD Audio” (or Realtek AC97).

But, given choice may depend on which connector you connected to motherboard. If it was AC 97 then you need to select the same driver, if signed HD Audio, then select the driver with this name accordingly.

If there was only one connector when connecting, then most likely it is HD Audio, so in the example I will use that one. We do the same in the lower field, selecting the main device for recording and click “OK” to close the window.

In Windows 7 everything is simpler, here the driver is selected automatically, mainly Realtek HD AUDIO.

Having selected the necessary firewood, we reboot the computer and then try to enter the BIOS using the “ F2" or " DEL" By going to the tab " Advanced" select the item " Onboard Device Configuration" In the menu that opens, go to “ High Definition Audio" set the value " Enabled", And in the next line "" select " HD Audio» ( or AC97 if in Windows settings he was chosen), that is We installed the same driver in the system.

The main principle of this whole setup is that the same type is selected in Windows and in software. Well, if it is different, then you already understand that a system conflict will occur as a result of which a problem appears with no sound on the front panel.

I’ll also note that if you don’t have these items in your BIOS, this means that you don’t need to configure anything in it. In such cases, if the sound on the front panel does not work, check again whether the selected driver matches yours. sound device and the correct connection of the connectors on the motherboard.

Well, to summarize, I want to say that if you set in both cases same driver, everything will work as it should. Also, sometimes this setting can disappear along with the system time due to the fact that the battery in the computer that supports them runs out when the PC is turned off. If anything, you can find out how to replace it here, with all the details and examples in the form of pictures.

The sound on the front panel does not work, how to fix it

Often users of new operating system They complain that the front headphone panel does not work on Windows 10 and the laptop does not see the connected device. This problem can be software or physical. And if in the first case it is possible to restore functionality to the headphone jack on the front panel, then in the event of a physical breakdown you will have to contact a service center.

Ways to solve the problem with the laptop's front audio panel not working

In order for the front panel with headphone and microphone jacks to work properly, Realtek Manager must be installed on Windows 10. Its icon can be seen on the taskbar or along the path “Start”, “Control Panel”, “Realtek Manager”.

If the headphones do not work on the laptop and there is no Manager, you should go to the address “C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA” and check for the presence of the file “RtHDVCpl.exe”. If you launch it, a new window with audio device settings will open.

For headphones to work correctly on a laptop running Windows 10, you should go to the “Speakers” tab and click “ Additional settings devices".

A small window will open. There are two checkboxes to check here: “Separate all output jacks as independent input devices” and “Disable front panel jack detection.”

After these settings, headphones in Windows 10 will work correctly. However, if there is still no sound, this may indicate missing drivers or physical damage to the connectors. In this case, it is worth updating the audio driver or rolling it back to an earlier version. If this does not work and the connector on the front panel is still not recognized by the system, you will have to open the laptop or open the side cover of the system unit (we do not recommend for inexperienced users) and perform the following steps:

  • We find the audio jack. We check whether it is connected to the required contacts on the motherboard, and also whether the supply wires are deformed. To connect the front panel, two types of connectors can be used: AC’97 and HD Audio, separate connectors with precise markings. It is important to take this point into account.

  • The AC'97 type is rarely used nowadays, but the HD Audio (High Definition Audio) standard is very common. On the motherboard, the front panel HD Audio connector usually has letter designation, for example, F_Audio.

  • However, if there is no such connector or you have connectors with different symbols, the instructions for the board or laptop should contain a connection diagram.

  • The plan for connecting individual connectors to AC’97 is as follows:

  • If you have correctly connected all the connectors to the computer, the system should see the connected gadget.

It is worth noting that there is also a way to enable the front audio connectors through the BIOS settings. To do this, you should perform the following steps:

  • We restart the computer and boot into the BIOS (press F1+Del, there may be other combinations).
  • Find the “Advanced” section, then the “Onboard Devices Configuration” item.

  • The option that controls the front sound panel is called “Front Panel Type”. IN different versions In the BIOS it can be signed as “Front Panel Support Type”, “High Definition Front Panel Audio” or “Legacy Front Panel Audio”. By default, this option is set to "HD Audio". It needs to be changed to “AC97”.

  • After saving and rebooting the system, it is worth checking whether the headphones or speakers connected to the front panel are working.
IMPORTANT! If your BIOS is set to “AC97”, then switch to “HD”.

If for some reason the headphones do not work after the above described manipulations, you should make a few more settings through the “Control Panel”.

  • Click “Start”, “Control Panel”, “Sound”.

  • In the “Playback” tab, make sure that “Speakers” is set to default. Also, in the “Sound” tab, “Microphone” should be set by default.

  • Then right-click on an empty space and check the boxes “Show disconnected devices” and “Show disconnected devices.”

  • In the “Playback” tab, click the same right button on the active device and select “Properties”. In the “General” section we look at the list of connectors. The item “Front panel 3.5 mm jack” should be present.

  • We also do the same actions with the “Microphone” in the “Recording” tab.

After making changes to the system settings, reconnect the headset to the PC.

If the methods for connecting headphones to a laptop with Windows 10 did not help solve the problems, you should check the jack for serviceability. To do this, you should contact a specialist.

Front panel audio problems are most common due to incorrect settings. If there is no sound on the front panel, do the following...

These recommendations are suitable for the latest Windows operating systems - XP, 7 and 8. The soundbar should work correctly if installed correctly installed driver for sound reproduction – Realtek. If you have it and have it configured, it should be highlighted on the taskbar. If the driver icon is not on the taskbar, go to Start, from there to Control Panel, where you find “Realtek Manager”.

If it is not there either, it may be in the C:Program Files – Realtek – Audio – HDA folder. Run the file RtHDVCpl.exe. After launch you should see the main window Realtek dispatcher. The absence of the Realtek folder in the Program Files folder forces you to download updated version drivers for sound card. This can be done on the official Realtek website. After downloading the driver, install it on your computer.

Launching Realtek driver, click the Speakers button. Then click on the folder on the right top corner. The Connector Options window appears.

The computer should give you a warning “If front panel jack detection is not working properly, check the box next to “Disable front panel jack detection.” Check this box. Next - Ok.

If you did everything correctly, the front audio panel should work. If this does not happen, there may be a problem with the computer. Contact the specialists.

Recently, a friend contacted me asking why her front sound panel wasn’t working. She recently purchased a computer, everything works, she’s happy with everything, she connected it and set up the Internet. But a problem arose.

She bought headphones with a microphone so she could talk on Skype. After she connected them to the front panel, she discovered that neither the headphones nor the microphone were working. Moreover, if you connect them to the rear panel, then everything works. And there are many such cases. What's the problem? Maybe this is a defect and I need to use warranty service?

Not everything is as bad as it seems. In fact, in almost every case, users simply do not look carefully at the settings. The connectors located on the front are in working order and rarely break down!

What to do if there is no sound on the front panel

In the lower right corner of the monitor you need to click on the speaker icon. We are looking for a driver designed to play sound on a computer. I call it “Realtek HD”. If suddenly it is not there, then we turn to the control panel and look for it on it. If it is not there either, then you simply have a different driver.

Launch the found driver. The sound settings window will appear on the monitor. Select the “Speakers” tab (if you are the owner of Windows XP, then this will be the “Sound inputs/outputs” tab)

Once you do this, sound will appear on the front panel.

All of the above applies to Windows 7. Therefore, if you are the owner of the XP version, then your control panel will be slightly different. When you go to the “Audio Inputs/Outputs” tab, you will see that next to “Analog” there is a small wrench in a blue circle. You need to click on it, then a window will appear on the screen, as for the Windows 7 version. And then follow the instructions.

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Most modern computers have additional USB, IEEE1394, and 3.5 mm minijack ports on the front panel of the case. connectors for headphones and microphone. This was invented specifically for convenience, so that users do not have to climb behind the system unit to connect a flash drive or audio speakers. Unfortunately, sometimes it can happen that a careless PC assembler forgot or was too lazy to connect them when assembling the system unit. And now the front headphone jacks don't work. What to do? Call a specialist and pay money? No! You can do everything yourself.

Disconnect the system unit from electrical network. Unscrew the right side wall of the case and remove it.
We look at what cables go from the case to the computer’s motherboard - usually this is a small bundle of wires that are responsible for the power button, reset button, USB ports, etc. Among them will be a cable from the front headphone and microphone connectors. They are usually signed as "AC'97" or "HDAudio".

Now you need to carefully inspect the motherboard - you need to find the socket marked as “F-Audio”:

On some models the socket may be labeled as “FP_Audio”:

Or "HDAudio":

Now you need to connect the front headphone and microphone connector to the socket:

Please note that the plug and socket are connected only in one position due to the special location of the pins - the key. There is no other way to connect them.

We assemble the computer case, put it in place and turn it on. Now you can connect speakers or headphones to the front panel ports and check operation.

I recently assembled all my hardware into a new case. The case is equipped with a front panel with USB outputs and jacks for a microphone and headphones. But here's the problem: The sound on the front panel does not work! USB works, the "rear" connector (on the motherboard) plays sound, but there is silence on the front panel. It’s not convenient to crawl under the table every time, so through trial and error I found all the possible reasons why the sound might not work!

Causes, Why the sound may not work:

If the sound on the front panel of the case does not work, there may be several reasons for this and, accordingly, solutions:

Solution 1: Check if the front panel connector is properly connected to the motherboard.

There are 2 audio standards:

AC"97 (short for Audio Codec "97) is an audio codec standard created in 1997. This standard is commonly used in motherboards, modems, sound cards, and cases with front-panel audio output. AC"97 supports sampling rates of 96 kHz when using 20-bit stereo resolution and 48 kHz when using 20-bit stereo for multi-channel recording and playback. AC"97 was replaced in 2004 Intel technology® High Definition Audio (HD Audio).

HD Audio
The Intel® High Definition Audio Subsystem is based on a specification released by Intel in 2004 that enables audio playback more channels with higher audio quality than provided by integrated audio codecs like AC"97. Hardware based on HD Audio supports 192 kHz/32-bit audio quality in dual-channel and 96 kHz/32-bit multi-channel modes ( up to 8 channels).

Microsoft Windows Vista supports only acoustic peripherals High Definition (such as front panel audio solutions).

Solution 2: Update your audio driver.

Download the driver from the official website of realtek or your motherboard manufacturer.
You can also use the program automatic update drivers.

The sound may not work because there is simply no driver for your sound card. Or the software is not installed correctly on your audio device.

Solution 3: Correctly configure the software (driver) for your audio device.

If sound doesn't work on Windows 7, try the following:
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound -> Select Digital Audio as default.

Realtek HD Manager --> Connector Settings --> check the box next to "Disable front panel socket detection"

Check the box to disable front panel socket detection.

4. Other solutions:

BIOS setup

In BIOS, you can try to enable AC"97 instead of HD Audio, or vice versa.

Replacing (soldering) the front panel

You can try connecting the audio output directly to the motherboard.

pinout on the motherboard (from Intel, usually standard)

Each case manufacturer's pinouts vary, so check the manufacturer's websites for details.

Alternatively, find a front panel from another manufacturer :)

Change case

A radical way is to change the case to a company from another manufacturer. On Thermaltake cases, the sound on the front panel always works! Confirmed by practice.

Few users of modern devices do not know how to connect headphones to a computer, but not everyone can solve problems that arise during connection. Let's look at some of the nuances of connecting and setting up headphones for their high-quality operation on various operating systems.

Connecting headphones to a computer is not a difficult matter, but sometimes difficulties arise directly when setting up the equipment. Almost all PC models have sound card. It can be built into the motherboard, or you need to connect to it through a special connector. In any case, the gadget can be connected either to the back panel of the computer or to the front (if there are appropriate sockets).

By looking at the figure below, you can understand how to connect headphones with a microphone to your computer.

The headset output is always green, and the microphone input is pink. Since the plugs of gadgets are also painted in corresponding colors, it is very difficult to make a mistake and insert them into other connectors. You need to insert the green plug into the green socket, and the pink plug into the pink socket. The pink jack can be used to connect both a headphone microphone and a third-party microphone to the computer. After which the connected equipment is configured using special software (in Windows 10, as well as versions 8 and 7, the configuration should take place automatically).

On a laptop, gadgets are connected in the same way. The manufacturer may place the connectors on front panel device or on the left.

Sometimes laptop headset jacks are made tighter to increase their lifespan. Therefore, do not be afraid that the plug does not fit into the socket well.

It should be noted that the plugs of headsets intended for computers are color-coded if there is a microphone on the headphones. The plugs of the rest of the headset do not have any color differences. There is a headset, for example, for phone, which has not 2 plugs, but one, which combines contacts for the microphone and audio channels. It clearly shows 3 stripes separating the contacts. Two contacts are used to connect audio channels, and one is for a microphone.

New laptop models have combination socket, to which you can connect headphones with a microphone that have one plug.

A special marking is placed near such a connector. If there is no such jack, but there are 2 standard ones, then such a headset can be connected via special adapter.

Thus, it becomes clear how to connect headphones from your phone to your computer. Headphones on the front panel are connected according to the same principle: if there is a microphone on the headphones, then it is connected to the pink jack, and audio channels to the green one.

Connecting the headset to a PC

Now you know how to connect headphones to your computer. But this action is not enough for the gadget to work properly, although most often it starts working right away and you don’t need to configure anything. But there are times when the connected gadgets do not work, so some actions need to be taken.

Connecting a headset on Windows 7

Before setting up headphones on a Windows 7 computer, you need to connect them on the back or front panel of the device to the appropriate connectors (you already know how to connect correctly). Then you need to start playing the music file. If there is sound in the headset, then the connection can be considered complete. If there is no sound, do the following using headphones on your computer (this instruction is also suitable for setting up the gadget on a laptop).

The above settings can also be applied to the Windows 10 operating system (Windows 10), if you do not know how to enable the gadget directly in it.

Microphone settings

Before you can use the microphone in Windows 7 or 8, as well as in Windows 10, you need to configure it.

There are also headphones with a microphone that can be connected to a computer via a USB connector. In most cases, after connecting them, the configuration occurs automatically.

Microsoft's new operating system is good. Compared with previous versions, Windows 10 is faster and more stable. You quickly get used to good things, so users react painfully to new problems with this OS. One of these troubles is the lack of sound in the headphones after installing or updating the operating system. Usually the reason lies in damaged or incompatible drivers, so you shouldn’t blame the developers of the new OS. Let's look at how to set up headphones on a Windows 10 computer and return music to the headset speakers.

Checking physical connection parameters

Sometimes no special action is taken to eliminate the problem. It is worth checking the primary causes of the problem - perhaps the solution lies on the surface.

Attention! After installing the chipset software, reinstall the audio driver.

Methods for setting up headphones

There are two methods for setting up headphones.

Driver update

This is the main way. 90% of all audio playback problems are caused by a problematic driver package.

Setting up Realtek Manager

If driver updates do not help, move on to the second method.

  1. Lack of codecs for playback music files High Quality. You can download them.
  2. Physical damage to the connectors or sound card. In this case, you need to contact the service center.

That's all. Now you know how to set up headphones in Windows 10 and diagnose the causes of the problem.

This is not the first time I have received a letter with the question:

Sergey, why do I have no sound on front panel?

So yesterday I received a letter from one visitor to my site:

Good day, Sergey!

I bought a computer two weeks ago, everything works well, I set up the Internet - in general, I’m happy with everything. It's good to have a computer - movies, music, games, the Internet - you can have a great time!

Here's the thing, yesterday I bought headphones with a microphone. I connected them to the front panel, but for some reason they do not work - neither the microphone nor the headphones. Everything works fine on the back, but on the front, for the life of me. Could this be a marriage? And should I apply for warranty?

Please tell me. I will be very grateful to you!

Best regards, Vadim S.”

Well, I answer

Dear Vadim, and other visitors, I want to tell you that in 99.9% of cases, you just looked at the settings poorly, and the front audio connectors are in working condition. This connector very rarely breaks!

What to do if there is no sound on the front panel?

Everything is done very easily and simply, in the lower right corner:

Click on the speaker icon. This is a driver for playing sound on your computer - “ Realtek HD”.

If it is not there, go to the control panel and launch it from there. If it's not there, then you have a different driver.

In general, when you launch it, a sound settings window will appear in front of you. You need to select the “ ” tab (for Windows XP owners - “ “ Tab Audio inputs/outputs”):

Click image for a larger view.

Then click on the folder “ Connector parameters”, and a window with the same name will appear in front of you, there you need to check the box on the item “ Disable front panel jack detection”.

As soon as you check the box there and confirm your choice - sound will sound on the front panel.

PS: I have Windows 7, so for those who have XP, the panel may be slightly different. Going to the tab “ Audio inputs/outputs”, there, near the inscription “ Analog”, there will be an image of a small wrench in a blue circle, click on it and the same window will open in front of you, and then follow the instructions
