NTV does not work some channels. Five main reasons why NTV plus satellite channels have no signal


    On the distribution satellite platform Pantelio, the programs of the Czech commercial companies TV Nova and TV Prima are again broadcasting. Pantelio provides its services to operators from the Hispasat 30W-5 satellite.
    The Pantelio platform previously provided Nova and Prima stations, but for some unknown reason, the channels were temporarily disabled.
    Pantelio provides TV Prima, Prima COOL, Prima LOVE, Prima KRIMI, Prima ZOOM, TV Nova, Nova 2, Nova Cinema and Nova Gold programs. Stations are encoded by the PanAccess system.
    Specifications - TV Prima, Prima COOL, Prima LOVE, Prima KRIMI, TV Nova, Nova 2, Nova Cinema and Nova Gold:
    Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), frequency 11.771 GHz, pol. V, SR 30000, FEC 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK, CA PanAccess
    Technical parameters - Prima ZOOM:
    Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), frequency 11.8111 GHz, pol. V, SR 30000, FEC 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK, CA PanAccess


    Analysts cloud service ATOL Online, engaged in renting cash desks for online stores, shared sales statistics Apple smartphones.
    As it turned out, on the eve of the announcement new iPhones Demand for last year's flagship model fell 28% from the start of the second quarter of 2018, while the average bill for Apple smartphones fell by 40%. Demand for models Apple iPhone 8 and Apple iPhone 8 Plus fell by 46.4% and 28.7%, respectively.

    At the same time, the dynamics of sales of Apple iPhone smartphones in quantitative terms for the period from April to August is positive. The growth of indicators is provided by the demand of the audience for cheap iPhone SE and iPhone 6 models, while sales of the flagship iPhone smartphone X and other new products of 2017 are falling.
    The ATOL study is based on the analysis of data from more than 12,000 cash desks connected to Russian online stores.


    TV channels TNT, TV3, 2x2 and Super, which are part of Gazprom-Media, demanded compensation from Yandex for violation of exclusive rights to their content; the Moscow City Court has already received four corresponding claims. In them, the channels were asked to recover 10 thousand rubles of compensation from the search engine and 400 rubles of state duty.

    The defendant believes that the requirements are not justified, do not comply with the current legislation and practice of its application. Yandex intends to challenge them in court.

    Recall that illegal copies of the content of Gazprom-Media TV channels could be seen in the Yandex.Video service. The channels asked the court to take interim measures against the search engine, the court satisfied the claims, and Roskomnadzor demanded to remove pirated copies under the threat of blocking the service. Yandex objected that it could not remove the content because it was posted on third-party sites.
    However, if access to the video service was restricted, the entire yandex.ru portal could be blocked, so the company decided to remove all links to controversial content. Moreover, links to legal resources have also disappeared from the search results - Yandex explained this by saying that it cannot check the "decency" of the resources to which each of the links leads. At the same time, the company appealed the requirements of the TV channels in court.

popularity satellite television contributes to a number of undeniable advantages, ranging from low subscription fee, ending with a variety of various channels and the ability to watch multidirectional television content. Unfortunately, subscribers of the Tricolor TV and NTV plus channels periodically experience a partial deterioration in the image and the disappearance of some groups of channels. Instead of clear video content, the subscriber has to see inscriptions about a weak signal or its absence. Most vulnerable to weak signal NTV plus channels. Tricolor TV is not immune from image deterioration. In order for the channels to start to disappear, it is enough for the signal to weaken by 15-20%. On NTV Plus, as a rule, free channels initially disappear, but channels for which the subscriber pays are not immune from deterioration in the quality of the transmission. This is explained by the fact that the broadcasting of channels is carried out by different transponders and with different signal strengths, and as a result, channels transmitted from a weak transponder disappear first of all.

Top 5 reasons for image degradation:

1. Atmospheric influences. Strong winds, heavy rain, and even light snowfall can temporarily degrade the picture and sound. Discomfort when watching satellite TV usually disappears as soon as the weather normalizes. This problem it is solved by installing a dish of a larger diameter, or if you already have a small dish, then you need to more accurately point it at the satellite using a special device for setting up satellite dishes.

2. Malfunction of the cymbal converter. There are several main causes of malfunctions - the service life of the converter has expired, or it has been damaged due to the effects of a thunderstorm. A short circuit and overvoltage can also cause a malfunction. A converter malfunction can also lead to the loss of not all channels at once, but only certain groups.

3. Obstacles in the form of vegetation. Most often, the passage of the signal is hindered by trees. When installing the plate, it is important not to forget that the trees do not stop growing throughout the year. When installing a dish in winter, you need to remember that dense foliage can also become an insurmountable obstacle to the signal. With this in mind, the plate should be placed.

4. Problems with the cable. If the cable was purchased of inadequate quality (most often poor quality is distinguished by Chinese cable), then over time it self-destructs. The reason for its destruction is the difference in air temperature, ultraviolet, moisture (precipitation). Usually the part of the cable that is located on the street is destroyed, the first meters coming from your satellite dish - the cable becomes rigid, cracks easily and circular cracks appear in its outer insulation. Possibly unintentional. mechanical damage cable, which was not noticed in a timely manner. The reason may be a violation of the integrity of the connection of the coaxial cable.

5. Mechanical impact on a plate. Even if you touch the dish a little by negligence, you may encounter a deterioration in the signal and even its complete loss. It is worth slightly damaging the mirror, or slightly shifting the direction of the dish, as the subscriber experiences discomfort when watching satellite TV. Or, for example, when a satellite dish is fixed outside the window of the 25th floor, where it is constantly exposed to strong winds and as a result of which the antenna mirror loses its shape over time and in the future it may need to be replaced or reconfigured - in such places it is better to install perforated satellite dishes, they provide a lower wind load.

There are several reasons why there is no signal on NTV PLUS. Usually free access channels are the weak link, but it often happens that those channels for which the client pays are not shown.

Before calling the wizard or trying to set up channels yourself, you must contact round the clock service support and find out if there are any financial debts or breakdowns in the satellite itself. Although such situations occur in rare cases, and usually the reason lies in a hardware problem.

The main reasons for the lack of signal

  1. Dish converter is the most common cause , why is there no signal. There are several reasons for a breakdown: weather conditions, stack expiration date, overvoltage, short circuit.
  2. Atmospheric conditions - severe frost, hail, wind can lead to a temporary deterioration or complete disappearance of the picture. As soon as the weather improves, the image and sound return. Therefore, experts recommend install large diameter plates.
  3. Trees - very often the reason for the lack of a signal is vegetation that prevents its passage. When installing an antenna in the cold season, many users forget that in summer the trees will overgrow with foliage and this will greatly interfere with the signal.
  4. Mechanical impact - any even slight touching of the plate, leads to the fact that the channels stop showing. Also, the signal may disappear due to the ingress of foreign objects into the dish.
  5. Cable is another common signal loss. Problems arise for several reasons: cable Bad quality, weather difference, accidental damage. It is also necessary to check the F-connectors for strength.

Often there is such a situation when the subscriber does not show one or only some channels.

This can happen due to the following factors:

What to do if there is no NTV PLUS signal

If you can’t fix the problem on your own, instead of the image, the satellite shows the inscription there is no signal, you should contact the specialists who will diagnose and establish the cause of the problem, and, if necessary, repair or replace the equipment.

NTV+ is one of the pioneers of the Russian pay-TV market, known for the reliability and quality of its equipment, but it also has occasional difficulties. If the TV does not show NTV Plus, then with the help of this article you will understand the reasons for this situation and enjoy high-quality TV broadcast again.

Common causes of NTV plus failures

When using NTV plus, problems appear for three main reasons:

  • Financial - there are not enough funds on the personal account.
  • On the part of the operator - repair work is being carried out or the NTV plus signal from the satellite has disappeared.
  • On the part of client equipment - difficulties with a plate, converter, receiver or wiring around the house.

What to do if there are problems with NTV Plus

If, after turning on the TV, you find that there is no NTV Plus image on it, then you should check the reasons for this situation in order. To begin with, it is worth calling the NTV + customer service and clarifying whether everything is in order with the balance of your contract, whether there are any interruptions on the satellite. However, this rarely happens, and usually malfunctions occur due to a breakdown in the client's satellite set.

If there is no signal from the NTV plus equipment, then first of all it is worthwhile to conduct a visual check of the integrity of the antenna. Most often the converter fails satellite dish, especially if it has been operating in difficult weather conditions (rain, snow) for several years. However, it is often not possible to identify such a malfunction during a routine inspection, and to resolve the issue, you will need a professional NTV plus master, who can quickly diagnose and fix the breakdown.

In cases where the NTV plus signal is too weak, the cause is usually the following:

  1. Between the dish and the satellite there were obstacles to the passage of the signal - from the moment the equipment was installed, objects could appear that block the view: tree branches grow, etc.
  2. There were damages in coaxial cable, delivering a signal from the converter to the receiver - this usually leads to the formation of interference, deterioration of the image, and even its complete absence.

Why calling the NTV plus master is the best solution

Unfortunately, most of the problems that arise during the operation satellite equipment cannot be eliminated qualitatively on their own. Often, even determining the source of a problem with NTV + for an unprepared person is an impossible task.
