Installation of an ash satellite dish. Self-tuning of the telecard to the satellite

1. To install and configure the satellite dish yourself, studying proposals service providers.

Characteristics of the proposed kits satellite equipment in Brest, at the time of writing. 07/24/2017

*……..receiver GS B531M/GS B532M

** …..using external USB drive

*** the “Unified” subscription

****.in the “Basic” subscription

A*….. 75-85 Ukrainian and Russian programs without a subscription. boards

B* ……86 package RodzinnyHD+CinemaxHD

C* …… There are equipment sets for 2 TVs. Independent viewing.

D* …… The language of content in software packages may be subject to change.

2. If you are renting a property, coordinate the installation with the property owner.

3. Satellite equipment set.

As a rule, kits include a reflector with a mount, a converter, a bracket, a cable for connecting to a TV and a coaxial wire, DiSEqC (for receiving programs from several satellites).

1. Reflector with mount

3. Receiver for FTA programs ()




7, - Tricolor TV

Before installation, read the instructions that came with the equipment to ensure you have all the necessary components.

Additional components and tools you will need:

Anchor for attaching the bracket.

Hammer, drills with a diameter for anchors and cables.

Curly screwdriver.

Key (10,13).

Knife, pliers, hammer.


Stepladder (depending on the installation location of the satellite antenna)

Nylon tie for cable fastening.

3. Try to avoid installation work in bad weather. For example, when installing in severe frost, there is a risk of damage to the cable when bending.

4. Choosing an installation location.

To install and configure satellite dish yourself, you need to choose the right installation location. A satellite dish is usually installed on the roof, balcony or wall of a house. For the system to function, it must have unobstructed, open space facing south. This means that it is important to choose a location where satellite signal will not be blocked by buildings or trees. Also make sure that the growth of new leaves on the trees will not interfere with the signal in the future. Please note that in winter, the satellite dish may be covered with snow and you will need to clean it. Therefore, choose a place where you can easily reach the antenna.

5. Install the bracket or mast.

Pay special attention to this point. After all, the quality of the received signal depends on how the bracket is secured. Fastening must be carried out to a solid base. You should pay attention to the fact that by attaching the bracket to a seemingly strong brick, but hollow or holey inside, there is a risk of the antenna becoming loose in the future.

6. Setting up a satellite dish.

Then comes the most important part - setup. Those. positioning the plate at the right angle and in the right direction.

So, we attach the satellite. ant. on a bracket or mast, connect the receiver to the TV (read the TV user manual and satellite receiver), then you need to lay the cable (RG6U). Using « F" connectors,

connect the converter and receiver. In places where the cable is exposed to intense weather conditions, if necessary, place it in a protective box. And finally, positioning.

The easiest way to install an antenna on a satellite is to use a special device (SatFinder). But there is no need to buy it for a one-time installation. Many receivers have a built-in power and signal intensity analyzer, use it. Adjust the plate so that the signal is maximum. This stage is best done with an assistant.

Also, for example, when self-installation satellite dish in Brest, you need to take into account that the azimuth for: “NTV-Plus” and “Tricolor-TV” is approximately 165’, the elevation angle (elevation) is 29.4’, the converter rotation angle is minus 9.1.

For a set that receives a signal from three satellites (Hotbird, Asrta, Amos), the azimuth in Brest is 203.7’, the elevation angle is 27.8’, the angle of rotation of the converter (Astra 4.8E) is 14.3’.

These are calculated data. In practice, the best quality and intensity of the signal from the satellite is achieved by precise adjustment.

For other settlements, these data are different. To determine the elevation (elevation angle), azimuth, and angle of rotation of the converter, there are programs, for example in “ Play Market" Such programs (SatFinder) are installed on a smartphone.

When using such programs, do not forget to enable geolocation on your smartphone.

Often, when installing an antenna yourself, the owner of the equipment directs the satellite antenna - “like a neighbor’s”, and then fine tuning is carried out.

When searching for a signal for the first time, use the menu item “ Manual setting" So, to search for Tricolor TV programs, select a transponder with a frequency: 12226 L 27500. If you are searching for NTV Plus programs, you need to select a frequency 12265 L 27500.

When setting up an antenna that receives programs from three satellites, we first set up the Astra 4.8E (Sirius) satellite (frequency 11766 H 27500). Having achieved maximum quality and signal strength, we tighten the nuts, monitoring the indicators on the receiver. Searching for channels on the Hotbird 13E (12597 V 27500), Astra 4W (11140 H 30000) satellites is performed by adjusting multifeeds.

After installation and adjustment, check again and, if necessary, tighten all fastening elements.

7. Using operator receivers from Tricolor TV and NTV Plus, lists of programs in thematic packages are preinstalled.

This means that when scanning, folders are automatically created, for example: “Sports”, “Movies”, “Children”, “HD”, etc. In other receivers, folders with favorite programs are created, if desired, manually.

This article is not precise instructions for installing satellite equipment, but serves only to familiarize yourself with the principles and some features of the installation and is general information. I hope this article lifted the veil

Many people are not sure that they can set up satellite TV themselves. In fact, many people can cope with this.


Today, the entire connection kit costs between 2800-4500 rubles. It includes:

  • Receiver (tuner). In simple terms this is the receiver. Of the entire set, it is the most expensive. When choosing it, be serious, because channels are broadcast in mpeg 2 and mpeg4 formats. The second one is better.
  • Antenna. Converts the receiving beam into focus. It is he who receives the impulse.
  • Converter mounts- 2 pieces.
  • Disek– his task is to switch between converters. The tuner receives impulses exclusively from one converter at a time; it is necessary if there are more than two satellites.
  • Special cable.
  • F connectors.
  • Mounting bracket.

Tools to help you set up your antenna:

  • Extension cord (preferably with 3 sockets);
  • Hammer or drill;
  • Wrenches for tightening nuts 13 and 10;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Insulating tape.

Choosing a satellite

We need to choose which satellite TV operator we need.

The basis satellite television– orbital satellites. Television stations send a signal to them, and they distribute it over vast areas. Then it goes to the antenna, which reflects it to the head, which transmits it to the tuner. There the decoding takes place and we see the picture and hear the sound.

But just an antenna is not enough for this. A whole system is needed here.

There are two types of satellites:

  • Open broadcast
  • Coded

The channels are collected in packages and a card is purchased that will decode them.

Russian channels are broadcast from satellites from different parts of the world. To receive a signal from a specific satellite, you need to point the antenna in its direction and set the correct frequency. If the necessary satellites are nearby, then you only need one antenna to catch it.

The Yamal 201 satellite makes it possible to view up to thirty Russian channels. There are many broadcasters of free channels in low-Earth orbit.

When choosing an operator, take a closer look at:

  1. Tricolor-TV has been operating for many years and has many clients.
  2. NTV Plus
  3. Rainbow TV

They all provide many channels.

Antenna installation

How to choose an installation location

It will not be possible to install the antenna anywhere. They are sensitive. If a tree interferes with the signal, the reception will be partially or completely blocked. Before installation, you need to check what objects are in the signal path. If anything happens, you need to either choose another place or remove the interfering objects.

You need to choose the right direction to a specific satellite. You can find it out from your sales consultant, on the Internet or in specialized literature.

Before installation, you need to check what objects are in the signal path; if anything, you need to either choose another location or eliminate interfering objects

Getting ready for installation

There are instructions for the plates. After assembling the antenna you need:

  1. Attach the bracket to the wall
  2. Secure the plate
  3. Start setting up

Now you need to start preparing the cable:

  1. Take a knife with pliers
  2. Use a knife to strip off the top insulation, there will be a layer of small wires. It needs to be tilted towards the cable.
  3. Next comes the foil layer. Trim it.
  4. The last protective layer you need to expose it and there will be a core.
  5. You clean it from the top layer(enamel) and put on the F connector.
  6. All the layers that stick out- trim.

You need to choose the right direction for a specific satellite; you can find this out from a sales consultant, on the Internet or in specialized literature


  1. Connect the convectors to the disek. This requires 3 cables.
  2. To prevent moisture from getting on the disc, hide it. But there is no need to wrap it with electrical tape, otherwise it will be a “steam room”. Use heat shrink.
  3. Now you need to connect the disk to the receiver. It's simple, screw the F on the cable to the receiver.

Setting up the heads

Let's say the plate is pointing south. We have connected all the wires. Now comes the most difficult stage in all this work. You need to start from the central head. If the south side is selected, then you need to tune to Sirius.

Set the receiver speed to 27500, frequency 11766, polarization – H. Look at two bars: the first is the connection (red), the second shows the signal level (yellow). If everything is correct, the signal level will be 40%.

Now you can adjust the signal quality, now it is 0. Let's go to the dish:

To make it easier you can:

  • Connect the power cable to the plate;
  • Install the tuner from the kit nearby;
  • Place a portable, small TV nearby or on the roof;
  • Connect everything and check it by adjusting the plate.

But not everyone wants to do this, and for example, no one will lift plasma onto the roof.

Setting up side converters

After the previous manipulations, it is very easy to adjust the side heads; the remaining satellites are located on the sides.

The principle is no different from the previous setting:

  • For Amos speed 27500, frequency 11766, polarization H.
  • Hotbird – 27500, 11034, V.

We bend the side bracket. Don't be afraid, some models are made in such a way that you can't do without it. Carefully move the converter to the right from the left, top corner, then lower it lower and twist to the left. Monitor the signal until it becomes normal.

There will be no signal if the disk settings are set incorrectly. Check it out.

Finishing the setup

When you have everything set up and all the wires wound up, scan and look for channels. Find the SCAN function in the tuner. There will be a list of all available channels. Choose the ones you need.

Now often all channels are already in the tuner settings. No scanning or setup required. Turn on the TV and watch your favorite channel. Find and press the Info button on the remote control (insert batteries into the remote control). Some channels may be missing, write their frequency in the editor. And pay attention to the readings of two or three scales, depending on which tuner.

Possible mistakes

  • If the cable stripping is poor and the F connector is connected incorrectly, the tuner can be damaged.
  • The cable to the tuner is not connected as it should.
  • Wrong installation location. There is an object blocking the signal.
  • The disk port for the satellite is not specified.
  • While the antenna is being adjusted, you cannot be in front of the satellite converter.
  • Once you set up the antenna, do not loosen the nuts securing the tilt and azimuth too much.
  • The satellite signal can be checked with special devices.
  • Amos should be looked for on the right, and Hotbird on the left.

With the onset of the summer holidays, for many residents of large cities, life gradually moves out of town. One of the IT attributes of country life is the availability of satellite television. Some people try to install and configure their antennas on their own, similar to those of their neighbors, some resort to the services of installers, some calculate the installation parameters using a ruler on Google maps.

For those who are trying to install and configure satellite TV on their own, I would like to introduce the service, which helps determine which direction to point satellite dish.

The logic of the work is as follows - the user selects satellite operator or a specific satellite, then determines the antenna installation point on the map, based on this data, the service calculates the direction and other installation parameters.

During the development process, it turned out that similar services already exist abroad, the most popular of which is, which is also used by installers. I tried to make my service aimed at Russian-speaking and less technically trained users, in fact, for housewives.

Next, I will tell you how the service calculates the necessary parameters and what difficulties I had to face during the development process.

In order to install the plate yourself, you need to determine several parameters:

  • Horizontal direction (azimuth)
  • Vertical direction (elevation angle)
  • Converter rotation angle

True and magnetic azimuths

True azimuth is used to plot the direction on the map in which the X axis runs parallel to the equator (parallel), and the Y axis is the meridian running from the south pole to the north.

True azimuth is calculated using the formula

K = PI/180;
a = latitude of place * k;
b = longitude of place * k;
c = satellite longitude * k;
Azimuth = (PI+arctan(tan(b-c)/sin(a)))/k;

Magnetic azimuth is oriented toward the Earth’s magnetic poles, which do not coincide with geographic ones, and is necessary to determine direction using a magnetic compass. In addition, magnetic poles change over time, and compass needles can also be affected by so-called magnetic anomalies.

In this regard, surveyors calculate tables of magnetic declinations (deviations of the magnetic azimuth from the true) for each “whole degree” geographic coordinate (180*360=6480 possible values) for each year. Thus, to obtain the magnetic azimuth, it is necessary to add or subtract the magnetic declination value for the given coordinates to the true azimuth.

As a source of the magnetic declination table, the service uses the file magdec.bgl for 2012 - this is a declination table in binary form for the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 flight simulator.

In order to visually display the direction to a satellite on a map, you must keep in mind that the map is flat and the Earth is round. Therefore, the direction line will be an arc. The service uses Yandex.Maps, in which you can set the geodesic=true parameter to display a line as a geodetic curve.

Elevation angle and plate tilt angle

Elevation angle is the angle of elevation of the satellite above the horizon. If the elevation angle is less than zero, then the satellite is not visible above the horizon and signal reception from it is impossible.

The elevation angle is calculated using the formula

K = PI/180;
a = latitude of place * k;
b = longitude of place * k;
c = satellite longitude * k;
Elevation angle = arctan((cos(b-c)*cos(a)-0.15126)/sqrt(1-cos(b-c)*cos(b-c)*cos(a)*cos(a)))/k;

It would seem that it is enough to tilt the antenna plane in accordance with the elevation angle and we will catch a TV signal from the satellite. But it's not that simple. This statement will be true if a direct-focus antenna is used, in which the signal reflection angle is perpendicular to the antenna plane. In the private sector, offset antennas are common, the signal reflection angle of which, depending on the design, is 110-116 degrees. We often come across antennas with a reflection angle of 116 degrees.

Schematically, the difference in antenna designs and directions of the reflected signal can be seen in

If you think that the antenna can be hung anywhere or on any side of the house, and in each case it will be able to receive a signal from the satellite, then you are very mistaken.

Which side are the satellites on...

All satellites fly over the equator, that is, from the South, South-East or South-West. Therefore, the antennas need to be directed to the South.

There is not a single television satellite in the direction of the north, and people hang antennas on the north side for fun.

Attention, this news will shock many, but television satellites always “hang” in one place. Yes, yes, always: today, and tomorrow, and yesterday. Satellites do not fly anywhere and do not move anywhere. This is the technology for transmitting a signal from space to satellite dishes.

You have a goal...

Now that you know that the satellite is in the same place from year to year in the same place, and even on the southern side, it’s time to find out exactly where and where the antenna should be pointed.


A quick and easy way...

What does this data mean...

Azimuth is the angle between north and the desired direction. Azimuth is measured in a clockwise direction. The figure shows the direction to the satellite with an azimuth of 190°. That is, from north we count 190° clockwise. The blue line is the direction of the satellite dish.

Rotating the converter. If you look at the converter the way a plate looks at it, then you need to turn it clockwise for a positive value, and counterclockwise for a negative value. For Tricolor and NTV+, the converter does not need to be turned.

Tilt angle- the angle by which you need to raise or lower the antenna vertically. At negative angles, the antenna faces the ground, which is quite normal. inferior in accuracy of calculating the angle of inclination.

Elevation angle- the angle between the horizon and the direction to the satellite. With negative and close to zero values, signal reception from the satellite is impossible.


  • The program will indicate whether a tree or house will interfere with reliable signal reception;
  • Calculate the time at which the satellite and the sun are in the same direction;
  • It will calculate the antenna tilt angle as accurately as possible.

In the first tab program, you must enter: 1) the name of the satellite to which you want to tune the antenna 2) the latitude of the location 3) the longitude of the location. It’s easy to find out the latitude and longitude for your city: for example, I enter the query “latitude and longitude of Mogilev” into a search engine, and already in the first link I find the result.

A satellite dish at home or in the country has already become commonplace, like an iron or an electric kettle. People are installing their own antenna for a good picture on their TV. The article and video will give you instructions for installation yourself.

Assembling the kit

When choosing a plate, the key is its diameter. For home reception in the southern regions, an antenna mirror with a diameter of 0.6 m is sufficient. In the northern regions, for stable signal the diameter of the device increases to 1.2 m. A large mirror provides the signal best quality, but it is more difficult for them to “catch” a satellite than for small ones. A satellite dish only at first glance looks like a complex structure. You can assemble and install it yourself. Your plate kit should consist of the following parts:

Attention! Rely on a consultant or seller when choosing a receiver, converter, etc. He will suggest a model based on your needs and price. The entire set can also be purchased as a set.

Antenna installation

First of all, decide on the future location of the antenna. When planning, it is important to leave open space in the desired directions where the antenna will be turned, so that the signal path is not blocked by trees or buildings. There is no need to coordinate the installation of satellite equipment with any authorities. If we are talking about the roof or load-bearing wall of a multi-story building, inform the balance holder of the house about your intentions. IN otherwise conflicts are possible in the future.

During the assembly process you may need the following tool:

  • impact drill or hammer drill with a set of drills;
  • keys for 10 and 13;
  • "nippers";
  • screwdriver;

It is better to assemble the plate with all the “stuffing” at home and only then attach it to the wall. The instructions will most often clearly explain what is connected to what, and the tools will help you. After this, you can begin installation.

Antenna installation

The metal bracket on the wall must be fixed strictly vertically and held tightly. An anchor or a bolt - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is the safety and durability of the antenna. Otherwise, in windy weather the signal quality will decrease. After installation, you need to fine-tune the heads and connect them correctly to the DiseqC switch so that the settings in the tuner match the connection in the antenna. The disek will last longer if you cover it with a cut-off plastic bottle.

Antenna setup

To set up the antenna, you need to calculate the satellite azimuth and elevation angle. An ordinary compass and formula will help you calculate them. In order not to fool their heads, developers came up with smartphone applications, for example, Satfinder. An azimuth calculator can be easily found on the Internet along with a map of approximate satellite coordinates relative to your area. The search engine will also help you with the exact coordinates of your locality. All received water data must be entered into the formula, and the program will tell you about the azimuth and tilt angle of your antenna.

Vertical offset plates already have a curvature angle; its value can be found in the instructions. Fix the antenna firmly, but so that it can move with light force, and point it towards the satellite, taking into account the calculated data. A TV is required to tune the antenna. DiseqC is connected to the tuner (LNB IN input) by cable. Most often, this can be done using either a SCART connector or an RCA output (“tulip”). Communication with DiseqC must only be carried out with the power switched off.

Advice. Manually adjusting the antenna in relation to satellites is a delicate matter. It is inconvenient to raise the TV to a height, so adapt gadgets: a phone, car radio or tablet, which together with the tuner will provide a picture already on the roof.

After connecting to the network, the receiver should show no signal on the screen. To configure, you need to enter the receiver menu (usually the code is 0000) and find the satellite you need. You need to tune in to a strong satellite transponder: indicate the frequency, polarization, indicate the symbol rate, fec. A strong one is often the one from which several channels are broadcast. If after these manipulations the signal scales twitch to high levels, you have calculated correctly. Now you just need to slightly adjust the signal by rotating the antenna, no more than 10 mm in azimuth and angle.

Special programs will help you tune the antenna

If the quality leaves much to be desired, start searching manually. The sector for this is usually selected in this way: by elevation +/-10°, by azimuth +/-15°. It is necessary to rotate from the extreme corner, pausing for 2-3 seconds. after 4-5 mm. After successfully “catching” all the satellites, do not forget to isolate the connectors from external factors (for example, rubber) and carefully secure the cable along the way to the tuner.

How to install and configure a satellite dish: video

Satellite dish: photo
