An overview of the Visual Studio application. Visual Studio Code - Editor Overview, Features, Customization, and Snippets Disable tooltips in Visual Studio Code

You probably already know that Microsoft has released a new version of the programming environment Visual Studio 2015, and today, as I promised, we will take a closer look at this environment in the editorial Community, and set it to operating system Windows 7.

Note! If this is the first time you hear that there is already a 2015 version of Visual Studio, then you can first read the material "Visual Studio 2015 - a new version of the development environment from Microsoft".

Visual Studio 2015 Community

Visual Studio 2015 Community is a free, integrated development environment for creating applications for Windows, Android and iOS, as well as web applications.

In Visual Studio 2015 Community, unlike the previous generation of free editions of Visual Studio Express, all the functionality, all the features are in one place, let me remind you that Express versions existed in three editions: for Desktop, for Web and for Windows. You and I looked at the Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop and Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web editions.

As I said Visual Studio 2015 Community is free environment development, and it can be used by individual developers to create their own applications, as well as for projects with open source, scientific research and education ( complete "Terms of the license agreement").

Visual Studio 2015 Community allows you to develop programs using the following programming languages: C++, C#, Visual Basic, F#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python.

Visual Studio 2015 System Requirements

Supported operating systems:

  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 8.1;
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1;
  • Windows Server 2012: ;
  • Windows Server 2012 R2;
  • Windows 10.

Equipment requirements:

  • Processor with a frequency of 1.6 GHz (or higher);
  • 1 GB random access memory(1.5 GB when running in a virtual machine);
  • 6 GB of free hard disk space;
  • Hard disk (5400 rpm);
  • DirectX 9 compatible video card, minimum acceptable screen resolution is 1024 x 768.

Where to download Visual Studio 2015 Community?

You can, of course, download the 2015 version of Visual Studio in the Community edition from the official site, here is the download page.

Once you are on the page, click " Download Community 2015 »

As a result, you will download the installer vs_community.exe.

Installing Visual Studio 2015 Community

Note! As I said, I will make the installation on the operating room Windows system 7.

For Visual installation Studio 2015 Community run the vs_community.exe file, we will also need an Internet connection to install.

After starting, the Visual Studio splash screen will appear for a while

The installer will then open, but if the installer detects any factors during the startup process that may affect the progress of the Visual Studio installation, it will let you know.

Here we are asked to choose type of instalation", I choose " Standard", but if you do not plan to use any functionality in Visual Studio 2015 Community, you can choose the type " Selective» where you manually specify what exactly you will use. And I'm waiting " Install” and the installation process will immediately begin for me.

This process will take about 30-40 minutes and at the end a window will appear in which we click " Reload Now»

After the computer restarts, you can start Visual Studio (Start->All Programs->Visual Studio 2015)

And at the first start, we are prompted to sign in to Visual Studio in order to synchronize the settings when connecting with different computers (more detailed information can be obtained by clicking on the link "More"). But it's not necessarily possible to click " Not now! Perhaps later"I do that.

As a result, we will launch start page visual studio.

Screenshots of Visual Studio 2015 Community

Project creation menu

Project Windows applications Forms

That's all, in the following materials we will look at the process of creating applications in the Visual Studio 2015 Community environment. Good luck!

As soon as someone comes up with the idea to do programming, the first question that a beginner asks is - "Which compiler to use to build the program?". Experienced designers and coders know that the question is not posed correctly, since there are a lot of compilers and you can choose any one.

However, programs such as visual studio are not offered for free, as they are a development environment, in one program are collected: text editor backlit, a ready-made project tree, a compiler, a debugger and many other professional tools.

Project Tree

No money to buy, but you have to study!

As a rule, most novice programmers do not know in cash for purchases of Visual Studio. In order not to upset users, Microsoft developers offered a similar free product. Visual Studio Express.

Error correction

The bottom line is that anyone can download it. having a work mail here: when registering, you will need to specify an email address so that an email with account activation will be sent to it. Ibid there is a download link applications.

Visual Studio Express differs from the standard development environment in that it does not have some professional libraries that are used to create serious projects. Nonetheless, all necessary tools to build and compile source code yes: for a beginner for the first time, nothing else is needed.


How to create a project?

To create a project and check how the compiler works, for example in C++, you can use three methods:

On the start page find the line "New project" and click - the program will automatically start creating a project. In the window that opens, you will need to specify the name of the project, the location where it will be stored on the computer, as well as the file extension (if it is a C ++ language, specify cpp ).

Dark interface

Second option- create a project from the dropdown menu: File-New Project. Next, a virtual assistant will also open, which will tell you what parameters you need to specify to create.

The third way is the fastest and professional: generate project with CRLT +Shift +N buttons.

As a result, a text editor will open, where you can write elementary code:


int main()()


To activate the compiler you need press the green button on the top bar of the application, but if you want to see the message in the console, it's better to press the keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+F 5.

Creating Demo Projects

Visual Studio use not only in development software products: if you need to make a presentation or a training excursion, there are tools for creating graphs, tables. Visuals are not limited to 2D, creating color charts 3D literally hypnotizes listeners.


visual studio- a high-level development environment that is suitable not only for professional programmers, but also for novice coders. AT paid version there is an opportunity to work without a purchase for a whole month, this is a test period, for review. You can buy and download the environment at official page project.

More recently, on April 12, a new studio was launched. Many of you have already had the opportunity to get acquainted with it - beta versions, RC, CTP were available for public testing. For those who do not yet know what innovations have appeared in the product, I will describe some (I can’t do everything - I just don’t know. A lot of “bricks” will still be written by experts about the buns of the new visual studio). The full and express versions are already available through the Dreamspark program (

And now - gingerbread and buns:

  1. Completely rewritten appearance. It is now written in Windows Presentation Foundation. Looks prettier and works faster.
  2. Added support for multiple monitors
  3. New debugging features: ability to label breakpoints, export and import breakpoints
  4. Added support for Silverlight applications at the designer level. In 2008 there was only Preview
  5. Implemented support for Restart Manager technology. It is intended for MFC developers. The technology was first implemented in Windows Vista. Its essence is as follows: it allows you to save data in case of failures in applications, when applications are restarted by the OS kernel.
  6. C++ compiler supports C++0x standard
  7. Support for debug mode for parallel applications in a convenient way.
  8. Increased Intellisense code recognition speed for Jscript by more than 2 times
  9. The procedure for deploying web applications has been changed. Now it is possible with just one click of the mouse. Utilities The Web Deployment Tool generates a zip archive from the application to be deployed to IIS
  10. The fourth .NET added support parallel computing: PLINQ - Parallel LINQ, new data types for synchronization, new task scheduler. To do this, I had to rewrite the .NET core
  11. MS cloud platform development extension - Azure
  12. Included new language programming - F#.

In general, of course, F# is not new at all) Rumors about its inclusion have been going on since the 2005 version. It was possible to develop applications for it and for 2008 by connecting a special plug-in. By the way, it will not be supported in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express. To develop applications on it, you will need to install the Microsft Visual Shell, and only then the plugin for F #.

F# is a functional programming paradigm (in this moment some FP features are implemented in traditional languages ​​- lambdas, for example). It is a dialect of ML languages. It is positioned primarily as a language for developing distributed applications and creating a DSL (domain-specific programming language). As far as I know, there is no literature on it in Russian yet. But then there are tutorials, examples and literature on ML, as well as lessons from Microsoft academic evangelist Dmitry Soshnikov.

I must admit that I have been writing in Studio 11 (aka VS2012) for a long time, and I do this due to the fact that the new studio has good backward compatibility with 2010: if you open the usual solution, then Studio 11 will leave .NET projects alone, and C++ projects should be reconverted. From this conversion you can refuse, and it will still work and compile. The only thing is that you may have to change the use of constants like MSC_VER or whatever, in order for the libraries to compile. But everything will work.

This post is my notes on what's new in the 2011 studio and how I work in it.

Support for WinRT - it is, but not here

Like everyone else, I'm a bit overwhelmed that even Beta Studio didn't get WinRT support. Microsoft has once again confused everyone by releasing Visual Studio Express with support for Metro-Style Apps and a "full" studio without such support. Surely this decision was influenced by complex marketing mechanisms, but be that as it may, there is no support for WinRT in the main studio yet.

As you understand, WinRT support is the main "feature" of the new studio. But adding it to the VS11 review is inappropriate for the time being - let it first appear here.

Update: as Vladimir Yunev suggested in the comments, WinRT/Metro-Style Apps support present in VS11, but only if you install it on Windows 8. :)


New studio, for those who haven't seen the screenshots yet - black and white. Or rather, monochrome - it has many shades of gray rather than pure black and white:

A lot of controversy has appeared on the network about such a design decision. The idea seems to be clear: we take a “colorful” studio and turn it into a completely neutral version. I myself am a fan of neutrality: I have a neutral black and white office, the most neutral sounding music system, and my favorite color is white. But despite this, to work with a monochrome studio for me hard.

Here's the hard part: To me, all 16x16px monochrome icons look the same. By removing the color, the whole “information dimension” was lost. For example, before the project type (C#, F#, C++) had its own unique color:

Projects could be distinguished by this color, a certain “conditional classification” arose in my head, and even when writing own programs it was also clear which icons to use. What now? Why, for example, does the C# project have just the inscription C# on its rectangular, completely nondescript icon, while the C++ project has on its icon - attention - up and down arrows? All the logic of this has gone somewhere, and convenience has gone with it.

solution explorer

The only novelty of solution explorer that I see is the ability to expand the structure of files to see what is inside them. This even works for C++ projects:

Well, commendable, but the benefits of this are dubious: usually it is not required to answer the question “what is in this file?” and to the question “in which file is type X?”, and here the Studio is powerless.

If you take and right-click on one of the types presented above (for example, Greeks), the Studio will show us this menu:

Most of these points lead to the replacement of all the content of the Solution Explorer, and then it becomes clear that the Solution Explorer is a kind of page navigator (in WPF terminology), which can, as a set HTML pages show us different views depending on where we are.

Speaking of the example above, Scope to This makes the current element the root of the tree, Base Types and Derived Types looks for parents and heirs of this type, and here Is Used By implements the useful function of finding all places where a type is used.

During the presentation, I used several extensions that will be useful for any Visual Studio 2013 web developer. Below you will find a list of these extensions.

This is an extension of the ASP.NET team and Web Tools and is an unofficial testing and feature testing ground. The extension itself is developed by the opensource community. Web Essentials offers a huge number of new features for web developers such as LESS/Sass/CoffeeScript compilers, additional features work with JavaScript / CSS / HTML / JSON code, validators, image sprite generators and much more.

side waffle

Download: SideWaffle in VS Gallery

A very tasty addition to Visual Studio. This is a great set of templates that contains both project templates, element templates and snippets for a wide range of scenarios from building Angular.js apps, Nancy FX projects to Browser Link plugins, Chrome extensions and much more.

File Nesting

Download: File Nesting in VS Gallery

This extension will allow you to manually nest files within each other by creating nesting hierarchies in Solution Explorer. In addition, the extension has the ability to create hierarchies automatically based on naming conventions. The extension is great for handling *.min.js and other variations of dependent files.

JSON Schema Generator

Download: JSON Schema Generator in VS Gallery

Visual Studio 2013 will support full intellisense and tooltips for any JSON file that is associated with a schema. This extension will allow you to select a JSON file in Solution Explorer and generate a schema file for it based on the content.

Download: WebJobsVS in VS Gallery

A great extension that will allow you to transform your app.config or any other XML file based on assembly configuration. Simply put, the extension simplifies scripting XML transformations that are only available to web.config files by default.

If you are working with Grunt, Gulp, NPM or Bower then this extension is for you. It allows you to easily run Grunt/Gulp tasks directly from Solution Explorer and update Bower components.

Mexedge Stylesheet Extension

Download: Mexedge in VS Gallery

This is a great extension that enhances Visual Studio's ability to work with and display CSS code right in Solution Explorer. Not only does it look cool, but it also offers a very handy way to browse media query blocks, selectors, and rule sets. This is a must have extension for every web developer!

PHP Tools for Visual Studio

Download: PHP Tools in VS Gallery

In my Channel9 interview, we discussed this great extension for PHP development. The extension brings PHP-intellisense, code navigation and more to Visual Studio. This is a must have extension for PHP developers who want the full power of Visual Studio.

Cobisi Routing Assistant

Download: Routing Assistant in the VS Gallery

This is a great extension for visualizing your ASP.NET route table to determine which URLs match which routes. The extension makes it easier to diagnose routing problems and even offers some handy editing features.

CssCop - FxCop for Stylesheets

Download: CssCop in the VS Gallery

If you work a lot with CSS, then this extension will be useful for you. It executes CssLint inside Visual Studio to provide you with error messages to help you fix any violations of CSS rules.

Node.js Tools for Visual Studio

Download: NTVS on CodePlex

NTVS is open free plugin, which transforms Visual Studio into a complete Node.js development environment. And he does it very well! This plugin allows you to take advantage of the power of Visual Studio to develop Node.js applications.
