WP Shop plugin in Russian for WordPress. Powerful plugin for creating an online store on WordPress

The WordPress platform was originally developed for quick launch blogs on the Internet. Over the years, it has evolved into a full-blown content management system where you can create any type of website from scratch, even an e-commerce site.

However, an online store on WordPress is not for everyone. Here are examples of situations in which it would be the best choice:

  • You want to easily manage your website.
  • You want to easily add other sections to your online store site (blog, pages, etc.).
  • You don't need the extra costs of other integrated platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce.
  • You want to start with a small project and expand as needed.
  • Doesn't scare you technical work– that is, the abbreviation “FTP” will make you feel curious, not afraid (in general, creating an online store on WordPress is quite simple, but not in one click).
  • You want to have a common platform that you can easily find additional developers for as you grow.

If at least a few items from this list suit you, then it’s time to learn how to create an online store on Wordpress.

In fact, you can easily add functionality e-commerce in WordPress using a special plugin.

In this case, you need a plugin that will allow you to create custom product pages; which will function as a shopping cart, allowing individual visitors to select products and set them aside for later purchase; which will sync with payment acceptance systems to match them with customer purchases.

There are quite a lot of such tools on WordPress, but there is one interesting option from Russian developers called WP Shop. This free plugin, which has powerful functionality for creating an e-commerce website, with the ability to connect many Russian payment systems and additional modules.

Key Features of WP Shop

This plugin differs from other similar solutions in that products are added like regular WordPress posts, but with a price tag and a purchase button. After which, you can combine these entries into a category, thereby creating a group of products. In addition, you can make display windows and price lists out of them, with the possibility of fine-tuning.

WP Shop has a variety of options to choose from to allow users to receive and pay for products from your website, including how online ways(payment through all electronic payment systems, VISA and MASTERCARD cards, ROBOCASH and UNITED CASH (W1)), and offline methods (receipt by courier, pickup from the office, cash on delivery by mail). In addition, it offers full integration payment system Yandex Cashier. Each payment option has its own order form.

Other features of this solution include:

  • Buyer’s personal account, allowing you to view your profile, current orders, and purchase history.
  • A tool for selling “digital products” that allows file downloading only after payment.
  • A system of discounts formed according to a given formula.
  • Generation XML files, allowing you to transfer the site’s assortment to various services, such as Yandex.Market.
  • PayPal connection and integration of Yandex and Google metrics.
  • Export and import settings.

This a large number of The variety of features built into this plugin makes setup a bit difficult for beginners. But on the developer’s website there are step-by-step instructions that explain in detail how to install and configure it.

Using WP Shop


WP Shop can be installed directly from the WordPress admin panel of your site, but please note that for correct operation you will need an additional plugin - cFormsII, otherwise the order form will not be displayed. A separate form for each payment option, in cFormsII, is created automatically when WP Shop is installed.

Adding WP Shop products

Adding products to the plugin is very easy. This can be done by creating new entry WordPress, in which the title will be the name of the product, the content will be a description, and the thumbnail will be an image. In order for this record to be displayed as a product card, you need to add a custom field to it with the name “cost_1” and a value equal to price. The price is entered without spaces, and kopecks should be separated by a dot. Please note that you do not need to enter the currency name; it is added automatically.

One product may have several properties that will affect the price, such as weight or accessories. To avoid creating a bunch of copies for all varieties of one product, you can simply add an additional price tag. This is done by creating another custom field with the name “cost_2” and the desired price.

You can add your own description to each price tag; this is done by creating a custom field “name_1” for “cost_1” and “name_2” for “cost_2”, respectively. The numbers in the field index for one product must correspond.

Import of goods

In addition to creating entries for each product from scratch, WP Shop allows you to use an affiliate online store as a source. To do this, you will need an additional module from the same developer – WP Shop YML Parser. It allows you to copy an affiliate product list and then import it into WP Shop. Also, it can synchronize affiliate store with yours to update the range in a timely manner.

This way, you can use the program that the affiliate online store offers to earn commissions. In addition, you can open the program yourself as an affiliate store, providing resellers with a convenient tool for importing your product range.

Currency change

By default, the plugin uses ruble price tags, but calculations are made according to the currency that will be selected in the “Payment Settings” section. To change the abbreviation of price tags, you need to enter the desired currency in the “Store Settings” section. There, you can write text for something that is no longer in the assortment of your site.

Creating a showcase

The plugin allows you to display a list of products in the form of a table (showcase), and this The best way show all your products to the buyer. The storefront is created by adding a new WordPress page, which should contain the following shortcode:

The parameters are set depending on what kind of showcase you want to see. An example of what should happen:

A short description for individual products on the storefront can be added to the additional “short_text” field, otherwise it will be taken from the text of the entry. In addition, you can add other additional fields to the storefront, such as: pic (HTML code for the image), video, flash, and even JavaScript.

Placing a shopping cart

To add a shopping cart to your website pages, you just need to make a text widget containing a shortcode. It will display the number of products ordered, as well as their total amount. To be able to look at the products present in the cart, you need to create new page, as an example - “My purchases”, with the content . The link to it must be at English language. After that, you need to copy this link, and then, in the “Store Settings” section, paste it into the “Link to cart page” field.

Enabling Advanced Mode

In this module, a universal purchase form is set by default. This form does not allow you to select payment and delivery methods. To display the form for a specific method, you need to enable advanced mode. You can find it in the “Store Settings” section and check the “Show payment method” option. The number of these methods depends on how many of them you have enabled in the “Payment Settings” section. Now, the buyer will be shown the form that corresponds to the selected method.

You can change certain fields that the form contains by going to the cFormsII module. There will already be a form for each payment method, you just need to edit it to suit your needs. But keep in mind that changing some fields may cause errors. You can learn more about how the form is edited and see examples on the developer’s website.

Setting a minimum purchase amount

Sometimes there is a situation where the cost of a product turns out to be less than the delivery price, and this is not economically feasible. In this case, setting a minimum amount for further purchase processing will be the most simple solution. The standard minimum amount is 0.1 rubles, but it can be changed in the “Store Settings” section, in the “Cart” block. In addition, there you can issue a warning to the buyer who has placed an order below the minimum amount.


In general, this plugin is quite powerful and functional, but it has some errors that you will have to fix yourself, as even mixed reviews about it indicate. It will make it easy to create an online store on WordPress, small in size, but problems may arise when implementing a large project. In any case, these shortcomings are covered by the fact that it is completely free, and also has excellent localization, since it was created by Russian developers.

The post is an extended commentary that I wrote to the post “Online store on WordPress and Woocommerce: advantages and disadvantages of this solution.”

First, let's define what is meant by “point of sale.” I understand this as a site that presents a product catalog with the function of adding goods to the cart with subsequent payment, and automation of further order processing (at a minimum, this is tracking the number of remaining goods in the warehouse).

It's minimum. In a good way, for the user part we need functions of sorting, filtering, selection by parameters, the ability to specify product attributes (color, size, etc.), and for the administrative part - convenient (mass) adding of products, import-export (from Excel, cvs, 1C), management of discounts and promotional options, separate accounts with different capabilities for the sales manager, administrator, and the one who adds products to the catalog. Plus registration of user-buyers.

Now let's see what WP can do with this.

Without plugins, WP does not allow you to organize any of the above. With plugins, you can organize your catalog and cart. The user part, frontend, will depend on what design theme is used - that is, usually, all these sortings and other joys of the store are created not by the engine, but by the theme, and the information is taken from custom fields.

As for the administrative part, it is very problematic to implement:

  • separation of user roles (most likely, this is again a separate plugin),
  • convenient management of store goods; visually it will be the same as managing blog posts. Which is not very convenient when you have several thousand products,
  • mass product management; you won't be able to, for example, add to all necessary goods discount or some other option with one click,
  • registration of buyer users with separate fields for address, default payment method data, etc.
  • payment through Russian payment systems; all popular plugins support payment only through foreign services
  • mass import-export of goods Excel, cvs, 1C

Another one possible problem– this is an update (change) of the design for the site. Since all custom functions are stored in theme files, not plugin files, it will no longer be possible to simply change the theme to any one you like without losing functionality. And developing a theme with functions for a store means, again, money.

I'm not saying it's impossible to make a store on WordPress. But the default functionality of WP does not allow anything that we need. Accordingly, you need to use plugins, and this is not always reliable - there may be problems with updating (WP has been updated, or a store plugin, or a theme), compatibility with other plugins, etc. As a starting option, an online store on WordPress may not be bad. But if there are a lot of goods, and sales are active, it will not be very convenient to use. Therefore, why create extra work for yourself when transferring a site to another engine in the future, if there are already ready-made systems specifically designed for this?

I wrote this article in October 2014. That is, a year and a half ago. Then I was a freelancer and had no experience working with large orders, and I only did three or four stores. In the year and a half that has passed since writing the article, I managed to work in a web studio, where about 4-5 sites were developed every month, half of which were online stores. Therefore, my opinion has changed a little, and some other arguments have appeared.

Firstly, the website should solve your client’s problem. And this is exactly what we need to start from.

Secondly, The ratio of price, quality and time is important, spent by you on development.

For example, if a client wants to launch a store in a week with a small budget, and you have previously only worked with one CMS (it doesn’t matter whether it’s WordPress or something else), then do it with it. You won’t miss deadlines, you won’t have any problems learning the new CMS.

Another example, a client wants a large store with a big budget, it is important for him that the system creates accounting reports, invoices, all sorts of forms in accordance with GOST, integrates with a bank, etc. - do it on Bitrix, because it all comes out of the box. Yes, if you have not worked with him before, the first time will be difficult. Therefore, it is better to hire someone who has worked (again, based on the price-quality-labor ratio).

The client wants exclusive features and is willing to pay for them - do it unique system only for him on the framework, and not on the CMS - Laravel, Django, Ruby on Rails - on what you know better.

If the client and the developer are you in one person, do whatever you want, and then you can work with it.

So, in short, there is not and cannot be an unambiguous answer to the question of which CMS to use to create a website / online store / whatever.

For almost five years now I have been writing articles for my websites on very different topics, and I love it. But life forces you to do not only what you like, but also what you need. But now, in a crisis, we need to move where the money moves. And they circulate primarily in online stores, since this is a converter that turns real money into virtual money. And so I thought: how to create an online store on wordpress?

Learning how to make an online store using WordPress would be very useful for THREE reasons:

  1. You can make online stores to order.
  2. You can create your own affiliate online stores.
  3. Provide support to such stores to customers.

Said and done, we will now try to create an online store on WordPress. I already have WordPress installed on one subdomain, now I need to install required plugin, which will turn it into an online store. And then all this will need to be adjusted a little...

Warning: there is no need to experiment with installing such BULK plugins on a production site, since deleting a plugin does not remove a TON of garbage that it will certainly leave behind in the database.

Which plugin to install for an online store?

There are several options here, but the best would be (as many people think, let’s take their word for now) - WooCommerce.

Go to the WordPress admin panel in the plugins section and look for our WooCommerce plugin - here it is:

Install and activate. The activated plugin began to happily greet me in Russian. A good start…

Now the PAYMENTS section - I have a PayPal wallet, but it’s unlikely to suit me in this case.

Well, that’s all, as you can see, it’s nothing complicated, even a child can install a store on WordPress! What's next? Then I was offered to create my first product:

Let's try it now. When you click on this button, a window for creating an entry immediately appears:

If you have worked in WordPress before, then there should be no difficulties, there are just new fields that need to be filled out, and it’s the same as publishing an article.

I created a test product, and then the first surprise awaited me: when I tried to open the product on the site, I received ! It’s good that I was already fed up with these problems and immediately realized that the permalinks on the site were incorrectly configured. I looked and there was some kind of perversion there, not a humanoid URL. And it should be like this:


This is configured in SETTINGS - PERMANENT LINKS:

Now I have another question: what does it look like from the outside? And so far everything looks VERY terrible!

I still don’t understand what this huge square on the left is? Well, okay, one thing is clear - the template needs to be changed!

How to find a template for an online store?

The easiest option (maybe the best) is to find free template directly in the WordPress repositories (although you will have to translate a little there, but there are no links and viruses). Go to APPEARANCE - THEMES - ADD NEW. In the search box, enter the name of our plugin - WooCommerce.

Here we see all the themes that support WooCommerce, find the most optimal one for ourselves and install it. I liked this one:

This, of course, is not super-duper, but still better than it was. In any case, you will need to finish any theme for a long time, even premium, if you want it to be beautiful and original. But all this is not done right away, but when the store is already at least a little technically configured. But it is better to choose the basis of the future topic right away and gradually build it up.

This huge square keeps bothering me, what is it? Everything, I understand, Semyon Semyonich! The picture had to be placed not in the posts, but simply uploaded a thumbnail, it is displayed in this place. Now it's normal!

There is no point in describing anything further, since fine adjustments more than enough, this is long and painstaking work. I will certainly create a store for myself that I will fill partner products.

But this is a completely different story, which will be told next time, the main thing is that this task is completed, I told how to create an online store on WordPress. If you have any questions, write, I always answer everyone 😉

Yes, if you are not at all good at this and don’t want to understand it, but want an online store, then write, let's agree 😉

By activating the eCommerce plugin on your WordPress, you will have an additional tab on the left panel – “Products”. Inside it contains:

  • Goods. All products available on the site are displayed here, you can immediately proceed to editing them;
  • Add. Tab for adding new products and customizing their visual display;
  • Product tags. Here you add the names of the products that will be displayed in the URL, as well as SEO descriptions of the products;
  • Categories. Functionality for adding and editing product categories. Here you can create categories, customize them according to SEO requirements, and then group products into them;
  • Variations. This section allows you to add several variations of the same product. For example, if you sell clothes, you can add different sizes And different colors for the same thing;
  • Coupons. You can create discount coupons and configure their work: how long it will operate, what products it applies to, etc.;
  • Extensions. Here, add different plugins directly from the interface. The price of eCommerce extensions ranges from $12 to $199. I didn't find any free extensions.

Conclusion: The eCommerce plugin is not bad, but what will most likely be a serious problem for beginners is that it is difficult to find anything about it useful information. And this is quite strange, given the number of active installations of the plugin. The functionality is not bad, but in comparison with WooCommerce it loses.


More detailed information about the plugin can be found on its official website.


By default, the eShop WordPress plugin will be in English. To Russify it, you just need to install the eShop Languages ​​plugin and activate it. After this, the following additional tab will appear in the WordPress interface:

Now let's look at it in order:

  • Orders. Here you will see all received orders in the categories “pending”, “payment expected”, “active”, “delivered”, “failed”, “deleted”. Customers can also see the status of their order;
  • Delivery. Here you can add the delivery methods you need and calculate their optimal cost;
  • Goods. All added products are displayed in the form of a pivot table;
  • Option sets. Here you can add options for product display settings. If you have a lot of product categories, and each of them needs to be displayed in some different way (for example, with a drop-down list, text, or show multiple selection), then this function will be very useful to you;
  • Downloads. These are all the files that you have uploaded to the site;
  • Discount codes. It's easy to generate discount coupons that you can send to your customers. You can choose the type of discount: percentage on product purchase (limited by use and/or date) or free shipping (limited by use and/or date);
  • Base. In this section you can view and download the xml version of the site;
  • Emails. Here you will find ready-made templates emails sent to clients. They can be edited, tags can be added (customer name, order status, address, etc.);
  • About & Help. Here are instructions for installing and working with eShop. The eShop Languages ​​plugin I installed did not translate this section, so if you do not speak English, you will have to sit with a dictionary.

Extensions for the eShop plugin can be installed from the “Plugins” tab in the WordPress admin area (that is, in the same way as you install any plugins for WordPress) or from the official website. There are not very many addons for eShop - about 25, but they are all free.

Conclusion: The paradox is that quite a lot of people seem to use the eShop plugin, but there are no active discussions about it on forums or blogs. If you have a question with the setup or something doesn’t work the way you want, you will have to ask the question to the English-language support on the official website or read the English-language documentation again. The functionality of the plugin is standard - everything seems to be there, but at the same time something is missing. It seems that a more or less large online store on WordPress will not be able to handle the eShop plugin.


WP Shop

Cart66 Lite

Cart66 is a former PHPPurchase. Cart66 is a paid plugin, the license for which costs $98 for use on one site and $300 for unlimited use. The developers also offer Cart66 Cloud for those who are concerned about the safety of their data, for $95 per year. But there is also free version Cart66 Lite, which I will talk about.

You will have to work with Cart66 in English, since it does not have a Russian version. Perhaps, just for now.


The Cart66 plugin looks like this in the admin area:

The free version of the plugin provides the following features:

  • Orders. All orders placed by customers are received here. You can sort by name, date, order amount, delivery type, status, actions;
  • Products. We fill in all the necessary information about the new product, and it will appear in your store. The Cart66 plugin has a non-standard form for adding new products. While most other plugins allow you to add products using standard WordPress posts, Cart66 does this through its internal form. Everything looks different, but it is quite understandable. We add the name, unique product code, price, tax rate (if any), transportation parameters, quantity restrictions. In the same tab you will see a list of all available products;
  • PayPal Subscriptions. This feature is only available in the professional version of Cart66, the prices for which have already been indicated above;
  • Inventory. And then I again see the inscription “The functionality is only available in Pro version" There is also a link where you can pay for and install this professional version;
  • Promotions. Those who do not know English at all may be confused by the number of incomprehensible fields that need to be filled out. In fact, here you need to fill in almost everything the same as in a similar tab of other plugins: promotion name, type, dates, amount limits, products, etc.;
  • Shipping. Here, add shipping methods that your customers can use. You can set the cost of delivery of one product, as well as how much it will increase when adding additional units of product;
  • Settings. The plugin provides the ability to configure everything you need: from country and taxes to various notifications and integrations with other services. By the way, you can integrate your store with Amazon, MailChimp, Google Analytics, Zendesk and other services;
  • Reports. Sales reports are only available in the professional version. In the free version, you can download a summary of your orders by selecting the desired time period;
  • Accounts. Account management functionality can also only be used by purchasing the paid version of Cart66.

Conclusion: Even the free version of Cart66 is quite functional. It contains everything for the successful operation of a start-up online store. The only negative is the lack of a Russian version.

These are the plugins for an online store on WordPress. The most popular WooCoomerce plugin is deservedly so - its functionality (including additional extensions) will allow you to do almost anything with your online store. But this solution is more suitable for large, multi-brand stores with big amount commodity items. There will be a lot of resources consumed by the WooCoomerce server. Therefore, an important issue that you should not forget about when choosing plugins for an online store is related services.And if you are just starting to do your project, then questions such as “" or " “It’s worth finding out right away so you can budget for these expenses. If your option is a small store and it is located on a regular virtual hosting(not VPS), then it’s better to take a closer look at other e-commerce plugins.

If you have the opportunity (and desire) to pay for using the plugin, then of course you should do so, since paid versions always provide “tasty” features that are not there by default. Having settled on some WordPress plugin,

From the author: Do you want to save on developing an online store and make a website yourself in one day? Then we recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions on how to create an online store on WordPress, which is presented in this article. By following each point, you can quickly and for free develop an excellent website for selling any goods or services online.

We suggest that you give preference to creating an online store on WordPress, since this platform is considered one of the simplest and most reliable. Moreover, it is not only beginners who use it. Many popular online stores with a current profitability of over 1 million rubles per month were also developed using VP. This once again demonstrates the effectiveness of the platform and its wide capabilities.

If you are planning to immediately create a large-scale project for many years, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with this. It is a collection of lessons that detail every step of developing powerful and effective online stores. If you want to create an online sales platform quickly and without unnecessary hassles, then proceed to read the instructions provided below.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an online store on WordPress

10 steps you need to follow to quickly and freely create an online store on WordPress from scratch:

1. Purchase hosting and domain.

First of all, you need to purchase hosting - the server on which your website will be located. To ensure stable, uninterrupted operation of the site, it is better to give preference to reliable companies that have been on the market for more than 2 years.

Ideally, it is better to use hosting services whose servers are based abroad. However, if you are just starting out and don't expect large flow client, then for a start it will be quite enough inexpensive options with disk space of 1-2 GB.

Domain name purchase simpler ones so that they are easily remembered and at the same time at least indirectly associated with your brand, company or type of activity.

2. Install WordPress on your hosting.

You will find instructions for installing the CMS in the main menu of your hosting after purchasing it. And, as a rule, the support service will always help solve this problem.

3. Create a site map.

To do this, use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. We also recommend that you understand the topic of creating a robots.txt file yourself.

4. Install the All In One SEO Pack plugin.

Download this plugin from the Internet and upload it through the appropriate section in the CMS menu.

5. Install the WooCommerce plugin.

In the same way, install the WooCommerce plugin, which will become the main engine of our online store.

6. Russify WooCommerce.

Download the crack for this plugin and install it in the same way. After this, all main pages will be translated into Russian.

7. Download the store template.

Find a suitable paid/free WP template on the Internet and download it to your computer.

8. Upload the template to the site.

Admin - Appearance- Upload theme - Activate.

9. Make final adjustments.

How to set up an online store on WordPress, and what does this mean? This includes final tweaking of the basic parameters to suit you. In the settings, change the currency you are going to accept, set the terms of payment and delivery, remove or add modules depending on your need.

10. Fill the site with content.

Well, that's basically it. We created an online store on WordPress with our own hands. Now the most interesting thing remains - filling it with content. Upload products to the site, write descriptions for them and fill out specifications, add articles and news.

If you want to dig deeper, we recommend taking several training courses on creating an online store from scratch using VP. With their help, you can much more quickly understand the intricacies of this process and quickly solve complex problems that we did not touch upon in this article.

Why WooCommerce?

Let's explain why we decided to tell you how to create an online store on WordPress, based specifically on the WooCommerce plugin. Yes, there are still a large number of different options: eShop, eCommerce, Cart66 Lite and others. However, WooCommerce remains one of the most popular online stores on WordPress. Today, more than 1 million commercial platforms have been created on its basis.

So, the advantages that this plugin has over existing analogues:

easy installation;

convenient and simple admin panel;

quick addition and editing of products;

built-in order accounting system;

the ability to provide coupons for discounts or free shipping;

convenient control of accounting and inventory balances;

a delivery calculator is provided;

extensive online store settings (features of payment and delivery, currency, email newsletters, etc.);

frequent updates, improving functionality;

Wide range of installation options for free and paid add-ons.

Improving the online store

Congratulations, now you know how to make an online store using WordPress. But this is not enough to generate any significant profit. For your online store to work to its full potential, it still needs to be upgraded, improved with modern modules, connected to various plugins that increase conversion, etc. How to do it?

To understand which places in an online store on WordPress can and should be improved, you should first of all familiarize yourself with. It describes in detail 12 features, the study of which is guaranteed to help positively influence the success of the site. In addition, we recommend a few more useful plugins:

WooCommerce DynamicGallery - adds product images to the product card in an unusual format;

UserRoleEditor - allows you to change user roles on the site;

TAC - protects the system from viruses;

WC Product CSS3 Tags - attaches the ability to attach tags to each post on the site ( keywords);

Akismet is a website spam blocker.

Today we have discussed how to create an online store on WordPress quickly and with virtually no initial investment. If the information was useful, then share it with your friends on in social networks.

Now the topic of creating online stores is gaining momentum, so your friends and colleagues will probably not remain indifferent to it. Perhaps even soon one of them will offer you to organize a joint business.

If you want to study the material at an advanced level, you can read it. It focuses on topics that will help you achieve better results in online sales. We were happy to help, see you in the next articles.
