Creating a gallery with NextGEN Gallery. Need a gallery for wordpress? The NextGEN Gallery plugin is perfect for this Social bookmarking in the nextgen gallery

NextGen Gallery is, without exaggeration, the most popular photo gallery plugin for WordPress. The developer estimates that the plugin has been downloaded more than 13 million times since 2007. Let's understand the reasons for its high popularity.

NextGen Gallery is undoubtedly a very powerful and functional tool for loading, organizing and managing image galleries, which has all the most necessary tools for comfortable work. Such as: batch loading, import, editing, processing, classification and much, much more. In July 2013, shortly after the acquisition of the plugin by Photocrati, NextGen Gallery 2.0 was released, which received a major update in the form of a completely redesigned interface. Since then also available paid versions NextGen Plus and NextGen Pro with advanced features. We'll talk about them below.

Main features of NextGen Gallery

  • Fully responsive design;
  • Import ZIP-archives with images;
  • Automatic upload and editing of photo meta-data;
  • Centralized and very simple management of galleries;
  • Batch generation and processing of thumbnails;
  • The simplest image editor;
  • Support and batch editing of watermarks;
  • Organization of galleries into albums;
  • Several built-in styles for displaying galleries;
  • Support for custom slideshow;
  • 4 kinds of customizable built-in lightboxes;
  • Ability to output and format individual images;
  • Integration into the editor;
  • Shortcode support;
  • Full-fledged work with tags;
  • Backup and restoration of photographic material.

NextGen Gallery has been and remains the leader among plug-ins of this type for many years. As a result, a fairly large community of users and developers has formed around it. who developed a huge number of additional modules and extensions for NextGen Gallery.

I haven't used NextGen Gallery since about 2010. I will not hide the fact that since the first versions it has changed a lot. First of all, the changes are noticeable in the speed of its work. If earlier the plug-in was difficult to “start” on virtual hosting, now it flies even on the most budgetary fares. The interface has also undergone major changes, and for the better. It has become much clearer, more logical, more convenient.

Installing NextGen Gallery

Installing NextGen Gallery is no different from installing any other WordPress plugins. As usual, this is done in the site management console. No additional actions are required to Russify it, it is completely Russified. If you are using Russian wordpress localization, the plugin will also be in Russian.

Create a gallery

There are several ways to create galleries in NextGen. You can standardly create and upload images using your own uploader, import from a native media library, import a folder uploaded to a server via FTP, or upload a ZIP archive. We will go the simplest way and use the built-in loader. By the way, it turned out to be not even bad and quite fast.

The created galleries are managed in the plug-in settings section of the same name. Everything is intuitive and simple. Galleries are displayed in the usual WordPress list.

Create an album

NextGen allows you to not only create galleries, but organize them into albums. Which is incredibly convenient with a large amount of photographic material. Organization takes place in the same section "Album Management". Management is carried out by simply selecting the desired album from the drop-down list and dragging the necessary galleries into it. As you can see in the screenshot, we moved the galleries of all European cities to the "Europe" album.

batch processing

The undoubted advantage of the NextGen Gallery is quite a wide range of opportunities batch processing and editing information, tags and image meta-data. Due to the fact that all information fields open on one page, editing them is very convenient and fast.

Image Output

There are quite a few options for displaying images. I will focus only on the most, shall we say, popular ones. Most often, you need to display an image gallery in a blog post or on some page. To do this, in the editor panel, you can notice new button, which will open access to the publication of images from the NextGen Gallery.

NextGen has several different ways to display images.

If necessary, you can completely customize the output of images. For example, display not only galleries, but also individual images, entire albums, or even generate galleries by tags.

Pay attention to the tabs at the top, with the help of them you can quickly access image management.

On default settings, we get something like this.

And this is just one of the many ways to integrate galleries into website pages.

NextGen shortcodes

NextGen also has support for a large number of native shortcodes. With which you can generate and display dynamic galleries anywhere on your site.

Examples of using:

  • - output gallery with ID 36;
  • - the same gallery, but in the form of a slide show;
  • - output album with ID 3 in compact style;
  • - output of the same album with more detailed information;
  • - generation of a dynamic gallery that will include all images with the tags "city" and "autumn";
  • - output gallery with ID 36 with photo titles, 3 photos per page;
  • - output of the same gallery, but in the form of a carousel of six images;
  • - output of the same gallery with meta-data of photos;
  • - sorting images by tags;
  • - tag cloud output;
  • - displaying a single image in Web 2.0 style, where w,h are its dimensions;

NextGen Gallery has a very deep customization. You do not have to go into the plugin code to change, say, the appearance of modal windows or thumbnail sizes. Nearly everything is customizable in NextGen Gallery. If necessary, it can be fully customized and fit into the design of almost any site.

Paid versions of NextGen

As mentioned above, NextGen Gallery has 2 paid versions, Plus and Pro, for $49 and $99 respectively. They differ in that the first one has 8 additional adaptive galleries, a full-screen adaptive lightbox, as well as image protection options, a commenting system and social sharing. Pro version includes the same plus photo e-commerce functionality. Of course, the price of both versions includes technical support developer.


NextGen Gallery, like many other popular millionaire plugins, has a large number of various add-on modules that expand its basic capabilities. Perhaps some of them can be remembered.

  • WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart is a pretty easy way to turn your photo gallery into a PayPal-payable photoshop;
  • NextGEN Gallery Sell Photo is another way to organize the sale of your photos on the site;
  • Thumbnail Gallery (WP NextGEN Gallery Template) - will make your galleries stylish and unrecognizable, supplementing them with premium functionality;
  • Wall/Grid Gallery (WP NextGEN Gallery Template) - similar to the previous plugin with touchscreen support and more than 60 settings appearance;
  • Thumbnail Scroller (WP NextGEN Gallery Template) - a plugin from the same series, with which you can create gorgeous responsive carousels;
  • PhotoMosaic for WordPress - photomosaic for NextGen;
  • NextGEN Gallery Fancyboxer - fantastic lightboxes for NextGen with 30+ different settings;
  • Pics Mash Image Rating Tool - image rating system;
  • premium plugins for NextGen. There are not many of them, but they are very interesting. You can also see ready-made premium templates with NextGen support. To date, there are very few of them, but everything is ahead, I think. However, NextGen Gallery does not have any special requirements for WordPress themes and should work for any of them.


    As you can see, NextGen Gallery is a very functional plugin that will turn your WordPress into a powerful photo combine with a convenient photo content management system. The plugin is ideal for photo sites, photo blogs, photo galleries, various photo exhibitions, personal websites of photographers. In other words, for sites where the main published content is photos. For all other sites, the NextGen functionality will probably be just unnecessary ballast.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about the features and settings of one of the most popular plugins for WordPress - NextGEN Gallery, which, as the name probably implies, allows you to insert various galleries, individual photos with the ability to smoothly increase them, create and display them on the pages of your WP blog. whole albums with images, add watermarks to photos, well, and something else he can do, but first things first.

In general, NextGEN Gallery reminded me quite a lot of the popular extension for creating - Phoca Gallery. It is the same powerful combine for convenient formation and effective display of photo galleries, but only on pages WordPress Blog, not to Joomla pages. Yes, and he also knows how to add watermarks - a trifle, but nice.

Features of the NextGEN plugin for displaying galleries in WordPress

Actually, the NextGEN Gallery plugin has quite a lot of possibilities, and they come down not only to creating galleries in WordPress, although it does, in my opinion, perfectly. In general, in complete analogy with the Phoca Gallery extension for Joomla, it has its own demo site, where you can evaluate all the possibilities it offers for displaying photo galleries, slideshows, individual images, videos, etc.

On the main page of the demo site, there is now an example of a new effect when showing a slideshow, when images simply fly off the screen when changing each other. There are many more ways. You can read about them at the link provided.

Moreover, if you pay attention, you will see that NextGEN Gallery can display slide shows and photo galleries not only in the area reserved in WordPress for article texts, but also in the sidebar (), using its own widgets for this.

Continuing the theme of the slideshow, we can give an example of a rather interesting display of images using this plugin, when the images do not stand still during viewing, but seem to approach, move away, move, which creates a rather original effect that you can see on this page.

If you have noticed, then at the top of the above example, a short code for WordPress is written, inserting which into the article you will get exactly this option for displaying a slide show using the NextGEN Gallery:

[ monoslideshow id=1 w=450 h=350 ]

In this short code, as an ID, you will need to specify the individual number of the gallery, which will have to be created in advance in the admin panel using the plugin's capabilities (read about this below). Also in this short code, the size of the slideshow window in width and height is indicated (do not forget your own, at least in FastStone Image Viewer). In the same way, you can insert into WordPress articles and other types of photo galleries and single images.

For your convenience in visual WordPress editor the plugin will create a special button that opens a window where you can select the sets of photos you need and assign the type of their display - gallery, slide show, etc.

On the demo site you can also see how the gallery created with NextGEN will look like. Moreover, when displaying it, various plugin templates can be used: Caption, Carousel, Example or GalleryView.

This plugin also allows you to display on the blog pages not only galleries, but also their list (albums). Albums can be presented in expanded and compact form (shown at the bottom of the demo site page). There are also short codes for displaying lists of photo galleries (albums), which differ only in the value of the "template" variable.

The NextGEN plugin also allows you to insert individual photos into WordPress articles, which, when clicked, will take them smooth increase. Moreover, you can add a reflection effect to the images or apply the watermarks you need on them.

He also has the ability to create galleries to view one photo per page. In this case, both a simple display option (Image Browser) and an option with displaying special information on this image (Exif support) are possible.

If you need to set individual settings for the NextGEN galleries displayed on individual blog pages (these settings will differ from the general settings of the plugin), you can use the custom fields (Custom Fields) that you fill out when writing or editing an article.

More about this is written here, where possible keys for custom fields and possible values ​​for these keys are given.

Installation and Russification of the plugin NextGEN Gallery

In theory, NextGEN should already work in Russian immediately after installation (the language file should automatically be downloaded from the developers' site), but for some reason it did not work out for me and its settings were displayed in English. Therefore, I had to download a separate Russification file and drop it into the appropriate plugin directory. But first things first.

Download NextGEN Gallery you can with official page- . Installing it is no different from the traditional one. Unzip the downloaded archive "" and copy the resulting folder to this directory:


To connect to my blog via FTP, I advise you to use FileZilla, which is described in detail, because the program is convenient, simple and reliable. Then you will need to go to the WordPress admin panel, go to the "Plugins" - "Inactive" tab and find NextGEN. Click on the "Activate" link under its name.

In the admin panel at the very bottom of the left menu column, you will have a new area called "Gallery" or "Gallery" if the plugin was not automatically Russified. In the second case, in order to get the Russian interface, you need to download the Russian translation (file"). After that, connect to your blog via FTP and upload this Russification file to the folder:


Everything, now you will have all its settings in Russian, which is good news.

Adding Images and Creating Photo Galleries in WordPress

As I mentioned just above, you can get there from the very bottom of the left menu of the WordPress admin panel:

There are quite a lot of possibilities, but we will probably start by adding photo galleries or images, which you can then display using short codes in any articles on your blog. To do this, we need to select the "Add gallery / images" item from the admin menu.

On the first tab "Add a new gallery" you need to enter its future name in the "New" field. It should be written in Latin (preferably transliterated), and if you have not yet created the corresponding folder “wp-content/gallery/”, then you need to create it, for example, using the same FileZilla program and be sure to install it with using this FTP client, allowing the recording and deletion of information from it.

If the wp-content/gallery/ folder was successfully created and had access rights 777, then the NextGEN Gallery plugin will report on the successful addition of the first gallery with ID=1 and a short code will be given there to display it on the pages blog:

Gallery ID 1 successfully created. You can show this gallery in your post or page with the shortcode

And if you look through FileZilla into the “wp-content/gallery/” folder, you will find a new folder inside with the name that you gave the new photo gallery (which is why I recommended typing its name in Latin).

After creating a new gallery in the NextGEN Gallery settings, you will be redirected to the "Upload images" tab, where you can select from the drop-down list the name of the photo gallery to which the images you upload will be added, and then click on the "Browse" button and select one or several photos (to select them, hold Shift or Ctrl on the keyboard).

To download them, you will need to click on the "Upload images" button:

As a result, you will see a window that clearly shows the process of uploading your selected photos to your blog server, and at the same time as uploading, the plugin will create previews of these photos, which you can edit in its settings if necessary. Physically, thumbnail files will be located in the following path "/wp-content/gallery/title/thumbs".

The process of uploading new pictures can be repeated as many times as needed if you need to upload photos from different folders on your computer.

Although you can, for example, prepare in advance on your computer a folder with the necessary images for a future photo gallery and pack it into a Zip archive, which can then be uploaded to the server on the "Upload Zip file" tab (where the Zip archive will be automatically unpacked). Not a bad option.

You can change the thumbnail sizes in the NextGEN settings by going to the following path: "Settings" - "Thumbnails". You can set the size for large images (those that will open when you click on the thumbnail) on the "Images" tab. In general, dig around - you will find a lot of interesting things there.

For example, on the "Watermark" tab, you can set it to all photos of a particular gallery. It can be set in the form graphic file, specifying the path to it, or simply typing text in the appropriate field, choosing the type and size of the font.

The position of the watermark on the images of the photo gallery can be set in the "Preview" area:

Now let's go into the settings of the Gallery we just created.

Since we started talking about adding watermarks, it should be mentioned that for this you will need to check the boxes next to the desired photos, select the “Install watermark” option from the drop-down list and click on the “Apply” button. After that, thumbnails of all selected images belonging to NextGEN will be recreated with the addition of the desired inscription or logo to them.

You can check the correctness of adding watermarks by clicking on the link “Edit thumbnail” next to the photo you need. Here, by the way, you can select the preview area with the left mouse button and click on the “Update” button, after which the area you selected will become the preview.

In order for the images of your WordPress gallery to be able to, you will need to add for each photo in the column "Alt & Title text / Description" in the top field of the so-called ). In the bottom field, you can enter a description for the photo, which will be displayed when viewing its full-size version.

Please note that when viewing the list of galleries in the NextGEN Gallery settings, or when viewing images of a particular photo gallery, the first column will always contain its ID or photo ID, which you may need when inserting a slideshow or a separate image into an article using short codes.

NextGEN - insert galleries, slideshows and photos into articles

Unfortunately, the visual editor does not work for me in WordPress, so I can’t take screenshots explaining the process of adding a photo gallery, slideshow, album, or individual photo to an article. But the essence of this action is quite simple.

In the article edit window, you click on the button that the NextGEN plugin added there. As a result, a pop-up window will appear with several tabs: gallery, album, image.

You go to the tab you need and select from the drop-down list, for example, the photo gallery with images you need (which you created as described above), and also check the box next to the desired display method, for example, for the gallery these will be options: image list, slideshow .

In the place of the text input window where the cursor was, a short code of the NextGEN plugin will appear, which will form the gallery or slideshow in this article. In general, you can do without a visual editor. In this case, it is enough to insert manually into Right place text of the article a short code and prescribe the necessary parameters for it. At first glance it may seem complicated, but over time you will get used to it very quickly.

For example, if you link to examples from the developers' demo site, you can use at least the following short codes:

    To insert a slideshow on WordPress pages blog it is possible to use the following NextGEN plugin short code:

    Here, in the ID variable, you specify the ID of the desired gallery with photos that you created earlier.

    To display albums, you will need to use following code:

    or in compact form:

  1. To embed a gallery in WordPress, you need to write the following shortcode:
  2. To insert a single image that will smoothly increase when you click on it, you will need to add the following short code from the NextGEN Gallery arsenal to display an image with a reflection when writing an article:

    or the following code to display a picture with a watermark:

    [ singlepic id=12 w=320 h=260 mode=watermark ]

  3. To display a gallery with one image per page in WordPress, write the following code in the text:
  4. Each photo gallery and image in the plugin settings has the ability to prescribe certain tags, based on which, for example, you can then display a tag cloud or a gallery using these tags:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The other day I got a new experience using the popular NextGEN Gallery plugin for WordPress, which allows you to create very powerful and functional photo galleries. Statistics show that this is the most popular and frequently used plugin for building photo galleries. I was specifically looking for a plugin that allows you to flexibly structure photo galleries into nested directories of several levels, and after looking at numerous solutions on this topic, I ultimately chose NextGEN Gallery. Quite a lot and in detail has already been written about its configuration on the Internet, so I will not dwell on well-known things. I will describe several significant features that emerged in the process of setting it up.

Default icon size

The default icon size in the NextGEN Gallery is less than 100px and looks rather small. It is better to immediately set it to at least 150px and add cropping to a square shape. Depending on the theme, the icon size can be increased up to 200px.

Save space on the server

Photo files of modern digital cameras have a very tangible size, easily reaching up to 20MB or more for each picture. At the same time, many users upload such files to their site without any preliminary processing, without thinking that the server space will run out very soon and they will have to pay for additional gigabytes. When creating galleries built into WordPress, this problem is successfully solved by the plugin Resize Image After Upload( that allows you to automatically reduce the original uploaded image to the size you need, but it does not work with NextGEN Gallery. Fortunately, NextGEN Gallery has a built-in ability to apply batch change size to groups of selected pictures: operation resize images tab Manage Galleries.

At the same time, the file size is reduced not even by an order of magnitude, but by orders of magnitude. In order for this to really save space, you will have to sacrifice some security in relation to your original photos: saving is enabled by default in the NextGEN Gallery backups uploaded images. It is better to disable this option and then you can really save a lot of space on the server, now it is called Backup the original images.

Watermarks and inability to save settings in "Other Options"

Watermarks on images are an almost indispensable attribute used to preserve the copyright of an image and to additionally remind those who download and save it of its source. The NextGEN Gallery has a wonderful opportunity to batch add watermarks both from text and from a pre-prepared image file in PNG format With transparent background. However, in latest versions An unpleasant surprise can await the photo gallery here: sometimes a situation may arise when the watermark settings suddenly stop being saved. And not only them, but in general any settings located on the tab Other Options. I faced just such a problem and went to the English-speaking segment of the Internet for a solution.

It turned out that with a similar problem, when additional settings(Other Options tab) NextGEN Gallery are not saved, a lot of people have encountered, and some were even thrown out when trying to save to home page. Among the many tips on how to solve this problem, I noticed one given by one of the developers: he advised to delete the language file if it was created for the gallery plugin. After reading about it, I remembered that, trying to make life easier for the users of the site, I also made a file with translations of the most frequently used sections and commands. I tried to remove it and - lo and behold, the settings began to be saved! By the way, many also did not recommend changing the default Permalink slug (nggallery) and using your own templates.

The following nuance was discovered when trying to apply a watermark from the prepared PNG file. In the tooltip to the settings, it was said that it was enough to specify the path to the file relative to the site root and everything would work. Worked, but only preview- when actually processing files, a reassuring message about the success of the operation appeared, but watermarks did not appear on the images. I had to try another option - enter the full URL of the image with a watermark in the path field. And again, lo and behold, after that the watermark from the file was transferred to the images. These are the surprises out of the blue even in the mega-popular plugin for the most popular WordPress engine…

update: In version V2.0.66.16 of the plugin dated 07/30/2014, a full-fledged Russian translation of the entire interface appeared. Also, the function of applying a watermark in the form of an image has ceased to work. Fortunately, this problem was easily solved by switching to a text watermark and back, saving the setting each time you switch.

The beauty of this plugin lies in the massive functionality that NextGEN Gallery offers to all WordPress users. There is only one point that you need to know about in advance. The plugin is really cool, but very heavy and creates a certain load on the hosting.

So if you have a modest hoster, and blog traffic is solid, problems may arise. Otherwise, NextGEN Gallery is just a song! Download and install NextGEN Gallery from the link:

Go to the tab called Add gallery/images:

Come up with a name for the gallery and write it in English letters:

If you see an inscription that the gallery was successfully created, everything worked out. The inscription will be in English:

When you are in the "Upload Images" menu, find the "Browse" item there, select the desired image and, when the gallery appears, select it from the pop-up list. In it you will need to "shove" the image. For clarity, see the figure:

And you can make your life easier by adding all the pictures you need to ZIP archive and selecting "Download from ZIP file". All images will be unpacked by the plugin itself. In the Galleries tab, you will see the gallery you just created, as well as its ID and the number of images:

Now let's try to insert a gallery in any of your posts. Go to the admin panel, then to the editor of any post and click on this icon:

When a window opens in front of you, select the image output method and gallery:

Refresh the page / post, after which you will see the result of your work in the form of “previews” of images:

If you click on any of the thumbnails, this is what happens:

It remains to make settings in the NextGEN Gallery plugin and invite friends to the site to evaluate the new features of the gallery. In the WordPress admin, go to the Gallery, then to its settings. Consider the main tabs.

Basic settings. Here it is better not to touch anything, everything is already optimally configured. - you can change the size of the preview:

Check the box next to "Cache images" to reduce the load:

And here you can change the number of displayed images on the page of your site:

can be customized interesting effects plugin:

You will also see the tabs "Watermark" (everything is clear here) and "Slideshow" - you can customize beautiful effect transition.

As you just saw for yourself, setting up the NextGEN Gallery is easy. The plugin is really considered one of the best for creating a gallery.

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of LediSeo! I know, it’s my fault, I haven’t published new interesting materials for a long time. I myself am already worried, but I simply can’t do anything - I physically don’t have time to write, there are a number of reasons for this, which I’ll keep silent about. Today I hasten to fulfill the request of my regular reader, Lyubov, who asked me to deal with the creation of a gallery on wordpress. I cannot ignore this request, it is not in my rules, so in this article we will talk about using the simple but functional NextGEN Gallery plugin, and also consider the main ones. Well, we won’t pull the cat by the tail for a long time, but we’ll get down to business right away. So let's go……

1. As I announced at the end of April on the Seo Notes of the Desperate blog, there is a monthly competition among commentators. The one of you who writes the most messages in a month and gets into the “Tor commentators” in first place receives 100 rubles from me. Of course, this is not 1000 rubles, but still. According to the results of May, Nikita took the first position in the top. Congratulations! I ask the winner to send his e-wallet.2. Perhaps this news should have been put in the first place, but I'm a modest girl, so I'll share it with you so quietly in secret - Desperate's blog received the Recognition Cup from its regular readers. Many thanks to Lutsina Solovieva for your attention! Your opinion and the opinion of all my readers is very dear to me, because it is for you that I create a blog.3. The blog has its own group on the service, which is called “Blogger Party” and is located at I invite everyone to become members of the group. I promise you won't be bored.

Here, it seems, the main news has been shared, and you will already begin to learn about the rest of the surprises this week, but we will nevertheless return to the main topic and create a gallery on wordpress using NextGEN Gallery. Why this particular plugin? Yes, because it is easy to install and has such functionality that one article is not enough to describe all the settings of the NextGEN Gallery plugin, we will focus on the main ones. But first, download the plugin distributor from the official page will use the non-Russian version). The plugin is installed and activated in the standard way, only after its activation in the management console you have a new Gallery item (arrow 1), hovering over it will open a window with settings items (arrow 2). Now I’ll quickly run through them so that I can understand what is what for. So:

  • Overview - Overview, on this tab you can see how many images have been uploaded, how many galleries or albums have been created
  • AddGallery/Image - Add Gallery\Image
  • Manage Gallery - Gallery Management
  • Album - Album
  • Tags - Tags, allows you to use tags
  • OPtions — Options
  • Style - Styles
  • Roles
  • About - Oh, it's all about developers
  • Reset / Uninstall - Reset \ Remove, allows you to return to default settings or remove the plugin.

There is no complicated and incomprehensible in these settings, so we go directly to creating a gallery on the blog, for this we click on the AddGallery / Image item and we get to the page for creating a gallery

In this field, enter the name of our gallery in Latin, which will be placed on the host in the wp-content/gallery/ directory, here the name of the created gallery (arrow 1) and then click on the Add gallery button (arrow 2).

We immediately get to the next page, where we start the NextGEN Gallery settings, namely uploading photos to the gallery

First of all, I want to draw your attention to the arrow 6

this is the gallery ID, which we copy and then paste into the article in the place we need.

Upload photos to the gallery by clicking on the “Select files” button (arrow 1) and in the window that appears, select the folder from which we will upload images.

With arrow 2, I highlighted the line where you can indicate that maximum size displaying images in galleries 800x600 px. You can change the size of images in the gallery yourself using the OPtions - image item

I want to give a little advice: upload pictures to the gallery of the same size. If your pictures are different size, then in a window of 800 by 600 they will lose image quality, if the pictures are small, they will be “smeared”

Using the Upload images button (arrow 4) we start uploading images, but I prefer to upload photos at once as a whole .zip archive by going to the Upload a Zip-File tab (arrow 5). It is enough for me to create a folder on the desktop of the computer where to place the pictures and then archive it in a .zip archive and then

in this tab, in the Select zip-file field (arrow 1), select this archive, then in the in to field, specify the gallery in which you want to upload the photo (arrow 2) and then click on the Start upload button (arrow 3).

The process of downloading the archive will begin, as well as its unpacking, which may take some time - everything will depend on the number of images and their sizes. Upon completion of these processes, you will see the following lines

That's all, the gallery was created on the blog and we can now open any article or page for editing and enter the identifier of our gallery in it,

after saving the changes, see the work of your own hands on the blog.

That is, by clicking on any image from the gallery, we will open such a window on top of our blog,

where by clicking on the arrows you can view all the images, but only for our visitors it is not clear what it is - you need to create commentary captions for each image. Therefore, let's return to the administrative panel and continue the NextGEN Gallery settings.

In the management console, select the Manage Gallery item and on the page that opens, click on the name of the gallery in which we need to make changes

namely, we slightly scroll down the page until the list of pictures with several columns begins, but we should be interested in Alt & Title Text / Description. By default, you will have in this column

only the small Alt&Title Text field is filled in, where the name of the uploaded image will be written. In my screenshot, this is a simple set of numbers. This is exactly what will be reflected when you hover the mouse cursor over a particular image.

But the Description field, a wider field, will be empty, and it is thanks to it that it will reflect the description of the image in the gallery.

Therefore, I independently make changes in both fields and prescribe the words I need - “beef and radish salad” and “salad“ For a real colonel ””. After making changes to the rest of the pictures from this gallery, click on the “Save changer” button below, go to the blog and launch our gallery

and as you can see, under the picture we have a description - a comment on the image. Like these ones simple settings plugin NextGEN Gallery can be executed and get the desired result.

You can place a gallery on a blog not only inside the article, but also in the side column, using the NextGEN Slideshow, NextGEN Widget, NextGEN Media rss widgets

which are installed when the NextGEN Gallery plugin is activated. These widgets have elementary simple settings that are understandable on an intuitive level. The main thing is not to forget to specify the gallery id or its name.

That's the idea and everything I wanted to talk about how to create a gallery on wordpress and how to properly configure the NextGEN Gallery plugin. As you can see, everything is very simple, using these basic settings you can attract the attention of readers and keep it on the resource.

On the sim, I bow out. Good luck to all! Bye Bye. Do not forget to subscribe to the blog update so as not to miss interesting materials and the main news of June - who will receive a prize from Kazapa for the story of the happiest day, as well as the first interview on the Internet ...... Who? But this is the secret, you will find out everything in June.

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