Use the number to identify the owner. How to find out the owner's phone number

If you need to find a specific person by phone number, there are several enough effective ways do it. There are many illegal ways to complete the task.

For example, you can buy it on the radio market or find a phone database on the Internet.

But this method is illegal and you may be subject to prosecution by law enforcement agencies. We will not consider such ways to resolve the issue.

Instead, we will find out all the legal and simple methods find out the owner of the telephone.

It is worth saying that they are quite effective and some even allow you to find out the location of the subscriber. It will be interesting!



The reasons why we may be trying to find the owner of a number can be very different.

But if these are threats that you or your loved ones receive, then you should not try to deal with this person on your own. It's better to file a complaint with law enforcement agencies.

Advice: Along with the application, provide voice recordings of the threats. To do this, record one or more conversations using your phone.

The easiest way is to use one of the applications designed for this. For example, there is "Record phone calls to MP4" , which can be downloaded.

Using it is extremely simple - open the application and select the switch on the right top corner to position "On"

After that everything telephone conversations will be recorded and you can copy them to a flash drive.

After that, take the flash drive and go to the nearest police station, where you can write a statement and wait for the hearing.

The fact is that law enforcement agencies have completely legal access to the above-mentioned telephone databases.

And investigators or other representatives of these authorities can calmly see who owns the phone, find this person at his residence address and/or registration, and come to him to “talk” about the threats.

And if you need to complete the task for some other reason, use one of the methods described below.

Search engines

The most banal and simple way, which literally lies on the surface, is to , or any other search engine and enter the desired number.

The fact is that phone owners one way or another post their numbers on social networks, message boards, forums, various websites, and so on.

Perhaps the person was offering some services or selling a product and posted his number for this.

In the 21st century, the situation is such that almost each of us has at least once “lit up” his number somewhere.

Even if you simply indicated it when registering on some resource, it means that it is already present somewhere and can be found.

So just enter the desired number into the search engine and enjoy the result.

Hint: Enter the phone number without +38 if it is Ukraine and without +7 if it is Russia and so on.

When writing this material, we entered one number and, to everyone’s surprise, we managed to find the owner very quickly - he “spotted” it in one of the groups. As you can see in Figure 2, he entered it when collecting the fan club. Actually, when going to the first search result, I was able to see what kind of user this was. When you go to his page in social network We also managed to find out where he lives, what he is interested in, and so on. Everything is extremely simple!

But it happens that using search engines gives nothing. Then you should try to search directly in places where the person could be “exposed.”

Social media

Judging by the search results, users from this country most often post advertisements on this resource. Also, check out the following sites:

  • classifieds.rf;
  • businessmarket.rf.

If you do not agree with the above lists and, be sure to use the search on them.

As for forums, there are quite a lot of them and they are all thematic. It simply doesn’t make sense to search for everyone.

If a search in a regular search engine yields nothing, but you at least have a rough idea of ​​what kind of person you are looking for, you can try to find him on a thematic forum that you think might interest him.

But this method is ineffective.

That's all!

Actually, this is where all legal methods of searching for a person, that is, the owner of a particular phone number, end.

Everything there is also paid and the prices are almost the same as

In addition to websites, there are also quite regular tariffs from various mobile operators that allow you to track the location of a person.

Operator tariffs

Important! It’s worth saying right away that all the tariffs that we will consider allow you to determine the location only with the consent of the subscriber. When you order the service, he will receive a notification and he can agree or refuse to let someone know where he is.

So, here is a list of currently available tariffs from Russian mobile operators that make it possible know the user's location:

    "Locator" - MTS Russia. The operator allows you to see where your friends and relatives are. But no one checks who exactly you will be tracking, so you can connect any subscriber. The cost of connecting to the service is 100 rubles per month, provided that you submit 100 requests to find out the location. In fact, the price of one request is 1 ruble. You can study this service in more detail on the website

    Beeline.Coordinates from Beeline. The conditions are the same as, but the cost is 1.7 rubles every day, regardless of the number of requests. But you can track a maximum of 5 people. More information can be found at

Often there is a need for personal purposes or for work to find the person to whom the number is registered. It happens that the number written on a napkin is forgotten, or someone called from an unknown place.

What are the ways?

This is not the easiest task. But there are still ways to determine the owner of a phone by its number. In short, there are two ways to solve this problem. You can find out the owner's phone number through private databases or through a database belonging to the operator mobile communications. The first method will entail payment for the service to determine the owner of the number. However, accuracy is not guaranteed. The second case allows you to completely determine the owner’s full name with 100% certainty, but access to databases of companies providing communication services is not always possible.

Official request

You can find out the owner of a phone number (MTS, Beeline, Megafon) by officially contacting the company's employees by writing a statement indicating the reasons for the request. All motives must be fully stated. For example, if there have been threats or there is fear for the health and life of family members, as well as the safety of valuables. Employees of the cellular company may well provide the necessary data after they consider the application.

How to find out the owner of a phone by phone number? Information about him can be obtained by contacting law enforcement agencies, which may be the FSB, police, or prosecutor's office. Here you also need to write a statement detailing all the reasons, requirements and claims. After considering the appeal, a criminal case may be initiated, and then law enforcement agencies will make a request to the telecom operator, who, by law, must provide all information about the owner of the phone number. This way, all the necessary data will be obtained during the investigation.

Unofficial methods

At the time of payment for services cellular communications the employee receiving the payment sees all the information about the owner of the phone number to which the payments are made cash. Find out the owner of the number cell phone You can if you try to ask the manager the name of the owner of this account. There is a possibility that the employee will provide the necessary information. If this does not happen, then you can try to contact other communication shops.

If possible, then there is no need to use databases telephone numbers, access to which can be either free or paid. These databases may be incorrect or outdated. They may also contain harmful software. It is worth noting that such methods may result in criminal charges, since working with such programs is not legal.

If the database offers to send a message to a certain number in order for an access code to be sent to information, you should not believe it. This is a fraudulent way to withdraw money from your account mobile phone. In this case, no code will be received.

How to find out the owner of a phone by phone number if it is illegal? You can easily find out the region in which the number was registered, as well as the operator. Similar databases are freely available on the Internet. You just need to enter the required phone number in a special form, and information about the city of registration and the operator that services this number will be displayed.

Alternative way

It happens that when you enter a phone number in a search engine, the necessary information is found. Why? The person may have sold a house, a car, or rented a house online. And message boards require phone numbers. After posting the ad, the search engine can provide a link to the site by phone number, by clicking on which you can find the person’s last name and first name, as well as his address Email. The number must be entered in various formats. Maybe you'll get lucky.


There is no single way to help find a person by his number. Of course, there are databases through which you can find a subscriber both by number and other data. But only employees have access to them telephone companies and government services. It must be taken into account that the database must be the most up-to-date on this moment. It is through such bases that we need to act.

How can I find out the owner of a phone by phone number in another way? It's almost impossible. Through the Internet this operation practically impossible. Most of the services offering such services are scammers and distributors malware. You should not believe their promises, and then your computer will be safe, and the money will remain in your account and will not fall into the hands of crooks.

Having a mobile phone for every person opens up great opportunities for obtaining information about him: from call details to data on a person’s location. What exactly can you find out about the owner of the phone if you know his cell phone number?

You can find a social network account by phone number

Now all popular social networks require linking your account to a phone number. Therefore, if you have a phone, you can try to find a social network account linked to this phone. And from the information posted on the social network by the account owner, you can get a lot of useful material for compiling a dossier.

Previously, in some social networks it was possible to independently determine the linking of a phone number to a social network account. Now all these security holes are closed. There is only one option left to obtain such information - through one of the social network employees. But it must be taken into account that not all employees have access to such information.

You can find out which phone is linked to your social network account

The opposite situation may also be true: you don’t know the person’s phone number, but you know his social network account. In this case, you can find out the number associated with his account. And having this information, get other materials about the person you are interested in.

You can try to obtain this information in the same way as the information from the previous paragraph.

You can find out about the availability of payment cards issued to your phone number

Having a phone number, you can find out whether payment cards from major Russian banks have been issued to it. If it turns out that there are such cards, you can track in what places and at what time money was withdrawn from the card. It can also be useful to detail the expenses on the card.

Employees of the banks that issued the cards have access to this data. To find out if a person has open cards, you need to get information from all major banks.

Obviously, a third party cannot simply obtain such information. A bank employee you know can theoretically help you - if he has access to this database. If your friend works as a cashier or security guard at a bank, he will not help you.

But to get complete information, you need to have friends in the main banks of the country. As you can imagine, this is unlikely.

You can check whether parking was paid from this number

You can find out whether parking was paid from a phone number. If parking was paid, this means that the mobile subscriber has a car. You can also find out the exact location and time of payment for parking, that is, track a person’s movements. You can also get information about vehicles that are registered with the inspection object and collect additional useful information.

This information is stored in Department of Transportation databases. The traffic police can send a request and receive data from these databases.

You need to understand that not every employee of the department of transport or traffic police has access to such information. Obviously, the parking attendant does not have access to this database.

To get information about parking, it is best to find a friend or acquaintance who works system administrator in the Department of Transport and is responsible for the database. Such a person will be able to “pull out” all the necessary data.

A familiar traffic police officer is unlikely to help here. To obtain data, he will need to send an official request, which will be documented. In the event of an official investigation, the fact of unofficial curiosity will be revealed and the employee will be punished. It is unlikely that anyone will want to take such risks for you.

You can obtain information from credit institutions

If the owner of the phone number contacted credit organizations, then you can send a request to the credit history bureau and find out the full passport data. And with the help of this information, collect a complete dossier on the person. For example, his residence address and marital status.

If a person has previously taken out loans, then his data is stored in the credit history bureau.

This data is requested by a bank employee when he issues a loan. Data from the bureau goes to the bank's security service. The security service makes a decision on issuing a loan. And the employee who sent the request only receives a “yes” or “no” answer. That is, the employee who sent the request does not have access to passport data.

To obtain this information, you need to have “your person” in the bank’s security service. If there is such a person among your friends, try to get the necessary data through him.

Find out if a person has other phone numbers

You can search through the databases of mobile operators and find out if there are other SIM cards registered to this person. If there is, you can collect information on them.

This data is available in the databases of mobile operators. The operator's security staff have access to the information. Therefore, look for such employees.

Find out on which device the SIM card was used

Besides the model mobile device you can find out whether other SIM cards were used on it.

This data, like information about other phone numbers, is stored in the databases of cellular operators and is available to their security personnel.

Operational accounting check

If the number was used in administrative, civil and other cases, you can find out who owns the number and the reasons why law enforcement agencies were interested in it.

Such data can be obtained through the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Find MIA employees among your friends and perhaps they will be able to help you. Or they will introduce you to someone who can help.

Where can the information obtained by phone number be used?

Phone number information may be useful for:

  • Checking spouses for infidelity;
  • Search for debtors;
  • Pre-employment checks;
  • Collecting information about business partners;
  • Identification of fraudsters and swindlers;
  • Finding out the identity of the telephone hooligan;
  • In many other cases, when you need to collect as much information as possible with only a phone number.

If everything is so complicated, how do you get the information you need?

Of course, information about the owner of the phone number is not provided to anyone. Most of this information can be issued by court order, or is available to police officers or cellular operators.

The option of obtaining the necessary information through the court is costly, both in time and money. Moreover, this option is unreliable. There is no guarantee that the court will rule in your favor.

In addition, it is not always possible to have something to go to court with. You won’t go to court with the wording: “I suspect my wife of cheating and therefore I need everything that can be found out using her phone number.” This is not a matter for court.

Likewise, the police or employees of cellular operators are unlikely to help you. Unless you have good friends among them. But even very good friends will not risk their work for you. Moreover, it’s free.

What to do?

In order not to look for friends who will have to pay a lot of money, contact our detective agency. We will provide you with all the necessary information for a reasonable price.

We have our own databases, as well as verified people to obtain information from various official databases.

Be careful! If you are offered such information for free or very cheap, most likely they want to deceive you. Such a service cannot be cheap. After all, we need to pay people who have access to the necessary databases. And no one will risk their job and break the law “for three kopecks.”

If you have friends who work in the right organizations and have access to the necessary data, you may find it more profitable to contact them. It will probably cost less. Although it won't necessarily be like that.

Your friend will set a price for the service, which, in his opinion, will cover all his risks. And, most likely, this price will not be lower than the price of our partners. It’s one thing to periodically provide services and receive a regular income for them (here you can put a lower price tag). And it’s a completely different matter when a person decides to take a risk once and wants to justify this risk. Most likely, he will set a fairly high price.

But the price is not the main thing here. Think about safety. If it turns out that information was provided to a third party, an internal investigation will begin in the organization where your friend works. And the culprit of the information leak will be discovered. What will your friend do in such a situation? Without hesitation he will give you away as a customer. This can result in serious problems for you, including criminal liability for violating the law on confidential data.

If you cooperate with us, in such a situation, our partner will not be able to give you away. Because he doesn't know you, just like you don't know him. You, too, will not be able to “turn in” the person who will get information for you (that is, us), since you do not know us, and we will never meet you. We take a commission for this as well - that is, to ensure that all participants in the transaction sleep peacefully.

How to order our services?

Call us and tell us about your problem. We will listen to you and offer our solution. If you are satisfied with it, you will need to make a small advance payment, then we will prepare the information you need. When everything is ready, we will send you part of the collected material so that you can be sure that we have the necessary data. After this, you pay the entire order amount and receive all the information you ordered.

Click to call now and state your case.

Today it is quite easy to determine the location of a person by his mobile phone number. If you really need to urgently find a person, then use our tips, and you will definitely find the one you need if you only know his phone number.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

If you decide to use the services of companies that promise to provide you with a database via the Internet, then be extremely careful. Today you can often find scammers who want to profit from other people's problems. Unscrupulous companies offer to send the database only after you send a message to a specific short number. Do not trust such companies under any circumstances, they are pure fraud.
In this article we will tell you about proven methods that allow you to quickly find out where a person is. All you need to know is his mobile phone number.

Obtaining information about a person by phone number

So, if you need to know where a person is currently located, if you only know him mobile number, then use the tips provided below.
1. You can contact the company of the mobile operator you need. After explaining the essence of the current problem, they will be able to help you. But remember that you need to provide really important reasons why you urgently need to find out information about the person. They don’t just give out such information.
2. You can contact specialized authorities - the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB, which will also help in solving such problems. In order to be provided with information about a person, you must write a statement indicating the reasons for the search.
3. If, for example, you have any receipt for payment of an invoice by this person, then you can contact a bank employee and try to find out the name and surname of the person who paid this invoice. Perhaps bank employees will meet you halfway and provide such information.
4. On the Internet you can find many services that offer databases. But when choosing this option, remember that you need to be very careful not to fall for scammers.
5. You can also find a person by phone number using search engines. For example, on many sites people leave various advertisements for buying/selling and, of course, indicate contact information, including a phone number. Try entering a phone number in a search engine and see what information the system returns to your request.

What to pay attention to

So, we have described to you five ways in which you can find out where this or that person is if you only know his mobile phone number. Please remember that you must obtain such information only from trusted sources. You should not use the services of dubious organizations; you will lose your own time and money. If you have friends who work in companies where you can find out the information you are interested in, then contact these people for help with extreme caution so that they do not subsequently have problems at work.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

Many subscribers constantly want to know how to find out the last name by phone number, since this question can reveal the essence of the full name of the subscriber who owns this or that mobile phone number. It happens that by surname it is possible to find one or another relative or friend who was lost several years ago. In addition, sometimes subscribers communicate in a not entirely impartial manner, so threats that were made against one or another person can be challenged through a personal meeting. In order to do this, you can find out the subscriber's full name through his phone number. And here's how it's done - we'll talk today, because the help portal mobile subscribers the site will gladly agree to do this for each of the site’s readers. All that will be necessary directly from the users of the resource is to carefully understand the information received and take the right step along the way: to solve the problem through one single option or method, which will be proposed just below.

Note that it is quite easy to find out a last name by phone number, since today there are very many possible ways. The task of the site user is to analyze all of them and then choose the most suitable one for himself. The relevance of the material is completely high, since the article was created in September 2014.

What will the topic be discussed?

As mentioned above, it is supposed to find out the subscriber’s last name by phone number through the use of data for one or another step. Below we will talk about what exactly can be used to solve the problem. Each subscriber will need to finally decide for himself which of them will be effective and efficient.

  1. The article will mention words about contacting the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB
  2. There will also be a conversation about contacting the mobile offices of cellular communication companies
  3. We will also talk about the fact that when paying a check you can spy on your last name
  4. It is also possible to check data through the use of databases online or offline
  5. Finally, you can always enter data into search engines and see what they come up with

IMPORTANT: Finding out the name of the subscriber by phone number means figuring out in time who exactly called and what he needed. There will be a few words below about the fact that not all methods will be relatively effective (we are talking about the fact that scammers sometimes operate on sites that offer databases). The help portal for mobile subscribers offers to tune in right now to receive information and make profitable decisions for themselves by parting with the problem of finding a person or his last name by mobile number.

Let's find out the last name and first name through the number right now

You can find out a phone number by last name in much the same way as, vice versa, you can figure out a last name through your mobile phone number. All these steps and methods get along well with each other, so approximately the same step will be most effective. The point is that using any of the methods will mean solving the problem.

IMPORTANT: We remind you that you can use data from the website portal at any time of the day. Here you need to understand: finding a name by phone is possible, and there are as many as 5 steps that can help every person with this. It is enough just to take any of them and follow with it to the very end.

What else is left?

Do not resort to illegal methods of searching for information through data hacking or other steps. It is best to choose one of the five methods and find out the last name in a short time, and do it in a completely legal way.

The portal site ends the conversation on the topic of searching for a last name via phone and wishes all users a speedy solution to the problem.
