Press conferences. Arthur Keskinov: We strive for dialogue and mutual understanding "with the financial participation of the owners"

As a metropolitan region that is ahead of the rest in everything, Moscow has changed the terms of the overhaul. Now the program also includes the replacement of old cast-iron radiators with new, bimetallic ones. This year, overhaul will come to 1,800 Moscow houses. Artur Keskinov, Director General of the Capital Repair Fund for Moscow apartment buildings, spoke about the extent to which batteries will be replaced and what this will lead to.

- Artur Lvovich, tell us, how many houses have started or will start major repairs this year?

Now the capital repair program is proceeding according to the short-term plan for 2015-2016. During this period, we must come to 1930 houses, repair and replace 23 thousand engineering systems and their elements. The first contributions from the owners to the fund were received in August last year. Together with the Department of Capital Repairs of Moscow, we developed project documentation and last fall we entered the houses for direct repair work. By the end of 2015, work was underway in 388 houses.

We started with all-season work. Basically, it was the repair and replacement of electrics, garbage chambers, utilities in the basements. Now, with the change of the season, we were able to start seasonal work. Today we work in more than 1000 houses. With a frequency of three to four days, we add an average of 100-120 houses to this number. And I hope that by June 10 we will be working in 1400 houses. In addition, the design and estimate documentation for another 500 houses is currently undergoing expert evaluation - we plan to begin repair work in them in July. At the same time, we are engaged in the replacement of elevators - it does not have a seasonal link, such as, for example, the replacement of heating appliances. We have replaced more than 2500 elevators last year. In total, by the end of 2016, six thousand elevators will be replaced under the program.

- That is, the repair work of last year did not require admission to the apartments?

Quite right. We tried to gently enter the house. Our goal was to see what the mood of the apartment owners is and show them that our contractors can work accurately. We tried to minimize the discomfort for residents, which is possible during the overhaul.

- By what date will all 1,900 houses included in the short-term program be overhauled?

I would like to note right away that a housing overhaul of this magnitude has never been carried out in the recent history of Moscow. The short-term plan is a two-year one, and according to the schedule, the work should be completed by the end of 2016.

- Will batteries be changed in all the houses included in the overhaul program?

Practically, by the way, not in all regions during the overhaul they change heating devices in apartments. Moscow is one of the few regions where this is done. The city initially declared an integrated approach to the repair, that is, the repair of the heating system involved the replacement of batteries. And considering that in the first years of the program, mainly houses built before 1960 were included, replacement of the heat supply system and, accordingly, batteries is needed in almost every one of them: for these residential buildings, a comprehensive repair of the heat supply system is considered as a mandatory type of work that we plan to carry out .

To replace batteries in apartments, 2.5 million sections of bimetallic radiators will be required. The total heat transfer from such a number of radiators is approximately 502 megawatts, which is only 25 percent less than the capacity of the Irkutsk HPP. As experts jokingly say, the heat from all the new radiators in Moscow apartments can melt the ice on the Volga River.

Please tell us more about the heating devices that you will use. What are their advantages?

This modern appliances. Many Muscovites who make repairs in their apartment install just such radiators today. The bimetallic radiator is harmless, you can’t get burned on it. It is compact, lightweight, durable and aesthetically pleasing. The mass of one section of a bimetallic radiator is no more than 2.4 kilograms, while the weight of a section of a cast-iron radiator exceeds seven kilograms. The lightness of the device is important for high-quality installation, besides, it does not give additional load on the walls. The bimetallic radiators included in the project have a high heat output of one section - 185 watts, while the heat output of a cast-iron radiator section varies from 140 to 160 watts (depending on the model).

- Are domestic radiators being installed in Moscow?

As part of the implementation of the regional program for the overhaul of apartment buildings in Moscow, it was decided to use primarily the products of domestic manufacturers. The advantages here are obvious: on the one hand, Russian enterprises are provided with orders, on the other hand, certified materials and equipment are delivered uninterruptedly to repair facilities. First of all, members of the Russian Association of Heating Radiator Manufacturers (APRO) were considered as suppliers of heating appliances for the overhaul program. Moreover, Moscow manufacturers were a priority for the city's overhaul program - we support a local manufacturer, but quality comes first for us. All selected radiators comply with GOST, are certified, have passports, as well as test reports from independent laboratories confirming the parameters declared by the manufacturer.

What is the warranty period for these devices?

The warranty period is five years, and the service life of the radiator is at least 25 years. The technical passport of the radiator contains its main characteristics, references to the GOST according to which it is made, a description of the operating conditions, and the warranty period is also indicated. The passport is issued to the contractor for the entire batch and kept with him for warranty period. The manufacturer is responsible for the devices. The technical passport is a document with which you can contact the manufacturer in case of any deviations in the operation of the battery itself. But installation is our area of ​​​​responsibility. And those contractors who mount radiators. We also, in accordance with the conditions that the city has determined, have a five-year guarantee for the work. For this period, a bank guarantee from the contractor is given. In case of deviations from regular situations, all problems will be eliminated at the expense of the funds allocated by the bank for insurance.

And how are the necessary sets of radiators selected depending on the area and layout of the apartment? Is there a risk that the new radiator won't fit?

No, the plant, according to the approved project, will make ready-made radiators assembled from three to 15 sections. If earlier it was necessary manual mode to bring a radiator of seven sections in line with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (remove or add sections), today, according to the specification, we receive at the factory a specific set of batteries for a specific area. Mechanical assembly or adjustment on site is completely eliminated, and this speeds up the installation process.

- In how many houses cast-iron batteries have already been replaced?

We started replacing immediately after turning off the heating in the city (the heating season ended on May 6. - First of all, the replacement of heating risers began to be done in the apartments of those 388 houses where the overhaul began at the end of last year. All other houses are connected to the replacement gradually. Until July, we plan to hand over heating in the first 100 houses. The work is hard, it requires coordination with all owners. Residents should understand that replacing the heating system is in their best interest. The need to replace all components of the heating system is explained by the fact that partial replacement of riser pipes will not eliminate existing problems and can lead to pipe leaks in ceilings, flooding of apartments, and insufficient heating of heaters. That is why it is very important to provide access to the apartments to carry out work on each floor.

- How do people perceive now that repairmen come to their apartments, do they all agree?

Before starting work in a particular house, we go through all the apartments with a list of works. We always have a senior in the house with us. If someone refuses, then we fix it. As a rule, those tenants who have already done it themselves do not agree to replace batteries.

- When the installers enter the apartment, how long does the work take?

Ideally, installation takes two days. Work is carried out only on weekdays, we adapt to the schedule of residents. We agree to let us in, we prepare a place where welding will take place - we move the furniture away, we enclose the walls with asbestos sheets. After the installation is completed, we put everything in order under the control of the owner. To date, everything is being done to minimize inconvenience when working in apartments. Owners can check not only the equipment passport and request a project, but also get all the information about the qualifications of specific specialists - all the certificates, all the information is available from the responsible persons at the facility. Owners are usually afraid of the unknown, we provide comprehensive information at all stages of replacement.


Artur Keskinov: We strive for dialogue and mutual understanding

A program for the overhaul of multi-apartment housing stock has been launched in Moscow. Behind a long and difficult preparatory period: endless consultations, meetings, votes, disputes over funding. The Government of Moscow, embarking on the implementation of this large-scale project (it will last 30 years), offered residents two alternative options for managing processes. Independent and state.

In the first case, the burden of responsibility lies with the residents who decided to organize the repair work on their own. In the second, this duty, and hence responsibility, is entrusted to the Fund for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings in Moscow, a state organization created by the Government of Moscow in the winter of 2014. It is included in the structure of the city government and is empowered to organize all major repairs.

It is the employees of the Capital Repair Fund that will, all these decades, be at the forefront of the work front. The author of the article was able to find out what tasks are now facing the leadership, who, figuratively speaking, will be entrusted with the helm, in a conversation with the head of the Fund, Artur Keskinov.

Artur Lvovich, The Capital Repair Fund was created not so long ago - in December last year. How are the staffing?

- To date, the staff is staffed by 15%. Don't let this small number scare you. The practical part of the program lasts only a week, and we are currently looking for staff. We select employees at an open competition, which we organized jointly with the Moscow State University of Management (MSUU) of the Moscow Government. Before us is to recruit a team of highly qualified professionals, and this can only be done by considering the maximum number of candidates.

How interested are job seekers in the Capital Repair Fund? The site is not easy, the mechanism is just to be adjusted and debugged?

- The competition began on June 15 and the first results showed a high interest of candidates. We posted vacancy announcements on the portals of the Moscow Government, Our City, and Vacancies of the Moscow Government. I must say that this is the first time Moscow is holding such a large-scale recruiting event. To date, we have considered 1200 applications. And they keep coming. So everyone who wants to try their hand has the opportunity to take part in the competition.

Which specialist are you currently looking for? To what extent do the qualifications of candidates meet the stated requirements?

- Today we are recruiting technical specialists. These are technical supervision engineers and estimators. This is due to the fact that already in August we will begin what is called “coming home”. It is impossible to organize the work without these specialists. The technical supervision engineer must organize the work, provide all conditions for its timely execution. Plus, his duty is to communicate with residents - he must explain why the work is being carried out, inform the timing, take into account the wishes of the residents. The task of the estimator is to work with documentation. I can say that the professional level of the applicants pleasantly surprised me and even exceeded my expectations.

It is worth telling in detail about the competition for the selection of personnel for the Capital Repair Fund. This system of recruitment has already proven itself in the HR industry. This is not a standard interview with an attractive candidate. In an open competition, the applicant does not talk about his merits, but shows in practice what he is capable of.

« The main criterion for us is professionalism and the ability to make the most of the accumulated experience and knowledge in our work.», - told the author Vasily Fiveysky, acting. Rector of Moscow State University of Management of the Government of Moscow. « We are looking for people who can communicate with people and have analytical thinking. This is very important, because you have to work with numbers, documentation, large amounts of information. Therefore, accuracy and diligence is also an important selection criterion. Computer skills and the ability not to get lost on the World Wide Web are not even discussed. Now, when almost the entire document flow, and the execution of public services, is being transferred to electronic form, knowledge of the Internet is a production necessity”.

What does the portrait of a candidate for the positions of technical specialists of the Fund look like? More than half are already experienced professionals, aged 30 to 50 years.

Many of them have worked in government and commercial structures. Many are familiar with the housing stock of Moscow firsthand from previous work in the housing and communal services of the city. Among those who came from the commercial sector, there are those who worked in such companies as PIK Group, DONSTROY, Morton Group.

« The professions of technical supervision engineer and estimator are considered male. We received 669 applications for the position of an engineer and 514 for the position of an estimator,”clarified Vasily Fiveysky. “The competition for the position of an engineer is 7 people per place, for an estimator – 25. There are many responses from young people – 38%% of applicants are under 30 years old. I want to say right away that we do not have strict age restrictions. Also, we do not take into account the gender factor. The main professionalism and qualifications”

In a conversation with the candidates, it was most interesting to find out what attracted them to the vacancy offered by the Foundation. The most frequent answers are the opportunity to work in the specialty and learn new knowledge, the scale of the planned work and the stability of work in a state organization.

- Artur Lvovich, what salary can a candidate who has successfully completed all the tests expect?

- The starting amount for a technical supervision engineer is 47 thousand rubles. But we have a system of correction factors. It all depends on the amount of work that the employee will perform. I can say that our salary is quite decent and competitive in the market. Plus a mandatory social package.

The competition consists of several stages. The first is brainstorming. In twenty minutes, the teams must make a presentation on how to organize one or another stage of the overhaul. It is evaluated by a jury of experts and leaders of the Capital Repair Fund. At a specially organized public competition, which brought together journalists from the capital and federal media, the contestants were tested on their ability to organize work with residents. According to the terms, the teams had to explain to the jury what should and should NOT be done when working with the population.

-Why such attention, specifically, to the communication skills of candidates?

- Knowledge of construction and repair technologies, methods and methods of processing materials is the profession of candidates. They studied it, they worked with it and will continue to work. But it is important for us that a person is customer-oriented. In our case, the client is a resident of Moscow. How many people - so many opinions and characters. Therefore, it is important that our employees are able to find a common language with people and build a constructive dialogue. With the help of such a test, we can immediately understand whether the candidate will cope with this task or not.

By the way, this stage is also a test for the ability to generate ideas and leadership qualities. Another important factor is resilience. In fact, team members compete with each other. Everyone applies for a vacancy, but not everyone will be selected. The important thing is to ignore it and act as if it were a normal meeting. The nervousness is added by journalists scurrying around and flashlights, cameramen climbing onto the table for the sake of a beautiful frame. The situation is really as close as possible to the combat. The ability to focus - a chance to go to the next stage.

The proposed presentations were strikingly different from each other. The first speakers successfully coped with the task. Among the conditions necessary when working with residents, they indicated the observance of cleanliness, the coordination of the time for carrying out noisy work, they recognized the littering of the territory as unacceptable, the failure to meet the deadlines for the completion of the facility. The second team, according to Artur Keskinov, clearly consisted of former housing and communal services employees. The presentation they proposed was full of intricate terms, such as “object passport”, “initial permit documentation”, “subsidized component”.

« It's unacceptable to talk to a resident like that", - Artur Keskinov criticized applicants . « You can only be understood with a dictionary. With such a vocabulary, work at the facility will turn into a series of conflicts due to misunderstanding. Communicate with residents in a language they understand.". True, in the end he added a spoonful of honey to the barrel of tar, noting that there was no doubt about the candidates' knowledge of the materiel and document flow.

- After each test, candidates are screened. How many people usually reach the finish line?

- Since our selection criteria are quite strict, on average, 20% of applicants do not pass to the next stage. Those who coped with the tasks and proved themselves, at the final stage, are individually interviewed by the heads of the Fund's departments. They are the ones who make the final decision. By the way, we strive to ensure that the hired employee works in the same administrative district where he lives. So, firstly, he will not waste time on the road, and secondly, he will not need to explore new territory.

­- How many people will work in the Fund? When will the state be fully staffed?

- The total number of employees of the Fund will be 400 people. We now hold such “Days of Evaluation” continuously. In addition to technical specialists, we need to organize a subscriber service, a legal and financial department, IT and other departments. I expect that by December of this year the state will be fully staffed.

It is not in vain that so much attention has been paid to the selection and training of specialists from the Capital Repair Fund. In total, according to the program regulations, 14 types of work will be performed at each house. These are the replacement of hot and cold water supply systems, the replacement of central heating systems, the replacement of elevators, the renovation of the roof, cosmetic repairs and painting, the replacement of fire safety and smoke removal systems, the replacement of drains and sewers, the repair of garbage chutes, the installation of glass and the repair of doors in common access areas. Therefore, each of the employees is subject to increased requirements in knowing the intricacies and nuances of the repair process.

print version

Relieved of their positions - Head of the Department of Capital Repairs Artur Keskinov, Head of the Department of Culture Sergey Kapkov, Head of the Committee public services Alexey Stepanov.

Sergei Sobyanin thanked them for their successful and fruitful work in the city's executive authorities and presented them with letters of commendation from the mayor of Moscow.

It is noted that Sergei Kapkov left his position of his own free will.

A little later, the ex-head of the Moscow Department of Culture at a meeting of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Culture and Mass Communications commented on his departure from the department to VM:

I don't have any promotion, I plan to continue working as Sergey Kapkov. Now is the time when, for various reasons, I should not work at the mayor's office. I think that the mayor is satisfied with my work, let's assume that such a period has come in my life that, probably, I should not work as an official yet. I don't want to go abroad.


Vitaly Mikhailichenko has been appointed head of the Moscow Capital Repair Department. Previously, he held the position of deputy department.

Alexander Kibovsky, who headed the Department cultural heritage.

I will be pleased after 15 years to enter the building on Neglinnaya again, however, already as the head of the Department of Culture, - he said, commenting on his new appointment. - I have been working in culture for almost 20 years, so I have a good idea of ​​the volume, complexity and importance of the issues that the industry is facing. ()

Yelena Shynkaruk has been appointed Chairman of the Public Services Committee. Previously, she served as the head of the Control Department of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow.

Aleksey Yemelyanov will act as head of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow.


Sergei Alexandrovich Kapkov was born on December 10, 1975 in the city of Gorky (the city changed its name and is now Nizhny Novgorod).

1998 - completed his studies at the Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Administration at the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration.

2001 - studied at the graduate school of the Volga-Vyatka Academy (specialty "Social Philosophy").

From 2001 to 2003 - worked as Deputy Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, was the head of the Department of Culture, Youth, Sports, Tourism and Information Policy of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. He headed the regional branch of the party created in the district " United Russia in March 2002.

December, 2003 - elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly. He was a member of the Committee on civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation).

June, 2004 - Chairman of the Board of the National Football Academy Foundation.

April, 2006 - Vice-President of the Russian Football Union.

December, 2007 - elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly. He was the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for information policy, information technology and connections.

March, 2011 - resigned as a State Duma deputy. Such a need arose due to the appointment of the director of the Maxim Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure.

August, 2011 - appointed Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Culture.

September, 2011 - appointed head of the Department of Culture.

On June 6, 2013, he was appointed Acting Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow.

On September 17, 2013, he was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow.

He was married to Ekaterina Grinchevskaya (born 1981). Former fashion model, host of the Russia-24 channel. I met in Nizhny Novgorod in 2000. A few years ago, the marriage broke up. In this marriage, two children - daughter Sophia and son Ivan.

In 2001 he graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in state and municipal management.

After graduation, he worked at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

From 1985 to 1987 he served in the Soviet Army.

From 1987 to 1998 he continued to work at MPEI.

In 1998, he was appointed to the position of director of the state enterprise DEZ "Lefortovo" of the South-Eastern Administrative District.

Since 1999 - First Deputy Head of the Lefortovo District Council of the South-East Administrative District.

In 2001 he was appointed Head of the Department public utilities SEAD, director of the State Unitary Enterprise of the city of Moscow "General Directorate of a single customer" SEAD of the city of Moscow.

In 2003, he worked as Deputy Prefect of the South-East Administrative District of Moscow.

From 2003 to 2005 - First Deputy Prefect of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

In the period from 2005 to 2008 - Head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow.

In 2008, he headed the newly created Department of Capital Repairs of the city of Moscow.

On June 6, 2013, he was appointed acting head of the Capital Repair Department of the city of Moscow.

On September 17, 2013, he was appointed head of the Capital Repair Department of the city of Moscow.

Stepanov Alexey Vladimirovich was born in 1977 in the village of Nakhabino, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Master of Management. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

From 1997 to 2003 he worked in senior positions in commercial organizations, carrying out production activities in the field of development and implementation of drinking water purification technologies.

From 2003 to 2008, he worked in structural subdivisions of the Moscow Government, starting from a leading specialist to deputy head of the Department for Coordination and Development of Administrative Reform of the Moscow Government.

In September 2008, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Public Services of the City of Moscow.

Since January 2009 - Chairman of the State Services Committee of the city of Moscow.

"Connections / Partners"



On March 15, 2011, Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin signed a decree appointing A.L. Keskinov to the position of head of the Department for Capital Repairs of the Housing Stock of the City of Moscow with the conclusion of a service contract for the term of office of the Mayor of Moscow.

After overhaul

What awaits the Muscovites, whose houses have been overhauled this summer? When will the repairmen come to the rest of the townspeople? Artur Keskinov, head of Moscow's housing stock overhaul department, answered these and other questions from readers of the newspaper during a "business breakfast" at Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

New elevators in Moscow buildings will be equipped with sound and LED equipment - Artur Keskinov, Acting Head of the Department for Capital Repairs of the Housing Stock of the Capital

Moscow. February 17. INTERFAX-MOSCOW — Implementation of the year that came into force in autumn 2010 technical regulations concerning the safety of elevators, will lead to the fact that the new cabins will be fundamentally different from the products of the previous generation, according to Artur Keskinov, Acting Head of the Department for Capital Repairs of the Housing Stock of the Capital.

“First of all, these are new requirements for automatic closing of doors,” A. Keskinov said, explaining that the new elevators will be equipped with special LED devices.

Paid for everything

The grand overhaul of residential buildings promised by the Moscow authorities is beginning to gain momentum. And than large quantity Muscovites are affected by it, the more questions arise. The journalists of RG were convinced of this during a conversation at the Business Breakfast with Arthur Keskinov, head of the department for the overhaul of the housing stock of the city of Moscow.

The elevator is a vehicle

This was announced by Artur Keskinov, Acting Head of the Department of Capital Repairs of the Moscow Housing Stock, at a meeting of the Moscow Government, where issues of planning and organizing work to replace and modernize elevator equipment in Moscow apartment buildings were discussed.

4 thousand elevators will be replaced in the capital for 6 billion rubles

According to the mayor, in the previous two years, due to the crisis, “nothing was spent on the modernization of elevators at all.” As a result, they "completely depleted their resources." Artur Keskinov, head of the department for the overhaul of the Moscow housing stock, in turn, said that lists of addresses where work is planned are already ready.

The Conference was attended by Deputy Mayor of the City of Moscow in the Government of Moscow for Housing and Utilities and Improvement Petr Biryukov, Head of the Department for Capital Repairs of the Housing Fund of the City of Moscow Artur Keskinov, Commissioner for Human Rights in the City of Moscow Alexander Muzykantsky, Head of the Department for Coordinating the Activities of the HOA and organization of self-government in the MKD of the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow Vitaly Akimkin, head of the State Institution "Center for Reform in the Housing and Public Utilities" Irina Shramko, members of the Public Council of the City of Moscow, expert scientists, representatives of HOAs, DEZs, public figures.

The facades of historical buildings will be repaired on the Garden Ring of Moscow

Repair work will be carried out on an area of ​​325.6 thousand square meters. m., added Artur Keskinov, head of the capital repairs department of the city of Moscow. Supervision of the reconstruction of architectural monuments will be carried out by the department of cultural heritage and the department for the overhaul of the city's housing stock, it was noted at the meeting.
link: 271-na-sadovom- otrestavriruyut-fasady

Residents are invited to discuss the overhaul of houses

A meeting dedicated to the course of the overhaul in the district will take place tomorrow, November 23, at 17:00 at school 909 (building 818). Artur Keskinov, head of the Department of capital repairs of the housing stock of Moscow, and Anatoly Smirnov, prefect of Zelenograd, will meet with residents of the houses under repair. This was announced at today's meeting with residents by the head of the district council of Staroe Kryukovo, Lyudmila Petrova.

135 billion rubles will be spent on the overhaul of housing in Moscow over 5 years

Within five years, about 135 billion rubles will be spent on the repair of apartment buildings in Moscow. According to RIA Novosti, this was announced at a meeting of the city government by the head of the capital's overhaul department Artur Keskinov.

Keskinov: in the next 20 years, the overhaul of housing in Moscow will be carried out at the expense of the budget

59 houses to be renovated in SWAD in 2009

According to the press service, the prefect of the SWAD Alexei Chelyshev held a meeting of the headquarters for the overhaul of the housing stock and landscaping. The Headquarters was attended by Artur Keskinov, Head of the Department of Capital Repairs of the Housing Stock of Moscow, heads of district administrations, as well as chairmen of homeowners' associations (HOA), whose houses will be overhauled in 2009.

Major overhaul: obligations will be met

Igor Ivlev, head of the Meshchansky district council, Artur Keskinov, head of the Department of capital repairs of the housing stock of the city of Moscow, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolai Gonchar and Sergey Zheleznyak, deputies of the Moscow City Duma Inna Svyatenko and Kirill Shitov came to answer questions from residents.

Student Government of Understudies: Personnel Project

Recently, on behalf of the head of the department, Artur Lvovich Keskinov, we began to analyze and classify applications received by the department. Most of the letters are complaints and appeals of residents on overhaul issues. In order to take timely action, you need to clearly know what Muscovites are complaining about.

Keskinov Artur Lvovich is the General Director of the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow.

Keskinov Artur Lvovich: Biography

In 1960 (November 25) Keskinov Artur Lvovich was born in the city of Yerevan. In 1994, Artur Lvovich Keskinov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture with a degree in architecture. Education, as well as the first job in the specialty Keskinov Artur Lvovich received at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Artur Keskinov studied well and was an example for many. He graduated with honors and graduated with a degree in state and municipal administration. In the next fifteen years, Arthur from the position of a simple engineer became deputy. Director of the campus of the Moscow Energy Institute.

Keskinov Artur's career

In the late nineties, Keskinov Artur Lvovich decided to continue his career in the direction of housing and communal services in Moscow.
Soon (1998), Keskinov was appointed to the post of director of the state enterprise DEZ "Lefortovo" of the South-Eastern Administrative District (SEAD).
A year later, in 1999, Artur Keskinov was appointed deputy head of the Lefortovo District Council of the South-Eastern Administrative District (SEAD).
In 2001, he became the head of the public utilities department of the South-Eastern Administrative District (SEAD), as well as the director of the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) in Moscow.
In 2003, he accepted the position of Deputy Prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District (SEAD) in Moscow.
Between 2003 and 2005 was the first deputy prefect of the central administrative district in the city of Moscow.
From 2005 to 2008 he was appointed head of housing and communal services for the improvement of Moscow.
In the next 7 years (2008 - 2015), Artur Keskinov served as the head of the overhaul department in the city of Moscow.
In 2015 (March 18), he won the competition and became the general director of the Fund, which was engaged in the overhaul of houses with many apartments in Moscow.

Thanks to his merits, Arthur Lvovich Keskinov was awarded several medals and even the honorary title "Honorary Worker of the Housing and Communal Services of the City of Moscow."

One of Keskinov's main partners is who is a Russian political and statesman (the third mayor of the city of Moscow).

Sobyanin and Keskinov

During the time that Artur Keskinov was in the position of the head of the department, about 10 thousand houses were repaired and 18 thousand elevators were installed. Arthur made three thousand facades of iconic buildings that form the appearance of the capital.

Personal life of Arthur Keskinov

Artur Lvovich Keskinov never discloses his personal life, so practically nothing is known about her.

Keskinov now

To date, Keskinov Artur Lvovich is in the position CEO Fund for the overhaul of houses (apartment) in the city of Moscow. Arthur, together with Sergei Sobyanin, approved the amount of the contribution for the overhaul. Now each apartment owner will pay at least 15 rubles per square meter. This regional program was approved by the government for the next 30 years.

Graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute
