Reception, reception, as you can hear: we independently connect and set up the CB radio station in the car. How to set up a walkie-talkie: tips Device for tuning car radios and antennas

Last time, we installed the stationary car radio itself in our car (), made a competent power connection, wired the cable to the antenna, and installed a filter ().
Now we will tune the antenna itself - adjust its standing wave ratio (SWR). Without this procedure, our entire walkie-talkie-antenna bundle may work not only badly, but may not even work at all ...
One special SWR meter is required to perform this adjustment. It costs about 1000r. and differs in frequency ranges, naturally, for a 27 MHz walkie-talkie, you need a device capable of operating at such a frequency (as a rule, they can work from 0.5 to 150 MHz, this is best to take). Also, almost all of them can also show the real output power of the radio, as a rule, in practice, “real” Watts differ from those indicated by the manufacturer ...
The SWR meter is connected to the gap between the radio and the antenna:

We set the arrow on it to "0", turn it on and press the transmit button on the radio or PTT. The arrow will immediately jump and show the real SWR. When they connected the SWR meter to my walkie-talkie, it was something like 3.5.
The lower the SWR, the better. The ideal value is 1.1, 1.2, well, at worst 1.3. Anything higher will hurt your transmission. So you need to look for the cause either in the antenna, or in the wire, or in the walkie-talkie, or maybe all together.
Adjusting the antenna comes down to loosening the screws on its base and lowering or raising the pin into the coil or vice versa from it, respectively. Some antennas are regulated by "biting off" the excess length of the pin itself.
The setting is made on a specific grid. As a rule, this is the "C" grid. That is, if you work with 15 and 19 channels, then it is best to set up in the middle - at the time of tuning, the radio should work in channel 17.
After setting up the miracle device, the SWR of my walkie-talkie showed something around 1.3. It’s bad, of course, but it’s better than it was, and especially considering that I extended the wire from the radio to the antenna, and it and the magnetic antenna are on the trunk lid, and not on the roof as it should be, the result is quite decent.
What is even more surprising is that when adjusting the SWR of the antenna on the ALAN 42 walkie-talkie, measurements were made on the same antenna, but with my other Megajet walkie-talkie, the SWR readings did not change! Again, despite the elongated cable, which did not exist before ... miracles directly.
Actually, now the pin in my antenna mount is in the highest - extreme position. The end of the pin is directly clamped, you can say the bottom bolt. That is, my SWR improved when the pin was pulled up. Higher - already dangerous - can vomit with a stream of wind.
And remember that after tuning, moving the magnetic base even a short distance can bring down the SWR, so choose a place in advance and know for sure that the antenna will be “sticky” there.
And one more thing - for those who buy an antenna: if the pin is separate from the coil and the seller says that it is tuned, do not believe him. They must tune your antenna with your walkie-talkie and on your car at the time of purchase. If they didn’t, and you don’t have a device, then you just bought a meter and a half of wire and a magnet. Set a mandatory SWR setting as a condition of purchase. An untuned antenna can even damage the radio while transmitting, in the best case you will lose output power when transmitting.
If the pin is already in the coil, then most likely the antenna is already tuned to the “C” grid.

Setting up radios. Alfa-Radio performs the following types of work:

2. We make tuning in Moscow and the Moscow region of car radios SI BI 27 MHz to the frequencies of truckers, SWR antennas for cars and trucks, tuning the basic antennas SI BI 27 MHz, VHF, DCV.
Alfa-Radio provides services for tuning the SWR (standing wave ratio) of the antenna. The cost of tuning the antenna depends on the availability of the installed radio station for connecting the device, the location of the antenna, the type and length of the car antenna pin. Simple antenna tuning - tuning an antenna on a magnetic base or a mortise antenna (an antenna embedded in the middle of the roof of a car) within the normal range for tuning a pin on a car is from 300 rubles. up to 500 rubles The cost of more complex SWR tuning with the need to shorten the pin or replace it with a longer one, tune the antennas to trucks, the settings of the base antennas range from 500 rubles to 1500 rubles.

We recommend checking the SWR of the antenna as planned - once a year or if the quality of the radio has changed. It is important to remember that when working on an untuned antenna, the radio's output power transistor may overheat and eventually fail. You can learn more about the service in the section - setting up car antennas.

3. Setting the channels of base radios (radio stations) and signal repeaters.

4. Setting up basic antennas of different types.

Everyone who has ever encountered civil radio communications has heard about tuning antennas. This important procedure is an integral part of the process of installing the communication kit on the vehicle. Many have heard, but not many know, and even more so, they know how to do it. In this short article I will talk about some of the myths that have appeared around this topic, the rules for installing antennas on a car and, of course, about tuning.

I already described the rules for installing antennas in my article about, but I will try to highlight in detail the main points of this process. Antenna installation is a creative process, there are many antennas, there are even more cars with different bodies, so, alas, there is no one universal solution (magic pill). However, it must be said that, subject to all the rules, you have a chance to make the antenna work as the manufacturer intended, that is, effectively.

General rules for installing mortise antennas

    1. The antenna must be installed on an honest ground, load-bearing body. Installing antennas on attachments (false ground), doors, hood, trunk, fenders (sometimes) is not advisable. Even if you use a bracket and strip the paint at the installation site, the efficiency of such a system will be reduced to the efficiency of a magnetic antenna and we lose about 30% of the efficiency, both in reception and in transmission. It makes no sense to throw a lot of different wires to the load-bearing body! It will not be a radio-technical earth, but an ordinary lightning rod. After such a procedure, the trunk or door will not become good ground. At radio frequency, such a conductor will be an LC circuit with floating parameters, which will unpredictably affect the tuning of the antenna. I must say that sometimes this trick works, but most often it does not. With such an installation, it will be quite tolerable to receive the antenna, but for transmission it will work like a magnet or even worse.
    2. The height and location of the antenna play an important role. The higher the antenna is installed, the more efficient it works. Installation "in the wing" or, even worse, in the bumper will reduce the range of transmission and reception by 40-50 percent. It is best to mount the antenna in the center of the roof, although it is not necessary. Rumor has it that installation on a bracket, in the corner of the roof, does not lose in any way installation in the center. This is not entirely true. In the city, due to reflections, the directivity effect will not be expressed, but on the highway or in open areas, when working over long distances, the directivity of such a system will be very noticeable. Moreover, the more effective the antenna, the more noticeable the effect will be. The antenna will work more efficiently towards a larger iron roof area! Moreover, the more effective the antenna, the more this effect will be expressed and noticeable. But for most tasks, the installation option in a corner would be more preferable, and here it is necessary to proceed from considerations of expediency.
    3. If the antenna crashes into the roof, the installation site must be reinforced with an additional metal plate to ensure mechanical strength.
    4. The extension coil and the antenna sheet must be as far as possible from any vertical metal surfaces parallel to the antenna sheet (at least 0.5 m). Otherwise, the antenna installed in this way will not work due to the high reactivity of space, absorption and reflection of signals in objects and body elements surrounding the antenna. This problem is especially acute when radioing trucks.

General rules for using a magnetic base antenna

  1. , as well as mortise antennas, must be installed on an honest ground. Bearing body. In this case, they will work as intended by the manufacturer and you will have a better chance that the antenna can be tuned. Installing the antenna on the trunk, as many people like to do, can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the antenna by about 30%, or even the inoperability of the entire system. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  2. The length of the magnetic antenna cable must not be changed arbitrarily, for example, lengthened or shortened. The antenna will stop tuning and working.
  3. The magnetic antenna cable laid through the cabin should not be rolled into a bay, as this can also affect the antenna settings.
  4. The setting of the magnet is not strong, but it depends on the position of it on the roof or trunk lid of the car. Having adjusted the antenna in one position, if you remove it when leaving home, try to put it in the same place when you need it.

Antenna tuning

This is perhaps the second most important procedure after the correct installation of the antenna. The fate of the output stage of your radio transmitter depends on the correct installation and tuning of the antenna. Under unfavorable circumstances (you stuck the antenna and "scored" on its tuning and testing), the transmitter may fail, dragging along not only the output stage transistors, but the entire radio as a whole. But how to check the correctness of the installation?

To set up the antenna, as well as verify the correct installation, we need a device, SWR meter. What it is and how to use it, I also already described and even shot a couple of video materials, for those who have not yet read them, I strongly recommend doing this. They are below.

A properly installed antenna usually needs only a little adjustment. If you don’t have your own device, and you come to uncles who provide similar services and who have such a device, but there is no understanding in your head of how it should all work, then your interaction with these figures will look something like this.

The uncle will get a penny device (, SWR-430, SWR-171) or some other similar one, with arrows. As a rule, they do not have antenna analyzers and most likely they do not know what it is. Connect the device to the walkie-talkie and the antenna, watch it so as not to confuse the sockets for connecting the antenna and the station.

He will press the transmission once, smartly flip the toggle switches on the device, turn the knob and say that you need to bite off a piece from your antenna (I talked about this in the video)! If you meet such a figure, run away from him! It's radio, motherfucking, destroyer! What is the correct way to tune the antenna? Below, a small algorithm.

Antenna tuning algorithm

  1. The antenna must be tuned away from metal, concrete, wood or other structures, including trees, at least 15-20 meters away. If possible, you need to go to a clean, flat, dry surface (asphalt). The presence of other CB antennas at a distance of 15-20 meters can also affect the tuning.
  2. Install the SWR meter in the system between the station and the antenna, observing the correct connection. An amplifier must not be used in this case.
  3. The SWR must be measured at several points, on several different channels, and preferably on different grids, in order to get a complete picture of what is happening in the antenna and cable.
  4. It is necessary to find the minimum SWR (if any), write down where it is (I talked about this in the video) and draw the appropriate conclusions about further tuning. If the SWR minimum is lower in frequency, then the antenna needs to be shortened (hello guys with wire cutters), if higher, then lengthen. But in any case, the minimum should be if the antenna is installed correctly and on a quality mass.
  5. Having found the minimum and having decided on further tuning, we manipulate the antenna, lengthen or shorten the pin, remove or add turns to the matching coil.
  6. We return to point 3. Repeat the cycle until the result is achieved.

I must say that it is not always possible to tune the antenna to SWR = 1, for some Antenna / Body combinations, such an indicator is not achievable. This often happens with Sirio Performers. There is nothing wrong with that, because, for example, with SWR = 1.5, the losses will be about 5%, with SWR = 2, about 11%, which, in general, is not scary and you , most likely you will not notice this, and moreover, this is not a reason for worry, but rather a feature of this particular installation.

The radio station will work confidently at SWR, up to 3, provided that the load is purely active (it is impossible to assess with a conventional SWR meter, an analyzer is needed). To work with an amplifier, you need to follow the rule that the SWR should be no more than 2.

Main problems when installing and tuning antennas

  1. If the SWR in at least one of the grids drops below 2, then the antenna is working correctly, it is not a fact that it is installed correctly, but the antenna itself is intact and functioning.
  2. If the SWR in all grids is from 2 to 5. This indicates a poor mass at the installation site, either a damp cable, or breaks in the matching coils of the antenna itself.
  3. If the SWR in all grids is above 5, the antenna is not working and you need to look for a problem. Anything can be here. A short in the cable. This could happen if the connector was not properly installed on the cable or when the antenna itself was installed. Or vice versa, the absence of a good contact somewhere, there is no connection with the antenna. It should be mentioned that for autotransformer antennas (AT-73, AT-2001 Turbo, Sirio Performer 5000, AT-1000 Eagle) the central core of the cable, if installed correctly, should ring on the cable braid. For single-coil antennas (AT-72, AT-71, Alan 9+, AT-1700), the braid should be called to the body ground, and the central core to the pin.

Myths about antenna tuning

  1. Antenna tuning helps to radically improve reception and transmission. This is partly true, but in real life, and on this range, it is practically not noticeable. The reception and transmission are affected by the literacy of the antenna installation and the presence of an honest mass as a counterweight.
  2. Antennas are delivered to stores already configured. This is not true, because, as Uncle Kaban correctly said, when buying an antenna, you buy only half of it. The second half is the body of your car. So the antenna needs to be tuned in any case.
  3. In nature, there are self-tuning civil band antennas. That's bullshit. CB antenna does not have active elements for such procedures.

If you remember any other myths related to this topic, you are welcome in the comments.

Good luck to everyone, 55, 73!

Modern technologies allow us to stay always in touch, regardless of the place of stay, weather, presence or absence cellular networks. All this is possible thanks to radio communication - a type of communication that uses radio waves of different frequencies as a carrier of information. Today, most of the radio equipment market is represented by walkie-talkies and radio stations that can be used as a means of communication for motorists and the military, security guards and hunters, fishermen and skiers. A simple decision to buy a walkie-talkie sometimes saves in difficult situations when you need to call for help or send a special message. important information. But not always, it turns out, to achieve excellent signal quality for receiving and transmitting a walkie-talkie.

This is largely due to the fact that the selected radio must be tuned to the desired wave. That is, initially any walkie-talkie, whether amateur or professional, may not work at full capacity or work with interference. Modern digital walkie-talkies do not need to be configured, as they have a built-in button that allows you to automatic mode adjust the device to the desired radio wave. The remaining walkie-talkies can be conditionally divided into portable (wearable) and automobile (stationary). Setting up walkie-talkies These two types are similar in many ways, although they have their own characteristics.

Setting up walkie-talkies

Portable walkie-talkies in the amateur band (433-434 MHz) do not require registration with an RF center, so setting them up is a fairly simple process. Before buying, you need to find out if the radio supports interchangeable antennas, in case you want to increase the power of the radio. Also, an important point in the operation of portable radios is their adjustment to each other. To do this, on each radio you need to set the same channel number and subcode. Only in this case, the selected radios will work smoothly with each other. To send a message, just press and hold the start button. After releasing the button, the radio waits for reception from another device. An important element of setting up a portable radio is the choice of a call sign (identification of an individual signal). This can be any alphabetic or numeric alias that is unique to the selected radio system.

Further walkie-talkie setup includes setting up the radio antenna. We will consider in more detail the tuning of the radio antenna below for car radios. For now, just note that you will need an antenna analyzer to fine-tune the antenna. But in many cases, to set up a walkie-talkie as a first approximation, a device called an SWR meter is enough. With it, you need to tune the antenna to the minimum standing wave ratio. Generally, an SWR value of 1.5 or less is considered optimal. It is also important to understand that the higher the SWR value of the wave, the greater the percentage of power loss during signal transmission. But in practice, achieving SWR = 1 is almost impossible. If the standing wave ratio is greater than three, then operation in such conditions can disable the transmitter stage. Thus, an unconfigured walkie-talkie can easily fail.

How to set up a car radio

Before as set up a car radio, you need to perform some required steps. They will not only increase the efficiency of subsequent tuning, but also minimize the likelihood of a transceiver breakdown in the future. Usually, a car radio is a stationary unit that is fixed in the car and a remote antenna. It is the car radio antenna that plays a key role in signal quality in many ways. Therefore, you need to know the basic rules when installing a car antenna.

Rules for installing a car antenna

  1. Installation of the antenna on bearing elements is unacceptable. Always try to install the car antenna on a load-bearing body. Thus, we will protect ourselves from possible losses in the efficiency of radio signal transmission.
  2. It is important to install the antenna on the most upper part body, usually the roof. The higher the antenna is installed, the stronger the signal.
  3. The antenna web must be installed at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from any metal surfaces parallel to the emu. This will prevent possible reflections and absorption of the signal.
  4. The position of the magnetic antenna on the car roof has little effect on the standing wave ratio. Therefore, always try to fix the magnet in the same position after removing it.

After the antenna is properly installed, it must be tune. Only after tuning the antenna can you safely use the radio at full power.

Setting up a car antenna

The best option for antenna tuning is tuning with a professional antenna analyzer. But since the prices for such devices are quite high, many motorists find an alternative in SWR meters. With this device, you can adjust radio antenna in the first approximation. This is what the simplest SWR meter SWR-430 looks like

So, antenna tuning must be performed on a flat and clean surface devoid of any interference: metal, wooden or concrete objects. It is also important that when setting up the antenna there are no other 27 MHz antennas nearby. Armed with an SWR meter, you can begin to tune the antenna. The first step is to connect the SWR meter between the station and the antenna in a special way (as shown in the figure below).

  1. It is important to take measurements on different channels and grids to see the big picture.
  2. We calibrate the SWR meter. To do this, set the toggle switch on the front panel to the FWD position. We set the AM modulation channel 20 on the radio. After that, we press and hold the button to start the conversation, while turning the CAL regulator clockwise, so that the arrow of the device becomes in the extreme right position SET.
  3. While holding the button on the PTT switch, switch the toggle switch on the front panel of the SWR meter to the REF position. We take readings of the device.
  4. We find the minimum SWR and tune the antenna to the desired frequency. If the minimum is below the required frequency, then the antenna is shortened. Conversely, if the minimum is higher than the required frequency, then the antenna is lengthened.
  5. All manipulations are performed before re-tuning the antenna.
  6. We repeat the measurements until the result is achieved (SWR is not more than 1.5)

As mentioned above, achieving SWR = 1 is largely problematic, precisely because of the characteristics of a particular antenna-body pair. But even if SWR = 2 on the radio frequency range, the loss in efficiency will be no more than 10%. That is, for comfortable communication and transmission of messages without interference, SWR = 1.5 is quite enough.

Just about the difficult antenna tuning
Oleg Dudykin

The article is written for beginners, those who are going to set up the antenna for the first time to work on the channel (frequency) they need.
The article describes the main points of setting up simple single-band antennas - car mortise, on a magnetic base or base.
What you need to tune the antenna
First of all, a device that shows the ratio of the direct (coming from the radio station to the antenna) and the reverse (reflecting from the antenna) waves in the cable.
Such a device shows how the output impedance of the radio station differs from the resistance of the cable and the input impedance of the antenna.
The device is called "SWR meter" or "SWR meter".
You can buy it or ask for a while from one of your friends who has it.
The SWR meter does not work without a radio. Therefore, we will use the same radio station for which we are tuning the antenna.
To measure the antenna web and determine how many centimeters to shorten or lengthen, we need a tape measure or ruler.
In principle, you can do without a tape measure or ruler, performing the adjustment step by step, shortening or lengthening the antenna sheet.

Fundamentals of Antenna Tuning
The antenna must be adjusted according to the place where it will be installed. Keep in mind that nearby conductive objects will affect the setup and operation of the antenna. For a car antenna, such items can be body or trunk elements. A fixed antenna can be affected by electrical wires, guy lines and a metal roof.
The basic (stationary) antenna will require a mast that will allow you to remove and install, raise and lower it. This is necessary for tuning and maintenance of the antenna.
If this is a car antenna, then the car should be parked so that there is exactly the situation nearby that will be when driving. At the time of measurement, when setting up, the car doors and trunk should be closed. You should not stand next to the car yourself, the human body absorbs radio waves and thereby introduces losses, affects the operation of the antenna.
There should be no moving conductive objects at a distance of 2-3 wavelengths from the antenna.
All instrument connections must be reliable.
You should not keep everything "on weight", with your hands pressing somehow stripped pieces of cable to the contacts, which are about to fall out of the connectors.
Reliable connections are needed so that the readings of the device do not change as they please, do not "float".

How to use a SWR meter
We connect the cable to the antenna, the other end of the cable to the SWR meter, to the "ANT" connector, the connector of the SWR meter "TRANS" is connected to the antenna connector of the radio station.
We turn on the radio station and set the frequency at which we will measure the SWR.
If there is a SWR / PWR switch, we translate it into the SWR position.
SWR meter switch "FWD/REF" to FWD.
We press the transmission on the radio station and set the arrow sticking out of the SWR meter with the regulator to the end of the scale. This procedure is called calibration.
Let's release the transmission.
Then, set the "FWD/REF" switch to the REF position.
We press the gear and count the SWR reading on the indicator. The less the arrow deviates, the lower the SWR, the better for the antenna. Ideally, the SWR is equal to one. The SWR value at which it is not recommended to operate the radio station-2. If the reading is more than 3, the transmitter of the radio station may fail.
Antenna tuning - step by step
We connect everything to measure the SWR, as mentioned above, the antenna to the working position.
- We set the radio station to the highest frequency that the radio station is capable of issuing or the channel number corresponding to such a frequency,
for example, channel 40 of grid G ​​(more precisely, see the instructions for the radio station).
- We measure the SWR, moving down the frequencies after about 200 kHz (20 channels), remember at what frequency (channel, grid) the minimum SWR was.
Now there are several options:

SWR is great everywhere, the device "scales".
Either you use the wrong SWR meter or you have a break in the cable or antenna.

SWR smoothly, as the frequency decreases, but we did not reach the minimum.
Your antenna is too long. Need to be shortened. In shortening, it is worth remembering: "measure seven times, cut once." It is impossible to stick a shortened one back in most cases, so we shorten it a little, for CB antennas in the 27 MHz band it is a little about 1 centimeter, for LPD or PMR antennas in the 433-446 MHz band it is a little 2 millimeters.

The SWR increases as the frequency decreases.
Your antenna is too short. The antenna needs to be extended. How exactly - better by 20 percent, and then shorten.

The SWR decreased as the frequency decreased, at a certain frequency it became minimal, and then, as the frequency decreased further, it began to increase again.
This is the most common case.
This behavior means that everything is fine, the antenna is operating in the desired range, it remains only to adjust it to the desired frequency (channel).
If you have this case, then it is advisable to find exactly on which channel the minimum SWR is.
If the frequency at which the minimum SWR was lower than what you need, then the antenna should be slightly shortened, literally 5 millimeters each, if we are talking about the 27 MHz range, after each shortening, look where the minimum SWR is now, and shorten it until the minimum The SWR will not be at the desired frequency.
If the frequency at which the minimum SWR was higher than you need, then the antenna needs to be lengthened.

What to do if the minimum SWR is at the desired frequency, but this minimum value is still large
This suggests that the antenna does not work exactly as intended by the manufacturer.
If this is a car mortise antenna, then maybe it "does not have enough mass", that is, contact with the mass is poor.
If this is a car antenna on a magnet, then it may also "not have enough mass", for example, the paint layer is too thick.
Or your car antenna stands where it should not be placed - next to the elements of the metal roof rack, next to the additional light that you hung on the trunk, you generally magnetized it to the hood or trunk, bumper or wheel disk.
Maybe you fixed the mortise antenna on the aluminum skids of the trunk that you have on the roof, but the trunk turned out to be not aluminum, but plastic, or does not have reliable contact with the mass of the car, or is not long and wide enough to act as a mass for the antenna.
If the antenna is on a magnetic base, try looking elsewhere by moving from the corner of the roof, to the center of the roof, from another corner.
If the antenna is mortise, see if you cleaned the paint well from the place where the antenna ground contact is attached.
If you mounted the mortise antenna on the trunk or some kind of fixture on the drain, try to improve contact with the ground.
If you do not have a car, but a basic version of the antenna, then the recommendations are the same. The absence of a reliable "mass" or not enough "mass" or counterweights included in the antenna kit and performing the role of the same "mass" often do not allow achieving an acceptable SWR.
It is also very likely that your base antenna is being interfered with by your provider's line stretched nearby or the mast of a collective television antenna.

When tuning the antenna, it is important to be patient. Do not despair if something does not work out and the SWR reading is very different from the desired value. If the standing wave ratio of your antenna is no more than 1.5, consider that you have mastered the tuning.

Typically, there is no space for a CB radio on a vehicle. We fix the bracket on a solid and rigid surface: firstly, vibrations are harmful for the station, and secondly, it will not break in case of an accident. Back panel must be ventilated - behind it is the radiator of the transmitter. And the panel with the speaker has its own requirements: it cannot be pressed, as this muffles the sound.

In a passenger car, stations are usually placed in the receiver socket, on the side of the driver's seat, on a shelf at the front passenger's feet, and sometimes they are also placed on the instrument panel. In a truck, they are often mounted above the glass. The usual place for the PTT is near the station, on a special tongue. No less popular is the rubber band attachment to the salon mirror bracket.

Antenna station sets the load on it - without it, the device can burn out! The main element of the antenna is an elastic metal pin. Its minimum resonant length should theoretically be equal to a quarter of the operating wavelength. For CB, this is about 2.7 m. But such a whip can bend the roof, so antenna manufacturers shorten the pin. The loss of "electrical" length is partially compensated by the matching and extension coils located at the base of the antenna or in the middle of the whip.

The length of the waveguide cable from the antenna to the radio is not arbitrary - it is a multiple of the wavelength divided by twice the dielectric constant of the insulation. The usual length is from 3.6 to 4 m. It is impossible to lengthen, shorten, pinch or wrap the cable around the antenna, it will not work with such a “beard”.

The antenna can be attached to the spillway, but then it will “shoot” mainly towards the roof of the car. The best antenna is embedded in the middle of the roof: the cable and connections will always be dry, and the operation diagram is almost circular. But not everyone will dare to make holes in the roof, which is why magnetic-based antennas are so popular. Alas, they do not have good contact with the "ground" - and the efficiency is lower. By the way, the thickness of the rubber gasket under the base of the antenna affects the operation of the system. And one more thing: you need to re-install the antenna exactly in the place where it was tuned, otherwise the standing wave ratio (SWR) will change.

Food usually connected through the cigarette lighter, but it is more correct to take the "plus" from the backup fuse or a separate outlet. There are a lot of electrical devices in the car that interfere: the high-voltage part of the ignition, xenon headlights, a generator, various relays, etc. Therefore, it is advisable to put a filter on the supply wire, for example, ferrite "latches". They are put on closer to the radio station. There are also special adapters - such, for example, is produced by Berkut Design Bureau.

The antenna is a resonant radiator. Until you set it up correctly, it won't really work. When choosing it, we proceed from the operating frequency indicated in the passport - for CB it is 27 MHz. To match the antenna with the walkie-talkie, we use an SWR meter. We connect it between the radio station and the antenna cable. We turn on the radio station on the working channel in frequency modulation (FM) on the transmission mode - and see what the SWR is. If it is greater than 3.0, the station may burn out.

To tune the antenna we change the length of the pin, achieving an SWR close to one. The pin has to be either shortened or extended. Sometimes it makes sense to further adjust the place for the antenna on the roof. After tuning to the main channel, we check the SWR on adjacent channels - above and below. If the parameter changes, then the antenna is working. If the station (for example, ALAN 9001 or VEKTOR Navigator) has a built-in SWR meter, it can be used to control the matching directly while working in different grids.

The local communication range with a tuned antenna depends on its height above the ground. This distance can be roughly calculated from empirical formula: Dmax = 4.1(√ h1 + √h2), where Dmax is the maximum possible communication distance in kilometers under the condition of line of sight; h1 and h2 - antenna heights from the ground in meters. Natural and artificial obstacles to the signal path shorten this distance. Clearings, open water, work from hills can increase the range. Solar activity fills the range with extra buzz and talk from around the world. (Experts expect special troubles at the maximum solar activity in 2012!) Recall: the FM signal is heard farther than with AM, and SSB - single-sideband modulation - is the longest.

Improving the connection with amplifiers is impossible. The heavy-duty station only "dusts", making it difficult to work on neighboring channels. Power from 4 to 10 W is enough to work at a distance between machines of 10-15 km - but this is usually the limit of what is possible. For comparison: my record for local communication at 4 watts is about 46 km.

Modern means of communication allow you to maintain contact at a distance, regardless of the weather, cellular coverage or type of terrain. This was made possible by radio waves of different frequencies. For the correct operation of the device, you need to know how to set up the radio. It should be noted that the market offers a wide range of devices focused on universal use or a narrower specialization (automobile, hunting, railway radio stations).

general information

Any walkie-talkie must be tuned to a certain frequency. If the configuration is incorrect, the amateur or professional device will work with interference or at partial power. Latest modifications digital devices do not require special adjustment, since they have the function auto tuning. The rest of the devices are divided into portable (portable) or stationary (car) walkie-talkies. The configuration of both modifications has its own nuances, although the general principle is largely similar.

How to set up a walkie-talkie type?

Amateur portable radio stations operate in the range of 433-434 MHz. They do not need to be registered by the radio frequency center, so setting them up is quite simple. If you plan to increase the power of the device, please inquire about the possibility of using a detachable antenna before purchasing. Another important point is the aggregation of radios among themselves. To do this, it is necessary to set the same numbers and subcode on each device.

After carrying out these manipulations, the selected devices will work smoothly with each other. To communicate, you just need to press and hold the call activation key. After releasing the button, the device switches to a signal from another radio. An important point in setting up a portable device is the choice of an individual signal for identification (call sign). It can be any numeric or alphabetic code that has a unique origin for the selected communication system.

Antenna tuning

Let's consider general recommendations on how to set up a portable type walkie-talkie in terms of the antenna. To accurately correct the element, a special analyzer is required. Alternatively, you can use an SWR meter. It will allow you to tune the antenna to the minimum stable wave ratio. Most often, a ratio of 1.5 or less is considered optimal.

It should be borne in mind that the higher the SWR value, the greater the loss of signal transmitting power. Ideally, this parameter should approach unity, but in practice it is almost impossible to achieve such a result. If the FAC exceeds three units, it is quite possible to disable the transmitter stage. From this we can conclude that an unconfigured walkie-talkie can quickly break down.

car modification

How to set up a (stationary) type? Beforehand, it is necessary to perform a number of mandatory procedures that will increase the efficiency of further configuration and minimize the likelihood of damage to the transceiver during operation. The device in question is a stationary unit fixed in the cabin vehicle, and a remote antenna. It is the last element that plays a significant role in the reception and transmission of a signal. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic rules for mounting a receiving remote device.

Installing a car antenna

It is not allowed to mount the element on load-bearing parts, the best option will become a body. This will protect the air from possible losses in receiving and transforming the signal.

In addition, the following points are important:

  • Try to install the antenna at the highest point of the body. This will improve the reception quality.
  • The working part of the antenna is installed at a distance of at least 500 millimeters from any parallel metal surfaces. This will make it possible to avoid absorption and reflection of the incoming signal.
  • Placement on the roof of a car has a certain effect on the stable wave ratio. Therefore, fix such an element after removal in one position.

After the correct installation of the antenna, proceed to its adjustment.

Setting up an antenna for a fixed radio

To tune the channel of a stationary type walkie-talkie, the antenna is first configured. For this, it is best to use a professional analyzer. If not available, use an SWR meter. Work is carried out on a clean and even surface, away from metal or concrete interference, as well as other analogues of the 27 MHz band.

First connect the SWR meter. Then measurements are made on channels and grids to display an extensive picture. Calibrate the SWR meter by setting the toggle switch on the front panel to FWD mode. Channel number 20 of AM modulation is set on the radio. Then, the talk key is activated and held while simultaneously turning the CAL knob clockwise until the device pointer is set to the extreme right position SET.

Without releasing the button on the PTT, switch the toggle switch of the SWR meter to the REF position. Capture the data provided by the device. After finding the minimum SWR, tune the antenna to the desired frequency. If the limit is lower or higher than the required frequency, the antenna is shortened or lengthened, respectively. Measurements are repeated until the SWR ratio reaches 1.5 or less.

How about a wave of truckers?

Consider this procedure using the Sirio T3 Mag antenna as an example (range within 5 km):

  1. The antenna is mounted on the central part of the roof, after which the protective cap is removed, the adjusting screw is screwed in until it stops.
  2. An SWR meter is installed between the radio and the antenna.
  3. The radio is turned on, the “long-range” mode is set (channel No. 15 on AM).
  4. After pressing the tangent, adjust the SWR knob to bring the arrow to the SET position.
  5. While holding the PTT, move the SWR lever to the REF position, observe the current value of the device on the upper scale. If the coefficient is higher than 1.5, with the help of an adjusting screw, the readings are adjusted within 1-1.5.
  6. The correcting screw is fixed with a lock nut, put on the cap and re-check the SWR readings.

Knowing how to set up a trucker's walkie-talkie, it must be borne in mind that these elements are narrow-band. Therefore, it is better to perform settings on the main working channel.


First, the radio is switched to 240 channel mode using the AM / FM-ON combination. You can switch to the Russian grid by typing DW/M2-ON. Domestic frequencies end in 0, European waves end in 5.

How to set up the radio "Megajet"? You can do it yourself by reading the instructions. Briefly, the following points can be noted:

  • First turn on the radio with the VOL / Off knob and set the desired sound volume.
  • The SQ control adjusts the noise suppression threshold.
  • Use the UP/DN switch buttons to select the desired channel.
  • To set the transmission mode, hold the PTT control, speak into the microphone at a distance of 50 mm.
  • To receive, release the PTT and listen to the received message, adjusting the volume and squelch level.


Next, let's look at how to set up a Baofeng walkie-talkie. By default, the operating frequency of the device is 2.5 kHz. General settings are identical for portable radios. The following are ways to program the device.

Simplex channels:

  • Go to VFO A.
  • Pressing the Band button selects the VHF mode.
  • In the menu, type ‘27’ and press menu.
  • Then use a free memory cell, which is searched using the UP / DOWN buttons.
  • The selected frequency is confirmed by pressing the menu key again.
  • To exit - Exit.

Channels with repeater shift:

  • Switch to VFO A mode.
  • Select UHF or VHF using the Band key.
  • Select a receiving frequency.
  • In the menu find ‘27’, then back in the menu.
  • They are looking for a free memory cell, as in the previous case.
  • The menu button confirms the selection.
  • Press EXIT.
  • Then enter the menu again, select ‘27’, press “menu” twice.


Above is how to set up the radio. The wave should be selected, depending on the type of device, as well as the country where the device is used. The antenna plays an important role in the configuration of portable and stationary radios. Therefore, its installation and configuration should be given special attention. If the device is adjusted correctly, you will be able to freely communicate with the respondent at the distance indicated in the instructions for the device.

There are many portable and car radio transmitters on the market today. Among them, you can easily choose the option that best suits your needs. It is worth noting that modern digital models are configured automatically, but their price is an order of magnitude higher than the considered analogues.

The following guide to installing a CB radio in a car is not for those who use radio daily and professionally, but for those who need it for occasional use, mainly on long trips. In this case, most drivers will prefer not to permanently mount the radio in the cabin, spoiling the interior and provoking parking thieves, but will want to attach it temporarily in a suitable place: between the seats, between the seat and the side pillar, or in the tray for small items under the dashboard, as it is done, for example, in the photo Chevrolet Lachetti:

Attached a walkie-talkie - we connect power to it! There is an opinion that the radio station in the car must certainly be connected with a separate wiring from the battery, but this solution is more suitable for daily use. In our case of occasional use, this is absolutely not necessary - it is much more convenient to take power from the cigarette lighter socket. This is the simplest, fastest, and at the same time, we emphasize, a completely correct connection. Not hacky-compromising, as some people think, but meeting all the requirements - both in terms of the power unit, and in terms of the direct operation of the radio station on the air.

Such a connection is absolutely safe for electrical wiring and is carried out in half an hour. And most importantly, it is optimal in the case of a new car and harmful guarantors, who are only looking for a reason to refuse a guarantee for far-fetched reasons.

For a radio station with an output power of 4-5 watts, the maximum current consumption does not exceed 2-3 amperes, and for a radio station with an output power of 8-10 watts - less than 5 amperes, which is at least two to three times less than the current of the fuse that protects the cigarette lighter socket.

To connect the radio to the cigarette lighter, we extend the two power wires coming out of the radio station - black and red - by soldering or twisting to a length of 1-2 meters (depending on the intended installation location of the device). At the end of the attached wire, we solder (center - plus, side contacts - minus) a standard “male” connector into the cigarette lighter, which is sold in every car shop.

the plug of the radio power wire must be inserted exactly into the cigarette lighter in the dashboard, it is undesirable to use splitters, the quality of which is often disgusting!

If there is only one cigarette lighter socket, and you need to power the telephone, the recorder, and other gadgets on the road, and the warranty period has already ended, and your skillful hands are not afraid of the need to drag the wire from the engine compartment to the passenger compartment, then you can connect the radio station directly to the battery. Although once again I note in brackets: such a connection does not have any advantages over power supply through the cigarette lighter - neither in terms of electrical safety, nor in terms of communication quality.

In this case, you will have to buy a three-meter (approximately) piece of a conventional power wire with a cross section of 2x1.5 mm, pack it along its entire length in a plastic corrugation and drag it from the battery into the passenger compartment through some rubber seal of the motor shield. Terminals for M6 bolts and a 10 amp fuse are crimped or soldered to the ends of the wires near the battery (the fuse is placed in the positive wire next to the battery), and the power tail of the radio station is connected to the two opposite ends of the wires with polarity. The junction of the wires is carefully insulated with adhesive tape or heat shrink.

Antenna Installation

The station is installed and connected, now we mount the antenna. We will assume that we have a quick-detachable one on a magnetic sole, which will not require spoiling the body for installation. Therefore, we will give only a few general theses - without deepening into an extra theory.

  1. Antennas with a length of about a meter or even less are efficient, but extremely inefficient. The dependence of efficiency on length is direct; when buying, you should prefer an antenna with a length close to two meters. However, as the length increases, the price also increases ...
  2. The optimal installation of the antenna is on the roof (in the center or on the edge - there is practically no difference). Somewhat worse - on the trunk, but also quite acceptable. In order not to spoil the paint on the roof, we put polyethylene under the magnet.
  3. The wire from the antenna to the station is passed between the door seal and the doorway or between the trunk lid and the trunk opening seal, and enters the passenger compartment. Make sure that the seals do not leave noticeable dents on the cable!
  4. The antenna cable on the magnetic sole cannot be arbitrarily shortened or lengthened - its length must remain unchanged, about 3.6 m. We hide the excess under the seats or rugs, without twisting into rings or bays.
  5. And now the most important thing: the antennas in the store are sold unconfigured, since the setting depends on the installation location on a particular car. Most often, adjustment is carried out by changing the length of the antenna pin (pulling out and pushing in), for which a small hex key is included. The place of adjustment will be indicated in the instructions for the antenna.

Antenna tuning

Actually, antenna tuning is the most important moment in our entire history. It might be worth getting the tuning done by the pros: these services are inexpensive, take less than half an hour to complete, and are offered in truck parks and near major auto shops on the highways. But many prefer to sort out the issue on their own, profess the principle “if you want to do it well, do it yourself!” and want to have their own set of tools to monitor the condition of the antenna in the future. For them - the following master class. Again: only an algorithm, without delving into unnecessary theory and physics of ongoing processes, into which everyone, if desired, can immerse themselves.

To tune the antenna, we need a device called a SWR meter (standing wave ratio meter), which is easy to purchase - Google to the rescue. The cost of the simplest model is from 500 to 1000 rubles. The most common device that has been on sale for many years under different names (SWR-420, 430, KW-520, etc.), in fact, is the same Chinese SWR meter with the same principle of operation and the same designation of switches and connectors. The device, of course, is more than average, but for infrequent use it will do.

We will also need a high-frequency connector of the same standard as the socket on the radio and the plug on the cable. It is needed to include an SWR meter between the radio station and the antenna without significantly extending the antenna cable. An adapter-“barrel” of the “dad-dad” format is suitable (for hard connection), or a short (10-20 cm) antenna cable, also with male connectors at both ends. The connector standard is best known by the name "PL", which is how it should be asked in the store.

1 / 4

  • Switch PWR/SWR on the SWR meter, set to the “SWR” position, and the switch FWD/REF- to the "FWD" position.
  • Turn on the radio and press the PTT to enter transmission mode. While holding down the PTT, rotate the “CAL” knob on the SWR meter until the needle points to “10” on the SWR scale. Release the PTT.
  • Translate the switch FWD/REF to the "REF" position, press the PTT again. While holding it down, look at the SWR number on the SWR scale. The best SWR is 1, if it is more than 1.5, then antenna adjustment is required.
  • Having increased the length of the pin (or other adjusting element) of the antenna by 1-2 centimeters, take the measurement again by repeating steps 2-4 of this instruction. If the SWR value has increased after adjustment, it means that the length must be reduced, not increased ... By gradually changing the length and subsequent measurements over and over again, achieve the minimum indicator reading on the SWR scale - close to 1, but not more than 1.5.
  • And that is all. As you can see, it's not that difficult. But now on the road you can have fun listening to the conversations of "long-rangers", sometimes useful, sometimes not so much. And do not forget that children can ride with you in the car, for whom it is too early to listen to these conversations.

    SB radios (CB, "CB") are those that work in civil band frequencies, namely 27 MHz. Registration is not required to use this device. The frequency is divided into a so-called channel grid. In the early days of radio communication, there were only 40 channels. But after this amount was not enough, they began to break down and designate alphabetic characters. In this way, correct setting walkie-talkie suggests correct installation channels.

    Radio communications are actively used by taxi drivers and truckers as more reliable than mobile communications. There is no need to pay the operator for a call, to depend on its coverage network. But as a minus, you can call a limited range, as well as the possibility of interference and congestion of the channel.

    But if you choose and configure the antenna for the walkie-talkie correctly, you can achieve high-quality stable communication over a wide distance. Of course, the range also depends on the equipment itself. Somewhere it is 5–7 kilometers, but there are models with more than 20 km. But the importance of a good antenna is often underestimated. But in many ways it is she who determines the range of signal reception. Do not rush to buy a very expensive walkie-talkie, it may be that such a price is due to the presence a large number features that are not always needed. And when you connect a good antenna to fairly budget equipment, you will achieve the same result.

    Antennas for car radio can be divided by type of installation:

    • on mortise;
    • magnetic.

    The mortise antenna is mounted in the body. Moreover, when installed on a hood or fender, it loses its effectiveness by 30-40%. You need to install as far as possible from vertical metal parts that are parallel to the base of the antenna.

    Magnetic antennas do not require tie-in, and are usually used on cars. On large trucks, they may fall off due to vibration. Such an antenna for a walkie-talkie can be easily installed and removed, transferred to another car.

    And also antennas for car radios differ in size:

    • Long with a pin of about 2 meters, create the highest quality and stable connection.
    • Medium ones from 90 to 170 cm, have a lower gain and work at a shorter distance. But they are more convenient because they do not touch such upper obstacles as bridges, tree branches, power lines.
    • Short 65–70 cm, comfortable and not so noticeable, but providing a short reception range.

    The most effective are long mortise. But even a good antenna needs proper installation and tuning.


    An important factor in a good signal is the correct installation of the antenna:

    • Attach to the top of the body on a stable base.
    • Installation on bumpers, doors, mirrors reduces efficiency.
    • Install vertically unless otherwise stated in the instructions. If you need to install at an angle, you must first mount and then adjust. It is in this order, and not adjust, and then tilt.
    • The surface area on which the installation is made should be as large and flat as possible.
    • Try not to put on the hood and trunk.
    • The antenna itself and the connecting cable must be located as far as possible from sources of interference, such as the ignition system.


    Before using the antenna for a walkie-talkie, it must be configured. If this is not done, you will not receive the declared reception quality indicators. Setting instructions:

    1. The adjustment must be made under the same conditions as the operation of the vehicle. That is, among other cars, and not in the garage.
    2. Mount the antenna securely to the vehicle. You don't have to hold it in your hands.
    3. You will need a device called an SWR meter. Connect the cable with one end to the antenna, and the other end to the SWR meter in the ANT connector. Next, connect the device to the station (Trans connector and antenna connector of the station).
    4. Set the FWD / REF switch on the SWR meter to FWD, and SWR / PWR to SWR (some models may not have this switch).
    5. Press the gear and adjust the dial to the end of the scale.
    6. Set FWD/REF to REF. Record the instrument readings. The ideal value is one.
    7. Next, measure the SWR sequentially from the highest frequency to the lowest.
    8. If the minimum SWR values ​​are at a frequency below the operating frequency, then it is necessary to shorten the antenna. Otherwise, increase.

    The following options are possible:

    • SWR in at least one of the grids is below 2. This means that the antenna is working and installed correctly.
    • SWR is 2.5 everywhere - Perhaps, somewhere there is a deterioration in contact with the body. And check the integrity of the connecting cable.
    • An SWR above 5 means the antenna is not working.

    Antennas for walkie-talkies are classified as follows:

    • Spiral broadband - small length, low efficiency.
    • Dipole artificially elongated - medium efficiency, but works in good quality over a narrow frequency range.
    • Dipole single-range - the most effective of the presented, but have a long length and work only in one range.

    For your radio model, you can choose the appropriate antenna for changing. You can set up and check their indicators in the same way. But in the case of portable radios, the characteristics as a whole matter for high-quality communication at remote distances.

    These are the principles for choosing, installing and configuring antennas for a walkie-talkie. You can choose the appropriate types based on the purpose of use and on which vehicle the installation will be carried out. If you know more good models antennas or the secrets of their installation and configuration, be sure to share your opinion in the comments.
