simone simulation program. New generation computing core

A circuit simulation program that uses both classical calculation methods and original ones created on the basis of modern numerical algorithms.

SimOne provides full-featured design and SPICE simulation electronic circuits varying degrees of complexity. A distinctive feature of the application is the high speed of calculations, provided by the use of original software technologies and effective support for multi-core processor architecture. Running a simulation does not stop the work on the project, allowing parallel analyses. This software includes:

  • modeling core - a program module that conducts analog modeling;
  • schematic editor, which is a multi-document windows application, used when creating and editing schematics, selecting component models, managing model libraries and simulations;
  • a graphical module responsible for visualizing simulation results, allowing developers to obtain the spectral parameters of curves based on the fast Fourier transform, plot variables and functions from them, and much more.

Formulated circuit equations in symbolic and numerical form, calculated variables and other simulation results can be exported to the largest mathematical packages Maple, Excel or MATLAB.

The SimOne component library includes built-in SPICE models (SPICE primitives), as well as many (more than 30 thousand pieces) ready-made models of real radio components.
Available in the program the following options analysis:

  • calculation of the static mode according to direct current. Methods to choose from: Gmin Stepping, Source Stepping, Newton-Raphson and Damped Newton-Raphson;
  • transient analysis. Both the original method of combining differential-algebraic equations and the traditional trapezoidal, Gere and Euler methods for SPICE modeling are used;
  • frequency analysis;
  • parametric analysis of the scheme;
  • calculation of steady periodic regimes. This analysis allows you to determine the behavior of the circuit in the steady state, bypassing the preliminary long-term calculations of transients;
  • temperature analysis;
  • circuit stability analysis. Such a function allows you to determine the stability of the circuit at the selected operating point, observe the stability when changing the parameters of the element models or temperature, and determine the components that affect the stability. This calculation is carried out in two independent ways: based on the natural frequencies of the circuit and based on the Mikhailov criterion. The results of the analysis are conclusions about the stability of the circuit, a table of natural frequencies of the circuit, Mikhailov's hodograph.

The SimOne application supports two file formats: the *.sch extension, which contains all the information needed for schematic display, visual editing, analysis, and the *.net extension - text format SPICE descriptions of the circuit. The data contained in it is not enough to visually display the circuit (only for analysis), but such files can be edited in text mode. SimOne also allows you to print simulation results and schematic pages.

Work on SimOne was started in 2011 by Eremex, one of the best Russian companies in the development of software for automating the design of radio equipment. This organization located in St. Petersburg, it employs leading specialists and scientists from the best applied and academic engineering schools in the city. The company's products include, created in 2001 and known today all over the world, a program for tracing printed circuit boards.

The SimOne package is currently in its final beta phase and is free to download. You must be logged in to download.

The SimOne program is presented entirely in Russian, including text prompts, help files, and a user manual.

This circuit simulation package places high demands on hardware. Recommended PC-compatible computer with multi-core CPU, RAM at least 1 GB and installed operating system Windows XP (SP2 or SP3), Vista or 7.

Distribution of the program: free.

SimOne currently available in two different versions

  • SimOne - free version with restrictions on the number of components (up to 50)
  • SimOnePro- full commercial version, trial period is 30 days.

SimOne is a modern high-performance circuit simulation package that uses, along with classical algorithms, original ones based on modern numerical methods.

SimOne many times faster than conventional SPICE-simulators with the same accuracy of calculations.

SimOne allows full-featured SPICE simulation electronic circuits, offering the user such new features as calculation of periodic modes schemes and stability analysis.

Calculation of periodic modes allows you to determine the behavior of the circuit in a steady state without preliminary long-term calculations of transients.

Stability analysis The scheme allows you to determine whether the scheme is stable at the current operating point or not, to highlight the components of the scheme that affect its stability, to study stability when changing temperature or parameters of element models.

Main Components SimOne :

  • Library of models of circuit components,
  • Hierarchical schematic editor,
  • Graphic module for displaying simulation results,
  • Postprocessor.

The component model library contains both built-in SPICE component models (SPICE primitives) and an extensive (over 30,000) database of ready-made models of real circuit components. Implemented comfortable operation with test SPICE libraries and graphical macro models.

Schematic Editor is a multi-document Windows application and allows you to conveniently create and edit circuits, component models, manage the library of models, and simulation tasks.

The graphic module for displaying the results of modeling and post-processing allows the user to:

  • Build graphs of variables of interest and functions from them,
  • Use cursor functions to evaluate curve parameters,
  • Perform measurements and their recalculation during subsequent runs of the simulation of the characteristics of the constructed curves,
  • Obtain spectral characteristics of curves based on fast Fourier transform.

SimOne can export simulation results, as well as circuit equations in numerical and symbolic forms, to MATLAB, Maple and MS Excel.

1. High simulation speed. Ten times faster than classic SPICE programs.

The high speed of simulation in SimOne is achieved through the use of original software technologies, modern numerical algorithms and the use of parallel computing.

Code Matrix Processor is a highly effective software implementation basic matrix operations required for calculations and is used in all types of circuit simulation.

Simulation Assistant remembers the characteristic features of the simulated circuit during the launch of the current type of analysis and uses this information in subsequent runs. Thus, its use becomes especially effective when carrying out multivariate types of circuit analysis, for example, temperature or parametric.

2. High precision.

Due to the use of modern numerical methods of the highest order of accuracy, support for calculations with the representation of numbers of increased accuracy.

3. Multicore and parallel simulation

Parallel launch of various variants of circuit analysis is carried out using a multi-core processor architecture. Starting any type of calculation allows the user to continue working with the circuit and conduct parallel simulations.

4. Analysis of the stability of the scheme.

This option is a distinctive feature of the package: the analysis of circuit stability is not available in the vast majority of competing programs. Analysis of the stability of the circuit allows you to determine whether the circuit is stable at the current operating point or not, to study stability when the temperature or parameters of the element models change, highlighting those components and parameters of the circuit that determine its stability.

5. Export of simulation results.

Calculated variables, expressions and generated circuit equations can be exported to well-known engineering mathematical packages Matlab, and Maple, Excel.

Simulation of electronic circuits

In the package SimOne the main types of circuit analysis that exist in classic SPICE programs such as PSpice, MicroCAP, OrCad are available. In addition, it is proposed the new kind- analysis of the stability of the scheme.

When developing the module for modeling electronic circuits, special attention was paid to increasing the speed and accuracy of calculations, in comparison with competitors.

New generation computing core

For all types of analysis of electronic circuits, a new generation computing core is used Code Matrix Processor™.

Multicore and Parallel Simulation

Starting any type of calculation allows the user to continue working with the circuit and conduct parallel simulations.

A new type of circuit analysis - Stability Analysis - Stability Analysis

Allows you to evaluate the reliability of the functioning of electronic circuits at the design stage.

Increased accuracy and speed of calculations in the temporal analysis mode (Transient analysis)

An original method for integrating differential-algebraic equations.

To integrate the circuit equations, the user is offered an original method of the 4th order of accuracy. This method has improved accuracy and robustness compared to conventional SPICE simulation methods and is best method for the calculation of large schemes.


DC Sweep. Calculation of the static regime of circuits for direct current.

AC Sweep. Frequency analysis. Calculation frequency characteristics linearized circuit at the operating point.

Transient Analysis. Calculation of transient and steady-state time processes over long time intervals under the influence of arbitrary waveform signals.

temperature sweep. Modeling the behavior of the circuit when the operating temperature changes.

Parametric Sweep. Modeling the behavior of the circuit when changing the parameters of signals, models of circuit components.

Stability Analysis. Circuit Stability Analysis.

Where to begin

The package includes a circuit editor (Capture) that solves all the main tasks related to entering and editing circuits, selecting component models, managing simulations, a modeling kernel - a software module that directly conducts analog simulation and a graphical module for visualizing simulation results that allows for post-processing processing data.

AT SimOne The following types of schema analysis are available:

1. Calculation of the static mode of circuits for direct current (DC Analysis)

Includes calculation of the operating point of the circuit, determination transfer functions by direct current. A set of methods is proposed for solving nonlinear algebraic equations: the Newton–Raphson method, Damped Newton–Raphson, Gmin Stepping, Source Stepping.

2. Frequency Analysis (AC Analysis)

Includes the calculation and construction of the frequency characteristics of the circuit, including the amplitude-phase characteristics.

3. Transient Analysis

An original method of integrating differential-algebraic equations is used. The method has improved accuracy and stability compared to the methods used in conventional SPICE simulation.

Calculations in traditional SPICE modeling methods - the Gere method, trapezoidal, Euler methods are performed using code matrix processor, which can significantly reduce the calculation time.

4. Analysis of steady periodic regimes (PSS Analysis)

Periodic modes are calculated using the Shooting Newton method, while using a highly efficient approach - without the explicit formation of the sensitivity matrix (Matrix Free Approach). As a method for solving SLAE, the iterative method of Krylov spaces - Gmres is used.

5. Temperature analysis (.TEMP)

Analog simulation of the behavior of the circuit when the operating temperature changes.

6. Parametric circuit analysis (.PARAM)

Modeling the behavior of the circuit when changing the parameters of signals, models of circuit components.

7. Analysis of the stability of the scheme. (Stability Analysis)

To analyze the stability of the circuit in the vicinity of the operating point, the user is offered two independent methods: based on the calculation of natural frequencies of the circuit and based on the Mikhailov criterion. The result of the analysis is the conclusion about the stability of the circuit, the construction of the Mikhailov hodograph, the output of the table of natural frequencies of the circuit. The user also has the opportunity to plot the Mikhailov hodograph in a given arbitrary range and make a decision on the stability of the scheme on his own.

A circuit simulation program that uses both classical calculation methods and original ones created on the basis of modern numerical algorithms.

The SimOne package provides full-featured design and SPICE simulation of electronic circuits of varying degrees of complexity. A distinctive feature of the application is the high speed of calculations, provided by the use of original software technologies and effective support for multi-core processor architecture. Running a simulation does not stop the work on the project, allowing parallel analyses. This software includes:

modeling core - a program module that conducts analog modeling;

schematic editor, which is a multi-document Windows application used to create and edit schematics, select component models, manage model libraries and simulations;

a graphical module responsible for visualizing simulation results, allowing developers to obtain the spectral parameters of curves based on the fast Fourier transform, plot variables and functions from them, and much more.

Formulated circuit equations in symbolic and numerical form, calculated variables and other simulation results can be exported to the largest mathematical packages Maple, Excel or MATLAB.

The SimOne component library includes built-in SPICE models (SPICE primitives), as well as many (more than 30 thousand pieces) ready-made models of real radio components.
The following analysis options are available in the program:

calculation of the static mode for direct current. Methods to choose from: Gmin Stepping, Source Stepping, Newton-Raphson and Damped Newton-Raphson;

transient analysis. Both the original method of combining differential-algebraic equations and the traditional trapezoidal, Gere and Euler methods for SPICE modeling are used;

frequency analysis;

parametric analysis of the scheme;

calculation of steady periodic regimes. This analysis allows you to determine the behavior of the circuit in steady state, bypassing the preliminary long-term calculations of transients;

temperature analysis;

circuit stability analysis. Such a function allows you to determine the stability of the circuit at the selected operating point, observe the stability when changing the parameters of the element models or temperature, and determine the components that affect the stability. This calculation is carried out in two independent ways: based on the natural frequencies of the circuit and based on the Mikhailov criterion. The results of the analysis are conclusions about the stability of the circuit, a table of natural frequencies of the circuit, Mikhailov's hodograph.

The SimOne application supports two file formats: the *.sch extension, which contains all the information needed to display the circuit, visual editing, and analysis, and the *.net extension, a textual format for the SPICE circuit description. The data contained in it is not enough to visually display the circuit (only for analysis), but such files can be edited in text mode. SimOne also allows you to print simulation results and schematic pages.

Work on SimOne was started in 2011 by Eremex, one of the best Russian companies in the development of software for automating the design of radio equipment. This organization is located in St. Petersburg, it employs leading specialists and scientists from the best applied and academic engineering schools in the city. The company's products include, created in 2001 and known all over the world today, the program for tracing printed circuit boards TopoR.

The SimOne package is currently in its final beta phase and is free to download. You must be logged in to download.

The SimOne program is presented entirely in Russian, including text prompts, help files, and a user manual.

This circuit simulation package places high demands on hardware. A PC-compatible computer with a multi-core CPU, at least 1 GB of RAM and an operating system installed is recommended. Windows system XP (SP2 or SP3), Vista or 7.
