Distribution of calls by managers: updated ICM. Telephone etiquette of the secretary Intelligent contact manager

To get started with Virtual PBX Gravitel enough to do 3 simple steps settings:

In the “Employees” section, we create all users of the company.
In the “Departments” section, we combine employees into groups and set up rules for distributing calls between them.
In the “Numbers” section, we set up the logic for distributing calls in the company.

Let's look at these settings in more detail:

1.1. How to enter the cloud PBX Gravitel

After registering on our website, you mailbox a letter will come with a link to the PBX administration panel. Let's go to this link. In the login field, enter the username, by default it is admin and password for this account. All settings will be performed on a test domain test.gravitel.ru

1.2. Creation of employees

When logging in under admin account The “Settings” - “Employees” section will open.

In this section, you need to add company employees. Click on the appropriate button and fill out the form.

Today in the PBX, you can assign an employee one of two roles (rights): Administrator or User. The Administrator has access to the “Settings” section and can edit other employees, while the User does not have such rights.

The login and password that is created will be used by the employee to set up their desk phone or communicator on the computer.
If the employee will set up the phone or communicator on his own, specify his e-mail. He will receive a letter with access details and a link to the communicator.

If the employee's phone or communicator will set up your System Administrator, save the login and password when creating an employee.
We recommend that you immediately set up redirects to mobile phone employee if they don't answer within 5-10 seconds on their desk phone or computer.
Create the rest of the employees. In the list of created employees, employees with administrator rights are highlighted in bold.

Note: the number of employees to create depends on the tariff plan you choose.

1.3. Setting up departments

Departments are needed to combine employees into groups and set up the distribution of calls between them. By default, a single “Sales Department” is created, but you can create any number of departments.

Go to the Sales Department and move the “Company Employees” to the “Department Employees” table so that they receive incoming calls. Note that the department has already been assigned an extension number. Usually it is necessary for communication within the company when an employee calls, for example, to the accounting department (he needs any accountant, not someone specific).

Options for distributing calls between employees in the department:

Everyone at once. The customer's call will be received simultaneously by all employees in this department. As soon as one of the employees answers the call, the rest of the call will be dropped.

In turn. First, the call will go to the first employee, then the next with a certain delay (the previous call stops coming). The delay between switching calls and the order of calling employees is easily configured in the interface.

Increasingly. It is similar to the “In turn” logic, except that when switching a call to the next employee, the call from the previous one is not removed.

We save the department. You can create other departments as needed. You will be able to see in a list information about all created departments, employees included in them and the call distribution logic.

1.4. Phone numbers

The phone displays a list of all purchased/connected company numbers. Here you can configure the main logic for distributing incoming calls from clients. Depending on the time and day of the week, you can set a voice greeting and much more.

Call reception logic is displayed graphically. By default, numbers already have a certain setting, but you can change it by clicking on the number.

Routing incoming call Can be go on two scenarios: around the clock and on schedule.

In the case of scheduled work, a switch of routes during working and non-working hours appears. Don't forget to set your business hours as well.

During business hours You can choose 3 call route options:

Call to one of your departments. This card is selected by default and sent to the sales department. At incoming call the call will go to the sales department and the call will be distributed among the employees in accordance with the settings of the department.

Employee secretary. If one employee in your company receives calls, and then he transfers the call to the others, select this section.

Self-service menu (voice menu). If you want the customer to choose which department to connect with, choose the self-service menu. You can set up call forwarding to department, employee, fax or answering machine. If the client does not dial a key within 5 seconds, the call will be transferred in accordance with the specified rules (in this case, it will connect to the sales department). We recommend not to complicate the voice menu and do everything so that your client gets through to your managers faster and without unnecessary actions.

Non-working hours is configured in the same way, except for the route logic.

Set up all remaining phone numbers in the same way.

1.5. Completing the setup

We have completed the basic setup for receiving incoming calls. In the “More” section, you can set up the main caller ID (number identification) for outgoing calls (if you have a lot of calls), set up fax reception, answering machine and BLF.

The onlinePBX clients are divided into two parts. Some know what they are doing. Others start: they grab everything in a row, solve two or three tasks in parallel and forget the basic things. These include the distribution of incoming calls to responsible managers.

Intelligent contact manager

ICM or Intelligent Contact Manager distributes incoming calls among users. ICM increases the speed of managers' work - they do not waste time finding out and transferring the client to a responsible colleague. And the client does not have to explain the same thing to different managers. Everyone wins.

Previously, ICM determined by the internal base whether there were incoming / outgoing calls to this number or not. If there were, then the PBX connected the number with the last manager. If not, follow the standard scenario.

What's new

Separately, the definition of the responsible person from the CRM system worked and was configured. It takes longer to set up and difficult to explain over the phone, so we've built the capability into ICM. You no longer need to copy the link from amoCRM and paste it into the onlinePBX settings. It is enough to connect an intelligent contact manager and include it in the call script.

The old ICM, after defining a user to transfer, sent the call without returning to the script. Imagine, the extension is offline, forwarding is triggered and the call is transferred to the mobile. But an employee is roaming, sick, lost his smartphone - the call will go nowhere. So it will be with all attempts to get through. The client will leave while the employee returns to work.

How to setup

ICM is connected like any other service in Control panels → Settings. His standard extension number is 6100.

  1. In field City code specify a prefix telephone number: 495 for Moscow, 812 for St. Petersburg or 343 for Yekaterinburg. This is for those cases when the operator works with local numbers without a code.
  2. In exceptions, add extensions for which ICM rules will not work. For example, the director had to talk to the client so that when the client calls again, they should not be connected - add the director's number to the exceptions.
  3. Sources are divided into two types: available and active. There can be four of them: ICM base, contacts from amoCRM, Bitrix24 or Megaplan. Active sources are sorted in turn - the top ones are checked first. For example, install amoCRM first, and then ICM, if you want to determine the responsible person from CRM, but if not, check using the internal PBX database.
  4. Check the box to transfer calls to the user and his mobile. Clear to dial only internal and transfer the call to a queue or group when the user is offline or busy.
  5. Enter number default, where calls will be transferred if the responsible manager is not found or is not connected to the PBX.

Write in the comments what you think about the update of the intelligent contact manager.

How to filter calls?

Call filtering allows you to properly distribute customer flows. First of all, the secretary must be able to determine exactly why the client is calling. To do this, you need, firstly, to understand well what your company does, to know the structure of the company, what departments exist and what they are responsible for, who heads these departments. It is best to have a list of employees showing all departments and positions. Study it very carefully and if something is not clear to you, be sure to ask, for example, the personnel department to tell you briefly what this or that department does.

How to refuse?

Learn to weed out unwanted calls. For example, if a person simply made a mistake, do not switch the call without making sure that the client is calling your company. It's your job to filter calls. They also often call to advertise any products and services that are not related to the activities of your company. These are, as a rule, very annoying people who know how to get their way. They have their own tactics and strategy, as well as prepared phrases to bypass the secretarial cordon. Your task is to identify them and confront them, but correctly and politely. What to do? We prepare our standard phrases:

- Thank you, we do not need your service (goods).

or like this:

− Please send your offer by mail (fax).

or like this:

- Now the specialists are busy, please leave your message or send your offer by mail. Thank you.

Advice: you should not immediately switch the call every time you are asked to connect with the general director, chief accountant or other top officials of the company if you do not know who is asking. For example, they call and ask: “Please connect me with the general director or chief accountant.” Of course, if CEO there is a referent (or a personal secretary), then you can switch to the referent so that she understands whether it is worth connecting the client with the director or not. What to do if you are the only secretary in the company and only you distribute calls? Specify what the person is calling about, what his name is and what company he represents. When you switch the call to the director (or other manager), you must call:

  • name and patronymic of the client;
  • the company he represents;
  • What is he calling about?

It sounds something like this:

- Ivan Ivanovich, the Sever company, is calling you about a meeting at the forum.

This is the standard information that the director will ask you if you want to switch the call to him. Do not forget to clarify all the necessary information with the client in advance. Wait until the manager decides whether he wants to talk to this client or not, only then switch the call. If the director (manager) refused to communicate with the client, you need to answer like this:

- Unfortunately, the director is busy now, please try calling later.

or like this:

- The director is in a meeting now, can I give him something?

If the client does not want to explain why he is calling, ask him to leave contact information (ie full name, company name, phone number). Be sure to pass the information to the employee to whom the call was directed. The employee will decide whether to call back or not. And you show professionalism by passing contact information.

How to quickly process phone calls?

The duties of the secretary include receiving and processing telephone calls. Handling calls requires from the secretary such qualities as patience, attentiveness and efficiency. This is an important part of the work of a secretary and, as practice shows, not everyone knows how to do it. The difficulty lies in the fact that the client cannot always explain well to whom he is calling and what he wants. And the secretary does not always have the patience to understand him. Also, the secretary often lacks communication skills and knowledge of the organization in which the secretary works.

It often happens that a client does not just ask for a specific employee, but tries to explain his problem for a long time, not knowing who he needs to contact. Think of yourself when you call an unknown organization and try to formulate a question that interests you. You are worried, lost and shy. Of course, maybe you are confident and clear in asking your question if you know exactly what you want. But, as a rule, you are still asked clarifying questions. This is how you should conduct a conversation with a client, i.e. you must patiently build the conversation in such a way that you get the most information in the least amount of time. Then you can quickly determine who to switch the call to.

I would especially like to note that phone calls need to be processed in a minimum amount of time. If you have one telephone set with an incoming CO line, then you should not have long conversations with internal customers, i.e. with your company's employees. There should be no personal conversations at all. Otherwise, customers will not be able to reach you. If you have two telephones, then try to separate internal calls (calls from employees within the company) and incoming landlines (external calls from customers).

Incoming city calls are always more important than internal ones (only if it's not a director). You can always ask an employee to wait while you answer an incoming city call. Naturally, if you are talking with the director, you should not be distracted by other calls.

How to build a dialogue and how to help the client? Specify whether the client is calling your company for the first time or has already communicated with someone. If the client has already communicated with someone from the employees, it will be easier for you to figure out who to switch the call to.

If you have commercial organization, specify whether the client wants to buy something from you or, on the contrary, sell his products. Accordingly, if a client wants to buy some product, it means that he is important to you as a potential client. In this case, be sure to find a free employee of the commercial department who can communicate with the client. You can not lose customers, no one will forgive you for this.

If they are calling to offer their product, it is best if you offer to send information by mail or fax. Well, as always, prepare the standard phrases:

- How can I help?

or like this:

What question are you calling about? Please clarify the essence of the issue.

or like this (in case you are offered a product or service):

Please send your offer to e-mail or by fax. We will definitely consider your proposal. Thank you.

or like this:

Try to call back later or please leave your contact information.

So the main thing to remember is:

  • you need to answer calls politely, quickly and constructively - this characterizes you as a professional;
  • you can’t miss calls - this is the reputation of the company;
  • can't take the phone line personal calls- at this time customers call;
  • you must remember that your task is to help customers and employees of the company.

Let's imagine that you are convinced of the importance of working with people from your "warm" market - we are talking about phone calls. What happens next? How does this approach work? The three-ring technique can be very helpful if you choose the right time to do it.

Most key people will highly frown upon the idea of ​​using this technique without first meeting in person. If you know that they will surely feel offended, and if they have to make the first calls to their relatives or closest friends along with the sponsor (even if it is very close friends), their network marketing activities, in the truest sense of the word, will be limited acquisition starter packs. That is why in our 20 years of network marketing, my wife and I have always avoided using this method as our first contact with a key person. The reluctance of a novice distributor to act in this way is absolutely justified.

Let's take a good look at this issue. Whether a person working in a particular profession or holding a certain position in a company really needs to "lash out" at his friends - this is how key people perceive it. If a distributor is unable to even pick up the phone and call his family and friends to invite them to a meeting or to organize an audio-visual presentation at home, this person probably does not have the qualities necessary to succeed in the network. marketing. End of story. With proper training, your new distributors should always be able to meet with their closest friends and family in the absence of a seasoned sponsor, trying to counter objections and demonstrate that they can work with their new distributors. In such a situation, the method of three calls is highly inappropriate. In addition, with the correct filing of business at the first meeting, serious objections should not arise. If they arise in a multitude, this person does not suit you at all. Call him (or her) again in six months. Do not connect higher managers to work with this person. The only acceptable way is if the sponsor listens in on the first few of your conversations with these people in order to subsequently criticize.

The most appropriate time to use the three-call technique is after the key person has received information about the business at a presentation. This technique is most effective when the person is already familiar with the concept of network marketing; if he (or she) liked what he heard, but he still has some doubts - that's when you need to connect upstream distributors to this process. Below is a sample text of a conversation with a serious key person: “You asked me really interesting questions, and, as I told you, I still don’t know enough to answer them. However, one business colleague of mine is much more experienced than me. Let's call him right now." On your phone, you press the conference button, call your sponsor or upline, press the button again, and that's what we call the three-call technique. Or, if you prefer, give this key person your upline's home phone number and tell him (or her) that he (or she) can call at a convenient time. Serious key people will definitely call.

Each of these strategies has its own advantages. The aforementioned conferences allow a new business partner to understand and hear how deals are made with key people. It also strengthens the confidence of the new business partner in the possibilities of this business, and this is sometimes very useful for a novice networker. Face-to-face telephone contact between key people and senior managers allows for more time flexibility and the selection of serious key people, sorting out those who are not suitable for this business. The mere fact that a certain key person calls the higher manager of the networker who works with him indicates to some extent his desire to engage in network marketing. Mark prefers direct communication with key people. For Rene, the first method is more acceptable. It is only important that both of these methods are used properly, that is, after the presentation, there should be business opportunities for key people or after they watch the audio and video materials.


And now we will tell you about the most important technique for creating and maintaining a list of people who make up a "warm" market. Pay attention to this information, do everything as we say without changing anything, and it is very likely that you will be among the most successful networkers. In a very short time, using this method will allow you to have so many key people that you hardly have time to call them all.

Purchase a 12" filing cabinet. In addition, you need to have 12 separators, one for each month, and 31 separators, one for each day of the month. You can purchase pre-numbered and properly labeled index separators. Then buy a few hundred cards, write on each card the name of a key person from the warm market, and put a phone number next to it. Under the last name, on the left side of the card, select the column "Date last contact". On the right side, make the column “Actions and results”. Every time you work with a new person and learn some new number phone, especially people you've just met and worked with, create a new card. Of course, the computer has appropriate programs for organizing and maintaining such a file cabinet. Most importantly, keep track of your work with your key people. Now let's get to the heart of this system: from now on, you have to call each of these people every six months until they either sign a contract or "die." Never, under any circumstances, leave your key people unattended until they become distributors of your structure or until you are at their funeral. Whenever you're talking to your key people and they say it's not the right time best time to meet, politely ask them if you could call them back later. They almost always say yes. Move the card to the month you should call them. Daily separators are used when working in the current month. Some people need to call back in two days. Or, if you can't get through to someone, you need to move their cards to the next day's file.

As a rule, in all sectors of the economy in America, Europe and Asia, full-time workers change jobs every three to seven years. Try to call your key people once every six months. No matter how categorical their previous refusal may be, in the end it may turn out that you contact them at the very time when they are looking for a job. If you provide people with information about network marketing properly at a time when their life changes are inevitable, they will almost certainly become involved in this business. Let's remember what we said earlier: in network marketing, it's very important to reach out to people at the right time. If your key people are ready for a change in their lives - even if you're not the best way to talk about marketing - they are likely to decide to try.

Conversely, if key people are not yet ready to change their lives, they will probably not accept the information even if it was presented very professionally and skillfully.

Steve Tsda claims that such a file cabinet is a pleasure to use: “Sometimes, after I told some of my former business colleagues about the possibilities of network marketing and showed them an example of 5x5x5 logarithmic growth, they just smiled. Some of them even laughed and said, "Hey Steve, give us a call when you're rich!" That's exactly what I did - I called absolutely everyone!
