Center aligning blocks in CSS. Text Alignment Align the block to the center of the page

If you cut any site created on html based, then you will see a certain layered structure. And their appearance it will be similar to a layer cake. If you think so, then most likely you have not eaten for a long time. So satisfy your hunger first, and then we'll show you how to center the div layer on your site:

Benefits of layout using a tag

There are two main types of site structure building:

  • tabular;
  • Block.

Tabular layout has been dominant since the dawn of the Internet. Its advantages include the accuracy of the given positioning. But, nevertheless, it has obvious shortcomings. The main ones are the volume of the code and low speed downloads.

When using tabular layout, the web page will not be displayed until it is fully loaded. Whereas when using div blocks, the elements are rendered immediately.

In addition to high loading speed, block construction of the site allows you to reduce the volume several times html code. Including through the use of CSS classes.

However, tabular layout should be used to structure the display of data on the page. A classic example of its use is the display of tables.

Block building based on tags

also called layered, and the blocks themselves are layers. This is because when using certain values properties, they can be placed one on top of the other like layers in Photoshop.

Positioning aids

In block layout, layer positioning is best done using cascading style sheets. The main CSS property responsible for the position

, is a float.
Property syntax:
float: left | right | none | inherit,

  • left - aligns the element to the left edge of the screen. The rest of the elements wrap around to the right;
  • right - alignment on the right, wrapping the rest of the elements - on the left;
  • none - wrapping is not allowed;
  • inherit - inherit the value of the parent element.

Consider a lightweight example of positioning divs using this property:

Left block

Now let's try to use the same property to position the third div in the center of the page. But unfortunately float doesn't have a center value. And when a new block is given an alignment value to the right or left, it shifts in the specified direction. Therefore, it remains only to set all three blocks to float: left :

But this is not the best option. When the window is reduced, all layers line up in one row vertically, and when the size is increased, they stick to the left edge of the window. So we need a better way to center divs.

Centering Layers

In the following example, we will use a container layer to place the rest of the elements on. This solves the problem of shifting blocks relative to each other when the window is resized. Centering the container in the middle is done by setting the margin properties zero value margins from the top and auto on the sides (margin: 0 auto ):

Left block

central block

This same example shows how you can center a div horizontally. And if you slightly edit the above code, then you can achieve vertical alignment of the blocks. To do this, you just need to change the length of the container layer (reduce it). That is, after editing its css, the class should look like this:

After the change, all blocks will line up strictly in a row in the middle. And their position will not change at any size of the browser window. This is what a div centered vertically looks like:

In the following example, we used a number of new css properties to center the layers inside the container:

A brief description of the css properties and their values ​​that we used in this example to center a div inside a div :

  • display: inline-block - lines up a block element into a line and wraps it with another element;
  • vertical-align: middle - aligns the element in the middle relative to the parent;
  • margin-left - sets the margin to the left.

How to make a link from a layer

As strange as it sounds, it is possible. Sometimes a div block as a link may be needed when laying out different types of menus. Consider a practical example of the implementation of a link layer:

Link to our site

In this example, using the line display: block , we set the link to the value of a block element. And to make the entire height of the div become a link, set height : 100%.

Hiding and showing block elements

Block elements provide more options for expanding the functionality of the interface than the outdated tabular layout. It often happens that the design of the site is unique and recognizable. But you have to pay for such an exclusive lack of free space.

Especially it concerns home page, the cost of advertising on which is the highest. Therefore, there is a problem where to "shove" another advertising banner. And here you can't get away with aligning the div to the center of the page!

A more rational solution is to make some block hidden. Here is a simple example of such an implementation:

This is the magic button. Clicking on it will hide or show the hidden block.

In this example div layout blocks do not change. Here we use the simplest JavaScript function that changes the value css properties display after pressing the button ( onclick event).

Aligning elements horizontally and vertically can be done in various ways. The choice of method depends on the type of element (block or inline), on the type of its positioning, size, etc.

1. Horizontal alignment to the center of the block / page

1.1. If the block has a width:

div ( width: 300px; margin: 0 auto; /*center the element horizontally within the parent block*/ )

If you want to align an inline element this way, you need to set it to display: block;

1.2. If a block is nested within another block and has no/width set for it:


1.3. If the block has a width and needs to be fixed in the center of the parent block:

.wrapper (position: relative; /*set the parent box to relative position so we can absolutely position the box inside it later*/) .box ( width: 400px; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -200px; / *shift the block to the left by a distance equal to half its width*/ )

1.4. If no width is set for blocks, you can center using the parent wrapper block:

.wrapper (text-align: center; /*center the content of the block*/) indent between blocks*/ )

2. Vertical alignment

2.1. If the text takes up one line, for example, for buttons and menu items:

.button ( height: 50px; line-height: 50px; )

2.2. To align a block vertically inside the parent block:

.wrapper (position: relative;) .box ( height: 100px; position: absolute; top: 50%; margin: -50px 0 0 0; )

2.3. Vertical alignment by table type:

.wrapper ( display: table; width: 100%; ) .box ( display: table-cell; height: 100px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; )

2.4. If the box has a width and height set and needs to be centered on the parent box:

.wrapper ( position: relative; ) .box ( height: 100px; width: 100px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; margin: auto; overflow: auto; /*to content did not spread */ )

2.5. Absolute positioning to the center of the page/block using CSS3 transform:

if the element has dimensions

div ( width: 300px; /*set the block width*/ height:100px; /*set the block height*/ transform: translate(-50%, -50%); position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50% ; )

if the element has no dimensions and is not empty

Some text here

h1 ( margin: 0; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; )

2.5. Absolute block positioning

in the center of the page

div ( width: 500px; height: 100px; /* if the height is not explicitly set, it will be 100% */ position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: auto; )

in the center of the block

.wrapper ( position: absolute; ) .box ( width: 100px; height: 100px; /* if the height is not explicitly set, it will be 100% */ position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0 ; right: 0; margin: auto; )

HTML tags defining text alignment, indentation

Justified text used in typography

The example below shows how to align text to width pages:

align="left" align="right"

Every day the number of workers employed in the service sector and the dissemination of information is growing. If the symbols of the past centuries were the farm and the factory, then the symbol of the present 21st century is an office equipped with computers that have access to the information flow.

align="justify" align="center"

Every day the number of workers employed in the service sector and the dissemination of information is growing. If the symbols of the past centuries were the farm and the factory, then the symbol of the present 21st century is an office equipped with computers that have access to the information flow.

Every day the number of workers employed in the service sector and the dissemination of information is growing. If the symbols of the past centuries were the farm and the factory, then the symbol of the present 21st century is an office equipped with computers that have access to the information flow.

The justify value provides uniform text alignment right and left, that is in width. This method is widely used in print.

Aligning text in HTML to center and justify

Align text in HTML to center, text to the right:


Attributes and values

  • align="left" - defines left text alignment(default).
  • align="center" - aligns text to the center.
  • align="right" aligns text to the right.

Alignment | HTML text indent

HTML text and its indent on the left of the page

Let's produce text indent on the left in two ways:


View in a new window.

To select the desired input elements with the "checkbox" type, you can use the selector ':checkbox'. Example:

where handler- a handler that is called when change events

Working with the jQuery Callbacks Object: Using a List of Callbacks

The Callbacks object in jQuery allows you to create something like a list of callbacks that will be executed when the fire() utility method is called. In this case, when calling the fire() method, it is possible to pass some argument that will be used by each callback function. How it works, we will analyze now with a few examples.

We catch the loss of focus. blur() method in jQuery

The blur() method in jQuery allows you to assign a handler to a specific element on the page, which will be called as soon as the focus is lost from this element. Initially, this event was mainly related to form elements - input tags, however latest versions browsers are able to handle this event for almost all kinds of DOM elements.

Insert content before the content of the selected object. before() method in jQuery

The before() method in jQuery allows you to insert specific content or objects before the content of each of a set of specified objects.
The method syntax is simple:

1 .before(content, )

Second variation:

1 .before(function)

jQuery. attr() method. How to get or add an attribute to an element

jQuery makes it very easy to access the attributes of the desired element, either by retrieving its value or, conversely, by setting and modifying it. For such manipulations, the attr() method is used.

The .appendTo() method in jQuery. Adding content to the end of elements

The appendTo() method essentially performs the same task as the append() method. The difference, by and large, is only in the syntax. If for append() we specify the desired selector by adding this method to it, where we indicate in brackets what exactly needs to be added to the end of the contents of the specified object, then for appendTo() what needs to be added is no longer in brackets as a method parameter, but just before the method itself as the object on which appendTo() is called. The difference will be better understood with the following example.

jQuery .animate() Method: Animate Images, Text, and Whatever

The .animate() method allows you to create animation effects using the css properties of the objects themselves. The method has two variations with different number of passed parameters

Video conversion with Movavi

Recently, in order to make good use of the time taken by the road to and from work, I try to download more files into my phone in advance. useful videos rollers. An Android phone, and most recently encountered a problem when the smartphone for some reason refused to play video in AVI format. Whether the player is weak, or the specifics of the operating system - I don’t know. However, the problem did not have to be solved for a long time: I found a fairly functional video converter on the net, which is able not only to convert it from one format to another, but also to prepare a file taking into account the characteristics of your device. Here a brief description of how to use this wonderful program.

It should be easy for the visitor to find necessary information On the page. For this, as well as for expressing some expression, various HTML tags. This article will discuss the nuances of working with tables, in particular, their alignment.

Basic subtleties

First of all, it should be noted that this graphical form of data presentation allows you to structure information, which greatly facilitates its assimilation. Almost any content can be placed inside the table cells: from text to video. It is important to consider not only the size, but also its location.

How to make the table itself centered

Most often, you need to arrange the table in the center of the page, although initially it is pressed to the left side of the page. In order to align it to the center, you need to set it margin property with the value auto.


This causes the table padding to be calculated automatically. After that, the table will be centered on the page.

Center alignment in cells

Just as often, you need to align data to the center of a cell. In this case, there are three ways: horizontal, vertical and absolute. From their name it is clear on which axis the centering will occur. In any case, the tag is used , which is responsible for a specific cell in the row. Next, you need to assign its valign (vertical) and / or align (horizontal) attributes to "center", depending on your task:

Text in the center of the cell

If you want to make this formatting standard for the entire site or page (so as not to rewrite every table), then you should use CSS styles. To do this, add following code inside the tag :

Using this method, you can also set the alignment for a specific cell, as well as for a column, row, or the entire table as a whole. As you can see, any of the methods is very simple.
