“I would go to IT specialists!…” Where should I go to study, a future IT specialist? Where should a future IT specialist go to study? What to take for it.

More and more often, schoolchildren who are fond of computers are thinking about what to take for a programmer. This profession is considered one of the most paid around the world, not only in Russia. Becoming a programmer, you can achieve certain heights in your career. More often than not, being a programmer is a calling. So, success is sure to await the graduate. But what will applicants have to endure? What exams to take? How is the learning process going? Where to go to study? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. After all, today's students are given a lot of opportunities. And programming can be done in a variety of ways.

Programmer: perspectives

To begin with, it is worth understanding how much programming is in demand in modern world. A programmer is a person who is not only well versed in computers, but also creates new programs, as well as websites. In fact, this is an IT employee.

Programming is a promising direction. Having received a diploma in the relevant specialty, you can build a good career. The average salary of a programmer is 100-150 thousand rubles. That is why many think about admission. But where and how much to study? What is the student to study?

About training

Before entering programming, it is necessary to understand not only the prospects of the chosen profession, but also how the training will take place. Quite often, most applicants change programming to another specialty in the first 2 years of study. Because they simply can't handle the load.

Programming will have to study information technology, as well as a variety of programming languages. Usually students are taught to work with:

  • JAVA;
  • basic;
  • Visual Basic;
  • Visual C++.

In some cases, they also study C, Delphi, HTML programming. All this is not as easy as it seems. You will also have to be well versed in computer science, logic and mathematics. After all, the direction is mainly mathematical. Not suitable for people with humanitarian talents.

Accordingly, you will have to think a lot, make mistakes, program, invent and learn. It is because of C ++ that some students refuse to specialize. Learning this language is not as easy as it seems.

If you are interested in what exams you need to take for a programmer, it is worth considering that in the learning process you will have to learn how to compose and write programs. This is a very long occupation that requires perseverance.

No uniqueness

What do you need to take to be a programmer? We will have to learn one important fact - there is no unequivocal answer to this question. The fact is that a lot depends on which direction of programming is chosen. They also independently establish a list of exams that the applicant must pass.

That is why you first have to figure out where to go to study. Depending on this, one or another USE list will be offered after grade 11. Under certain circumstances, you can not take any exams at all, but at the same time successfully unlearn to be a programmer. This is a rather rare case, it will be discussed a little later. So where to study in the chosen direction?

Where to apply

There is no single answer here. Many schoolchildren think that they need to pass in order to enter the programmer. As already mentioned, you first need to understand where exactly to submit documents. And in the selected institution to clarify this issue.

But where to study as a programmer in Russia? Can:

  1. Enter the university in the Faculty of Mathematics. For example, at Moscow State University. Each technical university has a specified direction. You can't learn to be a programmer in liberal arts universities.
  2. Seek help from technical schools and colleges. As a rule, they enter either after the 9th or after the 11th grade. It is in this situation that you can sometimes not take any exams at all.
  3. Complete specialized courses in the direction of "Programming". Good way self-education. It does not require any examinations at all for enrollment. You will have to apply to private training centers. They are in every city.

Accordingly, the question of what to take as a programmer most often arises among university and college applicants. What are they preparing for? What items should you pay attention to first?

Required subjects

Want to learn to be a programmer? What exams are needed? You will have to hand over a lot of different items. Start with the essentials. That is, from those that are the same in all educational institutions.

The list of such entrance examinations includes only 2 subjects. Namely:

  • Russian language;
  • maths.

The second exam is taken at the profile level. Russian is not needed directly for admission. It is simply included in the list of compulsory subjects that are required from students to graduate and receive a certificate of secondary full education.


  • physics;
  • Informatics;
  • foreign language.

The most common combination of exams is mathematics + physics + computer science. But it may also be that you have to write the exam in specific subjects. Namely:

  • social science;
  • foreign;
  • biology (very rare).

In any case, you will have to pay attention to the exact sciences. Humanitarian areas and programming do not go together in principle. Therefore, as already mentioned, it is better for people with a non-mathematical mindset to refrain from entering.

Now it’s clear how to learn to be a programmer. What exams are needed? An applicant to a university must:

  • Russian;
  • mathematics;
  • informatics;
  • physics.

More precisely, as already mentioned, in universities this scenario is most common. And what about colleges?

In colleges

The answer to this question is not as difficult as it seems. Interested in the direction of "Programmer"? What do you need to pass after the 9th grade in order to enter a particular technical school? As in the case of universities, you will have to clarify the information in a specific educational institution. But most often, the presence of a GIA is sufficient for:

  • Russian language;
  • informatics;
  • mathematics.

Physics and other subjects in college, especially after grade 9, are rarely required. From now on, it is clear what needs to be taken as a programmer. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Becoming a programmer is easier than graduating.

Recruiters repeatedly point out that job searches often include IT specialist profession. Not everyone knows the functions of an IT specialist, whether there are career prospects and whether the salary is high. Wikipedia does not accurate description this specialty, but it is indicated that specialists in this profile can find, collect, store and disseminate information. At the same time, to achieve the goal, IT specialists use a variety of techniques and resources.

In contact with

Who is an IT specialist

Information technology covers an increasing number of areas of activity and no business can do without computer technology(eg Internet agencies, merchants, banks, service companies, etc.). With the constant development of technology, the problem of information security inevitably arises. The employer needs specialists with special skills and abilities, while just programming and doing layout is not enough, so real professionals are always in demand in the modern job market.

Among the in-demand workers in this specialization are required:

It is important to know which personal qualities should be for candidates who decide to get an education in this direction. First of all, the student should focus on mathematics and English language, since all programs are written in the language of numbers, and English is used when creating programs. A future IT specialist will quickly find a job if he has the following qualities:

  • Good memory.
  • Developed logical thinking.
  • Ability to find innovative solutions when problems arise.
  • Self-organization, discipline, initiative, ability to work in a team.

This is the minimum set of qualities for an IT specialist, plus the presence of creative abilities and true passion in this area. All of the above factors will help you become a true professional and achieve success in your career. How to become an IT specialist?

Prospects for the demand for the profession

Regardless of any crisis economic situations in the field of IT-technologies, there are practically no jumps. Salaries are constantly growing depending on specialization, skills and work experience, and everyone who makes efforts to receive them will not be left without a job.

However, you need to remember that in order to become a sought-after IT specialist, knowledge in one direction of the industry is not enough. When applying for a job, it is desirable to have several offers of specialization for employers, for example. coder and project manager. The profession of a 3D designer and programmer rolled into one is in demand. A big advantage is the responsibility for creating products for smartphones and working with high-load sites.

There remains a demand for data scientists and data scientists, so many seek qualifications in the field. big data. Information technology needs workers who know how to work with augmented reality AR. This also includes a specific platform and a cross-platform product.

In business, namely the information business, various professions are in demand:

  • System Administrator.
  • Computer engineer.
  • System analyst, programmer.

As for the work itself, the specialists are engaged in the development and support of local, intracorporate technologies. They are developing software, implement and manage projects, support the ERP system.

Features of specialization

Since Russia needs applied specialists, many companies require employees to automate business processes that organize the work of all computer systems, create an individual electronic document management system.

They will adapt existing programs for the work and functions of a particular business, if necessary, develop special programs. Specialists in the field continue to be in special demand 1C programs.

There is no single answer to the question of what an IT specialist does. Depending on what kind of activity the company conducts, a job description for the employee will be developed and, of course, the knowledge and skills that the employee has will help to quickly climb the career ladder. It can be concluded that an information technology specialist is an important, necessary and sought-after profession with a high salary.

Being an IT specialist today is not only honorable, but also profitable!
The quality of education received by specialists is directly related to the level of development and literacy in the use of information technologies.

To get an education, it is necessary not only to transfer knowledge, but also to transfer skills and abilities, and to do this systematically. Those who transfer knowledge, skills and abilities must be literate people in all respects.

The higher education system is, although not the only one, this moment officially the dominant basic part of the Russian system for training the young generation of high-class IT specialists. In Russia, more than 270 universities work with IT. Today, an IT specialist is a fairly demanded profession. The main direction in the IT market is "Programming, development". Also quite popular are the directions - "Project Management", "Engineers", "System Integration" and "Support, Helpdesk".

What universities and institutes train professional IT specialists?

Based on the analysis of the largest SuperJob database and current rankings of Russian universities, including those prepared annually by RA Expert, a ranking was compiled among universities that produce more demanded and highly paid IT specialists¹. According to the website, there are 33 Russian universities that train IT specialists:

  • Moscow State University - Moscow State University named after M.V. M.V. Lomonosov
  • MEPhI — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
  • MIPT — Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
  • NSU — Novosibirsk State University
  • MSTU im. Bauman - Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman
  • MIEM - Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics "MIEM" (Technical University)
  • NSTU - Novosibirsk State Technical University
  • UNN — Nizhny Novgorod State University. Lobachevsky (National Research University)
  • St. Petersburg State University - St. Petersburg State University
  • UrFU - Ural Federal University. the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
  • SSTU - Saratov State Technical University
  • USATU - Ufa State Aviation Technical University
  • KFU — Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
  • MAI — National Research University Moscow Aviation Institute
  • MIET — National Research University Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
  • NSTU - Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alekseeva
  • MPEI — National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute
  • OSU - Orenburg State University
  • PSU — Penza State University
  • VolgGTU - Volgograd State Technical University
  • SPbGPU — St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
  • TulSU - Tula State University
  • IzhGTU - Izhevsk State Technical University
  • VlSU - Vladimir State University named after V.I. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs
  • MSTU MIREA - Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation
  • RGRTU - Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
  • KNRTU them. Tupolev — Kazan State Technical University named after A.I. A.N. Tupolev
  • Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin)
  • VSTU - Voronezh State Technical University
  • MGUPI — Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics
  • MIIT - Moscow State Transport University
  • SPbGUAP — St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
  • SPSU ITMO — St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies

These universities train specialists in the following specialties:

  • Information Systems.
  • Information Technology.
  • Modeling and research of operations in organizational and technical systems.
  • Applied math.
  • Applied Informatics.
  • Computer security.
  • Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks.
  • Automated systems for information processing and control.
  • Computer-aided design systems.
  • Software for computer technology and automated systems.
  • Organization and technology of information protection.
  • Comprehensive protection of informatization objects.
  • Comprehensive support information security automated systems.
  • Information security of telecommunication systems.

The table shows the salary data of IT-specialists employed in the specialty:

A qualified IT specialist is now worth its weight in gold.

¹ SuperJob Portal

Kovalchuk Tatiana
Recruitment company AVICONN
Recruitment Consultant

This year, a little more than 708,000 children graduated from school in Russia. Of these, 55 thousand passed the exam in computer science. That is, about 7.8% of applicants plan to connect their lives with information technology. But here's the problem - when choosing a specialty (and there are dozens of those related to new technologies), the guys do not really imagine what they will do after receiving a diploma. Many are guided by the name of the specialty, by the stories of older children, or by the prestige of the university.

Komsomolskaya Pravda found out which IT specialties will be in demand in 3-4 years and which universities train the best professionals.

Information technology has penetrated almost all spheres of our life. Very soon, the volume of information will be measured in zettabytes (that's 10 to the 21st power), and it will be extremely important to manage these masses, our experts believe - Alexander Gavrilov, Ph.D. research and education Mail.Ru Group Dmitry Voloshin.

1. "Data scientist"- big data specialist

Big data is a popular and promising area in computer science. What it is? This is the collection and systematization of information of huge volumes and diverse composition. It is necessary to analyze the entire information array and take serious decisions based on it. management decisions. At first glance, this seems understandable, but such work requires very specific competencies. “A data scientist is a person who ideally has a technical background, he can be a programmer, analyst, business architect. He also has a scientific background, skills and abilities to analyze information and put forward hypotheses,” says Dmitry Voloshin.

2. Cloud Computing Specialist

Cloud storage is powerful virtual servers where user data is stored. Due to the fact that the data is stored in the so-called "clouds", they are not attached to a specific PC and can be retrieved from devices that are less powerful than the server. This is how they work google drives and Yandex, Mail.Ru files, Apple service iCloud, or even google chrome, which remembers the user's bookmarks, passwords, and browser history. Experts predict a rapid growth in the number of such systems in the coming years, and there are very few specialists for their development. So it's time to learn how to develop "clouds", after graduating from the university there will be no problems with employment.

3. Developer mobile applications

There is no point in explaining what it is. Smartphone = mobile apps. Each new application is more interesting and more difficult than the previous one, new specializations appear in this area. For example, programmers for a specific platform, specialists in graphical interfaces, mobile application testers “As tablets and smartphones penetrate the market, as communication channels improve, there is a huge need (I'm not exaggerating), just a huge need for the right developers. Now this is one of the main trends, it appears a large number of startups on this topic,” comments Dmitry Voloshin.

4. Robotics Specialist

This is no longer a new direction in IT, but now it is rapidly gaining momentum. The field is very complex, including electronics, mechanics, and computer science. “In fact, I would compare a robot programmer with a surgeon who performs operations,” says Dmitry Voloshin. But you can learn this, and besides, it is very necessary. Employers are waiting.

5. Information Security Specialist

Another broad sphere with many branches. Here is the development of antiviruses, and system protection electronic payments- in general, everything that will help information to be protected.

6. Integrated automation of business processes

Automation is needed to solve various business problems faster. With the help of IT solutions, you can speed up almost any business process: from attracting new customers to paying salaries. But all business processes are interconnected, so complex automation is more efficient and easier.

Alexander Gavrilov also identifies interdisciplinary areas, such as bioinformatics. Programmers on 1C, C++, Java and other platforms are always in demand. “Good programmers are swept away at once. All the guys who know how and want to program will certainly find a job for themselves in a very short time,” Dmitry Voloshin assures students and applicants.

I would go to IT specialists ... But where to go?

between higher education and real work as always there is a distance. You can't train to be a mobile app developer, business analyst, or cloud computing specialist. It is understandable. “5 years ago, none of the above specialties existed,” says Alexander Gavrilov. But this is not a reason to abandon higher education and decide that you will learn everything yourself. Higher education provides the foundation for the development of a specialist. In addition, such a country we have, without a diploma they will not take anywhere. And technical universities open doors to big companies.

When asked about the employment of students after graduating from universities, Dmitry Voloshin answers unequivocally: “Well, only losers do not get a job, sorry for being blunt. 70% of the guys work while still studying in the 3-4 year.

The best universities that train IT specialists

1. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

In Baumanka it is worth trying your luck at the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems and the Faculty of Robotics and Integrated Automation. True, in case of failure, you should not be upset. At any faculty in this university, even in management, strong technical training is given. The university holds its own Olympiad "Step into the Future", its winners and prize-winners enter without exams.

2. Faculty of the VMK Moscow State University. Lomonosov

Here they give fundamental theoretical training, many graduates go into science upon graduation. The competition for a place is 5-5.5 people, but there are a lot of state-funded places: 335. Do not forget that Moscow State University has the privilege of conducting an additional entrance test, so the USE results alone will not be enough. Again, the university has its own Olympiads "Lomonosov" and "Conquer Sparrow Hills". Diploma winners of these Olympiads enter without exams, or receive 100 points in one of the subjects.


Here, IT specialists are trained at three faculties: radio engineering and cybernetics, management and applied mathematics, innovations and high technologies. On average, the competition for these faculties last year was 2.2 people per place, which is not so much. Although the scores are quite high. With the help of the Phystech Olympiad, you can enter the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology without exams, and there are many other Olympiads that provide advantages for admission. For example, "Start in Science" and visiting Olympiads.

4. MEPhI

The competition at MEPhI is large, in the direction of business informatics in 2012 there were as many as 16 people per place. But you can apply to 5 universities at once. So why not take a chance and feel the spirit of competition in one of them?


Here, IT specialists are trained by as many as 5 faculties: business informatics, informatics and computer science, information security, software and administration of information systems, applied informatics. It is quite possible to enter there, the average passing score for these faculties last year was 216 for 3 exams.

You should also pay attention to the HSE Faculty of Business Informatics: they give good base practice oriented. You can become a worthy specialist by studying at MIREA and St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Control Processes. Among the universities of St. Petersburg NRU ITMO - worthy alternative Moscow universities.

Experts singled out Kazan (Privolzhsky) and Southern Federal Universities, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Nizhny Novgorod State Universities from regional universities.

All universities accept winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in specialized subjects and members of the International Subject Olympiads without exams.

You can learn programming on your own, but only those who study according to proven programs have a career head start. Where and how to act in order to master the profession?

  • It is necessary to decide on the direction (a specialist can write programs or look for vulnerabilities in the software used, design and maintain internal corporate networks responsible for communication and communications, building the IT infrastructure of the business).
  • Collect a package of documents.
  • Pass the entrance exam for a programmer.

How to become a programmer

The test format for admission to the Faculty of IP may differ depending on the choice of specialty, the level of professional training and the age of the applicant. What exams do you need to take to become a programmer? Difficulty level may also vary.

  • For talented enthusiastic young people who have already distinguished themselves in school or college, there is the possibility of admission after an interview.
  • Often candidates are internally tested.
  • School graduates need to score a passing score for the required exam as part of the USE program.
  • 9th graders entering college will get by with a good GPA or can “get” points in the OGE.

What items to take

What subjects are needed to enter the programmer are determined by a particular university. For admission to the "Synergy" faculty Information systems Examinations are provided for two compulsory and one core subject. Compulsory disciplines:

  • maths,
  • Russian language.

Which third exam you need to take depends on the specialty. To enroll in a bachelor's degree, a future IT specialist with a wide profile must pass computer science. A programmer in the field of software and systems administration, as well as a future expert in instrumentation and telecommunications, passes Russian, mathematics, physics.

What to take when going to college

Along with undergraduate and graduate programs, our university practices professional training of future programmers in the college. Graduates of 9th and 11th grades have access to the profile of an IT specialist-generalist. Young students with a predominantly mathematical approach to problem solving may be admitted without an examination.

For admission, a good average attestation score is sufficient. For both 9th graders and 11th graders. We keep the doors to the future of technology open for the keen student.

Reasons why you should choose this field

The term of study ranges from 2 years 10 months (college) to 6.5 years (higher master's education). Why is this time worth investing in professional training to unlearn to be a programmer?

  • A programmer is the highest paid profession after lawyers (world statistics).
  • The deficit of competent IT-specialists in Russia alone is more than 1 million vacancies. Employment - quite frequent the question of university graduates is not relevant for this profile.
  • Programming is the profession of the future. Computers are confidently gaining ground in all areas; today, de facto, a serious business without an IT infrastructure cannot function successfully.

Among young engineers, technicians, extras, many are thinking about changing their qualifications to a programmer.

Is it hard to study

Programming is a complex industry, the amount of knowledge needed here is colossal. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about simple learning in its context.

During the training, the student will take a lot of purely technical subjects - matan, graph basics, probability theory. They are not easy for everyone, they are accompanied large quantity calculations.

But despite the complexity of the study, it remains interesting. We made sure that our future programmers could “apply” every block of acquired knowledge in real business practice. Plus, we hold forums, webinars and seminars with the participation of recognized representatives of the profession.

Programming is the whole world. It requires diligence and a responsible approach to learning, but is filled with world-changing discoveries from the very first weeks.
