Office automation is designed to be a solution. Automation of management functions in the organization

Information technology of data processing.

III. Types of information technology

There are several types of information technology:

- information technology data processing


- Office automation


- Information technology expert systems

Information technology for data processing is designed to solve well-structured problems for which the necessary input data are available and algorithms and other standard procedures for their processing are known. This technology is used at the level of operational (executive) activities (see Fig. 3.3) of low-skilled personnel in order to automate some routine, constantly recurring operations of managerial work.

Main components:

- Data collection;

- Data processing;

- Data storage;

- Create reports(documents.)

Management information technology

The goal of management information technology is to satisfy information needs without exception, all employees of the company dealing with decision-making.

Management information technology is aimed at creating various types of reports:

Regular reports are generated according to a set schedule that determines when they are generated, such as a monthly analysis of a company's sales.

Special reports are created at the request of managers or when something unplanned happened in the company.

Both types of reports may take the form of summary, comparative and extraordinary reports.

AT summarizing In reports, data is combined into separate groups, sorted and presented as intermediate and final totals for individual fields.

Comparative reports contain data obtained from various sources or classified according to various criteria and used for comparison purposes.

emergency reports contain data of an exceptional (extraordinary) nature.

The information technology of an automated office is the organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with the external environment based on computer networks and other modern means transmission and handling of information.

The information technology of the automated office includes:

1. Database (we will consider it in a separate lecture).

2. word processor . This is a kind of application software, designed for creating and processing text documents.

3. Email . Electronic mail (E-mail), based on the network use of computers, allows the user to receive, store and send messages to their network partners.

4. Audiomail. This is mail for voice messaging. She reminds email, except that instead of typing a message on your computer keyboard, you're sending it through your phone.

5. spreadsheet processor . He is just like word processor, is a basic component of the information culture of any employee and automated office technology.

6. Electronic calendar . It provides another opportunity to use the network version of the computer to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization.

7. Computer conferences and teleconferences . Computer conferences use computer networks for the exchange of information between members of a group solving a specific problem. The teleconference includes three types of conferences: audio, video and computer.

8. Videotext. It is based on using a computer to display text and graphics data on a monitor screen.

9. Image storage . Image storage (imaging) is a promising office technology and is based on the use of a special device - an optical image recognizer that allows you to convert an image of a document or movie into digital form for further storage external memory computer.

10. Audio conferencing. They use audio to maintain communications between geographically remote employees or departments of the company. The simplest technical means of implementing audio conferencing is telephone communications, equipped additional devices, allowing more than two participants to participate in the conversation.

11. Videoconferencing. They are designed for the same purposes as audio conferences, but with the use of video equipment. Their implementation also does not require a computer.

12. Fax communication. This communication is based on the use of a fax machine capable of reading a document on one end of the communication channel and displaying its image on the other.

Decision Support Information Technology

Main Feature decision support information technology is a qualitatively new method of organizing human-computer interaction. The development of a solution, which is the main goal of this technology, occurs as a result of an iterative process in which:

Decision support system as a computing link and a control object;

A person as a control link that sets the input data and evaluates the result of calculations on a computer.

There are three main components to a decision support system.: database, model database and software subsystem, which consists of a database management system (DBMS), a model database management system (MSMS) and a user-computer interface management system.


The data management system should have the following capabilities:

Compilation of data combinations obtained from various sources through

use of aggregation and filtering procedures;

Quick addition or exclusion of one or another data source;

Building a logical data structure in terms of the user;

Use and manipulation of informal data for experimental

checking the user's working alternatives;

Ensuring the complete logical independence of this database from other operational databases operating within the firm

Model base. The purpose of creating models is to describe and optimize some object or process.

There are many types of models and ways to classify them, such as purpose of use, scope possible applications, the method of estimating variables, etc.

By purpose of use models are divided into optimization, related to finding the minimum or maximum points of some indicators, descriptive, describing the behavior of some system and not intended for control (optimization) purposes.

By evaluation method , models are classified into deterministic, using the evaluation of variables by one number for specific values ​​of the initial data, and stochastic, estimating variables with several parameters, since the initial data are given by probabilistic characteristics.

By area of ​​possible applications models are broken down into specialized, intended for use by only one system, and universal - for use by multiple systems.

Components of the model base:

Strategic Models are used at the highest levels of management to establish the goals of the organization, the amount of resources needed to achieve them, as well as the policy for acquiring and using these resources. These models are usually deterministic, descriptive, specialized for use in one particular firm.

Tactical models used by middle-level managers to allocate and control the use of available resources. Usually tactical models are implemented as deterministic, optimization and universal.

Operational Models are used at the lower levels of management to support the adoption of operational decisions with a horizon measured in days and weeks. They tend to be deterministic, optimizing, and generic.

Mathematical models consist of a set of model blocks, modules and procedures that implement mathematical methods. This may include procedures for linear programming, statistical analysis of time series, regression analysis, etc. - from the simplest procedures to complex application packages (APPs). Model blocks, modules and procedures can be used individually or in combination to build and maintain models.

Interface Management System. The interface determines: the user's language; computer message language that organizes a dialogue on the display screen; user knowledge.

Information technology of expert systems.

The greatest progress among computer information systems marked in development expert systems based on the use of artificial intelligence. Expert systems enable a manager or a specialist to receive expert advice on any problems about which knowledge has been accumulated by these systems.

Under artificial intelligence usually understand the ability of computer systems to do things that would be called intelligent if they came from a person.

The similarity of information technologies used in expert systems and decision support systems lies in the fact that both of them provide a high level of decision support. However, there are three significant differences. The first is due to the fact that the solution of a problem within the framework of decision support systems reflects the level of its understanding by the user and his ability to obtain and comprehend the solution. Expert systems technology, on the contrary, invites the user to make a decision that exceeds his capabilities. The second difference between these technologies is expressed in the ability of expert systems to explain their reasoning in the process of obtaining a solution. Very often, these explanations are more important to the user than the solution itself. The third difference is related to the use of a new component of information technology - knowledge.

The main components of information technology used in expert systems are:

User interface;

Knowledge base;


System creation module.

User interface . The manager (specialist) uses the interface to enter information and commands into the expert system and receive output information from it.

Knowledge base. It contains facts that describe the problem area, as well as the logical relationship of these facts. The central place in the knowledge base belongs to the rules. rule defines what should be done in this particular situation, and consists of two parts: a condition that may or may not be true, and an action to be taken if the condition is true.

Interpreter. This is a part of the expert system that processes the knowledge (thinking) in the knowledge base in a certain order. The technology of the interpreter is reduced to a consistent consideration of a set of rules (rule by rule). If the condition contained in the rule is met, an action is taken and the user is presented with a solution to their problem.

System creation module. It serves to create a set (hierarchy) of rules. There are two approaches that can form the basis of the system creation module: “the use of algorithmic programming languages ​​and the use of expert system shells.

Shell of expert systems is a ready-made software environment that can be adapted to solve a specific problem by creating an appropriate knowledge base. In most cases, using shells allows you to create expert systems faster and easier than programming.

data accumulated on the basis of an assessment of the operations carried out by the firm;

normative documents(plans, standards, budgets, etc.) that determine the planned state of the control object.

Question 9. Office automation

1. Characteristics and purpose of office automation.

2. The main components of office automation.

Information technology of the automated office – organization and support of communication processesboth within the organization and with the external environmentbased on computer networks and other modern means of transmission and work with information.

Office automation designed to complement the existing traditional system of personnel communication (with her meetings, phone calls and orders). When used together, both of these systems will provide

rational automation of managerial work and the best provision of information to managers.Automated office:

supports intra-companypersonnel communication;

provides new means of communication with the external environment.

Office automation technologies especially attractive to

group problem solving. They improve the productivity of secretaries and clerks and enable them to cope with an increasing workload, but the benefit is secondary to the ability to use office automation as a problem-solving tool.

There are currently dozens of known software products for computers and non-computer hardware, providing office automation technology:

word processor;

spreadsheet processor;


electronic calendar;


computer and teleconferences;

video text;

image storage;

specialized programs for management activities (document management, control over the execution of orders, etc.).Non-computer tools are also widely used:

audio and video conferences;

facsimile communication;

copier and other office equipment.

A mandatory component of any technology is a database. In an automated office, she concentrates in herself information about the company's production system, as well as in data processing technology at the operational level. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the firm.

Information from the database enters the input of computer Applications (programs), such as a word processor, spreadsheet, e-mail, computer conferences, etc.

word processor is a type of application software designed to create and process text documents. It allows

add or remove words, move sentences and paragraphs, set format, manipulate text elements and modes etc. Regular receipt of letters and reports prepared using a word processor enables the manager to constantly assess the situation in the company.

Email(E-mail), based on the network use of computers, allows the user to receive, store and send messages to your network partners. E-mail may provide the user with different options depending on the software used. In order for a message to be sent to be available to all e-mail users, it must be placed on a computer bulletin board. When a firm decides to implement email, it has two options::

buy your own hardware and software and create your own local network of computers that implements the e-mail function;

buy a ready-made service for using e-mail, which is provided by specialized communication organizations for a period of time

paid fee.

Audiomail. This is mail for voice messaging. It's like email, but message instead of typing on the keyboard transmitted via phone. Audio mail is also implemented on the network. Audio messaging mail can be used successfully for group problem solving. The main advantage of audio mail over email is that it easier - when using it, you do not need to enter data from the keyboard.

spreadsheet processor, as well as a word processor, it is a basic component of the information culture of any employee and automated office technology. Without knowledge of the basics of the technology of work in it, it is impossible to fully use a personal computer in one's activities. Functions of modern spreadsheet software environments

allow you to perform numerous operations on data presented in tabular form. Combining these operations according to common features, we can distinguish

the most numerous and used groups of technological operations:

data entry both from the keyboard and from databases;

data processing(sorting, automatic generation of totals, copying and transferring data, various groups of calculation operations, data aggregation, etc.);

printing information, as imported files to other systems, directly to the database;

quality layout of tabular forms data presentation;

versatile and high quality presentation of data in the form of charts and graphs;

carrying out engineering, financial, statistical calculations;

conducting mathematical modeling and a number of other auxiliary operations.

Any modern spreadsheet environment has the means to send data over the network.

Electronic calendar provides another opportunity to use the network version of the computer to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization. The technical and software of the electronic calendar is fully consistent with similar components of e-mail, moreover, the calendar software is often integral part email software.

Computer conferences use computer networks to exchange information between group members, solving a specific problem.

The circle of persons having access to this technology is limited. The number of participants in a computer conference can be many times greater than the number of participants in audio and video conferences.

teleconferenceincludes three types of conferences:




Video text is based on the use of a computer to obtain

displaying text and graphic data on the monitor screen. For decision makers, there arethree possibilities for obtaining information in the form of video text:

create video text files on your own computers;

enter into an agreement with a specialized company to gain access to the video text files developed by it;

enter into agreements with other companies to gain access to their video text files.

Popular exchange of catalogs and price lists of their products between companies in video text form.

Image storage. In any firm it is necessary to store a large number of documents for a long time. Their storage even in the form of files causes serious problems. So the idea came up store not the document itself, but its image (image), and stored in digital form.

Image storage (imaging)- a promising office technology, which is based on the use of a special device - an optical pattern recognizer, which allows convert an image of a document or movie into digital form for further storage in the external memory of the computer. Optical discs are used to store images.

The creation of this technology was facilitated by the emergence of a new technical solution– an optical disc in combination with digital recording Images.

Question 10. Audio and video conferencing in office automation

1. Audio conferencing.

2. Videoconferencing.

3. Fax communication.

Audio conferencinguse audio communication to maintain communications

between geographically remote employees and departments of the company. Telephone communication, equipped with devices that enable participation in the conversation by more than two participants, – the simplest technical means of implementing an audio conference. Creation of such conferences does not require a computer it involves the use of two-way audio communication between its participants.

The use of audio conferencing facilitates decision-making, it is cheap and convenient. Audio conferencing is more efficient when the following conditions are met:

the employee organizing the audio conference must first ensure that interested parties can participate in it;

the number of participants should not be too large to keep the discussion within the framework of the problem under discussion;

the conference program must be communicated to the participants in advance, for example, by fax;

before starting to speak, each participant must introduce himself;

recording of the conference and its storage should be organized;

The conference recording must be printed and sent to all participants.

Characteristics and purpose. Office tasks include the following tasks: office work, management, management control, reporting, searching, entering and updating information, scheduling, information exchange between office departments, between offices of an enterprise and between enterprises. Typical procedures performed in the tasks listed above are as follows:

processing of incoming and outgoing information (reading and responding to letters, writing reports, circulars and other documentation, which may also include drawings and diagrams);

collection and subsequent analysis of data (reporting for certain periods of time for various departments in accordance with various selection criteria);

storage of received information (quick access to information and search for the necessary data).

The main components of office automation are shown in Figure 3.3.

Rice. 3.3. Main components of office automation

Information technology of the automated office- organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with the external environment based on computer networks and other modern means of transmitting and working with information.

Office automation technologies are used by managers, specialists, secretaries and clerks. They allow you to increase productivity and make it possible to cope with an increasing volume of work.

However, this benefit is secondary to the ability to use office automation as a problem-solving tool. Improving the decisions made by managers as a result of their improved communication can ensure the economic growth of the company.

Electronic office called a software and hardware complex designed to process documents and automate the work of users in control systems.

The structure of the electronic office includes the following hardware: computers, possibly networked; printing devices; means of copying documents; modem (if the computer is connected to global network or territorially remote computer). Additionally, the hardware may include scanners used to automatically enter text and graphic information directly from primary documents; streamers designed to create archives on mini-cassettes on magnetic tape; projection equipment for presentations.

The main software products that provide office automation technology are:

· text editor;

· spreadsheet;

database management system.

Office software may also include:

· analysis and scheduling program;

the program of the presentation;

· graphics editor;

fax modem service program;

· network software: e-mail, computer and teleconferencing, etc.;

translation programs;

Specialized programs for management activities: maintaining documents, monitoring the execution of orders, etc.

Office software products are used both independently and as part of integrated packages.

Non-computer means are also widely used: audio and video conferencing, facsimile, copier and other office equipment.

Main components. Database. A mandatory component of any technology is a database. In an automated office, the database concentrates data on the activities of the company. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the firm.

Information from the database enters the input of computer applications (programs), such as a word processor, spreadsheet, e-mail, computer conferences, etc. Any computer application automated office provides workers with communication with each other and with other firms.

Word Processor. This is a type of application software designed to create and process text documents. Regular receipt of letters and reports prepared using a word processor enables the manager to constantly assess the situation in the company.

Email. Electronic mail (E-mail), based on the network use of computers, allows the user to receive, store and send messages to their network partners.

Audio mail. This is mail for voice messaging. It is similar to e-mail, except that instead of typing a message on a computer keyboard, you send it through your phone. The system includes a special device for converting audio signals into digital code and vice versa, as well as a computer for storing audio messages in digital form. The advantage of audiomail is that it is simpler - no keyboard input is required when using it.

table processor. It, like a word processor, is a basic component of the information culture of any employee and automated office technology. Without knowledge of the basics of the technology of work in it, it is impossible to fully use a personal computer in one's activities. The functions of modern spreadsheet software environments allow you to perform numerous operations on data presented in tabular form.

Electronic calendar. It provides another opportunity to use the network version of the computer to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization.

Computer conferences and teleconferences. Computer conferences use computer networks to exchange information between members of a group solving a specific problem. The number of participants in a computer conference can be many times greater than in audio and video conferences.

In the literature, you can often find the term teleconference. The teleconference includes three types of conferences: audio, video and computer.

Audio conferencing. They use audio to maintain communications between geographically remote employees or departments of the company. The simplest technical means of implementing audio conferences is telephone communication, equipped with additional devices that enable more than two participants to participate in a conversation. Creating audio conferences does not require a computer, but only involves the use of two-way audio communication between its participants.

Videoconferencing. They are designed for the same purposes as audio conferences, but with the use of video equipment. Their implementation also does not require a computer. During a videoconference, its participants, who are at a considerable distance from each other, can see themselves and other participants on the television screen. Simultaneously with the television image, sound is transmitted.

While videoconferencing can help cut travel and travel costs, most businesses use videoconferencing for more than just that reason. These firms see them as an opportunity to involve the maximum number of managers and other employees geographically remote from the main office in solving problems.

Fax. This communication is based on the use of a fax machine capable of reading a document on one end of the communication channel and displaying its image on the other.

Faxing contributes to decision making by quickly and easily distributing documents to members of a problem-solving group, regardless of their geographic location.

Historically, automation began in manufacturing and then spread to the office, initially with the goal of automating routine secretarial work. With the development of communication tools, automation of office technologies has become of interest to specialists and managers, who saw in it an opportunity to increase their productivity.

To office include the following tasks: office work, management, management control, reporting, searching, entering and updating information, scheduling, information exchange between office departments, between enterprise offices and enterprises.

Typical procedures performed in the tasks listed above:

  • processing of incoming and outgoing information (reading and responding to letters, writing reports, circulars and other documentation, which may also include drawings and diagrams);
  • collection and subsequent analysis of data (reporting for certain periods of time for various departments in accordance with various selection criteria);
  • storage of received information (quick access to information and search for the necessary data).

This requires the following conditions to be met: the work between the performers must be coordinated; the movement of documents should be optimized as far as possible; the possibility of interaction between departments within the enterprise and enterprises within the association should be provided.

Office automation (Fig. 1.7) is not designed to replace the existing traditional system of personnel communication (with its meetings, phone calls and orders), but only to supplement it. Both of these systems together will provide rational automation of managerial work and the best provision of information to managers.

The automated office is attractive to managers of all levels of management in the company, not only because it supports the internal communication of personnel, but also because it provides them with new means of communication with the external environment.

Information technology of the automated office- organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with the external environment based on computer networks and other modern means of transmitting and working with information.

Office automation technologies are used by managers, specialists, secretaries and clerks. They allow you to increase productivity and make it possible to cope with an increasing volume of work.

However, this benefit is secondary to the ability to use office automation as a problem-solving tool. Improving the decisions made by managers as a result of their improved communication can ensure the economic growth of the company.

Electronic office called a software and hardware complex designed to process documents and automate the work of users in control systems.

AT composition of the electronic office includes the following hardware:

  • computers, possibly networked;
  • printing devices;
  • means of copying documents;
  • modem (if the computer is connected to a global network or a remote computer).

Additionally, the hardware may include

  • scanners used for automatic input of text and graphic information directly from primary documents;
  • streamers designed to create archives on mini-cassettes on magnetic tape;
  • projection equipment for presentations.

Main software products providing technology office automation , are:

  • text editor;
  • spreadsheet;
  • database management system.

AT office software composition may also include:

  • analysis and scheduling program;
  • presentation program;
  • graphics editor;
  • fax modem service program;
  • network software: e-mail, computer and teleconferencing, etc.;
  • translation programs;
  • specialized programs for management activities: maintaining documents, monitoring the execution of orders, etc.

Office software products are used both independently and as part of integrated packages.

Non-computer means are also widely used: audio and video conferencing, facsimile, copier and other office equipment.

Database. A mandatory component of any technology is a database. In an automated office, the database concentrates data on the activities of the company. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the firm. Specialists must be proficient in the basic technological operations for working in a database environment.

Example. The database collects data on daily sales, transmitted by sales representatives of the company to the main computer, or information on weekly deliveries of raw materials.

Information about the exchange rate or quotes of securities, including the shares of this company, which are adjusted in the corresponding database array, can be received daily by e-mail from the stock exchange.

Information from the database enters the input of computer applications (programs), such as a word processor, spreadsheet, e-mail, computer conferences, etc. Any computer application of an automated office provides workers with communication with each other and with other firms.

Word Processor. This is a type of application software designed to create and process text documents. When the document is ready, the employee rewrites it to external memory, and then prints it out and, if necessary, transfers it over a computer network. Thus, the manager has efficient view written communication. Regular receipt of letters and reports prepared using a word processor enables the manager to constantly assess the situation in the company.

Email. Electronic mail (E-mail), based on the network use of computers, allows the user to receive,

store and send messages to your network partners. Only one-way communication takes place here. This limitation, according to many researchers, is not too important, since in fifty cases out of a hundred business telephone conversations are aimed only at obtaining information. To ensure two-way communication, you will have to repeatedly send and receive messages by e-mail or use another method of communication.

E-mail may provide the user with different options depending on the software used. In order for the sent message to become available to all e-mail users, it should be placed on a computer bulletin board, if desired, you can indicate that this is private correspondence. You can also send a shipment with notification of its receipt by the addressee.

Audio mail. This is mail for voice messaging. It is similar to e-mail, except that instead of typing a message on a computer keyboard, you send it through your phone. You can also receive sent messages on the phone.

The system includes a special device for converting audio signals into digital code and vice versa, as well as a computer for storing audio messages in digital form. Audio mail is also implemented on the network.

Audio messaging mail can be used successfully for group problem solving. To do this, the sender of the message must additionally indicate a list of persons to whom given message intended. The system will periodically call all the specified employees to send them a message.

The main advantage of audiomail compared to electronic is that it is simpler - when using it, you do not need to enter data from the keyboard.

table processor. It, like a word processor, is a basic component of the information culture of any employee and automated office technology. Without knowledge of the basics of the technology of work in it, it is impossible to fully use a personal computer in one's activities. The functions of modern spreadsheet software environments allow you to perform numerous operations on data presented in tabular form. Combining these operations according to common features, we can distinguish the most numerous and used groups of technological operations:

data entry both from the keyboard and from databases;

data processing (sorting, automatic generation of totals, copying and transferring data, various groups of calculation operations, etc.);

output of information in printed form, in the form of imported files to other systems, directly to the database;

high-quality design of tabular forms of data presentation;

multifaceted and high-quality presentation of data in the form of charts and graphs;

carrying out engineering, financial, statistical calculations;

carrying out mathematical modeling and a number of other auxiliary operations.

Any modern spreadsheet environment has the means to send data over the network.

Electronic calendar. It provides another possibility to use the network version of the computer to store and manipulate the work schedule. The manager (or his secretary) sets the date and time of the meeting or other event, views the resulting schedule, and makes changes using the keyboard. The hardware and software of the electronic calendar is fully consistent with similar components of e-mail.

What's more, calendar software is often an integral part of email software.

The system additionally makes it possible to access the calendars of other managers as well. She can automatically align meeting times with their own schedules.

The use of an electronic calendar is especially effective for managers higher levels management, whose working days are scheduled for a long time ahead.

Computer conferences and teleconferences. Computer conferences use computer networks to exchange information between members of a group solving a specific problem. The number of participants in a computer conference can be many times greater than in audio and video conferences.

In the literature, you can often find the term teleconference. The teleconference includes three types of conferences: audio, video and computer.

Image storage. In any firm it is necessary to store a large number of documents for a long time. Their number can be so great that storage even in the form of files causes serious problems. Therefore, the idea arose to store not the document itself, but its image (image), and store it in digital form.

Image storage (imaging) is a promising office technology and is based on the use of a special device - an optical image recognizer that allows you to convert an image of a document or movie into a digital form for further storage in the external memory of a computer. The image saved in digital format can be displayed in its real form on the screen or printer at any time. Optical discs are used to store images. Thus, about 200,000 pages can be recorded on a five-inch optical disc.

Audio conferencing. They use audio to maintain communications between geographically remote employees or departments of the company. The simplest technical means of implementing audio conferences is telephone communication, equipped with additional devices that provide the possibility of interaction for more than two participants. Creating audio conferences does not require a computer, but only involves the use of two-way audio communication between its participants.

Videoconferencing. They are designed for the same purposes as audio conferences, but with the use of video equipment. Their implementation also does not require a computer. During a videoconference, its participants, who are at a considerable distance from each other, can see themselves and other participants on the television screen. Simultaneously with the television image, sound is transmitted.

While videoconferencing can help cut travel and travel costs, most businesses use videoconferencing for more than just that reason. These firms see them as an opportunity to involve the maximum number of managers and other employees geographically remote from the main office in solving problems.

Fax This communication is based on the use of a fax machine capable of reading a document on one end of the communication channel and displaying its image on the other.

facsimile contributes to decision-making by quickly and easily distributing documents to members of a problem-solving group, regardless of their geographic location.

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  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.5 Legal support
  • 3.1 1C: Enterprise 8.1
  • 4. Conclusion
  • 5. References

1. Introduction

Historically, office automation began in manufacturing and then spread to the office, initially with the goal of automating routine secretarial work. With the development of communication tools, automation of office technologies has become of interest to specialists and managers, who saw in it an opportunity to increase their productivity.

Over the past decades, office automation has been one of the main drivers for the development of the global information industry. Perhaps each of the world's giants - developers of hardware and software has contributed to the development of this part of the information technology market.

The range of solutions offered for office automation includes office suites, tools for organizing collaboration and information exchange, solutions for automating company management and much more. Thanks to these solutions, the office itself and the organization of work of its employees have recently changed beyond recognition.

When creating a new company of any scale, its organizers already face the problem of choosing the means for this automation among the variety of products on the market.

Thus, the goal of office automation is to increase the efficiency of enterprise management and ensure the consistency and uninterrupted operation of all office services.

In order to reach this goal, it is necessary to solve such office tasks as: the development of office work, management, reporting, searching for information, entering and updating information, scheduling, information exchange between departments of the office, between offices of the enterprise and between enterprises.

2. Information system "Office Automation", its classification and structure

Office automation is a comprehensive automation of the work of all office departments: personnel department, office, accounting, secretariat, planning and economic department, etc. It guarantees comfortable working conditions for all employees, completely eliminates or minimizes the manual performance of routine operations, practically eliminates accidental errors of performers , optimizes all existing business processes.

Office automation is designed not to replace the existing traditional system of personnel communication (with its meetings, phone calls and orders), but only to supplement it.

Office automation, as an information system, consists of a combination of the following supporting subsystems:

2.1 Technical support of the office

Hardware is a set of technical means designed for the operation of an information system, as well as the relevant documentation for these tools and technological processes.

The technical support of the office includes one or more personal computers, possibly networked (local or global, depending on the type of office activity); copier, printer, scanner, fax, modems, cartridges and more. Let's define the main ones:

Computer (from English computer - "computer") - a machine for performing calculations. With the help of calculations, a computer is able to process information according to a predetermined algorithm. In addition, most computers are capable of storing information and searching for information, displaying information on various types of information output devices. It is now believed that the main function of computers is information processing and control.

Fax - apparatus, capable of reading a document at one end of a communication channel and displaying its image at the other.

Faxing contributes to decision making by quickly and easily distributing documents to members of a problem-solving group, regardless of their geographic location.

Computer printer (English printer - printer) - a device for printing digital information on a solid medium, usually on paper.

The printing process is called printing, and the resulting document is a printout or hard copy. There are dot matrix, laser, inkjet, sublimation printers. And the color of the print - full-color and monochrome.

Scanner - a device designed to enter text or graphic data into a computer, presented in printed form.

Modem - a device used in communication systems. A special case of a modem is a widely used peripheral device for a computer that allows it to communicate with another computer equipped with a modem through telephone network(telephone modem) or cable network (cable modem).

2.2 Math and office software

Mathematical and software - a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs that implement them, to solve the problems of an information system, as well as the normal functioning of a complex of technical means.

Mathematical software - a tool for modeling control processes, typical control tasks, methods of mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, queuing theory, etc. Mathematical support of offices is poorly developed. It is possible to single out such a component of it, which is used in the office, as a calculator - computer program, emulating the functions of a calculator (electronic computing device that performs operations on numbers or algebraic formulas).

The software includes general system and special software products, as well as technical documentation. For example:

analysis and scheduling program;

presentation program;

graphics editor;

network software;

translation programs.

Office software products are used both independently and as part of integrated packages (IP). The integrated package for e-office includes software products that interact with each other. The basis of the package is a text editor, spreadsheet, database management system, telecommunications, graphics capabilities, i.e. everything that is necessary for the most common types of work in any of the offices.

2.3 Information Support office

Information support is a set unified system classifications of information coding, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in the organization, as well as the methodology for building databases.

Requirements for information support: meeting the information needs of management bodies; correct selection of primary information and sources of information; correct systematization and classification of information; continuity of the process of collecting and processing information; no duplication of information; correctness (consistency) check; reuse of information; reduction to a common format; filtering and updating information; reduction in the number of documents.

Actions with information in the process of information support:

data input and transmission (global computer networks, local networks, paper);

storage of information (integrity, subject orientation of data, historicity, multi-level storage), that is, the organization of information storages at different levels;

processing and analysis of information (creating simple and complex queries) - forecasting and modeling business processes and decision support;

presentation of information - the formation of documents and reports that are submitted to the governing bodies. Currently, there are many software products that provide Information Technology office automation. These include:

Text processors- Designed for creating and processing text documents. Prepared text documents can be printed out, as well as transmitted over a computer network. Thus, an effective form of written communication is at the disposal of the manager.

Tabularprocessors- allow you to perform numerous operations on data presented in tabular form. The user has the ability to enter tabular data, process them, perform the necessary calculations, etc.

Electronicmail allows the user to receive, store and send messages to their network partners.

Computerconferences use computer networks to exchange information between members of a group solving a specific problem.

Video text is based on using a computer to receive, display textual and graphic data on a monitor screen.

Specialized programs for management activities: maintaining documents, monitoring the execution of orders, etc.

2.4 Organizational support

Organizational support - a set of methods and means that regulate the interaction of employees with technical means and among themselves in the process of development and operation of information systems. For example, it includes electroniccalendar. It provides another opportunity to use the network version of the computer to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization. The manager (or his secretary) sets the date and time of the meeting or other event, views the resulting schedule, and makes changes using the keyboard. The hardware and software of the electronic calendar is fully consistent with similar components of e-mail.

2.5 Legal support

Legal support - a set of legal norms that determine the creation, legal status and functioning of the information system, regulating the procedure for obtaining, transforming and using information. Part legal support includes laws, decrees, resolutions of state authorities, orders, instructions and other regulatory documents of ministries, departments, organizations, local authorities.

For example, in the base federal law dated February 20, 1995 No. 24-FZ "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" determined the need for licensing activities related to the formation and use of information resources with limited access, as well as the need for certification of information systems designed to work with information resources limited access.

An analysis of business processes performed by office workers allows us to classify into general view both the tasks solved by the enterprise (organization) and the performers of these tasks. Office automation refers to fully structured tasks (there are random factors for which the laws of their distribution are known).

3. Overview of some office automation programs

3.1 "BEST-5" - enterprise management information system

The work of a modern enterprise is impossible without reliable and effective information support for its activities. The volume of accumulated data is constantly growing, and their processing becomes more complicated. The speed of collecting and analyzing information for making adequate management decisions becomes a decisive factor in business. In these conditions, even small companies cannot do without the use of information management systems. Such software systems include the "BEST-5" system (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Window BEST-5

The BEST-5 enterprise management system has been developed since 2001 by a large team of specialists in information technology, management, accounting and tax accounting. The system is dynamically developing, adapting to the legislation, absorbing new ideas and experience of application in many enterprises. It is a reliable assistant in business in solving the most pressing problems facing the enterprise.

System advantages:

· Advanced functionality.

The program has tools for keeping records and developing management decisions on all aspects of the activities of a modern trade, manufacturing or budgetary enterprise. For these purposes, the program has a number of basic functional blocks: FINANCE, TRADE, PRODUCTION, PERSONNEL. In addition, there is a constantly expanding set of industry and specialized solutions (BEST-SHOP, BEST-ALCO, BEST-FOOD, etc.), which develop and supplement the main program.

· Comprehensive accounting of operations.

The system provides advanced and flexible means of registering the facts of economic life on-line with their simultaneous reflection in accounting, tax and management accounting. Most of the business processes of the enterprise are automated with adequate documentary representation. Possibilities are available for direct data logging in the relevant type of accounting. It is possible to organize special accounting according to your own charts of accounts.

· Planning and control.

The managerial functions of the program are based on the subsystem of budgeting the activities of the enterprise and monitoring the execution of plans (plan-fact analysis). The user of the program can independently develop a set of operational, additional, financial and special budgets and calculate budgets by periods, plan options, financial responsibility centers and other analytical sections. There are tools for setting up special forms of plan-fact analysis and calculation of financial ratios to control the execution of budgets and develop management decisions.

· High adaptability.

The concept of the system is focused on fast parametric configuration of the software package without the involvement of programming specialists. In the vast majority of cases, this is sufficient. At the same time, the program has tools for software improvements. At the first level, the user is given the opportunity to develop small programs (PlugIn) while maintaining the basic functionality. At the second level, the system offers a complete built-in development environment, up to the creation of new applications.

· Availability of development environment.

The BEST-5 system has a built-in integrated development environment (IDE), which is used to create the program itself and is provided to all users to create their own functional elements. Programming can be done in the high-level Harbor language or using the C programming language using debuggers and other accelerated development tools. The development environment is supplied free of charge.

· Low cost of ownership.

Software package focused on the use of small and medium-sized enterprises. Given this circumstance, the developers of the BEST-5 system set the goal of creating a software package with a minimum cost of ownership.

· The software package has a low selling price, which is acceptable to almost any enterprise. Flexible pricing policy allows the purchase of the system in different configurations and with the required number of jobs. Discount sales are used

When using the system, you do not need to purchase other, often expensive software components such as database servers, report generators, etc. The system is integrated with office suite MS Office, but also works with the free redistributable open office.

The program makes very "gentle" requirements for working computers, servers, network equipment. The system is optimized for use in the terminal mode, in which the cost of client workstations is minimal.

· Deployment of the system at the user does not require additional costs. In most cases, users do it themselves without the involvement of expensive specialists from outside.

· Maintenance of the program in the process of operation, as a rule, is carried out by the users of the program and does not cause difficulties. The company promptly responds to changes in legislation and takes them into account in the program.

Application area:

The BEST-5 enterprise management system is intended for use by small and medium-sized enterprises. It provides operational, accounting, tax and management accounting, planning and control of business activities at the enterprise.

Main applications:

· Wholesale

· Retail

· Production

· Public catering

· Services sector

· Budget organizations

The program can be used for a single enterprise or an arbitrary set of unrelated enterprises.

Functional composition:

The enterprise management system consists of a set of functional elements - applications. Each such element automates a certain direction of the enterprise. Applications are grouped by functional blocks, so that the system has a two-level structure. The set of functional blocks is as follows:

· Finance. A group of applications designed for accounting, tax and management accounting, financial planning of business activities, as well as accounting Money, settlements on obligations, property of the enterprise.

· Trade. A group of applications for keeping records of trade operations, including accounting for purchases, inventory in warehouses, sales, including sales on the trading floor (shop), accounting for mobile trade and vehicle operation.

· Production. A group of applications for use by manufacturing enterprises. Includes subsystems for accounting for raw materials and materials, planning and accounting for production. In addition, this block includes a specialized subsystem for accounting for the production process at catering establishments.

· Personnel. A group of applications for conducting personnel records, timesheets and performing payroll calculations.

In addition, there is a set of applications that are supplied free of charge and are designed to maintain the database, configure the system, and maintain general classifiers. This also includes an integrated development environment for the program.

3.1 1C: Enterprise 8.1

1C: Enterprise is a software product of the 1C company designed for the rapid development of application solutions. The 1C:Enterprise technology platform is not a software product for use by end users who usually work with one of many application solutions (configurations) using a single technology platform. The platform and application solutions developed on its basis form the "1C: Enterprise" program system, which is designed to automate various types of activities, including solving problems of automation of accounting and management in an enterprise (CIS).

Rapid development tools are represented by visual "configuration", which allows the developer to focus on creating the business logic of the application and not deal with technological details, such as organizing interaction with the database, handling transactional locks, screen forms programming nuances, etc. Configuration partially replaces coding and thus reduces the qualification requirements for 1C developers. However, it has a built-in language for implementing arbitrary business logic.

Used by more than 1 million enterprises in Russia, the CIS and the Baltic States, Romania, Vietnam.

The current version is 8.1.

The technological platform "1C: Enterprise" is a software shell over the database (databases based on DBF files are used in 7.7, own format 1CD in version 8.0 and 8.1 or Microsoft DBMS SQL Server on any of these versions). In addition, since version 8.1, data storage is possible in the PostgreSQL DBMS, as well as DB2. Has its own internal language programming, which provides, in addition to access to data, the ability to interact with other programs through OLE and DDE, and in versions 8.0 and 8.1 - using a COM connection.

The client part of the platform functions only in the OS environment Microsoft Windows. (Thanks to Wine, it is also possible to run the "1C: Enterprise" program system on Unix-like operating systems.) The server part, when using PostgreSQL or DB2, can function on operating system Unix.

There are special versions of the 1C runtime environment for laptops and PDAs, software for creating web applications that interact with the 1C: Enterprise database.

The 1C: Enterprise 8 software system includes a platform and application solutions developed on its basis for automating the activities of organizations and individuals (see Figure 3). The platform itself is not a software product for use by end users, who usually work with one of the many application solutions (configurations) developed on this platform. This approach allows you to automate various activities using a single technological platform.

Figure 3. Platform

The flexibility of the platform allows you to use 1C: Enterprise 8 in a wide variety of areas:

office automation program information

· automation of production and trade enterprises, budgetary and financial organizations, service enterprises, etc.

Support for operational management of the enterprise;

automation of organizational and economic activities;

· bookkeeping with several charts of accounts and arbitrary accounting measurements, regulated reporting;

· ample opportunities for management accounting and analytical reporting, support for multi-currency accounting;

solving problems of planning, budgeting and financial analysis;

payroll and personnel management;

other areas of application.

4. Conclusion

Office automation, as a rule, involves the use of a complex of computers connected by a local computer network. Unlike single workstation automation (AWS), networked collaboration is more productive and saves enterprise resources. The cost of automating the entire enterprise pays off due to the possibility of collective interaction and sharing resources such as printers, scanners, data storage, Internet access. Of course, not all the benefits of automation are listed here. The highest return on automation is achieved with the skillful implementation of the company's business processes. In my opinion, properly executed automation allows all the routine (and sometimes part of quite intellectual work) to be entrusted to the machine. And, conversely, an illiterate investment in automation will not bring the desired result. Also, the difficulty that arises in the implementation of computer technology is the resistance of personnel to changes in work, this sometimes does not have the best effect on automation.

The software market has a wide range of corporate information systems designed to automate office activities. The vast majority are multi-user systems built using client-server technology, which allow organizing automated workstations for all office employees.

5. References

1. asp? code=automatizacia_office

2. htm

3. Matyushka V.M. "Informatics" - M.: INFRA-M, 2007 - 880s.

4. Titorenko G.A. "Automated information technologies" - M.: UNITI, 2006 - 399s.

5. Materials from the site

6. Documentation for 1C: Enterprise.

7. Documentation for BEST-5.

Hosted on

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