Earn money from cooking recipes. How to create your own culinary blog

Everyone can get good money without leaving home, since now everyone has an Internet connection. The World Wide Web significantly expands our capabilities, and to make money, it is best to launch your own project. It is not necessary to look for a new idea; you can enter an already occupied niche and try to get ahead of your competitors.

Making money on culinary sites is an excellent option, despite the fact that competition in this area is high. Resources with recipes appear frequently, but only a few of them become popular. Yes, promotion and promotion will take a lot of time, but the prospects are serious.

How to make a culinary website?

Even a beginner will not have any difficulty developing such a resource. You don't have to add any complex features; you can use a regular blog format to launch a recipe site. Alternatively, use WordPress, download culinary website templates, pay for hosting (100 rubles per month) and buy a domain (100 rubles per year). Having completed the necessary steps to install the engine on the hosting, you will receive a ready-made website, and you can start filling it out.

If you don’t have enough knowledge or simply don’t want to start from scratch, go to the exchange and buy a ready-made resource. On this exchange, hundreds of sites are put up for auction every day, including culinary sites:

The cost depends on the quality of the project. Be sure to compare several options; sometimes sellers significantly inflate the cost. From a huge number of ready-made resources, you will definitely find something interesting and suitable for your price.

Where can I get recipes?

The easiest way is to compose them yourself, but it takes a lot of time, and ideas may eventually run out. Then you can take any culinary recipes and rewrite articles from them; rewriting is not prohibited, but your texts must be highly unique.

If you have money, you can simply buy ready-made recipes. The exchange has a lot of unique and spell-checked materials, and some are even accompanied by photographs:

The more voluminous the material and the more photographs it contains, the more expensive it is. On this moment The Advego database contains over 1,500 ready-made texts on culinary topics; this is an excellent option for filling your resource with unique content.

How to beat your competitors?

The online cooking niche is highly competitive, so simply adding interesting recipes is not enough for successful development. You will need to come up with your own trick, how you can attract the attention of a large audience. What could it be?

Your own cooking show (start a YouTube channel);

Detailed video instructions;

Cooking exotic dishes;

In fact, there are many options; you need to use brainstorming and write down all the thoughts that come to mind. It would be great if you found a source for recipes, for example, by agreeing with a restaurant to spend time in their kitchen. The photos will turn out great, the work is done every day, so you will get excellent content.

Micro markup in Yandex

Not all owners of culinary sites use micro markup. Yandex has special rules for adding recipes to the general database. If they are designed correctly, the site’s position will definitely be increased. It’s not difficult to use micro markup, just take it ready-made template and fill the page with information.

This is an example of microdata for recipes. You just copy this code and substitute your values ​​into it (look for an example at help.yandex.ru). Markup will not only show that you intend to make a quality resource, but will also improve your snippets. Using this method takes more time, but the chances of outperforming competitors increase.

How to make money on culinary sites?

In terms of monetization, culinary resources are no different from other platforms. You can use any advertising network, partnership programs and so on. Do not forget that the target audience of such platforms are girls and women, therefore, you need to select best ways conversion of such traffic.

For example, you can use the Ladycash teaser network or find suitable offers on. Shocking advertising also shows a good click-through rate, but now Yandex views sites with such advertising negatively, so it is better not to use it.

Some people have even started building businesses with small cooking websites. For example, you can offer the delivery of ingredients for a specific dish or the preparation of recipes presented on the site. Link the site with services in real life somewhat more complicated, but many times more profitable.

Whether you decide to make money on culinary sites or not, don’t discard the idea right away. The option is excellent, especially for those who know how and love to cook. And for an effective start, try to find an old book with recipes; if the texts in it are unique, you can launch your own website based on this.

It is believed that culinary sites and blogs are the best resources for novice web publishers or those who would like to open a highly profitable, and more importantly, their own business on the Internet.

Looking at any rating of sites, you understand that because of this very simplicity, there are really a lot of them, and they are run by a variety of people - from housewives sharing their personal experiences to hunters and fishermen talking about preparing their prey and catch. From bachelors who talk verbosely and tediously about the preparation of multi-ingredient scrambled eggs, to the wives of new Russians who prepare all dishes exclusively from pineapples, absinthe and foie gras.

But they all have one thing in common - the possibility of making money on a culinary resource. So let's try to calculate how much you can earn on a cleaning website? More precisely, talk about which types of earnings can be used to monetize a culinary site or blog, and what results should be expected as a result of each type of monetization.

9 types of earnings on a culinary website and approximate income from them:

1. Contextual advertising

Alas, but advertising from Google AdSense and Yandex.Direct will not bring in a lot of money. The fact is that the “cooking” section is always the least paid of all, and therefore you rarely have to wait more than 3-5 cents for 1 click. And it has been proven that visitors to culinary resources rarely click on advertisements. They are interested in a specific recipe, which means that when they come to the site, they receive all the information they need.

Approximate earnings: 40 cents - $1.70 per 1000 unique IPs.

Although it is worth noting that the approximate earnings do not take into account the fact that a simple beginner in making money on the Internet knows how to look for keys that can increase income from a culinary resource.

2. Banner advertising

Good only for sites with huge traffic. But there are no more than 10 of these in the Russian-language network. And we’re not even talking about “millionaires”, but about sites that collect more than 200,000-100,000 visits per day. The rest have to be content with even fewer visits. Therefore, banner advertising is unlikely to bring them serious income.

Earnings: Approximately 50-70 cents per 1000 unique IPs per month.

3. Teaser advertising

This is a good way to make money, provided that you initially created your website to make money from teasers. This means that they should be the first that a visitor to your resource sees, or the last - then he will definitely click on them. But again, without a lot of traffic, it is very difficult to count on commercial success at meager prices for such types of advertising.

Earnings: From 1.2 to 3 $ per 1000 unique IPs per month.

In addition, it is worth thinking about whether it is advisable and convenient for the site owner to see unsightly teasers with bellies, etc. I don’t like them myself, so I won’t describe what you can sometimes see on teasers.

4. Selling cookbooks

There may be 2 options:

  • selling books you bought in bulk, sending them to customers after prepayment or false payment;
  • sending books written by you and published at your expense, or their electronic versions.

Alas, but with the availability of any recipe on the Internet, and given the fact that today any cookbook appears on the Internet (“thanks” to the pirates) within 2-3 weeks, and this business is quite difficult to consider profitable. And here are the statistics: only 1 out of 1,500 visitors are ready to buy a paper book, 1 out of 800 are ready to buy an electronic book.

Does anyone know? What if you create a bestseller that everyone who visits your culinary resource wants to buy?

Approximate earnings: From 0 to 45 $ per 1000 unique IPs per month.

5. Paid “closed” sections of the site

It will only work if you are able to offer something truly unrealistic. Example? Please: really working culinary recipes of immortality, or secret recipes from “stars”, whose authenticity will be accompanied by photographs of these same stars preparing exactly those dishes to which you will have paid access.

But believe me, in just a week or two, pirates will steal your content for copy-paste and rewrite, and neither disabling the right button nor angry letters will save you from this plunder of your site.

Approximate earnings: From 0 to 15 $ per 1000 unique IPs per month.

6. Donations

“Did you like my site? Then give me some money!” Such a call can attract attention. But it is very difficult to count on him seriously. Makis, who put together a Russian-language culinary website with traffic of 9,000 unique IPs per month - $270 for a calendar 30 days. But for him, this was a record that has never been repeated to date.

Earnings: We have already announced a record - $270 per month.

7. Affiliates

You can sell a lot - fitness products and kitchenware, food and spices, drinks and designer items for the kitchen. The list is huge. But there is only one “but”, 99% of sites are multi-regional (without any specific regional reference, read geo-dependence of the request), unless it is a site “ordering pizza in Moscow”. Therefore, the vast majority of your visitors will be so far away - literally - from the partner store's lot that + shipping the goods will eat up all the profitability and savings that purchasing goods on the Internet promises.

Earnings: From 10 to 75 $ per 1000 unique IPs per month.

8. Selling links

And this, sadly enough, although one of the most dangerous, is one of the most profitable types of earnings on a culinary site. But there is a “but” here: to start earning money, you need to invest either a lot of time in the site - place 10-15 thousand articles on it, or raise its PR and TIC to the maximum, which today requires very large money.

Earnings: Depends on the TIC and PR of your site, therefore it cannot be announced in the context of this article.

9. Targeted advertising

Or - renting out a culinary website. It is becoming an increasingly common type of monetization. And besides, one of the most profitable. Today, more and more food manufacturers, restaurants and supermarkets prefer not to promote their own website, but to purchase space for their advertising on advanced, and more importantly, truly popular sites.

Earnings: With a properly created core of regular readers (region, age, purchasing power) it can bring up to $50,000 per 1 banner. But provided that this banner will be on a 1-in culinary site, and there will not be a single external link on the entire resource, except for links to the target advertiser’s site.

Alas, you will be competing in promotion not with the same sites and blogs “from housewives” or “for single men,” but with countless restaurants, office lunch providers, alcohol sellers and a million cafes. And they, unlike you, have the money to buy up all the “culinary” links. And therefore, often promoting a culinary site for future link sales can be quite a waste of money. Unless, of course, you consider the amount of 300-400 dollars to be a fair payment for your monthly work.

Do you need a conclusion? The conclusion is very simple, although unpleasant for many: maintaining a culinary website is only good as a fun hobby that allows you to while away the evenings. As a great way to make money on the Internet, it is not reliable and not promising for any beginner. Of course, you can turn such a resource into a serious platform for posting links. But this requires such a large investment that the return will be zero or almost zero, and therefore is also a rather dubious matter.

Hello! In this article we will discuss making money from recipes.

  • How much can you earn: up to 500 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: ability to cook, write and take high-quality photos.
  • Is it worth doing: only as a hobby.

General information about making money on recipes

Judging by the forums, many housewives dream of making money from their own recipes. Indeed, such a possibility exists. But at the same time, there are clear requirements for recipes, and this type of income is quite complicated.

For recipes you need:

  • Unique text. They check it by to different services, but most often they use Etxt and Advego.
  • Unique photos. You just need your own photos. You cannot use photos from the Internet.
  • Interesting recipe. Unique dishes that can be prepared at home are appreciated.

Articles should be written simply and interestingly, so that every person, even who comes to the stove once a month, can prepare a delicious dish. Not everyone can do this, so you shouldn’t think that everything is so simple.

Making money from recipes, as from any article, has its own characteristics, requirements and pitfalls. Let's figure out what ways to earn money exist, what you need for this, and how much you can earn from each of them.

How to make money online from recipes: 3 ways

There are only 3 ways to make money from recipes: write them to order, sell them, and. Let's find out what you have to do in each of the ways, what will bring you money, and what can be considered more for the soul.

Writing custom recipes

Still remains profitable. But you won’t earn much by selling recipes alone. The average cost of one recipe is 200-300 rubles. At the same time, you need unique photographs and often high uniqueness (if you know how to negotiate with customers, then this point can be ignored).

It is best to place orders at. At the initial stage of work, if you make money solely on recipes, you will have to take cheap orders. But there are fewer requirements for them, and photographs are not always needed. When you get a normal rating, customers from the category of 50-60 rubles per 1,000 characters will join you.

Selling recipes

Selling ready-made recipes is similar to the previous earnings scheme. Only you don’t work to order, but put articles on the store, and they buy them. The advantages are obvious:

  • Work at a comfortable pace.
  • There is no connection to topics.
  • Own requirements.
  • Your own prices.

The downside here is also obvious: lack of stability. You cannot say for sure when they will buy the material from you, or whether they will buy it at all. Another drawback: difficulty for beginners. Until you have ratings/reviews, customers don't know if they can trust you. Therefore, they will buy only at low prices.

Overall, this the method will work for those who want not so much to earn money, but to get a paid hobby.

On the culinary site

This is probably the only way, on which you can really make money. The scheme is simple: you study website building, promotion, manuals for creating high-quality content, screw up 1 - 2 sites and after that create the necessary, interesting project that will bring money in the long run.

But most popular requests are already taken. You will either have to come up with and publish new, unique and interesting recipes, or be content with a small number of visitors.

Therefore, now it will be difficult to join information sites from scratch. An alternative is to create a full-fledged online publication for housewives, which will also include recipes. But this is difficult if you don’t even have some banal experience in copywriting.

To summarize all of the above: you can be content with low income and specialization if you sell ready-made recipes and write them to order. Or you can start earning money and create your own website, but this requires time and money.

What difficulties may arise at the initial stage of earning money?

There are a lot of difficulties at the initial stage. The first difficulty that may arise is uniqueness of texts. Recipes are a specific topic in which achieving 100% uniqueness without writing nonsense and water is almost impossible. And some customers often set 95 - 100% in the requirements, which forces them to spend 1 hour on the article, and 3-4 on adding uniqueness.

The next difficulty is unique photos. The cooking process becomes much more complicated when you have a camera/phone in your hands, and you need to record your every step. This takes more time and effort than just preparing a dish.

The third problem is time costs. To do this, you need to prepare the dish yourself. And a beginning writer does not receive much money, therefore, the salary per hour of work will be very low (from 30 to 100 rubles).

Fourth and the main problem— . Healthy competition is good. But competition with non-professionals who are desperate to get an order/sell a recipe is not. It is precisely because of the “oh, nothing complicated here” approach that a natural price ceiling arises. Few people will pay more than 300 - 400 rubles for one unique recipe, even though a lot of time is spent on cooking and writing the article.

But if you go through the initial stage, get better at it and overcome the first difficulties, the process of earning money will go much easier. But don’t think that everything will be easy later. Low prices and complexity of work will always be there.

Where to sell ready-made recipes

There are several thematic recipe sites where you can sell your own articles:

  • webspoon.ru: 50 rub. for the recipe;
  • findfood.ru: one-time 30 - 60 rubles;
  • kuhatpodano.ru: from 35 rubles;
  • multi-varca.ru: from 100 rubles for multicooker recipes.

And another option for selling your own recipes - copywriting exchanges. These are not specialized sites, which means that customers come for different content, including recipes. I worked on Etxt for a long time, so I’ll tell you about this exchange.

Selling an article at a high price to a newbie on Etxt is almost impossible.

On average, prices range from 20 to 60 rubles per 1,000 characters. An average recipe for 4,000 characters will cost from 100 to 300 rubles. And for 100 rubles it is quite likely that someone will buy it, but for 300 it is unlikely. You'll have to wait a few months, or even a year.

A small life hack

You can earn more from recipes if you take several photos of dishes from different angles during one cooking. With this approach, you can get 2 - 4 articles. True, you will have to work very hard with uniqueness, because recipes are one of the most difficult topics to adjust for anti-plagiarism.

How much can you earn from recipes?

While I was working at the copywriting exchange, I saw orders for culinary websites more than once. The requirements were approximately the same:

  • Unique material.
  • Own photographs.

Such articles were rated quite low, up to 200 - 250 rubles for 1 recipe with photographs. On professional sites the cost is a little more expensive - up to 400 - 500 rubles for a voluminous recipe (up to 6,000 characters) + photographs. But as you can see, this is still a low price.

The cooking process becomes noticeably more complicated when everything is recorded and a camera is at hand. Therefore, you should not count on more than 5 - 6 thousand rubles per month. And this is the best outcome if you cook something new every day, and your articles will be bought regularly. A more realistic figure is 3-4 thousand per month.


Making money from recipes can be a good hobby for those who constantly prepare different dishes. But this method of receiving money should not be regarded as the main one. If you are looking for a full-time income, then take up related professions - copywriting, website creation or selling photographs.

Many people would like to start their own blog and earn decent money from it, but everyone decides to do it. Many people are scared by incomprehensible terms: hosting, domain names, WordPress. And this can indeed seem very difficult, especially if you have never blogged before. But in fact, it's much easier than you think!

Even if you find it hard to believe, you can actually make money online by blogging about what you love! To do this you will need to do 3 simple steps. Just do what you love - that's the most important part. If you are happy, everything else will follow.

Let's look at how to start your own blog in 3 simple steps.

1. Define a name. What you name your blog is quite important. Choose something clever or cute, make sure it reflects the theme of your blog. And then, look in the list of domains whether this name is taken or not. If the name you wanted is already there, just think again and you will come up with another name. And don't worry too much about it. The more you post interesting articles on your blog, the more your Domain name will serve as decoration.

Host your website. Once you register your domain name, you will need to host your website to give your blog life. Now there are literally hundreds and hundreds of companies where you can host your website. Choose the best one and pay an additional amount of money to become the full owner of your blog.

2. You must have hosting before you move on to the next step. If you have one, you will need to use WordPress to manage your site.

WordPress is the simplest content management system. You can create your website there completely free of charge and install your hosting there in a few clicks. Once it's installed and ready to go, you can start writing on your blog.

Using WordPress gives you the opportunity to choose from a variety of themes. You can choose a theme that will suit your blog and attract new readers. If desired, the topic can be changed, but it is better to choose one at the beginning and stick to it.

Once you've created your site in WordPress, you're officially behind the wheel of your own blog! But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, the most interesting things will come later.

3. Make your blog interesting. Now that you have a fully functional blog, fill it with interesting content.

The best advice is to show more of your personality in your blog. You will find a huge number of food blogs online. People love the ones that show off the personality of the blogger behind them the most. If you are a funny person, be funny, if you are an analyst, then analyze, if you are a skeptic, then be skeptical. You will attract followers who share the same mindset.

Pictures are worth more than a thousand words. No matter how interesting your letter is, the first thing that catches your eye is bright pictures. Photos should be rich, bright and of good quality.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

Most everyday activities can, with the right approach, act as a source of main or auxiliary income. This is easy to do on the Internet. One such option is to prepare delicious, beautifully presented, favorite food in your home kitchen. Few people know that by preparing any dish for the family, you can simultaneously earn money from it on the World Wide Web.

This possibility is quite real, so this article will mainly be of interest to those who know interesting nuances, know how to cook and love this activity. It will be explained in detail how you can make decent money on the Internet through culinary recipes and cooking. This method is especially relevant for those who often have the opportunity to surprise loved ones with all sorts of masterpiece dishes prepared in their home kitchen, as well as for young mothers or housewives who want to have additional income.

How to make money from cooking recipes

The three most effective, efficient and profitable ways to make money from recipes need careful consideration:

  • sale on content exchanges;
  • placement on special thematic services;
  • publication on your blog.

Undoubtedly, last method the most profitable option, however, in terms of implementation it is very complex, since the technique implies the presence of more than just culinary abilities. In addition, you will need the ability to create blogs or websites and provide them with appropriate support. You also need to have knowledge of promotion and optimization, have the skills to work with search engines, since in their absence you will not be able to compete with other similar thematic resources.

At first impression, this is all really difficult, however, if you take up the matter responsibly, with an ardent desire to achieve your planned goals, then an excellent result can be achieved very quickly. The Internet can help with this, where you can learn everything.

Those who are not closely familiar with the blogging topic or simply do not have the desire to engage in this are recommended to consider, and maybe use, other methods. They will not require any special skills from you. For this reason, we will focus on a detailed examination of these simple methods of making money on the global Internet using recipes.

Selling recipes on thematic resources

So let's get started. You can earn good money by posting your unique recipes on websites specialized in this topic. Now there are several such resources, but they are all too “young” and fully undeveloped. You need to pay attention to the “pioneer” in this matter, a very reliable site “ Photorecept.ru”.

Anyone can earn income from this service and earn money regularly. All you need is knowledge of an extraordinary recipe and a series of good photographs showing all stages of preparing the dish. Of course, you will also need to verbally describe the actions being carried out, but, usually, users do not have problems with this. It will also not be extremely difficult to capture the manipulations being carried out on a camera.

This project pays money for views of a recipe posted on the resource. The amount of remuneration is quite variable - from 10 to 520 rubles for 1000 views. The amount changes due to several circumstances:

  • author's personal rating coefficient;
  • the section in which you publish the recipe;
  • accompanying video and photographic materials and volumes of text description.

This is, in a way, the highlight of the project, since it turns out that monetary earnings have no restrictions. One published recipe will continuously generate cash income as long as it is posted on the resource page and arouses the interest of visitors.

Important! The important thing is that it is necessary to post a new, beautifully designed recipe at least once every 29 days (month), otherwise, according to the rules of the site, cash accruals will be suspended. You can “unfreeze” the receipt of money by adding a new photo recipe!

Step-by-step instructions for publishing a recipe

Let’s consider point by point all the necessary actions that need to be completed to start making money on the “Photorecept.ru” resource using your recipes:

  1. go through the registration procedure;
  2. fill out the profile items as completely as possible and undergo identity verification via e-mail to ensure that the entered data is correct;
  3. then, you boldly proceed to publish the pre-formatted, edited recipe. To do this, go to the “Write a recipe” section and indicate the name of your project. Click the “Continue” button;
  4. carefully select the desired section, and then the subsection corresponding to the type of your own dish. In addition, upload photos of the prepared dish, indicate the nationality of the cuisine and click “Continue”;
  5. The next step will be to write the recipe itself. The text lists the ingredients, cooking time, and attaches step-by-step photo and video materials;
  6. Having completed the complete design of the entire recipe, you can begin publishing (the “Publish” button).

Attention! Take your time with publishing. First, a scrupulous check of all completed fields is required to avoid errors. This is done by clicking the “Preview” button!

Requirements for published recipes

In order for your completed recipe to pass moderation and become available for review, you must follow a number of rules established on the site:

  • The recipe must contain at least three ingredients. The dish needs to be interesting and unique. In other words, there is no need to try to beautifully imagine preparing an omelet from four eggs;
  • the recipe described must be described by the author (copying is unacceptable!);
  • the cooking process must be accompanied by unique (real) photographs taken during the preparation;
  • Each exhibited work must certainly contain more than 525 characters of text information.

It is very convenient to engage in this type of income for people who prepare delicious cakes to order at home. It is these craftsmen who first of all need to pay attention to the resource “Photorecept.ru”. He will help you organize double earnings - one from the completed order, and the other from viewing the author's culinary creations.

All you need to do is beautifully capture, correctly describe and correctly post the step-by-step cooking process on the “PhotoRecipe” resource. The advantage of this solution is obvious. You will receive the money you earn for completing an order and will additionally constantly have passive income from recipe views. This is a very interesting and profitable idea! Let's now consider the issue of making money from recipes sold on content exchanges.

How to make money on culinary recipes using thematic sites

You can simultaneously put up your own recipes for sale in several places to increase your income. The following culinary sites have proven themselves to be the most worthy:

  • “Findfood.ru” – not strict moderation, 55-60 rubles for a photo recipe, up to 100 rubles for a video recipe;
  • “Webspoon.ru” – a thorough check of all materials provided, a lot tariff plans to earn money. Maximum 400 rubles for a high-quality, interesting recipe;
  • “Photorecept.ru” – subject to all conditions of the resource, payment up to 520 rubles for 100 views.

Profitable sale of your own recipes on content exchanges

Most Internet users are aware of the presence on the Internet large quantity culinary resources. They all have large databases of interesting and incredibly diverse dish recipes. A reasonable question arises: where do so many cooking methods and combinations of food ingredients come from? It is impossible for even a group of professional chefs to know such a variety of recipes.

The secret here lies in the focused work of webmasters who buy new recipes on numerous content exchanges or order professional copywriters to find and describe culinary recipes for a monetary fee. They find such specialists on popular and little-known content exchanges.

There are only two most “developed” and well-known exchanges where you can profitably sell your own recipe – these are “eTXT” and “Advego”. These are very visited resources, where webmasters are mainly looking for regular writers for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Of course, making money on recipes using these methods has its own minor features. First of all, on exchanges you will receive a lump sum of real money for selling a recipe; you don’t need to gain any views here. Usually, there is no need to wait long to purchase a recipe put up for sale, since there are a lot of people who want to get their hands on the unique material. Especially quickly for thematic sites they buy high-quality written, accompanied step by step photos, recipes.

Recommendations for competently selling the content of your own recipes on exchanges

You need to get down to business seriously and the profits will start flowing very soon. Sticking to the following recommendations, your recipes will sell out at lightning speed for good money.

  1. Do not try to copy text materials from other sources. Photos and texts must be unique, that is, created only by you.
  2. Each step of cooking must be recorded on a video camera or camera. You need to film even basic manipulations, for example, chopping, cutting, mixing, etc.
  3. There is no need to photograph the ingredients in the packages. The manufacturer will not pay you for advertising.
  4. Better flash turn off the camera when taking pictures, otherwise numerous glares will significantly spoil appearance your masterpiece.
  5. Try to describe all actions in detail. This will result in larger texts that cost more.
  6. Be sure to list all, even the most insignificant, ingredients, indicating the exact weight proportions. You can't miss anything.
  7. Remember literacy. Nobody wants to buy works with errors.
  8. Photos must be clear and up-to-date. There is no need, for example, to photograph a chicken along with the kitchen table and all the accompanying utensils, jars, plates, etc.
  9. Always end your article with a perfectly captured photograph of the finished dish from the most appetizing angle.


Making money on culinary recipes is a very unique way to earn considerable monetary profit on the Internet. Today there are many opportunities for such enrichment, since all culinary resources on the World Wide Web require new, exclusive, interesting recipes for dishes to actively attract new interested visitors and regular subscribers.

For authors, some options are very profitable and, after working hard for several months, you can consistently receive a lot of money only occasionally by replenishing the range of your culinary masterpieces on specialized sites.
