How to make money using Google. So, the secrets of google adsense

Hello friends! In this article I want to tell you about how you can make money thanks to the well-known and popular google adsense service. The article is dedicated to beginners, people who are not at all into this, but want to know what google adsense is and what they use it with! I will write everything in detail and only specifics!

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At the webinar we will tell you how you can normally earn from 30-50 rubles in 9-12 months. per month thanks to your website or blog. We’ll explain everything to you in simple terms, ONE, TWO, THREE... Even a teapot will understand... Don’t miss this chance to attend such an event...

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What is Google Adsense anyway?

What is google adsense? Google adsense is a contextual advertising service from Google, thanks to which anyone who has their own website, forum or blog on the Internet can earn money, and real money, not virtual money, but later I will tell you how this money is withdrawn from the Internet!

So! Principle google works adsens is like that. I'll explain in simple example. Let’s say company “X”, which sells bicycles on earth, decided to make its own online store and sell its bicycles also via the Internet, so that people could go to their website, choose a bicycle to their liking and place an order.

This is understandable; now you can sell and buy anything you want via the Internet. So, how do people who are looking on the Internet for the opportunity to order a bicycle via the Internet find out about the existence of company “X” and that it sells bicycles? No way!

The Google Adwords service comes to the aid of company X (do not confuse it, it is Google Adwords and not Adsense). Company “X” says to the Adwords service, “Guys, we want people who want to buy a bike online to know about our online store.”

Company "X" accepts the terms of service google adwords and compiles an advertisement containing text and a link to the page of their online store. A person who sees this ad will click on it and end up in that same online store and maybe buy a bike...

To the google adsense service, as well as to people on whose websites an advertisement from company “X” is displayed. Money is paid for clicks on an advertisement; company “X” chooses the price per click itself, whether it’s 2 rubles. per click, or 50 rubles. Accordingly, the higher the cost per click, the more effective the advertising.

Here you go! I think you understand everything here! Now let's get back to Google Adsense advertising. How can a person who has his own website start making money thanks to this service?

Everything is still very easy and simple. And again a specific example and again about bicycles. Let’s say I have my blog on the topic “Bicycles and everything connected with them,” I write about bicycles, about riding bicycles, etc., that is, people who are interested in this topic come to my blog! How can I make money from this blog?

Elementary! I can go to the Google Adsense service and tell it, “Guys, I want to make money on a blog, what do I need for this?”

Google Adsense will offer me to place blocks of advertisements on my blog and pay me for clicks on these advertisements. That is, when a visitor to my blog clicks on an advertisement, I will be paid money for it. Where to charge?

To your personal account in the google adsense system, which you will have after registering on the service, and from there you will withdraw money, again, more on this a little later.

I’m sure many people immediately have a question: “approximately how much does google adsense pay per click and how much can you earn from adsense?” Differently. When they can pay 0.5 cents per click, and when even as much as 3-5 $. I’ll tell you a secret, there are clicks with a price of 60-80 $. “Stunning, almost 2500 rubles. per click???

It can’t be,” you say. Maybe friends, maybe! It all depends on the topic of your site, on its traffic, on the TIC and PR (for beginners, don’t delve into this yet and don’t be scared), on the location of the ads, etc.

Imagine that you have a blog with a traffic of 1000-2000 people per day! How many of them will click on your advertisements? According to statistics, with the correct placement of advertisements there are 100-130 people! I think with so many clicks you can earn $30-50 a day, and if there is more traffic, the profit is correspondingly greater. Not bad right? Friends!

OK! We figured it out, now let’s tell you a scheme for making money on Google Adsense advertising, what you need to do in order to start making a profit in just a few days! As far as I understand, you already have a website or blog, if not, do it!

The earning scheme in google adsense is simple:

1. Register for the Google Adsense service.
2. Customize your ads to match the design of your website or blog and receive its code.
3. Place the code on your website or blog.
4. Watch how money comes into your account.

And now everything in detail:

1. First things first register for Google Adsense service. I registered a long time ago, so the registration and account activation scheme may have changed. It seems that after you register for the service, after some time you should receive an envelope with a PIN code, which you will need to enter in your account on Google service adsense and confirm that you are exactly who you say you are, live at the address you specified during registration, and really want to make money from google adsense.

2. Once you register for google adsense and activate your account, you will need to do the following:

a) Go to the item - “Adsense settings” - “Allowed sites” and select “Allow ads to be shown only on the following sites.” In the form, enter the address of your website or blog on which you will post ads.

b) Go to the tab “Adsense Settings” - “Channels” - «+ Add new client channels” and enter the address of your website or blog (website in my case) in the column.

Go to the “Adsense settings” tab - “Get ads” and select the item - “Adsense for context”

After the ad is created, click “next” and add the same channel we created in the tab "channels"! This is necessary for Google to track the effectiveness of this ad unit! Click “Next” - “Send and receive code” and copy the code that google adsense gives us.

Ready! The ad has been created!

3. We place this code in the place we need on our website or blog, where we want the advertisement to appear! I think there is no need to comment on anything here!

4. Let's look at how money from advertising is pouring into us!

Great! We've sorted out registration, setup, creation and placement of ads! Now let's talk a little about withdrawing money from Google systems Adsense.

Today, this service has become so popular in Russia that it is now possible to receive earned money not only with Google checks, which are very difficult to cash, but also through various payment systems Yandex Money, Webmoney, Rapida...

Google adsense pays out money when you have at least $100 in your account.

I personally withdraw money to webmoney through Rapida. . In order for you to be able to receive money earned from Google Adsense through the Rapida system, you will need to go to your account in the “My Account” menu and in the “Payment Purpose” section select the same Rapida system.

As I said, Google automatically sends money when $100 has accumulated in the account, so as not to receive money often and little, you can go the other way, you can receive money less often, but a lot. =) To do this, you just need to select the item “Delay my monthly payments” in the “My Account” section and in the “Payment Delay” section.

Let the money accumulate, $500-1000 will come up, and then you can withdraw!

So, well, let’s now give you some tips on how to properly make money on Google Adsense advertising, so that you, as beginners, don’t make gross mistakes at the initial stage, and also start getting maximum results!

Well, that's basically it! I wish you success in your endeavors and big earnings! Making money on adsense is SUPER!!! I recommend!!!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

Owners of websites, blogs, forums and other Internet projects can make money on Google AdSense. Earning money consists of placing it on the pages of your website. special code, thanks to which advertisements will be displayed. With each click on such an ad, the owner of the Internet project on which it was posted receives a monetary reward. That is, the more clicks users make on advertisements, the more money will get the site owner.

If the site owner receives a reward for each click, then the question arises - where does the money come from? Who pays the monetary reward? Let's figure it out. Advertisers create and pay for advertisements; as a rule, these are owners of online stores who are interested in selling their products. Also, various intermediaries who advertise other people's products using their affiliate links, or owners of Internet sites who are interested in attracting additional visitors can act as advertisers.

There are a lot of people who want to advertise or sell their products using the Internet. Creation of a paid advertising campaign in the contextual network from Google Adsense is one of the ways to attract interested buyers on the Internet. Google Company is just an intermediary between advertisers who are willing to pay for advertising their product or service, and website owners who are not averse to making money on their Internet project by posting there advertising blocks contextual advertising from Google AdSense.

How much does one click cost?

This question is especially of concern to novice webmasters on the Internet who want to find out how much they can earn by placing ads from Google Adsense. However, there is no answer to this question and here's why. The cost per click is set by the advertiser based on its financial capabilities and needs. When placing an advertisement, the maximum amount that he is willing to pay for one attracted visitor is indicated.

However, the cost of clicking on one and the same advertisement may vary, as it depends on other advertisements active at that time in the Google advertising network. The cost of a specific transition is determined by the auction and may be significantly less than the maximum bid specified by the advertiser.

Also, the cost per click varies greatly from niche to niche. This is due to the fact that different topics on the Internet have different numbers of advertisers. The more competitive the niche, the more advertisers there are, the higher the cost per click. Therefore, when planning to create your own project on the Internet and planning to make money on it using Adsense contextual advertising, you should take into account the theme of your future website. This greatly depends on how much one click costs and the total income that can be received from this site.

How to start making money on Google Adsense

If you have your own website or blog on the Internet, it contains at least 20-30 articles and search engines If at least 50 people visit it a day, then you can already start making money from contextual advertising. In order to make money on Google AdSense, there are no strict requirements for traffic, but you should understand that earnings from contextual advertising directly depend on the traffic to the resource. Without visitors, it is impossible to make money on contextual advertising. To start earning money you need to register with Google Adsense. this link.

Earning Scheme with Google AdSense

  • necessary
  • add your site url to personal account
  • select the size of the future advertising block
  • customize your ad: you need to choose the font size and color
  • copy the special code
  • place the code in your website template

How to register with Google AdSense

How to add your site to Google AdSense

How to set up a contextual ad in Google AdSense

The code must be inserted in the place where you want contextual advertising blocks to be displayed. IN in this example We looked at a sidebar block. In order to insert such a block on WordPress, you need to go to the admin panel of your site, add a text widget, paste the resulting code there and save the specified widget. After a few minutes, refresh your site and you will see that advertisements have started to appear in the place where you placed the Google AdSense code.

How much can you earn from Google AdSense?

This is perhaps the most exciting question that novice webmasters who want to make money from contextual advertising ask themselves. Earning money from contextual advertising is unlimited and depends entirely on you and your website. You can get the exact answer to this question by placing the code from the Google advertising network on your website. You will receive real statistics in the first day. And then you will definitely know how much you can earn specifically on your site. However, here are some recommendations on how to increase your income with Google AdSense:

  1. working on your website;
  2. increase its attendance;
  3. post interesting and high-quality articles on your blog;
  4. leave comments on articles open and reply to them regularly, this will help increase traffic and popularity of your resource;
  5. Never click on Google ads on your own website or ask your family and friends to do the same. For this you can get your account banned;
  6. if the average cost per click on your site is low, then you can start another site in a different niche and develop it in parallel, thereby increasing your overall earnings from the context.

How to get money from Google Adsense

By logging into your personal account on Google, you can watch your balance grow every day. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn from Google is $100. Google AdSense transfers this money to automatic mode. The most convenient way to receive money is through the Rapid system. To do this, you can register on the Rapid website, confirm your personal data there (read more about this on the Rapid website) and receive an electronic wallet number. Indicate the number of this electronic wallet in your personal Google account AdSense and you will regularly receive payments there from Google.

Despite the established leaders among social networks, new projects continue to develop. A good example is the Google Corporation project. They have repeatedly tried to occupy the social niche. networks, but all their attempts remained unsuccessful. The Google+ website has gained a huge audience, and you can also use it to make money.

Making money with Google+ is not difficult, and after reading this article, you will understand why your friends create 5-10 profiles and also add a bunch of subscribers to them.

The fact is that every page can make a profit and for this it is not even necessary to promote it, although without this the income will be low.

Websites for making money on Google Plus

The social network of the most popular search engine in the world brings profit not only to developers. Create as many profiles as you like and start earning income too. Many sites have been created for this, most of them offer to perform simple tasks:

Here are some orders for posting posts on a given topic. They are taken from the Prospero website, but this system, is far from the only one of its kind.

To choose the most profitable offer and there was a lot of work, use several alternative services:

  1. VkTarget - here tasks rarely appear on Google+, but there are orders on other social networks. networks. First you will need to connect profiles, and then wait for applications to arrive. Withdrawal from 25 rubles to payment cards and phone numbers.
  2. Forumok - of all the cheating services, it has the most orders. It’s convenient that you can connect all accounts at once. You can only withdraw funds to Webmoney from 100 rubles.
  3. Qcomment - previously it was a system for boosting comments, but now it also allows people to order boosts on social media. networks. Pass regular registration and fulfill the orders sent.
  4. SMMOK is the easiest way to work with this system, since everything in it is divided into social networks, and orders are also distributed. For example, separate tasks for subscriptions, clicking Google +1, and so on.
  5. Socialtools - there are few tasks, but they pay decent money for completing them. After registration, do not forget to connect your account in the settings. The downside of the project is the minimum withdrawal requirement is 300 rubles.

Through all these sites, beginners complete simple tasks and receive fair payments. You can collect 100-200 rubles in a day without much effort. Not a lot of money, but easy. If you want to earn more, earn money from services and order boost of subscribers there.

Earning money from advertising on Google+

When the profile gains a large number of friends or subscribers, it can be monetized through advertising. Finding direct advertisers is too difficult, so it’s better to use a couple of useful systems:

  1. Blogun is a link exchange where you add not only websites, but also pages from social networks. Your profile must be more than 6 months old, have at least 100 posts on your wall, and have at least 100 subscribers. I added a couple of my pages to this system a long time ago, and here’s what I managed to earn:

  1. Plibber is an advertising exchange that accepts any platforms from all popular social networks. networks. Connect all your accounts, groups, publics and microblogs. Wait for applications to arrive. If the pages are not promoted well enough or you install too high price, there will be few offers. Here's how much the owners of popular pages charge:

It is somewhat more difficult to make money from advertising on Google+, since competition is high and you have to gather at least 50,000 subscribers in order to attract the attention of advertisers. Despite the low popularity of this social network. networks, in comparison with analogues, orders are received more often than on Twitter or Facebook.

How to make money with Google+ through mailers?

Most small errands added to click sponsors. There is also a lot of work on social networks. With them you can already collect and more than 300 rubles per day, but for this you will have to work hard. The pay for the tasks is not high, so you will have to complete more than a dozen assignments.

Use the most popular boxes for Wmmail and Seosprint. There are the most instructions there, including on Google+:

You can also use others. Each of them has orders for those who are registered in Google Plus.

We strongly recommend that you pay attention to other orders in postal services. There they often ask you to register, add a review, download something, and so on. Such orders are also extremely simple, and the rewards are increased.

Earnings from using Google+ is not complicated, and even a beginner can use it. Try fulfilling orders from your profile first, and if you are satisfied with the reward and like the work, you can create more accounts and increase your income.

Have you heard anything about Jonathan Leger? If not, then Google it a little, you will definitely find a lot of interesting information about it. This man has achieved a lot in the Internet business, but his main strong point is Google Adsense. In one of his newsletters, he talked about a guy who earns about $300 a day from Google Adsense.

In general, I personally ignore statements that someone makes a lot of money. I can make trends myself. But to prove it in practice is another matter. So, the article reveals some google secrets adsense, which help this guy earn such amounts.

So, the secrets of google adsense:

1. This guy created a network of 31 blogs with a narrow thematic focus. I wrote how to create a blog network in the article. What does narrowly themed sites mean for Google Adsense? These are, first of all, relevant ads.

2. The guy promotes his sites using low frequency queries. Low-frequency queries are key phrases 3-4 words long and a monthly impression frequency below 100 (according to Wordstat.Yandex). Thanks to this, this young man’s websites receive small but stable traffic.

3. Promoting a website using low-frequency queries is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to correctly link the pages and put several external links. This is enough to for a long time be in the top for these queries

4. Having several small websites with a narrow theme is easier than having one large portal. Such a portal needs to be fueled with highly competitive keywords, which require paying a lot of money to keep them in the top of search engine results.

5. Most of this guy's sites have less than 30!!! pages. And a few - and only one page. But the interesting thing is that the sites bring in $2-3 per day. The user's choice on such sites is small and often the information offered in Google Adsense contextual advertising is more interesting than the information offered on these sites

6. The secrets of google adsense also lie in the fact that it focuses on keywords that are related to the field of goods that are quite actively sold on the Internet through various online stores. For example, Amazon and Ebay. The cost of clicks on Adsense ads from such pages is significantly higher.

7. The guy has a very high CTR (the ratio of page impressions to clicks). It is about 50-75%, which is a very high figure. Why? Because website pages are as relevant as possible to topics keywords, for which the text is optimized. Therefore, visitors' expectations correspond to the material posted on the page

Well, there were also the secrets of google adsense directly from Jonathan Leger himself:

1. You don't need to listen to anyone. All sorts of webinars, communication on forums are good, but for stable earnings you must have your own system, your own secrets google adsense

2. There is no perfect system for making money with Google Adsense. Any system can be created simultaneously with the development of the site. Therefore, create websites and, as they develop, create your own earning system

3. Once you've developed a system, be sure to stick to it

4. It happens that you put all your strength and effort into some sites, but others fail. Therefore, you should not waste time on unprofitable projects. You need to throw them away and open new ones or focus on profitable sites

Social media continues to gain popularity, but some people don't use it.

In vain, because this is not only convenient communication and entertainment, you can make money on your accounts. Google's social network is not so popular in Russia, but even on it it is possible to collect profit in different ways.

Earning money on Google+ is available to everyone; you don’t have to promote your page. Although with a large number of subscribers, you can count on serious profit. This is not the first year that it has provided profits to a large audience of people, you can join their ranks.

Selling links to make money on Google+

We decided to start this interesting article with an unusual way to make money. Everyone knows that on the Internet they pay for participation in promotions.

Google+ also has this option; the necessary services will be presented below. You definitely won’t earn the same income from them as from selling links.

From accounts in in social networks The Blogun system helps sell links. Platforms from other social networks are also accepted there. networks. In order for a profile to pass moderation, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • at least 100 subscribers;
  • at least 100 posts on the wall;
  • the page is more than six months old;
  • activity on the page is at least 5.

The last point is worth mentioning separately. The activity here is called SMA - the average number of comments and clicks on Google +1 to the number of posts per month.

For example, if over the last 30 days you have posted 30 entries (1 per day), then each of them should have at least 5 comments.

I added a couple of my accounts to the system, which have an average of 500 subscribers. As you can see, the total number advertising posts approximately 100, and over the entire period of using the system, they brought in almost 6,500 rubles. Not that much money, although considering the time spent on work, it’s quite good.

Applications for advertising placement look like this. They must include a link; the URL is simply added. After completing the order, the advertiser is given 10 days to check. You can withdraw funds after reaching the minimum requirement of 1000 rubles.

Connect at least all your accounts to Blogun, it is advisable to use other social networks so that advertisers send applications as often as possible.

Services for making money on Google+

The first method may seem too complicated to you, so let's look at a few more interesting systems with which you can monetize accounts on a social network.

Usually there it is suggested to perform simple actions (become a subscriber, click Google +1), but there are other, more interesting orders:

  1. Forumok is a service for making money on any social network accounts. There are always a lot of tasks here and they pay well for completing them. Connect your profile to view available orders.
  2. Prospero - based on reviews and comments, although there are other instructions. A separate category of tasks has been created for Google+ users; they pay well for writing reviews.
  3. SMMOK - suitable for owners of many pages, even without large quantity subscribers. There are more tasks here, but the pay for them is much lower. But sometimes just pressing one button is enough to complete them.
  4. CashBox is a relatively new service that offers tasks for all social networks (and even Webmoney). After simple authorization, you can see orders, prices are average, withdrawals start from a couple of kopecks.
  5. Plibber is an advertising exchange on social networks. It is better to use it after gaining subscribers. Competition is high, advertisers check pages, but the requirements for accepting a site are not high.

You definitely won’t have to learn anything on these sites, since the tasks are extremely simple. Even a beginner can make money on Google+ right away. Even if the income is not so high, after gaining subscribers, prospects appear.

Social media promotion services now work with Google+. Many would like to promote their pages, most often this is done to make money. Set a clear goal for yourself, for example, to earn 50 rubles per day from each account. This will make it easier to strive for a normal result.

I recommend visiting the following pages:
