The former ALT Linux team has released an OS for Elbrus, ARM and MIPS processors. Why Basalt SPO products are the basis of import substitution in IT for the public sector Basalt SPO consider OS linux

12/14/2017, Thu, 15:03, Moscow time , Text: Valeria Shmyrova

The Basalt SPO company launched a line of operating systems capable of working with domestic processors of different architectures. In this case, commands to processors are given directly, through the compiler, without emulation of x86 commands.

ALT OS line

The Russian developer "Basalt SPO" has created a line of operating systems called ALT OS, which supports all Russian processors. We are talking about support for Elbrus processors, which are used in servers, workstations, laptops and tablets, as well as compatibility with ARM and MIPS architectures in their 32- and 64-bit versions. The line is planned to be supplemented with one more OS variant designed for S/390 processors used in mainframes. ALT OS is being rebuilt from ALT OS for x86 version 9.

So far, only those versions of ALT OS that support 32- and 64-bit ARM implementations are actually released. The company said that the rest of the OS will be released as it will be launched into mass production of equipment based on the corresponding processor. "Basalt SPO" is going to cooperate in this matter with equipment manufacturers.

The new line of OS is designed to work with servers of different capacities, workstations, office PCs, industrial computers, mobile devices, controllers and telecom equipment, including switches and routers, as well as information terminals, where speed of processing and data transfer is important . The developer promises round-the-clock and year-round support for ALT OS in the format of one window according to the Service Level Agreement (SLA) standard. Comprehensive OS support is possible along with the DBMS and other components.

Product Benefits

Developers refer to the advantages of the product that the development infrastructure allows for each processor to assemble a program code that issues commands to the processor immediately in its language. In particular, on the Elbrus processor, ALT OS operates in a "native" mode - without emulation of x86 architecture commands. As explained in "Bazalt SPO", this allows you to significantly increase productivity, when performing some tasks - "up to hundreds of percent."

The Basalt SPO logo is similar to the Alt Linux logo, with the difference that the penguins have been replaced with fur seals

Another advantage is that ALT OS includes free components similar to Microsoft Directory Services. Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange collaboration tools such as Samba DC/Free IPA and SoGo. It promotes simplification of migration on domestic software, developers note. Since catalogs and collaboration can also be implemented on servers with Russian processors, in particular, Elbrus, the customer will be able to transfer the critical infrastructure to the Russian OS and Russian hardware at the same time. Basalt SPO claims that there was no such possibility before.

Another advantage of OS ALT follows from the specifics of Russian processors, including Elbrus. These processors do not have undeclared capabilities, which improves the security of systems where they are used. The appearance of a line of operating systems designed to work with them should make processors more in demand. Basalt SPO claims that it can increase its share in the OS market for Russian processors up to 80% in three years. The developers also note that a single OS line for all Russian processors will make it easier for Russian software developers to port it to Linux.

Repository "Sisyphus"

The ALT OS line is based on the Russian Sisyphus repository, which is developed and controlled by persons from Russia, without foreign influence. "Sisyphus" allows you to create, upgrade and support the OS. Its foreign counterparts are Debian, red hat and SUSE.

Since Sisyphus is independent of other repositories, ALT OS should avoid problems with the continuity of the life cycle, which arise, for example, when there is a discrepancy between the release of new versions and the introduction of recent changes. Also, the independence of the repository should reduce information security risks and make it possible to practically influence the development of the repository and OS based on it. Thanks to all this, ALT OS will be in demand in complexes whose service life is measured in decades, the developers believe.

Russian MIPS processors

Russian manufacturers today have created processors of various architectures. In particular, if we talk about the MIPS architecture (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages), we should mention the Baikal-T1 processor from Baikal Electronics. The architecture itself is designed in accordance with the RISC concept (that is, for processors with a reduced instruction set). The development of the processor was completed at the end of 2014, and in December Baikal Electronics transferred the so-called GDS product code to the TSMC factory for its release. In May 2015, the company about the release of engineering samples.

After making sure that the samples were working, Baikal Electronics requested and received in October 2015 a preferential loan for mass production. With the level of the company's own investments of 288 million rubles. the volume of this loan amounted to 500 million rubles. In September 2016, the so-called pilot batch of about 10,000 processors saw the light of day. In March 2017, to Baikal Electronics about the imminent release of the 100,000th industrial batch.

In February, 2016 CNews wrote that "T-Platforms" were replaced in the protected monoblock for state bodies Intel processors on Baikal-T1, having released a new model "Meadowsweet Terminal", which became the first mass user device based on them for Baikal. In August 2017, Baikal Electronics conducted a full performance test of Baikal-T1, working with clock frequency 1.2 GHz. The results obtained were comparable to the characteristics of Intel processors.

Russian ARM processors

As for the ARM architecture, Baikal Electronics has the Baikal-M processor for PCs, Baikal-MS for microservers and Baikal-S for servers.

Baikal-M is designed for desktop PCs, embedded systems, industrial automation, smart cameras, etc. Systems on a chip (SoC) are manufactured using 28 nm topology. The processors have up to 8 high-performance ARMv8-A cores, ARM Neon vector coprocessors, and up to eight ARM Mali-T628 graphics cores.

Baikal-MS, created on 28 nm topology, are designed for microservers and embedded systems. They include up to 8 ARMv8-A cores and are equipped with 10GB Ethernet ports for high-speed data transfer and packet routing. A distinctive feature of the microprocessors of this line should be low power consumption.

Baikal-S are designed for server hardware. They will be produced on a 16 nm topology, will include up to 32 high-performance ARMv8-A cores and support the HMC interface (Hybrid Memory Cube - a new type random access memory). Their design power consumption should not exceed 50 W. The release of engineering samples is scheduled for the end of 2017.

What does Basalt SPO do?

In December 2016, it was reported that Alt Linux's core development team, led by its former deputy CEO Alexey Novodvorsky organized new structure, called "Basalt SPO". New company 100 million rubles investments to create a line of domestic operating systems. The funds were invested by the owners of the IVK company through the investment structure “Financial Support Agency” established by them, which owned 50% of the shares of “Basalt”.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Bazalt SPO LLC was officially registered on August 10, 2015. Alexey Novodvorsky is now assigned 24% in it. 5% owned Dmitry Levin, Anton Farygin and Vladimir Farygin. The remaining 2% is for Ivan Korovin. The Basalt SPO logo is similar to the Alt Linux logo, but the penguins on it have been replaced with fur seals.

Alt Linux distributions are based on the Sisyphus free software repository. Basalt SPO is currently providing the technical infrastructure for Sisyphus, developing its technologies, and porting the repository to new hardware architectures. “Today we are the first and only company in Russia that brings to Russian market products that can, can and must replace Microsoft solutions", - says the CEO of IVC Grigory Sizonenko.

The developers assure that the technologies integrated into the OS "Alt Server" and "Alt Workstation", as well as their own implementation methods of "Basalt SPO" allow a large organization to smoothly migrate to them from Microsoft OS, making the transition of both the entire IT infrastructure and and its individual fragments.

The interview was based on questions from ENT users.

Now there is a trend of transition from X to Wayland. Will ALT support this protocol soon?

We already support this protocol

But not all DEs support it.

Why is the strange rpm+apt-get bundle used? Couldn't use yum or dnf?

What is the support timeline for each stable version of the distribution?

Our standard distribution support time is at least 5 years from the release date, but at least 3 years from the date of the last sale.

When will the apt-file utility appear in ALT Linux? ENT user grem asked for this back in 2008.

Thanks for the reminder, we'll think about it. Especially since in 2017 the old discussion in bugzilla resumed.

Are there official images or disks for Russian Elbrus computers and are they supported?

We are working on it. The assembly environment on our server with Elbrus is deployed and works natively. A test workstation on Elbrus has also been deployed. I hope that soon we will be able to prepare official boot images and enable remote developers to build packages on our build server.

Were the people from BASALT involved in the development of the core?

Yes. Although to a lesser extent than, for example, in glibc.

What is your nickname on ENT, if it's not a secret :-)?

Does Alt have multiple branches like, say, Debian?

Does your company have clients outside the CIS and what is their number compared to clients from Russia and neighboring countries?

Their number is insignificant. And we need to work on this.

Does the distribution support ZFS?

It is not supported in distributions, but after installation, you can create partitions with this file system.

Why did the School Linux project fail?

If you remember the history, then in 2006-2007 there was a successful implementation of Linux in schools in three pilot regions, in which we took part. The result was recognized by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications as successful, and during the second mailing of the "Ambulance" (a software package for schools, which was centrally distributed within the framework of the Children of Russia federal target program), "School Linux" was also included in the package. And after that, there were very inconsistent actions of the Ministry of Education, for example, the announcement of competitions for the training of thousands of teachers within a month. And the topic at the federal level is dead. Together with the well-known Government Decree No. 2299 on the transition to open source software.

After that, we continued to independently produce distributions for education, which were installed on thousands of computers in schools. The last one released by us is “Alt Education 8” The topic of education is generally close to us, for example, we annually hold the conference “Free Software in Higher Education” in Pereslavl-Zalessky in January

Well, the winner in the nomination "the most original question" - :)

Company "Basalt SPO" - Russian developer operating systems (OS) for the public sector, state corporations and large businesses - introduced the first line of OS on the domestic IT market that supports all Russian processors, the company said.

The new development of "Basalt SPO" opens up the possibility of joint use of all Russian processors as part of modern information systems. The single operating system makes these processors attractive to customers, OEMs, and software developers. Within three years, the company plans to occupy about 80% of the entire OS market for Russian processors.

Supported processor architectures

ALT OS will support the following Russian processors: Elbrus (for high-performance servers, workstations, laptops and tablets, ARM (32- and 64-bit), MIPS (32- and 64-bit). A version of ALT OS for S/390 family processors widely used in mainframes Industrial versions of ALT OS for ARM (32-bit and 64-bit) are already being released, for other Russian processors the OS will be released to the market simultaneously with the mass production of computer equipment based on it. time the company "Basalt SPO" will launch a corresponding program of cooperation with manufacturers of computer equipment.

Thus, the ALT OS line covers all the main types of computing equipment: servers of different performance, high-performance workstations, office PCs, industrial computers, mobile devices, controllers and telecommunications equipment (switches and routers), information terminals that are demanding on the speed of processing and transmitting information.

Let us especially note the important quality of computing systems based on Elbrus - a power of attorney. All key components of these complexes were created by the MCST and do not have undeclared capabilities. This allows the use of Elbrus in infrastructure with increased requirements for information security.

Features of support for Russian processors in ALT OS

We note the main features of the ALT OS line for Russian processors.

First, on each hardware platform, ALT OS runs in "native" mode (and not in x86 command system emulation mode). This allows you to achieve maximum performance (the gain, depending on tasks, can reach hundreds of percent), as well as support all the specific features of the processor.

Secondly, the ALT OS line for Russian processors (as well as Operating Systems for Intel architecture) is created on the basis of the Russian Sisyphus repository, which is completely independent of any foreign repositories and is developed by Russian companies and individuals that are not under the control of foreign legal and individuals. Today, Sisyphus is one of the four largest independent software repositories in the world (along with Debian, Red Hat and SUSE), it implements a complete technological process creation, modernization and support of the continuous life cycle of operating systems based on modern technologies.

The independence of Sisyphus from other repositories (for example, Debian) completely eliminates risks that are unavoidable for any dependent OS, for example, the inevitable break in the life cycle of such an OS, due to the fact that its developer has not yet had time to transfer his developments to the released version of the base OS, as there is already another version of the latest. The full set of such risks is much wider. Among them, one can note the risks of information security, as well as the lack of support for domestic processors and the practical impossibility of influencing the direction of development of the repository and the base operating systems created on its basis. ALT operating systems are free from all these problems. The customer can safely choose them as the basis of complexes designed for a service life of tens of years.

Thirdly, for each family of Russian processors, Basalt SPO implements a full technological cycle for creating a line of operating systems, including porting tools that provide work with the repository, building and testing the OS itself and other distribution products for this hardware platform, as well as transferring and testing applied and infrastructural software, ready to be installed from the system repositories.

Fourthly, the ALT OS for Russian processors (as well as the ALT OS for Intel architecture) has built-in free analogues of Microsoft Active Directory directory services and Microsoft Exchange collaboration tools (Samba DC/Free IPA and SoGo, respectively), which significantly simplifies migration to import-independent software. Moreover, the directory service and collaboration infrastructure can be created on the basis of servers with Russian processors (for example, Elbrus). And other servers and workstations - with ALT OS (for any supported platforms) and OC Windows - will work under their control. This makes it possible to transfer the infrastructure critical for the enterprise not only to the domestic OS ALT (which was before), but also - for the first time - to the complex of the Russian OS and Russian hardware.

Fifth, ALT operating systems are provided with technical support based on SLA throughout the Russian Federation in 24x7x365 mode, in the "one window" format (implemented on the basis of partnership with ALP Gorup). Since 2017, the technology has been implemented to support the complex (stack) of OS ALT, DBMS (PostgresPro/PostgresSQL) and other infrastructure and applied software products(for example, SED) as a whole. Similar technical support will be provided for ALT OS for Russian processors - after the release of their industrial versions.

Market value

The new development of "Basalt SPO" is of paramount importance for customer organizations, manufacturers of computer technology and telecommunications equipment based on Russian processors, as well as developers of Russian software.

Elimination of explicit or camouflaged dependence on foreign software repositories and foreign operating systems and the use of computer technology without undeclared capabilities allows customers to dramatically increase the level of information systems security.

The customer receives a unified managed technology platform with an unlimited life cycle, centralized management, unified technology for migration to import-independent IT solutions, as well as the most unified wide range of ready-to-use application and infrastructure software. Thanks to this, the organization can reduce operating costs and optimize the cost of import-independent computer technology. In addition, the customer dramatically reduces training costs, because, having acquired the skills to work with ALT OS and application software on any supported hardware platform, employees (users and system administrators) will retain them to the maximum extent when switching to computers built on any Russian processors. In many cases, such a transition may not be noticeable at all.

A single line of operating systems (for servers, workstations and education systems), covering all Russian processors, eliminates market fragmentation, which is extremely inconvenient for all interested parties. When porting Russian software to Linux, it is much more convenient for developers of Russian software to focus on a single technological platform, the most unified methods and toolkits, as well as a single set of developer support services. Effect: porting costs are reduced several times.

Taking into account all of the above, a single ALT OS line, which maximizes the capabilities of all Russian processors, drastically reduces the time to market, and also expands their export potential.

  • Basalt SPO products are based on one of the world's largest independent free software repositories, created as part of the Russian project Sisyphus (Sisyphus). This allows the company to provide full life cycle Software and its long-term support.
  • Basalt SPO provides technical infrastructure for almost any import-substituting project. Constantly improves its technologies, porting the repository to new hardware architectures.
  • The entire life cycle of Basalt SPO solutions is controlled from Russian jurisdiction. The company has Russian founders, Russian development centers.
  • "ALT" is a mature OS that maintains continuity with ALT Linux - the oldest and most widespread domestic OS.

Only Basalt SPO products can be used as a reliable basis for import substitution of critical IT systems of any scale and complexity

  • Enterprise level servers are automatically built into the existing IT infrastructure based on MS AD. They also allow you to completely replace it with imports, using only packages already included in the repositories and guaranteed to be updated.
  • "ALT" is the only operating system that technologically and organizationally supports integrators. The OS has original technologies and tools for the creation and maintenance by integrators and IT departments of several categories of their own specialized products (specialized distributions, modified builds).
  • This allows integrators to earn not only on Linux licenses, but also on their own high-margin products and services.

Licensing of ALT OS is convenient for all categories of customers

  • It is simple, non-restrictive, supports CAPEX (capital expenditure) and OPEX (subscription fee only) schemes.

ALT is the only domestic operating system that has high-quality scalable technical support throughout the Russian Federation, which is not inferior to the best Western operating systems

  • Technical support for Basalt products is a single SLA throughout Russia and real IT processes adapted to the specifics of open source software. The level of technical support allows using ALT OS in critical systems supporting the main activity of the enterprise.
  • Technical support "Basalt SPO", which relies on the resources and technologies of a strategic partner - ALP Group and operates in more than 300 cities of the Russian Federation - this is a joint service professional IT outsourcing service providers(ALP Group, 1st, 2nd lines), the ALP Group competence center and the Basalt SPO competence center responsible for the 3rd line.
  • Professional vendor support providers provide: fast start support, wide geographical coverage, easy scalability, manufacturability, taking into account all the features of Russian and free software, mature IT processes, a clear understanding of the needs of narrow market segments.
  • Consolidation of competencies of Basalt SPO and ALP Group allows for any flow of requests to guarantee fulfillment of even the most stringent SLA conditions for requests of any complexity. In addition, professional technical support guarantees prompt troubleshooting if they do occur.


  • ALT from "Basalt SPO" is the only OS, guaranteed to support all Russian processors Elbrus-2000 and Baikal-T1
  • ALT from "Basalt SPO" is the only domestic operating system that comprehensively supports educational process based on open source software in universities. With the help of Bazalt, universities can organize both a system of advanced training for users and developers, and full-fledged training in IT specialties.

Important technological features of ALT OS

  • Compatibility with Active Directory both at the server level and at the workstation level.
  • Own domain controller based on FreeIPA (for Linux workstations).
  • Exchange-based collaboration tools (SOGo) replacement.
  • Virtualization system included in a certified distribution (cloud solutions).
  • Office suite (LibreOffice) with good compatibility with office suite from Microsoft.
  • The presence of a separate FSTEC certified Russian product that can be used for personal data processing systems and state secrets (up to cat. "C"). The certificate prescribes to apply security updates immediately, and not after the inspection
  • ESIA support

About Basalt SPO products

Operating systems (OS) "Bazalt SPO" for servers and workstations

  • OS Alt Server and Alt Workstation are backbone IT solutions for large geographically distributed government organizations.
  • OS Alt Education is focused on everyday use when planning, organizing and conducting training in universities, training centers of large IT companies, etc.
  • With their help, the customer can create and effectively maintain a traditional, cloud or hybrid IT infrastructure, including a directory service, collaboration tools, support for virtualization and clustering.
  • The technologies integrated into these operating systems allow a large state organization to migrate smoothly, without loss of time and money, from Microsoft OS to Basalt SPO operating systems.
  • Basalt SPO systems, oriented for use on servers and workstations, contain, in addition to the OS, a wide range of application programs. They are compatible with big set other domestic programs.
  • The solutions embedded in them also make it possible to produce full replacement infrastructure, including the Active Directory directory service and the MS Exchange collaboration system.

Directory Service

The domain controller for Microsoft Active Directory is:

  • A single space for user and group accounts.
  • Centralized resource access settings.
  • Pass-through authorization in the network with a single password entry.

Supported server and client side:

  • ALT workstations can be included in an Active Directory domain implemented as Windows Server, and ALT Server;
  • Windows workstations can be managed by ALT Server-based domain controllers;
  • Supports enabling and replication of Active Directory domain controllers based on ALT Server with the possibility of bringing domain controllers to Windows base server.

Collaboration Organization (SOGo)

SOGo is a collaboration service that provides the customer company with:

  • Work with email, calendars and contacts, collaborative planning.
  • Full featured web interface for collaboration.
  • Client support for Outlook 2010, newer versions and Mozilla Thunderbird.
  • Active Directory domain integration with full support for Windows-based clients.
  • A smooth migration from Microsoft Exchange Server to SOGo is supported with the transfer of all user data.

Implementation of Basalt SPO products

Medical institutions
(50,000 jobs)

Educational institutions(5,000 organizations)

State Duma of the Russian Federation

Portal public services Russian Federation

State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM

All-Russian Research Institute of Automation

Basalt SPO LLC is a Russian software developer. The company was founded by members and users of the Sisyphus free software package repository project, which is updated daily. The company's goal is to develop the core infrastructure of the repository and expand it to new hardware architectures. Basalt SPO specializes in the development of complex enterprise-level solutions based on free software. The company takes part in international projects and integrates its own developments into them.

On the basis of the software platform developed by the company, distribution kits for workstations and servers are produced for use in the public sector and at enterprises. Their implementation is carried out by the company's partners at enterprises and in the state. Basic distributions are included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases.

The company cooperates with integrators, software and hardware manufacturers.


2017: Linuxoids rebelled against refusal of state bodies from purchases of the Russian software

Russian Linux users made an attempt to explain to officials that domestic operating systems can be used in the public sector for the same needs as foreign operating systems. The company-developer of the line of Russian operating systems "Basalt SPO" posted on its website detailed description identity of their solutions popular on the market OS Microsoft Windows Professional 64 bitRus version 7 and higher. Comparison for a number of key parameters concerns the OS "Alt Workstation", "Alt Server", "Alt Linux SPT", "Alt Education".

The first and second line of support for products "Basalt SPO" is provided by its partner - the company ALP, the third line - the developer himself.

Basalt SPO says that the company has dozens of projects in the works. Clients are testing the platform. One of the projects is at the level of one of the regions, where about 18 thousand users are involved. In which region, the company chose not to specify.

The entire Alt Linux team has moved to the staff of Basalt SPO, and approximately 30% of the staff is made up of third-party employees. In total, about 50 people work there.

A computer