Windows 8 is not supported. What is the Windows lifecycle or why is support ending? Unsupported hardware

To date, the Windows operating system is installed on almost 90% of personal computers. The famous Windows XP was supported for more than 12 years, which was a record among other versions of this OS. But nothing lasts forever, and in April 2014, the XP-scale officially ceased to be supported. Not much time has passed, and the guys from Microsoft announce the end of support for Windows 7 and 8.1. Let's take a closer look at this news.

Windows 7 and 8.1 End of Support Terms

Sales of devices running the aforementioned systems will cease from November 2016. BUT Windows 7 support will end completely in 2020, Windows 8.1 in 2023.

The complete disappearance from the shelves of devices on the seven and eight, of course, will not happen immediately - this is a gradual process. But they will certainly rise in price due to the shortage. Or maybe not, because Microsoft seems to promise that until the end of support for these operating systems, those who purchase a computer on Windows 10 will still be able to replace it with one of the previous versions.

What is it for?

Windows 10 did not live up to the expectations of comrades from Microsoft. They planned that today the "ten" will be used on more than a billion devices. But this OS could not gain such popularity. Heaps of bugs, uncontrolled updates, inappropriate advertising - all this rejected users. Many people switched back to Windows 7 or 8, and someone at all, having read the reviews, did not even try the "top ten". That is, in fact, previous versions of Windows compete with the new one. And instead of making Windows 10 more attractive to users, Microsoft simply decides to deprive people of versions 7 and 8.

So why not keep both?

Windows 10 has one interesting feature, because of which, at first, many were terribly bombed. We are talking about the collection of personal information about the user up to his correspondence. How seriously everything is difficult to judge, but Microsoft does not hide the fact that the statistics are still being collected. This is done ostensibly to improve products and in order to slip us the “needed” advertising, which is slowly being integrated into Windows 10: either offers to download paid software appear in the Start menu, or they try to suck something in on the lock screen ... it is said to rule the world. And here is the same seven is more "free", and users feel great without any advertising intrusions.

In short, the existence of Windows 7 and 8.1 is simply not beneficial for Microsoft, both in terms of maintaining these operating systems and in terms of promoting dozens.

By the way, Windows 10, according to the developers, will be the final version of this operating system.


Well, everyone is slowly forgetting about Windows XP, and we will also forget about the "seven" with the "eight" over time. Let's hope that after gigabytes of updates, the tenth version of this OS will still become quite friendly and stable. Otherwise, we save money for

Each Windows product has its own life cycle - "support time". The beginning of the cycle is the release of the product (for example, the release of the operating system) and the release to the masses. End - end of sales or support.

It is important for users to know the terms of the "life" of the software in order to calmly use the software, update it in a timely manner or make changes.

IMPORTANT! When support ends, the company does not release more updates for security systems, as well as updates for other components of the operating system, stops advising customers within technical support(even for a fee).

Two stages of Windows support

Microsoft offers users 2 phases of support. Immediately after the release of any operating system,

  1. the main phase of support, and after it ends,
  2. extended support.

At the main stage, the entire complex of the operating system is supported, and at the extended stage, basically, only security updates are released.

1) Main

As part of the main phase, the company actively supports the system for 5 years from the moment the product becomes available.

Note: Those Windows 8 users who have been running this system since its release will remember well that an update to the system soon appeared new version 8.1. And there already appeared, for example, the Start button, which for some reason was not in Windows 8. This is a vivid example of the fact that with mainstream support, you can receive not only security updates, but also system functionality updates.

For example, you bought Windows 7 and use it. A new version comes out in 5 years. No need to worry: as part of the main support, the company will send security updates and other systems updates for at least another 2 years. But most often this period is a little longer, moreover, after the main phase, the second, extended one immediately begins.

2) Extended

Support is provided for at least 5 years. The specific period is specified by the manufacturer (Microsoft).

Features between the 2 phases of support are the number of options provided and the possibilities:

Support Type Main Extended
Security Updates
(antivirus, defender and others)
Support, answers to questions, access to the databasePresentPresent
Possibility to receive support for a feePresentPresent
Updates for other systems that
NOT related to security
PresentAvailable on
special conditions.
For home
Windows options
Free phone support,
when accessing via the Internet
or through special programs
Presentoptional (but
in most
no cases)
Change Request
kind software product or
its specific functions
Related requirements
with warranty service

Microsoft's support lifecycle policy has been carefully crafted to give customers confidence in the product's stability and lifetime. The rules were developed with the participation of well-known experts: partners of the company, investors, independent analysts and clients. Microsoft makes every effort to ensure that the stated requirements of the support policy are uniform, uniformly used throughout the world.

Windows 10 support lifespan

The Windows 10 operating system has become universally available since July 29, 2015 (this date becomes the beginning of the software life cycle).

On October 13, 2020, the main phase of support will end, but users who are "sitting on the top ten" will still receive updates as part of extended support.

It turns out that the manufacturer, in general, guarantees users 10 years of support from the date of release of the operating system (or from the date of the beginning of its life cycle).

Windows 8 support

For the Windows 8 (8.1) operating system, released on October 18, 2013, the support period is also 10 years.

  • Updates for security systems and for other systems are available to users;
  • users can receive paid or free support from representatives of Microsoft;
  • they also have access to non-security updates.

As with other operating systems from Microsoft, mainstream support for windows 8.1 ends 5 years after release. The manufacturer indicated this date - January 9, 2018.

A feature of the operating system is the cumulative effect of updates.

This means that you will only be able to access the new update if you have the previous one installed. For support to be permanent, you need to put Last update(which corrects/makes additions to the operation of security systems and other systems). Representatives of the corporation indicate that some may not work correctly.

About Windows 7 support

Microsoft representatives explained that they had supported the system for too long, but the time had come to invest money and time in new products.

Let's summarize in the table:

Windows 10, 8.1, 7 and XP support timelines

Operating system
OS release date Termination date
Termination date
Windows 10 July 29, 2015October 13, 2020
October 14, 2025
Windows 8.1 October 18, 2013
January 9, 2018
January 10, 2023
Windows 7 October 22, 2009January 13, 2015January 14, 2020
Windows XP December 31, 2001April 14, 2009April 8, 2014

It is useful for users of Windows operating systems to be aware of the support periods for installed operating systems, as these systems may become vulnerable after the support period has expired.

2018: There will be no new applications for Windows 8 after October 31

2016: End of support

January 12, 2016 ends Windows support 8. Thus, Microsoft promoted this operating system for just over three years, which is unusual for an American corporation.

Windows 8 was released in October 2012 and is ending support earlier than the older Windows Vista and Windows 7, which Microsoft will support until April 2017 and January 2020, respectively.

Since support for each new version of Windows typically lasts 10 years from launch, Windows 8 was initially expected to remain on the market until at least 2022. However, Microsoft decided to remove this product earlier than usual and explains this as follows:

Mainstream support for Windows 8.1 will end on January 9, 2018, and extended support will end on January 10, 2023. The Windows 10 lifecycle will end in October 2025.

2014: FBI arrests the employee of the Russian for distribution of Windows 8

According to the investigation, in July-August 2012, being a Microsoft employee, Aleksey Kibkalo distributed through his own SkyDrive account the code for Windows 8 RT and the Microsoft Activation Server SDK toolkit, which the corporation uses for the activation system. In addition, Kibkalo handed over the created Microsoft code for distribution to a French tech blogger. More about the incident.

2013: Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 received FSTEC certificates

In November 2013, after about a year from the start of sales of Windows 8 in Russia, Microsoft announced that this OS had received a certificate of compliance from the FSTEC. It states that Windows 8, Windows 8 Professional, and Windows 8 Enterprise are software general purpose with built-in means of protection against unauthorized access to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret.

Similar certifications were given to Windows Server 2012 Standard products, Windows Server 2012 Datacenter, Windows Storage Server 2012 Standard, Windows Storage Server 2012 Workgroup , Windows Server Essentials 2012 and Windows Server Foundation 2012.

The obtained certificates show that this software can be used to create automated systems up to security class 1G inclusive and when ensuring in information systems for processing personal data the levels of security of personal data arising from the internal regulations adopted by the customer on the basis of legal requirements.

Microsoft notes that not only the products themselves have become the object of certification, but also the system for accounting and distributing certified updates, organized for them by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Enterprise for the supply of products of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation" and "Certified Information Systems".

The latter means that customers will be able to receive any number of certified products they need during the entire period of validity of the certificate. In addition, buyers certified versions products will receive certified updates, which will allow them to constantly comply with the requirements of Russian legislation.

“We encourage users of legacy software such as Windows XP to upgrade to newer versions software solutions Microsoft to provide high level information security, confirmed by more than 50 certificates of conformity from the FSTEC and the FSB, ”said the FSUE Enterprise for the Supply of Products of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Russian office of Microsoft did not comment on the planned timing of obtaining FSB certificates for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. The previous version of Microsoft OS - Windows 7, which began to be sold in Russia in the fall of 2009, was certified by the FSB in early 2012, along with Windows Server 2008.


40 million OS licenses sold

In addition to SAP WorkDeck, five other new applications are:

  • SAP Manager Insight for HR Decision Making
  • Learning Assistant for on-the-go training
  • Interview Assistant to organize the recruiting process, view applicant data and record interview results
  • Customer Financial Fact Sheet for account access to financial data, invoices and orders in real time
  • GRC Policy Survey for company employees who can use it to track significant changes in corporate rules

The price of the application has not been announced.

Bill Gates talks about Windows 8

“This is a very important product. He leads Windows into the world touch screens and low-power devices: the world of tablets and smartphones, he says. “With this new product, the company combines different ways to enter the PC world.”

According to him, another uniqueness of Windows 8 is the fact that when working with documents, or photos or other data, everything is automatically saved in the cloud, thanks to which the user can have access to his information not only from his mobile device, but also from any other device.

Speaking about entertainment, Bill Gates spoke about the already existing hundreds of thousands of applications that will help the user to relax.

He also talked about the new tablet computer Microsoft Surface ."Surface is an incredible product. It is made in the form factor of a tablet, but in terms of functionality it is a complete Personal Computer, with its performance and other parameters, "- continued Bill Gates. - I have a black version of Surface and I use it almost around the clock wherever the opportunity arises."

Error: Pirated Windows 8 Pro can be licensed through Windows Media Center

Immediately on several Internet resources, just a month after the official launch of Windows 8, information appeared about the possibility of a free transition from pirated copies operating system to the new Microsoft OS. On November 21, 2012 ComputerWorld reported about it.

According to the publication, users of pirated copies of Windows 8 Pro can switch to the licensed version of the program by installing free version Windows Media Center receive upgrades to Windows 8 Media Center offered by Microsoft.

This opportunity appeared thanks to the built-in function in Windows 8 Media Center to provide a key to licensed Windows 8. However, according to experts, access to a legitimate operating system is temporary. Possibility free update to Windows 8 Media Center will last until January 13, 2013.

According to ComputerWorld, to obtain a key to a licensed OS, it is enough to have a working address Email and registration for Microsoft updates. The fact is that during the process of updating Windows 8 Media Center, the system will not check the authenticity of the installed OS on the user's computer.

The process of providing the key takes place through the KMS - Key Management Service servers, which were designed specifically to corporate clients could receive updates to their products. This service is temporary and every 180 days you need to renew your activation code. However, users of pirated copies of Windows8 Pro, who took advantage of this loophole, claim that when the OS is activated, there is no indication of the temporary key.

This is not the first partnership between the operator and Microsoft. So in 2011, MTS began selling in its retail network mobile devices based on Windows Phone 7. As of the end of the 3rd quarter of 2012, sales of smartphones based on this OS amounted to 5.1%.

The beginning of sales of Windows 8 in Russia

Windows 8 has been officially available in Russia since October 25, 2012, and technically from 12 noon on October 26, 2012 in the Microsoft retail channel, Nikolai Pryanishnikov, president of Microsoft in Russia, told reporters about this on October 25, 2012.

He said that by the end of 2012 more than 200,000 devices with pre-installed Windows 8 operating system will be delivered to Russia. "This is 10 times more than was delivered at launch with Windows 7 for the same period," Nikolay Pryanishnikov said.

He also noted that one of the main advantages of the new OS is its personalization and portability.

"You can carry your Windows 8 with you on a flash drive and work under your account everywhere. In this case, all changes are automatically saved only on the flash drive. In the new OS, you can choose applications that only you need, so it will be a personal operating system," Nikolai Pryanishnikov said.

In Russia, there will be several special OS offers: until January 31, 2013, Russians can purchase a boxed version of Windows 8 Pro at a price of 2190 rubles, and the key for this version can be downloaded by paying 1290 rubles. For users with Windows 7 from July 1 until the end of 2013, upgrading to Windows 8 will cost 469 rubles.

At the same time, the regular boxed version of Windows 8 will go on sale from February 1, 2013.

Sales start: October 26, 2012

Windows 8 development was expected to be completed in the spring of 2012. According to the accepted release cycle, new Windows should have been submitted in June 2012.

Only on July 18, 2012, Microsoft finally announced the date of the official release of its new Windows 8 operating system: its sales will start on Friday, October 26, 2012. This was announced by the representative of the corporation Brandon LeBlanc (Brandon LeBlanc) in the official Microsoft blog.

The date didn't come as much of a surprise as Windows 7 went on sale on October 22, 2009. Industry analysts assumed that sales of Windows 8, following this logic, would begin on October 25, 2012.

It was announced that starting October 26, users of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 will be able to upgrade their operating system version to the "eight", the cost of upgrading compared to other products of the company is quite low at $39.99. For this amount, customers will receive Windows 8 Pro at their disposal.

First OS update before launch

Overview of graphics, browser, text optimization and rendering

“I would say there are several companies, and Adobe is one of them, where it would be possible,” Kandek said. - There are only a few such vendors. They are solid companies with well proven updates.”

Two years ago, Secunia proposed an upgrade standard, but it didn't get much support. Then Secunia released the PSI 2.0 utility, which scans a wide range of software on Windows machine determines when and how software is out of date and directs users to the appropriate update sites where they can download the latest releases. But Microsoft solution seems to be final.

Rejection of the OS interface for business tasks

constructive Windows features 8 indicate that this is more a product for private users than for business. Therefore, enterprises may not migrate to the G8 at all and wait next version experts say.

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is calling on PC users to sign a statement requiring OEMs using UEFI to secure boot (secure boot Unified Extended Firmware Interface) for Windows installation 8 implemented the installation process so that users can disable UEFI. Or that PC manufacturers provide " reliable way» installation and launch of the operating system of the user's choice. The statement says that the presence of such a choice will ensure the protection of user rights and security.

The FSF also hinted at boycotting the purchase of Windows 8 computers. "We are committed not to buy or recommend the purchase of computers that deprive users of much-needed freedom, and will actively urge people in our communities to avoid purchasing these operating systems," concludes the FSF.

The organization branded "Windows 8 Secure Boot" as "Restricted Boot" (restricted boot) because "it could be a disastrous limitation for computer users, not a security feature at all." On Tuesday morning, as the fund's message began to spread across the web, the FSF website suddenly became unavailable due to "technical problems."

Secure Boot was planned as a security mechanism in Windows 8 to prevent types of hacking that originally targeted the operating system's boot sectors. The idea is that only signed "good code" will be loaded. Enforcing UEFI only on a Windows 8 system will mean that any Windows 8 PC that comes only with OEMs and dongles from Microsoft will not boot a generic build of Linux.

Operation of the UEFI Secure Boot mechanism

The alarm was raised by Red Hat blogger Matthew Garrett (Matthew Garrett) and Professor Ross Anderson (Ross Anderson) from the University of Cambridge. According to Anderson, the use of Secure Boot will lead to a violation of competition law in the European Union.

On his blog, Mangefeste, however, states, "At the end of the day, the customer is in control of their PC." In response, Garrett called the company's rebuttal "generally factually accurate" and added "but misleading" because the PC makers and Microsoft would retain control of the keys needed to sign the code that would boot the PC.

“The truth is that Microsoft's move takes the end user out of control and into the hands of Microsoft and the hardware vendors. The truth is that it makes everything but Windows more difficult to start. The truth is that UEFI Secure Boot is a valuable and worthwhile mechanism that Microsoft is abusing to gain tighter control over the market. And the truth is that Microsoft has not even tried to claim otherwise,” Garrett wrote in response to a Microsoft employee.

UEFI - Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) - an interface between the operating system and firmware that controls the low-level functions of the equipment, its main purpose is to correctly initialize the equipment when the system is turned on and transfer control to the operating system bootloader. EFI is intended to replace the BIOS, the interface traditionally used by all IBM PC-compatible personal computers.

Applications for Windows 8: what to write on and what will work

In September 2011, it was announced that Metro UI apps could be written in XAML or HTML/CSS, native apps in HTML/JavaScript, C, C++, C#, and Visual Basic. All software created under Windows 7 will work in Windows 8, since the new operating system uses the same framework. It will be possible to download programs from the Windows Store, through which Microsoft plans to distribute not only programs for Metro UI, but also regular software. Unlike the Apple Store for the Mac platform, the Windows Store will not be the only distribution channel - developers will be able to sell software directly to customers.

Statement to reduce used RAM to 280 MB

Earlier it was reported that Windows 7 will be the last version to support 32-bit and 64-bit architecture. Moreover, Windows Server 2008 R2, the server version of Windows 7, will have only 64-bit architecture. It is not yet known whether Windows 8 will support 64 and 128 bits, but Microsoft is moving along this path, and Windows 9 will most likely come out with support for 64 and 128 bit architecture.

In addition, in the new version Windows changes cluster support and support for one way replication will be affected. The changes will also affect the core of the system. Improvements will be implemented in the file access mechanism.

Windows 8 is expected to be released no earlier than 2011. However, the most likely date for the release of a new version of the operating system is called 2012.

Microsoft continues to intensely delight, surprise and shock its users. Just the other day, a colleague contacted me with such a problem: he purchased and assembled a new PC based on a new processor Intel Core i3 7100. The Windows 7 image was successfully installed on the assembled computer. But after a while, after Windows 7 downloaded and installed all the updates through windows update, the system stopped receiving new updates with the following error:

Unsupported hardware
Your PC uses a processor that is designed for the latest version of Windows. Because the processor is not supported together with the Windows version that you are currently using, your system will miss important security updates.

Unsupported hardware

Your processor does not support this version Windows, you will not be able to receive updates.

Incompatible hardware
Your computer is equipped with a processor designed for the latest version of Windows, you will miss important security updates.

When trying to search for an update through Windows Update, an error appears:

Unsupported processors for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1

The fact is, Microsoft announced last year that all owners of the latest processors should use only latest version client platform - Windows 10. For older Windows versions restrictions will be created for the use of these processor models.

The restrictions apply to the following generations of processors:

  • 7th - generation of processors IntelCore(microarchitecture Kaby Lake, release began in 2017)
  • Seventh generation of processors AMD(microarchitecture Bristol Ridge, release began in the 3rd quarter of 2016)
  • Qualcomm 8996(mostly used for mobile devices)

In April 2017, MSFT released special patches for previous OS versions.

  • KB4012218– for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2
  • KB4012219– for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2

The description of the patches states the appearance of the functionality of determining the generation of the processor and supported hardware when searching for updates via Windows Update.

Enabled detection of processor generation and hardware support when PC tries to scan or download updates through Windows Update.

Accordingly, after installing these updates, the system starts blocking the download of new updates (including for MS Office) and drivers on older versions of the OS with an error 80240037 , thereby forcing users to switch to Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016. Thus, all old systems with new hardware stop receiving security updates and become vulnerable. Looks like blackmail...

In addition, the installation of drivers for video adapters based on GPUs Intel seventh generation (Intel HD Graphics 610 - 650). In Windows 7 SP1 it is defined as a standard VGA graphics adapter.

When trying to install a signed video driver downloaded from the manufacturer's driver, the error "This system does not meet the minimum requirements for installing the software" appears.

As you can see, directly in the driver installer it is indicated that on equipment with the seventh generation of Intel processors, the driver can only be installed on Windows 10 x64.


Wufuc - Windows Update Recovery Patch

There is an unofficial workaround to clear the "Hardware not supported" message and restore the ability to receive and install security updates on Windows 7 and 8.1 computers from Intel processors kaby lake, AMD Ryzen, and other unsupported CPUs.

There is a version of Wufuc for both x86 and x64 systems.

According to information from Zeffy, the function of detecting the type of processor and preventing updates is in the library wuaueng.dll. Initially the Wufuc patch replaced given file, but because this decision unstable against file update by next Windows update Update, in subsequent releases of Wufuc, the logic of the patch has been changed.

Now the wuaueng.dll file is not actually replaced. The wufuc_setup_x64.msi installer registers a new scheduler job that starts wufuc when the computer boots. wufuc then injects itself into the service host process or wuauserv service and intercepts the call to the IsDeviceServiceable and IsCPUSupported functions, modifying the returned response.

Thus, the wufuc patch disables the "Hardware not supported" message in Windows Update, and allows you to continue installing updates on Windows systems 7 and 8.1.
