Cellular frequencies in Russia. Allowed and prohibited bands in radio communication Clock frequency 800 MHz

Development of standards GSM 900, GSM E900, GSM 1800 contributed to the improvement of communication channels, but did not solve the problem of access to the Internet at the level required by a modern person.

These standards belonged to the second generation (2G), in which EDGE and GPRS protocols were used for data transmission, which made it possible to achieve speeds of up to 473.6 Kbps - catastrophically low for a modern user.

To date standards cellular communication one of the most important requirements is data transfer rate and signal purity. Obviously, this affects the development of the mobile operator market. So at one time 3G networks appeared in Russia, which won the massive attention of users. And now it is for this reason that the number of people who choose 4G is increasing.

Feature of the UMTS standard

The main feature that distinguishes the UMTS standard from GSM is that the use of WCDMA, HSPA +, HSDPA protocols allows users to access better mobile Internet. At speeds from 2 to 21 Mbps, you can not only transfer more data, but even make video calls.

UMTS covers more than 120 largest Russian cities. This is the standard in which the currently popular mobile operators(MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Skylink) provide 3G Internet service.

It's no secret that high frequencies are more efficient for data exchange. However, in Russia there are some nuances that make it impossible to use in some regions, for example, the UMTS frequency of 2100 MHz.

The reason is simple: frequency UMTS 2100, which is actively used for 3G Internet, quickly sits down on obstacles. This means that not only distances to base stations interfere with a high-quality signal, but also increased vegetation. In addition, some regions are practically closed for this frequency due to the operation of air defense systems. So, in the South-Western part of the Moscow region, several military bases are located, and, accordingly, an unspoken taboo has been introduced on the use of this frequency.

In such a situation, for 3G Internet, UMTS 900. Waves in this frequency range have a higher penetrating power. At the same time, at this frequency, the data transfer rate rarely reaches 10 Mbps. However, if you consider that even a few years ago in many cities they could not even think about Internet coverage, this is not so bad.

On the this moment with the popular UMTS900, Huawei E352 and a more stable version of E352b, as well as E372, E353, E3131, B970b, B260a, E367, E392, E3276 show excellent results.

LTE: in what bands will the standard of the future work?

The developments in 2008-2010 became a logical development of UMTS. LTE is a new standard that aims to improve signal processing speed and throughput while technical terms– simplify the network architecture and thereby reduce the time during data transfer. In Russia, the LTE network was officially launched in 2012.

It is LTE technology that determines the development in our country mobile internet new generation - 4G. This means access to live streaming, fast transfer of large files and other advantages of the modern Internet.

At the moment, 4G Internet is supported by the LTE 800, LTE 1800, LTE 2600 standards, using the LTE Cat.4, Cat.5, Cat.6 protocols. This allows, in theory, to obtain a data transfer rate of up to 100 Mbps on the return and up to 50 Mbps on the reception.

High LTE frequencies become an ideal solution for regions where the population density is quite high and where such a data transfer rate is very important. These include, for example, large industrial cities. However, if all operators will only work in the range LTE 2600– there will be a problem with the coverage of the radio signal immediately.

Now residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Sochi, Ufa and Samara can take advantage of 4G technology. In Russia, Yota became one of the first operators to develop the fourth generation of mobile standards. Now such large operators as Megafon and MTS have joined them.

Development is considered optimal today LTE 1800: this frequency is more economical and allows new companies to enter the market that offer services mobile communications. It is even cheaper to build networks at 800 MHz. Thus, it is possible to predict what LTE 800 and LTE 1800 will be the most popular among operators and, accordingly, with you and me.

LTE frequencies of various mobile operators

- Megaphone: frequencies LTE 742.5-750 MHz / 783.5-791 MHz, 847-854.5 MHz / 806-813.5 MHz, 2530-2540 MHz / 2650-2660 MHz, 2570-2595 MHz (license for Moscow and Moscow region );

- MTS: frequencies LTE 720-727.5 MHz / 761-768.5 MHz, 839.5-847 MHz / 798.5-806 MHz, 1710-1785 MHz / 1805-1880 MHz, 2540-2550 MHz / 2660-2670 MHz, 2595 -2620 MHz (license for Moscow and Moscow region);

- Beeline: frequencies LTE 735-742.5 MHz / 776-783.5 MHz, 854.5-862 MHz / 813.5-821 MHz, 2550-2560 MHz / 2670-2680 MHz.

Rostelecom: LTE frequencies 2560-2570 / 2680-2690 MHz.

Yota: LTE frequencies 2500-2530 / 2630-2650 MHz.

Tele2: frequencies 791-798.5 / 832 - 839.5 MHz.

Signal amplification at different frequencies

When you enter an area of ​​poor signal reception or move far away from your carrier's base station, without additional antenna not enough.

Directional Antennas UMTS 900 signal has an elementary package and can significantly increase the level of communication. At the same time, not only the Internet connection becomes more stable, but also the quality of voice transmission during telephone conversation. You can't do without a UMTS 2100 antenna if you want to use the Internet while traveling: due to the constant switching from tower to tower, the data transfer rate drops catastrophically.

Directed LTE antennas 800 and LTE 1800 antennasbest option to amplify the 4G signal in the corresponding frequencies. These standards have higher penetration and signal range.

However, the data transfer rate is higher for LTE 2600, due to which 80% of users in Moscow have already switched to this standard. And purchase LTE 2600 antennas is a prerequisite for those who have chosen 4G LTE 2600 (Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Rostelecom, Yota) to get the maximum speed of the Internet. AmplifierLTEsignal will ensure stable data transmission at high frequencies.

Solutions from GSM-Repeaters.RU

LTE 800

Speech summary Viktor Glushko, leader working group"National Radio Association", deputy. CEO LLC "Scientific and production company "Geyser", " Frequency spectrum allocation for LTE networks " at the Second International Business Forum "Evolution of mobile communication networks LTE Russia & CIS 2010", May 25-26, 2010.

I present a fragment of the abstract in the part relating to the 800 MHz band.

There are known problems in obtaining the frequency spectrum in Russia. But the problem is complex even without national characteristics, as a rule, after the appearance new technology the process of searching for frequencies for its implementation begins. The frequency resource is almost always not enough, there is not a single meeting of the World Radiocommunication Conference where the issues of additional allocation of frequencies for IMT mobile radio systems are not discussed. The conference scheduled for 2012 will also consider this issue, in particular the use of the 800 MHz band for land mobile systems.

Although, in general, the topic of frequency allocation is an endless topic, the issue of using frequencies in Russia, as they say, is "overdue". So, at the next meeting of the SCRF board, it is planned to make a decision on the creation of experimental LTE zones in Russia and make the appropriate frequency assignments (as we now know, this meeting was not destined to take place).

Meanwhile, it is approximately clear where you can look and what you can expect in terms of prospects for the use of frequencies. The data below is based on studies conducted by the NRA in early 2010 on the entire frequency range that could in principle be used to deploy LTE mobile communications systems.

When thinking about the use of frequencies to create LTE in Russia, one cannot ignore what is happening with LTE in Europe. There the situation has already been sufficiently determined.

It is planned to use the 800 MHz low frequency band to cover large areas with low population density, and the 2.6 GHz band to provide adequate network capacity in large cities.

Here I would like to make a digression from Mr. Glushko's summary of the speech and develop the topic a bit regarding the use of the 800 MHz band in Europe.

In May 2010, the European Commission adopted a Decree on the establishment of harmonized technical rules for Member States of the European Union regarding the assignment of radio frequencies in the 800 MHz band, which would facilitate the deployment of high-speed wireless Internet services without causing interference. The Commission has supported the use of the 790 - 862 MHz band (which is currently used by most of the EU Member States for terrestrial TV broadcasting) for electronic communications services and is interested in European countries acting quickly as the coordinated management of this radio spectrum band can provide economic benefits up to 44 billion euros for the EU economy, and contribute to the achievement of the strategic goals of the EC 2020 program in terms of high-speed broadband access for all by the end of 2013 (with speeds gradually increasing up to 30 Mbps and above by 2020).

Telecom industry experts believe that mobile broadband coverage in the 800 MHz band is 70% cheaper than the frequencies used in 3G/WCDMA networks.

It is important to note that the decision does not in itself oblige EU member states to provide the 790 - 862 MHz band for telecommunication services. However, a Telefonica O2 pilot project in the United Kingdom is already known (previously, O2 conducted LTE tests in the 2.6 GHz band for several months).

Even more indicative is the auction for the sale of frequencies for the creation of mobile broadband access systems in Germany.

Frequencies in four bands were put up for auction, but the main struggle ensued for lots in the 800 MHz band, and the maximum amount of money was paid for them (the total amount received by Germany from the 800 MHz auction amounted to 4.4 billion euros).

LTE tests in the 800 MHz band are known, which are conducted in Germany by Vodafone. Now, after acquiring the 2x10 MHz band in this band, the company intends to start building LTE in rural areas of Germany.

(I will deliberately ignore the 2.6 GHz band and its use in Europe in this note. There will be another reason to return to its consideration).

Let's return to Viktor Glushko's speech. In Europe, the issues of using (reusing) the 1800 MHz frequency band for LTE have not been removed from consideration, but the level of activity in this direction is low compared to the two bands - 800 MHz and 2100 MHz.

In relation to other bands and the world in general.

In China, there is a real chance of using the 2.3 GHz band. The 1.5 GHz and 700 MHz bands are rather exotic, they will be used in Japan and the USA, respectively.

Again, I deviate from the outline.

In Japan, NTT DoCoMo does have plans for 1.5 GHz, but only to expand network coverage. Initially, construction of the NTT network will begin in the 2.1 GHz band.

In general, regarding the use of frequencies in various bands for the construction of LTE systems in the world, there are various plans. Here are two slides to illustrate this:

Here, the areas of the sectors are determined by the number of operators that have announced their plans to build LTE networks in certain frequency bands. Unfortunately, I don’t have a breakdown by operators, so the reliability and relevance of the slide leaves some questions.

I will return to the summary of the speech.

We have a big problem with the 1.5 GHz band in Russia. The 700 MHz band can still be seen what's wrong with it. So the list of potentially interesting bands for LTE for Russia may look like this:

800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2400 MHz and 2600 MHz.

Let's take a closer look at the situation with the 800 MHz band (790 - 862 MHz) in Russia. This range is often referred to as the "digital dividend". It must be understood that such a name came from the idea of ​​a part of humanity that as a result of rescheduling the broadcasting band, some additional resource will arise. The frequency range for analog broadcasting turns out to be redundant in the transition to digital, it would seem fair to expect the appearance of free frequencies. Based on this, Western countries have formed a certain policy of promoting the 790-862 MHz band in Europe and 869-806 MHz in the USA for the development of mobile broadband access. Moreover, LTE was not specifically mentioned in the decisions; usually, speaking of these ranges, they say UMT or mobile broadband access. But given the current trend, we can assume that we are still talking about LTE, first of all.

So, a certain "digital dividend" has been formed, which, strictly speaking, has not been formed in Russia. The fact is that our use of the range for analog broadcasting was not complete due to a large number military means. The range is almost completely occupied by such means.

If you now say "broadcasters, you have a dividend, share the spectrum", then the expected answer will be "leave me alone, we don't have enough." It would seem that this can be put an end to. But there is another factor as well. Broadcasting, by its nature, cannot be combined with those RES, primarily for military purposes, that are present in this band. And cellular networks, on the contrary, can. And there are examples of successful combinations, as many people remember, AMPS / DAMPS networks successfully worked in this range in Russia. This probably gives hope that bands for civil mobile broadband systems can be searched in the band. And the preliminary express analysis that was carried out showed that in the range of 790 - 862 MHz you can find 2 * 10 MHz frequency duplex, which could be used for the deployment of a mobile broadband system of the LTE standard.

Unfortunately, 10 MHz is very small, it is hardly appropriate to build some kind of state program or submit to the competition, since this frequency band is hardly enough for one operator. So another idea came up. It is connected with "moving" into the American band, dropping below the 790 MHz band - up to 698 MHz. In this case, the results of the express analysis show that it is possible to obtain bands for two operators already (ie 2 at 2x10 MHz FDD). It's already something.

There are problems here, of course. First, the fact that in this case we are moving "perpendicular" to Europe is not news to us, of course, and it is not scary. Secondly, we are attacking the legal rights of broadcasters here, since the third multiplex, which they are now trying to form for digital broadcasting, will fall into this strip. Some frequency blocks in the band from 698 to 790 MHz will already be considered by broadcasters. Analysis was carried out in the NRA in order to identify opportunities. Decisions will be made later, taking into account the results that will be obtained in the experimental zones. (This concludes the citation of the summary of Viktor Glushko's speech).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My opinion. It is the 800 MHz band that would be ideal for the development of mobile broadband access systems in Russia in territories outside the cities of a million people - we would not lose "compatibility" with Europe, in particular, with Germany, which would provide a good choice of subscriber devices, as well as roaming opportunities with Europe.
But something else is more important - it is in this range that it is most cost-effective to build an LTE system. And such construction could serve to reduce the digital inequality of Russian citizens, the level of which today is largely determined by the place of residence. To do this, the state would have to deal with the conversion and clearing of this frequency range in order to harmonize it with outside world. And in this regard, to be honest, I do not expect any serious progress, unfortunately. Can you hope that I'm wrong?

What is 4G (LTE)? According to Wikipedia, LTE (literally Long-Term Evolution, often referred to as 4G LTE) is a wireless high-speed data transmission standard for mobile phones and other data terminals (modems, for example). It increases throughput and speed by using a different air interface along with improvements to the network core. The standard was developed by 3GPP (consortium developing specifications for mobile telephony). The LTE wireless interface is not compatible with 2G and 3G, so it must operate on a separate frequency. In Russia, three frequency bands are allocated for LTE - 800, 1800 and 2600 MHz.


There are two types of LTE standard, the differences between which are quite significant. FDD - FrequencyDivisionDuplex( frequency separation incoming and outgoing channel) TDD - TimeDivisionDuplex (time difference between incoming and outgoing channel). Roughly speaking, FDD is parallel LTE and TDD is serial LTE. For example, with a channel width of 20 MHz in FDD LTE, part of the range (15 MHz) is given for downloading (download), and part (5 MHz) for uploading (upload). Thus, the channels do not overlap in frequency, which allows you to work simultaneously and stably for downloading and uploading data. In TDD LTE, the same 20 MHz channel is completely given up for both downloading and uploading, and data is transmitted in one direction or the other in turn, while downloading still has priority. In general, FDD LTE is preferable because it works faster and more stable.

Frequency bands LTE, Band

LTE networks (FDD and TDD) operate on different frequencies in different countries. In many countries, several frequency bands are operated at once. It should be noted that not all equipment can work on different "bands", i.e. frequency ranges. FDD ranges are numbered 1 to 31, TDD ranges 33 to 44. There are a few additional standards that have not yet been assigned numbers. Specifications for frequency bands are called bands (BAND). In Russia and Europe, band 7, band 20, band 3 and band 38 are mainly used.

In Russia, four frequency ranges are currently used for 4th generation networks:

As an example, I will give the distribution of frequencies among the main Russian telecom operators in the LTE2600 (Band7) band:

As you can see from this diagram, Beeline got only 10 MHz. Rostelecom also got only 10 MHz. MTS - 35 MHz in the Moscow region and 10 MHz throughout the country. And Megafon and Yota (this is the same holding) got as much as 65 MHz for two in the Moscow region and 40 MHz throughout Russia! Through Yota in Moscow, only Megafon works virtually in the 4G standard, in other regions - Megafon and MTS. Television (Cosmos-TV, etc.) will operate in the TDD range throughout Russia, except for Moscow.
For the full frequency distribution of mobile operators in Russia, see.

4G LTE networks in Russia

Operator Frequency Response (MHz) Dw/Up Channel Width (MHz) duplex type Band number
Yota 2500-2530 / 2620-2650 2x30 FDD band 7
Megaphone 2530-2540 / 2650-2660 2x10 FDD band 7
Megaphone 2575-2595 20 TDD band 38
MTS 2540-2550 / 2660-2670 2x10 FDD band 7
MTS 2595-2615 20 TDD band 38
Beeline 2550-2560 / 2670-2680 2x10 FDD band 7
Tele 2 2560-2570 / 2680-2690 2x10 FDD band 7
MTS 1710-1785 / 1805-1880 2x75 FDD band 3
Tele 2 832-839.5 / 791-798.5 2x7.5 FDD band 20
MTS 839.5-847 / 798.5-806 2x7.5 FDD band 20
Megaphone 847-854.5 / 806-813.5 2x7.5 FDD band 20
Beeline 854.5-862 / 813.5-821 2x7.5 FDD band 20

The frequency distribution among operators in the regions of Russia can be found.

For those who find it difficult to remember the numbers of bands or do not have a suitable reference handy, I recommend a small android application RFrequence, a screenshot of which is given below.

LTE categories

Subscriber devices are classified into categories. The most common today are devices of the 4th category CAT4. This means that the maximum achievable mobile Internet speed for reception (downlink or DL) can be 150 Mbps, for transmission (uplink or UL) - 50 Mbps. It is important to note that this is the maximum achievable speed under ideal conditions - the main ones are that you are not far from the tower, there are no other subscribers in the cell except you, optical transport is connected to the base station, etc. The most common categories of subscriber devices are shown in the table.

The table needs some explanation. "Carrier aggregation" and "additional technologies" are mentioned here. I'll try to explain what it is.

Frequency aggregation

The word "aggregation" in this case means a union, i.e. frequency aggregation is the combination of frequencies. What this means - I will try to explain below.
It is known that the rate of transmission reception depends on the width of the transmission channel. As we saw from the table in the previous section, the channel width for downloading, for example, MTS is 10 MHz in the Band7 band (except Moscow), for uploading it is also 10 MHz. To increase the download speed, the operator redistributes the frequencies he purchased in the ratio of 15 MHz for download and 5 MHz for upload. Other providers do the same.

One day, one of the developers came up with a bright idea - what if the signal is transmitted not on one carrier frequency, but on several at the same time. Thus, the receive / transmit channel expands and the speed theoretically increases significantly. And if each carrier is also transmitted according to the MIMO 2x2 scheme, then we get an additional gain in speed. Such a reception-transmission scheme is called “frequency aggregation.” It is this scheme that is used by the Internet 4G + or LTE-Advanced (LTE-A).

The table indicates that for Cat.9, the transmitter and receiver must be able to transmit and receive a signal on three carrier frequencies (in three bands) simultaneously, the width of each channel must be at least 20 MHz. For Cat.12, it is additionally necessary that the antenna devices be connected according to the MIMO 4x4 scheme, i.e. in fact, you need 4 antennas on the receiving and transmitting sides. Mysterious symbols 256QAM mean certain kind signal modulation, allowing more densely packed information. Those who wish to get acquainted with this topic in more detail can begin their acquaintance with the material in the article on Wikipedia and with the links there.

Receiver categorization

The frequency aggregation scheme is being actively developed by Russian providers, many agreements on the mutual use of frequency bands have been concluded, and the antenna facilities of base stations are being reconstructed. However, there is one problem - on the receiving side, the subscriber must be able to receive a signal at several carrier frequencies simultaneously. Not all smartphones, tablets and modems support frequency aggregation and therefore cannot work in 4G+.

Starting from 2016, the documentation for smartphones indicates the frequency bands (bands) and the LTE category in which they can work. For example, for a smartphone released in 2017, Huawei P10 Plus, among other parameters, the following is indicated:

In addition, this smartphone has a built-in M IMO 4x4 antenna and a corresponding modem that allows you to process signals on two carrier frequencies at once. If your smartphone supports frequency aggregation, then the "setting" > "mobile network" tab will look something like this:

If so, then your smartphone supports LTE-A.

Thus, smartphone manufacturers began to catch up mobile operators. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for modem manufacturers. Until now, the most productive modem gives maximum speeds of 150/50 Mbps, i.e. belongs to Cat.4. So far, this circumstance is not too upsetting, because. such speeds, if achieved in practice, are to be admired. However, production mobile routers seems to be starting to catch up with smartphones. Cat.6 routers from Huawei and Netgeer began to appear on the market (does not support Russian bands). So the Huawei E5787s-33a router can be bought on AliExpress for about 10 thousand rubles.

It must be said that real speeds achieved in the 4G+ mode are far from the declared ones, but they are much higher than in the simple 4G mode. The author conducted a series of experiments in Moscow, where it is not difficult to find LTE-A (Megafon operator), with a Cat.12 smartphone, the results of which are shown in the screenshots. The first screenshot is the speeds for LTE-A (frequency aggregation is enabled), the second screenshot is for LTE (frequency aggregation is disabled). I note that for some reason, when taking a screenshot, the plus sign disappears from the 4G + icon. Why - I don’t know, during testing there was a plus - see the screen.

Six measurements were taken for each mode. Speeds with frequency aggregation turned on are on average noticeably higher, although not by several times. The measurements were carried out near the tower, during the day.

Those wishing to experiment with LTE-A

If LTE-A appeared in your area, as you saw by measuring the frequencies of your chosen operator (the provider distributes the Internet at two frequencies, for example, LTE800 and LTE2600, i.e. uses a combination of B7 + B20) and your hands itch to try what it is, then you can try to use a scheme of two MIMO antennas with diplexers.

After launching the application, go to its settings and check the box "Detect GMS/UMTS/LTE frequencies".

Then the main screen should display the information you are interested in about the frequency range used.

In our case, the smartphone connected to the Tele2 network using the 4G standard at a frequency of 1800 MHz (band 3).

Beginners don't understand the games played by standards makers. It would seem that it uses GSM frequencies 850, 1900, 900, 1800 MHz, what more? Quick answer - read the following section Phone instructions. The illegitimacy of the generally accepted interpretation will be shown. The problem is described in the following terms:

  1. The second generation of 2G cellular communication has created a lot of standards. The world knows three epicenters that set the rhythm: Europe, North America, Japan. Russia adopted the standards of the first two, having changed them.
  2. The family tree of standards is constantly expanding.
  3. International versions of standards are designed to unite the heterogeneous rules of individual countries. Often direct implementation is not possible. Governments change legislative framework, pinning frequency plans.

The foregoing explains the origins of the misunderstanding of the problem by beginners. Returning clarity to the question, let's build a simplified hierarchy of standards, indicating the frequencies used along the way.

Genealogy of standards

The following information is intended to explain to the layman the structure of existing, extinct standards. Below, in the following sections, the technologies used in Russia will be described. The corresponding representatives of the tree that adorned the Russian forest are marked in bold.


  2. Others: NMT, C-450, DataTAC, Hicap, Mobitex.

2G: 1992

  1. GSM/3GPP family: GSM, HSCSD, CSD.
  2. 3GPP2 family: cdmaOne.
  3. AMPS family: D-AMPS.
  4. Other: iDEN, PHS, PDC, CDPD.


  1. 3GPP/GSM family: GPRS, EDGE.
  2. 3GPP2 family: CDMA2000 1x including Advanced.
  3. Others: WiDEN, DECT.

3G: 2003

  1. 3GPP family: UMTS.
  2. 3GPP2 family: CDMA2000 1xEV-DO R.0


  1. 3GPP family: LTE, HSPA, HSPA+.
  2. 3GPP2 family: CDMA2000 1xEV-DO R.A, CDMA2000 1xEV-DO R.B, CDMA2000 1xEV-DO R.C
  3. IEEE family: Mobile WiMAX, Flash OFDM.

4G: 2013

  1. 3GPP family: LTE-A, LTE-S Pro.
  2. IEEE family: WiMAX.

5G: 2020

  1. 5G-NR.

Short description

Genealogy allows you to trace extinct species. For example, modern authors often use the abbreviation GSM, misleading the reader. The technology is entirely limited to the second generation of cellular, an extinct species. Former frequencies with additions continue to be used by descendants. On 1 December 2016, Australia's Telstra ended its use of GSM, becoming the first operator in the world to completely upgrade its equipment. Technology continues to be content with 80% of the world's population (according to the GSM Association). On January 1, 2017, the American AT&T followed the example of Australian colleagues. The stop of the service by the Optus operator followed, and on April 2017, Singapore recognized the discrepancy between 2G and the growing needs of the population.

So, the term GSM is used in relation to aging equipment that has failed the RF. Descendant protocols can be called GSM successors. The frequencies are preserved by the next generations. Punctures, methods of information transfer are changing. The aspects of frequency allocation that accompany equipment upgrades are discussed below. Be sure to provide information that allows you to establish the relationship of GSM.

Phone instruction

The phone manual will provide useful information regarding the issue. The corresponding section lists the supported frequencies. Separate devices will allow you to adjust the reception area. You should choose a phone model that catches generally accepted Russian channels:

  1. 900 MHz - E-GSM. Uplink - 880..915 MHz, downlink - 925..960 MHz.
  2. 1800 MHz - DCS. Uplink - 1710..1785 MHz, downlink - 1805..1880 MHz.

LTE technology adds 2600 MHz area, 800 MHz channel is introduced.

The history of RF communications: frequencies

In 1983, the development of a European digital communication standard began. As a reminder, the first generation of 1G used analog transmission. Thus, engineers developed the standard in advance, anticipating the history of the development of technology. Digital communication was born by the Second World War, more precisely, by the Green Hornet encrypted transmission system. The military understood perfectly: the era is coming digital technologies. The civil industry caught the movement of the wind.

900 MHz

The European organization CEPT has created a GSM committee (Groupe Special Mobile). The European Commission has proposed using the 900 MHz spectrum. The developers settled in Paris. Five years later (1987), 13 EU countries submitted a memorandum to Copenhagen on the need to create a single cellular network. The community decided to request the help of GSM. The first came out in February. data sheet. Politicians from four countries (May 1987) supported the project with the Bonn Declaration. The next short period (38 weeks) is filled with general hustle and bustle, ruled by four designated persons:

  1. Armin Silberhorn (Germany).
  2. Philippe Dupulis (France).
  3. Renzo Failli (Italy).
  4. Stephen Temple (Great Britain).

In 1989, the GSM commission leaves the CEPT trusteeship, becoming part of ETSI. On July 1, 1991, the former Prime Minister of Finland, Harry Holkeri, made the first call to a subscriber (Kaarina Suonio) using the services of the Radiolinia provider.

1800 MHz

In parallel with the introduction of 2G, work was underway to use the 1800 MHz region. The first network covered the UK (1993). At the same time, the Australian operator Telecom moved in.

1900 MHz

The 1900 MHz frequency was introduced by the USA (1995). The GSM Association was created, the world number of subscribers reached 10 million people. A year later, the figure increased tenfold. The use of 1900 MHz prevented the introduction of the European version of UMTS.

800 MHz

The 800 MHz band appeared in 2002, in parallel with the introduction of the multimedia messaging service.

Attention, question!

What frequencies have become the Russian standard? The confusion is added by the ignorance by the authors of the Runet of the standards adopted by the official developers. The direct answer is discussed above (see the Phone Instructions section), we describe the work of the organizations mentioned (the UMTS section).

Why so many frequencies

Examining the results of 2010, the GSM Association stated that 80% of the planet's subscribers are covered by the standard. This means that four-fifths of the networks cannot choose a single frequency. In addition, there are 20% foreign communication standards. Where does the root of evil come from? The countries of the second half of the 20th century developed separately. Frequencies 900 MHz of the USSR were occupied by military, civil air navigation.

GSM: 900 MHz

In parallel with the development by Europe of the first versions of GSM, NPO Astra, the Research Institute of Radio, and the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense started research that ended in full-scale tests. The verdict rendered:

  • Joint functioning of navigation and the second generation of cellular communication is possible.
  1. NMT-450.

Please note: again 2 standards. Each uses its own frequency grid. The announced tender for distribution of GSM-900 was won by NPO Astra, OJSC MGTS (now MTS), Russian companies, Canadian BCETI.

NMT-450MHz - first generation

So, Moscow used, starting in 1992, the 900 MHz band (see above), because other GSM frequencies had not yet been born. In addition, NMT (Nordic Cell phones) ... Initially, the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula developed two options:

  1. NMT-450.
  2. NMT-900 (1986).

Why did the Russian government choose the first answer? Probably decided to try two ranges. Please note that these standards describe analog communications (1G). Developer countries have been shutting down shop since December 2000. Iceland (Siminn) was the last to surrender (September 1, 2010). Experts note an important advantage of the 450 MHz band: range. A significant plus, appreciated by remote Iceland. The Russian government wanted to cover the area of ​​the country with a minimum of towers.

NMT was loved by fishermen. The vacated grid was occupied by digital CDMA 450. In 2015, Scandinavian technologies mastered 4G. The Russian Uralwestcom vacated the closet on September 1, 2006, Sibirtelecom on January 10, 2008. Subsidiary (Tele 2) Skylink fills the Perm and Arkhangelsk regions with a range. The license expires in 2021.

D-AMPS: UHF (400..890 MHz) - second generation

American 1G networks using the AMPS specification refused to accept GSM. Instead, two alternatives have been developed to organize mobile networks second generation:

  1. IS-54 (March 1990, 824-849; 869-894 MHz).
  2. IS-136. Differs in a large number of channels.

The standard is now dead, replaced everywhere by the descendants of GSM / GPRS, CDMA2000.

Why does a Russian need D-AMPS

The Russian man in the street often uses used equipment. D-AMPS equipment has reached warehouses of Tele 2, Beeline. On November 17, 2007, the latter closed the shop for the Central Region. The license of the Novosibirsk Region expired on December 31, 2009. The last swallow flew away on October 1, 2012 ( Kaliningrad region). Kyrgyzstan used the range until March 31, 2015.

CDMA2000 - 2G+

Some protocol variants use:

  1. Uzbekistan - 450 MHz.
  2. Ukraine - 450; 800 MHz.

In the period December 2002 - October 2016 specifications 1xRTT, EV-DO Rev. A (450 MHz) were used by Skylink. Now the infrastructure has been modernized, LTE has been introduced. On September 13, 2016, the news spread around the world portals: Tele 2 stops using CDMA. The American MTS began the process of introducing LTE a year earlier.

GPRS - second or third generation

The development of the CELLPAC protocol (1991-1993) was a turning point in the development of cellular communications. Received 22 US patents. The descendants of the technology are LTE, UMTS. Packet data transmission is designed to speed up the process of information exchange. The project aims to improve GSM networks (frequencies listed above). The service user is required to obtain technologies:

  1. Internet access.
  2. Deprecated "press to speak".
  3. Messenger.

The overlap of two technologies (SMS, GPRS) speeds up the process many times over. The specification supports IP, PPP, X.25 protocols. Packets keep coming even during a call.


The next step in the evolution of GSM is conceived by AT&T (USA). Compact-EDGE has taken over the D-AMPS niche. The frequencies are listed above.

UMTS - full 3G

The first generation to require upgrades to base station hardware. The frequency grid has changed. The rate limit for a line that takes advantage of HSPA+ is 42 Mbps. Realistically achievable speeds significantly overlap 9.6 kbps GSM. Starting in 2006, the countries started a renewal. Using orthogonal frequency multiplexing, the 3GPP committee intended to achieve the 4G layer. Early Birds released in 2002. Initially, the developer laid down the following frequencies:

  1. .2025 MHz. Ascending branch.
  2. .2200 MHz. Descending link.

Since the US was already using 1900 MHz, it chose the segments 1710..1755; 2110..2155 MHz. Many countries have followed America's lead. The 2100 MHz frequency is too often busy. Hence the numbers given at the beginning:

  • 850/1900 MHz. Moreover, 2 channels are selected using one range. Either 850 or 1900.

Agree, it is incorrect to drag in GSM, following a bad common example. The second generation used a half-duplex single channel, UMTS - used two at once (5 MHz wide).

UMTS frequency grid of Russia

The first attempt to allocate spectra took place on February 3-March 3, 1992. The decision was adapted by the Geneva conference (1997). It was the S5.388 specification that fixed the ranges:

  • 1885-2025 MHz.
  • 2110-2200 MHz.

The decision required further clarification. The commission identified 32 ultra-channels, 11 were unused reserves. Most of the others received clarifying names, since individual frequencies coincided. Russia rejected the European practice, despising the USA, having adopted 2 channels (band) UMTS-FDD:

  1. No. 8. 900 MHz - E-GSM. Uplink - 880..915 MHz, downlink - 925..960 MHz.
  2. Number 3. 1800 MHz - DCS. Uplink - 1710..1785 MHz, downlink - 1805..1880 MHz.

Characteristics cell phone should be selected according to the information provided. Wikipedia table revealing frequency plan planet Earth is completely useless. They forgot to take into account the Russian specifics. Europe operates nearby IMT Channel 1. In addition, there is a UMTS-TDD mesh. The equipment of the two overhead network options is incompatible.


Evolutionary continuation of the GSM-GPRS-UMTS bundle. It can serve as an add-on for CDMA2000 networks. Only a multi-frequency phone is capable of providing LTE technology. Experts directly indicate a place below the fourth generation. Contrary to the statements of marketers. Initially, the ITU-R organization recognized the technology as appropriate, later the position was revised.

LTE is a registered trademark of ETSI. The key idea was the use of signal processors and the introduction of innovative methods of carrier modulation. IP-addressing of subscribers was recognized as expedient. The interface has lost backward compatibility, the frequency spectrum has changed again. First Grid (2004) launched Japanese company NTT DoCoMo. The exhibition version of the technology overtook Moscow in the hot May 2010.

Repeating the experience of UMTS, the developers have implemented two options for the air protocol:

  1. LTE-TDD. Time division of channels. The technology is widely supported by China, South Korea, Finland, Switzerland. The presence of a single frequency channel (1850..3800 MHz). Partially covers WiMAX, upgrade is possible.
  2. LTE FDD. Frequency division of channels (separately descending, ascending).

The frequency plans of the 2 technologies are different, 90% of the core design is the same. Samsung, Qualcomm produce phones capable of catching both protocols. Occupied ranges:

  1. North America. 700, 750, 800, 850, 1900, 1700/2100, 2300, 2500, 2600 MHz.
  2. South America. 2500 MHz.
  3. Europe. 700, 800, 900, 1800, 2600 MHz.
  4. Asia. 800, 1800, 2600 MHz.
  5. Australia, New Zealand. 1800, 2300 MHz.


Russian operators have chosen LTE-FDD technology, use frequencies:

  1. 800 MHz.
  2. 1800 MHz.
  3. 2600 MHz.


Frequencies remain the same (see LTE). Launch chronology:

  1. On October 9, 2012, Yota had 11 base stations.
  2. Megafon on February 25, 2014 covered the Garden Ring of the capital.
  3. Beeline since August 5, 2014 has been working on LTE frequencies 800, 2600 MHz.

As a result of a short search, a list of VHF frequencies was formed, where I can’t go with my walkie-talkie (from the word “generally”) and where I can’t, but in the case of a power supply unit, it’s possible and necessary. It is clear that in the forbidden ranges, almost everyone works closed (encoded), and much is not at all in the radiotelephony mode, so there is nothing to do there - neither for reception, nor (especially) for transmission. In the list, I left only those bands that I can theoretically get into with my walkie-talkie (for your available ranges, look for the forbidden yourself). Who exactly sits on which of them, I won’t write - just don’t climb there, period. This is the Ministry of Internal Affairs and FAPSI. I also do not indicate discreteness in frequency bands, because there is no need:

Prohibited frequency bands:
139.174 – 139.242 MHz
148.000 – 149.000 MHz
149.000 - 149.900 MHz
157.875 MHz
162.7625 - 163.200 MHz
168.500 - 171.150 MHz
169.455 MHz
169.462 MHz
171.150 – 173.000 MHz
173.000 – 174.000 MHz
406.000 – 406.100 MHz

In addition, the strip "Space - Earth" ( 136.000 – 137.000 MHz) and the band "Earth - Space" ( 406,000 – 406.100 MHz, it is exclusively for satellite emergency beacons - distress position indicators).

Next - the channels of the marine range:
156.325 MHz (it is not actually a marine band channel, but falls into it; what happens on it - I HZ);
156.300 MHz - service channel 06 for ship control. Can be used for communication between ships and aircraft during search and rescue operations, so don't go there with your PTT button;
156.525 MHz - special channel 70 - it is prohibited to work in radiotelephone mode (used to transmit a digital selective call, a marine analogue of DSC SMS messages);
156.800 MHz – Channel 16, the international VHF distress, safety and calling frequency in the maritime mobile service for radiotelephony. It is also for search and rescue of manned spacecraft. It is bounded on both sides by two forbidden guard strips (channel 75 - guard strip 156.762 – 156.7875 MHz and channel 76 - guard band 156.8125 – 156.8375 MHz).

In addition, it should be remembered that some of the channels of the marine range are not intended for simplex communication, but for duplex ( 1–7, 18–28, 39, 60–66, 78–88 ), and in general: work on transmission in the sea range from the coast is prohibited to anyone. You will go out to sea - at least on anything (inflatable or surfboard) - then you can. True, you can still run into it - they will catch it, push it apart, blow it in and then blow it again.

Just in case, here are some more forbidden frequencies (not available to my walkie-talkie, but still let them lie down here, all of a sudden someone needs it):
243.000 MHz
300.200 MHz
254.000 ; 254.685; 380.000; 393.100 MHz is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
273.000 – 300.000; 300.000 – 390.000 MHz - bands of FAPSI, government communications, security and defense of the Russian Federation. They also include different, narrower subbands with different discrete steps; nothing to go there at all.

145.500 MHz is the common calling frequency for radio amateurs. However, you can transmit there only if you have an official radar call sign and from a registered radio.

It is clear that the list is far from complete(yes, it can't be complete). In addition, I can not vouch for its current reliability - because, as one literary character said, "time flows, and we are with it." You have to check and search.

A separate list of emergency frequencies in the ranges of 2 m and 70 cm for survivalists and anticipators of the BP:
145.450 MHz(this is the Ministry of Emergency Situations, yeah)
145.945 MHz(??? XZ)
433.450 MHz(16th channel LPD)

A computer