The best DIY 4g lte mimo antenna. What is a MIMO antenna? What is MIMO LTE and how is it different from regular one?

LTE is a new thing for the people, first we will evaluate logically what is implemented in the standard, then we will move on to reading the literature. The main difference between the technology is the increase in the speed of information transfer of the Internet connection. During test operation of LTE in Bishkek, the download speed was 20 Mbit/s. Because the limit is set so as not to overload the network. Surprise, in its original state (early 90s of the twentieth century), LTE was not considered digital. The protocol definitely contradicted the 3G specification, which cellular operators stubbornly refused to admit. A group of companies that had the honor of introducing LTE finalized the first option, then Yota began trying to cover Belarus first with the new standard, and when this did not work out, it covered the Russian Federation. Can an LTE antenna be made by hand? Of course yes!

LTE standard, LTE antennas

We avoid exploring the wilds of LTE. Let's mention simple facts: speed increases faster using information encoding methods and modulation methods. The polarization is almost certainly linear, vertical (typically cellular communications). The frequencies adopted by LTE are not always respected in practice. The thesis concerns Russia. First of all, find out the wave (channel number) from your provider, then start constructing an LTE antenna. Today, every mobile operator broadcasts. In the Astrakhan region, LTE is distributed to two or three antennas. Everyone’s frequencies are different, the numbers change by region, and things are heading towards the fact that communications will become faster and cheaper.

We bring to the attention of newcomers: there is always a war for the frequencies of LTE operators, as well as television and radio companies. The range is not provided for free, the company is obliged to pay. The state benefits from the abundance of LTE operators - everyone waives the fee. It’s not new that large enterprises using walkie-talkies replenish the treasury with considerable sums. It’s difficult to say what LTE is paid for, but we believe it looks like this:

  • Radio waves are harmful to humanity. Definitely a proven fact. They lower immunity, provoke poor health, and raise body temperature. The person feels completely sick and has been exposed to radio wave radiation.
  • Therefore, the organization must take control so that citizens are not irradiated. IN otherwise the population will start to get sick, nothing good will happen. The committee is GRKCH, if you are interested in more details, read the thematic reviews of the network for your health. The organization is engaged in frequency distribution.

We believe that the fees paid by LTE providers and other users of radio channels do not bring much profit (professionals will forgive the editors if we are mistaken). The money pays for the work of people who need to be paid salaries, sick leave, vacation pay... The state does not receive much profit from LTE. Don't be surprised if you can't catch operators with one LTE antenna. The range is considerable.

However, today we will show you how to make an LTE antenna that can catch everyone. Of course, you will have to sweat a little. We strongly recommend reading the literature, the book by Kharchenko K.P. 1969 release about VHF antennas. The title may be different, we believe that persistent readers will be able to download and read this work (pdf, djvu versions are posted).

Features of LTE antennas are limited by size. Suitable for GSM too. WiFi lies above. The LTE antenna picks up the upper television channels if you turn it so that the figure eight becomes upright (rotate 90 degrees).

How to make a good LTE antenna

A homemade LTE antenna can be an ordinary rod. We suggest doing something practical. You know, some people look down on biquadrat a little. Completely in vain. In the book, Kharchenko writes: with skillful design, the product is capable of receiving waves with a range overlap of 2 - 2.5 times. Let's now see what's happening with LTE in Russia. Many people broadcast... they take different frequencies, let's look at Wikipedia, so as not to conduct serious research, we will try to determine the parameters for creating a technical specification.

Each mobile operator does not seek to help competitors. LTE antenna KR – 14 – 2050 – JG, gain is 14 dB in the range 1900 – 2200 MHz. SWR does not rise above 2. So? Now take a look at Kharchenko’s work, compare the biquadrat with a store antenna. Still think that you don’t need to assemble anything with your own hands? There will be connection problems; the equipment does not have outputs for external antennas. We'll have to screw up the modems (a separate conversation) and find other methods for pairing the equipment. The good thing about the Kharchenko antenna is that matching is relatively simple. Let's start looking at the design.

For the tenth time, the portal VashTechnik remembers kind words Kharchenko antennas. Let's try again…

Let's discuss the resulting product. The real Kharchenko antenna is formed by three circuits. Here is a drawing of the original 1969 edition; we hope the author will not mind this flagrant violation of copyright. As you can see, the dimensions are relative to the maximum wavelength (minimum frequency).

If you believe Kharchenko, the range overlap coefficient will be about 2 (up to 2.5). Nowhere in the SWR region will there be more than 2. Please note that the figure eight is vertical. The polarization will be horizontal. Kharchenko proposed to use the design when catching television broadcasts; the authors want to adapt the reception of communications. Place the biquadrat on its side.

It’s difficult to say how to connect the contours, the author hesitates to show... From the picture it follows: the largest upper square goes into the smallest lower one, and vice versa. The middle one closes on itself. At the contact pads, three circuits are assembled by a bus powered by a cable. It follows from the figure, there is zero explanation in the text. Having taken it as readers, we turn to the search engine, we don’t like unresolved questions... Here’s what we managed to find out.

Design issues for LTE antenna Kharchenko

According to the theory, which is not easy to find in a book, the diameter of the frame wire should be 0.016 - 0.02 of the maximum wavelength. For television frequencies from the times of the USSR it was:

  1. 1 – 5 (49 – 100 MHz) channels: 120 – 100 mm.
  2. 6 – 12 (174 – 230 MHz) channels: 34 – 27 mm.

It is difficult to find a wire of significant diameter; it was proposed to replace the round conductor with a flat one. The windage of the antenna has increased significantly, which cannot be called a positive factor, manufacturing has become more complicated, the weight has increased, and materials have become difficult to obtain. Three circuits are used. Good news: we will work with frequencies of 750 MHz and higher, everyone can get a wire with a diameter of 6 mm (stripe the PV). The second good news: we found a way to do the installation. The unknown author took the trouble to copy the drawings from the book and provided a description of the process on the website Free domain, so 99% of the information was obtained by a dedicated enthusiast.

The authors were too lazy to retake the drawings, let’s add a few words: two semicircular plates are placed on the sides of the circuit board, onto which the wire is soldered. At the corners (6 pieces in total) the frames are bridged with metal strips. They were right about the trajectories. Follow the picture, you can't go wrong. It is not customary to insulate the intersections of the wire; the antenna cord does not need this at all.

DIY antenna made for LTE. How to coordinate was written in a special review called DIY Kharchenko Antenna. Today, WiFi enthusiasts widely use the design. Sometimes they place the iron in a plastic case, finishing the seam with silicone sealant purchased at a plumbing store.


Surely many have already heard about the technology MIMO, in recent years it has often been full of advertising brochures and posters, especially in computer stores and magazines. But what is MIMO (MIMO) and what is it eaten with? Let's take a closer look.

MIMO technology

MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output; multiple inputs, multiple outputs) is a method of spatial signal encoding that allows you to increase the channel bandwidth, in which two or more antennas are used for data transmission and the same number of antennas for reception. The transmitting and receiving antennas are spaced so far as to achieve minimal mutual influence on each other between adjacent antennas. MIMO technology is used in wireless communications Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE for increased bandwidth and more effective use frequency band. In fact, MIMO allows you to transmit more data in one frequency range and a given frequency corridor, i.e. increase a speed. This is achieved through the use of several transmitting and receiving antennas.

History of MIMO

MIMO technology can be considered a fairly recent development. Its history begins in 1984, when the first patent for the use of this technology was registered. Initial development and research took place in the company Bell Laboratories, and in 1996 the company Airgo Networks The first MIMO chipset was released called True MIMO. MIMO technology received its greatest development at the beginning of the 21st century, when wireless technologies began to develop at a rapid pace. Wi-Fi networks and 3G cellular networks. And now MIMO technology is widely used in 4G LTE and Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/ac networks.

What does MIMO technology provide?

For the end user, MIMO provides a significant increase in data transfer speed. Depending on the configuration of the equipment and the number of antennas used, you can get a twofold, threefold or up to eightfold increase in speed. Typically, wireless networks use the same number of transmitting and receiving antennas, and this is written as, for example, 2x2 or 3x3. Those. if we see a MIMO 2x2 recording, it means two antennas are transmitting the signal and two are receiving. For example, in the Wi-Fi standard one 20 MHz wide channel gives a throughput of 866 Mbps, while an 8x8 MIMO configuration combines 8 channels, giving a maximum speed of about 7 Gbps. The same is true for LTE MIMO - a potential increase in speed by several times. To make full use of MIMO in LTE networks necessary , because As a rule, built-in antennas are not sufficiently spaced and provide little effect. And of course, there must be MIMO support from the base station.

An LTE antenna with MIMO support transmits and receives signals in horizontal and vertical planes. This is called polarization. A distinctive feature of MIMO antennas is the presence of two antenna connectors, and accordingly the use of two wires to connect to the modem/router.

Despite the fact that many say, and not without reason, that a MIMO antenna for 4G LTE networks is actually two antennas in one, you should not think that using such an antenna will double the speed. This can only be the case in theory, but in practice the difference between a conventional and MIMO antenna in a 4G LTE network does not exceed 20-25%. However, more important in this case will be the stable signal that a MIMO antenna can provide.

To solve problems with the level of Internet signal reception and mobile communications You can make your own MIMO 4g LTE antenna. MIMO technology allows you to increase throughput and transmit more data, thereby increasing speed. This effect is achieved by using multiple devices to receive the signal. It’s not for nothing that the name MIMO, or Multiple Input Multiple Output, translates as multiple inputs, multiple outputs. Using this technology, it is possible to provide a significant increase in data transfer speed for the end user.

By parallelizing the stream into several channels at the input, you can send the signal in several directions and also receive all this data at the output. 2x, 3x, and even 8x magnification is achieved by using specific configurations and numbers of 3G or 4G MIMO antennas. Moreover, it is possible to transmit encoded information with a delay and restore the data upon receipt. To understand how such devices work, consider schematic diagram radio signal transmission.

Receiving and sending information in wireless communication lines

Radio waves, when moving in space, encounter various obstacles in the form of houses, trees and other structures. Obstacles along the way can reflect or absorb the wave, or do so partially. Sometimes the signal is split into several components. The nature of the interactions between the wave and obstacles along the way is influenced by the surface material, signal frequency and many other factors. Reflection during transmission causes time delays to occur. In addition, due to all these interactions, only a portion of the waves sent from the receiver reaches the end user. Therefore, one of the main problems of wireless networks is multipath signal propagation.

To solve this problem, the following technologies are used:

  • Receive Diversity allows you to receive a signal by several devices at once, rather than just one. Thus, waves not received by one antenna are received by the other. The principle of one output and multiple inputs, or SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output) is used;
  • Diversity transmission (Tx Diversity) is based on the fact that the signal is sent from several antennas and received by one, that is, multiple output and single input, or MISO (Multiple Input Single Output), as panel antenna 3G;
  • Spatial Multiplexing – splitting the output stream into several components and receiving through several devices, or MIMO. The antenna receives a signal intended for other receiving devices too. Using the transmission matrix and all the information received, the signal is restored as much as possible.

To determine the maximum throughput - C, the formula is used:

С= M B log2(1 + S/N), where:

  • C – channel capacity;
  • M – number of independent data streams;
  • B – channel width;
  • S/N – signal/noise ratio.

For 4G cellular communications, namely LTE MIMO, it is possible to use 8X8, which allows you to achieve speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s. Even at a considerable distance from the station, the signal will be stable. Today MIMO 2X2 is more common. Always for 4G the number of channels must be even.

Antennas can be located on the same surface or be vertically spaced. In the second case, it is important to accurately maintain the differences in degrees indicated in the diagram.

MIMO antenna

What is the easiest way to make an antenna? Let's consider equipment for receiving a 4G signal LTE 800, which is based on the Kharchenko antenna - an in-phase array of diamonds. This design was invented by K.P. Kharchenko back in the sixties of last year. The main advantage of this equipment is that it is easy to assemble the antenna, and all parameters can be calculated using numerous online calculators on the network. Due to the unusual circuitry, the device rarely needs to be configured. If you need to make equipment to improve the 3g signal with your own hands, you can use one Kharchenko antenna.

MIMO technology uses an even number of antennas, we will have 2 DIY MIMO antennas: Downlink - from the satellite to the receiving device, and for sending - Uplink. If you look at the average indicators, you can use 2 antennas at 802 and 843 MHz, the connection will be made with a 50-ohm coaxial cable.

For 802 MHz the length in millimeters is:

  • L1 – 93.5,
  • L2 – 90,
  • L3 – 250,
  • L4 – 136.5,
  • L5 – 4.8,
  • H – 373,
  • B – 373,
  • D 45.5.

For 843 MHz the length in millimeters is:

  • L1 – 90,
  • L2 – 96,
  • L3 – 238,
  • L4 – 129.5,
  • L5 – 4.6,
  • H – 373,
  • B – 355,
  • D 43.

Important! The number of streams is equal to or less than the minimum number of antennas at the reception or output. When using MIMO 4×4, you can work in the range from 1 to 4 streams, but if we are talking about MIMO 4×2, then there can be only 1 or 2 streams.

To work you will need:

  • a lattice or a piece of plywood covered with foil or foil tape, or galvanized steel (we use the latter option):
  • wire with a cross section of 4 mm2;
  • cable;
  • wooden board at least 1.90 m long;
  • polypropylene pipes;
  • nylon clamps;
  • a can of auto enamel;
  • F-connector – 2 pieces;
  • pigtail cable F-CRC9 – 2 pieces;
  • Poxipol glue;
  • drill;
  • pliers;
  • tape measure and ruler.


  1. We make the frame in the shape of the letter P. To do this, we cut the board into three parts. Longest board ( top part letters) should be 1 m 20 cm, and the side ones - 35 cm each. You can cut out all parts of the frame from different boards;
  2. We cut out 2 pieces from a sheet of galvanized steel measuring 375x375 cm. We fix the bases with dowels on the frame strictly at an angle of 45 degrees;
  3. In the center of each base we drill holes for the cable that will go to the modem. The diameter of the holes is 7 mm. We make markings for attaching the antenna;
  4. We cut the polypropylene pipe into several parts: 3 parts - 44.5 mm and 3 - 42 mm. These dimensions are directly related to the center of the wire;

Note! For stable and high-quality reception, it is important that spatial multiplexing technology is supported at the transmitting station, and that the antenna is used for the 4G modem.

  1. Let's start by assembling the 802 MHz antenna;
  2. According to the drawing, we place the pipes on pieces of galvanized sheets and glue them with Poxypol. Polypropylene tubes and glue are dielectrics, so when the antenna and these parts come into contact, the signal will not be distorted;
  3. Now we make the antenna itself from wire according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing. We make bends using pliers. In the obtained parameters, you need to subtract 4 mm, of which 1 mm goes to the error in the center, and 3 mm when bending with pliers;
  4. Next, we strip the cable and the central core, solder it to the ends of the wire, and solder the braid to the bend;
  5. We pull the cable through the polypropylene pipe into the hole that we drilled in advance;
  6. Now we check all the dimensions and, if necessary, align the antenna;
  7. We fix the corners of the diamonds on polypropylene holders using Poxypol. In order for the wire to be secured, some kind of weight should be placed on top;

  1. We measure the distance between the ends of the antenna and the bend of the wire in the middle of the structure; it should be 4.8-5 mm. 4.5 mm is the gap between the wire and the bend; it is difficult to adjust, but this can be done with nail scissors, placing them in the middle. Now we attach the middle of the antenna with glue;
  2. The sequence for assembling a DIY MIMO antenna at 843 MHz is exactly the same. It is important to note that the antennas must be located at an angle of 90 degrees to each other. X-polarization has a greater effect than vertical polarization. Arranging antennas in this way creates a level playing field for them;
  3. To prevent the cables from running through the holes, we tighten them from the back with nylon clamps and glue them;
  4. Now we carry out control measurements according to the diagram and, if necessary, make adjustments;
  5. To avoid oxidation, we coat the wire and galvanized sheets on top with enamel;
  6. We connect the cables through F-connectors to the pigtail and only then to the modem;
  7. We are testing the system. The creation of the MIMO 4G antenna with your own hands is completed.

In order to debug the operation of the device, the structure should be positioned correctly. General rules they say that it is better to take the antenna outside and raise it as high as possible. In addition, the antenna must be directed strictly towards the dispensing station. However, these tips do not always work. The higher the MIMO antenna is raised, the more cable you will need to lay before connecting the modem yourself, but in this case, part of the signal will be canceled out by interference caused by this very cable. Outdoor installation is not always favorable for the device. If oxidation can be eliminated by painting, then one cannot ignore that the geometry of the structure can be disrupted by gusts of wind. In addition, in the direction towards the station there may be various obstacles that will dampen the signal.

To debug the antenna, sometimes you have to try several installation options, but then this equipment will work in 3G 4G LTE.


The 4g Mimo antenna will be an excellent option for those whose home or village is functionally cut off from coverage. They are advisable to use in situations where your provider is not able to provide high-quality coverage without signal interruptions and delays.

Types of antennas

The sma Mimo 4g antenna is designed to increase communication quality by amplifying the signal. There are several modifications of it that are on the market and widely distributed among buyers.

By type of fastening:

  • directional ( omnidirectional antenna 4g Mimo) - it allows you to achieve greater signal amplification, but is characterized by dependence on the base station, to which it must be directed with an accuracy of 7 degrees. In addition, it is characterized by weak fastening, which is inferior to other models;
  • panel - this type of model is attached directly to the facade of the building. Unlike the previous type, it allows for slightly weaker signal amplification, but is much easier to install and does not require too much precision in setting to the base station - only an accuracy of up to 20 degrees. As an example, let's take the AGATA brand - broadband panel antenna 2G/3G/4G/WIFI (14-17dBi));

By type of execution:

  • ordinary - from it to the house where the Internet connection will be supplied coaxial cable. It is worth remembering that such a cable will have some signal degradation, requiring an adapter to maintain quality;
  • with a built-in functioning modem;
  • with a built-in router, and in some cases also with a modem.

If you choose this kind of device, you need to choose the best one that will ensure high-quality signal transmission without breaks or losses.

DIY Mimo 4g lte antenna

To create such an antenna, you do not need a lot of time and resources. It is enough to observe all the dimensions indicated on the drawings, know how to use a screwdriver, a soldering iron, and have some copper wire.

The Internet has long and deeply entered the life of almost every person. The development of trends, including in business processes that require the rapid transfer of large amounts of information, has further increased the impact of the need to constantly be present on the Global Network, because even while on vacation, a person may have the need to give an urgent answer to any work questions or remotely solve a certain range of problems.

Cellular networks

In facilitating access to the Internet, regardless of the location of the device and its owner, cellular data networks play a significant role. Modern devices - laptops, smartphones and tablet PCs - allow you to perform almost any action with information - its generation, reception, modification and transmission. The main thing is that there is a 3G/4G signal transmitting antenna nearby, which will provide access to Global network from any device.

Internet in remote areas

Despite the fairly wide distribution of 3G/4G networks in our country, the quality of services provided by operators very often leaves much to be desired. If in more or less large cities the 4G transmitting antenna of one of mobile operators is almost always located in every district of a populated area, which means it provides the necessary coverage, then outside cities, in villages and remote holiday villages, extremely unstable signal reception can be observed.

Poor quality coating

Distance from large cities often leads to a drop in the speed of data reception/transmission on the user's device, and sometimes to a complete lack of access to the Global Network. How to solve this problem? Quite often improve signal reception quality cellular network, which means a special 4G antenna helps ensure comfortable use of all Internet capabilities. External, outside the building, installation of such a solution, firstly, eliminates the interference that occurs when radio waves propagated by the operator’s base station overcome obstacles in the form of uneven terrain and building walls, and also, secondly, to a certain extent improves the quality of received signal.

Antennas from manufacturers of custom 3G/4G equipment

Of course, operators providing their users with access to the Internet via wireless networks have information about the above-described state of affairs. In their branded stores they offer entire sets of equipment for working in hard-to-reach areas with poor signal levels. Typically, such a kit may include a modem or mobile router, the necessary cables and adapters, and a 4G LTE modem antenna. It is worth noting that solutions manufactured at a plant or factory are good primarily because advanced technologies are used in their production, which provides a fairly good signal amplification factor.


Of course, a factory-made 4G antenna is the best solution to provide uninterrupted Internet access to places located in hard-to-reach areas. The only factor that may somewhat hinder the purchase of such a device is high price, sometimes exceeding all reasonable limits. At the same time, the external antenna for a 4G modem is not anything special - it is an ordinary lattice made of metal, and the receiving part of the antenna is located at its focus. Such simple design makes me think about making my own signal amplification device. In fact, many subscribers, especially technically advanced ones, prefer to make an antenna for 4G reception with their own hands, rather than purchasing a factory solution in a store.

DIY antennas

It is worth noting that a DIY antenna for a 4G modem is a very effective method to improve a cellular network signal and make it more stable. In this case, only basic skills in working with the simplest and most accessible materials are required. Carefully made antennas in some cases ensure the operation of modems and routers even in places where without the use of antennas there was no signal at all. The only stopping factor may be the lack of a connection connector external antenna on many models of modems and mobile access points. This means that you will have to interfere with the design of the Internet receiver, that is, solder the cable to the circuit board of the router or modem.


In fact, a DIY 4G antenna can be made within a couple of hours, it is a simple process. To achieve success, you need to prepare materials for manufacturing, as well as tools. The tools you will need for the job are a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers, round nose pliers, a sharp knife and a glue gun.


As for materials. When manufactured independently, a 4G antenna may contain components such as a high-frequency antenna cable, copper wire, a plastic tube, a piece of polyethylene, cardboard, foil, an old pan or a colander. There is a design suitable for self-made, where parabolic is used as a basis satellite antenna, lacking a receiving converter.

Antenna Kharchenko

A very easy to manufacture solution is the Kharchenko 4G antenna. The design of such an antenna is a “figure of eight” made of copper wire, which is placed inside a metallized or small metal reflector. For the manufacture of a reflector, for example, foil-coated PCB is suitable. When making an antenna, you need to take into account that the main factor for the performance of the future product is the accurate calculation of dimensions. To calculate the dimensions of the “eight” and the reflector, you need to refer to the amateur radio manual or resources on the Internet. Before starting construction, it is necessary to find out exactly which network - 3G or 4G - covers the area of ​​use, as well as at what frequency the operator is broadcasting.


The disadvantages of the solution described above include the need to connect the cable coming from the antenna to a special connector located on the modem body. This applies to absolutely all antennas located outdoors, separately from modems. The fact is that, as mentioned above, the antenna connector on the device may simply be missing, which will lead to the need to disassemble the body of the receiver device and make adjustments to its hardware by soldering the cable to printed circuit board. This may damage the modem or mobile router in the absence of sufficient qualifications of the user performing the manipulations.

Improvised reflector

If a 4G antenna is a necessity, and interfering with the modem hardware is not part of your plans, you can use the following method. A fairly effective amplifying antenna can be made from an old two or three liter saucepan. You can also use an aluminum basin or even a cardboard box covered with foil. Having prepared the base of the improvised reflector, you need to place a modem inside it (in the center), connected to a PC or laptop using a USB extension cable. After this, you need to orient the resulting antenna to the nearest base station.


As information is obtained about the strength and stability of the signal obtained using the manufactured structure, the location of the modem inside the structure can be changed. By moving the receiver device closer or further from the back wall of the reflector, you need to find the most appropriate position, and then secure the modem using a glue gun and available materials.


The undoubted advantage of the pan design described above is the absence of the need to disassemble the modem and solder antenna cable. The only caveat may be the quality of the USB extension cable used for connection. It should not be excessively long and should be of high quality to avoid signal loss. Ideally, special active cables are used, equipped with loss prevention devices. If such a 4G antenna is used outdoors, protection is required in the form of polyethylene wrapping of the receiver device or the entire structure.

Satellite dish

If you really want or need to have a modem or even a full-fledged 4G router with an external antenna, and have an unused or faulty one at hand satellite dish, the issue can be considered practically resolved. You will also need a plastic tube with a diameter suitable for placement inside the modem. The structure is assembled as follows. The modem is placed in a plastic tube and secured in place of the converter at the antenna focus. After assembly, the antenna must be directed to the base station, and the modem must be connected to the computer using a USB extension cable. Having achieved acceptable gain values, and for this you need to resort to moving the modem inside the tube and turning the entire structure in one direction or another, you can move on to Wi-Fi provision indoor coverings. To do this, you need a router that supports connecting 3G/4G modems. By connecting the structure to the corresponding connector on the router and setting up the connection, you can get a full-fledged wireless network, acceptable for use on any modern device - smartphones and/or tablet PCs, etc.

Thus, the use of seemingly artisanal manufacturing methods and the simplest materials available to everyone can provide access to the Global Network even in the most remote areas. At the same time, a 4G antenna made by yourself does not require large financial and labor costs from its owner during manufacturing.
