The program to connect Russians to free digital television continues.  State Program for Transition to Digital TV Federal Program for Digital TV

Implementation of the federal target (FTP) program "Development of television and radio broadcasting in Russian Federation for 2009-2018” and moves to digital terrestrial television.

Objectives of the FTP:

- development information space RF;

- providing the population of the Russian Federation with multi-channel broadcasting with guaranteed provision of all-Russian mandatory public TV channels and radio channels of a given quality;

— improving the efficiency of the functioning of television and radio broadcasting.

The federal target program solves, first of all, an important social task - it makes 20 federal TV channels available and free of charge for all residents of Russia in high "digital" quality. This cannot be done on the basis of analog television due to the high costs of its maintenance and modernization, and also due to the limited free radio frequency resource. For millions of Russians, digital terrestrial television will mean an improvement in the quality of life and the elimination of information inequality.

Tasks of the FTP:

— modernization of the infrastructure of state television broadcasting networks;

— transfer of state television and radio broadcasting networks to digital technologies;

Meeting the needs of distribution of television and radio channels with a satellite resource;

Providing the population of the Russian Federation with regional digital broadcasting;

Development of new types of television broadcasting, including high-definition television and with interactive elements.

Digital terrestrial television, unlike analog broadcasting.

Digital terrestrial television broadcasting can significantly improve the quality of image and sound, expand the number of TV channels available to the public, save frequency resources, and also provides an opportunity to develop new modern services.

The main advantage of digital terrestrial television over the offers of commercial operators.

The advantage of digital terrestrial television is the absence subscription fee for the main mandatory public channels of the first and second multiplexes.

When and how will existing analogue TV channels be switched off?

Forced shutdown of analog TV channels is not planned. Russian President Vladimir Putin approved changes to Decree No. 715 "On All-Russian Mandatory Publicly Accessible TV Channels and Radio Channels." The wording of the document defining the development of Russian television and radio broadcasting secures the preservation of the analogue broadcast of the main Russian TV channels until 2018 inclusive. To ensure parallel broadcasting in analogue and digital formats, the Government of the Russian Federation will provide all-Russian mandatory public television and radio channels with subsidies for the purpose of analogue over-the-air signal distribution in settlements with a population of less than 100,000 inhabitants until 2018 inclusive. It is assumed that TV channels, if desired, will be able to continue broadcasting in analogue format after 2018. The analog broadcasting format will remain as long as it is needed by viewers and broadcasters

What " digital television"? For all those who crave technical details, I immediately send to . And for everyone else, in a simple way: this new format broadcast TV, which allows you to send television signal in a fundamentally new quality, without interference, with a bunch of additional information, for example, with. And it is already available almost everywhere in our country! And you didn’t know) I myself found out about him recently.

How is this better than a conventional analog signal?

What does this mean for the average user? The picture obtained using this type of transmission will be free of interference, as well as clearer.(if you have a modern TV with a Full HD matrix), compared to a regular, analog TV. In addition, you will immediately catch, depending on what your local television stations are broadcasting, and that.

Don't be confused digital terrestrial television, for example, with . By digital terrestrial television is meant, just, that's what is transmitted through towers over the air, and not through cables. This site is dedicated to digital terrestrial television.

And what is needed for the "numbers"?

And for this you do not need to buy expensive equipment. Enough to buy for a thousand and a half, well. However, you may not even have to buy it. First digital programs I caught on the usual "horns" that you probably have at home. True, it was in the center of the city, a couple of kilometers from the Television Center. Yes, and in many modern TVs, receivers are also already installed for receiving “digits”.

Here on such primitive "horns" all 20 channels in the city center were caught at once

And no subscription fee! It really is!

Digital TV in Russia

All this may seem like a divorce, but it is not. In fact, digital television is already in many countries, and now we are in Russia, too. Moreover, there is a whole federal program to equip the territory of our country with terrestrial digital TV towers. And it has been around since 2009. During this time, a great many digital towers have been built, With budget money, of course) So, if you live near a large city, or in it, then you probably already have such a tower installed,. By 2015, they promise to cover the whole of Russia with digital.

Digital television formats

Digital television in Russia broadcasts in the format DVB T2 . You don't even need to know what it means, but remember the abbreviation, especially the deuce at the end. This will come in handy when a suitable receiver-prefix for receiving "numbers". Initially, broadcasting was carried out according to the DVB T standard, but today it is considered obsolete. So, look, do not confuse) The set-top box or TV must support the standard DVB broadcasting T2! Look for this logo on the box:

What do they show there?

Digital TV in Russia is really free, at least the first ones that are currently being broadcast. For further, new channels, a subscription fee may be introduced. But for me, and these twenty - through the roof. Here's what's in there:

Here is what the "number" broadcasts in Russia for October 2014

What else do you need to know about digital?

What else. Digital terrestrial television either it goes or it doesn't. Unlike conventional way transmissions where you can catch an image with interference, there is either quality or not. The exception is " friezes" (from the English "freeze" - freezing) - this is when the image crumbles into cubes, or freezes. This happens when you do not have a strong enough signal, or atmospheric and weather conditions interfere. Fortunately, set-top boxes have indicators of signal quality and intensity, which allows us almost always.

This is what the frieze looks like

The main site about digital television - rtrs.rf

This is just the official state site on this topic. It is here that they post all the news, as well as the addresses of service centers that will help you, and so on.

Logo of the federal digital TV program

Back in 2009, the government of the Russian Federation approved the launch of the program, according to which, in six years, all residents of the country will have the opportunity to free use digital television within the 20 main terrestrial channels. The opportunity was planned to be provided on the basis of a terrestrial television broadcasting system owned by a state organization - FSUE RTRS. Installation and connection in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region is carried out by the Sistema-Service company - the official website

Benefits of Digital TV

Digital television - new technology broadcasting of television programs, which is a standard encoding of video and sound within the boundaries of the MPEG format - Moving Picture ExpertsGroup.

The forerunner of digital was analog broadcasting. The age-old problem with analog television has been low quality signal. The signal cannot be transmitted without loss of quality over long distances under these conditions. For digital signal such problems do not exist, but many owners of TV receivers will face the problem of obsolescence of their own equipment. Older CRTs are not able to process the new format signal and will need to be connected to fix this problem. additional device- DVB-T2 set-top box.
Detailed information about these consoles can be found on the D-Color website. Also, the resource contains many useful information about standards for digital transmission of multimedia data.

How the program is implemented

It is impossible to launch free digital TV in every home at the same time. To implement the project, additional capacities will be required due to new communication facilities. In total, about several thousand such facilities should be built on the territory of the state. It is also required to launch additional spacecraft. The application of these measures will quickly cover the vast territory of the country. Now this work is underway, but divided into several stages.

The first, within the boundaries of the target program, digital TV will be able to use 12 remote regions of the Russian Federation, where there are big problems with analog broadcasting (from 1 to 2 on-air channels in total).

These are the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Amur Region, Buryatia, Altai and other subjects.

The process of connecting subjects has been launched since 2010. In other regions, work is carried out in parallel. In the summer of 2016, a digital transmitter began operation in the Republic of Mari El.

You can find out which regions are connecting to digital television right now by calling hotline Russian TV and radio broadcasting network: 8-800-220-20-02.

What channels are available

Free pack digital channels includes the first multiplex: Channel One, Russia, NTV and others. A little later, viewers will be able to use the channels of the second multiplex: TNT, STS, Ren-TV and others.

According to the rules of the competition, the second multiplex was formed by channels that operate around the clock, are registered in the Russian Federation, and include more than half of the programs of domestic production in the broadcasting grid.

Development of TV and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009–2015

The conversion of over-the-air television broadcasting to digital technologies is the largest infrastructure project in the communications industry in modern Russian history. The global goal of building a digital network is to eliminate the information divide and improve the quality of life of Russians.

In December 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the federal target program "Development of TV and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015". The creation of a digital terrestrial television network was entrusted to the federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" (RTRS).

RTRS, in accordance with the Federal Target Program, is building digital networks in 83 regions of Russia.

The digital infrastructure being created by RTRS will ensure the broadcasting of two packages of digital TV channels (multiplexes): RTRS-1 and RTRS-2. RTRS-1 includes 10 all-Russian obligatory public TV channels. The RTRS-2 package consists of 10 popular commercial TV channels. In the future, the number of multiplexes may increase.

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On All-Russian Compulsory Public TV Channels and Radio Channels” approved the list of TV channels that are mandatory for distribution throughout the Russian Federation and are free for consumers: First channel, Russia 1, Russia 2, NTV, Petersburg-5 channel,Russia-K, Russia 24, Carousel, Public TV*.

* Public television of Russia is included in the list of all-Russian mandatory public television channels by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2012 No.

On April 20, 2013, Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 367 “On Amendments to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2009 No. 715 “On All-Russian Mandatory Publicly Accessible TV Channels and Radio Channels” and to the list approved by this Decree”:

a) in paragraph 2 of the Decree:
from the fifth paragraph of subparagraph "b" the words "as well as regional TV channels in a specific broadcasting zone" shall be excluded;
from subparagraph "d" the words "which can be used by the federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" also for digital terrestrial broadcasting of regional TV channels" shall be excluded;
b) section I of the list shall be supplemented with paragraph 10 of the following content:
"ten. TV CENTER - Moscow (open joint stock company "TV Center").

On December 14, 2012, Roskomnadzor named the TV channels that won the competition for the right to be included in the second package of digital television. It will be available throughout Russia free of charge by 2015, and in some regions as early as next year. The winners of the competition were the following channels: Ren-TV, Spas, STS, Domashny, Sport 1 VGTRK, NTV Plus Sport, Zvezda, Mir, TNT, Muz TV ".

However, later the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company withdrew the Sport TV channel from the package. On November 18, 2013, Roskomnadzor announced that following the results of the competition, the vacant place in the second multiplex was taken by the TV-3 channel.

At this stage, the package of RTRS-2 TV channels looks like this: Ren-TV, Saved, STS,Home, TV-3, NTV Plus Sport, Star, World, TNT, Muz TV.

Upon completion of the implementation of the FTP, digital television networks will have about 5,000 broadcasting points.

The proportion of the population of the Russian Federation that has the ability to receive all-Russian mandatory public TV channels as part of the first multiplex will be 98.3%.

The share of the population of the Russian Federation, which has the ability to receive 20 TV channels in the first and second multiplexes, will be 98%.

The total budget of the FTP is more than 120 billion rubles. About 90% of these funds are aimed at providing high-quality multi-channel television broadcasting to 40% of the Russian population living in remote and hard-to-reach areas, villages and villages.

In each region of Russia, RTRS opens advisory support centers (CCP) for the population on digital television connection issues. Employees of the Center for Collective Use provide the viewer with comprehensive information about the "digit", receiving equipment and its settings.

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