Global Virtual Networks: Buyer Beware! MegaFon option - “Unlimited communication.

MegaFon cancels tariffication of on-net calls in Moscow from tomorrow for users of the Go to Zero tariff - previously the non-tariffed threshold was 20 rubles. per day, follows from the message of the operator. subscription fee for unlimited calls not provided. According to MegaFon's calculations, those who have relatives, friends, or acquaintances already connected to its network will be interested in the tariff.

"Go to zero" is one of the leaders in sales in Moscow due to the absence of a monthly fee and non-tariffed calls within the network, says Megafon representative Pavel Larin. He does not name the number of tariff subscribers.

The modified MegaFon tariff is unique for the mass market: no one has yet offered unlimited free local calls without a monthly fee within Moscow, the analyst notes Mobile Research Group Sergey Potresov. At first glance, there are no pitfalls, except for a slightly increased fee for long distance calls, Potresov believes. Perhaps the proposal of such a plan is connected with the forthcoming in August 2015 release of T2 RTK Holding (Tele2) in Moscow and the desire to connect as many users as possible by this moment, he does not exclude. The appearance of such a tariff is symptomatic: revenues from operators from voice communications are not growing, so in the near future companies will sell voice either in packages or as a load to the Internet, Potresov does not exclude.

According to AC&M-Consulting, to which MegaFon refers in its report, in 2014 in Russia revenue mobile operators from voice communication services year-on-year decreased by slightly more than 2.7%, to 589.2 billion rubles.

It is hardly possible to protect its subscribers from the expansion of Tele2 with non-tariffed network calls, on the contrary, an employee of one of Megafon's competitors believes. The operator's goal is to increase the subscriber base, which has been declining lately, he believes. In the first quarter of 2015, the subscriber base of MegaFon in Moscow decreased quarter by quarter by slightly more than 190,000 subscribers, follows from the AC&M-Consulting report. True, MTS and VimpelCom had an outflow: by a little more than 128,000 and 552,000 subscribers.

Non-tariffed calls within the network are far from being a new offer on the Moscow market, one way or another, all operators have it and do not create additional value for users, says Anna Aibasheva, a Vimpelcom representative. It is more important for subscribers to receive a range of services: free on-net calls, a large package of minutes and megabytes, predictable monthly costs and transparency - package tariff plans provide such a combination, she believes.

Cancellation of tariffication of on-net calls by MegaFon is a repetition of what MTS did several years ago, its representative Dmitry Solodovnikov claims. MTS refused to pay for on-net calls to Smart tariffs back in 2013, and not only within Moscow and the Moscow region, but also when calling MTS subscribers throughout Russia: recently, MTS also canceled intranet roaming fees at these tariffs, he says. Users of these tariffs pay only for the Internet. On other tariffs - " Super MTS"- the operator makes it possible to communicate free of charge with MTS subscribers in Moscow and the region, as well as make free calls to city phones, says Solodovnikov. The non-chargeable threshold is 20 minutes per day, but can be increased to 100 minutes when the option is enabled.

It is possible that the cancellation of on-net billing by MegaFon is connected with the release of Tele2 to Moscow, but only in part: rather, this is a challenge to MTS and VimpelCom, since Tele2 is likely to work primarily in the data transmission segment, the CEO of iKS-Consulting believes Maxim Savvatin. In his opinion, MegaFon's marketing move may lead to some decrease in MegaFon's ARPU - but insignificant. Income from voice communications is falling without it, besides, in the Moscow market, including Megafon, there are already package tariffs in which almost all voice traffic is free, and their users pay operators primarily for the Internet, notes Savvatin.

Are you looking for profitable unlimited calls to Beeline in 2019? According to statistical studies conducted with the participation of Russian mobile operators, more and more users are looking for tariffs with unlimited on-net calls to SIM cards of all operators. This is natural: each subscriber wants unlimited communication for reasonable money. One of the best operators in 2019 for unlimited calls within Russia is Beeline. But how to connect an unlimited tariff from a "bee" company? The operator has prepared for users a unique line of tariffs "All" with huge volumes of call traffic.

Subscribers who decide to connect to one of the tariffs of the line receive ideal conditions for repeated long calls. In this article, we will go into detail about the line, as well as look at the options that make communication convenient and inexpensive.

Connecting a SIM card with an unlimited tariff is very easy: just call 8-960-800-00-04 and leave a request!

We guarantee:

  • Do not change the tariff within 3 years
  • Do not connect paid services
  • Do not send spam
  • Tariffs without hidden fees

At the current time, you have the most up-to-date and inexpensive Beeline tariffs for today!

These are the most favorable rates for calls throughout Russia without Roaming.

Fast shipping!

Delivery of SIM and contract in 24 hours:

  1. Russian Post

After you make an order by phone 8-960-800-00-04 the manager will call you, tell you in detail about the tariffs and specify where to deliver your number.

Intra-network unlimited in the tariffs of the "All" line

Using the services is not a problem - the user simply connects any tariff from the "All" series. The connection is very simple.

Let's analyze the possibilities of unlimited using the example of the "All for 300" tariff plan. By connecting it, subscribers get the opportunity to make calls without time limits to all on-net numbers in the metropolitan area. In addition, the user is provided with a package for 300 minutes of calls to all cell numbers and 100 free SMS. The tariff provides for a monthly fee of 300 rubles.

Prepaid unlimited calls

When connecting "All for 200", subscribers get all the possibilities of unlimited within the Beeline network: communication with the owners of SIM cards of the "bee" company is not limited by anything, you can talk with friends all day long. The "All" line includes other tariff plans:

  • "All for 500". The user receives 550 minutes of on-net unlimited, which is valid not in any particular region, but throughout the country.
  • "All for 800". The terms of this tariff include 1000 minutes of calls to all Beeline numbers in Russian Federation, to local and landline numbers. When this package ends, the subscriber has unlimited unlimited within the network.
  • "All for 1200". The tariff as a whole corresponds to the previous one, but the included package of free minutes is twice as much - 2 thousand. This subscriber will be enough for a whole month of communication with friends and relatives from any region of the country.
  • "All for 1800". The tariff includes a package of 3,000 minutes to any numbers throughout the country. Having exhausted this package, the user automatically switches to the intranet unlimited without any restrictions.

Postpaid mode

Unlimited calls are free communication with residents of all regions of Russia. Communication is not limited. Those who wish to purchase minutes for local calls without spending extra money can use the postpaid system. Tariffs in this system are much more favorable. Payment is made monthly - according to the invoice issued to the subscriber by Beeline. Consider the main postpaid tariffs of the "All" line.

  • “All for 500 postpaid.” The client is provided with a package of 600 minutes for making local calls and calls to other regions of Russia. You can also use it when moving from region to region. When the minutes are exhausted, the user remains on-net unlimited.
  • “All for 800 postpaid.” The package includes 1100 minutes of free calls to the numbers of the "bee" operator throughout the Russian Federation. Having exhausted the minutes, the user switches to a nationwide unlimited within Beeline networks.
  • “All for 1200 postpaid.” This package provides 2200 free minutes to any numbers registered in Russia. When the subscriber spends minutes, he will switch to intranet unlimited.
  • "All for 1800 postpaid." The package includes 3300 minutes to all numbers of domestic mobile operators. After the package is exhausted, the user is transferred to unlimited within the network.

Strictly speaking, absolutely unlimited tariffs Beeline, like any other operators, does not. Free calls to any numbers will not work, only included packages of various amounts of minutes are possible.

Nevertheless, “All” tariffs can make life much more convenient, and communication costs are lower. In addition to packages for voice calls, the Vse line offers ample opportunities for SMS and surfing in the virtual network. In some tariff plans, for example, in postpaid and prepaid "All for 1200" and "All for 1800", on-net roaming is available: the user pays for communication without changing the tariff plan.

Among the latest developments of "Beeline" in the field of billing, the package "Everything is possible" with an on-net unlimited for all numbers registered in Russia and used on the territory of the country is of interest. With local subscribers, the user can talk no longer than 250 minutes. For using the capabilities of the “Everything is possible” tariff, the user pays a daily fee of 10 rubles.

In general, the amount of the subscription fee for the tariffs of the “All” line is included in their names. The only thing is to add 100 rubles to each figure. For example, in the "All for 800" tariff, the monthly fee will reach 900 rubles per month. A similar counting scheme is also suitable for other offers from the line. Withdrawal of funds occurs within a day.

Other features of unlimited calls from Beeline

SIM card holders of the "bee" company, who do not want to use tariff plans with a fixed fee, can activate additional service"My Beeline". This tool is connected directly to the tariff of the prepaid settlement system. By activating the service, the subscriber receives a daily bonus of 100 minutes for calls to all Russian numbers. For using the service, the user will be charged 5 rubles daily. In postpaid tariff plans, the My Beeline service will cost more - 210 rubles per month, but at the same time, the subscriber will receive 3,000 minutes of calls to all numbers in the Russian Federation.

Video: All tariffs from Beeline

Separate billing is provided for calls exceeding the size of fixed packages in prepaid tariffs of the "All" line. After exceeding the package, the user starts paying 2 rubles per minute of communication. In the system of postpaid tariffs, payment is made according to the scheme included in the contract.

In order to choose a beautiful number with an unlimited tariff from Beeline, you can fill out the form below, and for instant communication with the manager, immediately call 8-960-800-00-04.

67 users are considered this page useful.

At present, services cellular communication are at their peak. However, not all Beeline subscribers can communicate for free within the network. Such communication is possible upon activation of the "Calls within the tariff" offer. Here the user is provided with a certain package of minutes that can be spent on intranet calls. It is worth noting that the option is paid, so some customers are concerned about the question: “How to disable Calls within the Beeline tariff?”. This can be done in several ways, however, first you need to find out what this service is.

Ways to turn off calls

In fact, this is unlimited within the network, which provides profitable communication between family and friends. It should be noted that the service is valid only in the connection region, when the client is in roaming it is impossible to activate the package of minutes. Connecting the service gives the user the following benefits:

  1. Free activation.
  2. When making outgoing calls, first of all, a free package of minutes is consumed.
  3. Calls are not limited in time.
  4. Indefinite action.

Important! The option is connected free of charge, however, daily debiting of funds from the personal account is provided for the provision of services. If the balance is negative, the minutes package will be cancelled.


"Calls within the tariff" Beeline is not included in the basic service packages. The function is activated separately, at the request of the client. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to connect the service. The procedure is performed like this:

  • Call the technical support service (0611) and leave a request.
  • Activate the service yourself by calling 0674 113 311.
  • Make an online connection using the "Personal Account" or the mobile utility "My Beeline".

Important! After receiving an SMS notification about the activation of the service, the subscriber will be charged 50 minutes daily for intranet calls. When the unlimited within the network is exhausted, calls will be billed at the usual cost.

If the expediency of free calls has disappeared, the package is deactivated as follows:

  1. Through the application "My Beeline" or " Personal Area". Here you need to find the service management section and refuse further subscription.
  2. Contact service specialists technical support(0611) and inform about your desire to disable the service.
  3. dial from mobile device 0674 113 310 and wait for the deactivation notification.

Answering the question: “How to disable the service?”, You can see that this action can be in any cell phone store. To perform any operations with the current tariff, the subscriber must present a passport.


The package of free on-net minutes implies a monthly fee of 3.95 rubles/day. It should be noted that free calls within the network do not apply to roaming communications, however, the monthly fee is charged in full. In addition, an active free minutes package automatically disables the following services:

  • "Unlimited within the network" and "Unlimited within the network +".
  • “Unlimited within the network. Discount".
  • "Unlimited for Beeline Russia".
  • "Conversation from afar".
  • Utility "My Beeline".
  • "Conference call".

Important! For prepaid system subscribers, funds are debited and minutes are charged at night.

Additional features

Personal account for service management

"Calls within the tariff" gives the user not so much additional features. Here are the following tools:

  1. Solving emerging issues and obtaining information - 060 611.
  2. Free minutes consumption control – 067 43.
  3. Tool management - "My Beeline" and "Personal Account".

In addition, you can consider how to disable paid subscriptions on Beeline. First, you need to find out what services are active on the current tariff plan. You can do this with a free USSD request *110*09#. After processing the command, the subscriber receives an SMS notification with a list of active subscriptions. Consider tripping paid services on Beeline.

  • free sms packages - 06747;
  • additional traffic packages for unlimited internet(Auto extension of speed) - *115*230#;
  • calls to numbers of any operators in the country - 0683;
  • preferential long-distance calls - 06740;
  • package of free minutes for calls within Russia - 3014.

Important! To activate the above commands, you must press the call key. Disabling any service is free of charge.

Video for the article


Beeline, as a provider, is quite interesting for subscribers. The company offers users a lot advantageous offers, which other operators do not have. Unfortunately, "Calls within the tariff" are not among them. Majority tariff plans regularly includes the service of unlimited within the network, so it is easier for the subscriber to switch to another offer than to pay for a rather meager package of on-net minutes.

One way to choose an operator is for people to go through their phone books and figure out which numbers they call the most. If the vast majority of interlocutors "sits" on MegaFon, then for profitable communication you need to purchase a SIM card from this white-green operator. In this review, we will tell you how to call from MegaFon to MegaFon for free, which will allow you to get even more benefit from on-net communication.

Suitable rates

Free calls within the MegaFon network attract many subscribers. And the operator is doing everything possible to provide its customers with such an opportunity. Especially for this, special tariff plans and services are created, priced at free communication within the network. Let's see what you need to make free calls from MegaFon to MegaFon.

To begin with, we will consider the line of tariffs "Turn on!". This series of tariff plans was created especially for the most talkative subscribers. Every offer here includes voice minutes, text messages and internet traffic. Also, package tariffs are beneficial in that basic billing is valid not only in its home network, but also in intranet roaming - it is beneficial for travelers and business travelers.

Consider filling the packages:

  • Tariff "Turn on! Communicate" - 500 minutes in Russia, 12 GB, instant messengers and social networks for 600 rubles per month;
  • Tariff "Turn on! Look" - 1200 minutes in Russia, 16 GB, instant messengers, social networks, Youtube for 950 rubles per month;
  • Tariff "Turn on! Listen" - 250 local minutes, 6 GB, music and instant messengers for 500 rubles per month;
  • Tariff "Turn on! Speak" - 600 all-Russian minutes, 3 GB and instant messengers for 500 rubles per month;
  • Tariff "Turn on! Write" - 350 local minutes, 2 GB, instant messengers and 200 local SMS for 350 rubles per month;
  • Tariff "Turn on! Premium” — 5,000 national minutes, 20 GB, instant messengers, social networks, music and video services, free SMS for 3,000 rubles per month.

Absolutely on all presented tariffs, we can call MegaFon for free. But you need to remember that free calls within the MegaFon network are activated only after the included package of minutes has been used up. Unlimited for all-Russian MegaFon numbers on the tariffs “Turn on! Listen" and "Turn on! Write" is not available.

In order to switch to one or another tariff plan and get the opportunity to call MegaFon for free, use the "Personal Account".

If you do not need gigantic packages of voice minutes, SMS packages and gigabytes of traffic, we recommend that you pay attention to the Go to ZERO tariff plan. This offer is notable for the complete absence of a subscription fee.. At the same time, it allows you to call from MegaFon to MegaFon for free - you can chat at least day and night. The billing here is:

  • Calls within the network - 0 rubles per minute (the first minute of each call costs 1.3 rubles);
  • Calls to other local operators - 2.5 rubles per minute.

Please note that many tariffs from the "Turn on!" provide free calls to any Russian MegaFon numbers. As for the “Go to ZERO” TP, it allows you to make free on-net calls exclusively within your region.

Additional options

In order to make free calls from MegaFon to MegaFon, you can use additional options. Here is a list of the most suitable additions:

  • "Unlimited Communication" - the option connects to the old "All Inclusive" tariff plans and allows you to call local MegaFon numbers absolutely free. Subscription fee is 10 rubles per day, the connection fee is 30 rubles. To connect, dial *105*0082#;
  • “Favorite Number” is another addition to the old All Inclusive rates. It allows you to assign two MegaFon numbers, which you can call absolutely free. The subscription fee for one number is 5 rubles / day, for two numbers - 6 rubles / day, connecting the option and adding a number - 30 rubles. To connect, dial *105*0083*YYYXXXXXX# (the number is indicated in 10-digit format);
  • "Call yours" - the option allows you to call MegaFon for free, but only if the calling and receiving parties are connected to the "Call yours" tariff plan. The subscription fee is 4 rubles per day, but communication will not be unlimited - subscribers are offered only 100 minutes per day.

Please note that the "Unlimited Communication" option includes not only local unlimited. It allows you to call MegaFon numbers in other regions absolutely free of charge- for this, subscribers are provided with a package of 100 minutes daily.

It will no longer take into account the so-called intranet calls in the All-Inclusive package tariff plans (there are five in total). Minutes of conversation, for which a fixed fee is charged, will now consist only of calls to numbers of other operators. Within the network, it will be possible to call without restrictions, said Yulia Dorokhin, a representative of Megafon.

According to her, about 25% of MegaFon's Russian subscribers use the tariffs of the All-Inclusive line. Approximately 60% of their calls are intranet.

The operator makes such a gift for subscribers for a reason. Probably, MegaFon specifically announced innovations on the eve of Tele2's entry into the capital's market. Megamind wrote that on October 22, Tele2 was launched in Moscow.

All Big Three operators have long been accustomed to calling on-net calls free of charge, but this is not entirely accurate, Vedomosti correspondents found out.

The package offers of operators most often include on-net calls. Thus, Vimpelcom's Vsyo line (six tariff plans) does not include on-net calls only in the most economical option - 200 rubles per month. In the rest, they are indirectly charged, although these packages include so many services that they more than cover the needs of subscribers for calls to any numbers, Anna Aibasheva, a Vimpelcom representative, admits. About 30% of Russian subscribers use package tariffs at VimpelCom, she reports. As of 2013, in Moscow, VimpelCom received about 40% of revenue throughout Russia.

At MTS, in the cheapest version of the Smart tariff line, on-net calls in the home region are taken out of the limit, and in the rest they are taken into account, follows from the information on the website. On-net calls over the limit are completely free, Aibasheva and Solodovnikov point out.

Tele2 will not disclose Moscow tariffs until October 21st. They vary from region to region, says Tele2 representative Konstantin Prokshin: for example, in St. Petersburg, on-net calls consume minutes from the package, but this does not mean that it will be the same in Moscow, Muscovites are waiting for a number of innovations.

The manager of one of the Big Three companies spoke about the scheme for Tele2 to enter new cities: first, the operator sets tariffs 20–50% below the market, and as the market share increases, it reduces the discount.

In addition to free on-net calls, Megafon is increasing Internet traffic packages. In particular, on the most popular tariff of the line - "All Inclusive M", the amount of available Internet traffic will increase from 4 to 5 gigabytes, which can now be spent on trips around Russia.

The actions of MegaFon are logical precisely on the eve of the fourth player entering the market, the source of Vedomosti admits. If, for example, a subscriber decides to switch from MegaFon to Tele2, his relatives and friends will also have to do this. Otherwise, Tele2's customers in the capital will mainly have to call the numbers of the "big three" operators. Thus, Tele2 will be deprived of the advantage of a large subscriber base, which allows customers to communicate within the network for free.

Now all the marketing activities of the "big three" are somehow connected with the entry into the Moscow market of Tele2, iKS-Consulting analyst Maxim Savvatin is sure. But in the future, they are unlikely to be heavily dumping: they have a strong position in the market, and Tele2 will need time to push them out.

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