How to connect unlimited internet for. Unlimited internet beeline

Thinking about how to connect unlimited Internet on Beeline, most subscribers mean an unlimited traffic quota and no restrictions regarding the speed of access to the network. Meanwhile, the operators themselves call unlimited tariffs and options, within which a certain traffic package is available, after which Internet access is blocked or the speed drops to a useless level. Agree, it is difficult to call such an Internet from Beeline unlimited.

So is it unlimited? Mobile Internet on Beeline has long been in the past and now subscribers are doomed to regular traffic control? Fortunately, Beeline unlimited Internet still exists, however, it involves a number of features. As part of this review, we will consider a tariff with unlimited Internet and a line of Highway options.

How to connect unlimited Internet on Beeline for your phone

Until September 1, 2016, the “All for 500” postpaid tariff is open for connection (the operator can extend the transition to the tariff). The tariff is not much different from its counterparts from the "Everything" line, with the exception of the availability of unlimited Internet. Unlimited calls and now you won’t surprise anyone with a large SMS package, but an unlimited traffic quota, and even for 500 rubles a month, is interesting.

  • Attention
  • The tariff may differ in cost depending on the region, so differences in names are also allowed. For Moscow and the Moscow region, the “All for 500” postpaid tariff is relevant. Unlimited Internet Valid for all postpaid tariffs of the "Everything" line.

It should be noted that unlimited Internet is available only on postpaid, on a prepaid system a package with a limited amount of traffic is provided.

Before connecting unlimited Internet on Beeline by switching to the “All for 500” postpaid tariff, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its characteristic features that make it less attractive.

The tariff plan "All for 500" is characterized by the following features:

  • If a phone with a SIM card is used as a modem, Internet access is limited. It should be noted that speed limits do not even allow pages to load;
  • It is not possible to distribute the Internet via WI-FI or through the “ ” service;
  • Within the framework of the tariff, the provision of services of file-sharing networks is limited by the speed. Basically, you won't be able to download anything via torrent;
  • You cannot use a SIM card in a modem or router. She simply won't work.

As you can see, it is also impossible to call such unlimited Internet on Beeline full-fledged, since there are a number of restrictions that make the tariff suitable only for the phone. On the other hand, if we take into account other tariffs and options for the Internet from Beeline, then we can say with confidence that the postpaid “All for 500” tariff will find its subscriber. Beeline unlimited Internet from the phone is also not bad. You can watch online video in high quality, download files from the Internet (except for torrents), etc.

The disadvantages of the tariff include the fact that to connect it you need to visit the Beeline office. Go to tariff plan through or using a special command is not possible. The only way remote transition to the tariff - . True, connect the tariff through help center also not always possible.

Drive detailed description We will not post-pay the “All for 500” tariff within the framework of this review, as we did it in a separate article. If you are interested in unlimited for a computer, then this tariff plan will not suit you. The solution may be to change the operator while maintaining the number or connecting the “Highway” option.

  • Attention
  • There are ways to bypass the restrictions provided for by the "All for 500" tariff. You can get acquainted with them in the article "".

Unfortunately, today Beeline does not have offers for applicants of completely unlimited Internet. Now only night unlimited is available, the rest of the time you will have to save money so as not to spend traffic in excess of the package. Perhaps one of your friends has a Beeline SIM card with Internet with an unlimited traffic quota. Most likely, this is an archived version of the Highway Internet option. It has long been unavailable for connection and has become the ultimate dream of many subscribers. However, the lucky ones with the archived version of this option will soon expect not the most pleasant surprise. . This phenomenon caused a lot of dissatisfaction on the part of subscribers, but this process has already been launched and it is unlikely that the operator will reverse everything.

Speaking about how to connect unlimited Internet on Beeline for a computer, special attention should be paid to the Highway option with night unlimited. Night unlimited is valid from 01:00 to 07:59."Highway" is a family of Internet options that differ in cost and package of available traffic. In order not to describe each option separately, we have prepared a table with important information about the option.

Table with the characteristics of the options "Highway":

"Highway 1 GB""Highway 4 GB""Highway 8 GB""Highway 12 GB""Highway 20 GB"
Subscription fee 200 rubles. per monthSubscription fee 400 rubles. per monthSubscription fee 600 rubles. per monthSubscription fee 700 rubles. per monthSubscription fee 1200 rubles. per month
Internet for a month 1 GBInternet for a month 4 GB8 GB + Night Unlimited (valid from 01:00 to 07:59)12 GB + Night Unlimited (valid from 01:00 to 07:59)20 GB + Night Unlimited (valid from 01:00 to 07:59)
Connection 067471702Connection 06740717031Connection 0674071741Connection 0674071751Connection 0674071761
Shutdown 0674117410Shutdown 0674117410Shutdown 0674117410Shutdown 0674117410Shutdown 0674117410

The Beeline operator provides subscribers with many other tariffs and options designed for the Internet, but they all imply traffic restrictions, so we did not consider them as part of this review. In conclusion, we can say that so far Beeline does not provide much choice for applicants for unlimited Internet. It remains only to hope that the high competition between operators will lead to the fact that unlimited Internet without any restrictions will again become available to subscribers.

Every person sooner or later thinks about how to save on one or another aspect of costs. At the same time, mobile communication is one of the first to emerge, since the costs for it are constantly growing. At in large numbers conversations, I want to somehow stabilize the fee for a mobile phone, and Beeline's base-limit tariffs can help with this.

What types of "anlimous" communication are there today

Beeline offers several options for unlimited communication at once, for almost all occasions. Each tariff has its pros and cons, so it is impossible to choose the best one for everyone. Nevertheless, among these tariffs, unlimited within the network stands out as the most understandable in terms of conditions and really convenient. The only problem with this tariff comes from its name - it only works within the network. In addition, unlimited unlimited will not work between regions either - such calls will be charged as usual.

  1. You can connect unlimited within the network on one condition - the mobile phone account must immediately have the full amount of money to pay for the period. As a period, 2 weeks or a month are offered (a month is more expensive, but more profitable). To activate the tariff, you need to dial the request "0674 11 81", and a small amount will be charged for the connection itself - 15 rubles for the first connection. You can also switch to the tariff using your personal account Beeline.
  2. The second unlimited option is “super unlimited”. At the time of this writing, this tariff costs 1,500 rubles per month and includes: 900 minutes of calls throughout the Russian Federation to any networks; 3000 sms and mms messages; 2 GB of Internet traffic. Despite the limitation of 900 minutes per month, it is quite difficult to spend them all, so the tariff will be beneficial for those who talk a lot on the phone, including between regions. To go, you can call the Beeline operator number.
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Do you need "anlim" Internet? – Choose a “real” unlimited

For those who do not need conversations, but the Internet, Beeline has also prepared several unlimited tariffs. The "Real Unlimited" tariff allows you to use the mobile Internet almost unlimitedly. You can connect it using the request "*110*3130", you only need 500 rubles on your mobile phone account (the price may change over time, check it on the Beeline website).

Unlimited tariffs are quite expensive today, but their use is fully justified. In addition, they are really convenient, because by using them you will be able to know in advance how much money per month will be spent on telephone conversations.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact the official operators.

Modern man is in dire need of high-speed mobile Internet. Depending on their own needs, everyone determines the optimal amount of traffic for himself. For some, a few gigabytes for a month is enough, while others cannot imagine their life without unlimited Internet. Each operator tries to please its customers, so the attention of subscribers is provided with a fairly large selection of tariffs and options with different amounts of traffic. Of course, there are offers with unlimited internet. Everyone has similar offers. Russian operators and MTS among them. Speaking about MTS unlimited Internet, most subscribers mean that there are no restrictions on speed and traffic, but the operator has his own opinion on this matter. Let's consider all the tariffs and options that MTS calls unlimited, and then find out which of them really include an unlimited traffic quota.

Unlimited Internet MTS is available in the following offers:

  • Tariff "Smart unlimited";
  • Option ;
  • Option "Internet-VIP" (only night unlimited);
  • Tariff "Smart Nonstop" (only night unlimited);
  • Tariff "Transformische" (exclusive tariff, available only in the MTS online store when buying a new SIM).

At the moment, MTS has only three offers with round-the-clock unlimited Internet and two with night (from 01:00 to 07:00). It would seem that there is a choice and everything is fine, but it was not without pitfalls at all. You do get an unlimited traffic quota, but there are other restrictions. As part of this review, we will take a detailed look at all offers with unlimited internet. We will tell you how to connect MTS unlimited Internet so that you no longer think about the number of megabytes spent. As for the options that MTS calls unlimited, but in fact, after spending the traffic package, the Internet speed drops (for example, some smart line tariffs and options for the MTS Connect-4 tariff), we will not consider them, since the unlimited They have nothing to do with the internet.

Round-the-clock unlimited Internet MTS

As you already understood, MTS has offers with round-the-clock and night unlimited. Of course, for most subscribers, unlimited mobile Internet is preferable that is not tied to time, that is, with the ability not to control the amount of gigabytes spent day and night. Therefore, we will start with the "Smart Unlimited", "Transformer" tariffs and the "Internet 4 Mbps" option. All of them provide the Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic, but they are also characterized by individual characteristics. On our website you can find detailed overview of all these proposals, here we will consider their main conditions.

Tariff "Smart unlimited"

MTS secured a significant increase in its customer base thanks to the Smart Unlimited tariff. Initially, this tariff plan was very good and many were even ready to switch to MTS from another operator solely for the sake of this offer. First of all, the tariff is interesting for unlimited Internet. In principle, other operators also have similar offers, but MTS surpassed them in certain parameters, for example, it was possible to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi for free. Why do we speak in the past tense? Yes, because since the advent of the tariff, its conditions have changed a lot.

"Smart Unlimited" tariff includes:

  • Subscription fee - 12.90 rubles. per day during the first month and 19 rubles in the future;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS Russia numbers;
  • Unlimited mobile internet;
  • 200 minutes to numbers of other operators;
  • 200 SMS.
  • Attention
  • The given data are relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region. Depending on the region, the amount of the subscription fee may differ.

Someone will say that the tariff is characterized by too small a package of minutes and unnecessary SMS to anyone. This is true, but do not forget that, first of all, we are talking about MTS unlimited Internet, and here, in addition to this, unlimited calls within the network are also provided, as well as a package of minutes to other networks. There would be no complaints about the tariff if it did not have pitfalls. Unfortunately, unlimited Internet on the Smart Unlimited tariff provides for unpleasant restrictions. Let's consider the most important ones.

Restrictions for the Internet on the "Smart Unlimited" tariff:

  1. The use of file-sharing networks is limited. When you try to download a file via a torrent, you will encounter a significant speed limit;
  2. When distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi or USB, 30 rubles per day are debited (upon the fact of using the service);
  3. The operator reserves the right to limit the speed of the Internet at any time, referring to a significant load on the network (this condition is in the contract);
  4. As part of the "Single Internet" service, you can provide group members with only 10 GB, instead of 50 GB.

As you can see, MTS unlimited Internet at this tariff is not ideal, and it is hardly possible to find an ideal offer now. However, if you need unlimited mobile Internet for your phone, then this is a good choice. You can easily spend hundreds of gigabytes if necessary. We tested the tariff plan and in a month we managed to spend more than 200 gigabytes, while there were no problems with speed. If the offer aroused interest, we recommend that you read the detailed review of the Smart Unlimited tariff. Do not want to read a separate article and are ready to switch to this tariff plan right now? To activate the "Smart Unlimited" tariff, dial the command on your phone * 111 * 3888 # .

Tariff "Transformer"

Most recently, a new Transformische tariff became available to MTS subscribers. For unknown reasons, the operator did not provide for the possibility to connect the tariff. That is, to start using this tariff, you will have to purchase a new SIM card in the MTS online store. It is currently impossible to connect the tariff to the current number, only the purchase of a starter kit.

The terms of the Transformische tariff are very similar to the previously considered Smart Unlimited tariff plan. The main difference is that the subscriber can choose the optimal number of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators (400, 600 or 1500 minutes). Of course, depending on the selected package, the minutes will differ subscription fee(650, 800 and 1200 rubles). As for the Internet, the same restrictions apply.

Internet restrictions on the Transformische tariff:

  • The tariff is intended only for phones. Cannot be used in a modem/router;
  • The use of file-sharing networks is limited;
  • When distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi or USB, 30 rubles per day are charged.

If you are interested in this offer, we recommend that you study the conditions of the Transformische tariff in more detail before purchasing a starter kit. You can find an overview of the tariff plan in the MTS Tariffs section or on the operator's website.

Option "Internet 4 Mbps"

In addition to tariff plans with unlimited internet, which also include minutes and SMS, there is a separate option for the internet. The option "Internet 4 Mbps" allows you not to overpay for the extra, you pay only for unlimited Internet MTS. In addition, in contrast to the rates discussed above, this option can be used in a modem or router. You could call this option best solution for those who need unlimited internet, if not for one feature. As many have already guessed from the name of the option, the maximum you can count on is an Internet speed of 4 Mbps. This is the main drawback of the option.

Many do not understand what constitutes an Internet speed of 4 Mbps. In principle, this is quite a normal speed, which will be enough to listen to music online and watch videos in standard quality. You should pay attention to the fact that under the option MTS promises speeds up to 4 Mbps, while the actual speed may be less than the maximum.

If you do not need high-speed Internet and you are ready to pay 750 rubles a month, then you can seriously consider the option of connecting the “Internet 4 Mbps” option. By the way, if you are planning to use torrent clients, there is bad news for you - when using this option, the provision of file-sharing network services is limited to a speed of 512 Kbps. As for connecting the option, there are also some nuances here. The “Internet 4 Mbps” option is activated automatically when purchasing the “MTS Connect” tariff, as well as two weeks after activating the kit with a 4G modem or 4G router. Learn more about the conditions of the option

can be in a separate review on our website.

Night unlimited Internet from MTS

Unfortunately, the days when operators provided the opportunity to use unlimited mobile Internet without any restrictions are gone. All modern tariffs with unlimited Internet from MTS have a lot of restrictions. Subscribers have no choice but to choose from what is available on the market mobile communications. Perhaps you do not need round-the-clock unlimited MTS Internet, then it makes sense to consider the offers below. The "Internet-VIP" option and the "Smart Nonstop" tariff may be of interest to subscribers who actively use the Internet at night, and during the day a limited package is enough for them.

Despite the fact that we put the "Internet VIP" option and the "Smart Nonstop" tariff in the same row, these are completely different products. As for the “Smart Nonstop” tariff plan, there are conditions that are almost similar to the Smart Unlimited tariff. The difference is only in the amount of the subscription fee, the volume of packages and the absence of the first round-the-clock unlimited. As for the "Internet VIP" option, this is the most best option for modem and router. Let's consider both proposals separately.

Tariff "Smart Nonstop"

Tariff plan "Smart Nonstop" is very popular among MTS subscribers. It is hardly worth considering this tariff solely for the sake of the Internet. If you need a tariff plan that includes not only a large Internet package + night unlimited, but also equally large packages of minutes and SMS, then this is a good option.

Smart Nonstop tariff includes:

  • Subscription fee - 500 rubles per day;
  • 10 GB of Internet during the day + night unlimited (from 1:00 to 7:00);
  • Unlimited calls within the network;
  • 400 minutes to all networks;
  • 400 SMS.

The tariff is quite good if you use it as the main one. Paying 500 rubles only for the Internet and not using minutes does not make sense, because there are more profitable offer. In addition, unlimited Internet MTS on this tariff also has pitfalls. As with all tariffs of the smart line, there is a restriction on using a SIM in a modem, distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi and downloading torrents.

Internet VIP option

If we take into account offers with unlimited Internet from MTS for a modem / router, then the “Internet VIP” option is the most voluminous. That is, today MTS subscribers do not have the opportunity to officially connect a tariff or an option designed for a modem, which will include more Internet. We do not take into account the option "Internet 4 Mbps" due to its features and complexity of connection.

The MTS Internet VIP option includes:

  • Monthly fee - 1200 rubles;
  • 30 GB per month during the day;
  • Unlimited Internet at night (from 01:00 am to 07:00 am).

To activate the "Internet-VIP" option, dial the command on the phone or in the modem control program *111*166*1# . Also, the option can be connected through the MTS personal account. The optimal tariff for the option is Connect-4, although the option is also compatible with other tariffs. True, when using a tariff plan other than Connect-4, the monthly fee will be 100 rubles more.

On November 15, 2018, the Beeline mobile operator launched new service « Unlimited Internet”, within which unlimited mobile Internet is provided for the tariff plans of the VSEMOOE!” and All in One. Of course, not for the cheapest versions of them. In many regions, the "Unlimited Internet" service can be activated on these lines, starting with the tariffs "ALL 2" and "All in One 2". For Moscow and the region - starting from the tariffs "ALL 3" and "All in One 3", the subscription fee for which is 30 rubles per day and 900 rubles per month, respectively.

Service cost

Subscription fee for the "Unlimited Internet" service is 4 rubles per day. Yes, in addition to the fact that you can connect it not on the cheapest tariff plans, the service is also paid in itself. By the way, if you turn it off and then want to connect it again, then you will be charged a full fee for 30 days (120 rubles), and starting from the 31st day, the monthly fee will return to the usual mode - daily.

Distribution of mobile Internet

You can distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB with the "Unlimited Internet" option enabled. But this is paid - 50 rubles for 1 hour or 150 rubles for 24 hours. All this is within the framework of the "Internet Distribution" service.

How to connect or disconnect?

How activate and deactivate the "Unlimited Internet" service on Beeline? You can do this as usual - or. In addition, special numbers are available: 067445451 – service activation, 067445450 – service deactivation.

"Unlim" or "Unlimited Internet"?

Is this option really necessary? To do this, I propose to compare the main parameters with the cheapest tariff for which you can connect the "Unlimited Internet" option. I will do this using the example of Moscow and the region.

Tariff "Unlim"

  • Subscription fee - 23 rubles per day (for the tariff and the "HD-video" option).
  • Minutes package - 500 for calls to any mobile numbers Russia.
  • SMS to local numbers - 2 rubles per message.
  • Calls to local city numbers - 2 rubles per minute.

Tariff "Everything 3" + service "Unlimited Internet"

  • Subscription fee - 34 rubles per day (for the tariff and the "Unlimited Internet" service)
  • Package of minutes - 1200 for calls to any numbers of operators in Russia. Calls to numbers of subscribers with tariffs of the VSEMOIE line are free of charge and do not consume a package of minutes.
  • SMS package - 300 for sending messages to local numbers.

Both of these versions are not without their drawbacks. There is no SMS package on Unlim, and calls to landline numbers are charged separately. There are no such problems on VSEMOYO 3, but the subscription fee is 34 rubles per day, which exceeds 1000 rubles per month.

By the way, from August 15, 2018 for two weeks Beeline. Then it was available on all tariffs of the VSEMOOE line, with the exception of the cheapest ones, and cost 0 rubles per day.

Video version of the publication

To date, the use of the Internet in Everyday life became a very important link. The Internet is needed not only for recreation, but also for work, doing business and other things.

Clients cellular communication MegaFon that use tariff plans from the All Inclusive series can now use unlimited Internet thanks to special option Mega Unlimited. For a modest monthly fee, customers can use the Internet on an unlimited basis.

Description of the "MegaUnlimited" option

To use this option, it is necessary, in addition to being a MegaFon communication client, to also be a user of one of the tariffs of the "" family. Such a family includes a whole range of services: free minutes, messages, Internet traffic. All these services are charged for a month of use. With the advent of a new month, the unused volume is canceled and a new one is charged. The rates are very affordable and convenient.

Using, in addition to the All Inclusive tariffs, the option from MegaFon Internet, it is possible to make it unlimited. Thus, there will be no restrictions on either the speed or the accrued traffic. It is also worth noting the good news, by activating the MegaUnlimited service, subscribers get the opportunity to use the Internet at 4G + speed. Service activation is free of charge. And the payment for the use of the option itself is a certain amount, which varies depending on the tariff used.

The subscription fee is charged on a daily basis. The write-off amount varies from 0 to 9 rubles per day. It should also be noted that all prices and amounts presented in the review are calculated for the Moscow region and the Moscow region. It is recommended to check with the operator by calling 0500 or on the company's website before activating the information on the cost for other regions.

The cost of the services provided

First you need to switch to the appropriate tariff plan, and then connect the MegaUnlimited service. The price for the initial connection will not cost subscribers a penny. But with subsequent activations of the option, the cost for connection will be 100 rubles.

If we talk about subscription fees, then communication customers will need to pay different amounts. It all depends on the connected tariff plan:

  • For people who use the "VIP" service package, no subscription fee is charged;
  • Clients using packages and XL - 5 rubles per day.
  • Subscribers who have connected and use tariff plans "M", in the "All Inclusive" line, as well as "Warm welcome" - 7 rubles per day.
  • Payment for use with the connected plan "S" on the "All Inclusive" line, as well as "" - 9 rubles / day.

As you can see, the cost of the Internet differs for different packages, but with all this, at any tariff, access to the network becomes at a single high speed. Whether there is a need to use such an option, each subscriber must answer independently. Maybe some people mostly use the internet. For them, such a decision will be very beneficial. To calculate whether the option is worth activating, you need to calculate the costs of communications and the Internet. And use some mathematical calculations that will make it possible to understand whether the investment will be a profitable investment.

Restrictions on the service Megafon "MegaUnlimited"

Before activating the option, you need to study some restrictions:

  1. This option is only available for home network. As soon as one's own territory is abandoned, the conditions of action cease;
  2. The connected service prohibits the use of torrents;
  3. You can use a SIM card with this service only on mobile phones, tablets. You cannot insert a SIM card into a router or modem. Also for this point it is necessary to note an important remark. If subscribers want to distribute the Internet to other devices ( wifi hotspot), you will need to pay extra for this.
  4. When using another option that expands the possibilities of accessing the Internet, it must be disabled, and only then activated "MegaUnlimited".
  5. The use of the service is not possible throughout Russia. More details can be found on the MegaFon website.
  6. The enabled option is permanent and will be active until the subscriber disables it.

How to enable the option

You can start using the service after using one of the connection methods:

  • Using the company's website, you can activate the service. To do this, you must fill out the appropriate form and send it to the operator. After connecting to mobile phone You will receive a notification that the operation has been successfully completed.
  • By logging into your personal account on the site, each subscriber has the opportunity not only to activate "MegaUnlimited", but also to connect the desired tariff plan or other services. In addition, a personal account allows you to manage a SIM card without imposing any restrictions. This method connection is intuitive and clear. All you need to log in to your account. And for this you need to register.
  • The functional analogue of a personal account is mobile app from MegaFon. You can download it on the appropriate resources or on the website.
  • By sending a message by phone 05001153 you can activate the service. The response message will report a successful connection. The SMS sent by the subscriber must be empty.
  • In order not to suffer for a long time, it is recommended to use the most fast way service installation. To do this, you need to send a ussd request to the operators. After some time, the option will become active. To implement, you need to dial the combination *105*1153# on the device .
  • The service can also be activated by employees of service centers or brand stores. For both methods, it is necessary to have a passport to verify identity and data. With the help of operators service center passport data will need to be dictated. To get in touch, call free phone 0500. Salon specialists themselves activate the option after verifying the identity of the subscriber.

How to disable "MegaUnlimited" on Megaphone?

When you no longer need to use this service, as well as with unnecessary spending of funds, you can always turn off the service, spend just a few minutes. It is very strange that the MegaFon website does not provide any data on the disconnection of the service. All information is presented in personal account, through which you can actually deactivate the service. You can also use a mobile application, which allows you to disable the option in a couple of clicks.

A computer