How to start your own food blog? Earnings on the sale of culinary recipes.

All people love to eat delicious food and many know how to cook well. Today we will talk about those who love to cook and at the same time collect various recipes from various sources (Internet, cookbooks, magazines). Thus, over a long period of life, such people accumulate thousands of different recipes. Our idea is to put together all the accumulated materials and secrets of recipes and create our own culinary website.

Culinary site - creation, promotion and earnings

To implement a business idea for creating a culinary website, we need:

  1. Creation of a web page- this can be in the form of a blog or website. On this resource we will post our recipes and share them with our readers. I want to give one piece of advice - make the theme of the site highly specialized. This is because there are a lot of resources on the Internet about all recipes, and you can hardly compete with them. But if you have a lot of time and a huge amount of money, you can try. And if there is no such “wealth”, then choose a narrow niche and act. For example, create a resource about meat dishes, desserts, salads, or whatever you like best. Remember that a highly specialized topic is easier to promote in search engines for various queries.
  2. Second step - promotion and promotion. To promote your own site, you will need knowledge in SEO, and if you don’t have them, we advise you to contact specialists who offer site promotion services. It requires financial investments, because without the promotion of the site, you will not achieve business growth. The more visitors and readers on your site, the more popular it is and the higher the earnings.
  3. Now we have a site that we have promoted and have ensured that the resource is visited by a large number of visitors from search engines. The next step is to create e-book recipes based on your experience and knowledge. Creating such a book will not take you much time. It is best to create Word program, after which the created text file with illustration must be converted to PDF format. This format is very popular with e-book readers.

Once a book is created, we can offer it on our website. The profitability of this type of business will depend on how well your site is promoted and on the number of visitors to it. If you can sell 3-5 books a day, you can get good source earnings, given that such books cost between 400-1600 rubles.

What does it take to start a culinary business?

  • Created website with interesting content;
  • A large number of visitors to your resource;
  • A large collection of interesting recipes to create an e-book creation;
  • Daily attraction of new visitors to the site;
  • Presentation of your cookbook. Here you can share some of the unique recipes in the book to attract more customers;
  • Attracting advertisers to your resource;
  • As soon as you get comfortable in this topic and the project starts to give a good income, create similar projects on other topics. And in this way, you can create a great business that will bring serious income.

And here is an interesting video - "Chefs and self-taught: which culinary sites are tastier?"

What do you think - a culinary site is a profitable income?

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Most daily activities can, with the right approach, act as a source of main or auxiliary income. On the Internet, this is easy to do. One of those options is to cook delicious, beautifully decorated, favorite food in the home kitchen. Few people know that by preparing any dish for the family, you can simultaneously earn money on this on the World Wide Web.

Such an opportunity is quite real, so this article will mainly be of interest to those who know interesting nuances, know how to cook and love this activity. It will be explained in detail how recipes and cooking, you can organize a decent income on the Internet. This method is especially relevant for those who often have the opportunity to surprise loved ones with all sorts of masterpiece dishes cooked in the home kitchen, as well as for young mothers or housewives who want to have additional income.

How to make money from cooking recipes

Three of the most efficient, effective, and profitable ways to make money from prescriptions need careful consideration:

  • sale on content exchanges;
  • placement on special thematic services;
  • posting on your blog.

Undoubtedly, last way the most profitable option, however, in terms of implementation, it is very difficult, since the technique implies the presence of not only culinary abilities. In addition, you will need the ability to create blogs or websites and accompany them with appropriate support. It is also necessary to have knowledge of promotion and optimization, to have the skills to work with search engines, because in their absence you will not be able to compete with other similar thematic resources.

At first glance, this is really all difficult, however, if you take up the matter responsibly, with an ardent desire to achieve the planned goals, then an excellent result can be achieved very quickly. The Internet can help with this, in which there is an opportunity to learn everything.

Those who are not familiar with the blogging topic or simply lack the desire to do this are recommended to consider, and maybe use other methods. They will not require any special skills from you. For this reason, let's take a closer look at these simple methods of making money on the global Internet using recipes.

Selling recipes on thematic resources

So let's get started. You can earn good money by posting your unique recipes on specialized sites on this topic. Now there are several such resources, but they are all too “young” and fully undeveloped. You need to pay attention to the “pioneer” in this business, a very reliable site “”.

On this service, everyone can earn income and regularly earn money. All that is required here is knowledge of an outstanding recipe and a series of good photographs showing all the stages of cooking. Of course, it will still be necessary to verbally describe the actions being taken, but, usually, users do not have problems with this. Also, it will not be exceptionally difficult to capture the ongoing manipulations on the camera.

This project pays money for viewing a recipe posted on the resource. The amount of remuneration is quite variable - from 10 to 520 rubles for 1000 completed views. The amount changes due to several factors:

  • personal rating coefficient of the author;
  • the section in which you post the recipe;
  • accompanying video and photographic materials and volumes of text description.

This is, in a way, the highlight of the project, since it turns out that money earnings have no restrictions. One published recipe will continuously generate cash income as long as it is placed on the resource page and arouses the interest of visitors.

Important! The essential thing is that it is necessary to post a new, beautifully designed recipe at least once every 29 days (month), otherwise, according to the rules of the site, cash accruals will be suspended. You can “unfreeze” the receipt of money by adding a new photo recipe!

Step-by-step instructions for publishing a recipe

Let's take a look at all the necessary actions that you need to perform in order to start earning on the “” resource on your recipes:

  1. go through the registration process;
  2. fill in the profile items as completely as possible and go through identity verification by e-mail for the correctness of the entered data;
  3. then, you boldly proceed to publish a pre-formulated, edited recipe. To do this, go to the “Write a recipe” section and indicate the name of your project. Click the "Continue" button;
  4. carefully choose the desired section, and then the subsection corresponding to the type of your own dish. In addition, upload photos of the cooked dish, indicate the nationality of the cuisine and click "Continue";
  5. the next step is to write the recipe itself. Ingredients, cooking time are listed in the text, step-by-step photo and video materials are attached;
  6. after completing the complete design of the entire recipe, you can start publishing (the “Publish” button).

Attention! Don't rush to post. First, a rigorous check of all filled fields is required in order to avoid mistakes. This is done by clicking the “Preview” button!

Requirements for published recipes

In order for your completed recipe to pass moderation and become available for viewing, you must follow a number of rules established on the site:

  • The recipe must contain at least three ingredients. It is necessary that the dish is interesting and original. In other words, no need to try to beautifully imagine the preparation of an omelet from four eggs;
  • the described recipe must be described by the author (copying is unacceptable!);
  • the cooking process must be accompanied by unique (real) photographs taken during cooking;
  • each exhibited work must contain more than 525 characters of textual information.

It is very convenient to engage in this type of income for people who cook delicious cakes to order at home. It is these craftsmen who first of all need to pay attention to the resource “”. It will help you organize double earnings - one from the completed order, and the other from views of author's culinary creations.

All you need is to beautifully capture, correctly describe and correctly place the step-by-step cooking process on the PhotoRecipe resource. The advantage of this decision is obvious. You will receive earned money for the completed order and additionally you will constantly have passive income from recipe views. This is a very interesting and profitable idea! Consider now the question of making money from recipes sold on content exchanges.

How to make money on culinary recipes using thematic sites

Own recipes can be put up for sale at the same time in several places to increase the income received. The following culinary sites have proven themselves most worthily:

  • "" - not strict moderation, 55-60 rubles for a photo recipe, up to 100 rubles for a video recipe;
  • "" - a thorough check of all the materials provided, a lot of tariff plans for earnings. Maximum 400 rubles for a high-quality, interesting recipe;
  • "" - subject to all the conditions of the resource, payment up to 520 rubles for 100 views.

Profitable sale of your own recipes on content exchanges

Most Internet users are aware of the presence on the Internet a large number culinary resources. All of them have large databases of curious and incredibly diverse recipes. A reasonable question arises, where does such a variety of cooking methods and combinations of food ingredients come from? It is unrealistic for even a group of professional chefs to know such a variety of recipes.

The secret here lies in the focused work of webmasters who buy new recipes on numerous content exchanges or order professional copywriters to search for and describe culinary recipes for a fee. They find such specialists on popular and little-known content exchanges.

There are only two most “developed” and well-known exchanges where you can profitably sell your own recipe - these are “eTXT” and “Advego”. These are very visited resources, where permanent webmaster writers are mainly searched for for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Of course, earning on recipes in these ways has its own minor features. First of all, on the exchanges you will receive real money for the sale of the recipe at a time, you do not need to gain any views here. Usually, it is not necessary to wait a long time for a purchase of a recipe put up for sale, since there are a lot of people who want to get a unique material. Especially quickly for thematic sites they buy well-written, accompanied step by step photos, recipes.

Recommendations for the competent sale of your own recipes on content exchanges

You need to get down to business seriously and the profit will begin to flow very soon. Adhering to the following recommendations, your recipes will be sold out at lightning speed for good money.

  1. Do not try to copy text materials from other sources. Photos and texts must be unique, that is, created only by you.
  2. Each cooking step must be recorded on a video camera or camera. Even elementary manipulations need to be filmed, for example, chopping, cutting, mixing, etc.
  3. No need to photograph the ingredients in the packages. The manufacturer will not pay you for advertising.
  4. Better flash turn off on the camera when taking pictures, otherwise numerous glare will significantly spoil appearance your masterpiece.
  5. Try to describe all actions in detail. So you get large texts that cost more.
  6. Be sure to list all, even the most insignificant, ingredients with the exact weight proportions. You can't miss anything.
  7. Remember literacy. Nobody wants to buy work with errors.
  8. Photos must be clear and up-to-date. It is not necessary, for example, to photograph a chicken along with the kitchen table and all related appliances, jars, plates, and so on.
  9. Always end the article with a perfectly taken photo of the finished dish in the most appetizing angle.


Making money on culinary recipes is a very peculiar way to get a lot of money on the Internet. Today, there are many opportunities for such enrichment, since all culinary resources on the World Wide Web require new, exclusive, interesting recipes in cooking in order to actively attract new interested visitors and regular subscribers.

For authors, some options are very profitable and, after working hard for several months, you can consistently receive a lot of money only occasionally replenishing the range of your culinary masterpieces on specialized sites.

Everyone can get good money without leaving home, since now everyone has an Internet connection. The World Wide Web significantly expands our capabilities, and to make money, it is best to start your own project. It is not necessary to look for a new idea, you can enter an already occupied niche and try to beat your competitors.

Making money on culinary sites is a great option, despite the fact that the competition in this area is high. Recipe resources appear frequently, but few of them become popular. Yes, it will take a lot of time to promote and promote, but the prospects are serious.

How to make a culinary website?

Even a beginner will not be difficult to develop such a resource. You don't have to add any complex features, you can use the regular blog format to launch a recipe site. Alternatively, use WordPress, download food site templates, pay for hosting ($100 per month) and buy a domain ($100 per year). Having done the necessary steps to install the engine on the hosting, you will receive a ready-made website, you can start filling it.

If knowledge is not enough or you just don’t want to start from scratch, go to the exchange and buy a ready-made resource. On this exchange, hundreds of sites are put up for auction every day, including culinary sites:

The cost depends on the quality of the project. Be sure to compare several options, sometimes sellers significantly overestimate the cost. From a huge number of ready-made resources, you will definitely find something interesting and suitable for you at a price.

Where to get recipes?

The easiest way is to make them yourself, but it takes a lot of time, and ideas can run out over time. Then you can take any culinary recipes and rewrite articles from them, rewriting is not prohibited, but your texts must be highly unique.

If you have money, you can just buy ready-made recipes. The exchange has a ton of unique and spell-checked content, and some even come with photos:

The more voluminous the material and the more photos it contains, the more expensive it is. On the this moment Advego database contains over 1500 ready-made texts on culinary topics, this is a great option for filling your resource with unique content.

How to get ahead of competitors?

The culinary niche on the Internet is highly competitive, so simply adding interesting recipes is not enough for successful development. You will need to come up with your own chip, than you can attract the attention of a large audience. What could it be?

Your own cooking show (start a YouTube channel);

Detailed video instructions;

Cooking exotic dishes;

In fact, there are many options, you need to use brainstorming and write down all the thoughts that come to mind. It will be great if you find a source for recipes, for example, by arranging with a restaurant to spend time in their kitchen. The photos will turn out great, the work is done every day, so you will get great content.

Micro markup in Yandex

Not all owners of culinary sites use microdata. Yandex has special rules for adding recipes to a common database. If they are properly designed, then the position of the site will definitely be increased. Applying micromarking is not difficult, take it ready template and fill the page with information.

This is an example of schema markup for recipes. You just copy given code and substitute your values ​​into it (look for an example on The markup will not only show that you intend to make a quality resource, but also improve the snippets. It takes more time to use this method, but the chances of outperforming competitors increase.

How to make money on culinary sites?

In terms of monetization, culinary resources are no different from other sites. You can use any ad network partnership programs and so on. Do not forget that the target audience of such sites are girls and women, therefore, you need to select better ways conversions of such traffic.

For example, you can use the Ladycash teaser network or find suitable offers on . Shocking ads also show a good click-through rate, but now Yandex treats sites with such ads negatively, so it’s better not to use it.

Some people have even started building businesses with small cooking websites. For example, you can offer the delivery of ingredients for a particular dish or the preparation of recipes presented on the site. Associate the site with the services in real life somewhat more difficult, but many times more profitable.

Whether you decide to use earnings on culinary sites or not, do not discard the idea immediately. The option is excellent, especially for those who know how and love to cook. And for an effective start, try to find an old recipe book, if the texts in it are unique, you can start your own website based on this.

Many would like to start their own blog and earn decent money from it, but everyone decides to do so. Many are intimidated by obscure terms: hosting, domain names, WordPress. And it can really seem very difficult, especially if you have never blogged before. But it's actually a lot easier than you think!

Even if you find it hard to believe, you can actually make money online by having your own blog about what you love! For this you need to do 3 simple steps. Just do what you love - this is the most important part. If you are happy, everything else will follow.

Let's take a look at how to start your own blog in 3 easy steps.

1. Define a name. How you name your blog is pretty important. Choose something smart or cute, and make sure it reflects the theme of your blog. And then, look in the list of domains, this name is taken or not. If the name you wanted already exists, just think again and you'll come up with another name. And don't worry too much about it. The more interesting articles you post on your blog, the more Domain name will act as decoration.

Host your website. When you register your domain name, you will need to host your site on a host that will give your blog a life. Now there are literally hundreds and hundreds of companies where you can host your website. Choose the best and pay an additional amount of money to become a full owner of your blog.

2. You must have hosting before you move on to the next step. If it is, then you will need to use WordPress to manage your site.

WordPress is the simplest content management system. You can create your website there for free and install your hosting there in a few clicks. Once it's installed and ready to go, you can start writing to your blog.

Using WordPress gives you the ability to choose from a variety of themes. You can choose a theme that fits your blog and attracts new readers. You can change the theme if you want, but it's best to choose one at the beginning and stick with it.

Once you've set up your WordPress site, you're officially driving your own blog! But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, as the most interesting things will follow.

3. Make your blog interesting. Now that you have a fully functional blog, fill it with interesting content.

The best advice is to show your personality more on the blog. You will find a huge number of culinary blogs on the web. People love the most the ones that showcase the personality of the blogger behind them. If you are funny, be funny; if you are an analyst, then analyze; if you are a skeptic, then be skeptical. You will attract followers who share the same mindset.

Pictures are worth more than a thousand words. No matter how interesting your letter is, the eye is first of all riveted bright pictures. Photos should be juicy, bright and of good quality.

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