Earnings on the sale of culinary recipes. Step-by-step instructions for publishing a recipe

Hello! In this article, we will discuss earning from recipes.

  • How much can you earn: up to 500 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: the ability to cook, write and take high-quality photos.
  • Is it worth doing: just as a hobby.

General information about making money on prescriptions

Judging by the forums, many housewives dream of making money on their own recipes. Indeed, there is such a possibility. But at the same time, there are clear requirements for recipes, and this type of income is quite complicated.

For recipes you need:

  • Unique text. Check it out by different services, but most often use Etxt and Advego.
  • Unique photos. You need your own photos. Photos from the Internet cannot be used.
  • interesting recipe. Unique dishes that can be prepared at home are valued.

Articles should be written simply and interestingly so that every person, even coming to the stove once a month, can cook a delicious dish. Not everyone can do this, so it’s not worth thinking that everything is so simple.

Earnings on recipes, as well as on any articles, has its own characteristics, requirements and pitfalls. Let's figure out what ways to earn money exist, what is needed for this, and how much you can earn on each of them.

How to make money online with recipes: 3 ways

There are only 3 ways to make money on recipes: write them to order, sell them, and. We will find out what will have to be done in each of the ways, what will bring money, and what can be considered more for the soul.

Writing recipes to order

Still remains profitable. But you can't make much money just selling recipes. The average cost of one prescription is 200-300 rubles. At the same time, unique photographs and often high uniqueness are needed (if you know how to negotiate with customers, then this item can be dismissed).

Orders are best taken on. At the initial stage of work, if you earn only on recipes, you will have to take cheap orders. But there are fewer requirements for them, and photographs are not always needed. When you get a normal rating, customers from the category of 50-60 rubles for 1,000 characters will catch up.

Selling prescriptions

Selling ready-made recipes - earnings similar to the previous scheme. Only you do not work to order, but put articles in the store, and they are bought. The advantages are obvious:

  • Work at a comfortable pace.
  • No connection to topics.
  • own requirements.
  • Your prices.

The downside here is also obvious: the lack of stability. You cannot say for sure when the material will be bought from you, and whether they will buy it at all. Another disadvantage: complexity for beginners. Until you have ratings/reviews, customers don't know if you can be trusted. Therefore, they will buy exclusively at a low price.

In general, such the way is fine those who want not so much to earn money as to get a paid hobby.

On a culinary site

This is perhaps the only way where you can really make money. The scheme is simple: you study site building, promotion, manuals for creating high-quality content, bury 1-2 sites and then create the necessary, interesting project that will bring money in the long run.

But most popular requests are already taken. You will either have to come up with and publish new, unique and interesting recipes, or be content with a small number of visitors.

Therefore, now it will be difficult to join infosites from scratch. As an option, create a full-fledged online publication for housewives, which will also include recipes. But it is difficult if you do not even have a banal experience in copywriting.

To summarize all of the above: you can be content with low income and specialization if you sell ready-made recipes and write them to order. And you can start earning and create your own website, but this takes time and money.

What difficulties may arise at the initial stage of earning

Difficulties at the initial stage are full. The first difficulty that may arise is uniqueness of texts. Recipes are a specific topic in which it is almost impossible to achieve 100% uniqueness without writing nonsense and water. And some customers often put 95 - 100% in the requirements, which makes them spend 1 hour on the article, and 3-4 on finishing the uniqueness.

The next difficulty is unique photos. The cooking process becomes much more complicated when you have a camera / phone in your hands, and at the same time you need to record your every step. It takes more time and effort than just cooking.

The third problem is time costs. To, you need to cook the dish yourself. And a novice writer does not receive much money, therefore, the salary per hour of work will be very low (from 30 to 100 rubles).

fourth and the main problem- . Healthy competition is good. But competition from non-professionals who are desperate to get an order/sell a prescription is not. It is because of the “oh, it’s nothing complicated” approach that a natural price ceiling arises. Few people will pay more than 300 - 400 rubles for one unique recipe, even though a lot of time has been spent on cooking and writing an article.

But if you go through the initial stage, fill your hand and overcome the first difficulties, the process of earning will go much easier. But do not think that everything will be easy later on. Low prices and the complexity of the work will always be.

Where to sell ready-made recipes

There are several thematic sites with recipes where you can sell your own articles:

  • webspoon.ru: 50 rub. for the recipe
  • findfood.ru: one-time 30 - 60 rubles;
  • kuhatpodano.ru: from 35 rubles;
  • multi-varca.ru: from 100 rubles for recipes in a multicooker.

And another option for selling your own recipes - copywriting exchanges. These are not specialized sites, which means that customers come for different content, including recipes. I worked for Etxt for a long time, so I will tell you about this exchange.

It is almost impossible to sell an article for a newbie on Etxt.

On average, prices fluctuate in the range of 20 - 60 rubles per 1,000 characters. An average prescription for 4,000 characters will cost from 100 to 300 rubles. And for 100 rubles it is likely that someone will buy it, but for 300 it is unlikely. We'll have to wait a few months, or even a year.

A small life hack

You can earn more on recipes if you take several photos of dishes from different angles in one cooking. With this approach, you can get 2 - 4 articles. True, you will have to work very well with uniqueness, because recipes are one of the most difficult topics to adjust for anti-plagiarism.

How much can you earn from prescriptions

While I was working on the copywriting exchange, I saw orders for culinary sites more than once. The requirements were about the same:

  • Unique material.
  • Own photos.

Such articles were rated quite low, up to 200 - 250 rubles for 1 recipe with photos. On professional sites, the cost is a little more expensive - up to 400 - 500 rubles for a voluminous recipe (up to 6,000 characters) + photos. But as you can see, it's still a low price.

The cooking process is noticeably more complicated when everything is recorded, and a camera is at hand. Therefore, you should not count on more than 5 - 6 thousand rubles a month. And this is the best outcome if you cook something new every day, and your articles are regularly bought. A more realistic figure is 3-4 thousand per month.


Earning money on recipes can be a good hobby for those who constantly cook different dishes. But this method of obtaining money should not be regarded as the main one. If you are looking for a full-time income, then take up related professions - copywriting, creating websites or selling photos.

About how to get additional income on the Internet, save money or find additional value where, at first glance, there is none.

What will always be in demand, no matter what happens - crisis, war or natural disaster? Food. On the Internet, you can also earn money on it. One of the options - culinary blog. It can bring in about $250 per month with minimal time investment.

In the family of Anna Mishchenko, mother and grandmother were engaged in food. Therefore, the girl began to cook only at the age of 18, becoming a law student. Her first independent dish is a slightly burnt scrambled egg. Now she is one of the most popular bloggers who is seriously considering leaving her job for a profitable hobby.

From show to business

Mishchenko's love for cooking manifested itself when she visited her relatives in the USA. She enjoyed watching cooking shows on the FoodNetWork channel. Mishchenko tried to cook according to the recipes she heard after returning to Ukraine. Once she treated her friends to cupcakes (cakes the size of brownies). After tasting the goodies, her friends advised her to make cooking a business. At first, the girl got the idea to open a coffee shop. But, having studied the market and calculated the amount of starting investments, she decided that at the age of 19 she could not compete with large networks. And I decided to start small - I started a blog to share my culinary finds with others.

So, five years ago, her first culinary blog appeared - Moirecepti.com.ua. “I brought interesting recipes from the USA or translated them from American websites. I bought pictures on Shutterstock or borrowed from American blogs,” Mishchenko recalls. The blogger's husband, an SEO optimizer, was engaged in promotion in search engines and promotion of the blog. The price of such services in web studios is from $100 per month.

Over the years, Moirecepti.com.ua has accumulated more than 100 recipes, tips for housewives and articles about cooking. Users actively discuss recipes, share cooking features with each other, and scold the author if they didn’t succeed in cooking according to the recipe. “Now Moirecepti.com.ua is a stable source of income. And this is despite the fact that for more than a year I have not added new recipes, ”says Mishchenko. Moirecepti.com.ua has GoogleAdsense contextual advertising, banners and teaser advertising. According to open sources on such a blog, you can earn from $ 250 per month.

Find your niche

A little less than a year ago, the girl created another culinary blog - Wafli.net. “I don't want to clutter this blog with ads. She made it for the soul, ”Mishchenko shares. But recently she received an offer from a manufacturer of kitchen equipment. The company is ready to equip Mishchenko's kitchen in exchange for an indirect mention of the brand in recipes and photo illustrations. Now the blogger publishes three to four recipes a month on Fridays. “At the end of the week, people relax. And they are also looking on the Internet for something tasty to cook on the weekend, ”explains Mishchenko. She provides each recipe with personal recommendations and photographs. “I try to write recipes in a way that is accessible to everyone, regardless of culinary skills,” says Mishchenko.

Also, the girl is engaged in the promotion of her blog in social networks. promotion in search engines and technical support(fixing bugs and writing code) is still done by her husband.

Mishchenko allocates one hour a day to work on the Wafli.net blog. Moirecepti.com.ua now only makes links to the new blog. In his passion for cooking, Mishchenko is not limited to blogging. The girl participates in thematic fairs and festivals, cooks to order. However, cooking is still a hobby for her. Mishchenko is a distance student manager at the Edinburgh Business School Eastern Europe. “It happens that I go to bed at 3-4 in the morning, and get up at 6 o’clock. It is very difficult to live in such a rhythm both physically and emotionally, ”says Mishchenko. The food blogger understands that sooner or later she will have to make a choice - either cooking or work.

Tips for new food bloggers

To create a culinary blog and make money on it, you need:

1. Choose a blog topic

You can maintain both a highly specialized blog and a large-scale one. Now Mishchenko has a blog with a variety of recipes. But in the future, she wants to create another blog with a narrow focus. For example, a blog about muffins or cakes. “I know a lot of girls who blog about the same dish. This is a promising direction and can become a feature of your resource, ”the blogger shares.

2. Come up with an interesting blog name

The title should be concise, understandable and catchy. “I was dissuaded for a long time from calling the blog Wafli.net (there is no waffle). But it hooked me - short and capacious,” says Mishchenko.

3. Buy a domain and hosting

Hosting is the place where all the content of the blog will be stored. Now the price of hosting is from 50 UAH. per month. Domain is the name of the site under which it will be visible in search engines Oh. The domain can be bought from 80 UAH. per month.

4. Choose a system for creating a site and a template (appearance)

Popular free systems to create a site (engines) - Joomla, MadeSimple and WordPress. Most bloggers create sites on Wordpress. This system is easy to use, plug-ins (extensions) are regularly developed for it. They are constantly working on it and releasing new improved versions.

“I do not recommend using standard templates. If the budget allows, it is better to buy or order a unique template for your blog,” Mishchenko advises. For the design of the first blog, the girl used a free template. I bought an English template for Wafli.net and translated it myself. The cost of culinary direction templates starts from $50. The price of a professional translation of a template is about $1,000.

5. Understand the technical details

To install the selected system on hosting, as well as the template, you will need special knowledge. They can be obtained for free on the Internet: watch videos on Youtube or read blog articles. You can also contact your hosting provider. They often help their clients. “I advise you to create mail with the domain name of your site,” says Mishchenko.

6. Come up with your own chip. Without it, you will get lost in the flow of blogs.

This might be an unusual blog post. For example, Mishchenko has an Interview section on Wafli.net. In it, she publishes interviews with culinary specialists and restaurateurs. “I am not a journalist, and it is very difficult for me to persuade a person to give an interview. But I understand how interesting it will be for the reader,” says Mishchenko.

7. Create blog pages in social. networks and regularly publish in them

Mishchenko has Wafli.net subscription pages on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. "Make a plan for yourself with social networks every month. For example, on Mondays I wish my subscribers a good week, and on Fridays I post links to recipes from my blog,” advises Mishchenko. Also during the week she looks for funny pictures on the culinary theme.

8. Take beautiful photos

A food blogger will need a good camera to take good photos of their meals.

9. Be friends with food bloggers

Subscribe to updates from your competitors, read them and comment. Keep track of what dishes are in fashion right now. This will help plan interesting blog posts.

10. Choose the tactics of earning

Common ways of earning for a blogger are contextual, teaser and banner advertising; posts with links partnership programs. For Mishchenko, food blogging is an additional promotion channel, not a way to make money. Cooking is her lifestyle, which includes blogging, participation in fairs and festivals, communication with restaurateurs and chefs, and cooking to order. “I know people who actively combine online and offline cooking. With this lifestyle, you can earn from 3 thousand UAH. per month clean, ”Mishchenko shares.

If you have landed on my site, you definitely enjoy cooking. For you, cooking dinner or dessert is not a daily duty, but a kind of creative vacation - an opportunity to spin in the kitchen, conjure over the next dish, meditate on food. And it's great!

Warning: There are affiliate links on this page (i.e. if you buy a service or product through this link, I will receive a small commission). However, I give links only to those resources that I use myself and therefore I can safely recommend them to you.

So, 3 Steps to create a food blog:

  1. Install WordPress
  2. Customize template

Let's start in order.

  1. Register domain and hosting

The first thing to think about is what your blog will be called.. I chose this name because

a) it is easy to remember;

b) it is easy to reproduce by ear;

c) it is speaking;

d) this domain was free.

Think about your name. Come up with as many options as you can and then check to see if anyone has come up with these names before you. You can check if a domain is free on the websitereg.ru.

It is highly desirable that Domain name was free in the RU zone, but if you really like the domain name, but in the zone .RU it is already taken, you can consider other options. If the name is free, you can immediately register it in your name, but it is more convenient to do everything in one fell swoop - domain registration, hosting and installing WordPress. Below I will tell you how to do it.

About hosting. This is the virtual place where your website files will be stored. I use hosting from the same registrar REG.RU

It is one of the leaders among Russian domain name registrars and hosting providers. It provides reliable hosting, prompt support and convenient service. For example, he has a packageReady site on WordPressSee point 2 for how to register it.

  1. Installing Wordpress

WordPress is software, which allows you to manage the content of the site. In my opinion, this is the easiest, most convenient and easiest way to create and maintain your blog (although, probably, there will be those who want to argue with me). Unlike popular website builders, WordPress has a lot of flexibility and offers a huge number of tools for website promotion and monetization.

If you have chosen the hoster described above, one problem will be less. On this tariff plan the installation of WordPress is done for you. You need to select the “Personal Blog” section.

At the next stage, you need to choose a hosting plan (its price depends on the validity period from 1 month to 36 months) and choose a suitable theme (template). Here are about 10 standard free templates and they look a bit rustic. Don't be afraid of this. Templates can be changed or improved: change the background, colors, fonts, add widgets and make your blog really beautiful and convenient. If you are serious, then it is better to purchase a paid template, but we will talk about this later.

The next step is to connect an existing domain (if you have already registered one) or purchase a new domain.

After that, you need to enter information about the DNS servers. Click the "Use Registrar Servers" checkbox.

You will then be redirected to the payment page.

After payment to your email you will receive letters with registration data, links and passwords to your new site.

  1. Customize template (theme)

A theme in the terminology of WordPress developers is a website design template. The template determines how your blog will look externally - colors, block layout, sliders, widgets, and the like. Each of the themes can be further upgraded (change colors, block widths, arrangement of elements), but still it’s better to immediately choose the one that suits you and which will require the least amount of modifications.

There are millions of paid and free themes from different developers. What is the difference?

The most obvious and visible advantage of paid themes is their design. Thoughtful color schemes, fonts, icons, block layout immediately makes the site much more attractive to users.

The second point is functionality. This and social buttons, and widgets, and various filters, special plugins for culinary sites, the presence of basic shortcodes, built-in online stores, the ability to customize private access for some users. In addition, the vast majority of them are paid templates perfectly adapt to different browsers and mobile devices, which can not be said about free themes.

To choose premium themes, I prefer to use the resourcethemeforest.There are a huge number of options for every taste - from $23 to $68.

Free templates also have the right to life. Although they are not so beautiful, their functionality is curtailed, and sometimes even malicious code. However, with their help, you can create a convenient functional blog. And if you don't know where to start, you can download and install a free theme fromofficial WordPress siteOr use the one that comes preinstalled.

It should be noted that any theme (both paid and free) will require advanced settings according to your needs (you may need to translate the template into Russian or install plugins). You can do it yourself or seek help from specialists (the most convenient and affordable in my opinion is the serviceworkzilla).

I hope by now you have seen that there is nothing fantastically difficult in creating your own blog. The longest road starts with the first step (s).

Good luck to you!

This type of income will appeal to everyone who loves to cook. Its essence is very simple.

There are so many recipe sites on the Internet that are constantly looking for new recipes with photos of the cooking process.

It is not profitable for culinary sites to create content themselves, prepare various dishes and take pictures of the whole process. Therefore, they are willing to pay people for this work.

So they kill two birds with one stone, constantly get new content for a relatively small fee and do not spend money on products.

Why might this be beneficial to you? Because one recipe can be posted on several sites and get not only a ready-made dish for lunch, but also recoup all food costs and even earn money. How to do this I will describe at the end of the article.

To start earning you will need a camera (a smartphone with a weak camera will not work).

Each site has its own conditions for accepting recipes, but the main requirements can be identified:

  • All photos must be taken by you. It will not be possible to steal photos and texts from other sites
  • Photos must be of high quality
  • Text describing the cooking process must be unique
  • Every step of food preparation must be described and photographed.

I have compiled for you the most full list culinary sites that buy recipes.

Sites that buy recipes

Site name Prescription payment Notes
Patee. Recipes from 350 to 500 rubles for 1000 interactions Interaction - viewing publications and adding them to the recipe book for premium access.
iamcook.ru 150-200 rubles
sweetko-em.ru 70 rubles Recipes for multicookers
etlunch.ru 50 rub. immediately after checking by the moderator + 10 kopecks for each view + 7 rubles. for every comment 30 rubles for translating a recipe from English
vinnifood.ru 160 rubles Recipes for multicookers
liyabruni.ru 50 rubles Diet recipes + pay 100 rubles for crafts
vpuzo.com 1 dollar
ovkuse.ru 50 rubles
reception-multivark.ru 60 rubles Recipes for multicookers
findfood.com 60 rubles 100 rub. for the video recipe.
lozhka.su 30 rubles You can add other recipes
webspoon.ru from 100 to 400 rubles Strict moderation
prosmak.ru 100 characters 10 cents
pekarenok.info 200 rubles
w-say.ru 500 rubles for 10 recipes Buying large volumes of prescriptions
multivarkavdome.ru from 25 to 50 rubles Recipes for multicookers
minproduct.ru 200 rubles
jcooks.in.ua 100-400 rubles The price depends on the number of views
multivarka-recepti.ru 100 rubles Recipes for multicookers
kuhatpodano.ru 35-70 rubles The price depends on the number of characters
calorizator.ru from 30 to 100 rubles The price depends on the number of steps in the recipe and other bonuses
gotovim-doma-da.ru 40 rubles
photorecept.com up to 500 rubles per 1000 views Only professional photos are accepted against a pre-set background
multi-recepti.ru 50 rubles
sypchik.ru 70 rubles
fashiony.ru 0,5-2$ It is not known exactly whether they pay now
dadaeda.ru 75 rubles for 1000 characters
resepts.ru 10 rubles
multi-varca.com 100 rubles Recipes for multicookers
gotovim-sushi-doma.ru 250 rubles Only Japanese cuisine recipes
foodbest.com 40-60 rubles
  • Each site has its own requirements for recipes. Read them carefully
  • First, send recipes to not very popular sites, they have weaker moderation. You will be more likely to get your prescription accepted and understand how things work.
  • Do not immediately send several recipes to the site. Make one recipe and see how your recipe will be tested and will you get paid
  • Even a simple recipe can be made unique by changing just one ingredient.
  • Use white utensils for cooking. She looks good in photos
  • You should have a good set of different utensils. You should also have beautiful tablecloths and various napkins.
  • Do not photograph the ingredients in the packaging
  • Explore the recipes that have already been added to the site. Try to make a photo and description of the same quality
  • Do not use the flash on the camera

How to increase your earnings on photo-recipes

You can place one recipe on several sites at once. But the problem is that most recipe sites only want unique recipe photos and descriptions. Therefore, photograph each step of cooking several times against a different background and on different dishes. Also, don't forget to change the text of the recipe.

Since payment is made regardless of the number of photos, it is not necessary to choose complex recipes with many cooking steps. Easier and faster you can prepare recipes for salads, drinks, simple pastries.

Another way to make money quickly is to translate recipes from foreign sites and uniqueize their photos. You can make photos unique by slightly changing the light, shadows, color palette, and flipping the picture. But for this you must own Photoshop or another graphic editor.

Be sure to check the uniqueness of the text before posting the recipe. You can check the text, for example, using Advego Plagiatus. Photos can be checked for uniqueness at images.google.com

This is how you can earn money by cooking delicious meals for yourself or your family. Write in the comments about your success in this type of earnings.

All people love to eat delicious food and many know how to cook well. Today we will talk about those who love to cook and at the same time collect various recipes from various sources (Internet, cookbooks, magazines). Thus, over a long period of life, such people accumulate thousands of different recipes. Our idea is to put together all the accumulated materials and secrets of recipes and create our own culinary website.

Culinary site - creation, promotion and earnings

To implement a business idea for creating a culinary website, we need:

  1. Creation of a web page- this can be in the form of a blog or website. On this resource we will post our recipes and share them with our readers. I want to give one piece of advice - make the theme of the site highly specialized. This is due to the fact that on the Internet a large number of resources about all the recipes, and you can hardly compete with them. But if you have a lot of time and a huge amount of money, you can try. And if there is no such “wealth”, then choose a narrow niche and act. For example, create a resource about meat dishes, desserts, salads, or whatever you like best. Remember that a highly specialized topic is easier to promote in search engines for various queries.
  2. Second step - promotion and promotion. To promote your own website, you will need knowledge in SEO, and if you don’t have them, we advise you to contact specialists who offer website promotion services. It requires financial investments, because without the promotion of the site, you will not achieve business growth. The more visitors and readers on your site, the more popular it is and the higher the earnings.
  3. Now we have a website that we have promoted and have ensured that the resource is visited by a large number of visitors from search engines. The next step is to create e-book recipes based on your experience and knowledge. Creating such a book will not take you much time. It is best to create Word program, after which the created text file with illustration must be converted to PDF format. This format is very popular with e-book readers.

Once a book is created, we can offer it on our website. The profitability of this type of business will depend on how well your site is promoted and on the number of visitors to it. If you can sell 3-5 books a day, you can get good source earnings, given that such books cost between 400-1600 rubles.

What does it take to start a culinary business?

  • Created website with interesting content;
  • A large number of visitors to your resource;
  • A large collection of interesting recipes to create an e-book creation;
  • Daily attraction of new visitors to the site;
  • Presentation of your cookbook. Here you can share some of the unique recipes in the book to attract more customers;
  • Attracting advertisers to your resource;
  • As soon as you get comfortable in this topic and the project starts to give a good income, create similar projects on other topics. And in this way, you can create a great business that will bring serious income.

And here is an interesting video - "Chefs and self-taught: which culinary sites are tastier?"

What do you think - a culinary site is a profitable income?

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