Program for creating a landing page. Rating: “Best Landing Page Builder

Hello, friends! Today I want to talk about an excellent program for creating a landing Page, that is, selling one-pagers or subscription pages (and even entire sites, if you want). I already wrote about one - and I myself used it many times. So there is interest in this topic. By the way, very good program, highly recommend, has great features, and easy to use.

But today I want to talk about another program for the same purpose. It's called Adobe Muse. Those who already know how to use it may not read this post, but I think there are many who do not know about this program yet. I myself stumbled upon it by accident, on one of the forums. I was interested in her features that are not in Web Builder, especially the parallax effect. And otherwise, it definitely deserves attention.

Of course, I immediately began to look for this program and training materials for it. Naturally, I found a lot of things, and with those who are also interested, I will definitely share this at the end of the post.

So what is this animal?

What is Adobe Muse?

This, as I said, is a program for creating a Landing Page. In this case, all the work takes place in the visual editor, you do not need to know HTML or CSS, or some other things. That is, if you need to put some element on the page, for example, an image, a button or text, then you simply select it in the menu and put the mouse on Right place. Everything is very simple. And at the same time, the result is very remarkable.

In short, I would single out the features and advantages of Adobe Muse as follows:

  • To create a website or page, you do not need to know any programming languages ​​- all the work goes only with the design. The code is generated by itself, without your intervention, although the most meticulous can add their own.
  • A great landing page can be created from scratch in just an hour or two.
  • You can create responsive pages that will look equally good on a computer, tablet, and smartphone.
  • A large set of features - timers, widgets, fonts (you can download any font directly from the program), sliders and more. Everything is customizable.
  • Convenient work - project structure, editing window, preview - everything is nearby, all in one program.
  • Modern technologies - Adobe Muse works with HTML5 and CSS3. Who doesn't know - this allows you to create very cool modern pages with different special effects - animation of the background, elements, with different special effects. You can also use the trendy parallax effect. You can even allow visitors to modify the content of the page directly from their browser!
  • It is not difficult to master the program, there are also many training materials, including on the official channel of the program on YouTube.

You can program from the official site - it is working, only limited to 30 days. For acquaintance and study of this is quite enough. You will have to register on the Adobe website - this is done there, everything is fast, and then you can download it. You sign up for Creative Cloud and get an ID and 20 GB of cloud storage to store your projects. You will be able to provide access to them to other people and work, for example, as a team on one project.

This is what the program looks like when it starts:

When you first start it, everything is in English, but you can select the Russian language in the settings. Tab “ Plan” shows all pages of the site, if there are a lot of them, you can select any and go to the tab “ Design”, where all the work on the page takes place. Tab “ View” shows how the page looks in the browser.

This is what the page looks like in the editor (the page from the example, from the video course is open):

I won’t describe how to use the Adobe Muse program - this is an immense topic, there are many video tutorials for this. In addition, those who wish can download one of the video courses at the end of this post.

Why is a Landing Page Creator Better than Online Services?

There are many programs for creating a Landing Page, as well as online services. But I always prefer the programs installed on the computer. Why? Here are a few disadvantages that you will face if you create your landing page on an online service:

  • Even if there are many different templates on the service, it is still a framework that you cannot jump beyond. The template approach limits the possibilities.
  • Internet is required to work.
  • You will not be able to pick up the created page and place it on another hosting. The service will close - your page will also disappear. This is the biggest drawback, in my opinion - dependence on the service.
  • To get all the features of the service, you have to constantly pay, and a lot. And some don't at all. free designer, only a short introductory period.

I think that's enough. Whether it's a program on a computer - install and create as you want. Whether you have the Internet or not, turn on your computer and get busy. And then you can simply save the result on your computer and publish it on any hosting. And even if the hosting disappears, you always have your site, put it on another hosting, and that's it. And the programs have more opportunities, they are more flexible and have more tools. In the same Adobe Muse, you can do something that no online landing page designer is capable of.

And now, for those who are interested in this program for creating a Landing Page, I found an excellent video course on it, in which the main working points are explained using the example of creating a page. The lessons are short - and there are 32 of them, but there is nothing superfluous in them, they look easy and give maximum information even in 2-3 minutes. So take it. Study, learn how to make a Landing Page - this is now a profitable business, by the way.

In addition, I have included Adobe Muse version 7.4 in the archive. This is the 2014 version, though not the latest. But in my search, I ran into problems - latest version very difficult to "cure". Yes, and there are problems with the installation (I put it anywhere, didn’t even offer to select a folder, but I tried several versions). The nested one has all the possibilities and at the same time it is installed and “treated” very simply - the instruction is enclosed. Yes, and examples from the course open perfectly in it, but there are complaints about other versions in this regard. So get a full-fledged program and immediately a video course to it. If you want another version - it's easy to find.

Before you create a landing page, you need to know the features that determine how effective a landing page will be. In this article, we will look at the basic prerequisites, starting from which, you can make a profitable landing.

Landing page business logic

The very definition of a landing page (landing page) is tied to the main function: to get the maximum response from the target audience to a unique selling proposition (USP).

That is, the landing page should be considered as an effective online marketing tool. And the whole logic of building a successful landing page is based on the AIDA marketing model.

Model AIDA(s)

The classic AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) model always works. Any others successful models, most often, are derivatives or complementary to it.

With the development of Internet commerce and a general increase in the level of service, it is gaining popularity interactive model AIDAS (Satisfaction), in which customer satisfaction also matters for further efficiency advertising campaign. Within the framework of this model, reputation management (SERM) is carried out: working with customer reviews, neutralizing negativity in the network.

Within the framework of this model, the landing should: attract the attention of the visitor, arouse his interest, arouse desire, call to action.

The implementation of the AIDA(s) model when building a landing page is as follows:

  • Attention– high-quality design and intriguing headlines attract attention
  • interest– content is of interest: text, pictures and videos. Landing content should engage the visitor so that they start thinking about our USP.
  • Desire- desire, on the one hand, depends on the relevance of the offer for the target audience, and on the other hand, on the correct presentation of the USP (scarcity of goods, urgency of the offer, etc.)
  • Action- Action is stimulated with a call to action. Usually it is repeated several times.
  • satisfaction- customer satisfaction. If you value reputation, then it is important to be sure of the quality of the product, it should not be obviously bad.

The advantage of a landing page is that the design structure and everything else is tailored to the tasks of the AIDA model, which ensures a high conversion of visitors into customers and clients.

A good example of implementing the AIDA model in a landing page:

By types of tasks, landing pages can be selling or preliminary. Such pre-landers usually have a simplified structure and serve to collect a subscriber base from which further work can be done.

A good landing page should be convenient not only for visitors, but also for managers. That is, in the "admin panel" there should be access to CRM (Customer Relationship Management) functions: order tracking, customer groups, subscribers, etc. Different groups of customers can be offered different conditions, make mailings (trigger letters), calls, offer discounts, and so on.

Efficiency and structure

The effectiveness of a landing depends on its structure: each element performs its own marketing or technical function. The experience of successful landing pages has shown which components in the right hands give a positive effect.

The most effective elements are:

  1. Quality adaptive design with a sense of taste and style. Should display correctly for mobile devices.
  2. The landing page header is usually made in a light and unobtrusive style for placement logo and contacts.
  3. Selling, intriguing header. Since it sets the tone for the entire landing page, it should stand out, be understandable, and attract attention.
  4. trade offer in visual form. If appropriate, use graphics and video. Break text into easy-to-read blocks: short paragraphs, numbered and bulleted lists, subheadings, etc. Almost all landing content reveals the essence of the USP and it can be strengthened by highlighting such selling blocks:
    • Advantages of USP over competitors' offers
    • Urgency and scarcity (countdown of available items or stock time)
    • Link to reputable clients (photo-video famous people or firms, partner logos)
    • Answers to typical questions about the product (what the customer will receive)
    • Reviews of real customers (preferably without cheating)
    • Trial version of the product or test period of the service
    • Guarantees (term and conditions for product replacement or money back, transaction security)
  5. Call to action(call to action) - it is best to design in the form of a bright button with motivating text "Subscribe", "Buy", "Order" but not the abstract "Submit", "OK", "Done". As the visitor gets acquainted with the USP, the decision to buy or act matures. But we don’t know exactly how ready he is to accept our offer, so after each selling block of the landing page, you need to repeat the call to action.
  6. The footer may contain duplicate contact information from the header, certificates, documents, links to successful business cases, social profiles and groups.

This is the classic landing page model, and it doesn't necessarily have to be the most effective for your offer. Sometimes simplified models work better. The only way to determine the effectiveness of a landing page is through A/B testing.


A landing page differs from a regular site only in its specifics, therefore, almost all webmaster tools are applicable to the development of a landing page. However, the effectiveness of the work and its final result depend on the correct choice of tools.

The greatest opportunities are given by the development of the original design and its layout (they usually use a bunch of 3-D graphics, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc.).

The design of a high-quality landing page should stand out from the rest, have its own characteristics. That is, layout based on templates or constructors can be considered as a compromise option to save time and money.

When choosing a tool, we must be clear about its limitations and its degree of flexibility. It's a shame if an unsuccessfully chosen template does not fit with the image design or the promotional video does not fit into it.

Alas, many website builder services do not provide all the necessary functions for e-commerce. If you do not check the functionality of the service in advance, it may turn out that it does not support Facebook retargeting, Yandex metrics, or another service that is very important for landing.

Programs for creating landing pages

With design and layout skills, a landing page can be created just like any website. Professional web studio software is Adobe Photoshop for graphic design and Dreamweaver for layout, however, we will consider those programs that are much more convenient in working with landing pages and easier to learn.

Adobe Muse

Perhaps the most convenient visual editor to create a landing. The advantage of this program is that working in visual mode frees you from having to understand html. There is a trial period of 14 days.

WYSIWYG Web Builder

This visual editor is almost as good as the previous one in terms of its capabilities. It is possible to work with scripts from the program library or user scripts (JS).

Website X5

A powerful program for developing a site of any complexity - a universal tool that is useful for both beginners and experienced webmasters. On Youtube you can find many video tutorials for this visual editor.

AxureRP Pro

AxureRP Pro. All work in this program is simple and convenient, and development can be done with the help of mouse manipulations and the attribute editor.

Microsoft Expression Studio

Expression Studio contains several programs for creating websites, graphics and videos: Expression Web, Expression Design and, respectively, Expression Encoder.

Expression Web has replaced the old Microsoft FrontPage visual HTML editor. There is integration with Microsoft Visual Studio.

Serif Web Plus

Serif WebPlus is a simple web designer, all operations can be performed by mouse control.


The service with rich functionality provides us with many special tools needed to work with the landing page:

  • Templates and visual designer (also for mobile devices)
  • Analytics – allows you to track all the necessary metrics for landing (CPC, CPL, ROI)
  • Center - notable for the split-test function with a large number of options
  • Yandex.Direct - tools for automating the settings of advertising campaigns
  • Integration with different services Email newsletters, CRM and Robokassa.
  • CRM and LP telephony - deserves special attention, because it provides all the necessary features for a call center or sales department (lead/application tracking, statistics, E-mail and SMS alerts)

The Lpgenerator service has a free trial period.

CMS WordPress plugins

WordPress Landing Pages is one of the most popular landing page plugins that provides tools for A/B testing different landing page options and collects statistics.

Download from the official site:

Responsive Admin Maintenance Pro - This plugin provides us with 6 different templates. Supports options for CSS3 animations, Youtube backgrounds, etc.

For a minimal set of features, you can use the Easy coming Soon plugin. Its direct purpose for the opening page of the site is under development (announcement), but it allows you to collect E-mail and user base in social networks. With us, this page turns into the simplest form for creating a subscription base.


Landing metrics, like nothing else, will help you accurately assess the effectiveness of the entire business cycle and realize whether it is developing or going through a crisis, it was right last changes or erroneous.

  • Lead generation– getting contacts from the visitor
  • Conversion- the percentage of visitors who took the desired action
  • CPS– cost per sale or how much money the landing page will earn from one order.
  • CPC and EPC(Cost Per Click and Earn Per Click) - the first metric shows the cost per click on contextual advertising, the second - the average earnings for this click. If EPC is greater than CPC, then the landing can be considered successful.
  • LTV(customer lifetime value) - the amount of profit that the client has brought us for the entire time of working with him. Remember the AIDAS model? A satisfied customer can buy from us again and again (if there is a suitable assortment). That is, repeat sales become much easier, and a series of products more effective. high cost customer acquisition can be covered by high LTV.

There are other metrics, but in the end it all comes down to ROI - return on investment from all funds spent on the entire cycle associated with the landing.


The quality and nature of the traffic that comes to the landing page is very important: we need the most targeted traffic that matches our landing page and has good conversion rates.

To do this, you need to think over a strategy for attracting traffic: starting from detailed segmentation of the target audience and ending with traffic sources. It is possible that different landing pages will have the greatest effect for different segments of the target audience.

For segmentation, it is necessary to work out such questions: “to whom we sell”, “who is our visitor”, “who is interested in our product”. Based on them, you can analyze the target audience, and only then look for traffic sources.

Landing traffic sources

Attracting traffic for a landing page has its own specifics - you need to take into account that the usual methods of seo promotion are practically inapplicable for landing pages. That is why these pages can attract either purchased traffic or visitors from social networks, mailing lists, etc.


To avoid mistakes, start with the main thing, namely business logic. Do not drown in technical details, do not put the cart before the horse.

In other words, the secret of success lies in the fact that for any technical solutions should be treated like tools. For example, the mere fact of excellent command of the WordPress CMS does not mean at all that this particular system is suitable for creating a successful landing page.

Beware of hackneyed templates that disgust visitors. The mastery of compiling landing pages lies in the fact that, knowing all the rules of a successful landing, find an original and effective approach.

Typical mistakes:

  • Wrong choice of tool for creating a landing page
  • Bad design
  • Loss of communication with the client
  • Violation of the logic of building a landing (misunderstanding of the target audience, incorrect segmentation, excessive passion for technical details, violation of business processes)

Contact with landing leads will help to establish trigger letters, the templates of which can be configured in the CRM connected to the landing.

When drawing up a business plan for creating landing pages, approach this tool realistically - do not overestimate the expected profit, because there is no magic button. Yes, a landing page is a great e-commerce tool, but sales are more about how much customers want your product than how beautiful the storefront is.


If the right visitor comes to the landing page, and the trade offer is selected accordingly, then this will make him want to perform certain actions - buy a product, subscribe to a newsletter, leave contact information, recommend a product to friends, and so on.

Well, I finally got to my blog, otherwise it took about 3 weeks, and the posts are not being written - I'm sorry friends, I worked a lot, used new tricks in cpa, well, you yourself understand the summer - I want to unwind, relax.

Many infobusinessmen, bloggers and other webmasters use Landing page in their online projects. These pages also have the following names: (layout, one-pager, transit page, promo page, landing page) if you don’t understand what we are talking about, then here

So these pages perform very important features, namely: they measure the conversion of sales, tracking visitors, attracting to webinars, service offers, invitations to various events, course promotions, promotions affiliate programs, newsletter subscription, etc.)

The key to the success of this or that Landing Page is in its beautiful design, building the page according to all the rules of conversion / psychological factors and much more. And many novice webmasters often face a situation where they don’t know where they can make the very same one-page subscription page for their business.

Where can you get a beautiful One Page for your project? Run to order for 1000 r. for 20000 r. ? (real figures brought you the cost) Not at all! You yourself can make a beautiful, effective, functional transit page. And even it doesn't matter if you know languages(CS, HTML, JS) or not. The work will be easy, because programs for creating a Landing Page do not require any special knowledge.

Everyone knows familiar paint editor(where you can draw), so any beginner can do it in this program. All the programs that will be discussed below are the same, I mean in terms of ease of work. Once a picture, two - they dragged it with the mouse to the right place, they added beautiful buttons, and now the page is almost ready.

Friends, 6 programs- this is the number I got, with which I had to work and use one way or another. I will open and talk about the pros and cons. Let's see how they look, what are the advantages of each of them. By tradition, at the end of the article I will attach a video tutorial on programs for creating a Landing Page.

I will not give download links in this article - I think you yourself know where to look (fortunately we live in Russia and know how to do it). If you can’t figure out where to find it yourself, I will be happy to answer your questions, write to me at VK.COM

And so let's start reviewing the programs

Landing page creation software

Program name: Adobe Muse
Developer: Adobe Systems Incorporated
License: ShareWare
About the program: Meet Adobe Muse CC - relatively new and handy program from Adobe, with its help you can easily edit your websites in visual mode. Why is she better than others? Can you create or edit web ready resources without using a single line of code, all work takes place in a visual mode

The program will perform all the actions for you, you just have to correctly arrange all the elements on the pages, give the necessary properties of the elements, and voila, the finished one-page

Program name: Microsoft Expression Studio
Developer: Microsoft
Website: microsoft
License: ShareWare
About the program: Expression Studio includes several programs for creating modern websites, web graphics and streaming video. This package includes: Expression Web, Expression Encoder and Expression Design.
Expression Web is visual HTML editor, which replaced the deprecated Microsoft FrontPage. Supports the following formats PHP, HTML/XHTML, XML/XSLT, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, Flash, Windows Media and Photoshop, as well as integration with Microsoft Visual Studio.

Usually of course products from Microsoft with the exception of operating system are not popular with webmasters. But here the taste and color - try, see what is more convenient

Program name: Serif Web Plus
Developer: Serif (Europe) Ltd
License: ShareWare
About the program: A constructor program for creating and editing web pages and sites.

You do not need to know programming languages ​​at all: all operations in the program occur by clicking the mouse and moving the necessary objects, you do not have to write a single line of code. The program will do everything for you.

Program name: WebSite X5
Developer: websitex5
Website: websitex5
License: ShareWare
About the program: Before you, dear reader, is quite a powerful program from websitex5, which will help you develop a website of any complexity.

The developers of this program have thought through all the details to the smallest detail, and even if you do not understand site building, this program is for you.

Program Name: WYSIWYG Web Builder
Developer: wysiwygwebbuilder
Website: wysiwygwebbuilder
License: ShareWare
About the program: With this easy-to-use program, you will create cool web pages on high level, program in automatic mode will generate the desired code. You just need to insert pictures, write links to the text, change the background color or set the picture. Can be screwed various scripts JS third-party or built into the program.

This program is very often used in my projects. On the Internet, there are many lessons for this program - video tutorials. Feel free to take on arms.

Software name: Axure RP Pro
Developer: Axure Software Solutions, Inc.
License: ShareWare
About the program: Meet Axure RP Pro, a program for prototyping your websites, debugging them, and then publishing them on the web. All actions performed in this program are visual and convenient, because. development does not require special knowledge from you, you just need to drag and drop elements with the mouse, assigning them various activities and editing attributes.

Video lesson review of programs for one-pagers

Finally, I want to say one more thing. No need to steal other people's work. Of course, you can look at the structures, adopt some of the features and use them in your projects.

Remember that something new, unique, made with soul brings results. And the brazen cloning of other people's works does not give any guarantees that the "stealed" will work. Appreciate the work of others.

Landing page- This is a special page, once on which the user must perform a specific action. For example, fill out a form for ordering goods or subscribing to a newsletter, register, call the phone number listed on this page, and the like.

Landing pages are called different phrases, but they all carry the same semantic load. These are the login page, landing page, capture page, selling page.

The landing page in RuNet was shortened like an LP.

At an adequate price from 5,000 rubles. up to 10,000 rubles on cms Wordpress. Based on a paid premium theme, you will receive a landing page for which you do not have to pay monthly. WordPress is a flexible platform and allows you to develop selling one-page with a beautiful design, and not just multi-page online stores.

Another option is one page for your business proposal without an admin panel and the ability to add new pages. The cost with the selection of keys and adjustments (optimization) of your proposal or with your finished text is from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Today we have a practical lesson with technical points. So…

Landing page- This is a regular web page on the Internet, created using well-known HTML, CSS, Java technologies, with the addition of an image and text. The text is called selling and is written according to the laws of copywriting. Landing page can be done manually or on any engine using plugins.

How to create a landing page with your own hands. Step by step lessons and practice.

1 step. Let's decide what knowledge and skills we need.

  1. We will make a selling page in HTML, CSS.
  2. We need to write a short semantic text that prompts the user to take the action we need.
  3. An image that serves either as the background of a web page or as a separate element.
  4. Form code. If you are sending out a mailing list in an e-mail service, then you will generate a subscription form in the same place. If this is a registration form on the site, then you will take the code from the site.

2 step. How to make a landing page layout.

  1. Let's define the folder structure.

At the root of the index.html page;

For pictures, the folder "images" or "image";

For style files, the "css" folder.

  1. Let's create a universal code that can be used to create all your landing pages.

The best program for creating a landing page.

  1. - the page is easiest to create in special programs. For example, in Dreamweaver, the code will be highlighted, and you will immediately see the error. In addition, it is convenient to look at the finished page directly in the program in several browsers.

The basis for the web document:


There will be blocks with Div layout

Layout can be tabular, but better with divs -

Div tag

You can go two ways:

First - draw a landing page design in photoshop, then cut into the necessary elements and make up your author's design in the program.

Second - Pick ready image for background web pages or do it yourself. In the style sheet, write this picture as a background.

These lessons High Quality and they will save a lot of time in training. You will be able to make landing pages yourself and professionally.

The ideal basis for a landing page layout is three blocks: a title, text, and a form or an order button, a subscription.

On compiling a selling text and a headline, you need to write a separate lesson. At selling copywriting a lot of interesting marketing moves and chips. Now let's focus on the main points.

header must be accurate. It should already be clear from it what it is about and what is being proposed.

Text should be kept short so that the entire design fits on the first screen of the user. In other words, so that you do not have to scroll the page up and down.

The selling text indicates the main advantages, benefits. It is necessary in several sentences to convince a person of the need to purchase this product or service. Try to explain why I need it?

Order form or button should be the brightest and only spot on the page, and attract the visitor's eye. It’s good to write a call to action on a button or near a form. So that a person does not need to think, but simply follow this call “click”, “fill out the form”, etc.

Everything, nothing more.

Additional checkers. Are they needed? How to conduct an analysis.

Regarding the various chips with certificates, you need to experiment, whether to add certificate icons or not.

For example, adding a counter “how much is left before the end of a promotion or discount” increases the conversion. And the badges of certificates, no. But this is all individual and depends on the niche, the purpose of creating a landing web page.

In order to find out which version of your page will convert, use A/B testing. Services for this: Google Website Optimizer, the mailing service you use. A very convenient interface and the ability to test different options for one selling page.

Today we decided on the structure, design and text for the landing pages.

In the second lesson, we will continue the practical creation of a landing page. These free HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver and others will be a good help in this regard.

A computer