How to exit full screen mode in Yandex. How to exit full screen mode in the browser

operating room Windows system- a complex multi-component structure, all the options of which are not known to all "advanced" users of PCs and laptops. These are all kinds of Easter eggs, jokes from the creators and, of course, hot keys. The last one is probably the most useful and the most mysterious. Even programmers do not know all the keyboard shortcuts that can be used to control the entire operating system without using a mouse. However, in order to learn all the combinations, you need to train for more than one month, because there are a lot of them. It should be noted right away that this is a long and difficult task. Not everyone has the patience to learn all the keys. Therefore, about the hidden possibilities of this operating system known to a very limited circle of the most stubborn.

We will look at the most useful keyboard shortcuts that can come in handy in everyday work. Having learned them, you will be able to amaze even "experienced" programmers with your speed.

Why is it necessary to know?

First of all, you need it yourself. This knowledge will broaden your horizons and help you work on a computer faster and more productively. After all, many key combinations lead to functions that are deeply hidden in the depths of the "Control Panel". Searching for them and clicking the mouse takes much longer than holding down a couple of keys. By the way, there is also a key in Windows. And we will talk about it, since this question is of great interest to many users. In less than a month, you will feel that managing a PC or laptop using hot keys is much more convenient than using a mouse. That is why you need to know their combinations.

The opinion of "specialists" about hot keys

Many computer "gurus" and pseudo-programmers deny the effectiveness of this way of controlling the operating system. But this is only because they are terribly afraid to admit their incompetence in this matter. However, those who are professionally involved in photo processing in the program Adobe Photoshop, will not underestimate the effectiveness of hotkeys, for they increase productivity and speed up work.

Do not forget about those who love games. For them, playing in windowed mode is sheer agony. Therefore, it is vital for them to learn key combinations that allow them to enable full-screen mode in the game without unnecessary "troubles". However, most advanced users simply ignore the hotkeys of the operating system and programs, considering them a useless addition. They are fundamentally wrong. It's worth studying them. And this is what we're going to do now.

Full screen keys in various applications

Each program has its own hotkeys. Including a keyboard shortcut to enter full screen mode. Needless to say, some programs do not support this very mode. For example, utilities such as Microsoft Office. They just don't need this mode. In the Daum PotPlayer, the key full screen mode- Enter. In the browser - the Alt plus F12 buttons. But not all applications have similar parameters. Therefore, you should study the documentation for a particular program. It is they who will show how to make full-screen mode with the keys.

It is worth noting that in some programs you can assign the desired combination to a particular action yourself. These utilities include audio and video players, graphic editor, file managers, specialized and video and some other products. This is very convenient. Therefore, the developers have provided users with such an opportunity. For which honor and praise to them.

Full screen mode in games

Here, hotkeys will not help to set full-screen mode. You will have to go to the graphics settings and mark the appropriate item there. This is where things get a little tricky, as these settings are in different places in different games. So here you just have to look. However, the vast majority of games have quite adequate Russian translation, so there should be no problems with this. However, some novice users cannot even cope with such a task. Then you should try to simply expand the game window to full screen. Enough for the first time. How to switch to full screen mode? The Alt plus F2 key combination will expand the window to full screen. But it's not 100% full screen.

Full Screen Mode in Photoshop

This software product, designed for professional photo editing, has many interesting features. Including full screen mode. The keys in Windows 8 (and in any other OS) are Shift plus F. This will expand the program to full screen with a menu bar that will contain the necessary tools. However, the possibilities of this software product in this mode are very limited. In order to exit full screen mode, it will be enough to press the Esc button. In general, a separate article could be written about keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. But this is not in our plans now.

When working in "Photoshop" without hot keys anywhere. This is well known to all professionals working in this field. Keyboard shortcuts significantly increase productivity. Indeed, it is easier to press the Ctrl-Alt-Z combination in order to roll back the changes made than to look for the "Back" tool. Other combinations are also effective. Although those who have specifically studied the techniques of working in Photoshop are already well aware of the wonderful properties of hot keys.

Full screen mode in Google Chrome browser

This internet browser is considered one of the best in terms of speed and performance. It is used by millions of people. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the huge number of requests on the topic of how to make full-screen mode with keys in Chrome. People can be understood. Constantly climbing into the browser settings in order to simply switch the view is a real torment. So, in order to expand "Chrome" to full screen, just press the F11 button. Then the browser will appear before you in all its glory. In order to exit the full screen mode, you need to press the same key again. Then the browser window will return to its normal form.

In general, Chrome has a huge number of hot keys. It's just that not everyone knows about them. For example, you can go to the previous page using the Backspace button. To enable this or that add-on, you need to press Alt key and some number. Any add-on will start. The main thing is then to remember what number is on what. And so on. Hotkeys fully reveal the potential of this Internet browser. So it's definitely worth checking them out.

What if I have a laptop?

There may be some nuances here, because the laptop keyboard has a special function key, which includes hotkeys provided by the manufacturer. Therefore, keyboard shortcuts for laptops may differ from those used on personal computers. However, keyboard shortcuts for laptops can be determined "by eye". The fact is that each functional button has an inscription or image in a color different from the main one. That is, the image shows what happens if you press this key in combination with a function key.

Thus, laptops look much more convenient in this regard, since they already have their own hotkey system. The user only needs to carefully study the keyboard of the device and practice a little. After that, controlling the laptop using hot keys will seem as simple as using a mouse. You just need to make sure that these commands will not conflict with the standard keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Otherwise, no command (neither "notebook" nor "system") will work.


So, we understood what full-screen mode key is in the Windows operating system itself and in various software products. If everything is more or less clear with the system and there is at least some stability, then with the utilities everything is not so simple. Each program has its own set of hotkeys. Therefore, key combinations that include full-screen mode can be completely different. There is only one way out: to study the documentation that comes with the software product. You can, of course, try the "scientific poke method", but nothing good will come of it. So stock up on the necessary literature and patience.

Sometimes when working in Photoshop, there is a shortage free space on the screen for image processing can be a real problem for you, especially if you are not among the lucky ones who have a dual-screen monitor. All sorts of tools, menu windows, options, panels that make up the program interface can greatly clutter up the screen and significantly limit the space available for working with images. Add to that the ever-increasing size of the images as it develops digital technologies, and you will understand how important it sometimes becomes to find ways to maximize the working area on the screen to the maximum.

Fortunately, when working with Photoshop, overcoming the problem of lack of workspace is quite easy, thanks to the presence of various screen display modes. The screen display mode determines how much of the interface is displayed on the screen, and ranges from standard mode, which displays the entire interface, to full screen mode, which shows only the image itself. In this tutorial, we'll take a detailed look at the three screen display modes and how to switch between them. I will also show you some useful keyboard shortcuts for working with screen modes. I will be using the Photoshop CS6 version, but this tutorial will also work for the Photoshop CS6 version. Photoshop programs CC.

Screen Display Modes

1.Standard screen mode

Below is the image I have on my screen. this moment(photo of a masked woman from Shutterstock):

Standard screen display mode in Photoshop

This image is open in my standard screen mode, installed by the program default. This mode displays the entire interface of the program, including the toolbar on the left, the control panel on the right, the menu bar on the top, various options, scrollbars, and other information about the document window. Because the standard mode screen provides us with quick and easy access to all the necessary elements, it also takes up the largest area on the screen.

We may not see how the interface can make it difficult to work with the image right now, because at the moment I have the “Show in full screen” (Fit on Screen) option, which means placing the image on the screen in such a way that it can be seen in full. To get a visual idea of ​​the benefits of different screen modes, I'll press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+1 / Command+1 to quickly jump to 100% image zoom (you can read all about resizing an image in Photoshop in our Zoom Basics and Tips tutorials). and hotkeys for scaling").

At 100% zoom, the image is too large and does not fit completely on the screen. In this case, displaying the entire interface can become a problem for us, since the image viewport is blocked by all sorts of panels, especially if we work on small monitors with low resolution:

When zooming in on the image, showing the entire interface can become a hindrance for us

2. Full screen mode with menu bar(Full Screen Mode With Menu Bar)

If you want to increase the size of the workspace, you can switch to the second of the three screen modes, which is called "Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar". This can be done in several ways. First, you can select View from the menu bar at the top of the screen, then select Screen Mode and Full Screen Mode With Menu Bar (View > Screen Mode > Full Screen Mode With Menu Bar):

Choose View > Screen Mode >Full screen mode with menu bar"

More fast way switching between screen modes in Photoshop is to click on the change screen display mode icon at the bottom of the toolbar and hold the icon down for a while, resulting in a pop-up window with three screen modes. From the list that appears, select "Full screen mode with menu bar":

Press and hold the button to change the screen mode and select "Full screen mode with menu bar" from the list

When you select full-screen mode with a menu bar, all interface elements that were part of the document itself become hidden: the document title at the top, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons, the scroll bars on the right and bottom, the zoom button, and other information related to the document itself, usually located in the lower left area of ​​the window. Also, if you have multiple images open in separate windows, only the selected document remains visible. At the same time, we continue to see all other interface elements (toolbar on the left, control panel on the right, menu bar at the top) on the screen:

Full screen mode with menu bar increases the size of the workspace while keeping individual interface elements visible

3. Full Screen Display Mode

To maximize the size of your workspace, switch to the third display mode, simply called "Full Screen". You can select it either by going to the "View" section in the menu bar at the top of the screen, then "Screen Mode" and "Full Screen Mode" (View > Screen Mode > Full Screen Mode), or simply by pressing and holding the change mode icon screen at the bottom of the toolbar and selecting "Full screen mode" from the list that appears:

Click on the screen mode icon while holding the button and select "Full screen mode" from the list

When choosing full screen mode for the first time, a dialog box will appear in the program, which will briefly describe how it works. this mode. If you don't want to see this message every time you switch to full screen mode, check the Don't show again dialog box and then click on the Full Screen button:

The program warns you in advance that the full screen mode is different from the current mode

When choosing full-screen mode, the entire interface becomes invisible, except for the image itself, and the screen turns into a workspace:

It seems incredible, but the image is still open in Photoshop. Full screen mode hides the entire interface.

Working with the interface

1. Working with interface panels at the edges of the screen

You might be thinking: “All this is great, but how am I supposed to work with an interface that is not visible?” On the one hand, you can always rely on keyboard shortcuts and use them, provided that you remember the desired combination on the keyboard. But in reality, you don't need to be an "Eminent User" to work in full screen mode. There is an easy way to make the interface visible if necessary. To temporarily return the toolbar and select the desired tool in full screen mode, simply move the mouse cursor to the left edge of the screen. As soon as you select the desired tool, move the mouse cursor away from the edge and the toolbar will disappear:

In full screen mode, to view the toolbar, move the mouse cursor to the left edge.

To view the panels that are normally located on the right side of the screen, move the mouse cursor to the right edge of the screen. After working with the panels, move the mouse cursor away from the edge and the panels will disappear:

In full screen mode, to view panels, move the mouse cursor to the right edge

2. Showing and hiding interface panels from the keyboard

You can also temporarily hide and show panels by pressing certain key combinations, and this does not only apply to full screen mode. These key combinations work in any of the three screen display modes and allow you to enlarge the work area if necessary. In any screen mode, press the Tab key (Tab) to hide or show the toolbar on the left, the menu bar on the top, and the panels on the right. In my case, I pressed the key while in full screen mode, but you can also try pressing the key in both standard mode and full screen mode with the menu bar:

Press the tab key in full screen mode to display the toolbar, menu bar, and panels located on the right side of the screen

To show and hide panels located only on the right side of the screen, press Shift+Tab. And again, I'll use this combination for full screen mode, but this combination also works in other screen modes:

Press in full screen keyboard shortcutShift+Tab to display panels located on the right

We looked at how you can switch between screen modes using the menu bar with the View section and the screen mode icon in the toolbar. But the fastest way to switch is by pressing the F key on your keyboard. Pressing the F key several times will switch from standard screen mode to full screen mode with a menu bar, then to full screen mode and back to standard.

If you want to switch modes in reverse order, press Shift+F. Finally, in full screen mode, you can press the Esc key to exit the mode and return to the standard screen display mode (pressing the F key will have the same result).

And so we did it! We looked at how you can clear the screen in Photoshop and increase the size of the workspace by applying various screen modes and useful keyboard shortcuts! To learn more about the program, visit our Photoshop Basics section or skip to the tutorials you might be interested in!

Translation: Ksenia Rudenko

If you are in full screen mode and don't know how to get out of it, it most likely happened by accident. Usually developers try to follow generally accepted norms and place controls in the usual way, the most common at the moment.

But this is not always the case, because sometimes the same task is solved completely different ways in different programs. Let's see how it's done in different browsers, Photoshop, when watching videos and playing games.

If all the menus and function buttons have disappeared from the screen, leaving only the web page itself, then you are in full screen mode. Full-screen mode is needed to display the contents of programs without unnecessary distracting functionality, when you do not need to make any manipulations with the content. Menu items and currently unnecessary buttons do not distract and you can focus on the content.

Sometimes you can get into full screen mode by accident by pressing some buttons on the keyboard. A person in this case does not understand at all what is happening and how to return everything back. Fortunately for most modern browsers there is a general solution to exit this mode. Switching to and from full screen mode is done by pressing the F11 button at the top of the keyboard. This works in Chrome, and in Firefox, and in Yandex browser. You can also go to full screen mode through the menu in each of these browsers. But the location of the button is usually different, and the F11 function key is common for all browsers.

It should be remembered that in the case when you are working from a laptop, the function keys F1-F12 may be occupied by commands for controlling the functions of the laptop. This can be a change in volume, enable / disable the touchpad, play buttons and switch tracks. In this case, you may need to first press the Fn button at the bottom of the keyboard, and then, without releasing it, press F11. Fn changes the command input mode from the function button, so if exiting full-screen mode did not work with F11, you should try it in tandem with Fn.

In Mozilla Firefox, exiting full screen mode can also be done through the menu buttons. If you move the cursor to the edge of the screen, all functionality returns. In other browsers, nothing like this happens and you can only work with the keyboard.

How to exit full screen mode when watching a video

The video, of course, is better to watch in full screen, so you can better immerse yourself in what is happening. Entering and exiting full screen mode using the buttons on the keyboard will differ depending on the program with which you will watch the video.

However, all programs support enabling and disabling full-screen mode via context menu. Just right-click and select "Fullscreen" or "Fullscreen". Exiting the mode will occur in the same way, right-clicking, and then selecting the same item.

Switching the mode using the buttons is usually done in one of the following ways:
1. The F button. This is short for Fullscreen and works in many software players, as well as in some browser ones. Pressing once switches the screen to full screen mode, pressing again returns the screen to its original state.
2. Enter button. Works as in previous paragraph, is a toggle to and from full screen mode.
3. Double click on the video field. Switches the screen to fullscreen mode, you need to click in the area where the video is playing. In this case, the mode can be exited by pressing the Esc key.

How to exit full screen mode in the game

Usually, games are automatically set to full screen mode. This is done so that all these unnecessary and currently unnecessary elements do not distract from the game. Panel quick launch, tray clock, open programs against the backdrop of the game - all this only distracts.

Sometimes, however, it is useful to have the game in a separate window. This is convenient when during the game, during pauses, you need to switch to another program. Chat, browser, messenger, whatever.

To put the game in windowed mode temporarily, it is usually enough to press the Alt + Enter key combination. This does not always work, depending on the functionality of the game. If the combination did not work, or you need to use windowed mode often, you can change the settings item in the game itself. It is located in the graphics settings section, sometimes in the detailed graphics settings. The output mode is usually sorted next to the game resolution.

If you just need to minimize the game for a couple of minutes, you can use the keyboard shortcut Win + D or Alt + tab.

How to exit full screen mode in Photoshop

Photoshop offers great tools for both photo editing and painting. At the end of the work, or sometimes in the process, I want to remove unnecessary tools, palettes, windows and look only at the work. This can be done by pressing the F key. The command will switch view modes up to full screen.

You can exit the mode by pressing F again, or by pressing Esc. You can move backwards in view modes using the Shift + F key combination.

These methods are general in nature, although most software developers adhere to such a system. However, all the functionality always lies on the shoulders of the developers and the teams that will be registered are chosen by them.

Because there can be all sorts of surprises. If you can’t exit full-screen mode, read the instructions for using a specific program. After all, there is no single right solution.

You can customize the look and feel of Windows in full screen mode.

To open full screen settings :

Selecting full screen mode

By default, when you switch Windows to full screen mode, OS X's internal full screen mode is enabled. This means that Windows is placed in a separate Spaces area, and when you hover over the top or bottom of the screen, the OS X menu bar or Dock appears, respectively.

If you want to disable the appearance of the menu bar and the Dock (for example, when playing games or while using Windows applications in full screen mode), uncheck Use Mac OS X Full Screen Mode. In this case, Windows will run in Parallels full screen mode. In this mode, Windows does not have a separate Spaces area, and when you hover over the top or bottom of the screen, the OS X menu bar and Dock do not appear.

Select actions for screen corners

Parallels hot corners allow you to exit full-screen mode, display the OS X bar, and the Dock.

When Windows is running in the Parallels-designed full-screen mode, the Parallels screen's hot corners are enabled automatically. If you prefer OS X's native full-screen mode, but want to use Parallels' hot corners instead of OS X's similar feature, select the option Active screen corners.

To assign an action to a corner of the screen, select from the appropriate drop-down list:

  • : Hover over a corner (the corner should fold back) and select an option Exit full screen mode will switch the VM to Window mode.
  • Show menu bar. When you hover over a corner, the Mac OS X menu bar appears.
  • Show Dock: When hovering over a corner, the Dock appears.

Note. If you're using Mac OS X Snow Leopard and the screen corners already have actions assigned to them in that OS, these settings will take effect in place of the active screen corners settings in full screen mode. To prevent this from happening, you need to disable hot corners in Mac OS X. See Mac OS X Help for more information.

Scaling the VM window

Using the menu Scaling You can choose how Windows is displayed when running in full screen mode:

  • Off If you have Parallels Tools installed Parallels Tools are not installed, Windows resolution will remain unchanged. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will be displayed on a black background. If more, scrollbars will appear in the Windows window.
  • Automatically. If you have Parallels Tools installed, Windows resolution will be the same as Mac resolution. If Parallels Tools are not installed, the Windows resolution will remain unchanged. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will be displayed on a black background. If more - Windows will be displayed in full and without scrollbars.
  • Keep proportions: Regardless of the presence of Parallels Tools, the Windows resolution will be the same. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will be displayed on a black background. If more - Windows will be displayed in full and without scrollbars.
  • Stretch: Regardless of the presence of Parallels Tools, the Windows resolution will be the same, but the Windows window will be stretched to full screen.

Adjusting the image on multiple monitors

If you have a second monitor connected to your Mac, by default, when you turn on full-screen mode, Windows is shown on the primary monitor and Mac OS X is shown on the secondary.

You can choose which monitor Windows should be displayed on by moving its window to the desired monitor and clicking on the full screen icon.

To display Windows on all connected monitors, select the option Use all monitors.

How to let Windows change display gamma

Note. To prevent changes to full screen settings, click the padlock icon at the bottom of the window. After that, to make changes, you will need to specify the administrator password.

Microsoft Edge browser by default on Windows 10. It is a Universal (UWP) app, supports extensions, has a fast rendering engine, and a simplified user interface. One of the new features of the browser is the full-screen mode, which you can switch to using a hotkey or using a special menu command. Let's see how this can be done.

Edge has received a lot of changes with the latest releases of Windows 10, the browser is now able to work with extensions, there is support for EPUB, built-in PDF viewing, the ability to export favorites and passwords, and also has a number of other useful features. A much-needed new feature appeared in the Fall Creators Update build that allows the user to go into full-screen mode with a single keystroke.

Mainstream browsers such as Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome can also switch to full screen mode by pressing the F11 key.

Even Windows 10 Explorer can switch to full mode when pressing F11.

To enable full screen mode in Edge, launch your browser and open any page and press the F11 key to enable full screen mode.

You can also do this using the Edge menu by clicking the three dots menu button in the upper right corner of the browser window. Now, click on the full screen icon next to the caption Scale. This is the last character on the line.

Edge Enable Full Screen Windows 10

To return to windowed mode, you can press the F11 key again to switch between full screen and default windowed mode.

Alternatively, move the mouse pointer to the top right corner of the screen. You will see three buttons, Minimize, Full Screen and a Close button. Click on the middle button with two arrows to restore the window.

The Windows operating system is a complex multi-component structure, not all "advanced" users of PCs and laptops know about all the options. These are all kinds of Easter eggs, jokes from the creators and, of course, hot keys. The last one is probably the most useful and the most mysterious. Even programmers do not know all the keyboard shortcuts that can be used to control the entire operating system without using a mouse. However, in order to learn all the combinations, you need to train for more than one month, because there are a lot of them. It should be noted right away that this is a long and difficult task. Not everyone has the patience to learn all the keys. Therefore, a very limited circle of the most stubborn people knows about the hidden features of this operating system.

We will consider the most keys that can come in handy in everyday work. Having learned them, you will be able to amaze even "experienced" programmers with your speed.

Why is it necessary to know?

First of all, you need it yourself. This knowledge will broaden your horizons and help you work on a computer faster and more productively. After all, many key combinations lead to functions that are deeply hidden in the depths of the "Control Panel". Searching for them and clicking the mouse takes much longer than holding down a couple of keys. By the way, Windows also has a full-screen mode key. And we will talk about it, since this question is of great interest to many users. In less than a month, you will feel that managing a PC or laptop using hot keys is much more convenient than using a mouse. That is why you need to know their combinations.

The opinion of "specialists" about hot keys

Many computer "gurus" and pseudo-programmers deny the effectiveness of this way of controlling the operating system. But this is only because they are terribly afraid to admit their incompetence in this matter. However, those who professionally process photos in Adobe Photoshop will not underestimate the effectiveness of hot keys, because they increase productivity and speed up work.

Do not forget about those who love games. For them, playing in windowed mode is sheer agony. Therefore, it is vital for them to learn key combinations that allow them to enable full-screen mode in the game without unnecessary "troubles". However, most advanced users simply ignore the hotkeys of the operating system and programs, considering them a useless addition. They are fundamentally wrong. It's worth studying them. And this is what we're going to do now.

Full screen keys in various applications

Each program has its own hotkeys. Including a keyboard shortcut to enter full screen mode. Needless to say, some programs do not support this very mode. For example, utilities such as Microsoft Office. They just don't need this mode. In the player, the full-screen mode key is Enter. In the Mozilla Firefox browser - the Alt plus F12 buttons. But not all applications have similar parameters. Therefore, you should study the documentation for a particular program. It is they who will show how to make full-screen mode with the keys.

It is worth noting that in some programs you can assign the desired combination to a particular action yourself. Such utilities include audio and video players, graphic editors, file managers, specialized and video and some other products. This is very convenient. Therefore, the developers have provided users with such an opportunity. For which honor and praise to them.

Full screen mode in games

Here, hotkeys will not help to set full-screen mode. You will have to go to the graphics settings and mark the appropriate item there. This is where things get a little tricky, as these settings are in different places in different games. So here you just have to look. However, the vast majority of games have quite adequate Russian translation, so there should be no problems with this. However, some novice users cannot even cope with such a task. Then you should try to simply expand the game window to full screen. Enough for the first time. How to switch to full screen mode? The Alt plus F2 key combination will expand the window to full screen. But it's not 100% full screen.

Full Screen Mode in Photoshop

This software product, designed for professional photo editing, has many interesting features. Including full screen mode. The keys in "Windows 8" (and in any other OS) are Shift plus F. This will expand the program to full screen with a menu bar, which will contain the necessary tools. However, the capabilities of this software product in this mode are very limited. In order to exit the full screen mode, it will be enough to press the Esc button. In general, a separate article could be written about keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. But this is not in our plans now.

When working in "Photoshop" without hot keys anywhere. This is well known to all professionals working in this field. Keyboard shortcuts significantly increase productivity. Indeed, it is easier to press the Ctrl-Alt-Z combination in order to roll back the changes made than to look for the "Back" tool. Other combinations are also effective. Although those who have specifically studied the techniques of working in Photoshop are already well aware of the wonderful properties of hot keys.

Full screen mode in Google Chrome browser

This internet browser is considered one of the best in terms of speed and performance. It is used by millions of people. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the huge number of requests on the topic of how to make full-screen mode with keys in Chrome. People can be understood. Constantly climbing into the browser settings in order to simply switch the view is a real torment. So, in order to expand "Chrome" to full screen, just press the F11 button. Then the browser will appear before you in all its glory. In order to exit the full screen mode, you need to press the same key again. Then the browser window will return to its normal form.

In general, Chrome has a huge number of hot keys. It's just that not everyone knows about them. For example, you can go to the previous page using the Backspace button. To enable this or that add-on, you need to press the Alt key and some number. Any add-on will start. The main thing is then to remember what number is on what. And so on. Hotkeys fully reveal the potential of this Internet browser. So it's definitely worth checking them out.

What if I have a laptop?

There may be some nuances here, because the laptop keyboard has a special function key, which includes hot keys provided by the manufacturer. Therefore, keyboard shortcuts for laptops may differ from those used on personal computers. However, keyboard shortcuts for laptops can be determined "by eye". The fact is that each functional button has an inscription or image in a color different from the main one. That is, the image shows what happens if you press this key in combination with a function key.

Thus, laptops look much more convenient in this regard, since they already have their own hotkey system. The user only needs to carefully study the keyboard of the device and practice a little. After that, controlling the laptop using hot keys will seem as simple as using a mouse. You just need to make sure that these commands will not conflict with the standard keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Otherwise, no command (neither "notebook" nor "system") will work.

Since each program has its own differences in interface, it may not be obvious to users what to do to perform a particular function. Below we will cover the most common problems with exiting full screen mode.

How to exit full screen mode in Firefox

Most often, the full-screen mode of the browser gets accidentally. Having met with an unusual display, users are in a hurry to return to the usual, without having tried all the advantages of an undeservedly ignored function. It is noteworthy that firefox supports full-screen mode on any technology, from miniature netbooks to huge HD displays, allowing you to use all the functionality of the technology to the maximum. If you do not have enough of the usual toolbar - just move the cursor to the edge of the window and the menu items will be displayed.

  • to return to familiar look, go to “Settings” on the right upper corner browser and click inside on the “Full screen” button (a second click will return the full screen mode);
  • an alternative way to exit is to press the F11 button on the keyboard (for laptops it can be Fn + F11, if there is a compact type of button placement).

How to Exit Full Screen Mode in Google Chrome

The popular browser from Google, which has proven itself among Windows users, can spontaneously go into full screen mode on OC Ubuntu. This causes PC owners a lot of inconvenience and requires additional clarification. So, in order to “wean” Chrome to open in full screen mode (it will also work on Windows), we will perform the following sequence of actions:

  • launch the Chrome browser;
  • if the window expands to full screen, switch to another monitor;
  • on the latter, we launch another copy of the browser;
  • return to the first monitor and close the first copy by right-clicking on the bottom panel with a list of open windows;
  • go to the adjacent monitor, with a “double” of Chrome, which should start in a regular window (or put it in windowed mode through the settings \ buttons in the upper right corner);
  • close the windowed copy, launch Chrome again - the problem should disappear, the browser remembers the last windowed launch and restores it in each new session.

How to exit full screen mode in games?

Switching to windowed mode can make a gamer's life easier in many ways. This makes it easier to interact with others at the same time. running programs. In windowed mode, games require less PC resources, some stop giving out a “dark screen”, “slow down” or create other problems. Switching the game to windowed mode is as easy as shelling pears - usually this feature is turned on and off in the options by simply checking the checkbox. If the developers, for various reasons, did not provide for this feature, for Windows there are universal key combinations that put any program into windowed mode. Try pressing Esc, F11, or Alt+Enter one by one to determine which buttons work with which software.

Despite the fact that only two browsers were considered in the article, all other programs function in exactly the same way. To switch to windowed mode and back from any program, use the indicated hotkey combinations or carefully examine the program settings to find the option you need.

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