Which TV screen is better LCD or Plasma. Which TV is better, LCD or Plasma? The advantages of a plasma panel are obvious

Every year, plasma panels are becoming more popular among buyers, which is largely due to their reduction in price. According to experts, in the very near future they will completely replace them as obsolete CRT TVs and LCD models.

Plasma TV - a solution for everyone!

Some ordinary people believe that there is no difference between plasma and LCD, and they differ only in screen size. In fact, this is far from the case. Plasma models are produced using a completely different technology that has nothing to do with LCD screens. It is based on the use of a unique plasma matrix, which gives a high-definition image.

One of the main advantages of plasma is its versatility. It will be able to satisfy not only owners, but also gamers. "Plasma" is always very popular with children who just love cartoons on big screen. Accordingly, such a TV is aimed at a fairly wide consumer audience, and not just for lovers of spectacular cinema.

To choose the right plasma tv pay attention to screen size

Choosing a plasma TV is a simple task. However, when buying it, you need to take into account several important nuances. And first of all, the size of the TV screen. It is worth noting that plasma models with a small diagonal simply do not exist. This is due to the fact that the release of such TVs is not profitable. To choose the right plasma TV, remember that its minimum screen size is 32 inches. The maximum dimensions of modern panels can reach up to 72 or even more inches.

Such an important parameter as the screen format also depends on the size of the diagonal of the plasma TV. Optimal for home viewing are models with a 16:9 aspect ratio, which allows you to play videos of excellent quality. Therefore, when buying a plasma, look for a TV with just such a format.

If you want to choose the right plasma TV, ask about its resolution

Another key parameter of a plasma TV is its resolution. Not only the clarity of the "picture" depends on it, but also the brightness of the colors. Currently, HD-resolution with an indicator of 1080i or 1080p is considered almost ideal.

To choose the right plasma TV, pay attention to the number of input ports on its body. A modern plasma should have at least one HDMI port with HDCP support. It is desirable that the TV provides for the ability to connect to a computer - this will require VGA or DVI inputs. It goes without saying that any plasma TV should have ports for a simple DVD player as well.

If you have an intention to buy a TV, then you need, no, you even have to keep up with the times. Currently, high image accuracy is relevant. Only the latest modern technology able to satisfy the most demanding consumers. A huge advantage of modernity is the ubiquitous access to the Internet, which can help with the choice. In it you can consider a lot of models, descriptions, as well as reviews of them. This will push you to a more suitable option for you: in terms of design, price and other parameters. The best option modernity is quality TV and digital television. This combination will make watching movies and programs as comfortable as possible. There are approximately 130 firms in the world engaged in the production of television sets, among them there are domestic manufacturers. And they are all concerned with improving the quality of their products in order to earn the trust of consumers. Do you choose TV? Which is better? Consider the possible options.

Which TV is better - LCD or Plasma?

So, you need to deal with the screen parameters. The following types are available for sale:


LED, they are LED - TVs;


Liquid crystal (LCD).



What is it? This is a matrix of dots. These elements (points) are called pixels. A pixel is the sub-pixels of red, green, and blue. Inside the elements are changing their location under the influence of an electric field. Behind the matrix are backlights. When moving, the crystals either block or let through the light from these lamps. The more powerful the lamps, the better the color, but the energy consumption is correspondingly higher. Such TVs attract buyers with an affordable price. Their disadvantages include a narrow viewing angle. But there are pluses: the brightness and contrast indicators are different and depend on the TV model. These points need to pay close attention when buying an LCD. A significant plus is the ease of such TVs. Due to this, they can be hung on the wall. But in order to finally decide which TV is better, LCD or "plasma", consider a plasma TV.


The plasma screen is a matrix, but it is made in geometrical shapes filled with xenon or neon. At the moment when they are affected by the gas turns into a plasma and emits ultraviolet light. A special composition is applied to the cell wall, and when rays hit, depending on the composition of the layer, we get the desired color. If the voltage is higher, then the cell glows brighter. When mixing primary colors, various shades are obtained. The image on such a screen is formed using an electronic module controlled by voltage. The main plus - "plasma" is three times brighter than LED and LCD. This is the perfect solution for a large room. So it's time to decide which TV is better, LCD or Plasma, for you, what suits you best. It should be noted that small-sized plasma TVs have been produced relatively recently. There are laudatory reviews about the products of Samsung, LG, Panasonic.

What parameters should be guided when choosing a TV?

Diagonal (should be three times less than the distance at which you are from the TV while watching);

- (the higher the resolution, the sharper and brighter the image);

HDTV is a standard that determines the quality of broadcasting;

Matrix response - it matters if you are wondering: “Which TV is better, LCD or plasma, or maybe LED?”;

Screen contrast;

Screen brightness;

viewing angle;


Additional functions.

In the field of TV technology development, new technologies appear every year, allowing you to create a device with extended functionality and the highest quality image. More recently, plasma TVs have been replaced by LCD TVs. So which is better - LCD or Plasma?

To answer this difficult question, consider the principle of operation of these TVs, as well as their main advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare the functionality of the devices and the cost. To objectively evaluate these technologies, we analyze user reviews.

Principle of operation

Studying the principle of TV operation allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technology. Ordinary users, due to lack of knowledge, are not able to determine which TV is better - plasma or LCD. Especially for them, this material was created.

Now let's take a closer look at the specific features of both technologies. Based on this information, we will form a list of advantages and disadvantages. Only in this way can an objective assessment of the equipment presented on the market be carried out.

Plasma panel

Plasma TV technology (based on the use of ionized gas) was one of the first to appear. When the first plasma TVs hit the market, they still outperformed the CRT technology. Why? The rationale is very simple. The novelty was much more expensive than analogues with identical functionality.

A plasma panel consists of 2 glass plates, between which there is a matrix consisting of cells filled with ionized gas. Voltage is supplied to the cells through transparent electrodes. The gas is converted into plasma and begins to glow.

The ultraviolet radiation of the plasma provides illumination of the phosphor in three colors: red, green and blue. It is the listed shades in various ratios that are controlled by a computer. You can also see them when you turn on the TV.

Which TV to choose - plasma or LCD? plasma models getting smaller every year. This technology is significantly outdated. Some companies still continue to produce plasmas, improving the image quality and performance of the device as a whole. The screen diagonal increases, on a small display it is impossible to achieve maximum detail of the picture due to the low resolution.

Now let's analyze the advantages and disadvantages of plasma TVs. Let's start with the positives:

  • deep, bright and rich color palette;
  • impressive contrast ratio and perfect black depth;
  • maximum viewing angle up to 180 degrees;
  • long service life - up to 30 years;
  • availability of 3D technology.

There are also disadvantages:

  • increased power consumption;
  • the image fades when sunlight hits the screen;
  • heavy weight, which causes problems with mounting on the wall;
  • Pixels burn out on a static image.

That's all there is to know about plasma TVs.


Plasma has been around for a long time. Their appearance was marked by the beginning of a new era in the TV technology industry. LCD technology has been around for a long time. It's just that it was not immediately used in the production of televisions.

The very first LCD-display was created in the early 70s of the last century. Monochrome screens were installed by specialists on watches, calculators and various other devices. A little later, laptops with an LCD display appeared, but they were very primitive. Especially if you draw parallels with modern LCD TVs.

The technology of liquid crystals in the production of TV equipment began to be used only in the 2000s. Initially, models with a small screen diagonal appeared on the market - from 14 to 32 inches. They interested users with high-quality images and affordable prices. The popularity has increased significantly. The novelty has sharply turned into a real bestseller. However, then LCD TVs were significantly inferior to their counterparts in terms of picture quality.

What is an LCD TV? This is an LCD display based on liquid crystals. They are placed between several layers of polymer and glass plates. The layer of crystals forms a matrix with large quantity pixels. The glow is provided by the backlight located behind the panel. Color is guaranteed by the RGB matrix.

It was the emergence of liquid crystal TVs that caused the CRT TVs to leave the market. Some kinescope models did not lose in terms of image quality, but still consumers preferred the new technology.


  • a small amount of electricity consumed;
  • no static image;
  • even a small screen is capable of displaying an image in Full HD;
  • relatively low cost;
  • compact dimensions and low weight.


  • LED TVs and plasmas have better contrast ratios;
  • limited viewing angle;
  • unsatisfactory black depth;
  • there is no possibility to change the resolution;
  • not the most best time response.

List of strong and weaknesses may vary depending on the TV model, or rather, on its cost. Much depends on the manufacturer. Premium-class branded equipment has always had a wide viewing angle and excellent contrast. The cheapest devices have an even larger list of weaknesses. The service life of a liquid crystal TV is approximately 7-10 years.

Differences between LCD and plasma

Now let's analyze the main differences between these technologies. Liquid crystal devices have become more popular. The growing interest on the part of consumers is explained by the fact that users cannot allocate a separate room specifically for watching TV. Mass production made production cheaper.

Dimensions - key difference between these devices. Liquid crystal technology makes it possible to create very compact and lightweight TVs. Plasmas are limited in size. For example, you will not find models with a screen diagonal of more than 65 inches.

Weigh LCD TVs are also much less. This is due to the use of plastic screens. Plasmas are equipped with glass displays. This specific feature also helps to reduce unnecessary waste, such as delivery charges. The process of mounting the device on the wall is greatly simplified.

When choosing a TV, pay attention to the amount of electricity consumed. LCD models consume much less electricity. Devices equipped with ECO backlighting will show the brightness of plasmas, but at the same time use half the energy.

Which TV is better - LCD, plasma or LED? Answering this question, you need to take into account the operational life of the device. LCDs are able to work for about 10 years - 60 thousand hours. Initially, plasmas had a long service life, but after 20 thousand hours of continuous operation, the brightness of the picture was halved. Today, this flaw is leveled by manufacturers. The devices will last about the same.

Picture quality

The key criterion for choosing a TV is image quality. What is the difference between plasma, LCD or LED? Which of these devices is capable of providing the best picture quality? The answer is unequivocal. best quality demonstrate LED models, as this is the most modern technology. Second place - plasma. The superiority of plasma TV over LCD is quite obvious. Even when compared with premium-class LCD models.

Plasma devices are distinguished by excellent image contrast and maximum depth of dark shades. Therefore, viewing dark scenes will be as realistic, rich and comfortable as possible. This difference is explained by the design features of liquid crystal models. There is a backlight on the display, it cannot be completely turned off. Therefore, to achieve a really black color will not work either.

Image quality is largely dependent on the backlight. Plasmas are better able to cope with dynamic scenes. There is no blur effect. This is especially noticeable when watching action movies or while playing on the console. Plasmas have an impressive viewing angle. This suggests that if you move a little away from the edge of the device, the image will still be as clear as possible. The picture does not change depending on where you watch the TV.

Plasma models have a bright and vibrant color palette. You should not exclude the absence of light leakage, which LCDs sin. Plasmas are able to reproduce much more different shades, which is so important for broadcasting a lively and rich image. Latest Models LCD TVs are as close as possible in picture quality to plasmas. However, the difference is still noticeable. Other factors also influence the situation. For example, processor power, backlight.

Functionality directly depends on the model. Flagships have approximately the same set of options. According to this parameter, LED, LCD and plasma TVs are approximately equivalent. The peculiarity is that LCD models will still be cheaper, even if they have the same functionality as LED and plasma TVs.

What to choose

Plasma TVs are significantly inferior to their counterparts in terms of brightness. They are suitable for viewing in the darkest possible room. If you want to create a home theater in a separate room, and also want to get the maximum detail in the image, then feel free to buy a plasma.

If you are faced with the choice of LED, plasma or LCD for installation in the living room or bedroom, then give preference to the first option. The second choice is LCD. All this is explained by the peculiarities of the impact of external lighting on image quality. The screens of liquid crystal models fade very strongly when exposed to sunlight. But expensive models do not have this problem, the screens of which are supplemented with a special coating.

Another disadvantage of plasmas is the appearance of a static image. This situation occurs when the TV channel logo remains on the display after switching to another channel. This effect is extremely rare in modern models.

Now you know which TV is better to choose. The final choice will depend on your individual preferences.


Today, you can still hear the question of which is better, plasma or LCD TV. Many users who do not understand electronics well enough apply the term "plasma" to all modern TVs with a large screen size and high cost. The roots of this attitude lie in the 2000s, when TV equipment with a large diagonal was either projection (TVs were a huge three-dimensional device with a built-in projector) or plasmas with a swamp-colored screen. At the time, buying a plasma was a big deal, especially from the Pioneer brand, which was considered the best of the best in the industry. However, today, in 2020, the situation is fundamentally different.

The plasma matrix is ​​a set of miniature fluorescent lamps (gas cells), when current passes through them, a glow occurs. Each pixel of such a matrix is ​​a capacitor with electrodes, consisting of three light bulbs with ionized gas. When the cell is activated electric charge, one of the lamps glows, emitting light in one of the three primary colors (blue, green, or red). The speed of changing the color and order of operation of the lamps is at least 400 Hz, which is not noticeable to the human eye. As a result, the viewer sees a "picture" High Quality and brightness without noticing flickering. This frequency exceeds the speed of LCD matrices, where black pixels are added to improve this parameter.

Plasma panel device

At visual inspection TV to determine its type (plasma or liquid crystal) by the color of the screen in the off state. In plasma, it is greenish (marsh) in color. During operation, it can be recognized by temperature: in operation, such a TV gets very hot.

This type of equipment is purchased by film gourmets, for whom the frame rate, color reproduction quality and black depth are important.

The Problem with Plasma TVs - Fixed Picture for a Long Time. In the plasma matrix, such a place "burns out", remaining forever a translucent shadow. Often this situation occurs when the DVD player freezes: when it is paused, or the user did not turn it off after watching a movie, and the abbreviation "DVD" glowed on the screen all night. This also happens when used carefully, for example, if there is a favorite TV channel, its icon will also remain a shadow.

One of the problems with plasma is screen burn-in under a static picture.

Such significant shortcomings, coupled with high energy consumption made plasmas unpopular, and subsequently generally unclaimed. Replaced LED and LED matrix turned out to be much better: with similar picture quality, they themselves cost less, and consume electricity more economically.

Important! Since 2014, plasmas have not been produced or supplied in Russia.

Types of LCD panels

The modern market offers three leading technologies. Each differs in both the principle of operation and cost. The latest developments are the most "advanced", budget models the simplest, they are obsolete, but to this day they are in great demand due to their affordability and practicality.

For a complete understanding, it should be clarified that only those models of LCD TVs that are currently sold will be analyzed. They are significantly superior to the samples of the early years of production.

Like any new product, the OLED panel is more expensive than the previous types, and the difference can be up to 10 times the size. This is offset by an excellent image, as well as an impressive diagonal of more than 55 inches.

Advantages of LCD TVs

Liquid crystal (LED) TVs have taken the world by storm. For 2020, this is the most demanded technology of television equipment. This is understandable, with so many advantages.

High contrast picture

The technology used here provides a number of advantages. The image turns out to be contrasting, and even in those areas where the "source" has places with low-contrast pictures. Bright LED backlight makes the image closest to natural, with natural variety of colors. The second advantage of this solution is that the brightness of the screen during operation is independent of ambient light.

Image clarity

LCD TVs show a picture as close as possible to the real one due to high detail. The viewing angle of such TVs is not fundamentally different from the angle of plasma. It is enough even for almost lateral viewing from the screen.


Given the constant increase in energy prices, the energy efficiency of equipment becomes one of the key issues when choosing. LED TV with application LED backlight 40% more economical than the old version of LCD TVs. Side-lit panels (EDGE) are even more energy efficient.

Environmental friendliness

LED TVs are made with care for nature: in crystals no mercury. This circumstance gives the right to certification according to all modern environmental safety standards.

Compact size

A modern TV is an elegant interior detail. Its thickness can be only 2.5 cm, and the screen can occupy 100% of the area. Designers of manufacturing companies are working to ensure that the TV is not just a device, but becomes a real decoration of the interior.

Modern TV perfectly complement the interior

Large selection of additional options

The latest generation LED TV is multifunction device, which combines the capabilities of a TV, a video player from different media, a multiport communicator. A board is built into the TV, which helps to work with different data formats, access the world wide web and fully work in it.


Thus, today it is already difficult to say which is better - a plasma or LCD TV, since the market simply did not leave us a choice. Plasma panels are gone. Modern LED TVs are superior in most respects. However, it is not known how long their triumph will last. New technologies, such as QLED screens, promise even greater benefits: unsurpassed brightness, saturation, color gamut. However, in 2020, the dominance of LED is an undeniable fact.

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