Arduino commands and functions. Arduino and compatible programming languages

This lesson provides the minimum knowledge required to program Arduino systems in C. You can only view it and then use it as background information. For those who have programmed in C on other systems, you can skip the article.

I repeat that this is minimal information. Description of pointers, classes, string variables, etc. will be given in subsequent lessons. If anything is unclear, don't worry. There will be many examples and explanations in future lessons.

Arduino program structure.

The structure of the Arduino program is quite simple and, in its minimal form, consists of two parts setup() and loop().

void setup() (

void loop() (

The setup() function is executed once, when the controller is powered up or reset. Usually it happens initial settings variables, registers. The function must be present in the program, even if there is nothing in it.

After setup() completes, control passes to the loop() function. It executes the commands written in its body (between the curly braces) in an endless loop. Actually, these commands perform all the algorithmic actions of the controller.

The original rules of C language syntax.

; semicolon Expressions can contain as many spaces and line breaks as desired. The end of an expression is indicated by the semicolon symbol.

z = x + y;
+ y;

( ) curly braces define a block of functions or expressions. For example, in the setup() and loop() functions.

/* … */ comment block, be sure to close.

/* this is a comment block */

// one-line comment, no need to close, valid until the end of the line.

// this is one line of comment

Variables and data types.

A variable is a RAM cell in which information is stored. The program uses variables to store intermediate calculation data. For calculations, data of different formats and different bit depths can be used, so variables in the C language have the following types.

Data type Depth, bits Number range
boolean 8 true, false
char 8 -128 … 127
unsigned char 8 0 … 255
byte 8 0 … 255
int 16 -32768 … 32767
unsigned int 16 0 … 65535
word 16 0 … 65535
long 32 -2147483648 … 2147483647
unsigned long 32 0 … 4294967295
short 16 -32768 … 32767
float 32 -3.4028235+38 … 3.4028235+38
double 32 -3.4028235+38 … 3.4028235+38

Data types are selected based on the required calculation accuracy, data formats, etc. For example, you should not choose the long type for a counter that counts up to 100. It will work, but the operation will take up more data and program memory and will take more time.

Declaration of variables.

The data type is specified, followed by the variable name.

int x; // declaration of a variable named x of type int
float widthBox; // declaration of a variable named widthBox of type float

All variables must be declared before they are used.

A variable can be declared anywhere in a program, but this determines which program blocks can use it. Those. Variables have scopes.

  • Variables declared at the beginning of the program, before the void setup() function, are considered global and are available anywhere in the program.
  • Local variables are declared inside functions or blocks such as a for loop, and can only be used within declared blocks. It is possible to have multiple variables with the same name but different scopes.

int mode; // variable available to all functions

void setup() (
// empty block, no initial settings required

void loop() (

long count; // the count variable is only available in the loop() function

for (int i=0; i< 10;) // переменная i доступна только внутри цикла

When declaring a variable, you can set it initial value(initialize).

int x = 0; // variable x is declared with initial value 0
char d = 'a'; // variable d is declared with the initial value equal to the character code “a”

When performing arithmetic operations with different data types, automatic conversion of data types occurs. But it's always better to use an explicit conversion.

int x; // int variable
char y; // char variable
int z; // int variable

z = x + (int)y; // variable y is explicitly converted to int

Arithmetic operations.

Relation operations.

Logical operations.

Operations on pointers.

Bit operations.

| OR

Mixed assignment operations.

Selection of options, program management.

IF operator tests the condition in parentheses and executes the subsequent expression or block in curly braces if the condition is true.

if (x == 5) // if x=5, then z=0 is executed

if (x > 5) // if x >
( z=0; y=8; )

IF...ELSE allows you to choose between two options.

if (x > 5) // if x > 5, then the block is executed z=0, y=8;


ELSE IF– allows you to make multiple selections

if (x > 5) // if x > 5, then the block is executed z=0, y=8;

else if (x > 20) // if x > 20, this block is executed

else // in otherwise this block is executed

SWITCH CASE- multiple choice. Allows you to compare a variable (in the example this is x) with several constants (in the example 5 and 10) and execute a block in which the variable is equal to the constant.

switch (x) (

case 5:
// code is executed if x = 5

case 10:
// code is executed if x = 10

// code is executed if none of the previous values ​​match

FOR Loop. The design allows you to organize loops with a given number of iterations. The syntax looks like this:

for (action before the loop starts;
loop continuation condition;
action at the end of each iteration) (

// loop body code

An example of a loop of 100 iterations.

for (i=0; i< 100; i++) // начальное значение 0, конечное 99, шаг 1

sum = sum + I;

WHILE loop. The operator allows you to organize loops with the construction:

while (expression)
// loop body code

The loop runs as long as the expression in parentheses is true. An example of a loop for 10 iterations.

x = 0;
while(x< 10)
// loop body code

DO WHILE– a loop with a condition at the exit.

// loop body code
) while (expression);

The loop runs as long as the expression is true.
BREAK– loop exit operator. Used to interrupt the execution of for, while, do while loops.

x = 0;
while(x< 10)
if (z > 20) break; // if z > 20, then exit the loop
// loop body code

GOTO– unconditional transition operator.

gotometka1; // go to metka1

CONTINUE- skipping statements until the end of the loop body.

x = 0;
while(x< 10)
// loop body code
if (z > 20) continue; // if z > 20, then return to the beginning of the loop body
// loop body code


An array is a memory area where several variables are stored sequentially.

An array is declared like this:

int ages; // array of 10 int variables

float weight // array of 100 float variables

When declared, arrays can be initialized:

int ages = ( 23, 54, 34, 24, 45, 56, 23, 23, 27, 28);

Array variables are accessed like this:

x = ages; // x is assigned the value from the 5th element of the array.
ages = 32; // 9th element of the array is set to 32

The numbering of array elements is always from zero.


Functions allow you to perform the same actions with different data. The function has:

  • the name by which she is called;
  • arguments – data that the function uses for calculation;
  • the data type returned by the function.

Describes a user-defined function outside of the setup() and loop() functions.

void setup() (
// code is executed once when the program starts

void loop() (
// main code, executed in a loop

// declaration of a custom function named functionName
type functionName(type argument1, type argument1, … , type argument)
// function body

An example of a function that calculates the sum of the squares of two arguments.

int sumQwadr(int x, int y)
return(x* x + y*y);

The function call goes like this:

d= 2; b= 3;
z= sumQwadr(d, b); // z will be the sum of the squares of the variables d and b

Functions can be built-in, custom, or plug-in.

Very short, but this data should be enough to start writing C programs for Arduino systems.

The last thing I want to tell you in this lesson is how it is customary to format programs in C. I think that if you are reading this lesson for the first time, you should skip this section and return to it later, when you have something to format.

the main objective external design programs is to improve the readability of programs and reduce the number of formal errors. Therefore, to achieve this goal, you can safely violate all recommendations.

Names in C language.

Names representing data types must be written in mixed case. The first letter of the name must be capitalized (upper case).

Signal, TimeCount

Variables must be written in mixed case names, with the first letter lowercase (lower case).

Category: . You can bookmark it.

Historically, the Arduino software part consisted of an integrated software environment (IDE) that allowed you to write, compile, and upload the written code to the hardware. The ArduinoIDE environment and the Wiring language itself are based primarily on Processing, and indirectly on C/C++. In fact, the Arduino IDE is a big hodgepodge, not for fun, but for convenience.

Even externally andArduinoIDE andProcessing are similar

What does the program (sketch) consist of?
Each program, no matter how complex it may seem, consists of separate sets blocks code, which is denoted by curly braces (). A minimal program requires only 2 blocks: setup and loop. Their presence is mandatory in any C++ program for Arduino, otherwise you may get an error at the compilation stage.
void setup() ( ) void loop() ( )
In the setup() function, the initial settings of variables and registers occur. After setup() completes, control passes to the loop() function, which is an infinite loop written in the body (between ( ) ). It is these commands that perform all the algorithmic actions of the controller.

Hardware "Hello, world! - blinking LED.
What begins the first acquaintance with Arduino at the interface of software and hardware is the blinking LED.

First you need to supplement the minimum program. For Arduino (for example UNO), we connect an LED to pin 12 and GND (the color of the LED itself is chosen from personal preference).

Void setup() ( pinMode(12, OUTPUT); ) void loop() ( digitalWrite(12, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(12, LOW); delay(900); )
Do Ctrl+C -> Ctrl+V, compile, load, control. We see a light show that lasts no more than a second. Let's figure out why this happens.

We added several to previously empty blocks expressions . They were placed between the curly braces of the setup and loop functions.
Each expression is an instruction for the processor. Expressions within one block are executed one after another, strictly in order, without any pauses or switching. That is, if we are talking about one specific block of code, it can be read from top to bottom to understand what is being done.

What happens between{ } ?
As you know, Arduino pins can work as both output and input. When we want to control something, we need to transfer the control pin to the output state. This is done by expression in the function setup:
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); In this situation, the expression carries out function call . In pinMode, the pin specified by number is set to the specified mode (INPUT or OUTPUT). Which pin and which mode we are talking about is indicated in parentheses, separated by commas. In our case, we want the 12th pin to act as an output. OUTPUT means output, INPUT means input. Qualifying values ​​such as 12 and OUTPUT are called function arguments . How many arguments a function has depends on the nature of the function and the will of its creator. Functions can have no arguments at all, as is the case with setup and loop.

Next we move on to the loop block, in order:
-call the built-in function digitalWrite. It is designed to apply a logical zero (LOW, 0 volt) or a logical one (HIGH, 5 volt) to a given pin. Two arguments are passed to the digitalWrite function: the pin number and the logical value.
- call the delay function. This, again, is a built-in function that causes the processor to “sleep” for certain time. It takes just one argument: the time in milliseconds to sleep. In our case it is 100 ms. As soon as the 100 ms expires, the processor wakes up and immediately moves on to the next expression.
- call the built-in function digitalWrite. Only this time the second argument is LOW. That is, we set a logical zero on the 12th pin -> apply 0 volts -> turn off the LED.
- calling the delay function. This time we “sleep” a little longer – 900 ms.

As soon as the last function is executed, the loop block ends and everything happens all over again. In fact, the conditions presented in the example are quite variable, and you can play with the delay values, connect several LEDs and make something like a traffic light or a police flasher (it all depends on the imagination and will of the creator).

Instead of a conclusion, a little about cleanliness.
In fact, all spaces, line breaks, tab characters don't mean much to the compiler. Where there is a space, there can be a line break and vice versa. In fact, 10 spaces in a row, 2 line breaks and 5 more spaces are the equivalent of one space.

With the help of empty space, you can make a program understandable and visual, or, on the contrary, disfigure it beyond recognition. For example, the example program can be changed like this:

void setup() ( pinMode(12, OUTPUT); ) void loop () ( digitalWrite(12,HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(12,LOW); delay(900); )

To prevent anyone from bleeding from their eyes while reading, you can follow a few simple rules:

1. Always, at the start of a new block between( And ) increase the indentation. Typically 2 or 4 spaces are used. Choose one of the values ​​and stick to it throughout.

Void loop() ( digitalWrite(12, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(12, LOW); delay(900); )
2. Just like in regular language: put a space after commas.

digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
3. Place the start-of-block character (on a new line at the current indentation level or at the end of the previous one. And the end-of-block character) on a separate line at the current indentation level:

void setup() ( pinMode(12, OUTPUT); ) void setup() ( pinMode(12, OUTPUT); )
4. Use empty lines to separate blocks of meaning:

void loop() ( digitalWrite(12, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(12, LOW); delay(900); digitalWrite(12, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(12, LOW); delay( 900); )
5. In order for your child to enjoy reading, there are so-called comments. These are constructs in the program code that are completely ignored by the compiler and only matter to the person reading it. Comments can be multi-line or single-line:

/* this is a multi-line comment */ // this is a single-line comment


Freeduino/Arduino is programmed in a special programming language - it is based on C/C++, and allows you to use any of its functions. Strictly speaking, there is no separate Arduino language, just as there is no Arduino compiler - written programs are converted (with minimal changes) into a program in C/C++, and then compiled by the AVR-GCC compiler. So in fact, it is used specialized for AVR microcontrollers C/C++ option.

The difference is that you get a simple development environment and a set of basic libraries that simplify access to the peripherals located “on board” the microcontroller.

Agree, it is very convenient to start working with a serial port at a speed of 9600 bits per second, making a call in one line:


And when using “naked” C/C++, you would have to deal with the documentation for the microcontroller and call something like this:

UBRR0H = ((F_CPU / 16 + 9600 / 2) / 9600 - 1) >> 8;
UBRR0L = ((F_CPU / 16 + 9600 / 2) / 9600 - 1);
sbi(UCSR0B, RXEN0);
sbi(UCSR0B, TXEN0);
sbi(UCSR0B, RXCIE0);

Here is a brief overview of the main functions and features of Arduino programming. If you are not familiar with the syntax of the C/C++ languages, we recommend that you refer to any literature on this issue or Internet sources.

On the other hand, all the examples presented are very simple, and most likely you will not have any difficulties understanding the source texts and writing your own programs even without reading additional literature.

More complete documentation (in English) is presented on the official website of the project - There is also a forum, links to additional libraries and their descriptions.

By analogy with the description on the official website of the Arduino project, a “port” refers to a microcontroller contact connected to a connector under the corresponding number. In addition, there is a serial communication port (COM port).

Program structure

In your program you must declare two main functions: setup() and loop().

The setup() function is called once, after every power-up or reset of the Freeduino board. Use it to initialize variables, set operating modes of digital ports, etc.

The loop() function sequentially executes the commands described in its body over and over again. Those. After the function completes, it will be called again.

Let's look at a simple example:

void setup() // initial settings
beginSerial(9600); // setting the serial port speed to 9600 bps
pinMode(3, INPUT); // setting the 3rd port for data input

// The program checks the 3rd port for the presence of a signal on it and sends a response to
// view text message to the computer serial port
void loop() // program body
if (digitalRead(3) == HIGH) // condition for polling the 3rd port
serialWrite("H"); // send a message in the form of the letter "H" to the COM port
serialWrite("L"); // send a message in the form of the letter "L" to the COM port
delay(1000); // delay 1 sec.

pinMode(port, mode);


Configures the specified port to input or output a signal.


port – the number of the port whose mode you want to set (an integer value from 0 to 13).

mode - either INPUT (input) or OUTPUT (output).

pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //13th pin will be the output
pinMode(12, INPUT); //and the 12th is the input


Analog inputs can be used as digital inputs/outputs by accessing them using numbers 14 (analog input 0) to 19 (analog input 5)

digitalWrite(port, value);


Sets the voltage level to high (HIGH) or low (LOW) on the specified port.


port: port number

value: HIGH or LOW

digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // set pin 13 to “high” state

value = digitalRead(port);


Reads the value on the specified port


port: polled port number

Return value: returns the current value on the port (HIGH or LOW) of type int

int val;
val = digitalRead(12); // poll the 12th pin


If there is nothing connected to the port being read, then the digitalRead() function may return HIGH or LOW values ​​erratically.

Analog signal input/output

value = analogRead(port);


Reads a value from the specified analog port. Freeduino contains 6 channels, analog-to-digital converter of 10 bits each. This means that the input voltage from 0 to 5V is converted to an integer value from 0 to 1023. The readout resolution is: 5V/1024 values ​​= 0.004883 V/value (4.883 mV). It takes approximately 100 nS (0.0001 C) to read an analog input value, so the maximum read rate is approximately 10,000 times per second.


Return Value: Returns an int number in the range 0 to 1023 read from the specified port.

int val;
val = analogRead(0); // read the value at the 0th analog input


Analog ports are defined as signal input by default and, unlike digital ports, do not need to be configured by calling the pinMode function.

analogWrite(port, value);


Outputs an analog value to the port. This function works on: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 Freeduino digital ports.

Can be used to change the brightness of an LED, control a motor, etc. After calling the analogWrite function, the corresponding port begins to operate in voltage pulse-width modulation mode until there is another call to the analogWrite function (or digitalRead / digitalWrite functions on the same port).


port: number of the analog input being polled

value: an integer between 0 and 255. A value of 0 generates 0 V on the specified port; a value of 255 generates +5V on the specified port. For values ​​between 0 and 255, the port begins to rapidly alternate between 0 and +5 V voltage levels - the higher the value, the more often the port generates the HIGH (5 V) level.

analogWrite(9, 128); // set pin 9 to a value equivalent to 2.5V


There is no need to call pinMode to set the port to output signals before calling analogWrite.

The signal generation frequency is approximately 490 Hz.

time = millis();


Returns the number of milliseconds since the Freeduino executed the current program. The counter will overflow and reset after approximately 9 hours.

Return value: returns an unsigned long value

unsigned long time; // declaration of a time variable of type unsigned long
time = millis(); // transfer the number of milliseconds



Pauses the program for the specified number of milliseconds.


time_ms – program delay time in milliseconds

delay(1000); //pause 1 second




Pauses the program for the specified number of microseconds.


time_μs – program delay time in microseconds

delayMicroseconds(500); //pause 500 microseconds

pulseIn(port, value);


Reads a pulse (high or low) from a digital port and returns the pulse duration in microseconds.

For example, if the "value" parameter is set to HIGH when calling the function, then pulseIn() waits for a high signal level to arrive on the port. From the moment it arrives, the countdown begins until a low signal level is received at the port. The function returns the pulse length (high level) in microseconds. Works with pulses from 10 microseconds to 3 minutes. Note that this function will not return a result until a pulse is detected.


port: port number from which we read the pulse

value: pulse type HIGH or LOW

Return value: returns the pulse duration in microseconds (type int)

int duration; // declaration of a duration variable of type int
duration = pulseIn(pin, HIGH); // measure the pulse duration

Serial data transfer

Freeduino has a built-in controller for serial data transmission, which can be used both for communication between Freeduino/Arduino devices and for communication with a computer. On a computer, the corresponding connection is represented by a USB COM port.

Communication occurs over digital ports 0 and 1, and therefore you will not be able to use them for digital I/O if you are using serial functions.



Sets the COM port information transfer rate in bits per second for serial data transmission. In order to communicate with a computer, use one of these standardized speeds: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200. You can also define other speeds when communicating with another microcontroller by ports 0 and 1.


baud_rate: Data flow rate in bits per second.

Serial.begin(9600); //set the speed to 9600 bps


count = Serial.available();


Bytes received via the serial port end up in the microcontroller buffer, from where your program can read them. The function returns the number of bytes accumulated in the buffer. The serial buffer can store up to 128 bytes.

Return value:

Returns an int value - the number of bytes available for reading in the serial buffer, or 0 if nothing is available.

if (Serial.available() > 0) ( // If there is data in the buffer
// there should be data reception and processing here

char =;


Reads the next byte from the serial port buffer.

Return value:

The first available byte of incoming data from the serial port, or -1 if there is no incoming data.

incomingByte =; // read byte


Clears the serial port input buffer. Data in the buffer is lost, and further calls to or Serial.available() will make sense for data received after the Serial.flush() call.

Serial.flush(); // Clear the buffer - start receiving data “from scratch”


Output data to serial port.


The function has several call forms depending on the type and format of the output data.

Serial.print(b, DEC) prints an ASCII string - the decimal representation of the number b.

int b = 79;

Serial.print(b, HEX) prints an ASCII string - the hexadecimal representation of the number b.

int b = 79;

Serial.print(b, OCT) prints an ASCII string - the octal representation of the number b.

int b = 79;
Serial.print(b, OCT); //will output the string “117” to the port

Serial.print(b, BIN) prints an ASCII string - the binary representation of the number b.

int b = 79;
Serial.print(b, BIN); //will output the string “1001111” to the port

Serial.print(b, BYTE) prints the low byte of b.

int b = 79;
Serial.print(b, BYTE); //will display the number 79 (one byte). In the monitor
//from the serial port we get the symbol “O” - its
//code is 79

Serial.print(str) if str is a string or character array, transfers str to the COM port byte byte.

char bytes = (79, 80, 81); //array of 3 bytes with values ​​79,80,81
Serial.print("Here our bytes:"); //outputs the line “Here our bytes:”
Serial.print(bytes); //outputs 3 characters with codes 79,80,81 –
//these are the characters "OPQ"

Serial.print(b) if b is of type byte or char, prints the number b itself to the port.

char b = 79;
Serial.print(b); //will output the character “O” to the port

Serial.print(b) if b is of type integer, prints the decimal representation of b to the port.

int b = 79;
Serial.print(b); //will output the string “79” to the port


The Serial.println function is similar to the Serial.print function, and has the same call options. The only difference is that two additional characters are output after the data - a carriage return character (ASCII 13, or "\r") and a new line character (ASCII 10, or "\n").

Example 1 and example 2 will output the same thing to the port:

int b = 79;
Serial.print(b, DEC); //will output the string “79” to the port
Serial.print("\r\n"); //will display the characters "\r\n" – line feed
Serial.print(b, HEX); //will output the string “4F” to the port
Serial.print("\r\n");//will print the characters "\r\n" – line feed

int b = 79;
Serial.println(b, DEC); //will output the string “79\r\n” to the port
Serial.println(b, HEX); //will output the string “4F\r\n” to the port

In the serial port monitor we get.

This section is dedicated to books from the world of Arduino. For beginners and professionals.

All books and materials are presented for informational purposes only; after reading, we ask you to purchase a digital or paper copy.

Programs for reading books:

  • Books PDF format: Adobe Acrobat Reader or PDF Reader.
  • Books in DJVU format: or Djvu Reader.

Practical Arduino Encyclopedia

The book summarizes data on the main components of designs based on the Arduino platform, which is represented by the most popular version of ArduinoUNO today or numerous clones similar to it. The book is a set of 33 experimental chapters. Each experiment examines the operation of an Arduino board with a specific electronic component or module, from the simplest to the most complex, which are independent specialized devices. Each chapter provides a list of details necessary to carry out the experiment in practice. For each experiment, a visual diagram of the connection of parts is provided in the format of the Fritzing integrated development environment. It gives a clear and accurate idea of ​​what it should look like assembled circuit. The following provides theoretical information about the component or module used. Each chapter contains sketch code (program) in the built-in Arduino language with comments.

Electronics. Your first quadcopter. Theory and practice

The practical aspects of self-manufacturing and operating quadcopters are described in detail. All stages are considered: from the selection of structural materials and selection of components with minimization of financial costs to software configuration and repair after an accident. Attention is paid to the mistakes that novice aircraft modelers often make. The theoretical foundations of the flight of multi-rotor systems and the basic concepts of working with the Arduino IDE are given in an accessible form. Given short description device and operating principle GPS systems and Glonass, as well as modern switching onboard power supplies and lithium polymer batteries. The operating principle and process of setting up OSD systems, telemetry, Bluetooth wireless channel and popular Ublox GPS navigation modules are described in detail. The design and operating principles of integrated sensors and the flight controller are described. Recommendations for selecting FPV equipment are given entry level, provides an overview of programs for computers and smartphones used when setting up quadcopter equipment.

Projects using the Arduino controller (2nd ed.)

The book covers the main Arduino boards and expansion boards (shields) that add functionality to the main board. The Arduino IDE programming language and environment is described in detail. Projects using controllers of the Arduino family are carefully analyzed. These are projects in the field of robotics, creation of weather stations, smart home, vending, television, Internet, wireless communication(bluetooth, radio control).

The second edition adds voice control projects using Arduino, working with addressable RGB strips, and controlling iRobot Create on Arduino. Projects using the Arduino Leonardo board are considered. Step-by-step lessons for beginner developers are provided.

Learning Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Technical Wizardry

The book is devoted to the design of electronic devices based on the Arduino microcontroller platform. Provides basic information about hardware and software Arduino. The principles of programming in the integrated Arduino IDE are outlined. Shows how to analyze electrical circuits, read technical descriptions, and select the right parts for your own projects. Examples of use and description are provided. various sensors, electric motors, servos, indicators, wired and wireless data transfer interfaces. Each chapter lists the components used, provides wiring diagrams, and describes program listings in detail. There are links to the book's information support site. The material is focused on the use of simple and inexpensive components for experiments at home.

Fast start. First steps to master Arduino

Book ARDUINO Fast start. First Steps to Mastering ARDUINO contains all the information to get acquainted with the Arduino board, as well as 14 practical experiments using various electronic components and modules.

Quick start with Arduino kit. The knowledge gained will, in the future, make it possible to create your own projects and easily implement them.

Arduino, sensors and networks for device communication (2nd ed.)

Reviewed 33 projects based on the Arduino microcontroller board, which show how to make electronic devices could exchange data with each other and respond to commands. Shows how to change the settings of your home air conditioner by “calling it” from your smartphone; how to create your own game controllers that interact over the network; how to use ZigBee, Bluetooth, infrared and regular radio devices to wirelessly receive information from various sensors, etc. The programming languages ​​Arduino, Processing and PHP are considered.

After reading the book - “Arduino, sensors and networks for connecting devices”, you will learn how to create networks of smart devices that exchange data and respond to commands. The book is ideal for people who want to put their creative ideas into practice. You don't need to have any special technical knowledge or skills in the field of electronics. All you need to start implementing projects is a book, ideas and an inexpensive kit with an Arduino controller and some network modules and sensors.

Arduino Essentials

The Arduino is an open source microcontroller built on a single circuit board that is capable of receiving sensory input from its environment and controlling interactive physical objects. It is also a development environment that allows you to write software to the board, and is programmed in the Arduino programming language. The Arduino has become the most popular microcontroller platform and thus hundreds of projects are being developed using it, from basic to advanced levels.

This book will first introduce you to the most important board models of the Arduino family. You will then learn to set up the Arduino software environment. Next, you will work with digital and analog inputs and outputs, manage the time precisely, establish serial communications with other devices in your projects, and even control interrupts to make your project more responsive. Finally, you will be presented with a complete real-world example by utilizing all the concepts learned so far in the book. This will enable you to develop your own microcontroller projects.

Arduino Development Cookbook

If you want to build programming and electronics projects that interact with the environment, this book will offer you dozens of recipes to guide you through all the major applications of the Arduino platform. It is intended for programming or electronics enthusiasts who want to combine the best of both worlds to build interactive projects.

The single-chip computer board Arduino is small in size but vast in scope, capable of being used for electronic projects from robotics through to home automation. The most popular embedded platform in the world, Arduino users range from school children to industry experts, all incorporating it into their designs.

Arduino Development Cookbook comprises clear and step-by-step recipes that give you the toolbox of techniques to construct any Arduino project, from the simple to the advanced. Each chapter gives you more essential building blocks for Arduino development, from learning about programming buttons through to operating motors, managing sensors, and controlling displays. Throughout, you’ll find tips and tricks to help you troubleshoot your development problems and push your Arduino project to the next level!

Arduino Sketches: Tools and Techniques for Programming Wizardry

Master programming Arduino with this hands-on guide Arduino Sketches is a practical guide to programming the increasingly popular microcontroller that brings gadgets to life. Accessible to tech-lovers at any level, this book provides expert instruction on Arduino programming and hands-on practice to test your skills. You’ll find coverage of the various Arduino boards, detailed explanations of each standard library, and guidance on creating libraries from scratch plus practical examples that demonstrate the everyday use of the skills you’re learning.

Work on increasingly advanced programming projects, and gain more control as you learn about hardware-specific libraries and how to build your own. Take full advantage of the Arduino API, and learn the tips and tricks that will broaden your skillset. The Arduino development board comes with an embedded processor and sockets that allow you to quickly attach peripherals without tools or solders. It's easy to build, easy to program, and requires no specialized hardware. For the hobbyist, it’s a dream come true especially as the popularity of this open-source project inspires even the major tech companies to develop compatible products.

Arduino and LEGO Projects

We all know how awesome LEGO is, and more and more people are discovering how many amazing things you can do with Arduino. In Arduino and LEGO Projects, Jon Lazar shows you how to combine two of the coolest things on the planet to make fun gadgets like a Magic Lantern RF reader, a sensor-enabled LEGO music box, and even an Arduino-controlled LEGO train set.

* Learn that SNOT is actually cool (it means Studs Not on Top)
* See detailed explanations and images of how everything fits together
* Learn how Arduino fits into each project, including code and explanations

Whether you want to impress your friends, annoy the cat, or just kick back and bask in the awesomeness of your creations, Arduino and LEGO Projects shows you just what you need and how to put it all together.

Arduino Workshop

The Arduino is a cheap, flexible, open source microcontroller platform designed to make it easy for hobbyists to use electronics in homemade projects. With almost an unlimited range of input and output add-ons, sensors, indicators, displays, motors, and more, the Arduino offers you countless ways to create devices that interact with the world around you.

In Arduino Workshop, you’ll learn how these add-ons work and how to integrate them into your own projects. You’ll start off with an overview of the Arduino system but quickly move on to coverage of various electronic components and concepts. Hands-on projects throughout the book reinforce what you’ve learned and show you how to apply that knowledge. As your understanding grows, the projects increase in complexity and sophistication.

C Programming for Arduino

Building your own electronic devices is fascinating fun and this book helps you enter the world of autonomous but connected devices. After an introduction to the Arduino board, you’ll end up learning some skills to surprise yourself.

Physical computing allows us to build interactive physical systems by using software & hardware in order to sense and respond to the real world. C Programming for Arduino will show you how to harness powerful capabilities like sensing, feedbacks, programming and even wiring and developing your own autonomous systems.

C Programming for Arduino contains everything you need to directly start wiring and coding your own electronic project. You’ll learn C and how to code several types of firmware for your Arduino, and then move on to design small typical systems to understand how handling buttons, leds, LCD, network modules and much more.

Arduino for beginner wizards

This book is about the Arduino platform, which is becoming more and more popular every day, and a whole army of home-based experimenters, amateur designers and hackers are starting to use it to bring both wonderful and completely crazy projects to life. With the help of Arduino, any humanist can get acquainted with the basics of electronics and programming and quickly begin developing their own models without spending significant material and intellectual resources on it. Arduino combines play and learning, allowing you to create something worthwhile and interesting on impulse, imagination and curiosity. This platform empowers the creative person in the field of electronics, even if he knows nothing about it! Experiment and have fun!

Programming Arduino/Freeduino microcontroller boards

Programming of microcontroller boards Arduino/Freduino is considered. The structure and functioning of microcontrollers, the Arduino programming environment, the necessary tools and components for conducting experiments are described. The basics of programming Arduino boards are discussed in detail: program structure, commands, operators and functions, analog and digital data input/output. The presentation of the material is accompanied by more than 80 examples of development various devices: temperature relay, school clock, digital voltmeter, alarm with a motion sensor, street lighting switch, etc. For each project, a list of necessary components, wiring diagram and program listings are provided. The publishing house's FTP server contains source codes examples from the book, technical descriptions, reference data, development environment, utilities and drivers.

Arduino and Kinect Projects

If you’ve done some Arduino tinkering and wondered how you could incorporate the Kinect—or the other way around—then this book is for you. The authors of Arduino and Kinect Projects will show you how to create 10 amazing, creative projects, from simple to complex. You’ll also find out how to incorporate Processing in your project design—a language very similar to the Arduino language.

The ten projects are carefully designed to build on your skills at every step. Starting with the Arduino and Kinect equivalent of “Hello, World,” the authors will take you through a diverse range of projects that showcase the huge range of possibilities that open up when Kinect and Arduino are combined.

Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino

Makers around the globe are building low-cost devices to monitor the environment, and with this hands-on guide, so can you. Through succinct tutorials, illustrations, and clear step-by-step instructions, you’ll learn how to create gadgets for examining the quality of our atmosphere, using Arduino and several inexpensive sensors.

Detect harmful gases, dust particles such as smoke and smog, and upper atmospheric haze—substances and conditions that are often invisible to your senses. You'll also discover how to use the scientific method to help you learn even more from your atmospheric tests.

* Get up to speed on Arduino with a quick electronics primer
* Build a tropospheric gas sensor to detect carbon monoxide, LPG, butane, methane, benzene, and many other gases
* Create an LED Photometer to measure how much of the sun’s blue, green, and red light waves are penetrating the atmosphere
* Build an LED sensitivity detector—and discover which light wavelengths each LED in your Photometer is receptive to
* Learn how measuring light wavelengths lets you determine the amount of water vapor, ozone, and other substances in the atmosphere

Arduino Mastery Guide

The publication is a Russian translation of one of the documents on working with the ARDX (Starter Kit for Arduino) kit, intended for experiments with Arduino. The documentation describes 12 simple projects aimed at initial acquaintance with the Arduino module.

The main purpose of this set is to have an interesting and useful time. And besides this, master a variety of electronic components by assembling small, simple and interesting devices. You receive a working device and a tool that allows you to understand the principle of operation.

Great Encyclopedia of Electricity

The most complete book to date, in which you will find a lot of useful information, starting with the basics. The book reveals all the main problems that you may encounter when working with electricity and electrical equipment. Description of types of cables, wires and cords, installation and repair of electrical wiring and much more.

The book “The Great Electrical Encyclopedia” reveals all the main problems that you may encounter when working with electricity and electrical equipment. Description of types of cables, wires and cords, installation and repair of electrical wiring and much more. This book will be a useful reference for both the specialist electrician and the home craftsman.

This book will be a useful reference for both the specialist electrician and the home craftsman.

Arduino programmer's notebook

This notebook should be considered a convenient, easy-to-use guide to the command structure and syntax of the Arduino controller programming language. To maintain simplicity, some exceptions have been made, which improves the guide when used by beginners as an additional source of information - along with other websites, books, seminars and classes. This solution is designed to emphasize the use of Arduino for stand-alone tasks and, for example, excludes the more complex use of arrays or the use of a serial connection.

Starting with a description of the structure of an Arduino C program, this notebook describes the syntax of the most common elements of the language and illustrates their use in examples and code snippets. The notebook contains examples of Arduino core library functions, and the appendix provides example circuits and initial programs.

Analog microcontroller interfaces

This publication is a practical guide to the use of various interfaces for connecting analog peripheral devices to computers, microprocessors and microcontrollers.

The specifics of using interfaces such as I2C, SPI/Microware, SMBus, RS-232/485/422, 4-20 mA current loop, etc. are revealed. An overview is given. large quantity modern sensors: temperature, optical, CCD, magnetic, strain gauges, etc. Controllers, ADCs and DACs, their elements - UVH, ION, codecs, encoders are described in detail.

The actuators - motors, thermostats - and issues of their control as part of automatic control systems of various types (relay, proportional and PID) are considered. The book is equipped with illustrations that clearly represent hardware and software features application of elements of analog and digital technology. It will be of interest not only to beginning radio amateurs, but also to specialists with experience working with analog and digital equipment, as well as students of technical colleges and universities.

Guide to using AT commands for GSM/GPRS modems

This manual provides a detailed description of the complete set of AT commands for working with Wavecom modems. Special AT commands are given for working with IP stack protocols implemented in software in Wavecom modems.

The book is aimed at developers creating software and hardware applications based on Wavecom products. The manual is also recommended for engineers responsible for the operation of systems for various purposes that use GSM networks as a data transmission channel. An excellent reference book for students who use the topic of data transmission in GSM networks in their coursework or diploma work.

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If you have experience working with Arduino and actually have time for creativity, we invite everyone to become authors of articles published on our portal. These can be either lessons or stories about your experiments with Arduino. Description of various sensors and modules. Tips and instructions for beginners. Write and post your articles on .

Ardublock is a graphical programming language for Arduino designed for beginners. This environment is quite easy to use, easy to install, and almost completely translated into Russian. A visually designed program that resembles blocks...

Interrupts are a very important mechanism in Arduino that allows external devices to interact with the controller when various events occur. By installing a hardware interrupt handler in the sketch, we can respond to a button being turned on or off, a keyboard press,...

Serial.print() and Serial.println() are the main functions of Arduino to transfer information from the Arduino board to the computer through the serial port. The most popular Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano boards do not have a built-in display, so...

Is it possible to do Arduino projects without the Arduino board itself? It turns out, quite. Thanks to numerous online services and programs that have their own name: emulator or Arduino simulator. The most popular representatives of such programs are...

Serial begin is an extremely important Arduino instruction; it allows the controller to establish a connection with external devices. Most often like this external device“It turns out to be the computer to which we connect the Arduino. That's why Serial begin is more intense...

A global variable in Arduino is a variable whose scope extends to the entire program, it is visible in all modules and functions. In this article we will look at several examples of using global variables...

Arduino arrays are a language element actively used by programmers to work with sets of data of the same type. Arrays are found in almost all programming languages, Arduino is no exception, the syntax of which is very similar...
