The computer started beeping. Computer beeps or what the BIOS beeps about

Publication date: 02/01/2011

There are times when the computer does not turn on, but starts beeping. If you listen, it will become clear that these sound signals are not chaotic.

There is a small speaker built into the motherboard. It is designed to hint you about hardware errors. When the computer was created, the first models were deprived sound cards(and external speakers were a novelty). That’s why they came up with an independent “squeaker”. However, the tweeter has found wider application. The first games (old 8-bit ones) produced sound effects through this beeper. But the purpose of the tweeter remains the same! If the computer beeps, it means it has problems.

Below I will give full list types of sounds that a computer can make. Ways to solve the problem will also be indicated (get ready! You will probably have to call a technician or buy new parts. After all, the squeaker mainly indicates problems with the equipment)

One short beep- testing completed successfully, download continues. The standard beep you hear when the system starts up (some systems do not produce any beep).

No sound, no image on screen- the processor or power supply is faulty. At this point you will have to call a technician/specialist... This usually happens if the power supply burns out. There are special filters that protect your computer from sudden power surges. On new computers such a filter is already installed.

One long continuous beep- the power supply is faulty (read above).

Two short beeps- minor errors found, you need to make changes to the settings BIOS settings for Award company systems; memory parity error for systems from AMI. When you start the computer, press the Delete key and set the time, date, and other parameters.

Three long beeps- keyboard controller error. Pull out and then insert the connector (plug) of the keyboard.

One long and one short signal- RAM is not working properly. Remove and then reinsert the RAM. If you remove the cover of the system unit, you will see a microcircuit that is inserted into a special connector (usually vertically, on the right, at the top). This is the microcircuit you need. If it does not help, then this means that the RAM is damaged (you will have to buy a new one).

One long and two short beeps- The video adapter is not working correctly. Try (same as with RAM) removing and inserting the video adapter back.

One long and three short signal- video system error (monitor not connected or video adapter not working) for AMI BIOS, video system error or problems with the keyboard controller for Award BIOS. Do the following: pull out and insert the keyboard connector from the system unit, pull out and insert the monitor connector from the system unit. Restart your computer. If it doesn’t help, then the problem is the lack of drivers (unlikely), or the video adapter is not working (burnt out, broken, clogged with dust).

One long and eight short beeps- video system error: the monitor is not connected, the video adapter does not work, etc. Pull out and insert the monitor connector. Or the video adapter is broken.

One long and nine short beeps- error reading BIOS data. Remove the system unit cover. You will see a battery. This is the battery you need. Get her out. Gently pry the tongue with a screwdriver and lift it up. Reinsert the battery. When you start with the delete button, call up the menu and enter the date, time, etc. You need to lift the tongue because sometimes it simply does not touch the battery - there is no contact (it doesn’t sound Russian, but you understand me).

Five short beeps- the processor is not working correctly. Problems with the processor. Remove the system unit cover. You will see a square chip with a name and number written on it (for example, Intel C2) - this is the processor. Take a dry brush and wipe the dust on and around it. Also, look to see if there are any deformations on it. If it smells burning, then the processor is burnt out (this happens with AMD, but almost never with Intel). If the processor is burned out, then it is better to buy new computer(when it burns, it also melts the motherboard).

Six short beeps- the keyboard controller is faulty. Pull out and then insert the keyboard connector from the system unit. Restart your computer.

Seven short beeps- problems with the motherboard. Remove the system unit cover. You will see a terminal with a bunch of wires. Pull it out and then put it back in. The terminal probably just came loose. If this does not help, then it means that the motherboard is broken.

Eight short beeps- video memory is not working properly. If you bought a new super-powerful video card for your computer, this means that it does not fit the parameters of your motherboard. In fact, eight short signals are almost never encountered...

Nine short beeps- checksum error when checking BIOS contents. This means that the BIOS has been reset. You need to go into the settings and set everything again (time, date - read above).

Eleven short signals- external cache memory does not work correctly.

Repeated long beeps- the module is faulty or incorrectly connected random access memory. Maybe you inserted the RAM module upside down?

Repeated short beeps- the power supply is not working correctly.

To avoid recurrence of equipment breakdowns, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. Once a month, remove the cover of the system unit and carefully remove dust (I use a squirrel brush 12). In summer, when it’s hot (especially when it’s +40 Celsius outside), try to keep your computer running as little as possible. Don't bet on system unit nothing heavy. Take some kind of tube and blow dust out of hard-to-reach places (fan, etc.). If you follow these rules, your system unit will thank you with reliable and uninterrupted operation!

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Article comments:

Hello, the problem is that the computer starts beeping only when I play demanding games such as the Witcher 3, GTA 5, no overheating, checked through speedfan, what could it be?

The computer beeps not at startup time, but during operation, and it is not predictable. After a beep (1 fast), the computer freezes completely for 10 to 40 seconds and continues to work again, but sometimes the beeping does not go away. I usually fight by cleaning, but it doesn’t save me for long. Tell me what to do?


Thank you very much. I had a constant beeping sound, unplugged the cable, clicked the back power button, put the cable back in and the problem went away!

Nikita, you have some problems with either the RAM or the power supply. Although a lot also depends on your BIOS. Try turning off the power and removing/inserting the RAM. You can try removing/inserting the BIOS battery.

The computer is broken, it beeps briefly once, and for a long time the second time, what should I do?

it costs 8ka, but after a failure I dug into the BIOS and a whistling or squeaking sound started, barely audible, but it’s annoying, it’s great that I did it wrong there

What if the hard drive is connected incorrectly?

The easiest way to determine overheating is the HWMonitor utility or similar. “Stuff under the cooler” is a bit of a vague term. Do you mean the power supply (the big one with a bunch of wires) or the processor (which is located right under the cooler)? I think the problem of overheating can be solved by removing dust. Plus, the cooler may “move away” a little, then it is enough to move it.

Thank you very much for your answer, and by the way, I have a heater under the cooler, is there some kind of garbage that can cause it to freeze up?

Artyom, I answer questions as soon as possible.

If your computer beeps when you play games, it is most likely overheating. In this case, after some time the computer will turn off. The temperature can be checked using the HWMonitor utility http://www..php?id=43

Is there anyone here who answers your questions?

My computer keeps beeping non-stop when I play games.

My computer beeps continuously and then briefly and then beeps back when I go into games it beeps and then turns off, what should I do?

Anton, the power supply voltage can be measured using HWMonitor (http://www..php?id=43). True, this program will not tell you the optimal voltage. Therefore, it is better to use the AIDA64 (formerly Everest) utility.

The temperature is fine, I'm keeping an eye on it. Everything seems to be fine with the fans too, I clean them regularly. I think the problem is in the power supply. What program is better to check the voltage and what is the optimal one so that I know. Thank you in advance.

Anton, a squeak means some critical problems. You may either have something overheating, or something may be wrong with the power supply. On the other hand, the squeaking may not be due to overheating. I think you need to act in this order: check the temperature, check the voltage of the power supply, check the coolers (sometimes the motherboard beeps because the rotation speed is low).

The computer beeps with one short beep during operation. This happens at intervals of 15-20 minutes.

When you turn on the computer, the system unit usually makes a squeaking sound. This is a short single signal that indicates the functionality of the equipment. But it happens that the computer makes an unusual sound, longer or several short ones. What does this mean? The squeak is the result of a hardware test for the performance of the system unit. But today we’ll talk about how to decipher this sound.

If the system unit beeps in Award BIOS

So, if the system unit beeps when turned on, this may indicate either that everything is in order or that any of the parts have failed. But in order to find out the meaning of the signal, you first need to determine BIOS type, which is installed in the motherboard. This can be done by pressing the Del button during early boot. Also, if necessary, you can.

If the Award BIOS is installed, then one signal, short in duration, as in other systems, indicates that everything is in order. The test was successful, the computer is ready for use. Some systems may not make any sounds at all. If, when you turn on the computer, one continuous, long beep is emitted, then the power supply is most likely faulty. In this case, it will need to be replaced.

Two short beeps may indicate that minor errors have been detected. In order to fix them, try to check how well the cables are secured in the connection connectors hard drive And motherboard. Three long beeps indicate that an error occurred in the keyboard controller. You can try to fix it by restarting the computer. If this does not help, you may need to replace the motherboard.

One long and two short beeps in Award BIOS is the most common error. The signal indicates that there are problems with the video card. You can correct the situation by removing and reinstalling the motherboard. In addition, you should check the contacts of the video card and how it is connected to the monitor. It is possible that this part will not need to be replaced.

Among the common problems that are easy to deal with on your own is one short signal that repeats all the time. This indicates that there are problems with the power supply. It is quite possible that you just need to remove the dust that has accumulated in it. This procedure should be done when the computer is disconnected from all power sources.

Signals for AMI BIOS

If it doesn’t beep, and there’s a black screen on the monitor in front of us, then most likely the breakdown is quite serious and you’ll have to contact a specialist. Most likely, in this situation the malfunction is too serious. However, first check the connection to the monitor, as well as all other connection pins. If two short beeps sound, then there may be a problem with the RAM. Most likely, modules will need to be replaced. The same can be expected after three short squeaks are heard. First, try restarting your computer and see if the error goes away.

If six short beeps sound, the fault lies with the keyboard controller. First you need to check its connection to the motherboard. If nothing happens, it is recommended to replace the keyboard. After this, you should check the functionality of the system unit. If the previous steps did not help, then most likely you need to replace the motherboard.

Five short beeps are a sign that the problem is with the processor. It may need to be replaced. In this case, you will need to choose the right processor; you will learn how to do this. Seven short beeps indicate a motherboard malfunction. One long and two short beeps indicate problems with the video card. This is also indicated by one long and three short squeaks, one long and eight short squeaks. If a similar problem occurs, first you need to check the connection between the video card and the motherboard. If everything is in order, you may need to replace this part.

Signals for Phoenix BIOS

Many users wonder why the system unit beeps periodically. As is clear from the above, the problem can be anything. The main thing is to correctly determine what exactly the reason is. So, for Phoenix BIOS, one short, one long and three short beeps indicate that an error occurred in the CMOS recording. In this case, you will need to replace the memory chip. If this does not help, then you will need a new motherboard.

Problems with the same component are indicated by signals produced according to the “1-2-1” scheme. Malfunctions related to RAM are also indicated by the squeak “1-3-1”. One long and eight short beeps indicate that the video adapter is not working. Another reason for this signal may be that the monitor is not connected. Check the connections of all cables, and then reboot the system unit.

Short beeps that are constantly repeated indicate that the power supply is not working properly. In order to fix this, you first need to check the functionality of this part. Also, check to see if the cords are broken and if the surge protector is working properly. If problems arise after this, you may still need to replace the power supply with a new one.

You can reset the BIOS by removing the battery. Another way is to use a special jumper. You can find out where it is located by carefully reading the instructions for the motherboard.

So, most of mentioned problems you can solve it yourself if you know exactly how to do it. For example, it’s quite easy to check the connection of a monitor or keyboard to the system unit. It is also easy to replace the battery on the motherboard. However, if the problem is more serious, then it is better to initially contact specialists if you are not confident in your abilities, so as not to aggravate it further.

Very often people ask me what they mean BIOS beeps when turning on PC. In this article we will take a detailed look at BIOS sounds depending on the manufacturer, the most likely errors and how to fix them. In a separate paragraph I will tell you 4 simple ways, how to find out the BIOS manufacturer, and also remind you of the basic principles of working with hardware.

Let's get started!

1. What are BIOS beeps for?

Every time you turn it on, you hear the computer beeping. Often this is heard from the speaker of the system unit. It indicates that the POST diagnostic self-test has successfully completed the test and has not detected any faults. After which the download of the installed operating system.

If your computer does not have a system speaker, then you will not hear any sounds. This is not an indication of an error, just that the manufacturer of your device decided to save money.

Most often, I observed this situation with laptops and DNS stationary systems (now they produce their products under the DEXP brand). “What is the danger of not having a speaker?” - you ask. It seems like such a small thing, and the computer works fine without it. But if it is impossible to initialize the video card, it will not be possible to identify and fix the problem.

If a problem is detected, the computer will emit a corresponding sound signal - a certain sequence of long or short squeaks. Using the instructions for the motherboard, you can decipher it, but which of us keeps such instructions? Therefore, in this article I have prepared for you tables with decoding of BIOS sound signals that will help you identify the problem and fix it.

Modern motherboards have a built-in system speaker.

Attention! All manipulations with the computer’s hardware configuration should be carried out if it is completely disconnected from the power supply. Before opening the case, be sure to remove the power plug from the outlet.

2. How to find out the BIOS manufacturer

Before looking for a decoding of computer sounds, you need to find out the BIOS manufacturer, since their sound signals are significantly different.

2.1. Method 1

“Identification” can be done in various ways, the simplest is look at the screen while loading. The manufacturer and BIOS version are usually indicated at the top. To capture this moment, press the Pause key on your keyboard. If instead of the necessary information you see only the motherboard manufacturer's splash screen, press Tab.

The two most popular BIOS manufacturers are AWARD and AMI

2.2. Method 2

Go to BIOS. I wrote in detail about how to do this. Browse the sections and find the item - System Information. The current BIOS version should be indicated there. And at the bottom (or top) of the screen the manufacturer will be indicated - American Megatrends Inc. (AMI), AWARD, DELL, etc.

2.3. Method 3

One of the most quick ways find out the BIOS manufacturer - use the Windows + R hotkeys and enter the MSINFO32 command in the “Run” line that opens. This way it will be launched System Information utility, with which you can get all the information about the hardware configuration of your computer.

Launching the System Information utility

You can also launch it from the menu: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information

You can find out the BIOS manufacturer through “System information”

2.4. Method 4

Use third party programs, they were described in detail in. Most often used CPU-Z, it is absolutely free and very simple (you can download it on the official website). After starting the program, go to the “Board” tab and in the BIOS section you will see all the information about the manufacturer:

How to find out the BIOS manufacturer using CPU-Z

3. Decoding BIOS signals

After we have found out the BIOS type, we can begin to decipher the sound signals depending on the manufacturer. Let's look at the main ones in tables.

3.1. AMI BIOS - beeps

AMI BIOS (American Megatrends Inc.) since 2002 is the most popular manufacturer in the world. In all versions, successful completion of the self-test is one short beep , after which the installed operating system is loaded. Other AMI BIOS beeps are listed in the table:

Signal type Decoding
2 shortRAM parity error.
3 shortError in the first 64 KB of RAM.
4 short
5 shortCPU failure.
6 shortKeyboard controller error.
7 shortMotherboard failure.
8 shortVideo card memory failure.
9 shortBIOS checksum error.
10 shortCannot write to CMOS.
11 shortRAM error.
1 dl + 1 corThe computer's power supply is faulty.
1 dl + 2 cor
1 dl + 3 corVideo card operation error, RAM malfunction.
1 dl + 4 corNo video card.
1 dl + 8 corThe monitor is not connected, or there is a problem with the video card.
3 longProblems with RAM, test completed with error.
5 cor + 1 dlThere is no RAM.
ContinuousProblems with the power supply or PC overheating.

No matter how trivial it may sound, I advise my friends and clients in most cases turn off and turn on the computer. Yes, this is a typical phrase from the guys from your provider’s technical support, but it helps! However, if after the next reboot you hear squeaks from the speaker that are different from the usual one short beep, then you need to fix the problem. I will talk about this at the end of the article.

3.2. AWARD BIOS - signals

Like AMI, one short beep AWARD BIOS signals a successful self-test and the start of the operating system. What do the other sounds mean? Let's look at the table:

Signal type Decoding
1 repeating shortProblems with the power supply.
1 repeating longProblems with RAM.
1 long + 1 shortRAM fault.
1 long + 2 shortVideo card error.
1 long + 3 shortProblems with the keyboard.
1 long + 9 shortError reading data from ROM.
2 shortMinor faults
3 longKeyboard controller error
Continuous soundThe power supply is faulty.

3.3. Phoenix BIOS

PHOENIX has very characteristic “beeps”; they are written in the table differently from AMI or AWARD. In the table they are indicated as combinations of sounds and pauses. For example, 1-1-2 would sound like one beep, a pause, another beep, another pause and two beeps.

Signal type Decoding
1-1-2 CPU error.
1-1-3 Cannot write to CMOS. The battery on the motherboard is probably dead. Motherboard failure.
1-1-4 Invalid BIOS ROM checksum.
1-2-1 The programmable interrupt timer is faulty.
1-2-2 DMA controller error.
1-2-3 DMA controller read or write error.
1-3-1 Memory regeneration error.
1-3-2 RAM test does not run.
1-3-3 The RAM controller is faulty.
1-3-4 The RAM controller is faulty.
1-4-1 RAM address line error.
1-4-2 RAM parity error.
3-2-4 Keyboard initialization error.
3-3-1 The battery on the motherboard is dead.
3-3-4 Video card malfunction.
3-4-1 Video adapter malfunction.
4-2-1 System timer malfunction.
4-2-2 CMOS termination error.
4-2-3 Keyboard controller malfunction.
4-2-4 CPU error.
4-3-1 Error in RAM test.
4-3-3 Timer error
4-3-4 Error in RTC operation.
4-4-1 Serial port problem.
4-4-2 Parallel port problem.
4-4-3 Problems with the coprocessor.

4. The most popular BIOS sounds and their meaning

I could make for you a dozen more different tables with beep decoding, but I decided that it would be much more useful to pay attention to the most popular BIOS sound signals. So, what do users most often search for:

  • one long two short BIOS beeps– this sound almost certainly does not bode well for anything good, namely problems with the video card. The first thing you need to check is whether the video card is fully inserted into the motherboard. Oh, by the way, how long have you been here? After all, one of the reasons for problems with loading may be banal dust that has clogged up in the cooler. But let's return to the problems with the video card. Try pulling it out and cleaning the contacts with an eraser. It would be a good idea to make sure there is no debris or foreign objects in the connectors. Still getting an error? Then the situation is more complicated, you will have to try to boot a computer with an integrated video camera (provided that it is on the motherboard). If it boots, it means that the problem is in the removed video card and you cannot do without replacing it.
  • one long BIOS beep at startup– Possibly problems with RAM.
  • 3 short BIOS beeps– RAM error. What can be done? Remove the RAM modules and clean the contacts with an eraser, wipe with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, and try swapping the modules. Also possible. If the RAM modules are working, the computer will boot.
  • 5 short BIOS beeps– the processor is faulty. A very unpleasant sound, isn't it? If this is the first time the processor has been installed, check its compatibility with the motherboard. If everything worked before, but now the computer beeps like crazy, then you need to check whether the contacts are clean and even.
  • 4 long BIOS beeps– low speed or CPU fan stops. It needs to be either cleaned or replaced.
  • 1 long 2 short BIOS beeps– problems with the video card or malfunction of the RAM connectors.
  • 1 long 3 short BIOS beeps– either problems with the video card, or RAM problems, or keyboard errors.
  • two short BIOS beeps – see the manufacturer to clarify the error.
  • three long BIOS beeps– problems with RAM (the solution to the problem is described above), or problems with the keyboard.
  • BIOS signals are many short– you need to count exactly how many short signals.
  • The computer does not boot and there is no BIOS signal– the power supply is faulty, there is a processor performance problem, or there is no system speaker (see above).

From my own experience, I can say that quite often all problems with booting a computer are due to poor contact between various modules, for example RAM or a video card. And, as I wrote above, in some cases a regular reboot helps. Sometimes you can solve the problem by resetting the system board settings.

Attention! If you doubt your abilities, it is better to entrust diagnostics and repairs to professionals. There is no point in taking risks and then blaming the author of the article for something that is not his fault :)

  1. To solve the problem it is necessary pull out the module from the connector, remove dust and insert back. The contacts can be carefully cleaned and wiped with alcohol. To clean the connector from dirt, it is convenient to use a dry toothbrush.
  2. Don't forget to spend visual inspection . If some elements are deformed, have a black coating or streaks, the cause of problems with loading the computer will be in plain sight.
  3. Let me also remind you that any manipulations with the system unit should be performed only when power is off. Don't forget to remove static electricity. To do this, it will be enough to grasp the computer system unit with both hands.
  4. Dont touch to the pins of the microcircuits.
  5. Do not use metal and abrasive materials to clean the contacts of RAM modules or video cards. For this purpose, you can use a soft eraser.
  6. Soberly evaluate your capabilities. If your computer is under warranty, it is better to use the services of specialists service center than delving into the “brains” of the machine yourself.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to this article, we’ll sort it out!

Good day... Every time you turn it on again personal computer, starts automatic program self-test diagnostics POST (Power-On-Self-Test). Which is “written” in the BIOS ROM.In this short post I would like to give some examples of PC signal decoding tables. That is, the sound signals of the computer or what the BIOS beeps about.

To begin with, in order to use these tables, you will need to find out the BIOS manufacturer of your motherboard. It is quite easy to find out the BIOS manufacturer. You need to go into the BIOS itself (description below) and find the manufacturer’s signature.

A few words about the POST diagnostic program. This program checks all the most important components of a personal computer. Such as: processor performance monitoring, CMOS. Supporting motherboard chips and of course produces a quick test of RAM. The computer provides all this information about the performance of the PC to the micro-speaker in the form of a BIOS sound signal (beep).

If the POST program has successfully completed diagnostics of the critical components of the computer and if the PC is operating in excellent condition, then you should hear one short beep. After which the operating system will immediately begin loading. If, when starting the computer, an inoperative component is detected, the POST program will immediately produce a certain sound signal (several short or several long beeps). Thus, it determines the detected error. Accordingly, the computer stops working.

How to enter BIOS Windows 7

In order to enter the BIOS with Winows 7 or XP, you need to press a certain key, or set of keys, immediately after turning on the PC. Accordingly, before loading the computer operating system itself.As soon as you press the computer restart button, you immediately need to press a certain key. Or a set of keys. It is advisable to click it before entering the BIOS menu.

Usually a certain inscription is displayed on the monitor screen English language(press DEL to enter SETUP). Which talks about entering PC settings. The Delete key is often used. There are also other options for hot keys.

Keyboard shortcut options in Windows 7

  • Ctrl+Alt+Esc
  • Ctrl+Alt+Ins
  • Ctrl+Alt

POST diagnostic programs and computer beeps


Sequence of beeps Description of the error
1 short Successful POST
2 short Minor errors found.
A prompt appears on the monitor screen to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program and correct the situation.
Check that the cables are securely fastened in the hard drive and motherboard connectors.
3 long Keyboard controller error
1 short, 1 long Random access memory (RAM) error
1 long, 2 short Video card error
1 long, 3 short Video memory error
1 long, 9 short Error reading from ROM
Repeating short Problems with the power supply; RAM problems
Repeating long RAM problems
Repeated high-low frequency CPU problems
Continuous Problems with the power supply


One short beep
Two short beeps RAM test error
Three short beeps RAM test error (first 64 kb)
Four short beeps Motherboard is faulty (system timer error)
Five short beeps The processor is faulty. Try removing the processor and installing it again (if you're not afraid). If this does not help, then you need to replace the processor.
Six short beeps Motherboard is faulty (keyboard controller error)
Seven short beeps The motherboard is faulty (virtual mode error). Try restarting the computer, if that doesn't help, then just replace the motherboard.
Eight short beeps The video adapter is faulty or the video memory test failed
Nine short beeps BIOS ROM checksum error
Ten short beeps CMOS memory write error. It is necessary to “reset” the BIOSa memory, then by bridging the two contacts located next to the battery (Clear CMOS), or remove the battery for 20 minutes, unplugging the power cord. If it doesn't help, you'll have to change the microcircuit.
RAM errors. Try reinstalling the memory sticks.
(One long and two short), (One long and three short), (One long and eight short) signals Video card malfunction.


One beep, pause, two beeps Video card error. You need to check the video card connection
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps BIOS chip error
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep BIOS chip error
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps The keyboard is faulty
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps Error checking RAM. It's worth checking your memory
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep RAM check error. It's worth checking your memory



One short beep The processor is faulty
Two short beeps, (Three short beeps)
Four short beeps The keyboard is faulty
Five short beeps The keyboard is faulty
Six short beeps System board is faulty
Nine short beeps BIOS chip is faulty
Ten short beeps The timer chip is faulty
Eleven short beeps Chipset driver is faulty
Twelve short signals Non-volatile memory power failures
One long beep DMA controller chip is faulty (channel 0)
DMA controller chip is faulty (channel 1)
The video adapter is faulty
One long and three short beeps Video adapter memory failure
One long and four short beeps The video adapter is faulty
One long and five short beeps RAM is faulty
One long and six short beeps Errors in loading the interrupt vector into memory
One long and seven short beeps Video equipment is faulty
One long and eight short beeps Video memory is faulty


One long beep The POST diagnostic program did not detect any errors and is working normally. All OK.
One long and one short signal The BIOS memory checksum is incorrect. It is necessary to check the health of the battery
Two short beeps General error
One long and two short beeps The video card is faulty. You need to reinstall the video card
Seven signals The AGP card is faulty. You need to reinstall the video card
One long (repeated) RAM is faulty
One short and two long beeps RAM is faulty


The signals from this BIOS come through a pause with short beeps. For example – 1-2-1 (1 beep, pause, 2 beeps, pause, 1 beep)

One beep, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps An error occurred while accessing BIOS memory
One beep, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps The BIOS memory checksum is incorrect. It is necessary to check the health of the battery
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep Motherboard is faulty
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps (One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps) DMA controller chip is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Motherboard is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps RAM is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps System Timer Error
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, four beeps One of the I/O ports is faulty
Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, two beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, three beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, four beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep The second DMA channel is faulty
Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, two beeps, (Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps) The first DMA channel is faulty
Three beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, four beeps Keyboard controller is faulty
Three beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps Video memory is faulty
Three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Monitor is faulty
Three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps BIOS chip malfunction video
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep System timer is faulty
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps End of test
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps Keyboard controller is faulty
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, four beeps The processor crashed when entering protected mode.
Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep RAM error
Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, two beeps, (Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps) Timer error
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Serial port problem
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps Parallel port failure
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps Math processor malfunction
Long repeating Motherboard is faulty
Continuous CPU fan (cooler) is faulty
Siren Video card is faulty


Do not take this information as completely reliable. Because your computer's audio signals may change as new ones are released. BIOS versions. This is where I end this post, I hope you found it useful...

Let's assume you have The computer beeps when turned on and no image appears on the screen. Should I call a professional right away or can I solve the problem myself? Ideally, of course, it is better for the repairs to be carried out by a person who understands this. However, if you don’t have time to wait for the master or you just want save on repairs, then you can use the tips in this article. Many malfunctions can be caused by poor contact and such a problem you can fix it yourself.

To solve the above problems, please understand that if the whistle indicates the CPU is heating up, for example, the orientation is that you immediately turn off the machine and call a technician. You can try removing and reinserting them.

If the screen is black when you start your computer

If this doesn't work, try removing the newly installed components before the crash.

If the screen opens when you open a program

Let's look in this article on how to recognize and try to fix hardware errors in our fixed PC by interpreting the beeps that are output when the computer starts up.

Why is the computer beeping?

When a malfunction occurs, the system notifies us with a combination of sound signals that tell us what kind of malfunction has occurred. In fact, the beep sounds even if everything is in order - 1 short.

What are the types of BIOS signals?

Before starting diagnostics, it is better to disconnect everything unnecessary (keyboard, mouse, printer, flash drives, etc.).

RAM error

Although these memories could be erased, it was not foreseen that they could be easily rewritten if they had the right programmer, and yet the firmware was never available. These are short beeps separated by a short or long pause. Obviously, this is dedicated to those who are familiar with the system hardware and will not bear any responsibility for any damage that may occur to you.

If this is the case, simply open the computer case and replace the battery that we can see somewhere on the motherboard. Obviously, after replacing the battery, you need to set the date, time and all operating parameters again. Other times, just do a little cleaning to get it back in place or replace the memory modules.

The most common signals you can hear are:

Diagnostics and troubleshooting

After you have managed to identify your problem by the sound signal, you can try to fix it. Unplug your computer and follow the steps below in order, depending on what problem you have identified (RAM, video card or power supply). Check your computer to turn it on after completing each step.

Video card errors. A classic video card error is that it is slightly misaligned with the case. In this case, simply open the case, locate the graphics card, remove the screw that holds it in place, connect it well, and screw it back in again. Sometimes it may be the wrong video card. In any case, if the video card is connected well, we try to start the computer by disconnecting the monitor.

If you are good with electronics, you can also check printed circuit board video cards: there is always a group of electrolytic capacitors, more than others. Slowly but steadily, our smartphones are growing, becoming smarter and easier to customize to meet most of our IT needs. The development of powerful applications has fueled the advancement of smartphones, so much of what we do on our cell phones, from an artificial intelligence perspective, is not yet possible on regular computers.

RAM error

  1. Remove all memory sticks except one (if you have several).
  2. Move the memory to another slot.
  3. Pull out the memory stick, clean the contacts and insert it back into the slot.
  4. Replace memory.

More details about how and how to clean RAM contacts are shown in the article -.

Note: signals can be short or long

Award BIOS Signals

Description of the error
1 beep and blank screenNo errors found
2 shortMinor errors found.
A prompt appears on the monitor screen to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program and correct the situation.
Check the reliability of the cables in the connectors of the hard drive and motherboard.
3 long
1 long, 1 short
1 long, 2 shortVideo card error
1 long, 3 shortNo video card or video memory error
1 long, 9 short.Error reading from ROM
Repeating shortProblems with the power supply;
RAM problems
Repeating longRAM problems
Cyclically alternating two sound tones.CPU problems
Continuous.Problems with the power supply

AMI BIOS signals

Description of the error
1 shortNo errors found
2 shortRAM parity error or you forgot to turn off the scanner or printer
3 shortError in the first 64 KB of RAM
4 shortSystem timer malfunction. Replace the motherboard.
5 shortProcessor problems
6 shortKeyboard controller initialization error
7 shortProblems with the motherboard
8 shortVideo card memory error
9 shortBIOS checksum is incorrect
10 shortCMOS write error
11 shortError in the cache located on the motherboard
1 long, 1 shortProblems with the power supply
1 long, 2 shortVideo card error (Mono-CGA). Malfunction of RAM connectors. Replace the motherboard.
1 long, 3 shortVideo card error (EGA-VGA), on server motherboards - incorrect memory type installed
1 long, 4 shortNo video card
1 long, 8 shortProblems with the video card or the monitor is not connected
3 longRAM - read/write test completed with error. Reinstall the memory or replace it with a working module.
5 short, 1 longRAM is not installed or is not installed as recommended by the manufacturer.
Continuous beepMemory or power supply failure or computer overheating

Every time you turn on your personal computer again, the automatic self-test diagnostic program POST (Power-On-Self-Test) is launched, which is “recorded” in the BIOS ROM. Good day, dear friends, visitors, guests of the site and just familiar personalities!!! In this short post I would like to give some examples of PC signal decoding tables.

To begin with, to use these tables you will need to find out the BIOS manufacturer of your motherboard. It’s quite easy to find out the BIOS manufacturer; you just need to go into the BIOS itself (description below) and find the manufacturer's signature.

A few words about the POST diagnostic program - this program checks all the most important components of a personal computer, such as monitoring the performance of the processor, CMOS, supporting motherboard chips, and of course performs a quick test of RAM. The computer provides all this information about the performance of the PC to the micro speaker in the form of a sound signal (beep).

If the POST program has successfully completed diagnostics of the most important components of the computer and if the PC is working in excellent condition, then you should hear one short beep(beep) , after which the PC operating system will immediately begin loading. If, when starting the computer, an inoperative component is detected, the program POST will immediately give a certain sound signal,(several short or several long beeps), thereby determining the detected error, and accordingly the computer stops working.

How to enter BIOS Windows 7:

In order to enter the BIOS with Winows 7 or XP, we need to press a certain key, or set of keys, immediately after turning on the PC, respectively, before loading the computer’s operating system itself.

As soon as you restart the computer, it is better to immediately press a certain key, or a set of keys, and it is advisable to click it before entering the BIOS menu.

Options for keyboard shortcuts to enter BIOS:

Diagnostic POST programs and computer beeps:


Sequence of beeps Description of the error
1 short Successful POST
2 short Minor errors found.
A prompt appears on the monitor screen to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program and correct the situation.
Check that the cables are securely fastened in the hard drive and motherboard connectors.
3 long Keyboard controller error
1 short, 1 long Random access memory (RAM) error
1 long, 2 short Video card error
1 long, 3 short Video memory error
1 long, 9 short Error reading from ROM
Repeating short Problems with the power supply; RAM problems
Repeating long RAM problems
Repeated high-low frequency CPU problems
Continuous Problems with the power supply


One short beep
Two short beeps RAM test error
Three short beeps RAM test error (first 64 kb)
Four short beeps Motherboard is faulty (system timer error)
Five short beeps The processor is faulty. Try removing the processor and installing it again (if you're not afraid). If this does not help, then you need to replace the processor.
Six short beeps Motherboard is faulty (keyboard controller error)
Seven short beeps The motherboard is faulty (virtual mode error). Try restarting the computer, if that doesn't help, then just replace the motherboard.
Eight short beeps The video adapter is faulty or the video memory test failed
Nine short beeps BIOS ROM checksum error
Ten short beeps CMOS memory write error. It is necessary to “reset” the BIOSa memory, then by bridging the two contacts located next to the battery (Clear CMOS), or remove the battery for 20 minutes, unplugging the power cord. If it doesn't help, you'll have to change the microcircuit.
RAM errors. Try reinstalling the memory sticks.
(One long and two short), (One long and three short), (One long and eight short) signals Video card malfunction.


One beep, pause, two beeps Video card error. You need to check the video card connection
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps BIOS chip error
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep BIOS chip error
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps The keyboard is faulty
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps Error checking RAM. It's worth checking your memory
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep RAM check error. It's worth checking your memory



One short beep The processor is faulty
Two short beeps, (Three short beeps)
Four short beeps The keyboard is faulty
Five short beeps The keyboard is faulty
Six short beeps System board is faulty
Nine short beeps BIOS chip is faulty
Ten short beeps The timer chip is faulty
Eleven short beeps Chipset driver is faulty
Twelve short signals Non-volatile memory power failures
One long beep DMA controller chip is faulty (channel 0)
DMA controller chip is faulty (channel 1)
The video adapter is faulty
One long and three short beeps Video adapter memory failure
One long and four short beeps The video adapter is faulty
One long and five short beeps
One long and six short beeps Errors in loading the interrupt vector into memory
One long and seven short beeps Video equipment is faulty
One long and eight short beeps Video memory is faulty

Compaq BIOS:

One long beep The POST diagnostic program did not detect any errors and is working normally. All OK.
One long and one short signal The BIOS memory checksum is incorrect. It is necessary to check the health of the battery
Two short beeps General error
One long and two short beeps The video card is faulty. You need to reinstall the video card
Seven signals The AGP card is faulty. You need to reinstall the video card
One long (repeated) RAM is faulty
One short and two long beeps RAM is faulty

Phoenix BIOS:

The signals from this BIOS come through a pause with short beeps. For example – 1-2-1 ( 1 beep, pause, 2 beeps, pause, 1 beep)

One beep, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps An error occurred while accessing BIOS memory
One beep, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps The BIOS memory checksum is incorrect. It is necessary to check the health of the battery
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep Motherboard is faulty
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps (One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps) DMA controller chip is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Motherboard is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps RAM is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps System Timer Error
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, four beeps One of the I/O ports is faulty
Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, two beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, three beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, four beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep The second DMA channel is faulty
Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, two beeps, (Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps) The first DMA channel is faulty
Three beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, four beeps
Three beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps Video memory is faulty
Three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Monitor is faulty
Three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps BIOS chip malfunction video
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep System timer is faulty
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps End of test
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps Keyboard controller is faulty
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, four beeps The processor crashed when entering protected mode.
Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep RAM error
Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, two beeps, (Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps) Timer error
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Serial port problem
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps Parallel port failure
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps Math processor malfunction
Long repeating Motherboard is faulty
Continuous CPU fan (cooler) is faulty
Siren Video card is faulty

Attention: Please do not take this information as completely reliable as audio signals may change as new ones are released.
