There's a new MFC in town. MFC in the city

Full title Novolyalinsky branch of the state budgetary institution Sverdlovsk region"Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services"
Region/CitySverdlovsk region
Address Sverdlovsk region, Novaya Lyalya, Rosa Luxemburg street, 28
Mode/Working hours/reception hoursMonday - Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
Contact phone numbers 8 (800) 700-00-04
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Nearest metro stationsThere is no way to determine the distance from the metro
Email[email protected]
Official site
Department headSergeev Sergey Alexandrovich
Directionsno data. If you have anything to add, please write to us.
Additional InformationOn this moment 44 services have been approved that are provided at the territorial MFC. They should be provided to you regardless of your place of residence or company registration (for legal entities). Services can be provided by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, Roseestra, Rosstat, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and others. The full list can be found on the official government website or the website of the center of your region.

Location on the map and directions:

Warning: reference Information from open sources. All data on the website about the multifunctional center in Novaya Lyalya, Sverdlovsk Region, may lose its relevance. This information current for 2020, while we monitor the completeness and relevance of the information posted, however modern world It changes rapidly, and it is not always possible to react quickly. If you notice outdated information, phone numbers or something else, please help the project and report the error found to the site administration through the feedback form.

MFC (multifunctional center) is an institution operating on the “single window” principle. The multifunctional center provides municipal and government services, ensuring convenient interaction between representatives of the executive branch and citizens. The MFC allows you to receive many services in one place, quickly, at a time convenient for you. You can get expert help from qualified specialists without standing in long lines or interacting with officials. You can contact the MFC branch in Novaya Lyala at st. Rosa Luxemburg, 28.

If you need assistance of a legal and reference nature (you have a complex case and you don’t know how to fill out documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses altogether), then we offer free legal advice: (24 hours a day, seven days a week):

The creation of an MFC allows you to solve many problems. The “single window” principle makes it possible to reduce the time it takes to provide services, make receiving them more comfortable, and simplify the procedure for providing them.


The multifunctional center "My Documents" provides more than 150 municipal and public services In one place. Among the services offered by the institution:

  • Marriage registration;
  • registration of a passport or international passport;
  • resolving tax and cadastral issues;
  • acceptance of forest declarations;
  • assignment and payment of various benefits;
  • queuing for enrollment in kindergarten;
  • submitting an application for obtaining or redevelopment of housing.

MFC New Lyalya address:

Sverdlovsk region, Novaya Lyalya, st. Rosa Luxemburg, 28.

Department of the State Budgetary Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region MFC in the city of Novaya Lyalya (multifunctional center) is an institution created specifically to facilitate the procedure for the population to receive state and municipal services. The budgetary non-profit institution “My Documents” ensures effective interaction between the population and executive authorities.

The MFC combines several authorities involved in the preparation, compilation and issuance of various documents, civil status acts, certificates and receipts. The advantage of a multifunctional institution is that citizens do not need to visit several government agencies to resolve your issue or obtain the necessary document. A person just needs to contact the department of the multifunctional center to receive the service as soon as possible. You won’t have to wait long for your turn, since the branch located in the city of Novaya Lyalya has 4 active windows. As a rule, the service time is no more than 15 minutes. The list of state and municipal services provided includes:

  • issuance and replacement of passports and foreign passports;
  • issuing certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record;
  • state registration marriage (acceptance of applications for services);
  • state registration of divorce;
  • appointment and issuance of maternity benefits, one-time benefits for the birth of a child;
  • coordination of redevelopment of residential premises;
  • issuing certificates of pension amount;
  • issuing a hunting permit;
  • licensing of certain types of activities.

The head of the “My Documents” institution in the city of Novaya Lyalya is Natalya Aleksandrovna Smirnova. You can always contact the center management with questions, complaints or suggestions. The list of state and municipal services provided by the MFC is quite wide due to the active interaction of various government agencies. organs. The MFC also interacts with the government services portal, where you can make a request for the provision of a particular service, and it is possible to order the document you need and receive it in the city of Novaya Lyalya.


You can consult or sign up for the electronic queue by calling 8 800 700 00 04, or you can also contact us with your question email.

Operating mode

The MFC operates according to the following schedule:

When planning your visit, be sure to check the opening hours by calling: 8 800 700 00 04.

Official site

With more detailed information You can find out about the multifunctional center on the official website:


The MFC in the city of Novaya Lyalya is located at the address: 624401, region. Sverdlovskaya, Novaya Lyalya, st. Rosa Luxemburg, no. 28.
