Wall holder for modem. Where to place the router so that the signal is stable? What decisions should you avoid?

The location of the router in the apartment can significantly affect the coverage of your home wireless network. This is especially noticeable in large apartments - in some cases it is quite difficult to do without a repeater, since the signal weakens in the far corners of the home. However, the correct location of the router can mitigate this problem somewhat. You should also carefully consider the choice of location for the router if there are several devices connected to the apartment at once.WiFi(for example, a laptop, any “smart” gadget and an Interactive TV set-top box), and at the same time they are located in different rooms.

Many users place the router somewhere close to the desktop, next to the PC. This is logical - the sockets are nearby, turning the router off and on is convenient. If your device is also located next to the table and the signal quality suits you, you don’t have to change anything. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky - in many cases you will have to choose a good place for the router.

As for the location of the router, here you can use some practical recommendations. Note that all recommendations are rather approximate, because each apartment will have its own good and bad places to place a router.

1. Often placing the router approximately in the middle of the apartment is a good idea. Especially if you have a small apartment or studio apartment. The wireless signal will be received quite reliably anywhere in your home.

2. The fewer walls between the router and the device receiving the signal, the better. Why? Everything is quite simple. A Wi-Fi signal is an electromagnetic wave of a certain frequency (2.4 or 5 GHz). Obstacles in the path of the wave degrade the signal quality. However, much depends on the material from which these obstacles are made. And, of course, we must not forget about the thickness of the walls. In old brick houses, walls do not have a very big impact on the signal quality (except for connections in the 5 GHz range) - the signal from the router passes through such an obstacle quite well. Wi-Fi electromagnetic waves are almost not absorbed by wooden walls. But the signal passes through reinforced concrete poorly - a reflected signal goes from the wall to the same room where the router is installed. In the next room, the signal, as a rule, is already quite weak, and through another wall the wireless access point is not “visible” to receiving devices. Therefore, it is better to position the router so that there are as few walls as possible in the signal path, especially if the walls are reinforced concrete. The same remark applies to iron doors.

3. Quite often, an apartment corridor can be a good place for a router. Many standard apartment layouts provide free signal access from the hallway to the rooms and kitchen, since the corridor is located approximately in the middle of the room. In addition, the cable from the provider often enters the apartment in the hallway.

For more efficient signal propagation, you can hang the router on the wall at a height of at least one and a half meters.

4. It is better to place the router away from microwave ovens, radiotelephones and other electrical appliances so that they do not create additional interference. Most access points still operate in the 2.4 GHz band. Some work in the same range Appliances, as well as Bluetooth devices, which negatively affects the quality of the Wi-Fi signal. It is advisable to place the router at least one and a half to two meters from microwave ovens, radiotelephone bases, etc. Therefore, by the way, the kitchen is not a very good place for a router.

5. It is not advisable to place the router near radiators or any other heating devices. During operation, the router can become noticeably hot, so do not bring it to a boil. Do not cover the router or place foreign objects on it. Also, the device must be protected from water, so it is better not to place the router near a bathtub or aquarium.

6. It is not advisable to place a device that distributes Wi-Fi inside places with limited free space - in boxes, cabinets, niches in the wall. It is also better to avoid different secluded corners of the apartment (places behind the sofa, closet, etc.).

7. It is better not to place the device on the floor, under a chair, desk, etc. The signal will be absorbed by the furniture.

8. If you have pets in your home, try to position the router so that pets do not have access to the device.

Note that a 2.4 GHz signal penetrates obstacles better than a 5 GHz signal due to its longer electromagnetic wavelength. Therefore, if your router operates in the less “cluttered” 5 GHz band, you will have to place the router close to the receiving devices, otherwise the quality of the wireless connection may be unsatisfactory.

They can also help you choose an acceptable location for the router. special programs eg NetSpot. The program runs on macOS and Windows, and is available in paid and free versions. Based on the created apartment plan, she can calculate good points for placing the router.

If you have tried various options for placing the device and the signal quality in distant parts of the apartment still does not suit you, consider purchasing a repeater. It will allow you to transmit a wireless signal over a greater distance.

Today we will give a couple of tips on where it is better to install a router in an apartment: how and where it is best to install it, what solutions are best to avoid completely, and how to secure your network as much as possible.

What decisions should you avoid?

First, you need to adhere to these four rules that determine where in the apartment it will be a mistake to install the router:

Now that we have figured out where the unfavorable places are, let’s move on to standard tips on where to place the router in the apartment for the strongest signal in all rooms.

The right places to choose

The first thing worth mentioning is that the higher the dispenser is installed, the better. The ideal option would be to install it on the wall. If the question arises of how to mount a router on a wall, then everything is simpler than you might think: you don’t need to drill anything, since devices often have special grooves on the case for wall mounting.

To take advantage of this opportunity, just measure the distance between the grooves, mark the place where you consider it optimal to install the router in the apartment, and then drive it into in the right places a couple of nails almost to the end. You can also buy a couple of plastic dowels and make the holes a little smaller in the required places - by placing the dowels in the wall, you can screw screws with small heads into them and hang the router on them.

If you don’t want to make holes in the wall, then your obvious answer to the question of where to place the router in the apartment is a closet in the hallway.

The second thing that is really worth paying attention to in this case is the position of the antennas: the best option when they are standing vertically. If, despite this, you bad signal, it's still worth trying to change their position and see if this improves the situation.

These are the main two tips on how to properly install a router in an apartment. If you rely more on the principle of maximum network security, then it is best to place it in the center of the apartment - this will reduce the possibility of intercepting your signal outside it. For special secrecy, you can shield the necessary premises, but these are measures for the most serious.

Is it worth putting a router in a shield?

There is often advice about installing a distribution device in a low-current panel. For the query “router shield in an apartment,” the search engine produces a lot of information and opinions that are opposite to each other.

In this situation, we can say this: if you want to put the access point there, then the shield should not be metal, otherwise there is no point. Interestingly, in some cases, the option with a metal shield works, but only if the shield is built into a wall made of foam blocks.

Well, if you do not take into account these two features, then the main principle in choosing where to install a Wi-Fi router in an apartment is that it is better to install it outside, no matter how it looks. You can sacrifice either beauty and neatness, or a Wi-Fi signal.

When working in small offices, you often face the need secure abandoned equipment on the floor, often lying underfoot, somehow stuck by folk craftsmen in the most bizarre places. For example, can you come across something like this (see photo), is this a familiar picture? :)

Let's put things in order.

We attach the router to the wall in a few minutes.

We need very little - a sheet of paper, a pencil, a couple of screws and a screwdriver for them. If the wall is made of plasterboard, and now such walls predominate in offices, then nothing more is needed.

Place the device with the back side facing you, place a sheet of paper on it, take a pencil and go over the holes in the plastic with the pencil over the holes in the plastic for the screws.

So you can easily get points for mounting the device on the wall without a ruler, in fact - simplest template. Pierce the paper in the required places, position the sheet on the wall and, through the holes, leave pencil marks on the wall in places where screws will need to be screwed in. Screw in suitable screws and secure the device to the wall.

It takes very little time. The number of failures in small networks is reduced by an order of magnitude. Cable removed from the floor does not interfere with the cleaning lady’s cleaning in the office, and the staff rarely touches it with their feet, so the connectors, plugs, and sockets remain intact.

Drilling a wall to mount a router or switch.

Sometimes you can’t do without drilling, and you may not have a vacuum cleaner in the office. There is no need to leave behind a “gift” for the cleaning lady.

To keep up with the times, you have to purchase more and more new devices. It's no secret that Wi-Fi is incredibly widespread these days. Every wireless network user should ask questions about how to properly install a router in an apartment, is the choice of location important for the quality of communication? This article will help you find answers to these and other questions.

Installing a router in an apartment

Only at first glance everything looks simple. Not only the quality of communication transmission, but also the safety of the device itself depends on the choice of location in the apartment. A proper place will help protect the router from impacts of any kind. Let's pay attention to the main nuances of the location.

Where can't it be installed?

Installing a router in an apartment should be done wisely. In order to avoid various problems, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of tips that will help you understand where you should not place the device.

  • Do not place the access point near devices that operate at frequencies corresponding to 2.4 or 5 GHz. The reason for such measures is simple: different devices, having the same operating frequencies, will in every possible way interfere with each other’s correct operation.

Important! Avoid wireless connections, microwave ovens, phones and other similar equipment.

  • Reflective surfaces will also interfere with the operation of the device. Near mirrors and other surfaces, the signal will noticeably deteriorate, if not disappear altogether.
  • Keep the minimum number of electrical devices between your computer and the access point.
  • Avoid installation in areas surrounded by thick (load-bearing) walls. Such measures will help to avoid obstacles to stable signal propagation.

By following these tips, you will achieve the best signal propagation over the area. But what else should you pay attention to? Where is the best place to place a router in an apartment?


Some believe that constant exposure to Wi-Fi waves is harmful to the human body. Users do not recommend installing this device in the bedroom and living room. Whether you believe such advice or not is entirely up to you.

Installation height

Why do many people advise choosing high places for installation? Everything is very easy. It is from the height that the waves will spread evenly over the entire area of ​​the room.

It is quite difficult to install the router in the right place, since even the material of the walls affects the quality of communication. Sometimes an indoor flower or an aquarium can become an obstacle.

Is it possible to strengthen the signal?

Do you want to increase coverage? wireless network Internet, but are not ready to pay a lot of money for good equipment? There is a way out here too. In hardware stores there are plenty of devices called “repeaters”.

The peculiarity of this technique is that it does not require connecting any wires. You just need to turn it on this device into the power grid in a place where the point is still accessible Wi-Fi access. The repeater receives and amplifies the router signal. Thanks to this feature, you can cover even the most remote point in your apartment with a network.

Where to install a router in an apartment with animals? Read on!

Animals and heating devices

If you are a pet lover, then you should pay more attention to the installation of the router. The device must be isolated from animals, whether you have a dog, a parrot or a cat. Most animals are very playful and will bite anything they come across. Such fun may result in your pet being able to:

  • Damage the power cord.
  • Damage the internet cable.
  • Damage the router itself.

Important! Heating systems also require special attention, namely: do not choose a place for the access point near heating devices, since overheating can lead to damage to the device, and you will be forced to repair the gadget at your own expense.

A home router is an indispensable thing these days. Its main function is to distribute an Internet signal, which allows devices to connect to the network wirelessly, knowing only its name and password.

When you bought a router, it is important to choose a place where to install it. If you only need to connect a desktop computer to the Internet, then the router can be installed next to it. And if you want to use the Internet from other rooms, then it is better to choose a place somewhere in the center of the apartment, for even distribution of the signal.

The best place you can think of to install a router is a wall. Having chosen a location, first test the signal level in each room, and if it suits you, you can begin installing the equipment on the wall.

How to easily attach a router to the wall?

1. Prepare your tools: adhesive tape, a pencil and, of course, our router.

2. Place a strip of tape on the back of the router.

3. In routers on back cover There are usually holes for mounting. Make “holes” in the tape at their level.

4. Peel the tape off the router and stick it on the wall at the level where you want to mount the router.

5. Screw screws into the holes in the tape.

6. Remove the strip of tape.

7. Now secure the router to the screws installed in the wall.
