How does a lie detector work. How does a lie detector work?

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Even if you think that the polygraph test is not for you, you may someday have to take it too. This type of testing is often used when applying for a job in large corporations, checking staff members, or when checking information when approving a loan or insurance. How to pass it with dignity and keep your secrets with you, you will learn from this article.

website I decided to find out if the inner mood affects the success of passing the test and whether it is possible to prepare your psyche correctly. And at the end of the article, a bonus: in what cases can you in good conscience refuse to test.

How does a polygraph work?

By itself, the polygraph, of course, does not track lies. It captures the physiological changes that occur in the body when a person lies: pulse, sweating, breathing rhythm, pressure.

State-of-the-art detectors can track up to 50 different reactions, such as capillary dilatation, an instantaneous response to a shocking question. But still, most companies use a standard reaction study.

Experts say that the interpretation of the results is more an art than a science, since these results are highly dependent on the qualifications and experience of the polygraph examiner. He must select questions for each person, take into account all the differences in physiology in different people and be able to interpret them correctly.

6 ways to prepare the psyche

1. Get ready physically

Take care of yourself the day before the test. You must:

  • get enough sleep;
  • not be hungry or overeaten;
  • feel comfortable in your clothes.

It's okay to be nervous. Moreover, it will help to successfully pass the test. The results of those who are nervous about each answer, according to statistics, are the most accurate.

If it seems to you that due to nerves, your results may be misinterpreted, then the following technique will do.

To test your basic physiological responses, you will be deliberately forced to lie with the help of control questions. They are fairly easy to distinguish from important because they are general rather than specific.

And here be careful. If you start to get nervous when answering everything control questions, then when answering important questions, your reactions will be regarded by the polygraph as “true”, especially if you deliberately try to remain calm.

  • Example security question: "Have you ever stolen?"
  • An example of an important question: "Did you steal anything at your last job?"

You can make yourself nervous by thinking about something unpleasant, scary, or trying to solve some difficult task for you in your mind.

3. Try not to lie about the little things

If you have nothing to be ashamed of and hide, try to answer the truth to all questions. The more often you tell the truth, the more accurate the results will be. People often tend to lie about small things, and they are sure that they will be asked trap questions during the test.

But experts assure that the questions are asked as simple as possible, according to the very ethics of testing, and there should be no surprises. Moreover, you will know them in advance even before testing. This is done in order to eliminate the reaction to novelty.

4. Take your time

Depending on the specific testing, each question can be asked 3 to 6 times. Therefore, there is no need to hurry with the answer, the very feeling of haste can distort the results.

Listen to the question to the end, realize whether you really understand what you are being asked, tune in - and only then answer.

This method is considered successful, but is suitable only for those who really know how to control themselves. Because it’s easier to get nervous and cause negative reactions than positive ones.

Thinking about the answer to the question and realizing that you need to tell a lie, imagine something that is as pleasant as possible for you. Or be relaxed throughout the test. Create in your imagination a kind of carefree world that will help you stay calm: let these be the most pleasant dreams, and then the reaction of the body will be perfect!

The idea of ​​the polygraph was born many years ago. The impetus for its development was the research of the Italian physiologist A. Mosso. Such techniques made it possible for the first time in 1902 to prove the innocence of the defendant. Today, the polygraph is used when checking applicants for a position, so you can often hear the question, how to deceive a polygraph?

What is a polygraph?

A polygraph is a sensor unit, which includes a set of sensors connected to a computer device. This is an inseparable complex of apparatus and psychologist. On sale there are analog and digital types of devices. The first of them have long occupied the niche of rare goods, and the latter are popularly used in the interrogation of criminals, candidates for any position or to clarify.

How does a polygraph work, what does it react to?

The polygraph is a psychophysiological study. The device consists of:

  • sensors that control the data of the psychophysiological state of the subject's body;
  • A computer that records and processes data from sensors;
  • output device in the form of an oscilloscope, printer, monitor screen for displaying information received by sensors on a diagram.

The detector determines and fixes microstresses in the subject. Sensors are attached to such places on the human body where it is possible to clearly identify the psychophysical state of the body, changes:

  • breathing in the chest area;
  • breathing in the abdominal cavity;
  • electrical conductivity of the skin;
  • blood filling in peripheral vessels;
  • heart rate.

After the device is installed, the subject begins to ask questions. First, simple questions are asked to test the equipment. These may be questions about the name, surname, place of birth, marital status. The answer is given 15-20 seconds, which allows you to think before answering. After the polygraph examiner begins to understand how the device responds to "honest" answers, he suddenly begins to ask basic questions. During the procedure, the state of the body is recorded before the answer, during its pronunciation and after.

Why is a polygraph dangerous?

The polygraph is a biomedical device capable of recording the psychophysiological outburst and the reaction of the human body. In order to successfully pass the lie detector, it is necessary not only to master your emotions perfectly, but also to control your heart rate and blood vessels. That is why the polygraph examiner always asks if the subject has health contraindications before conducting the test.

The device closely interacts with the subconscious: emotions, memories, experienced stresses. This is the main danger of the device. Although it does not physically affect a person in any way, it can provoke the appearance of:

  • tantrums;
  • heart attack;
  • nervous attack;
  • epilepsy;
  • miscarriage;
  • asthma attack.

Who should not take a polygraph for health reasons?

According to the existing law on which diseases it is impossible to undergo a polygraph, citizens who suffer from:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cold with severe cough and runny nose;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • strong alcohol intoxication;
  • drug addiction;
  • deviations of mental activity;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • mental or physical exhaustion;
  • pain syndrome;
  • pregnancy (the fetus also experiences in the form of fear, excitement, which is immediately recorded by the device);
  • epileptic seizures.

What not to do before a polygraph?

The upcoming polygraph test causes stress and fear in many people, even if the person is going to speak the truth. This condition occurs due to ignorance of the principles of operation of the device, fear of being caught in a lie. That's why many people ask how to prepare for a lie detector test, and what not to do before a polygraph:

  1. Do not try to predict the test questions, this can cause self-condemnation, excessive anxiety.
  2. Relax, thanks to good health, physiological reactions will be as accurate as possible.
  3. Don't treat the test day as something special. Start your morning with a run and a cup of coffee.
  4. Do not take any medication unless it has been prescribed to you by your doctor. otherwise antidepressants will skew the results of the test.

Can a polygraph be fooled?

Is it possible to fool a polygraph? Yes, it's possible. Figuring out how to pass a polygraph without problems, this can be done, for example, with a simple biting of the tongue and causing tension in the legs, mentally counting sheep. Each of these actions will cause physiological reactions that will be immediately recorded by the device. Mental counting will prevent the subject from fully comprehending question asked, which will lead to an undefined result.

History remembers the case of the unjustly convicted Fey Floyd. After failing a polygraph test, he was convicted of a murder he did not commit, and only a few years later the truth surfaced. Floyd decided to take revenge on the offenders and became a real expert in the field of polygraph testing. He taught prisoners who confessed to him a crime how to deceive a polygraph, as a result of which most of the criminals managed to pass a lie detector, they were found not guilty.

Ways to fool a polygraph

There are several ways to cheat a lie detector:

  1. Decreased sensitivity of sensory analyzers. To do this, the day before the test, drink some alcohol. On the day of the test, your reactions will be somewhat inhibited, and the polygraph will not be able to give an accurate result.
  2. Medications. Before using them, it is important to know and understand your body's reaction to "chemistry" well. So, if the subject took psychotropic substances for the first time, out of habit he may begin to behave inappropriately, which the polygraph examiner will immediately notice.
  3. Non-chemical way. To do this, you need not sleep for several days. But it is worth remembering that an experienced polygraph examiner will always notice such a condition.
  4. Emotion control. It is important not only to be able to give the right reaction to the question, but also to control facial expressions.
  5. Physiological reactions. For example, some, in an attempt to counteract the polygraph, thought of putting a button in the boot under the big toe. When pressed, the pain causes a false reaction.

In recent years, a lie detector or polygraph test is increasingly used in Russia.

Many departmental and commercial organizations use this method when hiring employees, recertifying and conducting internal investigations.

In private life, the lie detector is increasingly used to detect facts of adultery, in the selection of domestic staff and screening of adolescents over 14 years of age in order to identify risk factors such as drug use, alcohol use, participation in socially unapproved activities, etc.

A Brief History of the Lie Detection Method in Russia

The lie detector, or more precisely the Special Psychophysiological Study (SPFI) using a polygraph, has recently received wide distribution. The first freely available polygraphs appeared in Russia in the early 90s, already in the last century. Although for the first time the method of revealing hidden information in our country arose in the 20s of the last century, when the Soviet psychologist, the founder of domestic neuropsychology, Professor Alexander Romanovich Luria supplemented the well-known method of free associations with a special device - a monograph that objectively recorded motor the reaction of the subject to an external stimulus or, more simply, a question.

Unfortunately, in the early 1930s, these experiments, like many other psychological studies in the USSR, were terminated or, more precisely, banned by the decision of the party leadership. And the scientific base developed by Russian scientists continued to develop in the United States, where it received practical application in the investigation of criminal offenses.

The revival of methods for revealing hidden information in the USSR began in 1975, when, on the initiative of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yu.V. Andropov, the 30th laboratory of the KGB of the USSR was created, which in 1994 was transformed into one of the departments of the Institute of Criminalistics of the Center for Special Equipment of the FSB of Russia. With a slight delay and also in an atmosphere of secrecy, psychophysiological studies were carried out in the system of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, the development of the psychophysiological method of revealing hidden information, or rather the veil of secrecy behind which this direction developed in Russia, contributed to the fact that - applied has acquired an incredible amount of speculation and rumors that turn the lie detector into a monstrous tool, with the help of which the soul is literally pulled out of a person in order to find in it all earthly vices and sins.

Important information for the subject

Lie detector test as a method of psychodiagnostics

Special Psychophysiological Examination using a polygraph does not fundamentally differ from other psychological (psychodiagnostic) tests or medical studies, for example, using an electrocardiograph.

Lie detector test, as well as any other diagnostic methods, have the following characteristics: standard, reliability and validity.

The technique has its own scope, its specifics and its limitations, which are inherent in any method of psychological research.

Important to remember!

A lie detector test is a psychodiagnostic study, the same as measuring temperature with a thermometer or ECG.

Lie detector test security

Physiologically, the procedure is absolutely safe for the subject. During testing, no active influence is exerted on the subject's body. All sensors are passive, i.e. have no effect on the body. From a physiological point of view, this study can be compared with the measurement of body temperature with a conventional medical thermometer.

Psychologically, the procedure can be a source of stress. Before and during testing, all subjects experience anxiety. Those involved are afraid of exposure. Uninvolved false accusations. Both those and others are afraid that as a result of the study, any socially unapproved actions or intentions that took place in their past will become known. In addition, the questions themselves can cause you indignation, resentment and other unpleasant emotions.

Important to remember!

Physiologically, the polygraph examination is safe. Psychologically, it is more or less stressful. Be prepared that you may have to experience unpleasant emotions that are characteristic of every person in a similar situation. Your level of anxiety prior to the start of the test will be recorded and will not affect the results.

Voluntary polygraph examination

A polygraph examination is carried out only with your voluntary consent. No one can force you to pass the SPFI. Prior to the start of the study, the polygraph examiner must ask you to sign an Application or other document indicating your voluntary consent.

You can opt out of further testing at any time during the procedure. You are not obliged to explain the reasons for the refusal either orally or in writing.

Important to remember!

Research can be conducted only with your voluntary consent.

Lie detector test questions

Before starting testing, the Customer and the specialist psychophysiologist are obliged to familiarize you with the topic and questions of the tests.

You can discuss these questions and clarify them. It is important that you and the specialist clearly understand these questions, and you decide for yourself how you will answer them.

During methodically correct testing, no question can be asked, except for those that have been voiced.

The questions asked may concern not only the topic under investigation, but also some aspects of your personality - the level of anxiety, adaptability, acceptance of social norms, self-esteem, assessment of the environment, emotionally significant memories, etc. Do not be afraid of such questions, they are necessary to obtain an accurate and reliable result.

  1. your sexual inclinations.
  2. Your family and loved ones.
  3. Your political and religious views.

Important to remember!

There will be no unexpected questions in the test. There may be questions that characterize you as a person. There can be no personal questions.

The position of the subject during testing

A lie detector test is a psychodiagnostic test, not an interrogation. A good polygraph examiner does not take the position of a prosecutor or a lawyer. This is a specialist who conducts a study of the presence in your memory of information about the event under investigation.

If you have nothing to hide on the topic under investigation, then you and the polygraph examiner have a common goal and you are partners helping each other in achieving this goal.

If you are involved, you cannot have a partnership with a polygraph examiner. In this case, you are competitors. Try not to show it. And in no case do not cross reasonable boundaries in a competitive struggle, forcing a specialist to take retaliatory measures. Remember, a polygraph examiner is also a person and, like any person, is subjective.

In any case, take an active polite position, ask questions, explain your reactions, remain a Personality.

Important to remember!

The best position during the time is polite, friendly, if possible partner. Interact with a specialist. Don't take the position of the victim.

The position of the polygraph examiner during testing

Unfortunately, as in any other profession, there are different specialists in practical psychophysiology. Moreover, some schools that train polygraph examiners, as well as the methods they develop, have a clearly accusatory bias. Therefore, I recommend paying close attention to the psychological setting of a polygraph examiner.

Particular attention should be paid to search tests, the questions of which are aimed at clarifying the specific circumstances of the event. Search test questions are formulated as if the polygraph examiner already knows for certain that you have committed the event under investigation and the meaning of the questions is to clarify the details of this event.

A simple example. Question: “Do you drink a glass of vodka every morning? / cognac? / home tincture? / moonshine?

If you told the specialist that you drink a glass of alcohol every morning, then this test is completely appropriate. If the fact of daily drinking is not proven, then it is unacceptable to use such tests.

Therefore, if by the behavior of the polygraph examiner, the meaning of his statements, questions and other signs, you feel a priori guilty, best solution for you, it will be polite to refuse to pass the test with this particular polygraph examiner and ask the Customer to replace the specialist.

Important to remember!

The position of a good psychophysiologist is always neutral and friendly. If you are faced with an accusatory position, attempts at threats or other form of pressure, ask to replace a specialist.

Lies during a lie detector test

As I already wrote, there may be questions in the tests that you would not like to tell the truth. This is quite natural. And I'm not asking you to be honest.

Sometimes telling the truth is a very difficult and responsible decision.

The only thing I want to warn you about is that the technique cannot distinguish a minor lie from a major one. And it's not because it's imperfect. The reason is that for your psyche there are no such concepts as big lies and small lies, there are only concepts - lies and truth.

Your physiology reacts the same way to stealing candy from your parents' dresser, and to stealing a million dollars from the state budget. Therefore, in the process of discussing issues with a specialist psychophysiologist, it would be better for everyone to inform him about the nuances that may be in answering a specific question. This will allow you to make the results reliable and eliminate unnecessary suspicion.

In order to clarify this important point, I will give a simple example.

Experience shows that many people have tried soft drugs at least once. This does not mean that they used or use them systematically or are dependent on drugs. Let's say that in your experience there was a single drug use during a trip to Amsterdam. If the test asks, "Have you used drugs?" and you answer “no” to it, the device will fix the lie.

Therefore, to the question “Have you used drugs?”, I recommend giving an explanation that there was one case during a trip to Amsterdam. This information will allow the polygraph examiner to reformulate the question as follows: "Besides one time in Amsterdam, did you use drugs?". If it really was an isolated case, then by answering “no”, you will tell the truth and the lie detector will record it. If there were other cases that you chose to keep silent about, the answer "no" will be recorded as false.

Important to remember!

It is better to inform the specialist in advance about the presence of minor misconduct related to the topic of testing in your past experience in order to exclude their influence on the results.

Preparing for a lie detector test

If you have nothing to hide, then

  1. Rest the night before the test.
  2. Refrain from drinking alcohol, sedative and tonic medicines, large doses of tonic drinks.
  3. No need to overeat or vice versa come with a feeling of hunger.
  4. Refrain from drinking a large number liquids.
  5. Reschedule your appointment if you are sick or not feeling well.

Behavior during polygraph testing

First of all, calm down, relax. Sit comfortably. If something bothers you or causes discomfort, immediately inform the specialist about it.

Directly during testing, try not to make unnecessary movements. Breathe in the usual rhythm. Look ahead. Answer the questions with a simple yes or no.

Before you give an answer to a question, listen to it to the end, realize its meaning. No need to try to analyze the behavior of a specialist and evaluate his reactions to your answers. This can add to your stress level and introduce bias into your results.

Between test questions, an interval of 15 seconds to several minutes is required. Be prepared for pauses between questions.

Attempts to fool the lie detector

There is only one reliable way deceive the lie detector - refuse to check.

Everything you read on the Internet or heard from your friends is not true.

You can try and maybe you will be lucky - you will be checked by an unscrupulous or illiterate polygraph examiner, unfortunately, there are many of them.

But if you just happen to good specialist, then you have no chance to deceive him.

The identified attempts to counteract are immediately recorded and become known to the Customer, who will already interpret them at his own discretion, as a rule, not in favor of the subject.

Important to remember!

If you have something to hide on the subject of a lie detector test, then The best way refuse research.

In this article, I have tried to provide you with the basic information that is necessary for the successful completion of the Special Psychophysiological Examination using a polygraph or, more simply, a lie detector test.

More information can be found on my website at

Psychologist, expert polygraph examiner.
Head of the "Laboratory of Psychophysiology and Lie Detection".
Dmitry Kuzovkov.

As a rule, it collects psychophysiological information on at least four functional physiological parameters of the human body (respiration, galvanic skin reaction, cardiovascular activity, physical activity) and is used with personal computer with the corresponding software.

The removal and fixation of psychophysiological information is traditionally carried out using contact sensors of a polygraph through the conversion of electrical signals into digital and graphic forms on a computer screen and subsequent fixation in digital form and reproducible on paper. These processes of taking psychophysiological information and its statistical processing are due to design features a specific polygraph, its software and features of the method used in a specific psychophysiological study using a polygraph.

The general scheme of psychophysiological research using a polygraph can be represented as follows:

For each reading of the polygraph sensors on the monitor screen, in digital and graphical form a visually objectified psychophysiological dynamic process occurring in the body of the examined person at the time of presentation of verbal and non-verbal stimuli to him. The data obtained in this case is sufficiently accurate not only for the purposes of instrumental lie detection. But also in order to use them in scientific analysis and forensics.

A well-trained polygraph surveyor is almost impossible to deceive in any way. Polygrams are read not only mathematically and visually-figuratively, but also at the analytical and synthetic levels. One of the most important components in a survey using a polygraph is a correctly compiled and correctly presented test program that fully corresponds to the PFIP method used.

When the questions for the study are chosen correctly, the test program is methodically correct, the specialist understands the content and subject of his professional activity well, then the task of analyzing and synthesizing the data obtained and their scientific interpretation does not seem difficult.

Processing and scientific interpretation of the results of studies conducted using the main world-famous PFIP methods, which we will consider in subsequent chapters, as well as their numerous modifications, are based on a comparison of psychophysiological reactions to presented stimuli in the dynamics of their (reactions) occurrence and manifestation. When comparing reactions, several methods and algorithms of statistical processing are used.

The task of a specialist is to conduct a correct comparison and interpretation of the initial data obtained during the FIIP. There is no comparison - there are no well-founded conclusions. By itself, the psychophysiological reaction, without its comparison, is of no diagnostic value and does not solve the problem of PFIP. An objective complete psychophysiological study using a polygraph is a few mandatory standardized stages of interaction between PFIP participants aimed at solving the problems of PFIP.

Among these mandatory steps, direct polygraph testing necessarily includes a test system. The system is a repeatedly repeated scientific experiment aimed at solving the diagnostic, statistical and expert tasks of the FPIP as a whole.

In the popular media and in some works of modern authors, the essence of the study using a polygraph, to put it mildly, is somewhat distorted and even mystified. It is enough to watch such programs as "Lie Detector". Or read articles by marketers from "lie detection". This is enough to completely confuse an observer who is not sufficiently dedicated to the subject and cause enormous harm to the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200busing a polygraph.

It is known in the professional community that even among respected pioneers in the use of the polygraph, there is no unanimous opinion about what exactly the specialist investigates when conducting a survey using a polygraph. According to some authors, the OIP specialist is looking for "traces of stress" and "emotional associations", others - "ideal traces in memory", "associative imprints in the mind" and "guilty knowledge". At the same time, some "scientists" even manage to search for lies using a polygraph.

Some of these versions, in addition to the search for lies, in one interpretation or another are effective for use in this area of ​​​​practical application of the polygraph and have the right to exist. However, it is obvious that it is long overdue to designate the conceptual components of interdisciplinary knowledge associated with the use of the polygraph by single concepts, highlighting something common in them, categorically uniting them.

One of such conceptual concepts, in our opinion, may be the "representation" of experience.

"Representation" of experience is a particular concept within such concepts as "mental representation" and "cognitive representation", developed in detail in cognitive psychology. For the purposes of use in the methodology of polygraph studies, the representation of experience is understood as any reflection in the human psyche of perceptually (directly received through the senses) reflected elements of the event. In which he took part or about which he is informed. Including sensations, emotions, images and mental products of their fusion in the process of mental activity of an individual.

The study of "representations" in the course of a polygraph test should be understood as the study of not one particular narrowly localized function, but as the study of an integral product of the complex systemic functioning of the human psyche in connection with the event under study.

In the course of perception, the event is reflected and imprinted on the emotional and intellectual levels of both the conscious and unconscious spheres of the human psyche.

In the conditions of presentation of stimuli to a person, both verbal (words, statements, questions) and non-verbal (images, smells, sounds, gestures, etc.), the process of their identification takes place. This process is accompanied by psychophysiological reactions of the organism. The ability of the polygraph to register these reactions in the dynamics of their flow in relation to the presented stimuli, taking into account the functional characteristics of the human psyche, provides ample opportunities to explore the representations of experience available to a person. Or representations of this or that event, the participant of which was the tested person. And subject to certain conditions, make diagnostic conclusions about the degree of his involvement in the acts (action or inaction) within this event.

A specialist in the use of a polygraph in Russia, and in the near abroad, is usually called a polygraph examiner. This concept in Russia has developed historically, is generally used in a professional environment, but from our point of view it is not entirely correct, since there is no such science as "polygraphology".

It is well known that one of the signs of science is its inherent value, in other words, knowledge for the sake of knowledge. The use of a polygraph in surveys on the facts of any investigations or checks is aimed at solving particular practical problems and is one of the applied disciplines in the system of knowledge about a person.

In the system of scientific knowledge about a person there are such generally recognized sciences as medicine, psychology, physiology, psychophysiology and jurisprudence.

The polygraph interviewer needs to clearly understand that the polygraph is an electrical device. Equipment that accurately measures the amplitude and duration of the corresponding human reactions in the dynamics of their manifestation. These reactions (physiological and psychophysiological) are measured and studied by the sciences mentioned above. Including within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of man. These circumstances give every reason to believe that the designation of this sphere practical use polygraph "polygraphology" has signs of distortion of the scientific conceptual apparatus. Which in essence is an attempt to elevate to the rank of science an interdisciplinary practical diagnostic study using a device - a polygraph.

The polygraph is essentially the same measuring device like an oscilloscope or tomograph. And in a simplified form as an electric ruler and a thermometer. For its use Russian legislation currently does not impose any special requirements. The allocation of the technology of using the polygraph to the section of science called "polygraphology", in our opinion, is somewhat premature and illogical. At the same time, given the prevalence and use of the term "polygraph examiner", its use, in our opinion, at the present stage of the applied use of the polygraph is quite justified and logical.

Almost every sane person believes that cheating modern technology impossible. The same applies to the polygraph, speaking in the common people - a lie detector. Thanks to this device, everyone who is dishonest to society, who is trying to hide any facts or information, is brought to clean water.

Moreover, high-class polygraph examiners are specially trained to work with such a device, able to determine the moments when a person is lying and when he is telling the truth. But is the opinion that it is impossible to deceive a polygraph so true? Let's find out if it is true that the reliability of the verified facts on the lie detector is almost 100 percent.

Learning to deceive a lie detector - as far as possible

It should be noted right away that any innovative innovation, including such a device as a polygraph, is always accompanied by myths about its originality and infallibility. Let's be honest, in order to "push" the product, to draw attention to it - everyone uses advertising, even if not entirely objective. Myths about the polygraph around the world are supported by both the polygraph examiners themselves and the companies that produce these products. Thanks to this policy, they kill "two birds with one stone" at once:

  • the cost of the apparatus increases;
  • the pressure on the will of the person being tested increases, and he is already amenable to questioning in advance.

Based on the above, the efficiency and profitability of the machine is growing. But there is also a third argument in favor of the polygraph myth - this is the cultivation of the power and mystery of the device. People have always revered these two components and immediately obeyed the one who possessed them. In this case, we are talking about the detector and its owner.

Debunking the Myths

With great success, many interested persons prove that a decent person has nothing to fear when passing, a polygraph is dangerous only for criminals. And if someone refuses or tries to oppose participation in a polygraph survey, then others are already sure of the guilt of this person. It turns out that the feeling of fear is caused in advance, guilt is added to it, but in fact the refusal does not mean anything. Normally, few people are pleased when they delve into his life and ask unpleasant questions. In such cases, only a very psychologically strong person can have complete peace of mind.

We hasten to make a reservation right away - no one has the right to interfere in personal life without consent. Of course, we are not talking about the persons who committed the crime and their guilt has been proven.

On the other hand, for slandered, slandered persons, this is sometimes the only chance to prove their innocence. But even in this case, participation in the survey should be only voluntary, and not at the whim of a third party. Also, one should not follow the lead of a jealous spouse and make excuses with the help of a polygraph that they did not cheat and did not spend money from the general family fund.

Important: polygraph examiners often test applicants when applying for a job. You can refuse this procedure and, moreover, declare a violation of human rights and interference with privacy.

How to prepare for the test

Before starting the survey, an experienced polygraph examiner puts some pressure on the interviewee. He inspires him with the futility of any opposition to the detector. The respondent is informed about this during a casual conversation, in which he hints “they say, you shouldn’t lie, everything will be clear right away, it will be even worse, you will get into a dead end”, etc. He convinces the client to completely relax and speak only the truth, enjoying the process of questioning. At the same time, it completely turns inside out thoughts and the most hidden secrets. But do not be angry, this only speaks of the high professionalism and skill of the polygraph examiner.

The polygraph examiner clearly follows all the skills acquired during study and practice and acts according to the instructions. Another thing is important - to know how to deceive a polygraph and get "dry" out of the testing procedure.

Who can fool the lie detector

Despite the widespread advertising of the effectiveness and efficiency of polygraphs, there is still no way to boast of high results. The reason for this is the ability of some individuals to easily deceive the apparatus. But it is worth remembering that not everyone can boast of such opportunities. More than once, serious scandals have surfaced in the press related to the lie detector test and the prosecution of completely innocent people or the acquittal of true criminals.

In order to improve the procedure, huge funds are spent in the United States on the training of masters of the highest category, next to which our specialists simply pale. But even with their qualification, the reliability of truthful answers reaches only 70%. As it turned out, in addition to the fact that personnel are being trained to work with a polygraph, at the same time, special techniques are maturing that allow you to deceive the device. So, let's consider a list of types that can pass a polygraph test without problems and exposure.

  1. social psychopaths. Such people inadequately perceive any kind of norms and public morality, which in the common people is called dishonesty. These include serious criminals, murderers, maniacs. Swindlers, swindlers, for whom lies are a way of earning a living, easily pass the polygraph.
  2. Minors. Due to their age, they still cannot “chew” the meaning of the question, fully understand the essence and answer at random without doubts and worries.
  3. Old people in "marasmus". In this situation, the person no longer understands the meaning and essence of the questions being asked, answers the first thing that comes to mind, even if it is not related to the topic under discussion.
  4. Pathological liars. Such people are so accustomed to deceit that sometimes they themselves believe in their own untruth. Testing on the device in such situations is excluded, since deceivers, like schizophrenics, manic psychopaths and people with are unable to distinguish a fictional illusory reality from the true state of affairs.
  5. Actors of the highest category. This includes masters who fully possess the famous Stanislavsky system. Not a single specialist polygraph examiner can tell them in response “I don’t believe!”, As the respondent is completely immersed in a fictional image.
  6. Secret service workers. This profession requires a high level of self-control, the ability to inspire and bring to the highest level unconscious manifestation of reflexes and reactions of the body.

How to work with the device

The most important thing is not to be afraid. There is no need to revere the accuser apparatus - this is not an omnipotent being, but an ordinary technique that can be easily deceived. And please get rid of unnecessary guilt, whatever it may be. Before starting an official survey, the specialist asks questions, calibrates, through which he determines where a person is lying and where he is not. For example, he asks for a name, asks to read the number and immediately lie, indicating another.

Important: before the survey, it is mandatory to discuss the questions that will be asked. If unplanned questions are asked at an official time, you need to ask for time to calm down and re-interrogate.

By agreeing on topics in advance, you can create a legend for yourself and “plunge” into illusions, make the image more vivid, emotional. The main thing is to force yourself to believe in your own lies or, if you want to soften the expressions, in an alternative, that is, another reality. If you just imagine it, it will only get worse, the picture of reality will be superimposed on the fictional one and confusion will occur. There will be stress, tension, inhibited reaction and all the answers will seem untrue.

Important: experienced polygraph examiners often attempt to use hidden cameras, mirrors, etc. in addition to using a polygraph. This action needed to break the will of the respondent.

The main interview procedure with the help of the device lasts 1-2 hours. From the very beginning, simple, mundane questions are asked, to which only “no, yes” should be answered. Then there should be a pause of a few seconds to record the reaction and the device records the work of the heart - it skipped a beat or not, there was a brief breath hold or not. And also the body reacts about the untruthfulness of the testimony as follows:

  • increasing skin reaction;
  • breath and rhythm are delayed, then there is a greater increase in rhythm and breath;
  • the human pulse slows down, then the heart rate increases;
  • the time for inhalation and exhalation changes, pauses occur;
  • muscle tremor increases, tremor occurs.

To suppress the will and disorientate the respondent, the specialist can change the questions, their wording. Moreover, he can ask the same question many times with different stress and rearrangement of words. Sometimes, in addition to the answers “Yes”, “No”, the polygraph examiner may ask to be silent.


There are filler questions on distracting topics. For example - “Today is Wednesday?”, “Are you wearing shoes?”. It is impossible to answer them untruthfully, but they serve as an indicator, after which the untruth appears especially brightly.


Questions in the form of traps - reveal the details of the action. For example, if a person did not commit theft, then he does not know the small details, and the guilty person will have a reaction of the body. In a series of words during the survey, key moments of the situation slip through - what was stolen from the bank, wallet, money, mobile, pistol, wallet, keys, etc. How long have you been taking drugs - a day, 1 month, a year, a week, 10 days ago. As the turn of the correct answer approaches, the respondent's reaction intensifies.

Often a specialist complicates a seemingly simple question. For example, "The stolen wallet, you hid behind the wall or under the sofa." An inexperienced person can easily get carried away and answer "Yes" or "No". This already speaks of the indirect fault of man.

test questions

They are set to determine a person's inclinations to various kinds of offenses. For example - "Has it ever happened that you took something that was not yours without asking, did you steal money?" etc.

Powerful Ways to Successfully Outcome a Survey

So let's start over. Before the official, the master conducts a preliminary session and even then it is necessary to start lying even to the most simple and innocent questions. Thus, it is possible to "confuse" the apparatus - the polygraph and the polygraph examiner. This method is called "to confuse the tracks" despite the fact that the suspicion of infallibility will be aroused, but it will be difficult to prove. But these are noticeable ways, now let's talk about inconspicuous ones - there are only 3 of them.

The first way is to reduce the sensitivity of your own analyzers. In this case, you will have to sacrifice a little health and take 150-200 grams of strong drink in the evening before the survey. Also suitable are drugs that block pressure and reduce the additional influx of adrenaline. The medicine must be taken so that it begins its action half an hour after the start of the survey.

Important: taking such drugs is strictly contraindicated in people who have hypotension - low blood pressure.

Powerful suppression of any kind of emotion. The effect is achieved by distracting the concentration of attention on some object, image. In this case, you only need to answer questions in automatic order, without thinking and without imagining objects, faces, etc. in my thoughts. For example, you need to focus on a picture on the wall or on a brooch, a specialist button, on some part of the body, etc. This method requires a long training, as an inexperienced person will immediately give himself away to a polygraph. The specialist should not notice the internal detachment of the respondent. Therefore, you need to hide the following signs:

  • motionless, stony face;
  • fixed gaze at one point;
  • unnaturally set, monotonous voice;
  • the answer anticipates the question or is given before the end of the question.

An important point in the survey is not the absence, but the presence of exactly the right reaction to the question. A person should behave naturally, and not pretend so that it is noticed not only by the detector, but also by the layman. In this case, a simple advice will help - multiply a few numbers in your thoughts, think about something that can cause the desired reaction - rage, pleasure.

Attached sensors signal the incorrect answers of the respondent to the questions posed. To deceive them, to reduce electrical conductivity, many use special substances. Thanks to them, the equipment will not be able to clearly distinguish the reaction of the fingers to serious questions. Best of all in this case, ordinary medical alcohol or any alcohol-based cosmetic product will help, ointments, deodorants from sweating are also suitable. When applying, it is important to pay attention to the following tips:

  • the product must be odorless and colorless;
  • it should have a long-term effect, at least 2-3 hours;
  • the agent must be stable and not washed off with water.

Experienced polygraph cheaters recommend applying salicylic-zinc ointment. Only hands should be well warmed up in hot water for deeper penetration under the skin. But do not forget that in addition to the skin, you should also control breathing and heartbeat.

And finally, the last, but very effective way. To deceive a lie detector you need not sleep for several days. Tired and sleepy, a sleepy person is in a state of trance, his consciousness is clouded, and he does not clearly answer the questions posed. Consequently, the body reacts too weakly, as evidenced by a weak pulse, a rare heartbeat.

Is it worth the risk and torture of the psyche

We studied the basic ways of working with a lie detector, methods of deception with the help of drugs and alcohol, our own self-control, etc. But is it worth it to exhaust yourself with unnecessary and completely meaningless questions, if you can simply refuse the survey and not take part in turning your own soul inside out.

Well, if very serious circumstances require it - an accusation of theft or another, more serious crime, then get ready, don’t get ready, the truth will come up anyway. In any case, you will have to spend a lot of time to learn the craft of tracing around the fingers of a polygraph, or, as it is called scientifically, a lie detector.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

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