Program for building connections. Building connection diagrams (mind maps, mind maps) using the freemind program and their practical use

Link diagram(thought map, associative map, mind map) is a great way to sort out thoughts, ideas, facts, concepts, tasks. Now such diagrams are actively used in study and work. To create them, you can use a pen and a piece of paper in the old fashioned way, and it is fashionable to use special software.

A link diagram is used in the learning process, for example, to create notes or organize material on a specific topic. You can also use it to solve creative problems, brainstorm or create presentations. A mind map can help you organize things or plan a specific project.. Finally, it can even be used in solving personal problems.

A hand-drawn mind map helps you better understand the material or understand yourself (if you use this technique to solve personal problems). But if you need to present a finished diagram at work or school, it will look much more solid. link diagram created in a special program. In addition, this will save you from having to carry a rather large sheet of paper with you, which can be wrinkled: you put the diagram on a USB flash drive - and that's it.

There are many free programs for creating mind maps. Perhaps one of the most famous is freemind. This is a cross-platform application written in Java and distributed under the GNU GPL. With XHTML export, you can create complex tree diagrams with links to external sources (other mind maps, files, and web pages).

The program allows you to hide individual branches, use HTML to format nodes, decorate corners and branches, link nodes graphically, search individual branches, import and export lists. The finished link diagram can be exported to JPEG formats, PNG, SVG and PDF. Provided integration of the application with wiki projects.

Based on the FreeMind application, two more projects were created: FreePlane and SciPlore MindMapping. In a programme FreePlane The emphasis was on ease of use. One of the key developers of FreeMind took part in its creation. Like its "parent", this program is cross-platform. It fully supports the FreeMind file format, but also contains additional options and features not supported by FreeMind.

Program Sciplore MindMapping more focused on students and scientists. It puts more emphasis on working with the PDF format (including importing bookmarks) and support for BibTeX keys (software for creating rich bibliography lists). This is the first program that combines the creation of link diagrams and the management of bibliographic information. The SciPlore MindMapping file format is 100% compatible with FreeMind.

Based on FreeMind and WikkaWiki(often referred to simply as Wikka). In fact, this is a wiki engine written in PHP that uses the MySQL DBMS to store pages. The engine is very light and powerful, it combines the standard features of a wiki engine with support for FreeMind memory cards.

Project VUE (Visual Understanding Environment) was created specifically for educational institutions and is distributed under the appropriate license. It's cross platform free app can also be used to create presentations. In addition to the standard options found in most mind mapping applications, VUE boasts new features: tools for dynamic map presentation, tools for merging and analyzing maps, advanced label and search capabilities, support for the semantic web, advanced search on online resources (Flickr, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.).

Program XMind has a fairly simple interface. It is used for task and knowledge management, meetings and time management. A mind map created with this application can contain element borders, relationship between elements, labels, markers, links, text labels, audio and graphic files, attachments in other formats. Ready documents can be exported to PowerPoint, MS Word and PDF.

Another of the free programs for creating mind maps can be mentioned CAM editor, Compendium, Pimki. There are also sites for creating mind maps. Most of these services are shareware. This means that you can either create only a limited number of cards in free mode (usually 2-3), or use the service for free for a limited amount of time (about a week).

A mind map can become an indispensable assistant in your studies and work, and if you choose the right program, its creation will not be for you the slightest difficulty!

Recently, in the computer environment, it has become especially fashionable to speak in the language of infographics - through a series of visual images. The amount of information available on the web is huge, and people are already starting to choose how to perceive it, bright expressive graphics seem more interesting to them than words and numbers. However, the construction of infographic drawings requires the refinement of analytical thinking and richness of imagination. We can rejoice - there are enough resources on the net to help aspiring infographic designers. This publication contains a complete list of resources and services to make it easier for you to generate infographic images.


A set of free javascript/HTML5 charting tools for almost everything - from static infographic samples to embeddable "live" diagrams! The choice of configuration is wide - from typical (bar charts, histograms, line charts and area charts, step and smooth curves, "Japanese candles" and interval charts with limit values ​​marks) to pie charts and their varieties, radial, "bubble" charts and etc.

A free online service for easy construction of visual mind maps and their subsequent printing or distribution to other brainstorming participants. Bring screen shots of your diagrams to life for infographics, presentations, and more!

A user-friendly tool for generating online graphics such as sitemaps, wireframes, UML and network diagrams. Cacoo is free to use.

A simple browser-based service for easily building neat diagrams and graphs using built-in templates, such as US maps, Venn diagrams, etc.

A data visualization web service that allows anyone to quickly and easily transform their data into compelling, interactive visualizations. Your interactive renders can then be shown to the public by embedding them into websites, blogs, or by sharing them on Facebook and Twitter.

Catchy graphs and charts line up together, but quickly. The site has a powerful library of completed subject images and ready-made templates, which greatly simplifies the matter. In addition, you are offered not only free, but also a tariff (though quite affordable) version to solve any of your problems.

A stunning web novelty that gives users the ability to design beautiful infographics using menus with tons of pre-loaded drag and drop content and a rich selection of editable templates to suit any need.

Javascript library for processing documents containing arrays of data. D3 helps you bring this data to life HTML, SVG and CSS. D3's emphasis on web standards allows you to take full advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers without being tied to proprietary frameworks, combining the functionality of render elements with the principle of data first when manipulating objects within the DOM standard.

A framework with descriptive functions for graphics processing, enabling you to build rich user interfaces, visualize data, map, edit images, and more.

Dundas brings you a wide range of data visualization tools within Microsoft technology. You are offered a range of data visualization tools, including Chart (scheme), Gauge (scale), Map (map) and Calendar (calendar) for the .net platform, as well as Dashboards (toolbars) for Silverlight.

ActionScript visualization library run through Adobe Flash player. From simple diagrams and diagrams to complex interactive graphics, the service has tools to support data management, visual information transformation, animation and interactive interaction. What's more, Flare is modular, allowing developers to come up with their own rendering techniques without having to reinvent the wheel.

A huge "constructor set" of vector drawings and infographics. The package contains more than 50 components - from graphs and charts to maps and icons.

You are offered more than 90 variations of schemes, as well as 550 maps in javascript (HTML5) and Flash formats.

Gephi is an interactive data visualization/viewing platform for any networked and complex systems, building dynamic and multilevel graphs. Works with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Gephi is free and open source.

GeoCommons allows any user to find, apply and share geographic maps and similar graphics. Luxurious interactive visualization samples are easy to create, and even an inexperienced user can solve their problems using familiar diagramming tools.

An online diagramming service whose means of expression to users are shapes, text, and paths. Easy to use. Items are transferred to work surface from a well-stocked drag-and-drop library and formatted using point-and-click. No need to be seven spans in the forehead.

Google Chart tools are powerful, easy to use, and free. Choose from a variety of schemes suitable. From simple scatter plots to multi-level sequencing plots with branches, look and find the best solution for displaying your data.

Highcharts is a 100% javascript charting library that provides you with visually appealing interactive charts for websites and web applications. Highcharts currently supports line, curved, column, area charts (-areas with soft edges), pie charts, scatter plots, and histograms.

With the online charting service Hohli Online Charts Builder, you can generate Venn, scatter, bar, radial, pie, and line charts. When starting to build your circuit, first select its desired configuration and scale. Then enter the data you want to display in the corresponding field. As you enter information, your schema will be generated and you can watch it change as you build.

A network access service that facilitates the visualization, distribution, and exchange of Big and Small data. We see our task in giving people all over the world the opportunity to use and exchange data, to provide a free channel for the transmission of visual information for its owners, media structures, market participants and consumers.

Using is similar to using Adobe Illustrator online and can also be used to create beautiful infographics. Just choose the template that suits you, enter your details, and then send or include your infographic piece in the structure of the finished sketch.

A set of tools for building interactive web data visualization samples using javascript. Equipped with the latest options for visualizing arrays of information, for example, TreeMaps, a tool for representing structures of logical sequences / dependencies in the form of stylized schemes based on SpaceTree, hyperbolic "branched" curves (Hyperbolic Trees) can be built using the "extraction of the essence of the context" method (focus + context), and for radial "branched" animated schemes, there are ray axes blanks (RGraph), plus a lot of visualization options.

A Javascript schema generator that requires little or no additional coding. Drawing charts with JS Charts is easy and simple, because you only need to use the client-side (that is, executed by the browser) part of the program for this. You can do without additional add-ons and server modules. It is enough to implement our scripts, having prepared data for building your schema in XML, JSON formats or via javascript Array, and you can get it "right in your hands".

A set of javascript tools for visualizing network activity parameters. Compatible with all major browsers and platforms, including iPad. Works based on HTML5, but also feels good in earlier versions of Internet Explorer.

An application for compiling a resume of irresistible appearance with infographics.

A data visualization site that gives you the means to both build your own samples and view other people's infographics. There are already thousands of examples on this page.

Browser-based tool for collective construction of link diagrams. It helps you organize your thoughts graphical form fruits of your brainstorming and get screen shots of the results, complementing your infographics with strict, no-nonsense text.

An online service for building mind maps for a beautiful visual embodiment of your findings and insights in the process of joint brainstorming. allows you to plot and upload your own charts online for free. The application supports the creation of a number of graphic configurations, such as bar charts, pie charts, line charts, bubble charts, and radial charts.

You need to be able to present information temptingly and catchy, and not boringly and tediously. If you agree with this opinion, then you should try out PiktoChart - a web application for creating fun infographics.

Kit software tools to present visual data in the form of luxurious interactive fragments. The Original Prefuse standard toolkit includes a visualization framework for the Java programming language. The Prefuse Flare Extended Suite provides rendering and animation tools for ActionScript and Adobe Flash Player.

Thinking about writing a resume using infographics? Try out, a visual resume generation application.

A wide range of web-based and desktop-based software tools for a variety of data visualization tasks. "Ordenosnoe" package of services, including StatPlanet, StatTrends & StatWorld.

Tagxedo will help you fill in words - famous sayings, excerpts from newspaper articles, mottos and theses, even your love letters - a text cloud that draws the eye. Words are calibrated in accordance with the frequency of use and the density of their "sowing" in the text.

The free data visualization service will help you build interactive images for visual perception and further implement them into the structure of your website or send them. Anyone can do it, nothing complicated, but everything is free.

A new web platform designed to visualize any data by anyone and for any purpose. Weave is an application development platform designed for users of all levels of experience - from beginners to "advanced" - and allows you to embed, distribute and present in a visually convenient way data "laid" at different depths in the geographic "soil".

A set of powerful Drupal visualization modules. VIDI provides you with easy-to-use tools for building and embedding vibrant maps into your presentations or blogs. There are also functional visual aids expressions that allow the cards to "tell" a lot.

If you are looking for a data viewer and visualization tool that is too tough for office software with a typical set of charting features, then Visualize Free is the solution for you. A free visual information analysis service that excels at sorting multidimensional data for tracking trends and yaws, as well as manipulating data in a simple point-and-click manner.

Transform your LinkedIn profile into a pretty infographic in one swipe. This online application automatically formats your LinkedIn data into a clear, crisp, easy-to-read resume.

An application for generating "text clouds" from the records you provide for processing. More visible in these clouds are words that occur more often in the source texts. "Clouds" can be varied by customizing fonts, configuration and color schemes. The images you build in Wordle are entirely yours, you can do whatever you want with them. They can be printed or saved to the Wordle gallery for your friends to see.
Huge selection of vector infographic compilation tools. The package contains over 50 elements - from graphs and diagrams to maps and icons.


A treasure trove of useful, up-to-date information for building your infographics. Wide thematic coverage - economics, sociology, energy, ecology and statistical reports on countries. For data and statistics, please contact here first of all!

Explore datasets provided by leading data storage resources, upload your own data, generate reports and beautiful visualizations in seconds.
45. Gapminder

Another great source of information for building infographics. "Evidence warehouse" for the formation of a worldview based on accurate knowledge, storing fresh statistical calculations, videos, Flash presentations and diagrams of the main trends in world development, animation and colorful graphics.

Questions and answers about access to various data.

If you're looking for some very specific infographic information, then Google Public Data Explorer might come in handy. This search tool from Google provides you with interactive graphical summaries of publicly available information that you can explore, process, and save as screen captures for later use in building rich and meaningful infographic designs. Highly specialized information can be found through the built-in search engine.

A massive collection of valuable data sets and colorful infographics from across the web, neatly organized. This site is also good for finding inspirational examples - there are a lot of beautiful infographics here.

Open source software for cartographers to create their own portals, available for viewing by the whole world or only a limited circle of people.
More than 90 chart configurations are available, as well as 550 maps in javascript (HTML5) and Flash formats.

The times of using drawing boards are long gone, they have been replaced by graphic editors, this special programs for drawing electrical circuits. Among them there are both paid applications and free ones (we will consider the types of licenses below). We are sure that we created short review will help to choose from a variety of software products the most optimal software for the task. Let's start with the free versions.


Before proceeding to the description of the programs, we will briefly talk about free licenses, the most common of them are the following:

  • Freeware- the application is not limited in functionality and can be used for personal purposes without a commercial component.
  • open source- product with " open source”, in which it is allowed to make changes by adjusting the software to suit your own tasks. There may be restrictions on commercial use and paid distribution of the modifications made.
  • GNU GPL- a license that practically does not impose any restrictions on the user.
  • public domain- almost identical to the previous version, the copyright law does not apply to this type of license.
  • Ad-supported- the application is fully functional, contains advertising of other products of the developer or other companies.
  • donationware– the product is distributed free of charge, but the developer offers to make donations on a voluntary basis for the further development of the project.

Once you have an idea about free licenses, you can move on to software distributed under such terms.

Microsoft Visio

It is easy to operate, but at the same time very convenient editor vector graphics, which has a rich functional set. Despite the fact that the main socialization of the program is the visualization of information from MS Office applications, it can be used to view and print radio diagrams.

MS releases three paid versions that differ in functionality and a free one (Viewer), which integrates into the IE browser and allows you to use it to view files created in the editor. Unfortunately, for editing and creating new schemes, you will need to purchase a full-featured product. Note that even in paid versions, among the basic templates there is no set for the full creation of radio circuits, but it is easy to find and install.

Flaws free version:

  • The functions of editing and creating diagrams are not available, which significantly reduces interest in this product.
  • The program works only with the IE browser, which also creates a lot of inconvenience.


This software is an application to the CAD system of the Russian developer ASCON. It requires the installation of the KOMPAS-3D environment for its operation. Since this is a domestic product, it fully supports the GOSTs adopted by Russia, and, accordingly, there are no problems with localization.

The application is intended for designing any types of electrical equipment and creating sets of design documentation for them.

This is paid software, but the developer gives 60 days to get acquainted with the system, during this time there are no restrictions on functionality. On the official website and on the network you can find a lot of video materials that allow you to get acquainted with the software product in detail.

In the reviews, many users note that the system has a lot of flaws that the developer is in no hurry to fix.


This software is a comprehensive environment in which you can create both a circuit diagram and a printed circuit board layout for it. That is, place all the necessary elements on the board and trace. At the same time, it can be performed both automatically and manual mode or by a combination of the two.

There are no models of domestic radio components in the basic set of elements, but their templates can be downloaded online. The language of the application is English, but localizers that allow you to install the Russian language.

The application is paid, but the possibility of using it for free with the following functional limitations:

  • The size of the circuit board cannot exceed 10.0 x 8.0 cm.
  • When routing, only two layers can be manipulated.
  • The editor is allowed to work with only one sheet.

dip trace

This is not a separate application, but a whole software package that includes:

  • Multifunctional editor for development circuit diagrams.
  • Application for creating circuit boards.
  • 3D module that allows you to design housings for devices created in the system.
  • A program for creating and editing components.

The free version of the software package, for non-commercial use, has some minor limitations:

  • Circuit board no more than 4 layers.
  • No more than one thousand outputs from components.

The program does not provide for Russian localization, but it, as well as a description of all the functions of the software product, can be found on the net. There are also no problems with the component base, initially there are about 100 thousand of them. On thematic forums, you can find component databases created by users, including those for Russian GOSTs.

1-2-3 scheme

This is a completely free application that allows you to complete Hager electrical panels with the equipment of the same name.

Functionality of the program:

  • Choice of housing for the electrical panel that meets the standards for the degree of protection. The sample is made from model range hager.
  • Completion with protective and switching modular equipment of the same manufacturer. Note that the element base contains only models certified in Russia.
  • Formation of design documentation (single-line diagram, specifications that meet the ESKD standards, rendering of the appearance).
  • Creation of markers for switching devices of the electrical panel.

The program is completely localized for Russian, its only drawback is that only the electrical equipment of the developer company is present in the element base.

Autocad Electrical

Application based famous CAD Autocad, created for the design of electrical circuits and the creation of technical documentation for them in accordance with the ESKD standards.

Initially, the database includes over two thousand components, while their conditional graphic designations meet the current Russian and European standards.

This application is paid, but it is possible to get acquainted with the full functionality of the basic working version within 30 days.


This software is positioned as an automated workstation (AWP) for electrical designers. The application allows you to quickly and correctly develop almost any drawing for electrical projects with reference to the floor plan.

Application functionality includes:

  • Arrangement of UGO when designing electrical networks laid openly, in pipes or special structures.
  • Automatic (from the plan) or rune calculation of the power circuit.
  • Preparation of specifications in accordance with current regulations.
  • The possibility of expanding the base of elements (UGO).

The free demo version does not include the ability to create and edit projects, they can only be viewed or printed.


This is a completely free software package with open source (Open Source). This software is positioned as an end-to-end design system. That is, it is possible to develop a schematic diagram, create a circuit board according to it and prepare the documentation necessary for production.

Characteristic features of the system:

  • It is allowed to use external tracers for PCB layout.
  • The program has a built-in PCB calculator, the placement of elements on it can be done automatically or manually.
  • Upon completion of the trace, the system generates several technological files (for example, for a photoplotter, a drilling machine, etc.). If desired, you can add a company logo to the printed circuit board.
  • The system can create a layered printout in several popular formats, as well as generate a list of components used in the development to form an order.
  • It is possible to export drawings and other documents to pdf and dxf formats.

Note that many users note the ill-conceived interface of the system, as well as the fact that in order to master the software, you need to study the documentation for the program well.


Another free and open source application that allows you to create circuit diagrams and has the functions of a simple vector graphics editor. The base set contains forty different component libraries.

TinyCAD - simple editor for schematic diagrams

The program does not provide PCB routing, but it is possible to export the netlist to a third-party application. Export is made with support for common extensions.

The app only supports English language, but thanks to the intuitive menu, there will be no problems with mastering.


Free project development environment for Arduino base. It is possible to create printed circuit boards (wiring must be done manually, since the autorouting function is frankly weak).

It should be noted that the application is "sharpened" for quick creation sketches to explain the principle of operation of the designed device. For serious work, the application has too small a base of elements and a highly simplified schema.

123D Circuits

This is a web application for developing Arduino projects, with the ability to program the device, simulate and analyze its work. In a typical set of elements, there are only basic radio components and Arduino modules. If necessary, the user can create new components and add them to the database. It is noteworthy that the developed printed circuit board can be ordered directly from the online service.

In the free version of the service, you cannot create your own projects, but you can view other people's developments that are in open access. For full access to all features, you need to subscribe ($12 or $24 per month).

Note that due to poor functionality virtual environment development is of interest only to beginners. Many of those who used the service drew attention to the fact that the simulation results diverge from the real figures.


Free multi-platform application (GNU GPL license) for quick circuit diagram creation. The functional set is minimal.

The language of the application is English, the program does not accept Russian characters. You should also pay attention to the atypical menu, which you need to get used to. In addition, contextual hints are displayed on the status bar. The basic set of elements includes the UGO of only the main radio components (the user can create his own elements and add them).


This is a demo version of the CAD of the same name. Functional limitations affected only the number of elements used in the development scheme (up to 50 pieces) and the number of contacts (no more than 300), which is quite enough for small amateur radio projects.

The program consists of a central module, which includes several applications that allow you to develop a circuit, create a board for it and prepare a package of technical documentation.

The basic set includes more than 20,000 components, additional libraries can be downloaded from the developer's website.

A significant drawback of the system is the lack of support for the Russian language, respectively, all technical documentation is also presented online in English.


Simple convenient and free (FreeWare) application for the development of electrical and electronic circuit drawings. The program is a regular editor, no special functions are implemented in it.

The language of the application is English, but there is a Russian localization for it.

Paid Apps

Unlike software distributed under free licenses, commercial programs, as a rule, have much more functionality and are supported by developers. As an example, we present several such applications.


A simple editor program for drawing electrical circuits. The application comes with several component libraries that the user can expand as needed. You can work with several projects at the same time by opening them in separate tabs.

Drawings made by the program are stored as vector graphics files own format with the extension "spl". Converting to standard raster image formats is allowed. It is possible to print large diagrams on a regular A4 printer.

Officially, the application is not released in Russian localization, but there are programs that allow you to Russify the menu and contextual tips.

In addition to the paid version, there are two free implementations of Demo and Viewer. In the first, there is no way to save and print the drawn diagram. The second provides only the function of viewing and printing files of the "spl" format.

Eplan Electric

Multi-module scalable CAD for the development of electrical projects of varying complexity and automation of the process of preparing design documentation. This software package is now positioned as a corporate solution, so for ordinary users it will not be of interest, especially if we take into account the cost of the software.

Target 3001

A powerful CAD system that allows you to develop electrical circuits, trace printed circuit boards, and simulate work electronic devices. The online library of components has more than 36 thousand different elements. This CAD is widely used in Europe for PCB routing.

English is set by default, it is possible to set the menu in German or French, there is no official Russian localization. Accordingly, all documentation is provided only in English, French or German.

The cost of the simplest basic version about 70 euros. For this money, tracing of two layers for 400 pins will be available. The cost of the unlimited version is around 3.6 thousand euros.


An application for modeling digital, analog and mixed circuits, as well as analyzing their work. The user can create in the editor electrical circuit and set parameters for analysis. After that, with one click of the mouse, the system will automatically make the necessary calculations and display the results for study.

The program allows you to set the dependence of the parameters (values) of the elements on the temperature regime, illumination, frequency characteristics etc. If the diagram contains animated elements, for example, LED indicators, then their status will be correctly displayed, depending on the incoming signals. It is possible to “connect” virtual measuring instruments to the circuit during simulation, as well as monitor the status of various device nodes.

The cost of the full-featured version is about $4.5 thousand. There is no official Russian localization of the application.


This CAD platform includes many tools for designing various electrical devices. A set of special functions allows you to solve engineering and design problems of any complexity.

Distinctive features - fine tuning interface for the user. A lot of reference literature, including in Russian. Despite the absence official support Russian language, there are Russifiers for the platform.

For ordinary users, the purchase of a paid version of the program in order to develop electrical circuits for amateur devices will be unprofitable.

Designer Schematic

An application for creating electrical circuits using radio elements manufactured by Digi-Key. The main feature of this system is that in the editor for constructing diagrams, mechanical design can be used.

Component databases can be checked for compliance at any time and, if necessary, updated directly from the manufacturer's website.

The system does not have its own tracer, but the netlist can be loaded into a third party program.

It is possible to import files from popular CAD systems.

The estimated cost of the application is about $300.

Vector 2D editor CADE for Windows was developed by a company specializing in working with CAD. The program makes it easy to create detailed diagram networks. One of the most useful features, in my opinion, is the ability to sign the IP address, serial number and manufacturer's name for each device on the network. CADE includes all the templates you need to draw up a diagram and is distributed absolutely free of charge.

Concept Draw Pro is one of the most powerful business charting tools available, and not just online. It takes a minimum of time to master the program - all operations are carried out by simple drag and drop. Concept Draw Pro comes with a full set of network symbols, and all aspects of the diagram can be personalized. The cost of the app is $249.

Dia is an open-source diagramming software, the main drawback of which is an outdated interface and a primitive character set. But the program is very easy to use, without being distracted by any extraneous tasks. Dia is free and runs on almost all desktop Linux distributions.

Diagram Designer is another free utility with an outdated interface, but very easy to use, which will surely appeal to many users. Unlike Dia, the program offers a much wider selection of symbols and icons. The only thing I didn't like about Diagram Designer was the need to draw the connections between computers manually, because the program uses an arbitrary shape for this. With the exception of this small drawback, DD is quite a worthy solution.

eDraw Max is one of the best tools on this list, with the exception of Visio of course. The program is easy to learn, has a convenient, and, moreover, the most modern user interface of all the options listed. eDraw Max is a semi-functional business diagramming tool for any purpose, not just network diagrams. The cost of the solution is $99.95 per license, and the more licenses, the cheaper each one.

There are extremely unsuccessful programs, and GoVisual Diagram Editor is one of them. It is a difficult instrument to handle and provides far from satisfactory results. Although it can still be used to draw a network diagram, it will not be particularly easy to read, as the GoVisual Diagram Editor lacks some useful features - in particular, icons for network devices. But if someone needs free program for charting for any purpose, GoVisual is just the right choice, because it is distributed for free.

I would include LanFlow among the best. The program has an excellent interface, offers a rich selection of network objects and allows you to easily create diagrams of local, telecommunications, external networks, as well as computer diagrams. LanFlow even provides two different network diagram templates: a 3D diagram and a black and white one. To create a diagram, just select a template and drag suitable objects onto it, which can be grouped, deleted, and so on. A single-user license for the program costs $89, so LanFlow can rightfully be called one of the best budget alternatives to Visio.

While NetProbe can also be used for charting, its main purpose is to monitor network devices in real time. But the main advantage of NetProbe as a diagramming tool is that network devices can be added to the diagram as needed, even in advance. It is not necessary to do this manually - the built-in NetProbe component automatically scans the network and compiles a list of all devices available on the network. The Standard edition is free, but can only track eight hosts. Pro version it costs just $40 for 20 hosts, while the Enterprise version, which allows you to monitor 400 hosts, is priced at $295.

Network Notepad (literally "network notebook") is exactly what the name implies - a notebook for drawing up network diagrams. But despite its apparent simplicity, the program has rich features, including interactive features (Telnet, network browsing, pinging, etc.). Network Notepad has a simple drag-and-drop interface and can automatically discover Cisco devices. The program is distributed free of charge.

Visio is, of course, the de facto standard in the Windows diagramming application market. The program allows you to easily create beautiful network diagrams and share them through a web browser. Visio includes a rich set of templates, including those for data centers, help desks, network racks; for office consolidation, enterprise-wide network planning, data center or home office; for drawing up a fault tree, a plan for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, etc. Visio - the best solution for drawing network diagrams, and therefore it is not cheap: $ 249.99 for the Standard version, $ 559.99 for the Professional and $ 999.99 for the Premium 2010. Read more about the features of the versions at official page Visio.


Nowadays, every designer and programmer is faced with the construction of various kinds of diagrams and flowcharts. When Information Technology have not yet occupied such an important part of our lives, the drawing of these structures had to be done on a sheet of paper. Fortunately, now all these actions are performed using automated software installed on the user's computer.

It is quite easy to find a huge number of editors on the Internet that provide the ability to create, edit and export algorithmic and business graphics. However, it is not always easy to figure out which application is needed in a particular case.

Due to its versatility, the product from Microsoft can be useful both for professionals who have been building various structures for more than one year, and ordinary users who need to draw a simple diagram.

Like any other program in the series Microsoft office, Visio has all the tools necessary for comfortable work: creating, editing, connecting and changing additional properties of shapes. A special analysis of the already constructed system has also been implemented.


The second place in this list is rightly occupied by Dia, which contains all the functions necessary for a modern user to build circuits. In addition, the editor is distributed free of charge, which simplifies its use for educational purposes.

A huge standard library of shapes and connections, as well as unique features not offered by modern counterparts - this is what awaits the user when contacting Dia.

Flying Logic

If you are looking for software with which you can quickly and easily build the necessary circuit, then Flying Logic is exactly what you need. There is no cumbersome complex interface and a huge number of visual chart settings. One click - adding a new object, the second - creating a union with other blocks. You can also combine circuit elements into groups.

Unlike its counterparts, this editor does not have large quantity various forms and connections. Plus, there is the possibility of displaying additional information on blocks, which is described in detail in the review on our website.

BreezeTree Software Flow

FlowBreeze is not separate program, and an independent module connected to Microsoft Excel, which greatly facilitates the development of diagrams, flowcharts and other infographics.

Of course, FlowBreeze is software, mostly intended for professional designers and the like, who understand all the intricacies of the functionality and understand what they give money for. It will be extremely difficult for average users to understand the editor, especially given the interface in English.

Edraw MAX

Like the previous editor, Edraw MAX is a product for advanced users who are professionally engaged in such activities. However, unlike FlowBreeze, it is standalone software with countless possibilities.

In terms of interface style and operation, Edraw is very similar to Microsoft Visio. No wonder it is called the main competitor of the latter.

AFCE Algorithm Flowcharts Editor

This editor is one of the least common among those presented in this article. This is due to the fact that its developer - an ordinary teacher from Russia - completely abandoned the development. But his product is still in some demand today, as it is great for any schoolchild or student who is learning the basics of programming.

In addition to this, the program is completely free, and its interface is made exclusively in Russian.


The concept of the FCEditor program is fundamentally different from others presented in this article. Firstly, the work takes place exclusively with algorithmic flowcharts, which are actively used in programming.

Secondly, the FSEeditor independently, in automatic mode builds all structures. All the user needs is to import the finished source in one of the available programming languages, and then export the code converted into a schema.

Block Shem

The BlockShem program, unfortunately, provides far fewer features and user-friendliness. There is no automation of the process in any form. In the Flowchart, the user must manually draw the shapes and then combine them. This editor is more of a graphic editor than an object editor designed to create diagrams.

The library of figures, unfortunately, in this program is extremely poor.

As you can see, there is a large selection of software designed to build flowcharts. Moreover, applications differ not only in the number of functions - some of them involve a fundamentally different principle of operation, distinguishable from analogues. Therefore, it is difficult to advise which editor to use - everyone can choose exactly the product that he needs.
