SEO suggestion. Commercial SEO: measure and act! The most important thing is to choose the right path

A person is greeted by clothes, and an SEO company is greeted by a commercial offer. The sales pitch is probably the most important element in the sales funnel, and this applies not only to SEO, but to almost every area of ​​business, unless, of course, you have “girls, sign up for nails”. A commercial offer is like a palm for a palmist, it tells a lot about your future partner, and most importantly, it shows his attitude towards you, your business, your time and your business. In this article, we will tell you about how to find out who is in front of you, a representative of a team of professionals or a Herbalife seller, based on a commercial offer.

You are offered jobs that relate exclusively to your project or a specific project situation.

There is a little life hack how to check this item really quickly. I recommend that you simply replace the name of your project in the CP with the name of any other that may not even closely relate to your topic, and if the meaning is preserved, then no more than 15 minutes were spent on this commercial offer and it was not compiled by a person, but at best by an analyzer . At worst, the method is to find - replace.

But speaking completely seriously, the commercial proposal should contain ways to solve your specific problems. In fact, your future contractor should already know what to do with your project and therefore, it should contain at least this minimum:

  • Briefly describe the main problems of your site;
  • Picked up a small query pool (we call it a demo core);
  • In general terms, a promotion strategy has been prepared;
  • Briefly and clearly outlined the primary work plan;
  • The sales specialist will have to justify each item of the planned work.

The main idea of ​​this paragraph is: “We will not find out what to do with your site during the work process, we ALREADY know what to do and it remains only to start the work.”

The commercial offer contains information on your commercial benefit. Naturally, because the offer is commercial.

The essence of the KP is to describe the commercial benefits for both parties, that is, in short it looks like this: “You give us your money, and we give you work that will help you earn more money. Here are the numbers and forecasts. This is surprising, but many companies and freelancers remember the first part very well, but they either completely forget about the second part, or give abstract information on abstract benefits, and, as a rule, there can be no talk of any figures. And if you put a standard automatic gearbox under the knife, then it will look something like this: “You give us your money, and we will do something for you with the site and you will be in the tops, because it’s cool.”

Perhaps I exaggerated a little. It does not take a genius to understand that having a site in the coveted top 3 for the necessary queries leads to increased sales and the rapid development of the company. No, your future partner will not be able to find out exactly how much you will earn with 100% accuracy, but he can show the positions of the leading competitors in the demo query pool and show that you are probably seriously behind the leaders of your niche, as well as calculate the savings in Ya.Direct and G.Adwords for the same queries.

The information presented in this way will not make you doubt the importance SEO promotion and commercial benefits of working with such an attentive and forward-thinking contractor. The main idea: “We did not come to you in order to solve our SEO problems for your money, we are here to solve your business problems for your money”

The offer communicates with you in your language, not the language SEO specialists.

The most valuable resource we have is time. Only those employees and partners who save this time both for you and for themselves deserve professional respect.

Now imagine that you received a huge file from Nth SEO agency / freelancer, which is replete with complex terms, smart, but specialized words, the meaning of which will become clear to you only after you promote yourself to the top couple or three sites. You will have no choice but to postpone it "for later", while this "later" will certainly never come.

In doing so, the sales people do not value your time, you simply do not have it to decrypt this cryptogram, after which a subsequent meeting is out of the question. Moreover, by sending such files, inexperienced agencies try to appear much smarter than they really are, thus trying to avoid uncomfortable questions in further communications.

The main idea: "We communicate with you in your language in order to simplify communication and significantly save your and our time."

The commercial offer does not contain white spots, each item and stage of work is clear and justified.

If in the wrong gearbox from previous paragraph If unnecessary information predominates, then such information simply cannot exist in a correct CP. Each item, even if it contains at first glance an incomprehensible term or definition, must be translated into Russian and justified.

If it is a work plan, then it should be explained. If this is a promotion strategy, then there should be an explanation why the contractor is going to do this and not otherwise.

In the paragraphs above, I wrote that it is necessary to provide information about competitors and for good reason. In SEO a large number of decisions are made on the basis of data from the TOP 10 for a particular request, and if there is no such information in the CP, then you should request it from a specialist in the sales department or from the direct contractor, and he will not have to refuse you. Otherwise, you are offered a job for the sake of a job.

The main idea: "All our decisions are based on analysis data and practical experience, we produce only relevant work and do not hide anything from you."


A commercial offer without a price is like a spinner without a bearing, that is, not a commercial offer at all.

Understand that SEO has changed a lot over the past few years and today it is an expensive expertise that requires a lot of time and deep immersion in the entrusted project, where the price of a mistake is very high. Therefore, do not be surprised if there is an appropriate price for quality services. No, I'm not saying that the price determines the quality, but rather that you should be wary of a suspiciously low cost.

Think for yourself, the more expensive the services, the more experienced specialists work on your site and the less the project load on each of them. The smaller the project load, the more attention your site gets, and the more attention, the more results.


Perhaps, these are the main postulates of a correct commercial offer that you need to consider so that you can make the right choice during the first minutes of communicating with the file.

Perhaps I was a little idealistic and was too categorical, but such a critical and strict approach will help you not to become deceived by an unscrupulous contractor.

Hot material, private information, fawn, all rolled into one... I don't know how else to describe it. this topic, but here are documents, contracts, SEO promotion market leaders, leaders at a certain point in time. A certain Mikhail K. collected this information, probably as part of a future study on.

Michael K.- many thanks, I can express for this study, and for many SEO specialists, this material can mean only one thing, the May holidays will be very interesting. It will be possible to analyze competitors in detail, see which of them promises something on the site, and in the contract "not very" signs under these words.

You can also audit your documents, compare the pros and cons. And on the basis of commercial offers, analyze how companies lure customers into their networks.

We have been successful in promoting websites because we have always changed faster than others. What remains unchanged is our commitment to our customers. Advance brings you new customers with the help of Internet marketing. Contextual advertising is gaining momentum, and we have joined this life-giving stream.

The scope of the Antarion company includes the creation of websites and web design, design and development of trade electronic platforms, online shopping, manufacturing corporate information portals and introduction of IT-technologies into the business environment.


Our specialization is to increase the sales of our clients with the help of complex internet marketing solutions. Since 2004, we have accumulated a unique experience of successful business development on the Internet. More than 200 qualified specialists from 4 regional offices of our company work every day to attract "hot" target buyers to our clients' websites in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost.

Ingate was founded in 2000 and specializes in providing premium search advertising services. Today we employ more than 200 excellent professionals; Over the entire period of our work, we have implemented over 1200 successful projects. The interests of the company are wherever people look for and find information.


Created from scratch without a single ruble of investment in August 2004 as a kind of joint Russian-Ukrainian enterprise. It was transformed into the group of companies "Internet Technologies" in 2007 due to the increase in sales volumes and the opening of regional offices in the cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Today it is a small holding engaged in the promotion of sites in search engines Oh.

The MegaSeo group of companies was founded in 2005 and is a friendly team of experienced professionals, headquartered in Orenburg. The customer service office is located in Moscow. Over two thousand customers have trusted us search promotion their sites over the past 5 years. Many of them work with us to this day.

The Newmann Bauer marketing group specializes in providing services in the field of Internet marketing - SEO, SEM, SMO, conducting marketing research for various business segments, developing innovative online solutions for small and medium-sized businesses.

Web Studio of Petr Penzev

"Peter Penzev Web Studio" offers to bring your site to the first page of Yandex, Google, Rambler. Your potential customers will see your site. Attendance will grow, there will be more calls, more sales. Be above your competitors, sell more!

Our company offers you comprehensive website promotion services that compare favorably with competitive offers with a qualified technical approach and stable results. Five years of successful work in the website promotion market allowed us to develop effective website promotion solutions, the effectiveness of which has been tested by practice.

SEO Dream was founded in 2005. The main activity of the Company is complex advertising on the Internet. Today, SEO Dream Company has more than 350 sites in various topics under promotion.


SEONE was founded in 2005 as a studio for creating and promoting websites. From the very beginning, we abandoned the path taken by many SEO companies that promote sites only to achieve certain positions in the search engine results. We have always been interested not only in positions on specified requests, but first of all in attracting the target audience to the client's website, potential consumers of goods and services offered by this resource.

Trinet enters the market information technologies in 2000. During these years we have been looking for ourselves, set goals, made decisions, were not afraid to take risks, and achieved results. Every year we gained experience, constantly raising the level of our work.

The company "WebProjects" has been working in the market of website development and promotion since 2002. The company employs specialists with many years of experience. The number of successfully implemented projects is more than 100. We provide services for the development, support and promotion of Internet sites for business, society and government agencies.

Here is just a small list of what can be included in a typical CP when promoting a site:

  1. Compilation of a detailed semantic core.
  2. Creation or correction of site structure.
  3. Content filling of the project.
  4. Bringing the site to the TOP-10 for fixed requests within the agreed time frame.
  5. Technical optimization of the project.
  6. Development of recommendations to increase the conversion on the site.
  7. Improving usability and navigation.
  8. Comprehensive revision of the resource, optimization mobile version website.
  9. Promotion in social networks.
  10. Link promotion (white methods), etc.

We guarantee a significant increase in the volume of the target audience coming in response to targeted requests. Our team during the work on the site will improve its visibility and credibility, study behavioral factors and develop optimal measures to promote the project.

Work on websites is carried out according to such a plan

Details of events for each type of promotion

Nuances of social and information promotion

In the course of these types of promotion on the commercial offer of the site, the following are performed:

  1. Development of a strategy for the popularity of the site on social and thematic sites.
  2. The target audience is determined and researched, the site is optimized for social services.
  3. Selection of interaction options is being carried out and an action plan for the website in the social Internet environment is being implemented.

For all types of services, a monthly report on the work done and the results obtained is compiled. There is an assessment of the prospects for further promotion of competitive positions within the agreed field of requests. Efforts are adjusted by types of promotion.

The calculation of the cost of website promotion is carried out individually for each project, taking into account the quotation from our agency. Monthly maintenance includes basic resource support, allowing you to quickly adapt to changes in the competitive environment.

When going to the first meeting with representatives of a website promotion company, be prepared for the fact that you will be asked a lot of questions. Why is this needed? To see what the original picture is and what exactly you would like to receive. The desired result (in particular, the number of visits, their territorial affiliation and time frame) forms the basis of the commercial offer (hereinafter referred to as the CP). Also, the results of the analysis of the market (competitiveness) and competitor sites may affect the content of the CP.

This procedure will determine how much to expand semantic core and how many reviews should be placed in order to get a better position in the search results. After all, the goal of your site is to “overtake” the competitor’s resource and take the highest position, while using the maximum allowable budget. Everyone knows that there is a shortage for busting and vice versa. We take into account the following indicators of competitors' sites:

  • position in the search results;
  • techniques that are used to improve behavioral factors;
  • chips used in the resource to increase sales;
  • the presence of references by third-party resources;
  • content strategy;
  • user behavior analysis.

Our rule is to inform clients not only about the level of investment in the resource, but also about guaranteed indicators, indicating the timing of their achievement, broken down by months, namely:

  • traffic volume;
  • his sources;
  • the number of new selling articles;
  • the number of queries your site will respond to;
  • the number of reviews.

All key positions are included in the contract, which is a guarantee of compliance with the promised performance. The core of requests after the project launch is additionally agreed with the customer, if necessary, transformed or expanded.

Client's trust is important to us

Analysts accompanying the promotion of the resource on a weekly basis provide an analysis of the promotion of the site. At the end of each reporting period, a full report is prepared, including:

  • traffic volume;
  • site positions on requests;
  • reviews of your offers by third-party resources;
  • links to created articles on your site.

The transparency of all robots allows the client to keep abreast in order to understand what the funds invested in the resource are spent on. You have the right to demand such a report on the work done from the contractor. But, if you need to speed up the process, you must inform about it in advance in order to make adjustments to the resource promotion plan.

During the company's work, the traffic brought to the site always corresponded to the one stated in the commercial offer.

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