Creation and promotion of landing page. Creating and promoting a landing page on your own: step by step instructions

We are often asked about SEO promotion. landing page. And the most interesting thing is that everyone is deeply convinced that this can be done, and most importantly, it is easy to implement, because “it's just one page”, and not a whole site.

We have been testing various solutions for a long time, following the success of our colleagues, and now we are ready to express our verdict on whether it is possible to promote a landing page for SEO.

And I immediately warn you, everything will be rather ambiguous, although all the words are based on facts.

Are we dreaming or can we?

Due to high conversions compared to regular sites, entrepreneurs prefer landing pages.

In this article, we will not talk about, and we will not argue which is better. We immediately decide that in our situation we need a one-page site.

The landing page is ideal for direct and hot traffic, like .

But since the option is more profitable in the long run, then everyone (good desire) is trying to kill two birds with one stone - to get a conversion site and bring it to the TOP 10 search engines.

Search results

We for a long time dissuaded their clients and proved that it is almost impossible to promote a landing page by SEO, or rather, you don’t need it.

But now we have given up. You have overcome us. And not because we finally learned how to promote one-pagers in search engines.

We have done this before. The point is your deep conviction that you need it.

It's impossible (difficult)

OK. Do you want positions in the search? You will receive them. But you need to clearly understand that they will be so-so.

Don't need it like that? Do you want all the best and immediately, to promote the landing to the top? Ready to pay any money?

Well, no, it's not about money, although they will also come in handy. The whole difficulty is in the technical component.

A small digression into the world of “Website promotion by SEO”. We search for and highlight the main key queries for which we want to bring our company to the TOP of Yandex and Google.

Then all these requests are distributed among relevant (meaningfully appropriate) pages and optimized for technical issues (we won’t go into details, this is not important now).

The key idea is that each page is optimized for its key queries. And what do we have in the landing?

That's right, just one page. This means that we can only promote this page for one, the most relevant group of keywords.

For example, if you are a manufacturer of custom-made furniture, then you can take either “Custom-made kitchens” or “Custom-made wardrobes”. Why you can not take the general - "Furniture to order", read below.

A priori, site with large quantity pages are stronger than a site with fewer pages.

Naturally, with the same quality, you simply cannot take the quantity. Therefore, it is almost impossible to take and promote the landing page for the most competitive requests (high-frequency or HF).

Practically - because now in almost all areas on the Internet there is fierce competition, but there are exceptions and maybe you will be lucky.

Lucky! Of course you'll be lucky!

And finally. In SEO, there is such a thing as text size. The more competitive the request, the larger the text (roughly speaking).

Sometimes you may see very large “sheets of text” that contain more than 10,000 characters (about 4 pages).

Of course, it is not necessary to measure the size of the text, but the fact that it should not be small is for sure.


Three main secrets

But have you seen that sometimes one-page sites come up in the first places in the search?

Like, for example, our site on the screen above. Which means it's possible. Here I do not argue, it can be done and it is not difficult to do it. The key is to understand the three main ideas that emerge from the section above:

  1. You can promote a landing page by low-frequency (little competition) or mid-frequency (medium competition) queries.
  2. Requests per page should be no more than 5 (and preferably 1-2). Rarely up to 30, but subject to the use of very low frequencies.
  3. There should be a lot more text than usual on a classic non-SEO landing page.

If you are aware of these thoughts, then you will succeed. You will not fly in the clouds and hope to reach the TOP for queries with a popularity of 10,000+ hits per month.

And you will also understand that partly your site will be overloaded with unnecessary and partly stupid information.

Life hack. If you are determined to do SEO optimization, then I recommend the Rush Analytics service. The speed of its work is simply amazing, it works online, which is very convenient. And this link will give you 200 rubles for testing 😉

Case 1 - Airboats

Our client is a manufacturer of airboats (by the way, the largest one). The task was complex, besides, according to the contract, we received a bonus for each new lead.

Therefore, they used everything they could, including search promotion. And the results were not long in coming.

Search results “Airboats”

For this query, we took the most voluminous traffic in this area. And here you may be surprised, because we took a high-frequency key.

To be honest, we were partially lucky, as there was almost no competition. That's why we did basic setup and sped up a bit.

As a result, on some days they received up to 600 visits from search traffic.


Case 2 (joint) – Stationery wholesale

I will tell you about one of the joint cases of Landing page promotion in search engines.

Our job was the simplest of all, namely to make a small redesign, enter keywords and prepare the technical side. Here's what the first screen looks like.

And it is already clear from it what keywords should have been used. Guess yourself?


Key words from the first screen - “Stationery wholesale “Saratov”, “Catalogue”, “Prices”, “Pens”, “Notebooks”, etc.

And I’ll say right away, honestly, the site, in terms of the text, turned out to be 3-, and we are not at all proud of such projects. But we do not hide.

After all, our business was different. As a result, for low-frequency queries, the page is in the TOP, but we do not know (traffic).

Search results “Stationery”

Why didn't it turn out well? And because the texts are not written for people, but for robots.

For a long time we tried to argue and convince that this is not necessary (until the first drop of blood).

We urged that we need to focus on people, and only then on robots. But if the customer insists on doing the opposite, we are not masochists, we do as requested. Although it all starts like in that short anecdote ...

Oh how vital...

Optimization Instructions

Seo optimization of a landing page is no different from optimizing a multi-page site. The only difference is the amount of work done.

And as you may have guessed, on the landing page it is many times, or even ten times, less. But the result is also less. So this is both good and bad news at the same time.

In our article about the cost of search engine optimization (), we broke the whole component into stages and described how much it costs.

Now I will give a general summary and add a few points that are important in promoting the landing page.

In this material, we will dwell in more detail on an integrated approach to promotion. We will analyze the methods of receiving traffic from different channels: free search, contextual advertising, social networks and thematic sites.

All methods can be applied independently, without having professional skills. Following the instructions, everyone will be able to start promoting the landing page, and after going through all the stages, increase the flow of targeted requests and the number of orders.

Often a one-pager is created for contextual advertising with mostly warm traffic. SEO promotion of such a page is rarely used, thereby losing a significant part of users. Of course, getting into the TOP-10 for high-frequency queries will be difficult, but there is a great way to move up for key queries with low competition. To do this, you need to create several landing pages optimized for each group of low-frequency queries. Usually low frequency request is quite specific, which will allow you to get targeted traffic, as well as reach those user groups that have not been noticed by competitors.

15 stages of landing page promotion

Consider step by step all the ways to promote. For full-fledged promotion, you will need a semantic core, a spectacular design with thoughtful usability, technical optimization, knowledge of the needs of your target audience, and launching advertising on different sites.

Find suitable queries with low competition

Landing page promotion begins with the selection of key queries. You can collect suitable phrases using the and services, and Bukvarix is ​​suitable for expanding the semantics. Alternatively, you can immediately use automated programs: paid Key Collector or free Slovoeb. Read more about how to build a semantic core in this article.

  1. Perform a draft grouping of requests using the service Fists Clusterer .
  2. Choose a group with suitable requests and check its competition for Mutagen. If it is below 12, they can be taken to work.
  3. Copy low-competitive keywords and run them through the Rush Analytics clusterer.
  4. Delete irrelevant and informational queries.

The result is a group of keywords for further work.

Select a domain name using the master key

Determine the main query for which you plan to optimize the landing - it will be the domain name. If such a name is taken, write the words together or with a hyphen. You can also combine the name with different domain zones, just keep in mind that they must correspond to the region under which the landing will be promoted.

Add a one-pager to the Yandex and Google webmaster panels

To add a landing page to Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console, upload the appropriate HTML file to the root directory of the site to verify the rights. After that, you will have access to the webmaster panel in Yandex and Google, where you will see information about your site, error messages and indexing status.

Use 1 region to promote

Usually, a one-pager is promoted only in one region, which must be indicated to search engines. So they will understand which users of which country and city you are interested in. Unfortunately, this cannot be done in the Google Search Console: it is determined automatically from the information on the site. But the region can be specified in Yandex.Webmaster, for this:

  1. Go to control panel.
  2. In the left menu, find the "Site Information" section.
  3. Select "Regional".

After that, a page will open where you can specify the region you need to promote the landing.

Customize for mobile phones

Landing Page should be adapted for everyone mobile devices. Firstly, Google switched to mobile-first indexing, which means that it first evaluates the site according to its mobile version and downgrades all sites that do not have it. For Yandex, this parameter is also important, and you will see a warning about the lack of adaptability in Webmaster.

Secondly, if your site does not display correctly on the device, the user is likely to immediately close the site. Each user is important for a one-pager, and you need to take care in advance that the site is convenient to use, regardless of the screen resolution.

Check website for optimization Cell phones You can use Google service.

Speed ​​up downloads on all devices

Pay special attention to landing page loading speed. According to statistics, most users close the site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
You can check the download speed using PageSpeed ​​Insight. It will show you the average score for desktop and mobile devices, as well as top recommendations to help speed up your downloads. Try to correct as many mistakes as possible to achieve a score of 90 points or more. First of all, optimize your images, reduce the use of external resources, and minify your code.

Carry out technical optimization

Technical optimization consists of several stages: checking internal links, compiling the correct robots.txt, filling in tags for images, and preparing microdata.

  • Make sure there are no broken links. Look for pages with 404 errors in the Webmaster and Search Console panels or scrape the site using Screaming Frog or XENU programs.
  • Compose a proper robots.txt that looks like this:

robots.txt example

User-agent: *
Allow: /images/
Disallow: /js/
Disallow: /css/
User agent: Googlebot
allow: /
User agent: Yandex
Allow: /images/
Disallow: /js/
Disallow: /css/

  • Write alt for pictures. Firstly, this is one of the requirements of search engines for more successful ranking of your site. Secondly, a source of additional traffic from Google and Yandex Images.
  • Set up microdata - displaying extended data in search results: rating, price, number of reviews, etc. This will make the snippet informative and increase its click-through rate.

Optimize Title, H1 and Description meta tags

Remember that a landing page should only have one H1 heading. If it occurs 2-3 times or does not occur at all, this needs to be corrected. The H1 heading should be written with an eye on the main need or pain of the client, and the main query should also be used in it. This will increase the chances that the user will be interested in the product and get to know the offer in more detail.

Other headings (H2, H3, etc.) should follow a hierarchy, be section titles, and preferably include keywords in diluted form.

Title is composed according to a similar principle, but is formulated in other words. It shows up in the SERPs, so there are three things to keep in mind: it must include the main keyword, it must be 60-70 characters long, and it must be in harmony with the Description. You can read more about all the intricacies of compiling a Title in the article.

Prepare terms of reference for a copywriter

To prepare a TOR for a copywriter, the TK Monster service will help. Add to it assembled group keys, and it will generate a detailed technical assignment. Then look at the TOP SERPs and select 5 relevant sites. Copy each text to the Advego service: , add the volume of each text and divide the resulting number by 5. This way you will get the optimal volume for your text.

Check and place the text on the landing page

Do not forget to check the text in all respects: for compliance with the recommendations of the TK Monster service, for uniqueness and the absence of spelling and punctuation errors using Advego Plagiatus or

In addition, format the text using lists, tables, insert pictures and infographics.

Use spoilers

When large chunks of text are used on a landing page, it looks too long, and users may not scroll to the end of the page. To make it compact, hide the text in special blocks that open on click.

Add contact information and characteristics that increase the credibility of the company

On the landing page, it is necessary to indicate the maximum detailed information about company. This greatly increases the trust of visitors. Add full contact information: exact address, phone numbers, mail, instant messengers, working hours, directions. Specify the details of the return of the goods, the terms of payment and delivery, place customer reviews.

All these parameters are called commercial factors. We talked about them in detail in the material.

Create your affiliate program to get free and quality links

Own affiliate program- a great way to create high-quality link mass. Everyone who becomes your partner will link to the landing page. This will increase your site's score as it will dilute your link profile, even if the links are closed from indexing. In addition, obtaining such links is free, and their quality will be high.

Run contextual advertising to get targeted customers and improve behavioral factors

You can connect contextual advertising both in Yandex.Direct and in Google Adwords. To run it, use the semantics collected for the structure, which will bring you targeted customers. At correct setting, you will achieve two goals at once: get high-converting customers and improve the behavioral factors that are important for search engine promotion.

Track the results of the advertising campaign and make the necessary changes

After launching a campaign, carefully monitor analytics. If there are a lot of non-targeted transitions, add junk queries to the list of negative keywords. If the bounce rate is high, analyze the statistics for irrelevant queries, check the page load and evaluate if your prices are competitive.

For finding technical errors the Yandex.Webmaster panel and Google Search Console will help. But for analytics behavioral factors— Webvisor in Yandex.Metrica. The webvisor allows you to see which links the user clicks on and whether they scroll to the end of the page. With it, you can understand which elements are ineffective and replace them with others.

Alternative Landing Page Promotion Methods

In addition to search promotion and contextual advertising, you can promote the landing in other ways that may not be used by your competitors, which means giving you an additional advantage.

Through social networks

Collaborate with bloggers and order reviews and mentions from them. The audience of bloggers is characterized by increased loyalty, which will ensure high conversion.

Create your own communities, because creating and filling a group does not require financial investments. If you have high-quality posts on popular topics, users will share them themselves, thereby expanding your reach and possible traffic to the landing.

Using teasers

The main advantages of teaser advertising are low cost, high click-through rate and the ability to customize targeting. Typically, teasers are shown on entertainment, news, women's or medical sites. The specificity of teasers lies in their provocativeness and understatement, forcing the user to click on the advertisement. Not all goods and services are suitable for this type of promotion, since teasers have a large reach, which means that only advertising of goods that are interesting to a wide audience will pay off.

Banners and links on thematic portals

If the provocative format is not close to you or the products are not designed for a wide audience, you can order a banner on a specific site. In this case, you need to negotiate with the owners of thematic sites on the placement of advertising directly. Often portals with high traffic already have prices for banners and offer ready-made formats. If the portal has a similar theme to your landing page, you will get good click-through rates.

Another way is links to third-party resources. If you prepare suitable content for them and find quality donors, then this method will immediately have two advantages. Firstly, a good link is always a plus for a link profile, which will be a plus for search engine optimization. Secondly, the link will be followed by interested users who can become your customers.


You can promote your landing page and get high-converting traffic yourself by following these instructions. If the site has a competent structure based on semantic core, it is technically optimized, adaptive, loads quickly and tailored for one region — the landing page will easily reach the TOP of search results for key queries. And when correct setting contextual advertising, teasers, banners, links and social networks- you will significantly increase targeted traffic and the number of new customers.

Good day, dear readers. In today's article, we will talk about one of the most effective, but at the same time labor-intensive, way to promote on the Internet. Let's talk about SEO promotion. In particular, I will describe the SEO promotion of landing pages or one-page sites.

Many argue that it is impossible to promote landing pages through SEO. I just want to say to such people that they continue to think this way, because then there will be no competition;)

One of the main reasons why people give up on SEO is that it is very labor intensive and the result is visible only after a long period of time, usually after 3-7 months. Therefore, those who are not set up for the long term or want immediate benefits use paid traffic sources, refusing SEO. But you need to understand that if your site is included in the TOP 3 search results, then you will have customers on full autopilot and, most likely, in large numbers.

So, is it really possible to promote landing pages in search results? Yes, it is possible and even necessary. In the future, this will be a free traffic flow for you.

What is the difference between conventional SEO and landing page SEO?

Basically, no difference. Landing pages are promoted on the same principle as all other sites. Search engines have the same ranking principles. The only difference is between desktop devices (computers) and mobile ones - for them, the ranking principles differ in some points. Otherwise, for the same Yandex and Google, there is no difference whether it is a landing page or a business card site. If the optimization is performed according to the rules, then the landing page will also be in the first place.

By the way, there is also an article about independent and about. Read them!

How to promote landing pages in search results?

There are several main points that affect SEO and search engine promotion. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

  • Your landing page should be mobile friendly. It is important!
  • The landing page should have a nice design, easy navigation, and its content (content) should be unique and structured. Try to break the information into blocks so that it is convenient to perceive it. First of all, you are making a landing page for people, not for search engines!
    To do this, read the articles:
  • Title, description, keywords - choose carefully key phrases. It is better to use medium and low frequency phrases here. And it doesn't matter that there are 200 or 300 requests per month. This is your targeted, organic traffic. The title should match the keyword as closely as possible. For example, if the phrase is "setting contextual advertising", then the title should also say "setting contextual advertising". Also, the description of the page itself should contain key phrases. About optimizing titles and descriptions is in.
  • External Links and Mentions - Link to your site wherever you can. You can, of course, buy tons of links, but I do not advise you to do this. It is better to buy less, but on quality resources. For example, a review by some popular blogger, or post an expert article on a city website or forum. Don't chase quantity. You need quality. Yes, it's much longer, but your sites will always have high-quality traffic that search engines love so much.
  • contextual advertising- this item could be attributed to the previous one, but I decided to separate it into a separate one. This is due to the fact that if you advertise in and in, then Yandex and Google begin to additionally raise your site in organic search. Of course, using only one contextual advertising, you will not enter the TOP-3, but this is an additional factor in landing promotion. If you do not know how to set up contextual advertising yourself, .
  • Linking with your sites or landing pages is also an important point in SEO and promotion. And not only landing pages, but sites in general. Linking affects SEO and promotion the most. What is a relink? it internal links to the site pages. For example, you have an installation service stretch ceilings, which is on a separate page. In order for readers to go to this page, we place a link to the landing page for this service on the thematic pages of our sites (business cards, informational, etc.). And the more such links, the better for optimization. In this case, as you understand, it is assumed that your landing page will be located on the main domain of your site as a separate page

How to use linking on landing pages?

There are several options here. It all depends on the structure of your site.

Thanks to such actions, you can promote landing pages in search results and produce SEO optimization. The process is not simple, but effective. And if someone tells you that this is impossible, then just show him this article.

If you have any questions about this topic, write them in the comments.

It is believed that promotion landings (SEO) is problematic: they are one-page and are promoted worse in search engines than multi-page sites. This is due to the fact that landing pages, as a rule, have little text, the number of occurrences is minimal. As a result, search engines simply have nothing to index on such pages. Therefore, landing pages are inferior to full-fledged sites with long texts and a large number of entries. To attract traffic to the landing page, contextual advertising is usually connected, and to increase returns, a context optimizer is sometimes used.

However, such pages can be successfully promoted in search engines. Thanks to our vast experience in SEO, we have formed certain rules, following which, you can successfully promote a landing page in search.

Landing (landing page) - a one-page site or, in other words, a page that is aimed at ensuring that the visitor performs a certain action (buy, order, call).

The landing page presents the benefits of products and services in a consistent manner, outlining the benefits of the product and focusing on the purchase. This ensures maximum conversion, allows you to increase the flow of applications and optimize site costs. The landing page was created in such a way as to motivate a person to take a targeted action. As a result, more and more users become your customers.

How to promote a landing?

SEO-optimization of a landing page is not much different from the promotion of any other website. To successfully enter the TOP, it is not enough to optimize only the text on the page - only complex work will bring good results.

  1. Link the page to a specific region. You should not promote one landing page all over the country at once. In this case, you will compete with a huge number of multi-page sites, so it will be almost impossible to succeed. It is better to create several landing pages and set a promotion region for each one. You can do this in Yandex.Webmaster ("Site Information - Regionality").
  2. Optimize page loading speed. It is important for users that the landing page loads quickly enough. If it takes more than three seconds to load, they are more likely to leave the page. This can also affect the speed of indexing by search robots: they, like users, will leave pages that take a long time to load and will not include them in the index. Therefore, regardless of what you are promoting (a full-fledged website or a landing page), you need to monitor the page loading speed. One solution is to reduce the weight of images, remove pop-up elements, etc.
  3. Adapt the page for mobile devices. Every year more and more people use mobile devices to search for information on the web. In order to reach the maximum target audience, increase conversion from mobile devices and successfully advance in mobile search results, a landing page must be convenient. To do this, use the adaptive layout or create a separate mobile version pages.
  4. Work out the meta tags. For successful promotion in search engines, the title and description tags must contain keywords. At the same time, avoid unnatural occurrences (for example, “how to go to the USA quickly cheap tickets trips Canada America”). AT otherwise the page will be pessimized in the SERP.
  5. Perform text optimization. The text should be divided into small semantic blocks with short catchy phrases. If you want to do SEO for a landing page (i.e., promote it in search), optimize the content in accordance with the principles of LSI copywriting, as well as taking into account the requirements of Yandex (Baden-Baden, Korolev) and Google (Panda ”, “RankBrain”). As with meta tags, avoid unnatural occurrences. In addition, the density keywords should not be high, otherwise the search engines will consider the text overoptimized and pessimize the pages in the SERP. However, texts must meet not only the requirements of search engines, but also meet the needs of users. Therefore, when creating and optimizing content, first of all, pay attention to the fact that it is interesting to the audience.
  6. Improve External Ranking Factors I. In order for a landing page to become an authoritative platform for search engines, various resources must link to it. We are talking about quality links: post them on forums, blogs and thematic sites. Set up social media widgets on your page so users can share it. This will also have a positive effect on promotion: links from the largest social networks have a lot of weight and get into the search engine index quickly enough.
  7. Work out commercial ranking factors. Search engines take into account the quality of the provision of goods and services on the site. Elaboration of commercial factors helps not only to advance in the search, but also to increase the number of conversions. Therefore, be sure to add contact information, USP and other commercial elements (calls to action, images, detailed descriptions) to the landing page.
  8. Work on behavioral ranking factors I. For search engines, it is important that the page is useful to users. To improve behavioral factors, add videos, sliders and other interactive elements that will attract people's attention and make them spend more time on the landing page, leave a request or make a purchase. Improve usability so that the page fully meets the requirements of the audience.

Landing promotion in search engines will bring you additional free traffic and more conversions. And although landing pages are more difficult to promote than regular sites, with the right approach, success can be achieved.

For many webmasters, SEO and landing pages are incompatible things. Some even refuse to work, offering the client to switch to the context and social networks. Like, it's more efficient.

And we were not too lazy and found out whether it is effective search engine optimization one page sites. Details in this article.

Do you need SEO

Let's figure it out together, do you need search promotion for a landing page? the main problem- the difference in order to create a one-pager and a large site with many sections and pages.

The purpose of creating one-page sites is conversion (sale / any other targeted action). And such a site is usually created for one specific product or service. On it, every button and every corner is sharpened for sales or other targeted actions (calls, office visits, etc.). At the same time, search engines promote those sites that bring maximum benefit to people to the top. This means that for effective seo, you need a lot of pages with useful and optimized content placed on them. And this is no longer a one-page format.

You can choose only one extreme - either seo or conversions.

There are also minor issues:

  • Landing page SEO is about money. Yes, when you reach the TOP, you will receive traffic for free, but to get to this “Olympus”, you need to give out mega-useful and mega-relevant content. And this is the cost of a very good copywriter. Do not underestimate his services. Especially if it's a proven professional.

    Creating content for a commercial resource is a specific battlefield. It's either you or you.

  • The second problem is timing. If you need a landing page, then you need to launch in the shortest possible time. And I don’t want to wait several months just to pour in traffic and make sure that the niche is not in demand.
  • If you have new domain, then the search engines will not let you into the TOP of the results for any gingerbread. First, your resource will lie down for six months somewhere on page 4-5, and then you can think about reaching higher positions. This is done to prevent top positions in the thousands of pages created for black hat seo.

It turns out that landing pages and search engine optimization will not have a joint future? Not everything is so scary. Still, there are opportunities to use this tool.

SEO for landing page

Despite all this, ideas for landing page promotion can be adopted from American SEOs.

Their knowledgeable specialists create real multi-way moves. They create a website (let there be a car rental), promote it in some city, and optimize the landing page. And then they just go to companies that rent cars and sell them this resource.

Want to know how they do it? Read the article further!

How to promote a landing page

We reveal all the secrets from behind the hillock. Here are eight techniques from American colleagues:

  1. Localization. Promote each of your landing pages only in a certain region/region/city. Otherwise, large online stores will simply overwhelm you with their volume of content.

    You can set the belonging to a region using Yandex.Webmaster. Register your site, and then in the “Site Information” section, in the “Regionality” section, mark the desired region. But, be prepared to confirm this data with a link to the contact pages (it should indicate that you are doing business here.

  2. Classic optimization techniques. If you made the site yourself, you might not pay attention to these points. And filled alts to images, titles and descriptions affect the speed of site indexing and its position in the search. This also includes the inclusion of keys in the headers H1-H6.
  3. Main page. The main page of a resource always has a weight more than nested ones. Therefore, your landing page should be one continuous main page. Don't skimp on 10 domains if you need 10 landing pages. People are cunning creatures. They will simply remove the end of your URL from the address bar and go to the main domain to see what kind of site it really is.

    And this gives you an advantage over resources where the main useful articles are not on the main page, but on subpages.

  4. Pick the right one Domain name. It will be great if you choose a name that contains a keyword related to your topic. This fact alone will make the search engines raise you to higher positions in the search results.

    An example of a relevant domain name for a landing page could be this: if you sell gyroscooters, then would be an adequate option

  5. Orientation to the target audience. The history of landing pages creation says: “Use the landing page along with contextual advertising.” They were wired for it. Context makes it possible to target a narrow audience. There is no such thing in SEO. Therefore, there are two ways: Optimization of the resource immediately for all audiences and each of them to take their own corner. So you lose in conversion, but you can collect traffic in one place. Or make one-page sites for each of search queries your target audience segments. There is a lot of work, but you get a working segmentation, provided that one or another segment is looking for your services or products.
  6. Live links. Whatever they tell you, links are the backbone of search engines (especially Google). Therefore, you need to get as many incoming links to your resource as possible. Just do it carefully, otherwise you can get under the sanctions of the search engines. Most best option- affiliate program.

    Promise users for a recommendation (or better for a client on this recommendation) a gift. In fact, a person does a simple action (makes a repost or sends a message to a friend who is looking for where to buy a product like yours), and he is pleased to receive a bonus in a few finger movements.

  7. Tricks with text. We have already said that for seo promotion landing page needs texts. And there should be many of them in quantity, volume and quality. So how do you hide them on one-pagers? A simple modification of the html code will help you with this. Just paste the code below into your site:
Technically, a very simple solution, but in reality you have elegantly hidden large texts on a small site. To read them in full, the user will have to click on the link.

  1. Loading speed and adaptability. Now in the world there is a change in the market for creating websites. To reduce the cost of creation, a specialist is ordered to assemble the resource on special constructors. It's cheap and fast. Plus, it does not require knowledge of the code, but there is a minus.

    The downside is the presence of a large number of unnecessary and garbage code. And this slows down the resource. There are several recommendations in this regard:

  • Create websites on pure html - templates.
  • Involve a specialist to minimize the garbage code.
  • Use VPS hosting.
  • Remove unnecessary graphics and animations (designers are very fond of this).
  • Compress videos and images.
  • Landing page optimization for mobile devices.

The last “little thing” has a particularly strong effect on promotion. We are sure that you often came across pages where there was no adaptive layout. You probably didn't buy anything there.

landing page promotion

Now you know about the tricks that will promote your resource to the TOP in the shortest possible time. But don't expect a miracle. SEO is a lengthy process and for the effective operation of the factors described above, a few more basic recommendations are required, which will be discussed below:

  1. A well-composed semantic core of a one-page page is the basis of all work. The optimal number of keys in the one-page content is about 10-20 pieces. If more, then the focus is smeared. And 10-20 keys are enough to describe a particular service.
    Divide the collected semantics as follows: 10% for high-frequency queries (1-2 keys and include them in the url or title), 20-30% for mid-range queries (2-6 keys and include them in titles, subtitles), 60-70 % for low-frequency queries that describe specific points in a product or service. Just scatter them in the text.
    Remember that search engines take into account the proximity of the keyword to the beginning of the text and the density of the keywords.
  2. Create a Robots.txt file. Check if the landing page is open for indexing, if all directives are spelled out correctly. Create a sitemap and add information about it.
    Do not neglect this point. In general, a sitemap can be entrusted to create a robot - we wrote about this in one of the previous articles. And Robots.txt is needed to close unwanted sections from indexing. To see what the neglect of this item leads to, enter a query into the search engine “Robots.txt megaphone” and read a couple of articles from the issue.
  3. External ranking factors. We have already talked about how to maximize external links to you. There is a way to make it possible to create an external link at the stage of resource development.
    Just add social media buttons (2-3 is enough). And offer users a motif, saying, “Since it’s already here, make a repost, and I’ll give you a book!”. Add information from the one-page site to search engines. If the company has a physical address, add information about it to Yandex.Directory, Google My Business, and other business directories. Place contact information about the company on Yandex and Google maps. This will help promote a one-pager of any subject.
  4. commercial factors. Don't forget to include your contact details (several options are better). Use numbers like 8-800, map, email address.
    In addition, you can add a callback form to the site. The fewer fields it has, the better. In most cases, one phone number is enough to make a call.
    Price. We talked about how the price indication affects the performance of an ad in contextual advertising. Here the effect is the same - traffic becomes more targeted. Be sure to write the price in the html code. Do not post it as an image or a script.
    Today, the top spot in search engines is given to landing pages that have taken into account these commercial SEO factors.
  5. There is a whole block of behavioral factors that you need to keep an eye on.

    Time on the site is optimal for users to spend on the site from 1 minute or more. Another important metric that is related to time on site is bounce rate (percentage of users who leave the site in 15 seconds). How to influence these indicators? Try to captivate the user. Edit a short (50-70 seconds) video where you briefly talk about your product, success in providing services or benefits for the client. You can also use: photo galleries, an online consultant, a cost calculator and more.

  6. Boost your conversions. Sites that frequently click the "Buy" button rank better. How to increase conversion? There are many ways: upgrade your sales skills (or fire the old one and hire a new sales team), play around with calls to action / button colors, test other USPs.
    In most cases, no one knows what is the reason why one buys and the other does not. We can only put forward hypotheses and test them in practice. And that's okay - after all, Internet marketing is a huge dynamic equation with hundreds of variables. We can only roughly guess how it works.


In this article, we talked about how to promote a landing page in search results. We would like to recap the main points:

  • Landing page promotion through SEO is a long process. And also labor-intensive and monetary. If successful, this money is returned if the following conditions are met: products have a long life (if you are testing a niche and need a quick result or your product is in seasonal demand, then SEO is not for you), there is semantics for your product or service (the site is being promoted in terms of semantics and if it is not there, it means that your product or service is simply not being searched for), competition in the subject is low (if your rivals are large online stores, then search engine promotion is not your assistant here).
  • Competently assemble the semantic core - 50% of success. Take advantage of special services or the help of a specialist.
  • Spend time quality content on your site and keep track of the time users spend on it.
  • Don't forget the Robots.txt file. You don't just post a "Privacy Policy" on the site. And users appreciate when their data is securely stored.
  • And most importantly - create sites for people. It's good to please a search robot, but people still buy! Good luck to you!
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